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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fisiologia molecular intestinal de Tenebrio molitor / Midgut molecular physiology of Tenebrio molitor

Nathália Ramalho Moreira 28 November 2013 (has links)
Foi realizado o pirossequenciamento de duas bibliotecas de cDNA do intestino médio de Tenebrio molitor e as sequências foram submetidos à montagem através do programa Newbler. Visando sanar alguns questionamentos a respeito de muitos tipos de transportadores que pudessem estar envolvidos com funções presumíveis em tamponamento luminal, absorção de nutrientes, envolvimento em mecanismos de secreção de enzimas como a α-manosidases e secreção e absorção de água, foram analisadas sequências de interesse que pudessem esclarecer os fenômenos fisiológicos em questão. O pirossequenciamento revelou 19 sequencias de α-manosidases. Após alinhamentos múltiplos, desconfiou-se que o contig 12 era a continuação da sequência original da α-manosidase. Utilizando-se de iniciadores apropriados, a suspeita foi confirmada e uma sequência completa foi obtida e denominada de TmMan1. Através de cladogramas gerados com as sequências de todos os contigs obtidos, assim como de sequências representativas das famílias 38 e 47 das glicosídeos hidrolases, mostrou que todas a nossas sequências, exceto o contig 6 e 7, pertencem à família 38. Todas as sequências com mais de 100 reads (exceto o contig 9) tiveram a sua expressão tecidual avaliada por RT-PCR. Os resultados mostraram que só são expressos no intestino ou intestino e túbulo de Malpighi, implicando na possibilidade de serem digestivas. Dessas sequências, as únicas com peptídeo sinal são a TmMan1 (contig 12) e o contig 14 e, portanto, devem corresponder às atividades Man1 e Man2. Levando em conta o número de reads, TmMan1 deveria corresponder a Man2 e o contig 14 à Man1. É possível, embora necessite de confirmação, que os contigs 8 e 15 sejam de expressão lisossômica. Um peptídeo sintetizado que correspondia a sequencia única da TmMan1 foi usado para gerar anticorpos, que reconheceram a Man2, mas não a Man1, confirmando a identificação de TmMan1 com a Man2. Esse anticorpo foi também utilizado para imunolocalizar a TmMan1 nas células intestinais de T. molitor. Os resultados mostraram que a TmMan1 é secretada de forma apócrina pela região anterior de intestino de T. molitor. Esse trabalho é o primeiro que mostra a ocorrência de α-manosidases com especificidade similar àquelas lissossômicas, mas que são secretadas apócrinamente para fora da célula, devendo agir no lúmen intestinal, removendo resíduos de manoses de oligossacarídeos manosilados. Foram identificados 10 tipos diferentes de transportadores e na elaboração dos modelos fisiológicos só foram levados em conta aqueles expressos exclusivamente no intestino médio ou no intestino médio e túbulos de Malpighi. A V-ATPase em T.molitor parece ser uma bomba usada para energizar muitos dos transportes ao longo do intestino médio como, por exemplo, o de oligopeptídeos. Já as bombas de Na+ e K+ são responsáveis pelo equilíbrio de cargas e, portanto estão presentes na maioria dos tipos celulares. Duas sequências de cotransportadores de oligopeptídeos/H+ foram encontradas no pirossequenciamento e sua expressão é maior na região posterior, uma vez que ali é a última possibilidade de absorção dos oligopeptídeos que ainda estiverem no lúmen, remanescentes da digestão final de proteínas. Foi demonstrado que T.Molitor absorve aminoácidos e açúcares ao longo de todo o intestino médio, pois estes tipos de transportadores possuem uma expressão uniforme ao longo do intestino médio. Já a expressão dos transportadores de NH3/NH4+ em T.molitor, encontra-se confinada ás regiões onde o pH do intestino médio do inseto é mais ácida. Também há uma expressão de transportadores de cloreto que se manifesta mais intensamente na região anterior. Podemos visualizar que a distribuição dos contigs dos transportadores de bicarbonato encontra-se mais expressiva na região posterior do intestino médio. Os resultados sugerem que a acidificação na região anterior do intestino de T.molitor pode resultar da secreção de NH4+ acompanhado do íon cloreto e a alcalinização na região posterior do lançamento no lúmen de bicarbonato. A importância dos canais de cloreto é que o mesmo balanceia as cargas e desta forma pode ser útil juntamente com o transporte de NH4+, que gera uma carga no lado onde é transportado. Há