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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of Moderate Diet Restriction on Body Condition, Health, and Reproductive Performance in Female Mink (Neovison vison)

Boudreau, Laura 21 August 2012 (has links)
Selection for large body size can result in the development of obesity, which in mink females is associated with poor reproduction and metabolic diseases. Caloric restriction is effective in diminishing oxidative stress and delaying aging-related diseases. This study investigated the effects of moderate diet restriction (MDR) during the fall on body condition, health, and reproductive success of mink (Neovison vison) breeder females. The 100 control (CTRL) females were fed according to normal farm feeding practice and the 100 sister-pair MDR females were fed about 20% less. In the fall, more ideal body weights and body condition scores (BCS) were seen in the MDR females, and they produced larger litter sizes. In addition, the MDR females exhibited less deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage than the CTRL females. Telomeres were elongated in both groups. This dietary management practice is anticipated to result in significant advancement in the fur industry, both economically and welfare-wise.

Indicators of Inflammation in the Fasting Induced Fatty Liver of the American Mink (Neovison vison)

26 November 2012 (has links)
The presence of inflammation in the progression of fatty liver disease induced by fasting was determined in mink. Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-?), and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) liver mRNA levels were quantified by real-time PCR. Mink fasted for 5 and 7 days had significantly higher levels of TNF-? and MCP-1 liver mRNA, compared to mink fasted for 0, 1, and 3 days. Mink fasted for 7 days, but re-fed for 28 days had the lowest mRNA levels of both TNF-?, and MCP-1 demonstrating the liver’s ability to restore homeostasis post-fasting. TNF-? mRNA levels were correlated with MCP-1 liver mRNA and liver fat percent. To confirm the physical presence of inflammation, slides stained with haematoxylin and eosin were analyzed for bile ducts resulting in no significant differences. Results indicate that elevated MCP-1 and TNF-? expression are associated with fasting induced fatty liver in mink.

Development of a Method for the Detection of Aleutian Mink Disease Virus in Water Samples

Larsen, Sophie 07 March 2013 (has links)
Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) causes significant loss to the mink industry in Nova Scotia (NS). Contaminated water is a speculated virus source therefore my objective was to develop a method for detection of AMDV in water samples. Initially, the quality and quantity of AMDV DNA extracted by four commercial kits was evaluated by PCR. Next, viral capture by adsorption-elution filtration was tested using spiked water samples. The 1MDS filter method was superior or comparable to the MgCl2 filter method and outperformed the AlCl3 method. Lastly, 16 watershed samples from Southwest NS and 11 samples from two AMDV-infected ranches were tested. Five ranch samples from the two ranches tested positive. Three samples, containing more than 22 virus copies/µL after concentration were quantifiable. Pre-concentration, these samples contained 16,787 to 33,471 virus copies/mL. In conclusion, although further optimization is required, a method for the detection of AMDV in water samples was developed.

