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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodologia e simplificação do espaço de busca para a alocação de medidores de qualidade da energia elétrica frente às variações de tensão de curta duração / Methodology and simplification of the search space for power quality monitor allocation facing voltage variations

Douglas Pinto Sampaio Gomes 28 June 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como tema principal a alocação otimizada de Monitores de Qualidade da Energia Elétrica (MQEEs) em sistemas de distribuição para a observação das Variações de Tensão de Curta Duração (VTCDs). Busca-se pela pesquisa apresentar adequações que podem ser facilmente incorporadas aos métodos de alocação que se baseiam no uso de algoritmos inteligentes, neste caso em específico, em Algoritmos Genéticos (AGs), para resolver o problema da alocação de MQEEs. Também como contribuição, a pesquisa apresenta uma técnica para a diminuição do espaço de busca das soluções, imprimindo assim, uma melhoria da observação das VTCDs em Sistemas de Distribuição (SDs), e caracterizando um método simplificado para a alocação desejada. A metodologia como formulada (via AG e método simplificado) foi testada através da sua aplicação nos sistemas de distribuição de 13, 34 e 123 nós, simulados via o ATP (Alternative Transients Program), e provindos da base de dados do IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers). A pesquisa também foi testada considerando um alimentador real de uma concessionária regional, e validada através de simulações estatísticas pelo Método de Monte Carlo. / The present research has the optimized allocation of Power Quality Monitors in distribution systems as its main subject aimed at voltage sags and swells observation. The work intention is to propose adjustments that can be easily incorporated into the allocation methods based on the use of intelligent algorithms, in this case specifically, the Genetic Algorithms addressing the problem of monitor allocation. Also, as contribution, the research presents a technique to reduce the search space of solutions, thus printing an improvement on the observation of voltage variations in distribution systems and characterizing a simplified method for the desired allocation. The methodology, as formulated (by the genetic algorithm application and the simplified method), was tested through its application in distribution systems of 13, 34 and 123 nodes, simulated on ATP (Alternative Transients Program), and stemmed by the IEEE database (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers). The research was also tested considering a real feeder of a regional utility, and validated through statistical simulations by the Monte Carlo method.

Iluminação natural em projetos de escolas: uma proposta de metodologia para melhorar a qualidade da iluminação e conservar energia / Daylighting in schools projects: a proposition of a methodology to enhance lighting quality and energy savings.

Dimas Bertolotti 18 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar estratégias de iluminação natural utilizadas nos estágios iniciais do projeto de arquitetura capazes de aumentar a qualidade da iluminação e a conservação de energia nos edifícios escolares. Essas estratégias têm sido aplicadas com sucesso em edifícios escolares em vários países, melhorando o desempenho e o bem-estar dos estudantes e conservando energia. Entre essas estratégias, o autor selecionou um dispositivo zenital para iluminação natural com seleção angular e difusores opacos, realizou um ensaio experimental em um modelo físico reduzido de uma sala de aula padrão, sob condições de céu real e analisou comparativamente os resultados. O estudo mostrou que a adoção de uma metodologia para utilizar estratégias como a analisada neste trabalho pode conseguir um adequado controle da radiação solar para evitar a incidência direta da luz do Sol, evitar o ofuscamento e o aquecimento excessivo de ambientes de salas de aula em climas quentes e, ao mesmo tempo, aproveitar a iluminação natural, tanto difusa quanto direta refletida, para obter maior conforto visual e economizar energia. / This work aims to analyse daylighting strategies applied in early stages of architectural design as to improve lighting quality and energy savings in school buildings. Similar strategies have already been successfully applied in many countries around the world, enhancing student?s performance and well being while helping to save energy. Among the strategies studied, the author describes an experiment under real sky conditions using a physical scale model of a standard classroom equipped with a roof monitor combined with an overhang and interior vertical diffusing baffles as a way to check its influence in interior lighting conditions. The experiment has shown that the use of daylighting strategies can promote an adequate control of solar radiation, avoiding direct sunlight penetration inside the classrooms, limiting glare problems and excessive heat of hot climates. At the same time, such strategies optimise both direct and defuse use of daylight to improve visual comfort and energy savings.