absorvição de água (junto com glicose) ao longo de todo o intestino médio, enquanto que a secreção de água ocorreria apenas nos dois terços finais do intestino médio com o auxílio de aquaporinas complementado por transportadores de íons, teria como consequência a abosorção líquida de água na região anterior e uma secreção líquida no final do intestino médio. Isso esclarece qual a base molecular para a ocorrência do contrafluxo intestinal evidenciado por experimentos fisiológicos. / Pyrosequencing was performed with two cDNA libraries in the midgut of Tenebrio molitor and the sequences were subjected to assembly with the Newbler program. In order to tackle questions concerning proteins which may be involved in midgut buffering, nutrient absorption, in the secretion of enzymes such as α-mannosidases , and water absorption and secretion, sequences of interest were analyzed in order to clarify those physiological phenomena. The pyrosequencing revealed 19 sequences of α- mannosidases . After multiple alignments, it was suspected that the contig 12 was the continuation of the original sequence of the α-mannosidase. Using appropriate primers, the hypothesis was confirmed and a complete sequence was obtained and named TmMan . Through cladograms generated from the sequences of the contigs obtained, as well as of sequences representing families 38 and 47 of glycoside hydrolases, it was showed that all sequences except the contig 6 and 7 belong to family 38. All sequences with over 100 reads (except contig 9) had their tissue expression assessed by RT-PCR. The results showed that they are expressed only in the midgut or midgut and Malpighian tubules, implying the possibility of having a digestive function. Among these sequences, the only ones with a signal peptide are TmMan1 (contig 12) and contig 14 and therefore they should correspond to the activities Man1 and Man2. Taking into account the number of reads, TmMan1 should correspond to Man2 and contig 14 to Man1. It is possible, though it requires confirmation, that the contigs 8 and 15 are lysosomal. A peptide corresponding to the unique sequence TmMan1 was synthesized and used to generate antibodies that recognized Man2 , but not Man1, confirming the identification of TmMan1 with Man2. This antibody was also used to immunolocalyze TmMan1 in the midgut cells of T. molitor. The results showed that TmMan1 is secreted in an apocrine way by the anterior region of T. molitor midgut. This is the first study that shows the occurrence of α-mannosidases with similar specificity to those lysosomal, but that are secreted in an apocrine way, acting in the midgut lumen, removing mannoses from mannosylated oligosaccharides. We identified 10 different types of carriers and in the development of physiological models it was only taken into account those expressed exclusively in the midgut or midgut and Malpighian tubules . The V- ATPase in T.molitor appears to be a pump used for powering many transports along the midgut, as of oligopeptides. The Na+ and K+ pumps are responsible for charge load balancing and therefore are present in most cell types. Two sequences of oligopeptide / H+ cotransporters were found in the transcriptome and their expression is higher in the posterior region. This agrees with the fact that there is the last possibility of oligopeptides remaining in the lumen to be absorbed. It is highly probable that T.molitor absorbs amino acids and sugars throughout the midgut, once these types of carriers have a uniform expression throughout the midgut . The expression of NH3/NH4+ transporters in T.molitor is confined to the regions where the pH of the insect midgut is more acidic. There is also chloride transporter expression there. The expression of bicarbonate transporters is more significant in the posterior midgut. The results suggest that acidification in the anterior T.molitor midgut may result from the secretion of NH4+ and chloride ions together, whereas the alkalization in the posterior midgut results from bicarbonate release. There is water absortion (along with glucose) throughout the midgut , while the water secretion occurs only in the final two-thirds of the midgut with the aid of aquaporins, complemented by ion transporters. It would result in the net absorption and net secretion of water in the anterior and postertior midgut, respectively. This clarifies the molecular basis of the midgut countercurrent fluxes evidenced by physiological experiments.