Audinių kepenų morfologiniai pokyčiai / Morfological changes in the mink liver

Pranskūnienė, Laura 05 March 2014 (has links)
Audinių augintojai susiduria su įvairiomis problemomis taip pat ir kepenų ligomis, nes jos labai paplito tarp kailinių žvėrelių. Sergamumas turi neigiamą įtaka našumui, kailių kokybei, gyvybingumui. Todėl ieškoma susirgimo priežaščių ir būdų, kaip normalizuoti kailinių žvėrelių medžiagų apykaitą ir sumažinti sergamumą. Darbo tikslas: ištirti X ūkyje auginamų audinių kepenų pokyčių dažnumą ir patologinius morfologinius pokyčius. Darbo uždaviniai: • Nustatyti kepenų patologijų dažnumą audinėms ir įvertinti veiksnius, lemiančius kepenų pokyčius • Įvertinti tiriamų audinių makroskopinius ir mikroskopinius kepenų pakitimus, • Ištirti hepatozių, hepatitų pasireiškimą, atliekant patologinį anatominį ir histologinį tyrimus • Susieti plazmocitų infiltraciją kepenyse su kitais nustatomais pokyčiais organuose. Darbo atlikimo metodika: Patologiniam tyrimui buvo naudojami audinių lavonėliai, kurie buvo pristatyti į patologijos skyrių po eutanazijos ir kailiuko nudyrimo. Atlikti histologiniai ir morfologiniai kepenų tyrimai. Skrodžiant audines makroskopiškai įvertinta kepenų ir kitų organų (inkstų ir blužnies) patologiniai pokyčiai. Histologiniai preparatai dažyti hematoksilinu – eozinu. Rezultatai. Kepenų pakitimai nustatyti 93 proc. tirtų audinių. Dažniausiai pasitaikęs kepenų pokytis buvo – lipidozė 78 proc.. Taip pat buvo nustatyta negausi plazminių ląstelių infiltracija 17 proc., hepatitas 48 proc., nekrozė 30 proc., ląstelių pabrinkimas 17 proc., hepatocitų degeneracija 7proc... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work object : to investigate in the most common liver patomorphological and patohistological findings in X farm minks liver tissue. Work tasks: • To determine the frequency of liver pathology and evaluation of the factors leading to the minks liver changes. • To investigate microscopical and morphological changes the liver tissue. • To investigate the occurrence of liver hepatosis and hepatitis during the anatomical and pathological research. Material and methods of the research. 50 mink autopsies have been performed. Detailed investigation of liver pathologic changes were done. Hematoxylin eosin had been used as a staining method of histological sections. Changes of plasmacytosis in liver had been analysed microscopically and morphologically. Results and findings. It was found that liver pathologies in mink are frequent. Established over 93 % cases from investigated minks. Mostly diagnosed liver changes in mink lipidosis 78 %. Also have been diagnosed plasma cells infiltration also called plasmacytosis 17 %, hepatitis 48 %, necrosis 30 %, cell swelling 17 %, hepatocytes degeneration 7 %, amyloidosis 4 %. Together with a plasmocytosis some other pathologies was present: liver lipidosis and inflammation 75 %, cell swelling 25%, hemosiderosis and necrosis 50 %.

Audinių inkstų patologijų dažnumas ir patologiniai morfologiniai pakitimai x žverėlių ūkyje / Mink kidney pathology rate ant pathologic morphologic changes in x farm

Servanski, Robert 05 March 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: išsiaiškinti audinių inkstų patomorfologinius pokyčius ir inkstų pokyčių dažnumą žverėlių ūkyje. Taipogi nustatyti patologinius anatominius inkstų pakitimus, įvertinti mikroskopinius audinių inkstų pokyčius. Įvertinti ryšį tarp plazmocitozės su kitais morfologiniais pokyčiais. Tyrime atlikta, 50 audinių skrodimai. Atliktas detalus inkstų patologinių pokyčių tyrimas. Histologinėms sekcijoms dažymui naudoti hematoksilinas eozinas ir sirijaus raudonasis. Plazmocitozės pakitimai, inkstuose buvo analizuojami mikroskopiškai ir morfologiškai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad inkstų patologijos audinėms yra dažnos žverėlių ūkyje Lietuvoje. Nustatyta 88 % atvėjai iš tirtų audinių. Dažniausiai diagnozuoti inkstų pokyčiai, buvo plazminių ląstelių infiltracija, dar vadinama plazmocitozė 36%. Taip pat buvo diagnozuoti skirtingų tipų glomerulonefritai: minimalių pokyčių nefropatija 2%, ūmus nefritas 8%, židininė segmentinė glomerulosklerozė 14%, endokapiliarinis proliferacinis glomerulonefritas 6%, intersticinis nefritas 6%. Kartu su glomerulonefritais buvo ir kitų patologijų: inkstų lipidozė 6%, baltymų degeneracija 18%, Kanalėlių nekrozė 4%, Inksto infarktas 2%, Hemosiderozė 6%, podagra 2 % amiloidozė 2%, ir perivaskulitas 4%. / Mink kidney pathology rate ant pathologic morphologic changes in x farm. Kaunas, 2014 The coverage of work 43 table 6 picture 22 Reading list of : 55 sources Objectives and tasks of the research work to investigate mink kidney patomorphological changes and kidney alteration rate in x farm. Also establish patological anatomical kidney alterations, evaluate microscopic mink renal variation. Plasmacytosis infiltration in kidney evaluate connection with others pathologic morphologic alterations. Material and methods of the research. 50 mink autopsies have been performed. Detailed investigation of renal pathologic changes were done. Hematoxylin eosin and sirius red had been used as a staining method of histological sections. Changes of plasmacytosis in kidneys had been analysed microscopically and morphologically. Results and findings. It was found that renal pathologies in mink are frequent in X farm in Lithuania. Established over 88 % cases from investigated minks. Mostly diagnosed renal changes in mink was plasma cells infiltration also called plasmacytosis 36 %. Also have been diagnosed different types of GN : minimal change disease 2%, acute nephritis 8%, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGN) 14%, endocapillary proliferative (EPGN) 6%, intersticial nephritis 6%. Together with a glomerulonephritis some other pathologies was present: renal lipidosis 6%, cell swelling 18%, tubular necrosis 4%, renal infarct 2%, hemosiderosis 6%, gout 2 % amiloidosis 2%, and perivasculitis... [to full text]