IFMIF-LIPAc Beam Diagnostics. Profiling and Loss Monitoring Systems / Les Diagnostics faisceau de IFMIF / LIPAc. Les moniteurs de profils et de pertes du faisceau

Egberts, Jan 25 September 2012 (has links)
IFMIF sera constitué de deux accélérateurs de deutons délivrant des faisceaux continus de 125mA et d’énergie 40MeV qui bombarderont une cible de lithium liquide. Face à cette très haute puissance faisceau de 10 MW, de nouveaux défis doivent être relevés pour le développement de tels accélérateurs. C’est pour cette raison qu’a été prise la décision de construire un accélérateur prototype, LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator) ayant les mêmes caractéristiques faisceau qu’IFMIF, mais avec une énergie limitée à 9MeV. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, des instruments de diagnostics faisceau ont été développés pour IFMIF et LIPAc. Ces diagnostics concernent des moniteurs de pertes faisceau ainsi que des profileurs transverse de faisceau travaillant en mode intercepteur ou non.Pour la surveillance des pertes faisceau, des chambres à ionisation et des détecteurs au diamant ont été testés et calibrés en neutrons et en γ dans la gamme en énergie de LIPAc. Lors de ces expériences, pour la première fois des diamants ont été testés avec succès à des températures cryogéniques. Pour les profileurs interceptant le faisceau, des simulations thermiques ont été réalisées afin d’assurer leur bon fonctionnement. Pour les profileurs n’interceptant pas le faisceau, des moniteurs basés sur l’ionisation du gaz résiduel (IPM) contenu dans le tube faisceau ont été développés. Un prototype a été construit et testé, puis s’inspirant de ce retour d’expérience les IPMs finals ont été conçus et construits. Pour contrecarrer la charge d’espace générée par le faisceau, un algorithme a été élaboré afin de reconstruire le profil réel du faisceau. / The IFMIF accelerator will accelerate two 125mA continuous wave (cw) deuteron beams up to 40MeV and blasts them onto a liquid lithium target to release neutrons. The very high beam power of 10MW pose unprecedented challenges for the accelerator development. Therefore, it was decided to build a prototype accelerator, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc), which has the very same beam characteristic, but is limited to 9 MeV only. In the frame of this thesis, diagnostics devices for IFMIF and LIPAc have been developed. The diagnostics devices consist of beam loss monitors and interceptive as well as non-interceptive profile monitors. For the beam loss monitoring system, ionization chambers and diamond detectors have been tested and calibrated for neutron and γ radiation in the energy range expected at LIPAc. During these tests, for the first time, diamond detectors were successfully operated at cryogenic temperatures. For the interceptive profilers, thermal simulations were performed to ensure safe operation. For the non-interceptive profiler, Ionization Profile Monitors (IPMs) were developed. A prototype has been built and tested, and based on the findings, the final IPMs were designed and built. To overcome the space charge of accelerator beam, a software algorithm was written to reconstruct the actual beam profile.

A GPU Stream Computing Approach to Terrain Database Integrity Monitoring

McKeon, Sean Patrick 10 July 2009 (has links)
Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS) provide an aircraft pilot with a virtual 3-D image of surrounding terrain which is generated from a digital elevation model stored in an onboard database. SVS improves the pilot's situational awareness at night and in inclement weather, thus reducing the chance of accidents such as controlled flight into terrain. A terrain database integrity monitor is needed to verify the accuracy of the displayed image due to potential database and navigational system errors. Previous research has used existing aircraft sensors to compare the real terrain position with the predicted position. We propose an improvement to one of these models by leveraging the stream computing capabilities of commercial graphics hardware. "Brook for GPUs," a system for implementing stream computing applications on programmable graphics processors, is used to execute a streaming ray-casting algorithm that correctly simulates the beam characteristics of a radar altimeter during all phases of flight.

A Platform for Assessing the Efficiency of Distributed Access Enforcement in Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and its Validation

Komlenovic, Marko 14 January 2011 (has links)
We consider the distributed access enforcement problem for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) systems. Such enforcement has become important with RBAC's increasing adoption, and the proliferation of data that needs to be protected. We provide a platform for assessing candidates for access enforcement in a distributed architecture for enforcement. The platform provides the ability to encode data structures and algorithms for enforcement, and to measure time-, space- and administrative efficiency. To validate our platform, we use it to compare the state of the art in enforcement, CPOL [6], with two other approaches, the directed graph and the access matrix [9, 10]. We consider encodings of RBAC sessions in each, and propose and justify a benchmark for the assessment. We conclude with the somewhat surprising observation that CPOL is not necessarily the most efficient approach for access enforcement in distributed RBAC deployments.