N-Alkyl 4-Methylamphetamine enantiomers and the implication for potential modulation of abuse liability and enhancement of psychoactive drug targeting.

Sitta, Ramsey 01 January 2017 (has links)
Drugs of abuse have a long history in humanity. Currently however, a subject of great interest is the phenylalkylamine family of drugs. Not only is the abuse liability of interest but also the potential therapeutic expansion of the capabilities of this family of drugs by utilizing the unique stereospecific effects of the newly discovered hybrid compounds. Based upon prior data of N-Alkyl 4-MA the enantiomers of N-Methyl, N-Ethyl, and N-Propyl were analyzed in hDAT, hNET, and hSERT. It was found that there was a negative correlation between chain length and potency and dopaminergic component. In agreement with the currently established paradigm it was also found that in almost all cases the S(+) enantiomer was the more potent.

Ecdysis Triggering Hormone and its Role in Juvenile Hormone Synthesis in the Yellow-fever Mosquito, Aedes aegypti

Areiza, Maria 24 January 2014 (has links)
Ecdysis triggering hormone (ETH) is a neuropeptide known for its role in the orchestration of ecdysis. However, its role in the regulation of Juvenile Hormone (JH) synthesis is unknown. In Aedes aegypti, JH is synthesized by the corpora allata (CA) and titers are tightly regulated by allatoregulatory factors. In this study I describe the effect of ETH on JH synthesis during the late pupal stage and in the adult female after blood feeding. Analysis of ETH receptor (ETHRs) expression showed that ETHRs are present in both the CA and the corpora cardiaca (CC), a neurohemal organ. The data suggest that ETH regulates JH synthesis directly through its receptors in CA. Our results show that in pupa, ETH has a stimulatory effect on JH synthesis while in adult blood fed females, ETH is inhibitory. These findings constitute the first evidence of ETH as a regulatory peptide in mosquito JH synthesis.

Modifications of Myofilament Structure and Function During Global Myocardial Ischemia

Woodward, Mike K 07 November 2016 (has links)
Cardiac arrest is a prevalent condition with a poor prognosis, attributable in part to persistent myocardial dysfunction following resuscitation. The molecular basis of this dysfunction remains unclear. We induced cardiac arrest in a porcine model of acute sudden death and assessed the impact of ischemia and reperfusion on the molecular function of isolated cardiac contractile proteins. Cardiac arrest was electrically induced, left untreated for 12 min, and followed by a resuscitation protocol. With successful resuscitations, the heart was reperfused for 2 h (IR2) and the muscle harvested. In failed resuscitations, tissue samples were taken following the failed efforts (IDNR). Actin filament velocity, using myosin isolated from IR2 or IDNR cardiac tissue, was nearly identical to myosin from the control tissue in a motility assay. However, both maximal velocity (25% faster than control) and Ca2+ sensitivity (pCa50 6.57 ± 0.04 IDNR vs. 6.34 ± 0.07 control) were significantly (p < 0.05) enhanced using native thin filaments (actin, troponin, and tropomyosin) from IDNR samples, suggesting that the enhanced velocity is mediated through an alteration in muscle regulatory proteins (troponin and tropomyosin). Mass spectrometry analysis showed that only samples from the IR2 had an increase in total phosphorylation levels of troponin (Tn) and tropomyosin (Tm), but both IR2 and IDNR samples demonstrated a significant shift from mono-phosphorylated to bis-phosphorylated forms of the inhibitory subunit of Tn (TnI) compared to control. This suggests that the shift to bis-phosphorylation of TnI is associated with the enhanced function in IDNR, but this effect may be attenuated when phosphorylation of Tm is increased in tandem, as was observed for IR2. There are likely many other molecular changes induced following cardiac arrest, but to our knowledge, these data provide the first evidence that this form cardiac arrest can alter the in vitro function of the cardiac contractile proteins.

