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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Assessment of Information Systems Effectiveness in Private and Hospital Pathology.

Belkin, Markus, markus.belkin@rmit.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
This research investigates the role of laboratory information systems on business outcomes in medical pathology in Australia. Pathology information systems are inherently large-scale systems handling large numbers of data daily to service not only the pathology laboratory itself, but also referring medical practitioners. Patient results are often required in a

'Of The People, By The People, For The People' Workers' Compensation in Queensland: The Rise and Fall of a Policy Community

Cowan, Paula, n/a January 2005 (has links)
The central question posed in this thesis is why has the Queensland model of workers' compensation been so enduring? The legislation remained largely intact from 1916 until 2001, with the exception of the years from 1996 to 1998. This was so despite the fact the central feature of a state-controlled monopoly that underpinned this model was always potentially divisive in line with the variances between liberal-conservative traditions and social-democratic ideals that subsisted in broader political culture. In addressing this question of longevity, this thesis explores the capacity of an initially contentious piece of legislation to draw strong support from former opponents, and the argument is put forward that it is best explained through the development and operation of a policy community that fostered a shared set of core values relative to broad workers' compensation policy preferences. These core values were compulsory state monopoly, no fault insurance and full access to common law. Thus, the longevity of the legislation is attributed to the continued support by key stakeholders of these core values. The thesis also demonstrates that policy community relations deteriorated during the 1990s as governments responded to broader political pressures precipitated by reform agendas. Inconsistencies in core values and policy outcomes for each stakeholder emerged as governments attempted to assert unprecedented control over the direction of workers' compensation in order to meet broader political goals. The legislation was threatened as relations within the policy community proved unsustainable when existing core values were contested.


曾福安 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區的菸酒專賣制度,在創辦之初即被賦予「財政收入」、「寓禁於價、抑制消費,維護國民健康」及「社會公平」等三項目標。但根據本論文的分析,菸酒專賣利益的財政地位,逐漸被租稅為取代。「抑制菸酒消費」及「社會公平」二項目標,則因菸酒本身具沉溺性且價格彈性低,而不易達成。 其次,就組織型態而言,菸酒公賣局必須接受上級行政機關及立法院的雙重監督,嚴重影響其經營及管理的成效。其根本解決之道,則是廢止菸酒專賣制度,回歸租稅課徵,並將菸酒公賣局民營化,藉由競爭達到提升其經營效率的目標。 將來菸酒回歸課稅後,菸酒稅法應以單獨立法為宜。其課徵方式則以從量課徵為佳。此外,在菸酒專賣制度下免稅或停徵的各稅,如營利事業所得稅、營業稅、貨物稅、關稅、地價稅、土地增值稅、房屋稅及契稅等,建議暫無須配套修正。

我國設立智慧財產權專責機構之研究 / Research on the Setup of the Monopoly Organization of Intellectual Property Rights in R.O.C.