Assessing internal contamination levels for fission product inhalation using a portal monitor

Freibert, Emily Jane 18 November 2010 (has links)
In the event of a nuclear power plant accident, fission products could be released into the atmosphere potentially affecting the health of local citizens. In order to triage the possibly large number of people impacted, a detection device is needed that can acquire data quickly and that is sensitive to internal contamination. The portal monitor TPM-903B was investigated for use in the event of a fission product release. A list of fission products released from a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) was generated and separated into two groups--Group 1 (gamma- and beta-emitting fission products) and Group 2 (strictly beta-emitting fission products.) Group one fission products were used in the previously validated Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code (MCNP) model of the portal monitor. Two MIRD anthropomorphic phantom types were implemented in the MCNP model--the Adipose Male and Child phantoms. Dose and Risk Calculation software (DCAL) provided inhalation biokinetic data that were applied to the output of the MCNP modeling to determine the radionuclide concentrations in each organ as a function of time. For each phantom type, these data were used to determine the total body counts associated with each individual gamma-emitting fission product. Corresponding adult and child dose coefficients were implemented to determine the total body counts per 250 mSv. A weighted sum of all of the isotopes involved was performed. The ratio of dose associated with gamma-emitting fission products to the total of all fission products was determined based on corresponding dose coefficients and relative abundance. This ratio was used to project the total body counts corresponding to 250mSv for the entire fission product release inhalation--including all types of radiation. The developed procedure sheets will be used by first response personnel in the event of a fission product release.

Untersuchungen zur Einsatzmöglichkeit der Dreikantmuschel Dreissena polymorpha als biologischer Filter und Wasserhygienemonitor

Schröter-Bobsin, Ute 20 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Dreikantmuscheln (Dreissena polymorpha) sind aufgrund ihrer speziellen Ernährungsweise in der Lage, erhebliche Wassermengen unterschiedlichster Qualität sehr effektiv zu filtrieren und dabei zu reinigen (Biofilter). Ziel der Arbeit waren Einschätzungen zum Leistungsumfang, der Nutzung und von Grenzen des Muschelfilters. Die Exposition der Muscheln erfolgte in der Elbe am Neustädter Hafen in Dresden (Oberflächengewässer), in dem ersten und zweiten Schönungsteich der Kläranlage Reichenau (Sachsen) und in einem Waldbad in Langebrück (Badegewässer). Eine wirksame Elutionsmethode war die Grundlage um Mikroorganismen (Bakterien, Viren und Parasiten) aus dem Muschelgewebe effizient nachweisen zu können. Die bakterielle Wiederfindungsrate von 86% und eine Wiederfindung