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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of the hsiao-pin of the late Ming period

陳少棠, Chan, Siu-tong. January 1978 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chinese / Master / Master of Philosophy

A study of the Ching-ling School in the Ming period,1368-1644

彭健威, Pang, Kin-wai. January 1983 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chinese / Master / Master of Philosophy

A study of Xu Wei (1521-1593) and his Si sheng yuan

陳方, Chan, Fong. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chinese / Master / Master of Philosophy

The concept of love in the Ming short stories of Sanyan and Erpan

Dai, Ping, Emma, 戴平 January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chinese / Master / Master of Philosophy

A reconstruction of the critical theories of the former and latter seven masters of the Ming period

Ngan, Yuen-wan, Heltan, 顔婉雲 January 1981 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chinese / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy


董立夫 Unknown Date (has links)
本文的標題為“明代官僚組織的組成及其運作”,因此在行文結構方面主要是針對明代官僚組織的“組成”與“運作”兩方面合併進行說明與分析,在組成方面著重於制度的說明,而運作方面則是配合相關的事例,對於前所述及的制度予以實例性的說明,使讀者能夠有較為深入的瞭解與體會。文中所探討的內容,類似於現代所謂的人事管理制度。古代的人事管理制度,大致上包括有官吏的培訓、選拔、任用、考課、獎懲、調配和俸祿待遇等系列管理方法。本文劃分為取士制度及任官制度兩個面向加以討論。就取士制度來看,官僚組織的組成,其首要的條件,乃是要有足夠的人才。這些人才是如何培育、甄選出來?換言之,透過那些途徑獲得足夠的人才?其利弊得失又是如何?是其所要探討的範圍。大致上以薦舉、吏員、學校與科舉四者為主要的探討對象,分列於第二、三章之中、第二章內容可分為三個部分:取士制度的意義與內容(包括三途並用的說明)、薦舉與吏員。第三章則以學校、科舉為主,並對明代的取士制度作一總結性的說明。之所以做如此安排者,主要乃是從制度面考量而來,其說明詳見後文。其次再就任官制度而言,官僚的派任、陞遷、考核、待遇雖說是息息相關,密不可分的,然而大致上可以分為選官與考績兩部分,因此作者分別於第四、第五章之中論述。此一部分在有關明史的研究中並沒有系統及完整的討論,因此除了作制度的說明之外,同時希望能夠具體地將其實際情形,完整地加以陳述,進而評判其利弊得失。 另外特別注意者,作者在本文所指“官僚組織”主要是限定於文官體系而言,武官體系並不在討論範圍之內。之所以如此者,一方面由於文官體系加上武官體系,使得研究範圍過於龐雜且非作者能力所逮;另一方面,明代的官制乃重文輕武,『雖文武並置,而政事皆歸文職』,例如弘治年間編纂《會典》時,其凡例即明言: 本朝設官,大抵用周制,雖文武並置,而政事皆歸文職,故諸司職掌所載衙門,惟六部、都察院、通政使司、大理寺及五軍都督府斷事官。其文武官制,則分見于吏、兵二部。今會典義當從備,故文武衙門各有職掌者,遂另開具,文職如宗人府之類,武職如五軍都督府之類,敘其建置沿革及所掌職事,而事必歸之六部。(《大明會典》,〈弘治間凡例〉,葉二-三,頁一六-一七) 故而文中所指官僚組織者者,皆意指文官體系而言,作者在此特別聲明之。

明洪武時期「朝貢制度」之研究 (1368-1398)= The Chinese tributary system during the Hongwu era of the Ming dynasty, 1368-1398

