Spelling suggestions: "subject:"minining detector"" "subject:"minining colector""
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La responsabilidad social corporativa de las empresas mineras y su impacto en las Comunidades de la zona sur del Perú, desde el punto de vista de la empresa, año 2020Flores Mamani, Melanei Marina, Flores Reynoso, Nataly Maria Jesus 11 March 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el impacto de responsabilidad social corporativa de las empresas mineras en las comunidades de la zona sur del Perú, año 2020. Cabe señalar que, actualmente las empresas mineras están buscando desarrollar programas que contribuyan a las necesidades que tienen las comunidades aledañas al lugar donde realizan las actividades mineras con la finalidad de que el impacto sea positivo en los habitantes de la comunidad.
El trabajo se divide en cinco capítulos: Capítulo I, se establece el problema de la investigación, objetivos e hipótesis. En referencia al capítulo II, en el marco teórico se explicó el concepto de las variables, tanto la de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa y sus dimensiones según Carroll (1991); Comunidades y sus dimensiones según Egg (2001); y el sector minero, motivo del estudio. Respecto al capítulo III, en la metodología de la investigación, se señala la población, muestra, diseño de la investigación y el instrumento de investigación aplicado que ayudó a obtener la data necesaria. En el capítulo IV, se indica el desarrollo y análisis de los resultados obtenidos de la investigación cuantitativa, donde se valida la hipótesis general y específicas con el análisis de las correlaciones. Por último, en el capítulo V, se indican las conclusiones y recomendaciones con el fin de ser tomadas para próximas investigaciones sobre el impacto de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en las comunidades. / The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of corporate social responsibility of mining companies in the communities of southern Peru, year 2020. It should be noted that mining companies are currently seeking to develop programs that contribute to the needs of the communities surrounding the place where mining activities are carried out to have a positive impact on the inhabitants of the community.
The work is divided into five chapters: Chapter I establishes the research problem, objectives, and hypothesis. In reference to Chapter II, the theoretical framework explained the concept of the variables, both Corporate Social Responsibility and its dimensions according to Carroll (1991); Communities and their dimensions according to Egg (2001); and the mining sector, the reason for the study. Chapter III, in the research methodology, shows the sample population of 177 collaborators of 5 mining companies in the southern zone of Peru and the research instrument applied to obtain the necessary data. Chapter IV shows the development and analysis of the results obtained from the quantitative research, where the general and specific hypotheses are validated with the analysis of correlations. Finally, in chapter V, the conclusions and recommendations are indicated to be considered for future research on the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility in the communities. / Tesis
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Estandarización del proceso de perforación y voladura en labores de exploración y desarrollo, mediante la aplicación de emulsiones y detonadores no eléctricos, en la Unidad Minera Santa Filomena de la Empresa Sotrami S.A.Noreña Vasquez, Erle Neptalí 24 September 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación busca implementar una metodología de diseño de mallas de perforación y voladura en la empresa Minera Sotrami S.A, perteneciente al rubro de pequeña minería, con fines de estandarizarlo. La ejecución de dicha investigación se realiza mediante la utilización del algoritmo matemático de Holmberg que permite definir un modelo numérico para el diseño de una malla de perforación, y con la consideración de criterios operacionales encontrar una malla técnica que permita mejorar los rendimientos en las labores de exploración y desarrollo. Para el logro del mismo, se consideró como variable fija el tipo de roca (tipo III A) y las características geomecánicas presentes en ella; el diámetro del taladro de perforación como variable fija; y, el tipo de explosivo y accesorio de voladura como cambiantes, ya que se reemplazó la utilización de guías, mecha de seguridad y dinamita por el empleo de detonadores no eléctricos (Exaneles) y emulsiones encartuchadas. La oportuna y pertinente estandarización del proceso de perforación y voladura permitió obtener los siguientes resultados: el avance por disparo pasó a 1.62 m, el factor de carga se redujo a 13.46 kg/m y el factor de potencia disminuyo considerablemente. / This research work seeks to implement a design methodology for drilling and blasting meshes in the company Minera Sotrami S.A, belonging to the small mining sector, with finality to standardize it. This research is carried out by using the Holmberg mathematical algorithm that allows defining a numerical model for the design of a drilling mesh, and with the consideration of operational criteria, finding a technical mesh that allow improving the performance of exploration and development labors. To achieve it, the type of rock (type III - A) and the geomechanical characteristics present in it were considered as a fixed variable; the diameter of the drill as a fixed variable; the type blasting attachment and explosives as changeable, since the use of guides, safety wick and dynamite was replaced with the use of non electric detonators (Exaneles) and encapsulated emulsions. The opportune and pertinent standardization of the drilling and blasting process allowed obtaining the following results: the advance per shot was to 1.62 m, the load factor was reduced to 13.46 kg/m and the power factor decreased considerably. / Tesis
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Introduction to International Energy Arbitration Disputes in AfricaNalule, Victoria R, Olawuyi, D.S. 27 September 2024 (has links)
Yes / This chapter provides a background on the roles of international arbitration as an important mechanism for dispute resolution in Africa’s dynamic and evolving energy and mining sectors. Given its abundant endowment with renewable and non-renewable energy sources, Africa has for several decades provided significant opportunities for international energy companies to spearhead energy production activities and investments in the production, distribution, and sale of energy.