von 97% für Bakteriophagen bestätigen die Elutionseffizienz des Verfahrens. Die Befähigung von Dreissena polymorpha zu einer saisonal beeinflussten Bioakkumulation gegenüber dem Umgebungswasser konnte durch ein Monitoring mit einem Anreicherungsfaktor für Bakterien von 87 (gemittelt) und für Bakteriophagen von 261 (gemittelt) eindrucksvoll bestätigt werden. Batchversuche im Labormaßstab bestätigten die im in situ - Monitoring ermittelte Bakterienakkumulation und demonstrieren darüber hinaus eine temperaturabhängige Inaktivierung (Elimination) der Bakterien (Intestinale Enterokokken) durch die Muscheln mit Reduktionsraten von -77% bei 20°C bzw. -61% bei 6°C. Nicht alle aufgenommenen Organismen werden durch die Muscheln inaktiviert. Das ergaben die in situ Sedimentuntersuchungen unter dem Muschelfilter. Die Verdopplung der Enterokokken sowie die erhöhten Werte der somatischen Coliphagen im Sediment unter Muschelbesatz charakterisieren dieses Kompartiment als Keimreservoir. Die bakterielle Besiedlung des Verdauungstraktes von Dreissena polymorpha wird stark durch die Bakterienzönose des umgebenden Wassers beeinflusst. Sowohl im Wasser als auch im Muschelgewebe dominierten fünf Bakterienstämme (Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes,"environmental group"). Eine auffallend hohe Dominanz zeigten die Mycoplasmen (Firmicutes), was auf eine mögliche ökologische Nische für Vertreter dieser Gattung in der Muschel hindeutet. In allen Muscheleluaten des Monitorings wurden Legionellen nachgewiesen. Die Muscheln des Teiches 2 der KA Reichenau zeigten mit 86% die höchste Kontamination aller Expositionsorte. Legionellenamplifikate im Muscheleluat 2 gingen kontinuierlich mit ebenfalls positiven Befunden im Wasser einher, so dass der Einsatz von Dreissena polymorpha auch im Biomonitoring von Legionellaceae möglich ist. Erstmalig wurden in der Elbe und im Abwasser der KA Reichenau E. coli O157:H7 infizierenden Phagen und deren Anteile nachgewiesen. Die Elbe lag mit einem E. coli O157:H7 infizierenden Phagenanteil von 7,5% deutlich über dem Rohabwasser (1,0%) und dem Zulauf zum ersten Schönungsteich der Kläranlage (0,5%). Der Stx Gennachweis im Muscheleluat war dagegen nur in einer von 24 Proben erfolgreich. Enterale Viren (AdV, EV) wurden in den Dreikantmuscheln und ihrem Umgebungswasser diskontinuierlich nachgewiesen. Enteroviren wurden im Wasser (57% gemittelt) häufiger als in der parallelen Muschelproben (10%) nachgewiesen. Parasiten (Giardia lamblia und Cryptosporidium parvum) werden durch die exponierten Muscheln aufgenommen, dies bestätigten die qualitativen Testergebnisse. In den Dreikantmuscheln wurde sowohl für G. lamblia (78%), als auch für Cryptosporidien (77%) eine durchschnittlich höhere Nachweisrate im Vergleich zu den korrespondierenden Wasserproben (42% und 36%) ermittelt. Die effiziente Akkumulation und die Umweltresistenz der Dreikantmuscheln sind hervorragende Eigenschaften, die sich zu einem zuverlässigen Biomonitor mit "Hygienegedächtnis" und hoher Sensibilität vereinen lassen.