郭嘉輝, 18 May 2015 (has links)
孟森(1868-1938)先生曾言「中國自三代以後,得國最正者,惟漢與明。 匹夫起事,無憑藉威柄之嫌。為民除暴,無預窺神器之意。而明之驅元,又 多一光復華夏之功」點出了明太祖(朱元璋,1328-1398,在位1368-1398) 於國史上的地位在於「得國最正」及「光復華夏」,接著又提到「明祖有國, 當胡元盡紊法度之後,一切準古酌今,掃除更始,所定制度,遂奠二百數十 年之國基」、「清無制作,盡守明之制作,而國祚亦與明相等。故於明一代, 當措意其制作。措意明之制作,即當究心於明祖之開國」,歸納出「明祖開國」 於明清兩代五百餘年政治制度的意義。洪武時期於國史上的雙重意義,非常 值得我們探究,特別是太祖在「重造華夏」的過程底下傳統中國對外體制- 「朝貢制度」是怎樣被重新構築。這一新體制不論在思想、禮儀、政制或是 貿易層面都呈現與別不同的面貌,並深深地影響明清五百餘年的軌跡。此即 討論太祖朝貢制度之因由。 因此,本文以思想、禮儀、政制、貿易四項課題為重心,分為七章:第 一章為導論,從研究回顧、論文架構、史料、定義交代本文的佈局;第二章 從洪武時期的對外詔令、敕撰書考察明太祖的天下觀、對外思想與「朝貢」 理念;第三章,先梳理歷代賓禮的流變以突顯明代之特色,繼而從朝會、冊 封兩方面,分析太祖對外思想所呈現「華夷定分」的秩序;第四章,從洪武 賓禮的發展與實踐說明「重造華夏」的過程及其於東亞各國的文化意義;第 五章,從中央、地方機構兩層面說明「朝貢制度」的對外事務是如何被太祖 被重塑,並分析遣外使節的特色;第六章,利用計量分析,從「給賜」與「貢 物」兩方面說明「朝貢貿易」對明初社會經濟的影響,並從通貨、海禁、廢 除市舶司等背景評析。第七章為結論,對洪武時期「朝貢制度」作全面的評 價。 Meng Sen ( 孟森,1868-1938), one of the pioneers of Ming studies, highlighted the significance of Zhu Yuanzhang (Ming Taizu, r.1368-1398) as a leader who “recovered China (from “barbarian Yuan rule) and founded Ming institutions which would subsequently be adapted by the Qing state. Zhu Yuanzhang’s achievements in re-shaping the pattern and context of traditional Chinese foreign relations by establishing the tributary system exemplify his reputation for “recreating Hua-xia (the historical Chinese polity). This dissertation takes the “tributary system (chaogong zhidu) of the Ming dynasty’s Hongwu reign as a case study, exploring its characteristics through the lenses of statecraft philosophy, rituals, institutions and trade. It comprises seven chapters. Chapter one illustrate the scope, the methodology, and the sources of this research. Chapter two analyzes Ming Taizu’s views of Tianxia, diplomatic thought, and the definition of “tributary expressed in imperial edicts. Chapter three examines the Ming tributary system’s features by comparing the developments of “guest rituals. Chapter four analyzes the process and influence of “recreating Hua-xia by evaluating Hongwu’s guest rituals as an example. Chapter five shows the formation and restructuring of institutions dealing with foreign relations. Chapter six discusses the effectiveness of tributary trade by reviewing its fiscal background and the exchange of tribute items and gifts. The final chapter is the conclusion. By adopting such approaches, this dissertation strives to present a comprehensive picture about the Hongwu emperor’s contributions to traditional Chinese foreign relations.

Sesshu Toyo's Selective Assimilation of Ming Chinese Painting Elements

Fang, Hui 11 July 2013 (has links)
Sesshu Toyo (1420-1506) was a preeminent Japanese monk painter who journeyed to China in the mid-fifteenth century. This thesis focuses on a diptych of landscape paintings by Sesshu Toyo, Autumn and Winter Landscapes (Shutou sansui zu), to analyze how Sesshu; selectively synthesized traditions of Chinese painting tradition that had already been established in Japan and the art conventions he discovered in fifteenth-century China. To contextualize this topic, this thesis explores the revival of the Southern Song (1127-1279) painting tradition which had impacts on both contemporary Chinese painters and landscape painters in Japan during the fifteenth century. I also analyze the culture of Japanese Zen monastics and their art-related activities and the transformation of Southern Song painting traditions within China in the early Ming period (later half of the fourteenth century-first half of the fifteenth century).

A study of the Ming and Qing historical novels related toYue Fei

趙米卿, Chui, Mai-hing. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Chinese / Master / Master of Philosophy


蔡慶順, Cai, Zing Shui Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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