The Effects of Branched Chained Amino Acid Supplementation on Acute Markers of Fatigue and Performance

Walters, Joseph 01 August 2019 (has links)
The purposes of this dissertation were to investigate the acute effects of branched-chain amino acids on psychological, physiological, and subsequent performance changes following high volume resistance training. The rationale for this study design was based on abrupt or contiguous training/ competitions that specific athletes encounter in a competitive season. This study design also sought to fill some gaps in the scientific literature concerning the efficacy of BCAAs for subjective fatigue in a resistance training paradigm. To address the purposes of this dissertation, a one-week study was conducted on resistance trained males, in which half of the subjects were randomly selected to receive BCAAs and the other half was a non-supplement group. The subjects in this study performed two high volume resistance training bouts consisting of squat and bench press (5 sets x 10 repetitions at 95% relative intensity) separated by two days. The physiological variables tested in this study were creatine kinase, interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, testosterone, and cortisol. The performance variables tested in this study were static and counter-movement jumps, isometric mid-thigh pull, and Bosco repeated jumps. The primary findings from this study was that subjects in the BCAA group had a statistically significant decrease in muscle damage, indicated by levels of CK. Additionally, there was a statistically significant increase in T:C ratio for the BCAA group compared to the NS group. Concerning performance variables, BCAAs had a small to moderate effect on rate of force development; however, this result was not statistically significant. There were no differences in psychological variables between the groups. Based on the findings of this dissertation, BCAAs mitigate levels of muscle damage and rate of force development. To conclude, BCAAs may provide a competitive advantage for athletes when training volume and competitions become contiguous.

Link Between Muscle and Whole-body Energetic Responses to Exercise

Hayden, Christopher M.T. 01 July 2021 (has links)
Substantial evidence exists regarding how skeletal muscles use energy and how this affects muscular performance. What remains unclear is how characteristics of muscle energetics affect whole-body energetics during daily living, and what effects this may have on mobility. The goal of this study was to determine the associations between muscle and whole-body energetics including the relationships between: 1) muscle PCr depletion (∆PCr) in response to light intensity isotonic contractions and the oxygen deficit at the onset of a 30-min treadmill walk (30MTW), and, 2) muscle oxidative capacity and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC; 30MTW), respiratory exchange ratio (RER; 30MTW), and peak oxygen consumption (VO2 peak) from a graded treadmill test. Eight healthy young (28.4 ± 3.5 years) male participants were studied. Muscle energetics were measured via 31-Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS). Muscle ∆PCr was determined as the change in PCr during 2-min of isotonic knee extensor contractions. Muscle oxidative capacity was determined as the rate constant (kPCr) of a PCr recovery following 24-s of maximal isokinetic knee extensor contractions. Whole-body energetic responses to the 30MTW were measured via indirect calorimetry. Oxygen deficit and EPOC were determined as the time constants of the change in oxygen consumption at the onset and offset of the 30MTW, respectively. Respiratory exchange ratio was determined as the mean RER during minutes 7-30 (RER L23), 25-30 (RER L5), and 29-30 (RER L1). Peak oxygen consumption was the highest 30-s average of oxygen consumption during a graded treadmill test, normalized to total mass and lean mass measured by dual-X-ray absorptiometry. Spearman rank correlation coefficients (rs) were calculated to evaluate the associations between independent variables (muscle ∆PCr and oxidative capacity) and dependent variables (oxygen deficit, EPOC, RER, and VO2 peak). Muscle ∆PCr had a positive association (rs = 0.46, p = 0.30) with oxygen deficit. Muscle oxidative capacity had a negative association with EPOC (rs = -0.64, p = 0.14), RER L23 (rs = -0.64, p = 0.14), L5 (rs = -0.68, p = 0.11), and L1 (rs = -0.74, p = 0.07). Muscle oxidative capacity had a positive association with VO2 peak per lean mass (rs = 0.64, p = 0.10), but not VO2 peak per total mass (rs = 0.14, p = 0.75). These results provide promising preliminary evidence that muscle energetics are associated with whole-body energetic response to daily-living type exercise.


