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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse formelle de spécifications hybrides à partir de modèles SysML pour la validation fonctionnelle des systèmes embarqués / Formal analysis of hybrid specifications from SysML models for functional validation of embedded systems specifications

Medimegh, Slim 20 December 2018 (has links)
Le logiciel embarqué est devenuaujourd’hui incontournable dans la plupart dessecteurs industriels. Ce dernier fait appel engénéral à des connaissances métier différentes.L’ensemble du système (le logiciel et sonenvironnement) est ainsi spécifié d’une manièrehétérogène, avec des parties discrètes et d’autrescontinues. La simulation de ces systèmeshybrides nécessite des données précises et unesynchronisation des changements continus avecles transitions discrètes. Mais, dans les premièresphases de conception, l’absence des informationsempêche de simuler le système numériquement.Dans notre thèse, nous présentons un nouveaulangage qualitatif dédié à la simulationqualitative des systèmes hybrides. Ce nouveaulangage consiste à modéliser les relations entreles variables du système. Il est implémenté dansDiversity, un moteur d’exécution symbolique,pour construire les traces du système. Nousavons appliqué cette approche à l’analyse desmodèles SysML, en utilisant une transformationM2M à partir de SysML vers un langage pivot,une transformation M2T à partir de ce langagevers Diversity. Nous avons aussi analysé lestraces brutes de l’exécution symbolique deDiversity pour construire les comportementsqualitatifs du système. / Embedded software has becomeessential in most industrial sectors. The latterusually involves various business knowledge.The whole system (the software and itsenvironment) is specified in a heterogeneousform, with discrete and continuous parts.Simulating these hybrid systems requiresprecise data and synchronization of continuouschanges and discrete transitions. However, inthe first design steps, missing informationforbids numerical simulation. We present in ourthesis a new qualitative language for qualitativesimulation of hybrid systems, which consists incomputing the relationships between the systemvariables. This language is implemented in theDiversity symbolic execution engine to build thetraces of the system. We apply this approach tothe analysis of SysML models, using an M2Mtransformation from SysML to a pivot language,an M2T transformation from this language toDiversity. We also analyze the brutal symbolictraces obtained by Diversity to build the realqualitative behaviors of the system.

Software test case generation from system models and specification. Use of the UML diagrams and High Level Petri Nets models for developing software test cases.

Alhroob, Aysh M. January 2010 (has links)
The main part in the testing of the software is in the generation of test cases suitable for software system testing. The quality of the test cases plays a major role in reducing the time of software system testing and subsequently reduces the cost. The test cases, in model de- sign stages, are used to detect the faults before implementing it. This early detection offers more flexibility to correct the faults in early stages rather than latter ones. The best of these tests, that covers both static and dynamic software system model specifications, is one of the chal- lenges in the software testing. The static and dynamic specifications could be represented efficiently by Unified Modelling Language (UML) class diagram and sequence diagram. The work in this thesis shows that High Level Petri Nets (HLPN) can represent both of them in one model. Using a proper model in the representation of the software specifications is essential to generate proper test cases. The research presented in this thesis introduces novel and automated test cases generation techniques that can be used within a software sys- tem design testing. Furthermore, this research introduces e cient au- tomated technique to generate a formal software system model (HLPN) from semi-formal models (UML diagrams). The work in this thesis con- sists of four stages: (1) generating test cases from class diagram and Object Constraint Language (OCL) that can be used for testing the software system static specifications (the structure) (2) combining class diagram, sequence diagram and OCL to generate test cases able to cover both static and dynamic specifications (3) generating HLPN automat- ically from single or multi sequence diagrams (4) generating test cases from HLPN. The test cases that are generated in this work covered the structural and behavioural of the software system model. In first two phases of this work, the class diagram and sequence diagram are decomposed to nodes (edges) which are linked by Classes Hierarchy Table (CHu) and Edges Relationships Table (ERT) as well. The linking process based on the classes and edges relationships. The relationships of the software system components have been controlled by consistency checking technique, and the detection of these relationships has been automated. The test cases were generated based on these interrelationships. These test cases have been reduced to a minimum number and the best test case has been selected in every stage. The degree of similarity between test cases is used to ignore the similar test cases in order to avoid the redundancy. The transformation from UML sequence diagram (s) to HLPN facilitates the simpli cation of software system model and introduces formal model rather than semi-formal one. After decomposing the sequence diagram to Combined Fragments, the proposed technique converts each Combined Fragment to the corresponding block in HLPN. These blocks are con- nected together in Combined Fragments Net (CFN) to construct the the HLPN model. The experimentations with the proposed techniques show the effectiveness of these techniques in covering most of the software system specifications.