賴秋雲, Lai, Chau Yun Unknown Date (has links)
智慧財產權乃是人類智慧的結晶,為國勢強弱的指標。環顧自工業革命以還,智慧財產所有權法制之開展,不惟素執教有文化交流之前導,更形成二十世紀科技傳播之主要管道。是以智慧財產權制度之良寙,關係一國政經文教之盛衰,現代國家無不寄予非常之重視。   由於國際貿易的發達,以及國際關係的密切,一國經濟情況的變動,同時也影響到他國的經濟情況,因此國際局勢的演變,甚或一國在經濟政治策略上的修正,均足以使無數國家的經濟組合因此為之動搖,或毀滅。身處二十世紀複雜而微妙的國際關係裹,除了要了解並把握本國的經濟、社會、文化等實際情況外,更須要了解揣摩他國制度,從而異中求同,探索彼此間最大利益。   研究機關組織也是一樣,不可閉門造車,應多研究外國經驗,考慮問題不宜太細,並應將機關業務的特性納入考量。智慧財產權制度與工商業的發展是相輔相成的,愈是工商業發達的國家,有關智慧財產權的管理機構與法律規範也就愈為進步。歐、美、日先進工業國家在智慧財產權方面多係由獨立專責機構處理,我國現亦正積極準備成立智慧財產權專責機構,以利相關事務之推動。專利事務有別於一般行政事務,涉及技術與法律,目前大部分國家均由專利局或專利商標局掌理。亦有成立智慧財產局統籌專利、商標、著作權等智慧財產權事務。一個現代化的國家,未設置專門辦理專利、商標業務的專責機構者,幾可謂絕無僅有。職是之故,為求辦好專利、商標業務,我國應儘速成立專責機構,集專門人才於一爐,共策我國智慧財產權制度的健全與推行。   研究公共行政學最有意義的事,莫過於實際參與公共行政問題的解決。適逢此智慧財產權保護聲浪之際,筆者有幸,實際參與智慧財產權保護問題的解決。希望以個人微小的力量,將有關智慧財產權的問題加以分析研究,以能喚起政府當局及全國民眾正視與探討此一攸關經濟發展與文化提升之問題。而儘速成立智慧財產權專責機構,建立完善的審查制度,在形式上得以提升組織氣候;在實質上以發揮產業科技革新及提升文化水準的主導地位。   本文共分為七章三十一節,各章要旨如下:   第一章「緒論」,計分三節,包括研究動機與研究目的、研究方法與研究限制、研究流程與重要名詞界定。   第二章「智慧財產權的基本概念」,計分四節來討論,包括智慧財產權的意義、範圍、特性、重要性及功用,智慧財產權制度的沿革。   第三章「我國智慧財產權行政體制之現況」,計分四節來討論,包括我國智慧財產權制度之發展及現行專利權、商標權、著作權主管機關之現況等。   第四章「世界各國智慧財產權行政制度之現況」,計分七節來討論,包括日本、韓國、美國、德國、英國與中國大陸智慧財產權行政組織之現況及智慧財產權合作組織-歐洲專利局之設立與組織等。   第五章「我國現行智慧財產權制度所面臨的問題」,計分三節來討論,包括美國特別三○一條款-貿易報復的壓力、我國現行智慧財產權行政體制與有關體系及資源制度之缺失等。   第六章「我國智慧財產權行政組織重整之理論基礎」,計分五節來討論,包括組織的成長、演進與變遷,組織重組理論,行政組織與公務人力必須配合環境變遷作適時的調整,行政組織調整所面臨的問題,及研擬行政機關組織法規應遵循的事項等。   第七章「健全我國智慧財產權制度之研究發現與建議事項」,為研究建議及結語,計分五節,包括儘速設立一個健全而完善的智慧財產權專責機關、健全我國專利審查人員制度、健全我國智慧財產權相關體制、及我國應爭取加入世界相關組織以確保國人權益等。

Förskollärarkårens professionaliseringssträvanden 1960 – 2005 ur ett fackligt perspektiv

