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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preparation of Methylcellulose from Annual Plants

Ye, Daiyong 30 September 2005 (has links)
Este trabajo presenta los resultados de la investigación sobre la preparación y caracterización de las metilcelulosas a partir de las plantas anuales.Las pastas del miscanthus, el cardo, y el eucalipto, se prepararon mediante el proceso IRSP (Impregnation Rapid Steam Pulping) y se blanquearon con las secuencias del TCF (Total Chloride Free), que usan peróxido de hidrógeno y hidróxido de sodio (NaOH). Con el aumento de la severidad del proceso de obtención de las pastas, la accesibilidad y la reactividad de las pastas aumentaron mientras que la viscosidad y el número de la kappa disminuyeron. Se desarrolló un nuevo y sencillo método de metilación para preparar las metilcelulosas a partir de la madera y las plantas anuales en el laboratorio. Cada metilcelulosa de las pastas blanqueadas con las secuencias del TCF se sintetizó en una mezcla de isopropanol con metano de yodo a 600C durante 22 horas después la pasta del TCF se mercerizó en una solución del hidróxido de sodio al 40% durante 1 hora. La mercerización y la metilación se repitieron para obtener un grado de sustitución (DS) más alto. Los resultados de la espectroscopía infrarroja de transformada de Fourier (FTIR) (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) mostraron que los grupos del OH de la celulosa habían sido sustituidos parcialmente por grupos del metoxil. Los modelos de sustitución supramolecular de las metilcelulosas se determinaron mediante espectroscopía de resonancia magnética nuclear del carbono-13. La viscosidad intrínseca de las metilcelulosas se midió con agua destilada, una solución al 4% de NaOH, o DMSO. Las propiedades reológicas de las metilcelulosas se midieron con DMSO, una solución al 4% de NaOH o agua destilada. Las metilcelulosas sintetizadas tenían unas propiedades similares a las metilcelulosas comerciales. Los volúmenes hidrosolubles y alcalinosolubles de la metilcelulosas se determinaron mediante extracción con disolventes.Las metilcelulosas se prepararon a partir de pastas de lino, yute, cáñamo, sisal, y abacá mediante metilaciones heterogéneas y homogéneas. Estas pastas se blanquearonmediante el proceso ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free). La mutilación inhomogénea de las pastas blanqueadas mediante el proceso ECF se sintetizó en una mezcla de isopropanol con metano de yodo a 600C durante 22 horas después la pasta del ECF se mercerizó durante 1 hora en una solución de NaOH al 50%. La mutilación homogénea de la pasta blanqueada mediante ECF se realizó en DMSO con metano de yodo a 300C durante 48 horas. Para esta metilación homogénea se usó una metilcelulosa con un grado de sustitución más bajo, que se disolvió completamente en DMSO. La espectroscopía infrarroja de transformada de Fourier (FTIR) de las metilcelulosas mostró la existencia de grupos de metoxiles sobre las moléculas de metilcelulosa. Se utilizó la espectroscopia de resonancia magnética nuclear del carbono 13 para medir los grados de sustitución de las metilcelulosas. Los pesos moleculares de las metilcelulosas hidrosolubles se determinaron con la cromotagrafía de exclusión por tamaños (SEC). Las viscosidades intrínsecas se midieron en una solución de NaOH al 4%. Las metilcelulosas preparadas a partir de pastas de elevadas accesibilidades y reactividades tenían las mejores grados de sustitución, pesos moleculares, viscosidades y viscosidades intrínsecas.Se investigaron las accesibilidades y reactividades de las pastas del ECF. Los volúmenes de glucosa y de xilosa de estas pastas se determinaron mediante HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography) después de la hidrólisis. Las accesibilidades de adsorción de yodo de estas pastas eran bajas y sus fragmentos accesibles estaban entre el 1,31% y el 5,16%. En la región amorfa, sus fragmentos accesibles estaban entre el 5% y el 24%. Las imágenes del SEM (Scanning Electrón Microscopy) mostraron que sus fibrillas tenían distintas estructuras morfológicas. Los resultados de la espectroscopía infrarroja de transformada de Fourier (FTIR) mostraron que, después de los pretratamientos, habían disminuido tanto la media de la intensidad de los enlaces de hidrógeno como los índices de cristalinidad relativos. Sus reactividades aumentaron significativamente después de la mercerización preliminar. Las accesibilidades y reactividades de la pasta del abacá se mejoraron con los tratamientos de impregnación con agua, la mercerización a 15 bares de presión, la explosión de vapor y la mercerización preliminar. La desintegración, el incremento de los huecos, el debilitamiento de la intensidad de los enlaces de hidrógeno, la depolimerización, y la decristalización son esenciales para mejorar las accesibilidades y las reactividades, pero el factor decisivo es la especie de la planta.Hemos estudiado los factores que influyen en el peso molecular (Mw) de las metilcelulosas hidrosolubles preparadas a partir de plantas anuales. El tiempo y la temperatura de impregnación y las condiciones de cocción influyeron de manera diferente en el peso molecular (Mw) de metilcelulosas preparadas a partir de los cardos recogidos en primavera y en verano, el miscanthus y el eucalipto. Se compararon los efectos de los pretratamientos (la impregnación con agua, la mercerización preliminar, la mercerización con presión y la explosión de vapor) en la pasta del abacá. Cuando se pretrató la pasta del abacá, su metilcelulosa hidrosoluble consiguió un peso molecular más alto. De entre los pretratramientos analizados, la explosión de vapor resultó el más adecuado. Para conseguir metilcelulosas con un peso molecular más alto deben perfeccionarse las condiciones de la preparación de las pastas blanqueadas mediante ECF. La especie de las plantas es el factor decisivo para conseguir el peso molecular más alto de las metilcelulosas y para seleccionar los pretratamientos más adecuados.Los parámetros del proceso de obtención de pastas, las condiciones de la metilación, las especies de las plantas, los pretratamientos, y la estructura morfológicas de las pastas influyó en los grados de sustitución de las metilcelulosas preparadas a partir de plantas anuales. Una severidad de impregnación más alta, una temperatura del proceso de obtención de pastas más alta y un incremento del tiempo del mismo proceso consiguieron grados de sustitución más altos. Un aumento de reactivos de la metilación causó un aumento de grado de sustitución. Las pastas obtenidas de distintas especies produjeron grados de sustitución diferentes, trabajando con las mismas condiciones de metilación. Los pretratamientos aumentaron el grado de sustitución de las metilcelulosas.Esta investigación contribuye a encontrar las condiciones apropiadas para metilcelulosas diseñadas a medida, sintetizadas a partir de plantas anuales. Esta investigación demuestra que estas plantas tienen la capacidad de ser preparadas para conseguir metilcelulosas de alta calidad y de alto valor aptas para distintas aplicaciones, como la industria alimentaria, la de la construcción o la farmacéutica. La industria puede utilizar estas plantas anuales de crecimiento rápido para producir metilcelulosas, con lo que, además, se evitará el uso de madera.Palabras clave: abacá, accessibilidad, blanqueo mediante TCF, cáñamo, cardo, eucalipto, grado de sustitución, lino, metilación, metilcelulosa, miscanthus, peso molecular, plantas anuales, proceso de obtención de pasta IRSP, sisal, yute. / Preparation and characterization of methylcelluloses from some annual plantswere investigated.Miscanthus, cardoon, and eucalyptus pulps were produced by Impregnation Rapid Steam Pulping (IRSP) process and bleached by Total Chloride Free (TCF) sequences using hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide. With an increase of pulping severities, accessibilities and reactivities of bleached pulps increased while viscosities and kappa numbers decreased. A novel facile methylation was developed in order to prepare methylcelluloses from wood and annual plants. Each methylcellulose of TCF bleached pulps was synthesized in isopropanol slurry with iodomethane at 600C for 22 hours after the TCF bleached pulp was mercerized in 40% NaOH solution for 1 hour. The mercerization and methylation were repeated in order to obtain a higher degree of substitution (DS). Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra showed OH groups of cellulose were partially substituted by methoxyl groups. Supramolecular substitution patterns of methylcelluloses were determined by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Intrinsic viscosities of methylcelluloses were measured in distilled water, 4% NaOH solution, or dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO). Rheological properties of methylcelluloses were measured in DMSO, 4% NaOH solution or distilled water, in which the synthesized methylcelluloses had similar properties as commercial methylcelluloses. Watersoluble and alkali-soluble contents of methylcelluloses were determined by solventextraction.We used iodomethane to synthesize methylcelluloses from Elemental Chloride Free (ECF) bleached abaca, hemp, flax, jute, and sisal pulps via heterogeneous and homogeneous methylations. The heterogeneous methylation was carried out in isopropanol with iodomethane at 600C for 22h after a ECF bleached pulp was mercerized in excessive 50% NaOH solution for one hour at ambient temperature. The homogeneous methylation was carried out in dimethyl sulfoxide with iodomethane at 300C for 48h using a methylcellulose of low degree of substitution. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra of the synthesized methylcelluloses showed the existence of methoxyl groups on methylcellulose molecules. The degrees of substitution of the synthesized methylcelluloses were measured by 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The molecular weights of the waterVI soluble methylcelluloses were determined by Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC). Intrinsic viscosities of the synthesized methylcelluloses were measured in 4% NaOH solution. Methylcelluloses with better properties, such as greater degrees of substitution, molecular weights, viscosities, and intrinsic viscosities, were prepared from the pulps with higher accessibilities and reactivities. The factors influencing the preparation of methylcelluloses from these pulps were discussed.Pretreatments (water-soaking, pre-mercerization, mercerization under a pressure of 15 bars, and steam explosion) were used to improve the accessibilities and reactivities of celluloses of bleached flax, hemp, sisal, abaca, and jute pulps for the synthesis of methylcellulose. Glucose and xylose contents of these pulps were determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) after hydrolysis. Degrees of crystallinity of these pulps were determined by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) spectra. Figures of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) showed that their fibrils had different morphological structures. The iodine adsorption accessibilities of these pulps were low and accessible fractions ranged from 1.3% to 5.2%. Accessible fractions in amorphous cellulose were calculated in the 5% to 18% range. The accessibilities of these pulps were hemp pulp > flax pulp > sisal pulp > jute pulp > abaca pulp. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra showed that mean hydrogen bond strengths were weakened and relative crystallinity indexes were decreased by pretreatments. The accessibility and reactivity of the abaca pulp were improved by water soaking, mercerization under 15 bars pressure, steam explosion and preliminary mercerization, of which steam explosion and pre-mercerization were thebest treatments. Species was the main factor for the accessibility and reactivity.We studied the factors that influenced the molecular weights (Mw) of watersolublemethylcelluloses prepared from annual plants and juvenile eucalyptus. Miscanthus and cardoon stalks, and bleached pulps of abaca, jute, sisal, hemp, and flax were used as the annual plant materials. A higher concentration of NaOH solution during the impregnation led to a spring cardoon methylcellulose having a lower molecular weight. As the impregnation times increased, so did the molecular weights of the water-soluble methylcelluloses of spring cardoon. The impregnation conditions had less influence on the methylcelluloses of summer cardoon than on the methylcelluloses of spring cardoon. As the cooking times increased, so did the molecular weights of miscanthus methylcelluloses. A lower pulping severity increased the molecular weight of eucalyptus methylcellulose. The preliminary treatments (water soaking, pre-mercerization, mercerization under pressure andsteam explosion) improved the molecular weights of water-soluble abaca methylcelluloses. The steam explosion method was the best of the preliminary treatments for the abaca pulp. Different species led to different molecular weights for methylcelluloses synthesized from ECF bleached pulps, and these were further improved by preliminary mercerization. The molecular weight of -cellulose methylcellulose changed as the ratio of the methylation reagent was varied. In order to synthesize an optimum Mw of methylcellulose, the different raw materials can be chosen, the pulping parameters adjusted (including impregnation and cooking), the cellulose pretreated, and the methylcellulose conditions changed. The plant species is the decisive factor for the Mw of methylcellulose.The pulping parameters, the methylation conditions, the species, the pretreatments, and the morphological structures of pulps influenced the degrees of substitution of the methylcelluloses prepared from the annual plants. A higher impregnation severity, a higher pulping temperature, and a longer pulping time caused a higher degree of substitution. An increase of methylation reagents led to an increase of degree of substitution. Methylcelluloses of different degrees of substitution were synthesized from the pulps of different species when a same methylation condition was used. The pretreatments increased the degrees of substitution of methylcelluloses.This investigation contributes to find appropriate conditions for the production of methylcellulose from annual plants. The present investigation demonstrates these annual plants have the capacities to produce upgraded and high quality methylcelluloses for varied applications, such as additives of foods, construction, pharmaceutics, polymerization, paints, and detergents etc. The industry can utilize these annual fast-growth plants to produce methylcelluloses. Therefore, a lot of wood will be saved.Keywords: abaca, accessibility, annual plants, cardoon, degree of substitution, eucalyptus, flax, hemp, IRSP pulping, jute, methylation, methylcellulose, miscanthus, molecular weight, sisal, steam explosion, TCF bleaching.