Despite these investment opportunities, entrants into energy markets in Africa often face legal risks that pose monumental threats to the economic viability of investments. If not properly mitigated and addressed, such risks may result in complex and protracted legal disputes. Over the last decade, arbitration has emerged as a key mechanism for dispute resolution in Africa’s growing energy industry.
After providing an overview of the history, nature, and scope of energy arbitration in Africa, this chapter examines the drivers and sources of energy disputes in Africa’s energy and mining sectors and how the rise in arbitration provisions in energy contracts is shaping legal responses to such risk drivers. It analyzes how the full value of arbitration can be maximized as a tool for achieving fair, timely, efficient, and effective dispute resolution in Africa’s energy sector, especially in light of ongoing energy transitions.
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Factores que limitan el desempeño exportador en el sector minero del Perú, en el ámbito de la Guerra Comercial entre Estados Unidos y China durante el año 2019 / The factors that restrict the export performance in the mining sector of Peru, in the trade war between the United States and China during the year 2019Ccopa Ruiz, Jackeline Yolanda, Flórez Nieto, Jamie Antuané 05 August 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación busca conocer los factores que limitan el desempeño exportador en el sector minero del Perú, en el ámbito de la Guerra Comercial entre Estados Unido y China durante el año 2019.
En el capítulo I, se centraliza los antecedentes históricos de nuestra investigación, tanto nacionales como internacionales; así como en el marco teórico de estudio el cual se detalla los factores, efectos y comportamiento de las exportaciones en el sector minero del Perú hacia el mercado de Estados Unidos y China.
En el capítulo II, se da a conocer el plan de investigación. Se presenta la pregunta de investigación, el problema, la justificación y los objetivos, tanto principales como específicos; así como la formulación de la hipótesis inicial.
En el capítulo III, se explicará la metodología de investigación. Se detallará el enfoque, el diseño, el proceso del muestreo de la investigación (población, muestra y segmento), la clasificación de las categorías y la delimitación de la investigación. En este capítulo también se desarrolló las entrevistas a profundidad que luego fueron base fundamental para el recojo de información.
En el capítulo IV, se describe el análisis de la aplicación de investigación y desarrollo de estudio.
Finalmente, en capítulo V se describe y analiza transversalmente la discusión de resultados de la investigación obtenida por los exportadores de minerales, así como los especialistas relacionados al comercio internacional. Asimismo, en el presente capítulo se muestra los hallazgos, obstáculos, barreras y brechas de la investigación, conclusiones y recomendaciones del estudio. / This research looks to know the factors that restrict the export performance in the mining sector of Peru, in the trade war between the United States and China during the year 2019.
The chapter I focus in the historic background of our research, both national and international background; as well as the theoretical framework, which is detailed the factors, effects and behaviour in the mining sector of Peru towards the markets of the United States and China.
Chapter II describes the research plan. It provides the research question, the problem, and the objectives, both mainly as specific; as well as as the formulation of the initial hyphotesis.
Chapter III will explain the research methodology. It will describe the approach, design, sampling process (population, sample, and segment), the categories ranking and the demarcation research. This chapter also includes in-depth interviews, which then will be an essential basis to the collect of information.
Chapter IV describes the analysis of the research investigation and development study.