Business model transformation influenced by Germany's Energiewende. A comparative case study analysis of business model innovation in start-up and incumbent firms

Hoffmann, Sven Oliver January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the performance of business model innovation (BMI) by incumbent power utility and clean-tech start-up firms influenced by the German Energiewende. It emphasises the factors that impact BMI from a managers’ perspective, examines success factors for managers to overcome BMI challenges, and addresses contingencies to perform BMI in a more structured way. The research is driven by the German Energiewende. It has been chosen as Germany is considered one of the world’s leading markets for renewable energies and a transformation of the power sector is currently underway. Therefore, established power utility firms face severe changes, which have the characteristics of a potential disruption to their business model (BM). At the same time, new players are challenging these incumbents with new BMs. The research is underpinned by the extant literature on BMs and BMI. The research approach is based on two case studies; the incumbent power utility and the clean-tech start-up sector. The qualitative study comprises of 24 semi-structured interviews conducted with top tier managers, from 18 firms, responsible for BMI within these firms. Key findings: This study extends our knowledge of BMI in both a start-up and an incumbent environment that is influenced by various contingent events. It portrays barriers to BMI and depicts critical success factors for BMI that point out solutions on how to overcome these barriers. It provides a structured BMI framework for established firms and illustrates future BM archetypes in this sector. It clearly documents the German Energiewende is regarded as a disruptive threat from the perspective of incumbent power utility managers. The theoretical contribution of this thesis is a process framework including all identified drivers and challenges for BMI in both established and start-up firms. Contributions to practice include critical success factors for BMI, recommendations to overcome barriers to BMI and future BM archetypes within the newly evolving Energiewende industry based on sustainable technologies.

Une approche heuristique pour l’apprentissage de transformations de modèles complexes à partir d’exemples

Baki, Islem 12 1900 (has links)
L’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (IDM) est un paradigme d’ingénierie du logiciel bien établi, qui préconise l’utilisation de modèles comme artéfacts de premier ordre dans les activités de développement et de maintenance du logiciel. La manipulation de plusieurs modèles durant le cycle de vie du logiciel motive l’usage de transformations de modèles (TM) afin d’automatiser les opérations de génération et de mise à jour des modèles lorsque cela est possible. L’écriture de transformations de modèles demeure cependant une tâche ardue, qui requiert à la fois beaucoup de connaissances et d’efforts, remettant ainsi en question les avantages apportés par l’IDM. Afin de faire face à cette problématique, de nombreux travaux de recherche se sont intéressés à l’automatisation des TM. L’apprentissage de transformations de modèles par l’exemple (TMPE) constitue, à cet égard, une approche prometteuse. La TMPE a pour objectif d’apprendre des programmes de transformation de modèles à partir d’un ensemble de paires de modèles sources et cibles fournis en guise d’exemples. Dans ce travail, nous proposons un processus d’apprentissage de transformations de modèles par l’exemple. Ce dernier vise à apprendre des transformations de modèles complexes en s’attaquant à trois exigences constatées, à savoir, l’exploration du contexte dans le modèle source, la vérification de valeurs d’attributs sources et la dérivation d’attributs cibles complexes. Nous validons notre approche de manière expérimentale sur 7 cas de transformations de modèles. Trois des sept transformations apprises permettent d’obtenir des modèles cibles parfaits. De plus, une précision et un rappel supérieurs à 90% sont enregistrés au niveau des modèles cibles obtenus par les quatre transformations restantes. / Model-driven engineering (MDE) is a well-established software engineering paradigm that promotes models as main artifacts in software development and maintenance activities. As several models may be manipulated during the software life-cycle, model transformations (MT) ensure their coherence by automating model generation and update tasks when possible. However, writing model transformations remains a difficult task that requires much knowledge and effort that detract from the benefits brought by the MDE paradigm. To address this issue, much research effort has been directed toward MT automation. Model Transformation by Example (MTBE) is, in this regard, a promising approach. MTBE aims to learn transformation programs starting from a set of source and target model pairs supplied as examples. In this work, we propose a process to learn model transformations from examples. Our process aims to learn complex MT by tackling three observed requirements, namely, context exploration of the source model, source attribute value testing, and complex target attribute derivation. We experimentally evaluate our approach on seven model transformation problems. The learned transformation programs are able to produce perfect target models in three transformation cases, whereas, precision and recall higher than 90% are recorded for the four remaining ones.