Prebiotiko panaudojimas audinių racionuose / Use of prebiotic in rations for minks

Legeckas, Edvardas 19 May 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti prebiotiko mannanoligosacharido praturtinto mielėmis poveikį žvėrelių augimo spartai; maisto medžiagų pasisavinamumo lygį audinių organizme; įvertinti šios kompozicijos įtaką kraujo rodiklių kaitai; įvertinti poveikį audinių pieno produkcijai bei jauniklių augimo spartai. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. nustatyti pašarų maistinę ir energinę vertę; 2. nustatyti audinių svorio kitimą skirtingais fiziologinės būklės laikotarpiais; 3. nustatyti audinių išprodukuojamus pieno kiekius; 4. nustatyti audinių jauniklių augimo spartą; 5. įvertinti maisto medžiagų pasisavinamumą audinių organizme; 6. įvertinti audinių jauniklių sveikatingumą. Mokslinio darbo naujumas – nustatyta prebiotinės kompozicijos įtaka maisto medžiagų pasisavinamumui audinių organizme, tokių duomenų literatūroje aptikti nepavyko; buvo atliktas virškinamumo-balansinis bandymas su Mustela vison veislės audinėmis ir įvertintas prebiotinio preparato poveikis sausosios medžiagos, organinės medžiagos, žalių baltymų, žalių riebalų, žalios ląstelienos, žalių pelenų ir neazotinių ekstraktinių medžiagų virškinamumui. Praktinė darbo reikšmė – panaudojant naujus priedus gaminti pašarus gyvūnams, kad galima būtų optimizuoti virškinimo ir rezorbcijos procesus jų organizme. Remiantis atliktų bandymų duomenimis nustatytas šio prebiotiko su mielių papildu teigiamas poveikis sveikatingumui, o taip pat mažesnis taršos laipsnis aplinkai. Atlikus mokslinius ūkinius bandymus su suaugusiomis audinėmis Mustela vison ir su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of job – to assess yeast enriched prebiotic mannanoligosaccharide nutrients bioavailability in minks organisms; estimate impact of this composition to blood characteristics; assess consistency of feces. The novelty of scientific work – the impact of prebiotic composition was established for bioavailability in minks organisms. No other data was found this topic in literature; first time in our country digestability-balanced test was carried out with Mustela vison species minks and assessed impact of prebiotical preparation for digestability of dry mater, organic materials, crude proteins, crude fats, crude fiber, crude ash and non azotic extractic materials. When use of antibiotics was prohibided, prebiotic, probiotic preparations and zeolites begin to use more widely. Minks weight changes were compared at the begining and the end of experiment. Was established, that minks weight of I control group was 1094 g and decreased 6.01%, II control group – 1116 g, drecreased 4.78%, I experimental group – 1156 g., decreased 1.03%, II experimantal group – 1122 g., decreased 3.11%. Minks of I control group in first week of lactation produced 102.4 g milk per day, during second week 36.4 g more, and third week – 108.0 g more. That is more than two times. Milk quantity of I experimental group in all periods was higher. In first week minks of this group produced 108.6 g milk or 5.71%, second week – 156.6 g or 11.43%, third week – 224.2 g or 6.16% more compared with control groups; II... [to full text]

Habitat use and den site selection of mink (Mustela vison) along the Hudson River and its tributaries in east-central New York.