Investigation on the distribution and potential of giant grasses in China : Triarrhena, Miscanthus, Arundo, Phragmites, and Neyraudia /

Xi, Qingguo. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Kiel, 2000.


Mann, John 10 September 2012 (has links)
Recently, the use of biomass to produce energy has resulted in evaluating each potential biomass species individually, and primarily in terms of yield potentials. However, discrepancies between species yield caused by varying site conditions and varying fertilization regimes between studies do exist. Therefore, this study attempts to address some of these discrepancies by growing multiple species simultaneously on marginal land with zero fertilization. The yield and fuel characteristics of the four most commonly used biomass feedstocks (Miscanthus, switchgrass, willow and poplar) in southern Ontario, along with one herbaceous polyculture, were investigated. Species' influence on microclimatic modifications was quantified during the 2010 and 2011 growing seasons in order to understand its impact on biomass yields. Yield data was gathered for each species treatment for both growing seasons. Few significant differences were found between species during establishment. Fuel characteristics analyses including, gross calorific value, ash (%), and an elemental ash analysis were completed during 2010 and 2011. The differences between the combustion properties of the grass species and the woody species were obvious, but neither could be conclusively determined as universally better than the other. Yield and fuel characteristics change as plants mature, therefore research should be continued in future years once plots are fully established to determine which species are best suited for bioenergy production in Southern Ontario. This will help growers and energy producers focus on crops that have the most potential in achieving environmental sustainability and economic viability. / OMAFRA

The cost of producing lignocellulosic biomass for ethanol

Busby, David Preston, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Agricultural Economics. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

Gazéification catalytique du Miscanthus X giganteus et vaporeformage d'un composé modèle : production de gaz de synthèse. / Catalytic steam gasification of Miscanthus X giganteus and steam-reforming of model compound : production of syngas

Michel, Rudy 12 November 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse concerne une étude de la gazéification du Miscanthus X giganteus (MXG). Le MXG présente de nombreux avantages (rendement, pérenne, peu d’entretien, facile à récolter…) qui lui permet d’être un candidat en terme d’énergies renouvelables. Il a fait l’objet de nombreux travaux dans le domaine agricole, mais notre étude est la première concernant sa gazéification afin de produire un gaz de synthèse. La première partie de ce travail concerne l’étude de la gazéification, effectuée dans un réacteur à lit fluidisé en présence de catalyseurs à base d’olivine. Les résultats obtenus lors des différentes campagnes d’essais ont donné d’excellents rendements en gaz (CO + H2) comparables à d’autres biomasses. La caractérisation des catalyseurs, par DRX et MEB a montré un bon comportement de l’olivine (tenue mécanique, régénération), de son côté le Niolivine a permis de meilleurs résultats. L’analyse des goudrons, par IRTF et GC/MS a montré essentiellement la présence de HAP, majoritaire à haute température (>800°C). La deuxième partie de cette étude porte sur le vaporeformage du méthyl-naphtalène, représentatif de la composition des goudrons issus de la gazéification du MXG. Le vaporeformage a été effectué en utilisant les mêmes catalyseurs qu’en gazéification. A côté de la réaction principale, cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence l’importance des réactions secondaires comme la réaction du gaz à l’eau. De plus, ces tests ont confirmé la bonne efficacité du Ni-olivine pour l’élimination des goudrons. Un mécanisme général a été proposé, mettant en jeu le rôle déterminant de l’oxygène radicalaire issu de la décomposition de l’eau / This study presents the gasification of Miscanthus X giganteus (MXG). The MXG presents many advantage (high yield, perennial crop, easily harvesting…) so it’s a good candidate in terms of renewable energy sources. Several works have been carried out in the agricultural field, but this study is the first dealing with gasification in order to produce a syngas. The first part of this work concerns the study of gasification in fluidized bed reactor with olivine-based catalysts. The results obtained in different tests gave a good gas yield (CO + H2) comparable to others biomass. The catalyst characterisation by XRD and SEM is related to the properties of olivine (mechanical strength, recycling), while Ni-olivine gave much better results. Tar analysis by FTIR and GC/MS showed the presence of mainly PAH at high temperature (>800°C).The second part of this study deals with the steam reforming of methylnaphthalene which is representative of the tar composition issued from the MXG gasification. The steam reforming performed with the same catalysts as in the case of gasification. In addition to the main reaction, this study allowed us high lights the existence of secondary reaction such as the water gas shift reaction. Moreover these tests confirmed the high efficiency of Ni-olivine for tar removing. An overall mechanism was proposed with the important role of catalytic oxygen issued from water decomposition