我國社會團體設立與監督制度之研究 / A Study of a System to Establish and Monitor the Social Groups in Taiwan

林素珍 Unknown Date (has links)
社會團體是國內數量最多、最受學術界忽視的一種非營利組織,相關的研究論述並不多見。近年來,社會團體之設立制度應適度鬆綁的呼聲甚高,政府輔導團體人力縮減難以因應團體數量之增加,同時,為健全社會團體發展,團體之課責制度有建立的必要。基此,本研究旨在探討社會團體對設立方式採「登記報備制」的接受程度、對主管機關訂定監督管理規範內容的看法、以及瞭解社會團體對健全發展團體的態度,再根據研究結果,提出改進國內社會團體設立與監督制度之具體建議。除文獻分析法外,本研究採取問卷調查法來蒐集資料,經由次數分配、卡方獨立性檢定法等統計分析方法進行研究,結果發現,在團體特性與團體行為方面,國內的社會團體呈現蓬勃發展的狀態,組織成員以個人居多,又多屬小型或中型組織,財源非常不充裕,以致相當程度地影響團體之健全發展。團體的類型主要為學術團體、經濟團體、社會服務慈善公益團體等,多屬開放性質團體,守法程度及對主管機關之依賴程度均相當高;非法人團體仍有存續的空間。同時,相當多的社會團體已體認到公開資訊透明化之必要性。在對團體設立改採「登記報備制」的接受度方面,多數傾向於不贊成,惟不贊成與贊成之比例相當接近,贊成的理由主要為「可維護人民集會結社自由」。在對主管機關訂定監督管理規範內容的態度方面,(一)同意增訂組成社會團體之最低個人會員人數與團體會員單位數,並認為地方性與全國性團體應分別訂定不同標準;此外,亦贊同對公益屬性團體訂定較嚴格規範。(二)對主管機關現行會務規範多表贊同,認為會員權利義務事項應由團體於章程中自訂,不必規範理監事會之召開次數,並贊同增訂理監事最低名額、理監事占會員人數之比例、理監事相互間親屬關係限制、聘任工作人員與理監事間親屬關係限制等規範,對於開放社會團體從事符合設立目的之銷售貨物活動,但不得分配盈餘給組織成員之做法也表同意。惟對主管機關不介入處理團體爭議規定,不表同意或呈現意見分歧情況。(三)贊同對年度收入達一定規模之團體,由主管機關強制委請會計師簽證,也同意增訂主管機關可對停止活動達一定期間之團體,直接廢止備案,對違反法令情節、章程或妨礙公益情節重大之團體處以罰鍰以及委請學術機構對社會團體作績效評鑑等規定,對於現行由主管機關自行辦理社會團體績效評鑑的方式也不反對。原則上,同意增訂強制社會團體主動提供大眾查詢資料,以及主管機關將團體資料提供大眾查詢等資訊公開規範,惟對提供會員名冊及由主管機關將財務相關表報提供大眾查詢等做法,不表贊同。在對健全發展社會團體的態度方面,同意現行法令有助社會團體之健全發展,也贊成增訂部分監督管理規範有助社會團體之健全發展,並認為社會團體成立後未能健全運作最主要的原因是財源不足。 / The social group is the most popular Non-Profit Organization (NPO) in Taiwan and ignored by the academy . Its related studies are few. Although the number of employees of the authorities regulating the social groups is limited, the demand for reforming the entry regulation of the social groups is increasing. Therefore, a well-established monitoring system of the social groups is necessary and urgent. Consequently, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the social groups’ willingness to accept registration and notification system, their opinions about the contents of the monitoring system and how to run the social groups efficiently. Then policy implications for the entry-regulating and monitoring systems will be suggested based the above empirical results. This research employs questionnaire investigation to collect data. By using statistical analysis methods including frequency distribution and chi-square independence test, the empirical results of this research are stated as follows. 1.The social groups’ characteristics and behavior: the development of social groups in Taiwan is blooming. Most social groups with individual members are small or medium size. The shortage of their capital limits the level of groups’ development. The types of social group can be classified into literacy, economic, social service and charity groups. They belong to public groups, abide by the regulation and rely on governing authorities’ support. Most social groups agree to offer their information in public. Non-commonalty groups can survive and develop in current situation. Most social groups disagree the formation by registration and notification system. However, the ratio of acceptance and reject is close. The reason of acceptance is that this kind of formation can protect the freedom of civil gathering and forming an association. 2.The social groups’ attitude on the contents of monitoring and managing system of governing authorities: 2.1Most groups agree to establish regulation on minimum individual members or group members in forming a social group, set different standard level in local and national groups, and set more strictly regulation on public welfare groups. 2.2Most groups agree to abide by the current regulations such as member’s right and obligations should be stated in the stand rule by group itself, the frequency of director and supervisor’s convocation, minimum quota of director and supervisor, the ratio of director and supervisor to members, the restriction between director’s and supervisor’s relatives, and the restriction between staff personnel and director’s and supervisor’s relatives, allowing the social groups’ doing sale activities if those activities correspond with funding goal but not allowing the assignment of their earnings to members. Most groups disagree or controvert on whether governing authorities should get involved in dealing with groups’ disputes. 2.3Most groups agree to accept the appointed accountant by governing authorities to verify those groups when their annual revenue exceed certain level, to establish directly abolishment when social groups cease operation for a certain period of time, to increase the regulation of appointing academic association to evaluate their performance if they against the laws, stand rules or hinder public welfare, to establish the regulation on providing information for public research and governing authorities’ requirement. However, most groups disagree to provide member’s roll and financial related statement from governing authorities for public research. 3.Social groups’ attitude on the future development: most groups agree that the current laws are benefit to a well-developed social group, the establishment of monitoring and managing regulation is also benefit to social groups’ development. The reason for social groups which can’t be well developed after they form is shortage of their capital.