Yenilmez, Batuhan O. 01 September 2021 (has links)
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a severe liver disorder characterized by triglyceride accumulation, severe inflammation, and fibrosis. With the recent increase in prevalence, NASH is now the leading cause of liver transplantation, with no approved therapeutics available. Despite years of research, the exact molecular mechanism of NASH progression is not well understood, but fat accumulation is believed to be the primary driver of the disease. Therefore, diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 (DGAT2), a key enzyme in triglyceride synthesis, has been explored as a NASH target. RNAi-based therapeutics is revolutionizing the treatment of liver diseases, with recent chemical advances supporting long term gene silencing with single subcutaneous administration. Here we identified a hyper-functional, fully chemically stabilized GalNAc conjugated siRNA targeting DGAT2 (Dgat2-1473) that upon injection elicits up to three months of DGAT2 silencing (>80-90%, p<0.0001) in wild-type and NSG-PiZ “humanized” mice. Using an obesity-driven mouse model of NASH (ob/ob-GAN), Dgat2-1473 administration prevents and reverses triglyceride accumulation (> 50%, p:0.0008), resulting in significant improvement of the fatty liver phenotype. However, surprisingly, the reduction in liver fat didn’t translate into a similar impact on inflammation and fibrosis. Thus, while Dgat2-1473 is a practical, long-lasting silencing agent for potential therapeutic attenuation of liver steatosis, combinatorial targeting of a second pathway may be necessary for therapeutic efficacy against NASH.

Le couplage nitrate/proton au sein de l’échangeur AtClCa est essentiel à la physiologie de la plante en réponse aux fluctuations environnementales / Nitrate/proton coupling in AtClCa exchanger is required for plant physiology in response to environment fluctuations

Hodin, Julie 20 June 2018 (has links)
Chez les plantes, le nitrate est un élément essentiel mais sa disponibilité dans le sol est fluctuante. Il est donc stocké dans la vacuole grâce à un échangeur nitrate/proton appelé AtClCa. La famille de protéines ClCs comporte à la fois des échangeurs mais aussi des canaux suggérés comme issus de l’évolution des échangeurs par une conversion mécanistique. Chez Arabidopsis thaliana, seuls des ClCs échangeurs assurent la gestion du nitrate. Deux glutamates très conservés, E203 et E270 dans AtClCa, sont essentiels pour le transport des protons chez les ClCs échangeurs. La mutation du résidu E203 en une alanine, un acide aminé non protonable (E203A) a permis de produire artificiellement une telle conversion mécanistique. Afin de mieux comprendre l’importance physiologique du mécanisme d’échange, une analyse a été conduite sur des plantes exprimant la forme mutée d’AtClCa pour ce glutamate. Chez ces plantes, le stockage vacuolaire est fortement réduit au profit d’une importante assimilation accroissant la teneur en protéines. En dépit de cela, elles présentent un défaut de production de biomasse résultant en grande partie d’une perturbation de l’homéostasie hydrique. Elles sont également plus sensibles aux stress hydrique et probablement azoté. La conservation d’un échangeur est donc requise pour croitre en dépit des fluctuations environnementales. En parallèle, la mutation E270A a été introduite en plante afin d’étudier son importance sur la physiologie d’Arabidopsis. Une analyse préliminaire de la biomasse et des contenus en nitrate et eau de plantes exprimant la forme mutée de ce glutamate est donc présentée dans la seconde partie de cette thèse. / Nitrate is a major element for plant but its availability is very fluctuant in soils. Then, it is stored in vacuoles thanks to a nitrate/proton exchanger named AtClCa. In ClCs, exchangers but also channels were identified, the latest were suggested to be evolved from exchanger in which a mechanistic switch happened. In Arabidopsis thaliana, only exchangers are involved in nitrate management. Two conserved glutamate, E203 and E270 in AtClCa, are essential for protons transport in ClCs exchangers. The mutation of E203 into an alanine, a non-protonable amino acid (E203A) artificially produces such a mechanistic switch. To better understand the physiological importance of this exchange mechanism, a study was conducted in plants expressing the mutated form of AtClCa for this glutamate. In those plants, the vacuolar storage is highly restricted whereas the assimilation is favoured and the protein content increased. Despite that, the biomass production is decreased mostly because of a hydric homeostasis disruption. Those plants are also more sensitive to hydric and probably nitrogenous stress. The exchanger conservation is then required for plant growth whatever the environmental fluctuations. In parallel, the mutation E270A was introduced in planta to study its physiological importance. A preliminary analysis of plant biomass and nitrate and water contents was then performed in plants expressing the E270A mutated form of AtClCa and the results are presented in the second part of the manuscript.