Construction de spécifications formelles abstraites dirigée par les buts / Building abstract formal Specifications driven by goals

Matoussi, Abderrahman 09 December 2011 (has links)
Avec la plupart des méthodes formelles, un premier modèle peut être raffiné formellement en plusieurs étapes, jusqu'à ce que le raffinement final contienne assez de détails pour une implémentation. Ce premier modèle est généralement construit à partir de la description des besoins obtenue dans la phase d'analyse des exigences. Cette transition de la phase des exigences à la phase de spécification formelle est l'une des étapes les plus délicates dans la chaîne de développement formel. En fait, la construction de ce modèle initial exige un niveau élevé de compétence et beaucoup de pratique, d'autant qu'il n'existe pas de processus bien défini pour aider les concepteurs. Parallèlement à ce problème, il s'avère également que les exigences non-fonctionnelles sont largement marginalisées dans le processus de développement logiciel. Les pratiques industrielles actuelles consistent généralement à spécifier seulement les exigences fonctionnelles durant les premières phases de ce processus et à laisser la prise en compte des exigences non-fonctionnelles au niveau de l'implémentation. Pour surmonter ces problèmes, la thèse vise à définir un couplage entre un modèle d'exigences exprimé en SysML/KAOS et des spécifications formelles abstraites, tout en garantissant une distinction entre les exigences fonctionnelles et non-fonctionnelles dès la phase d'analyse des exigences. Pour cela, la thèse propose tout d'abord deux approches différentes (l'une dédiée au B classique et l'autre à Event-B) dans lesquelles des modèles formels abstraits sont construits progressivement à partir du modèle de buts fonctionnels SysML/KAOS. La thèse se focalise par la suite sur l'approche dédiée à Event-B afin de la compléter et l'enrichir en se servant de deux autres modèles SysML/KAOS qui décrivent les buts non-fonctionnels et leurs impacts sur les buts fonctionnels. Nous présentons différentes manières permettant d'injecter ces buts non-fonctionnels et leurs impacts dans les modèles abstraits Event-B déjà obtenus. Des liens de correspondance entre les buts non-fonctionnels et les différents éléments Event-B sont également établis afin de faciliter la gestion de l'évolution de ces buts. Les différentes approches proposées dans cette thèse ont été appliquées pour la spécification du composant de localisation qui est une partie critique d'un système de transport terrestre. L'approche dédiée à Event-B est implémentée dans l'outil SysKAOS2EventB, permettant ainsi de générer une architecture de raffinement Event-B à partir d'un modèle de buts fonctionnels SysML/KAOS. Cette mise en œuvre s'appuie principalement sur les technologies de transformation de modèles à modèles / With most of formal methods, an initial formal model can be refined in multiple steps, until the final refinement contains enough details for an implementation. Most of the time, this initial model is built from the description obtained by the requirements analysis. Unfortunately, this transition from the requirements phase to the formal specification phase is one of the most painful steps in the formal development chain. In fact, building this initial model requires a high level of competence and a lot of practice, especially as there is no well-defined process to assist designers. Parallel to this problem, it appears that non-functional requirements are largely marginalized in the software development process. The current industrial practices consist generally in specifying only functional requirements during the first levels of this process and in leaving the consideration of non-functional requirements in the implementation level. To overcome these problems, this thesis aims to define a coupling between a requirement model expressed in SysML/KAOS and an abstract formal specification, while ensuring a distinction between functional and non-functional requirements from the requirements analysis phase. For that purpose, this thesis proposes firstly two different approaches (one dedicated to the classical B and the other to Event-B) in which abstract formal models are built incrementally from the SysML/KAOS functional goal model. Afterwards, the thesis focuses on the approach dedicated to Event-B in order to complete it and enrich it by using the two other SysML/KAOS models describing the non-functional goals and their impact on functional goals. We present different ways to inject these non-functional goals and their impact into the obtained abstract Event-B models. Links of correspondance between the non-functional goals and the different Event-B elements are also defined in order to improve the management of the evolution of these goals. The different approaches proposed in this thesis have been applied to the specification of a localization component which is a critical part of a land transportation system. The approach dedicated to Event-B is implemented in the SysKAOS2EventB tool, allowing hence the generation of an Event-B refinement architecture from a SysML/KAOS functional goal model. This implementation is mainly based on the model-to-model transformation technologies