Nyberg, Britt January 2008 (has links)
<p>The overall point of the study is to describe and understand the endeavours of the pre-school teachers’ trade union to establish professionalism within this field of work, from the end of the 1960s to 2005. In order to shed light on the subject the main questions asked and answered in this study were: How does the pre-school teachers’ trade union act on issues regarding the autonomy of the pre-school teaching profession? To what extent, and in what way, does the pre-school teachers’ trade union strengthen the pre-school teaching profession’s position by differentiating itself from, and/or allying itself with other professional groups? Which knowledge base is the pre-school teachers’ trade union trying to establish and how does the union act on issues concerning the pre-school teaching profession’s knowledge base? How can these endeavours be understood from a gender perspective? The study presents profession and gender theoretical perspectives. It is based on an analysis of trade-union and official documents concerning pre-school, such as government enquiries, general guidelines and formal instructions.</p><p>The analysis shows that state regulation of pre-school and its teachers has increased over the 45-year period in question. The result of this has been clearer directives but, at the same time, a loss of professional autonomy. The pre-school teachers’ trade unions’ endeavours to establish a professional monopoly through attempting to differentiate the profession by excluding people without a university degree, has been unsuccessful despite exclusion strategies aimed at nursery nurses. A clear effort can be seen to build an alliance with the teachers in compulsory schools. Aside from extending the pre-school teachers’ university training to 3.5 years, it is also evident that the move from care and developmental psychology to pedagogy and learning has been effected through the alliance with the compulsory school teachers. From a gender perspective, the context of pre-school teaching can be seen to have changed symbolically from one primarily intended to provide care and monitor children to a more pedagogical institution. Pre-school teachers have become teachers and children’s learning is emphasised more than their development. Overall this means that the pre-school teachers have a new identity and that pre-school teaching is no longer so clearly a woman’s job.</p>

Are competitors ready to take on a deregulated Apoteket AB?

Ahmed Ibrahim, Amina, Yola Konlaan, Beatrice, Nakajugo Basudde, Carol January 2008 (has links)
<p>Date: 2008-06-05</p><p>Level: Master Thesis in Business Administration, 15 ECTS</p><p>Authors: Amina Ahmed Ibrahim Beatrice Yola Konlaan Carol Nakajugo Basudde</p><p>Tutor: Sigvard Herber</p><p>Title: Are competitors ready to take on a deregulated Apoteket AB? Problem: With the oncoming deregulation of the monopoly, Apoteket AB appears to have a competitive advantage over incoming competition therefore the problem is to find out:</p><p> What competitive advantage Apoteket AB has over its competitors.</p><p> If the competitors have the tools to successfully compete with Apoteket AB.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to find out whether competitors in Sweden are able to compete successfully with Apoteket AB for the market of non prescription medicine.</p><p>Method: Qualitative and quantitative methods have been used in this thesis. In order to achieve the desired result of this research it is appropriate to choose this approach since it enables the researcher to be able to explore all areas of the subject at hand and also give an in-depth discussion and analysis.</p><p>Conclusion: Apoteket AB has several competitive advantages over its competitors. It has a strong brand name that is known and trusted by customers. While all three competing companies see themselves as complements to Apoteket AB, we think that the competitors have what it takes to successfully compete with Apoteket. Judging from previous cases such as Norway and Denmark which showed different outcomes of deregulation in the retail pharmaceutical industry, the competitors in both cases have not been on the losing side. Supermarkets, petrol stations and grocery stores in Denmark and Norway were also competing with their respective pharmacies based mainly on price, accessibility and convenience. In conclusion this is an indication that the competitors in Sweden have more than enough tools to successfully compete with Apoteket AB.</p><p>Keywords: Deregulation, Pharmaceutical retail, Apoteket AB, Monopoly, Competition.</p> / <p>Datum: 2008-06-05</p><p>Nivå: Magister Uppsats i Företagsekonomi, 15 Högskolepoäng Författare: Amina Ahmed Ibrahim Beatrice Yola Konlaan Carol Nakajugo Basudde</p><p>Handledare: Sigvard Herber</p><p>Titel: Är konkurrenter beredda att konkurrera med Apoteket AB i en avreglerad marknad?</p><p>Problem: I samband med den kommande avregleringen av monopolet, Apoteket AB verkar ha konkurrensfördel gentemot konkurrenterna. Problemformuleringen lyder:</p><p> Vilka konkurrensfördelar har Apoteket AB över sina konkurrenter?</p><p> Har konkurrenterna de rätta verktygen för att framgångsrikt konkurrera med Apoteket AB?</p><p>Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på om konkurrenterna i Sverige kan framgångsrikt konkurrera med Apoteket AB i den receptfria marknaden.</p><p>Metod: En kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod har använts i denna uppsats. För att uppnå det önskade resultat är det nödvändigt att använda sig av både en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod, dels för att utförligt kunna utforska ämnet och ge en djupgående diskussion och analys.</p><p>Slutsats: Apoteket AB har en mängd konkurrensfördelar över sina konkurrenter. Företaget har ett starkt märke som kunderna känner till och litar på. De tre konkurrerande företag ser sig själva som ett komplement till Apoteket AB dock anser vi att konkurrenterna har vad som krävs för att framgångsrikt kunna konkurrera med Apoteket. Apotekets avreglering i Norge och Danmark har visat olika resultat, däremot har inte konkurrenterna i båda fall inte varit på den förlorande sidan. Matbutiker och bensin stationer i Danmark och Norge har konkurrerat med huvudsakligen pris, bekvämlighet och tillgänglighet med sina respektive Apotek. Detta är en indikation på att konkurrenterna i Sverige har tillräckligt med verktyg för att framgångsrikt kunna konkurrera med Apoteket AB.</p><p>Nyckelord: Avreglering, Apoteket AB, Monopol, Konkurrens.</p>