Electrostatic Networks and Mechanisms of ΔpH-Dependent Gating in the Human Voltage-Gated Proton Channel Hv1

Bennett, Ashley L 01 January 2019 (has links)
The structure of the voltage-gated proton (H+) channel Hv1 is homologous to the voltage sensor domain (VSD) of tetrameric voltage-gated Na+, K+ and Ca2+ channels (VGCs), but lacks a pore domain and instead forms a homodimer. Similar to other VSD proteins, Hv1 is gated by changes in membrane potential (V), but unlike VGCs, voltage-dependent gating in Hv1 is modulated by changes in the transmembrane pH gradient (DpH = pHo - pHi). In Hv1, pHo or pHi changes shift the open probability (POPEN)-V relation by ~40 mV per pH unit. To better understand the structural basis of pHo-dependent gating in Hv1, we constructed new resting- and activated-state Hv1 VSD homology models using physical constraints determined from experimental data measured under voltage clamp and conducted all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Analyses of salt bridges and calculated pKas at conserved side chains suggests the existence of intracellular and extracellular electrostatic networks (ICEN and ECEN, respectively) that stabilize resting- or activated-state conformations of the Hv1 VSD. Structural analyses led to a novel hypothesis: two ECEN residues (E119 and D185) with coupled pKas coordinately interact with two S4 ‘gating charge’ Arg residues to modulate activated-state pHo sensitivity. Experimental data confirm that pH-dependent gating is compromised at acidic pHo in Hv1 E119A-D185A mutants, indicating that specific ECEN residue interactions are critical components of the ∆pH-dependent gating mechanism. E119 and D185 are known to participate in extracellular Zn2+ coordination, suggesting that H+ and Zn2+ utilize similar mechanisms to allosterically modulate the activated/resting state equilibrium in Hv1.

Mechanisms Regulating Early Mesendodermal Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells: A Dissertation

VanOudenhove, Jennifer J. 02 June 2016 (has links)
Key regulatory events take place at very early stages of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) differentiation to accommodate their ability to differentiate into different lineages; this work examines two separate regulatory events. To investigate precise mechanisms that link alterations in the cell cycle and early differentiation, we examined the initial stages of mesendodermal lineage commitment and observed a cell cycle pause that occurred concurrently with an increase in genes that regulate the G2/M transition, including WEE1. Inhibition of WEE1 prevented the G2 pause. Directed differentiation of hESCs revealed that cells paused during commitment to the endo- and mesodermal, but not ectodermal, lineages. Functionally, WEE1 inhibition during meso- and endodermal differentiation selectively decreased expression of definitive endodermal markers SOX17 and FOXA2. These findings reveal a novel G2 cell cycle pause required for endodermal differentiation. A role for phenotypic transcription factors in very early differentiation is unknown. From a screen of candidate factors during early mesendodermal differentiation, we found that RUNX1 is selectively and transiently up-regulated. Transcriptome and functional analyses upon RUNX1 depletion established a role for RUNX1 in promoting cell motility. In parallel, we discovered a loss of repression for several epithelial genes, indicating that RUNX1 knockdown impaired an epithelial to mesenchymal transition during differentiation. Cell biological and biochemical approaches revealed that RUNX1 depletion compromised TGFβ2 signaling. Both the decrease in motility and deregulated epithelial marker expression upon RUNX1 depletion were rescued by reintroduction of TGFβ2, but not TGFβ1. These findings identify novel roles for RUNX1-TGFβ2 signaling in mesendodermal lineage commitment.

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