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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A prematuridade no discurso materno: de que se trata? / Prematurity in the maternal speech: what is it about?

Bianca Wierman Boreggio 14 April 2016 (has links)
Quais os efeitos do diagnóstico de prematuridade no discurso das mães e suas repercussões na relação mãe-criança? Partindo desta questão, que surgiu na experiência psicanalítica em um hospital pediátrico, o presente estudo visa analisar os efeitos do diagnóstico de prematuridade no discurso materno a partir de entrevistas psicanalíticas preliminares com mães de crianças prematuras. Trata-se de uma pesquisa clínica qualitativa que propõe uma articulação entre clínica e teoria a partir da construção de quatro casos clínicos fundamentados pelo referencial teórico da psicanálise de Freud, Lacan e autores contemporâneos. Se no imaginário social a prematuridade é associada a dificuldades em diversos contextos da vida, a análise de cada caso revela que este diagnóstico pode ou não ser encadeado pelo sujeito aos significantes que o marcam de forma prevalente. Nesta via, a prematuridade se desloca do lugar determinante de algo que sempre marca e decide, para um lugar que só pode ser escutado no um a um. Para a análise dos casos, elencou-se a divisão mãe-mulher como operador conceitual central dada sua prevalência nos discursos, em um percurso teórico que parte da história do amor materno ao exame psicanalítico da maternidade a partir da sexualidade feminina. Tais considerações partem do mito do amor materno de Badinter, em direção à equivalência do filho como substituto da falta fálica em Freud, até à ênfase ao desejo da mulher na mãe em Lacan. A discussão apresenta os diferentes lugares atribuídos à prematuridade por cada sujeito feminino e a prevalência de impasses próprios à conjunção e disjunção mãe-mulher incidindo na relação mãe-criança / What are the effects of the diagnosis of prematurity on mothers\' discourse and their repercussions on the mother-child relationship? Based on an issue that arose in the psychoanalytic experience in a pediatric hospital, this study aims to analyze the effects of the prematurity on the maternal speech by means of preliminary psychoanalytic interviews with mothers of premature children. This is a clinical qualitative research that proposes some articulation between clinical practice and theory based on the construction of four clinical cases justified by the theoretical reference of the psychoanalysis of Freud, Lacan and contemporary authors. If, in the social imagery, prematurity is associated with difficulties in various contexts of life, the analysis of each case shows that this diagnosis may or may not be triggered by the subject towards those significant ones who label them in such a defining form. In this sense, prematurity moves away from the place determinant of something that always labels and decides, into a place that can only be heard about in oneto- one conversations. For the case studies, the mother-woman disintegration has been singled out as a central conceptual operator due to its prevalence in the speeches, in a theoretical route based on the history of maternal love, under the psychoanalytical examination of maternity from the perspective of female sexuality. Such considerations are based on the myth of Badinter\'s maternal love toward the equivalence of the son as a surrogate for the lack of phallus, in Freud, to the emphasis on the woman\'s desire in the mother, in Lacan. The discussion presents the different roles allocated to prematurity and the prevalence of deadlocks typical of the mother-woman conjunction and disjunction reflected on the mother-child relationship

Condições de saúde bucal em pares mãe-filho na população indígena do Médio e Baixo Xingu: cárie dentária e necessidade de tratamento / Oral health of mother-child pair in the Indigenous population of Lower and Middle Xingu: dental caries and treatment needs