Automatic generation of software applications

Liang, Dong 07 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) allows moving the software development from the time consuming and error-prone level of writing program code to the next higher level of modeling. In order to gain benefit from this innovative technology, it is necessary to satisfy two requirements. These are first, the creation of compact, complete and correct platform independent models (PIM) and second, the development of a flexible and extensible model transformation framework taking into account frequent changes of the target platform. In this thesis a platform-based methodology is developed to create PIM by abstracting common modeling elements into a platform independent modeling library called Design Platform Model (DPM). The DPM contains OCL-based types for modeling primitive and collection types, a platform independent GUI toolkit as well as other common modeling elements, such as those for IO-operations. Furthermore, a DPM profile containing diverse domain specific and design pattern-based stereotypes is also developed to create PIM with high-level semantics. The behavior in PIM is specified using an OCL-like action language called eXecutable OCL (XOCL), which is also developed in this thesis. For model transformation, the model compiler MOCCA is developed based on a flexible and extensible architecture. The model mapper components in the current version of MOCCA are able to map desktop applications onto JSE platform; the both business object layer and persistence layer of a three-layered enterprise applications onto JEE platform and SAP ABAP platform. The entire model transformation process is finished with complete code generation.

Evolution in Feature-Oriented Model-Based Software Product Line Engineering / Evolution in feature-orientierten modellbasierten Software-Produktlinien

Seidl, Christoph 02 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Software Product Lines (SPLs) are a successful approach to software reuse in the large. Even though tools exist to create SPLs, their evolution is widely unexplored. Evolving an SPL manually is tedious and error-prone as it is hard to avoid unintended side-effects that may harm the consistency of the SPL. In this thesis, the conceptual basis of a system for the evolution of model-based SPLs is presented, which maintains consistency of models and feature mapping. As basis, a novel classification is introduced that distinguishes evolutions by their potential to harm the mapping of an SPL. Furthermore, multiple remapping operators are presented that can remedy the negative side-effects of an evolution. A set of evolutions is complemented with appropriate remapping operations for the use in SPLs. Finally, an implementation of the evolution system in the SPL tool FeatureMapper is provided to demonstrate the capabilities of the presented approach when co-evolving models and feature mapping of an SPL.

Developer-Centric Software Assessment

Makedonski, Philip 12 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Systematic design of adaptive systems: control-based framework