Haan, Damon 01 August 2011 (has links)
Mink (Mustela vison) are an important species because they occur at a high trophic level, they are considered a potential indicator species for environmental contaminants, and they are a popular target species among fur trappers. Despite the importance of mink, their ecology in North America is not well understood. I sampled 59 of 60 Hudson River tributaries with 2 scent stations randomly established along each tributary for 2 10-day monitoring periods to evaluate presence/absence of mink via remote camera photographs and tracks. When sampling was completed, I quantified microhabitat characteristics at 84 randomly selected scent stations. Statistical tests for microhabitat did not indicate a difference among variables selected for analysis between scent stations where mink visits were detected and those where mink visits were not detected. I also analyzed all scent stations for macrohabitat characteristics related to human disturbance, using 150 m circular buffers in ArcGIS 9.2. Although the percent cover of human disturbance was 7.0% greater at scent stations where mink were not detected, the difference was not significant and may therefore indicate that mink may have a tolerance for moderate human disturbances. I also evaluated the performances of 2 types of remote cameras (Moultrie Game Cameras: MGC I–40 and MGC 200) in detecting mink visits at scent stations as well as comparing remote camera detections of mink visits with observations of tracks. The MGC I–40 cameras detected a significantly greater number of mink visits (n = 50) compared to the MGC 200 cameras (n = 3). Detection of mink at scent stations was also significantly greater using the remote cameras compared with observations of mink tracks. Mink were also live–trapped and implanted with subcutaneous radiotransmitters. There were 13 mink captures (0.31 mink/100 trap–nights) with radiotransmitters being implanted in 12 (11 males and 1 female) mink. Overall 166 den sites were located with a mean of 15.9 den sites/mink. Microhabitat analysis of 33 used den sites and 33 unused potentially available den sites (UPADs) indicated that shoreline cover was significantly greater at used den sites. Macrohabitat analysis using 150 m circular buffers surrounding 76 used den sites and 76 unused potentially available sites (UPASs) indicated that human disturbance was 3.3% greater at the UPASs than at used den sites, but this difference was not significant. This may further suggest that mink may have a tolerance for moderate human disturbances. Den site structures most often used by mink included brushpiles or logjams (21.1%) and bank burrows (17.5%). The use of den site structures appeared to be largely based on shoreline cover and availability. The mean linear home range of male mink was 6.6 km (SE = 0.6, range 3.2 – 8.4 km), which was similar to the female's home range of 6.5 km. Ten mink home ranges encompassed portions of both the Hudson River and its tributaries accounting for a mean of 2.8 and 4.4 km, respectively. Mean daily movement distances of mink along shorelines was 659 m (SE = 42, range 0 – 3,087 m) and was significantly greater along tributaries than along the Hudson River.

3C-like protease inhibitors against coronaviruses

Perera, Krishani January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences / Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology / Yunjeong Kim / Coronaviruses are pathogens that cause diverse diseases in humans and animals. The studies in this dissertation are focused on feline coronavirus (FCoV), ferret coronavirus (FRCoV) and mink coronavirus (MCoV). FCoV and FRCoV infections typically cause enteritis in cats and ferrets, respectively. However, a 100% fatal systemic disease called feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) can develop in some FCoV infected cats and a fatal systemic disease resembling FIP can develop in some FRCoV infected ferrets. MCoV causes enteritis which results in significant economic loss to mink farmers. No effective vaccine or treatment is available despite the increasing importance of these viral diseases. We have previously reported the synthesis of inhibitors against 3C-like protease (3CLpro) of FCoV and demonstrated the antiviral efficacy of a 3CLpro inhibitor for treating FIP. FRCoV and MCoV 3CLpro are closely related to FCoV 3CLpro. Therefore, we investigated the structure-function relationships of our 3CLpro inhibitors to identify the struc-tural requirements of inhibitors for FRCoV and MCoV. This is the first report of antiviral com-pounds against FRCoV and MCoV. We have previously conducted a field trial with a potent 3CLpro inhibitor, GC376, in cats with naturally occurring FIP. Comparison of the FCoV 3CLpro amino acid sequences from the pre- and post-treatment samples in one cat showed amino acid changes in 3CLpro. Hence, we generated recombinant 3CLpros carrying the amino acid changes and characterized the effects of these amino acid changes in FCoV 3CLpro on its susceptibility to GC376. We observed that these amino acid changes did not markedly affect the activity of GC376 in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay, explaining the absence of clinical drug resistance in this cat during the field trial.