CSR på en avreglerad marknad : Socialt ansvarstagande som konkurrensfördel / CSR and Deregulation : Social Responsibility and Competitive Advantage

Gustavsson, Peter, Häggquist, Joel January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund:</strong> Den statliga utredningen En framtida spelreglering presenterades under december 2008. Ett förslag i utredningen är att delar av monopolet på den svenska spelmarknaden i framtiden kan komma att konkurrensutsättas.</p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur det sociala ansvarstagandet påverkas och i vilken omfattning CSR kan utgöra en konkurrensfördel på en avreglerad marknad.</p><p><strong>Genomförande:</strong> Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod där Svenska Spel, Ladbrokes och Betssons CSR - arbete studeras. Utöver sekundärdata har det empiriska materialet kompletterats genom intervjuer med varje företag.</p><p><strong>Resultat:</strong> En avreglerad marknad behöver inte innebära att företagens sociala ansvarstagande minskar i samhället. Att integrera CSR i företagsstrategin är ett viktigt led i att nå acceptans bland intressenterna på marknaden. För ett lyckat CSR – arbete menar vi att företagens interna resurser måste användas med hänsyn till flertalet faktorer i den omgivande miljön.</p> / <p><strong>Background:</strong> During the end of 2008 the Swedish government published a submission for comment regarding the future legislation of the Swedish gambling industry. The investigation suggests that new entrants may be allowed to enter the Swedish market.</p><p><strong>Aim:</strong> The purpose of this thesis is to determine if and how the social responsibility is affected when a market is deregulated, and if CSR is a possible tool for creating competitive advantage.</p><p><strong>Completion:</strong> The study is based on a qualitative method and examines the gambling companies Svenska Spel, Ladbrokes and Betsson. We conducted questionnaire studies among the examined gambling companies to enhance the secondary data.</p><p><strong>Findings:</strong> Our findings suggest that there is a good possibility for social responsibility to maintain a strong position in a deregulated market. CSR integration with the corporate strategy is an important step concerning acceptance among the company’s stakeholders.</p>

Are competitors ready to take on a deregulated Apoteket AB?