Finally, Chapter V describes and analyses transversaly the discussion of research results obtained by the mining exporters, as well as the specialists related to the international trade. In addition, this chapter shows the discoveries, obstacles, barriers and research gaps, conclusions and study recommendations. / Tesis
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Metodología estratégica-económica-financiera para la formalización y rentabilidad de los pequeños productores mineros auríferos. Caso de estudio: Proyecto Minero San Marcelo / Strategic-economic-financial methodology for the formalization and profitability of small gold mining producers. Case study: San Marcelo Mining ProjectAlva Medina, Alessandra Marie, Alvarado Paipay, Kaisy Victoria 12 January 2021 (has links)
Un proyecto minero, independientemente de su escala productiva, busca que el desarrollo de sus actividades genere rentabilidad, la cual es influenciada por factores legales, técnicos, sociales, económicos, financieros y ambientales, que deben analizarse previamente para continuar con la actividad. Es así que, para la evaluación económica - financiera de un proyecto de pequeña minera, en proceso de formalización, es necesario conocer el contexto, condiciones en las que este se ejecuta, los riesgos inherentes a esta escala y con ello se plantean los parámetros acordes para obtener su rentabilidad.
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad proponer una metodología estratégica, económica, financiera para la formalización y rentabilidad de proyectos auríferos desarrollado por pequeños productores mineros en proceso de formalización, tomando como caso de estudio un proyecto minero ubicado en la región de Pasco. Para la elaboración de la metodología como primer objetivo se diagnosticará el contexto macro y micro entorno en el que se desarrolla el proyecto aurífero San Marcelo, a través de las herramientas PESTEL, Cinco Fuerzas de Porter y FODA; en el segundo objetivo, se identificará los requisitos acreditables con los que cuenta el proyecto para obtener la formalización minera; y como tercer objetivo se propondrá los alcances o parámetros para la evaluación económica-financiera mediante los análisis productivos, de mercado e indicadores económicos (VAN y TIR), que conduzcan a conocer la rentabilidad y desarrollo sostenible del proyecto. / A mining project, independently of its productive scale, seeks that the development of its activities generates profitability, which is influenced by legal, technical, social, economic, financial and environmental factors, which must be analyzed previously to continue with the activity. Thus, for the economic and financial evaluation of a small mining project, in the process of formalization, it is necessary to know the context, the conditions in which it is executed, the risks inherent to this scale, and with this, the appropriate parameters for obtaining profitability.
This research aims to propose a strategic, economic and financial methodology for the formalization and profitability of gold projects developed by small mining producers in the process of formalization, taking as a case study a mining project located in the Pasco region. For the elaboration of the methodology, as a first objective, the macro and micro context in which the San Marcelo gold project is developed will be diagnosed, through the tools PESTEL, Five Forces of Porter and SWOT; as a second objective, the credible requirements that the project has to obtain the mining formalization, will be identified; and in third place, the scopes or parameters for the economic-financial evaluation will be proposed through the productive, market and economic indicators analyses (NPV and IRR), that lead to know the profitability and sustainable development of the project. / Tesis
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Propuesta de diseño de sistema web y móvil para la gestión de incidentes y accidentes para una empresa del sector minero / Proposal for the design of a web and mobile system for the management of incidents and accidents for a company in the mining sectorFermin Pizan, Luis Ernesto, Ingaruca Cruzado, Cesar Miguel 02 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de tesis está enfocado en brindar una propuesta que le permita a una empresa del sector minero automatizar las actividades del proceso de gestión de incidentes y accidentes ocupacionales mediante la implementación de un sistema web y móvil.
Para la elaboración de la propuesta, se desarrollan seis capítulos, en el primer capítulo del documento se realiza la definición del proyecto, donde se presenta a la organización objeto de estudio, los objetivos del proyecto así como sus indicadores de éxito, además de describir el problema identificado. El segundo capítulo presenta el cumplimiento de los student outcomes. El tercer capítulo describe los fundamentos teóricos para el desarrollo del proyecto. El cuarto capítulo comprende el desarrollo del proyecto, donde se realiza el análisis de la situación actual de la compañía, ingeniería de procesos, propuesta de solución, analisis de requerimientos, modelado de casos del sistema y diseño de arquitectura de software de la propuesta para el cual se empleará el modelo 4C. El quinto capítulo presenta los resultados del proyecto tomando como referencia la propuesta planteada. El sexto capitulo desarrolla la gestión del proyecto tomando de referencias lo sugerido en la guía del PMBOK.