Self-tuning dynamic voltage scaling techniques for processor design

Park, Junyoung 30 January 2014 (has links)
The Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) technique has proven to be ideal in regard to balancing performance and energy consumption of a processor since it allows for almost cubic reduction in dynamic power consumption with only a nearly linear reduction in performance. Due to its virtue, the DVS technique has been used for the two main purposes: energy-saving and temperature reduction. However, recently, a Dynamic Voltage Scaled (DVS) processor has lost its appeal as process technology advances due to the increasing Process, Voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations. In order to make a processor tolerant to the increasing uncertainties caused by such variations, processor designers have used more timing margins. Therefore, in a modern-day DVS processor, reducing voltage requires comparatively more performance degradation when compared to its predecessors. For this reason, this technique has a lot of room for improvement for the following facts. (a) From an energy-saving viewpoint, excessive margins to account for the worst-case operating conditions in a DVS processor can be exploited because they are rarely used during run-time. (b) From a temperature reduction point of view, accurate prediction of the optimal performance point in a DVS processor can increase its performance. In this dissertation, we propose four performance improvement ideas from two different uses of the DVS technique. In regard to the DVS technique for energy-saving, in this dissertation, we introduce three different types of margin reduction (or margin decision) techniques. First, we introduce a new indirect Critical Path Monitor (CPM) to make a conventional DVS processor adaptive to its given environment. Our CPM is composed of several Slope Generators, each of which generates similar voltage scaling slopes to those of potential critical paths under a process corner. Each CPR in the Slope Generator tracks the delays of potential critical paths with minimum difference at any condition in a certain voltage range. The CPRs in the same Slope Generator are connected to a multiplexer and one of them is selected according to a current voltage level. Calibration steps are done by using conventional speed-binning process with clock duty-cycle modulation. Second, we propose a new direct CPM that is based on a non-speculative pre-sampling technique. A processor that is based on this technique predicts timing errors in the actual critical paths and undertakes preventive steps in order to avoid the timing errors in the event that the timing margins fall below a critical level. Unlike direct CPM that uses circuit-level speculative operation, although the shadow latch can have timing error, the main Flip-Flop (FF) of our direct CPM never fails, guaranteeing always-correct operation of the processor. Our non-speculative CPM is more suitable for high-performance processor designs than the speculative CPM in that it does not require original design modification and has lower power overhead. Third, we introduce a novel method that determines the most accurate margin that is based on the conventional binning process. By reusing the hold-scan FFs in a processor, we reduce design complexity, minimize hardware overhead and increase error detecting accuracy. Running workloads on the processor with Stop-Go clock gating allows us to find which paths have timing errors during the speed binning steps at various, fixed temperature levels. From this timing error information, we can determine the different maximum frequencies for diverse operating conditions. This method has high degree of accuracy without having a large overhead. In regard to the DVS technique for temperature reduction, we introduce a run-time temperature monitoring scheme that predicts the optimal performance point in a DVS processor with high accuracy. In order to increase the accuracy of the optimal performance point prediction, this technique monitors the thermal stress of a processor during run-time and uses several Look-Up Tables (LUTs) for different process corners. The monitoring is performed while applying Stop-Go clock gating, and the average EN value is calculated at the end of the monitoring time. Prediction of the optimal performance point is made using the average EN value and one of the LUTs that corresponds to the process corner under which the processor was manufactured. The simulation results show that we can achieve maximum processor performance while keeping the processor temperature within threshold temperature. / text

Actuator control using pre-calibrated force data on a quadrocopter

Lafih, Amil January 2013 (has links)
In flying robots, stability control is often very sensitive to the actuator performances, and the software module performing the controller, is usually subjected to a long and difficult tuning phase strongly dependent on the specific actuator used. The actuators are often electric motors equipped with propellers. The motor and propeller combination performs differently for every choice of components adopted, even if they are provided by the same vendor with the same part family. The project aims to develop an intelligent actuator module for flying robots composed by a BLDC motor and a propeller, which is invariant to the specific motor and propeller adopted. By gathering the force data of the four used on a quadrocopter, the force and control signal relation could be defined and stored into the program memory of the control board. A battery monitor and a Force-PWM controller was implemented such that it takes force as input and outputs the desired PWM-signal. Tests were made on a prototype of Iqarus quadrocopter and by mounting it with ropes to the floor, it was tested on the lift-off phase. The experiment showed theoretical and practical results, which concludes that the quadrocopter maintained the ability to lift right upwards without any remaining control, assuming proper weight balance of the quadrocopter. / Inom flygande robotar, är stabilitet kontrollen oerhört känsligt till styrdonets prestation, och mjukvaru modulen som utför kontrollen, är ofta förknippad med en lång och problematisk justerings fas starkt beroende av de enskilda styrdonen. Styrdonen är ofta elektriska motorer med propeller. Motor och propeller kombinationen uppträder olika för varje val av komponent, även om komponenterna är försedda från samma återförsäljare och modell. Syftet med detta projekt är att utveckla en intelligent styrdons modul för flygande robotar, omfattad av en BLDC motor och propeller, som blir oberoende av den särskilda motor och propeller kombination som används. Genom att samla kraft data för de fyra styrdonen som används på en quadrocopter, kunde relationen mellan kraft och kontroll signal bli definierad och lagrad i program minnet för kontrol kortet. En batteri monitor och en Kraft-PWM kontroller implementerades, vilket tar kraft data som ingång och skickar ut motsvarande PWM-signal som utgång. Tester var gjorda med en prototyp av Iqarus quadrocopter och genom att binda fast den med rep till golvet, testades den för upplyfts fasen. Experimenten visade teoretiska och praktiska resultat, vilket visar att quadrocoptern bevarade förmågan att lyfta rakt uppåt utan någon övrig kontroll, förutsatt ordentlig vikt balans av quadrocoptern. / <p>Hejsan,</p><p>Detta ar den nya versionen, som ska ersatta den gamla versionen som blev uppladdad 6/11-13.</p><p>Tack,</p><p></p><p>Mvh</p><p>Amil Lafih</p>

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