PIMENTEL, João Henrique Correia 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Haroudo Xavier Filho (haroudo.xavierfo@ufpe.br) on 2016-03-11T14:00:27Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) tese bdtd - jhcp.pdf: 10794622 bytes, checksum: dc412b23838ca5016586548c59128658 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-11T14:00:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) tese bdtd - jhcp.pdf: 10794622 bytes, checksum: dc412b23838ca5016586548c59128658 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / CAPES / A number of approaches have been proposed for eliciting, modeling and analyzing requirements for adaptive systems. However, there is still a large gap between such requirements specifications and the actual implementation of adaptive systems. In this thesis we investigate the interplay between requirements and architecture for the development of adaptive systems. Furthermore, we propose the Multi-Level Adaptation for Software Systems (MULAS) framework. This framework is centered on the iterative and incremental refinement of a goal model, towards the creation of a Design Goal Model. This model can then be used at runtime to drive adaptation on a system that is properly instrumented. Moreover, the framework includes a toolsupported process for generating statechart behavioral models from a Design Goal Model. The GATO tool (Goal TO Architecture) allows the creation of the different artifacts of the process, including the automatic generation of base statecharts. The suitability of this approach for developing adaptive systems is illustrated by means of case studies. Empirical results show that the techniques developed to translate enriched goal models onto statecharts are scalable, i.e. they present a good performance even with large models. Furthermore, an experiment with software engineering students indicates that the adoption of this framework by non-experts is feasible and beneficial. / Um grande número de abordagens foram propostas para elicitar, modelar e analisar requisitos para sistemas adaptativos. No entanto, ainda existe uma grande distância entre a especificação de requisitos e a implementação de um sistema adaptativo. Nesta tese foi investigada a interrelação entre requisitos e arquitetura para o desenvolvimento de sistemas adaptativos. Mais especificamente, nós propomos o framework Adaptação Multi-Nível para Sistemas de Software (MULAS, do inglês Multi-Level Adaptation for Software Systems). Este framework é focado no refinamento iterativo e incremental de um modelo de objetivos, em direção à criação de um Modelo de Objetivos de Design (DGM, do inglês Design Goal Model). Este modelo pode então ser utilizado em tempo de execução para se gerenciar a adaptação em um sistema devidamente instrumentado. Ademais, o framework inclui um processo para gerar diagramas de estados a partir do Modelo de Objetivos de Design. Uma ferramenta desenvolvida especificamente para apoiar este framework (GATO, do inglês, Goal TO Architecture) permite criar os diferentes artefatos do processo, incluindo a geração automática de diagrama de estados base. A adequação desta abordagem ao desenvolvimento de sistemas adaptativos é ilustrada através de estudos de caso. Resultados empíricos mostram que as técnicas desenvolvidas para criar diagramas de estados a partir do modelo de objetivos com elementos de design apresentam boa escalabilidade, i.e. possui bom desempenho mesmo no caso de modelos extensos. Adicionalmente, um experimento com estudantes de engenharia de software indica que a adoção do framework por não-especialistas não é apenas possível como também é benéfica.

Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Informação Médica com WebServices e MDA / Development of a System of Medical Information with Web Services and MDA

MELO, Simone Azevedo Bandeira de 02 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T14:53:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Simone Melo.pdf: 2880047 bytes, checksum: c872dc02c29d736c1cca896ec5a17ea2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-02 / In this work, we develop a medical information system to support medical diagnosis based on an approach oriented to models, in which the system allows sharing of information between physically scattered specialists. The development of a medical information system is done using MDA (Model Drive Architecture) in which the PIM (Platform Independent Model) is created with UML (Unified Modeling Language), and the PSMs (Platform Specific Model) is done according to Web Services Platforms. To implement this system, we devised meta model s for the Web Services, JWSDP (Java Web Services Developement Pack) and WSOracle. Thus, we provide definitions of transformation of UML for the Web Services, JWSDP and WSOracle. The development of the system puts in evidence the process of transformation of PIM for PSM used in MDA. / Neste trabalho, desenvolvemos um sistema de informação médica de auxílio no diagnóstico médico, baseado em uma abordagem orientada a modelos, no qual o sistema permite o compartilhamento de informações entre especialistas fisicamente dispersos. O desenvolvimento do sistema de informação médica foi feito usando MDA (Arquitetura Dirigida a Modelo) em que o PIM (Modelo Independente da Plataforma) foi feito conforme a UML (Linguagem de Modelagem Unificada), e os PSMs (Modelos Específico da Plataforma) conforme as Plataformas dos Web Services. Para implementar este sistema de informação médica, provemos metamodelos para os Web Services, JWSDP (Java Web Services Developer Pack) e WSOracle. Assim, provemos definições de transformação de UML para os Web Services, JWSDP e WSOracle. O desenvolvimento do sistema coloca em evidência o processo de transformação de PIM para PSM, utilizado em MDA.

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