Miscanthus: Anbau auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen

January 2014 (has links)
In der Broschüre werden Anbau, Umweltwirkungen und Verwertungsmöglichkeiten des Miscanthus erläutert. Miscanthus, auch Chinaschilf genannt, ist eine sehr massenwüchsige Pflanze, die zur Familie der Süßgräser gehört. Die Pflanze ist ein bedeutender Rohstoff für die stoffliche und energetische Verwertung. Unter den Standortbedingungen Sachsens gedeiht Miscanthus gut und liefert wirtschaftliche Erträge. Die Broschüre richtet sich an Landwirte als Rohstoffproduzenten, aber auch an Nutzer und Verarbeiter des nachwachsenden Rohstoffs.

Potential for cultivation of Miscanthus x Giganteus for biofuel production in different climate zones : with a changing climate and limited water resources

Tobin, Erik, Tjernström, Linnéa January 2013 (has links)
Miscanthus Giganteus is a rapidly growing perennial grass utilizing C4 photosynthesis that is a promising candidate as a raw resource for “second generation” biofuel production. This study seeks to determine the long-term sustainability, from a water balance perspective, of cultivating this plant in different climate zones. CoupModel, a model for the soil-plant-atmosphere system, is utilized to model M. Giganteus and simulate its cultivation over a 30-year period at four sites in Europe, each representing a different climate zone. A future climate scenario building on historical climate data together with projections for monthly changes in temperature and precipitation, as modeled by the HadCM3 global climate model in the A2 emission scenario, is then created and used for another simulation at each site. The growth, yields, and water balances in each simulation are analyzed and compared. The highest yields and water use efficiencies are achieved in the warmest climates, but the most sustainable zones when taking water balance into account are the more humid ones. The humid continental, Dfb, zone and the humid subtropical, Cfa, zone are determined to be sustainable in the long-term for cultivation of M. Giganteus. / Miscanthus Giganteus är ett snabbväxande perennt gräs med C4-fotosyntes samt en lovande kandidat som resurs i tillverkandet av andra generationens biobränslen. Denna studie syftar till att bestämma den långsiktiga hållbarheten av odling av denna växt i olika klimatzoner ur ett vattenbalansperspektiv. CoupModel, en datamodell som simulerar systemet “jord-planta-atmosfär”, används för att simulera M. Giganteus och dess tillväxt över en 30-årsperiod för fyra platser i Europa vilka alla representerar en klimatzon. Ett framtida klimatscenario som bygger på historisk klimatdata tillsammans med projektioner för framtida månatliga förändringar i temperatur och nederbörd, framtaget av HadCM3 för IPCC:s utsläppsscenario A2, tas sedan fram och används för att göra ytterligare en simulering för varje plats. Plantans tillväxt, skörd och vattenbalans för varje simulation analyseras och jämförs. De högsta skördarna och högst vattenanvändningseffektivitet uppnås i de varmaste klimaten, men de mest hållbara zonerna för odling av M. Giganteus när vattenbalansen tas hänsyn till är zonerna med mest nederbörd. Dfb-zonen, med fuktigt inlandsklimat, och Cfa-zonen med fuktigt subtropiskt klimat bedöms vara långsiktigt hållbara för odling av M. Giganteus.

Effects of Biofuel Crops on Soil Physical and Hydrological Properties on a Miamian Soil in Central Ohio

Clarke, Francis J. 30 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Producer Preferences For Contracts On A Risky Bioenergy Crop

Krah, Kwabena 14 August 2015 (has links)
This study employed a stated choice experiment survey to identify southeastern U.S. farmers’ preferences for contracts to produce Giant Miscanthus. We developed a more theoretically consistent framework which takes into account risk preference and perception information and also accounts for heterogeneous status-quo alternatives. Results from our Random Parameter Logit model indicated that price per ton of harvested Giant Miscanthus, biorefinery harvest, and establishment cost-share all had significant positive effects on the probability of a producer accepting a contract to produce Giant Miscanthus, whereas contract length had a significant negative effect. Our analysis also found evidence of significant preference heterogeneity in producers’ preferences for biorefinery harvest, yield insurance, and contract length. We also found that incorporating risk perception and risk preference information, as well as accounting for heterogeneous status-quo alternatives in the decision framework improved overall model performance even though the respective individual coefficients for these variables were not statistically significant.

Effects of Fertilizer from Hydrochar Septage on Growth and Physiological Responses of Miscanthus x giganteus and Spinacea oleracea

Delgado, Dillman January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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