Lucila Brandão Hirooka 14 October 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a experiência de cárie dentária e necessidade de tratamento em pares mãe-filho indígenas residentes em aldeias da região do Médio e Baixo Xingu através dos dados obtidos no Inquérito Epidemiológico de Saúde Bucal do Médio e Baixo Xingu, realizado em 2007. Participaram desse estudo, 246 crianças de 3 a 5 anos de idade e suas respectivas mães. Foram analisados os índices de cárie ceo-d e CPO-D para as dentições decídua e permanente, respectivamente e necessidade de tratamento relacionado à cárie dentária, segundo os critérios propostos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (1997). A estratificação por sexo, faixa etária e localização por pólo-base foi usada na epidemiologia descritiva dos problemas de saúde bucal. A análise do índice CPO-D das mães evidenciou um valor médio de 14,3. Nas mães na faixa etária de 35 a 44 anos, o componente perdido foi responsável por mais de 80% da magnitude do índice e 37,2% apresentavam alguma necessidade de tratamento relacionada à cárie. O índice ceo-d dos filhos apresentou valor médio de 4,7 e não foi observada diferença em relação ao sexo. Apenas 13,4% dos filhos estavam livres de cárie e 79,7% necessitavam de tratamento. Não houve diferença na experiência de cárie de mães e filhos entre os pólos-base e a idade materna não apresentou correlação com a experiência de cárie do filho (=0,06). Não foi observada relação entre a necessidade de tratamento materno e prevalência de cárie ou necessidade de tratamento nos filhos. Não houve correlação significante entre a idade materna e experiência de cárie do filho (=0,06). Estes resultados sugerem que é importante considerar toda comunidade, e não apenas a mãe, nas relações de saúde bucal das crianças indígenas. A comunidade precisa ser envolvida no planejamento de estratégias de prevenção e promoção da saúde, adaptadas à realidade local, para que estas se tornem realmente efetivas. Os serviços de atenção à saúde bucal, ainda que presentes nesta área e com impactos importantes, precisam ser expandidos e/ou novas estratégias formuladas, particularmente em relação às crianças até cinco anos, considerando a complexidade e especificidades socioculturais dos povos indígenas. / The aim of the present study was to describe the oral health conditions, focusing on dental caries and needs for dental treatment, of mother-child pairs from the Lower and Middle Xingu region, Xingu Indigenous Park, Brazil. A descriptive study was conducted through data obtained in the 2007 epidemiological dental survey carried out in Lower and Middle Xingu. The study population consisted of 3-5-yr-old children (n=246) and their mothers (n=206). DMF-T index, def-t Index and dental treatment needs were used, according to the criteria established by World Health Organization (WHO, 1997). Sociodemographic data included sex, age and home location for pole-base. Mothers DMF-T index was 14.3. For the 35-44 age mothers, the missing component was responsible for more than 80% of the DMF-T index and 37.2% presented dental needs. The mean value of def-t index in children was 4.7 and caries index did not differ by gender for deciduous teeth. Caries-free children were only 13.4% and 79.7% had some needs for dental treatment. No difference was found in relation to caries prevalence and home location for pole-base and maternal age showed no correlation with childrens caries prevalence ( = 0.06). There was no relation to dental treatment needs between mother and child, and there was no association between childs caries prevalence and mothers dental treatment needs. There was not a significant correlation between the prevalence of caries in mother-child pairs ( = 0.16). These results suggest that is important to consider the entire community, not just the mother, regarding indigenous childs oral health. The community should be involved in planning strategies for prevention and health promotion, adapted to local realities, so that they become really effective. The services of oral health care, even if present in this area and with significant impacts, need to be expanded and / or new strategies formulated, particularly for children up to five years, considering the complexity and socio-cultural specificities of Indigenous people.

O significado da amamentação na construção da relação mãe e filho: um estudo interacionista simbólico / The significance of breastfeeding in the construction of the mother/child relationship: a symbolic interactionist study