Ahmed Ibrahim, Amina, Yola Konlaan, Beatrice, Nakajugo Basudde, Carol January 2008 (has links)
Date: 2008-06-05 Level: Master Thesis in Business Administration, 15 ECTS Authors: Amina Ahmed Ibrahim Beatrice Yola Konlaan Carol Nakajugo Basudde Tutor: Sigvard Herber Title: Are competitors ready to take on a deregulated Apoteket AB? Problem: With the oncoming deregulation of the monopoly, Apoteket AB appears to have a competitive advantage over incoming competition therefore the problem is to find out:  What competitive advantage Apoteket AB has over its competitors.  If the competitors have the tools to successfully compete with Apoteket AB. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to find out whether competitors in Sweden are able to compete successfully with Apoteket AB for the market of non prescription medicine. Method: Qualitative and quantitative methods have been used in this thesis. In order to achieve the desired result of this research it is appropriate to choose this approach since it enables the researcher to be able to explore all areas of the subject at hand and also give an in-depth discussion and analysis. Conclusion: Apoteket AB has several competitive advantages over its competitors. It has a strong brand name that is known and trusted by customers. While all three competing companies see themselves as complements to Apoteket AB, we think that the competitors have what it takes to successfully compete with Apoteket. Judging from previous cases such as Norway and Denmark which showed different outcomes of deregulation in the retail pharmaceutical industry, the competitors in both cases have not been on the losing side. Supermarkets, petrol stations and grocery stores in Denmark and Norway were also competing with their respective pharmacies based mainly on price, accessibility and convenience. In conclusion this is an indication that the competitors in Sweden have more than enough tools to successfully compete with Apoteket AB. Keywords: Deregulation, Pharmaceutical retail, Apoteket AB, Monopoly, Competition. / Datum: 2008-06-05 Nivå: Magister Uppsats i Företagsekonomi, 15 Högskolepoäng Författare: Amina Ahmed Ibrahim Beatrice Yola Konlaan Carol Nakajugo Basudde Handledare: Sigvard Herber Titel: Är konkurrenter beredda att konkurrera med Apoteket AB i en avreglerad marknad? Problem: I samband med den kommande avregleringen av monopolet, Apoteket AB verkar ha konkurrensfördel gentemot konkurrenterna. Problemformuleringen lyder:  Vilka konkurrensfördelar har Apoteket AB över sina konkurrenter?  Har konkurrenterna de rätta verktygen för att framgångsrikt konkurrera med Apoteket AB? Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på om konkurrenterna i Sverige kan framgångsrikt konkurrera med Apoteket AB i den receptfria marknaden. Metod: En kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod har använts i denna uppsats. För att uppnå det önskade resultat är det nödvändigt att använda sig av både en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod, dels för att utförligt kunna utforska ämnet och ge en djupgående diskussion och analys. Slutsats: Apoteket AB har en mängd konkurrensfördelar över sina konkurrenter. Företaget har ett starkt märke som kunderna känner till och litar på. De tre konkurrerande företag ser sig själva som ett komplement till Apoteket AB dock anser vi att konkurrenterna har vad som krävs för att framgångsrikt kunna konkurrera med Apoteket. Apotekets avreglering i Norge och Danmark har visat olika resultat, däremot har inte konkurrenterna i båda fall inte varit på den förlorande sidan. Matbutiker och bensin stationer i Danmark och Norge har konkurrerat med huvudsakligen pris, bekvämlighet och tillgänglighet med sina respektive Apotek. Detta är en indikation på att konkurrenterna i Sverige har tillräckligt med verktyg för att framgångsrikt kunna konkurrera med Apoteket AB. Nyckelord: Avreglering, Apoteket AB, Monopol, Konkurrens.