Biodisponibilidade da gordura em dietas para carnívoros : efeitos dietéticos e da espécie animal / Biodisponibility of fats in carnivores diets : dietary effects and animal specie

Marx, Fábio Ritter January 2016 (has links)
As gorduras são componentes importantes em dietas para carnívoros, porém o aproveitamento pelos animais sofre influência de fatores inerentes à composição das dietas, principalmente fibras e minerais, que precisam ser melhor estudados. Os trabalhos que avaliam as perdas endógenas de gordura nas fezes (PEGF) e os efeitos na digestibilidade aparente da gordura são escassos e divergentes. Desta forma, os objetivos destes estudos foram: determinar as PEGF em cães e mink; utilizar as PEGF para obtenção dos valores de digestibilidade verdadeira da gordura; além de avaliar os efeitos da composição de fibras dietéticas e a inclusão de emulsificantes no aproveitamento da gordura por cães. No primeiro estudo, as PEGF foram mensuradas em cães adultos. Dietas com níveis crescentes de gordura de frango foram utilizadas e as PEGF dos cães foram determinadas a partir de análises de regressão. As PEGF foram expressas em relação ao peso corporal (PC) dos animais, 155 mg/kg PV/dia, ou em relação ao consumo de gordura na matéria seca (MS), 7,9 g/kg MS consumida. A digestibilidade aparente total da gordura apresentou aumento conforme o consumo. A digestibilidade verdadeira total da gordura, corrigida para PEGF, não variou mediante o consumo de gordura. A relação entre PEGF e consumo de gordura foi maior em dietas com baixa gordura e explica o aumento na digestibilidade aparente da gordura quando concentrações maiores são consumidas. No segundo estudo, as PEGF foram determinadas em mink. Dietas com níveis crescente de óleo de soja foram formuladas e as PEGF avaliadas por regressão. Foi obtido o valor de 0,5 g/100g MS consumida, próximo ao relatado em cães. No terceiro estudo foi avaliada a influência das fibras dietéticas e da lecitina de soja na digestibilidade aparente da gordura em dietas para cães adultos. Foram avaliadas três fontes de carboidratos, amido de milho, celulose e polpa de beterraba, combinadas ou não à lecitina de soja. A polpa de beterraba reduziu a digestibilidade aparente e verdadeira da gordura em cães, aumentou o teor de umidade e elevou o escore fecal, porém ainda dentro da faixa considerada ideal. A lecitina de soja não apresentou efeito de melhora na digestibilidade dos macronutrientes e da energia das dietas. / Fats are important components of carnivores diets, however inherent factors of diets composition, mainly fibers and minerals, may affect its use by the animals, requiring further studies. Studies evaluating endogenous fat loss (EFL) and the effects on apparent total tract digestibility of fat are limited and divergent. The objectives of these studies were: to determine the EFL in dogs and mink; apply the EFL to calculated the true total tract digestibility of fats; and to evaluate the effects of dietary fiber composition and an emulsifying agent on fats digestibility in dogs. On the first study, the EFL was evaluated in adult dogs. Diets with increasing levels of poultry fat were used and the EFL was determined by regression analysis. The EFL was obtained according to the dogs’ body weight (BW) as 155 mg/kg BW/day, or according to dry matter (DM) fat intake, as 7.9 g/kg DM intake. The apparent total tract digestibility of fat increases according to the intake level. However, the true total tract digestibility of fat, EFL corrected, remained unaffected by fat intake. The relation between EFL and fat intake is higher for low fat diets and explains why the apparent digestibility increases according to intake. On the second study, the EFL was measured in mink. Diets with graded levels of soybean oil were offered and the EFL evaluated by regression. The value of 0.5 g/100 g DM intake was obtained, close to the reported with dogs. The third study assessed the influences of dietary fibers and soy lecithin on apparent total tract digestibility of fat in adult dog diets. Were evaluated three carbohydrate sources; corn starch, cellulose and beet pulp; combined or not with soy lecithin. The beet pulp decreased apparent and true total tract digestibility of fat in dogs, increased the moisture level of faeces and the faecal score, yet the faeces still had good quality. The soy lecithin did not improve digestibility of macronutrients and energy of diets.