En este contexto, mediante la propuesta de solución que el presente proyecto brindará, se logrará reducir la cantidad de incidentes no atendidos por falta de un correcto control y seguimiento de los eventos de seguridad y salud ocupacional en las operaciones mineras. / This thesis project is focused on providing a proposal that allows a company in the mining sector to automate activitities related to incidents and accidents managment process through the implementation of web and mobile system.
For the development of the proposal, six chapters are developed, in the first chapter of this document the definition of the project is carried out, in this section we present the organization under study, the objectives of the project and success indicators, as well as the description of the problem identified. The second chapter presents the fulfillment of the student outcomes. The third chapter describes the theoretical foundations for the development of the project. The fourth chapter includes the development of the project, the analysis of the current situation of the company, process engineering, proposal solution, analysis requirements, system case models and the design of the software architecture using model 4C. The fifth chapter presents the results of the project, taking the proposed proposal as a reference. The sixth chapter develops the project management taking references suggested in the PMBOK guide.
In this context, through the proposed solution that this project will provide, it will be possible to reduce the number of incidents not attended due a proper control and monitoring of occupational health and safety events in mining operations. / Tesis
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Price elasticity of electricity demand in the mining sector: South AfricaMasike, Kabelo Albanus Patcornick 12 1900 (has links)
This study estimates the price and income elasticity coefficients of electricity demand in the mining sector of South Africa for the period ranging from April 2006 to March 2019. A time varying parameter (TVP) model with the Kalman filter is applied to monitor the evolution of the elasticity estimates. The TVP model can provide a robust estimation of elasticities and can detect any outliers and structural breaks. The results indicate that income and price elasticity coefficients of electricity demand are lower than unit. The income elasticity of demand has a positive sign and it is statistically significant. This indicates that mining production – used as a proxy for mining income – is a significant determinant of electricity consumption in the mining sector. In its final state income elasticity is estimated at 0.15 per cent. On the contrary, price does not play a significant role in explaining electricity demand. In fact, the price elasticity coefficient was found to be positive which is contrary to normal economic convention. This lack of response is attributed mainly to the mining sector’s inability to respond, rather than an unwillingness to do so.
A fixed coefficient model in a form of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) is used as a benchmark model to estimate average price and income elasticity coefficients for the period. The results of the OLS regression model confirm that price does not play a significant role in explaining electricity consumption in the mining sector. An average price elasticity coefficient of -0.007 has been estimated. Income elasticity was estimated at 0.11 for the period under review. The CUSUM of squares test indicate that parameters of the model are unstable. The Chow test confirms 2009 as a breakpoint in the data series. This means that elasticity coefficients of electricity demand in the mining sector are time variant. Thus the OLS results cannot be relied upon for inference purposes. The Kalman filter results are superior.
This study cautions policy makers not to interpret the seeming lack of response to price changes as an indication that further prices increases could be implemented without hampering electricity consumption in the sector. Furthermore, it recommends that the electricity pricing policy should take into account both the negative impacts of rapid price increases and the need to invest in long-term electricity infrastructure in order to improve the security of energy supply. A long term electricity price path should be introduced in order to provide certainty and predictability in the price trajectory. This would allow all sectors of the economy sufficient time and space to make investment and operational decisions that would have the least adverse effects on economic growth and job creation. / Economics / M. Com. (Economics)
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A legal analysis of the application of the broad-based black economic empowerment in the mining sector in South AfricaRalethe, Mojalefa Patrick January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (LLM. (Development and Management Law)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / The study looks into the phenomenon of Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa (B-BBEE) in the mining sector. The newly elected government in South Africa had to deal with the injustices of the past under the apartheid government and had to introduce programmes to help the Historically Disadvantaged South Africans and building the economy. For many years, the mining sector contributed to the South African economy; however, mining operations in South Africa have not given the Historically Disadvantaged South Africans opportunities to participate in the mining industries or partake in the mining sector. The introduction of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa aims to promote and provide better opportunities to the previously disadvantaged communities in South Africa. However, it has been reflected that there is a slow transformation in the mining industry and economic participation of the Historically Disadvantaged South Africans in South Africa. The study finds that broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) policies have had little developmental impact and were not properly implemented in the mining sector.
Keywords: Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment, Affirmative Action, Empowerment and the Mining Sector in South Africa
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