Assessment of spinning reserve requirements in a deregulated system

Odinakaeze, Ifedi Kenneth 22 March 2010
A spinning reserve assessment technique for a deregulated system has been developed and presented in this thesis. The technique is based on direct search optimization approach. Computer programs have been developed to implement the optimization processes both for transmission loss and without transmission loss.<p> A system commits adequate generation to satisfy its load and export/import commitment. Additional generation known as spinning reserve is also required to satisfy unforeseen load changes or withstand sudden generation loss. In a vertically integrated system, a single entity generates, transmits and distributes electrical energy. As a part of its operational planning, the single entity decides the level of spinning reserve. The cost associated with generation, transmission, distribution including the spinning reserve is then passed on to the customers.<p> In a deregulated system, generation, transmission and distribution are three businesses. Generators compete with each other to sell their energy to the Independent System Operators (ISO). ISO coordinates the bids from the generation as well as the bids from the bulk customers. In order to ensure a reliable operation, ISO must also ensure that the system has adequate spinning reserve. ISO must buy spinning reserve from the spinning reserve market. A probabilistic method called the load forecast uncertainty (LFU)-based spinning reserve assessment (LSRA) is proposed to assess the spinning reserve requirements in a deregulated power system.<p> The LSRA is an energy cost- based approach that incorporates the load forecast uncertainty of the day-ahead market (DAM) and the energy prices within the system in the assessment process. The LSRA technique analyzes every load step of the 49-step LFU model and the probability that the hourly DAM load will be within that load step on the actual day. Economic and reliability decisions are made based on the analysis to determine and minimize the total energy cost for each hour subject to certain system constraints in order to assess the spinning reserve requirements. The direct search optimization approach is easily implemented in the determination of the optimal SR requirements since the objective function is a combination of linear and non-linear functions. This approach involves varying the amount of SR within the system from zero to the maximum available capacity. By varying the amount of SR within the system, the optimal SR for which the hourly total operating cost is minimum and all operating constraints are satisfied is evaluated.<p> One major advantage of the LSRA technique is the inclusion of all the major system variables like DAM hourly loads and energy prices and the utilization of the stochastic nature of the system components in its computation. The setback in this technique is the need to have access to historical load data and spot market energy prices during all seasons. The availability and reliability of these historical data has a huge effect on the LSRA technique to adequately assess the spinning reserve requirements in a deregulated system.<p> The technique, along with the effects of load forecast uncertainty, energy prices of spinning reserve and spot market and the reloading up and down limits of the generating zones on the spinning reserve requirements are illustrated in detail in this thesis work. The effects of the above stochastic components of the power system on the spinning reserve requirements are illustrated numerically by different graphs using a computer simulation of the technique incorporating test systems with and without transmission loss.

Essays in Industrial Organization: Market Performance

Ye, Mingxiao 12 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis consists of three papers. Industries that motivated this analysis range are exclusive clubs (Chapter 1) and pharmaceuticals (Chapters 2 and 3). A common thread is the study of the strategic behavior of monopoly or monopoly-like firms and the implications of such behavior. Chapter 1 studies an “invitation only” strategy for a durable goods monopolist. “Invitation only” functions as a commitment device, enabling the extraction of more profit than the conventional durable goods setting. In addition, the effectiveness of commitment devices in profit-extraction can be compared: each commitment device is modeled as an extra condition in the profit maximization of the general durable goods monopolist, enabling straightforward comparisons across commitment devices. Chapters 2 and 3 discuss the effect of patent protection on innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, in particular competition to produce drugs that follow-on from pioneer drug discovery, and any feedback effects on pioneer innovation. Despite the conventional notion, I show that longer patent protection may reduce or distort the incentives of innovation: with longer patents, the increased need of pioneer inventors in deterring the production of follow-on drugs may translate to less profitability for the pioneer inventor. Chapter 2 serves as a background and a literature review for Chapter 3. It explains the multi-stage drug discovery process and the phenomenon of follow-on drugs; it reviews strategic entry deterrence theories and summarizes the behavior of brand-name drug firms in deterring generic entry studied in the literature; it also reviews the optimal patent length and breadth literature. Chapter 3 presents several observed puzzles in the pharmaceutical industry and provides a unified explanation for these puzzles within a strategic entry deterrence model. The central conclusion is that under some general conditions, longer patent life distorts incentives for innovation and lowers research productivity: pioneer research is discouraged relative to follow-on research; inexpensive R&D projects are discouraged, and ceteris paribus expensive projects are favored instead, especially those with large clinical trial costs. Other predictions from the model accord with industry observations, including mid-development cancellations of potential drugs for non-medical reasons and early development of follow-on drugs in large markets.

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