Biodisponibilidade da gordura em dietas para carnívoros : efeitos dietéticos e da espécie animal / Biodisponibility of fats in carnivores diets : dietary effects and animal specie

Marx, Fábio Ritter January 2016 (has links)
As gorduras são componentes importantes em dietas para carnívoros, porém o aproveitamento pelos animais sofre influência de fatores inerentes à composição das dietas, principalmente fibras e minerais, que precisam ser melhor estudados. Os trabalhos que avaliam as perdas endógenas de gordura nas fezes (PEGF) e os efeitos na digestibilidade aparente da gordura são escassos e divergentes. Desta forma, os objetivos destes estudos foram: determinar as PEGF em cães e mink; utilizar as PEGF para obtenção dos valores de digestibilidade verdadeira da gordura; além de avaliar os efeitos da composição de fibras dietéticas e a inclusão de emulsificantes no aproveitamento da gordura por cães. No primeiro estudo, as PEGF foram mensuradas em cães adultos. Dietas com níveis crescentes de gordura de frango foram utilizadas e as PEGF dos cães foram determinadas a partir de análises de regressão. As PEGF foram expressas em relação ao peso corporal (PC) dos animais, 155 mg/kg PV/dia, ou em relação ao consumo de gordura na matéria seca (MS), 7,9 g/kg MS consumida. A digestibilidade aparente total da gordura apresentou aumento conforme o consumo. A digestibilidade verdadeira total da gordura, corrigida para PEGF, não variou mediante o consumo de gordura. A relação entre PEGF e consumo de gordura foi maior em dietas com baixa gordura e explica o aumento na digestibilidade aparente da gordura quando concentrações maiores são consumidas. No segundo estudo, as PEGF foram determinadas em mink. Dietas com níveis crescente de óleo de soja foram formuladas e as PEGF avaliadas por regressão. Foi obtido o valor de 0,5 g/100g MS consumida, próximo ao relatado em cães. No terceiro estudo foi avaliada a influência das fibras dietéticas e da lecitina de soja na digestibilidade aparente da gordura em dietas para cães adultos. Foram avaliadas três fontes de carboidratos, amido de milho, celulose e polpa de beterraba, combinadas ou não à lecitina de soja. A polpa de beterraba reduziu a digestibilidade aparente e verdadeira da gordura em cães, aumentou o teor de umidade e elevou o escore fecal, porém ainda dentro da faixa considerada ideal. A lecitina de soja não apresentou efeito de melhora na digestibilidade dos macronutrientes e da energia das dietas. / Fats are important components of carnivores diets, however inherent factors of diets composition, mainly fibers and minerals, may affect its use by the animals, requiring further studies. Studies evaluating endogenous fat loss (EFL) and the effects on apparent total tract digestibility of fat are limited and divergent. The objectives of these studies were: to determine the EFL in dogs and mink; apply the EFL to calculated the true total tract digestibility of fats; and to evaluate the effects of dietary fiber composition and an emulsifying agent on fats digestibility in dogs. On the first study, the EFL was evaluated in adult dogs. Diets with increasing levels of poultry fat were used and the EFL was determined by regression analysis. The EFL was obtained according to the dogs’ body weight (BW) as 155 mg/kg BW/day, or according to dry matter (DM) fat intake, as 7.9 g/kg DM intake. The apparent total tract digestibility of fat increases according to the intake level. However, the true total tract digestibility of fat, EFL corrected, remained unaffected by fat intake. The relation between EFL and fat intake is higher for low fat diets and explains why the apparent digestibility increases according to intake. On the second study, the EFL was measured in mink. Diets with graded levels of soybean oil were offered and the EFL evaluated by regression. The value of 0.5 g/100 g DM intake was obtained, close to the reported with dogs. The third study assessed the influences of dietary fibers and soy lecithin on apparent total tract digestibility of fat in adult dog diets. Were evaluated three carbohydrate sources; corn starch, cellulose and beet pulp; combined or not with soy lecithin. The beet pulp decreased apparent and true total tract digestibility of fat in dogs, increased the moisture level of faeces and the faecal score, yet the faeces still had good quality. The soy lecithin did not improve digestibility of macronutrients and energy of diets.

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