Siqueira, Fernanda Paula Cerantola 26 July 2012 (has links)
Com a finalidade de ampliar a compreensão da formação de vínculo entre mãe e filho e qual o papel da amamentação nesse processo, este estudo teve como objetivos: Compreender os significados atribuídos pela mulher à amamentação na construção do vínculo entre mãe e filho e compreender como os significados atribuídos pela mulher à amamentação influenciam a construção do vínculo entre mãe e filho. Utilizaram-se a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados e o Interacionismo Simbólico como referenciais metodológicos e teóricos, respectivamente para a análise dos dados. Foram entrevistadas 22 mulheres, sem restrição de idade ou de outra variável social ou biológica, que deram luz aos seus filhos em uma maternidade do município de Marília-SP, cujo último filho, na época da coleta de dados, estivesse com idade entre dez e 24 meses. A análise dos dados mostrou que há uma complexidade na construção da relação entre mãe e filho que pode estar vinculada à experiência da mulher e significados atribuídos desde o processo de gestar e ir além da fase da amamentação, a depender dos elementos significativos que esta mulher e seu filho tecem no decorrer de sua interação. Esses elementos podem ser compreendidos por meio de quatro temas: PERCEBENDO-SE GRÁVIDA, TENDO QUE CUIDAR DA CRIANÇA, VIVENCIANDO A AMAMENTAÇÃO e CONSTRUINDO A RELAÇÃO COM O FILHO. Nesse processo, a amamentação é interpretada como um forte elemento interacional simbólico entre a mãe e o bebê, propiciando a descoberta de sentimentos mútuos, e um significado de forte elo de ligação, interpretados e atribuídos pela mãe. A sua percepção dos sentimentos de amor e carinho, gerados neste processo do cuidar da criança, sofre retroalimentação contínua e crescente, resultado da interpretação materna em perceber a retribuição do apego da criança pela mãe, pelos gestos e pela necessidade demonstrada de proximidade por ambos. Na continuidade da construção da relação, outros elementos são descobertos e atribuídos como determinantes significativos da ligação entre eles, sendo a presença materna o elemento simbólico mais forte dessa construção, que abrange o estar grávida, amamentar e continuar no cuidado ao filho. / In order to broaden the understanding of the bonding between mother and child and the role of breastfeeding in this process, this study aimed to understand the meanings attributed to breastfeeding by the women in the construction of this bonding between mother and child, and to understand how this meanings have influence in the construction of the bond between mother and child. Data Based Theory and the Symbolic Interactionism were used as theoretical and methodological references, respectively, for data analysis. Twenty two women, irrespective of age or other social/biological variable that gave birth to their infants in a maternity hospital in the city of Marília SP and whose last child were aged between ten and 24 months at the time of data collection were interviewed. Data analysis showed that there is some complexity in the construction of the mother/child relationship that can be linked to the womans experience and to meanings attributed since the generating process that can continue beyond the lactation stage, and that depend on significant elements that this woman and her child weave during their interaction. These elements can be understood through four themes: KNOWING ABOUT THE PREGNANCY, HAVING TO TAKE CARE OF THE CHILD, EXPERIENCING THE BREASTFEEDING, and CONSTRUCTING THE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CHILD. During this process, breastfeeding is interpreted as a strong symbolic interactional element between mother and baby, allowing the discovery of mutual feelings, and the meaning of a strong link, interpreted and attributed by the mother. Her perception of love and affection feelings, generated during this process of taking care of the child, undergoes continual and growing feedback as a result of the maternal interpretation in noticing the retribution of the child by gestures and the need of proximity by both of them. During the continuation of this relationship, other elements are discovered and considered as significant determinants of this link; the maternal presence is the strongest symbolic element in this construction, which covers being pregnant, breastfeeding, and taking care of the child.

O sintoma psicomotor: a problemática do gozo na relação mãe-filho / The psychomotor symptom: the issue of joy in the mother-child relationship

Severo, Paula Werner 28 January 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa procurou estudar o sintoma psicomotor na infância, este abrange distúrbios como dislexias, disortografias, problemas de coordenação e equilíbrio e alguns diagnósticos de Transtorno de Deficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade cujos casos vem aumentando exponencialmente na atualidade. A etiologia do sintoma psicomotor por muito tempo permaneceu obscura e relacionada exclusivamente a lesões e distúrbios neuronais, os quais deixavam como únicas alternativas tratamentos medicamentosos e reeducativos. Com os estudos psicanalíticos iniciados por J. Lacan e M. Mannoni acerca desses sintomas, a etiologia se tornou gradativamente mais clara, e os relacionou a fantasia familiar em que a criança é imersa como objeto de satisfação. Dessa forma, este trabalho visou pesquisar a formação deste tipo de sintoma, o gozo e fantasia da criança e cuidadores envolvidos nessa relação. Para tanto foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os conceitos psicanalíticos e atendimentos clínicos a crianças com sintomas psicomotores através do Laboratório Sujeito e Corpo da Universidade de São Paulo. Os resultados indicam que o gozo no sintoma psicomotor envolve duas pessoas, mais frequêntemente mãe ou pessoa na função materna e o filho, os quais se colocam em uma relação de interdependência, a ponto de não haver espaço para uma autonomia e independência necessárias ao desenvolvimento da criança. Os sintomas psicomotores são resultado de uma satisfação fantasística que envolve o corpo da criança nessa relação / This research sought to study the psychomotor symptoms in childhood, it includes disturbances such as dyslexia, dysorthographies, problems with coordination and balance and some diagnoses of Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder which cases have been exponentially increased at the present. The etiology of the psychomotor symptoms for a long time remained obscure and exclusively related to injury and neuronal disorders, which has left as the only alternatives medical and reeducational treatments. With the psychoanalytic studies started by J. Lacan and M. Mannoni about these symptoms, the etiology became gradually clearer, and it was related to the family fantasy in which the child is immersed as objects of satisfaction. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the constitution of this symptom, the enjoyment and fantasy of children and caregivers involved in this relationship. To achieve these goals, it was made a bibliographical research on psychoanalytic concepts and clinical attendances for children with psychomotor symptoms through the Sujeito e Corpo Lab, at the University of São Paulo. The results indicate that the joy in psychomotor symptom involves two people, more often the mother-child, which arise in a relationship of interdependence and leave no space for autonomy and independence necessary for the child development. The psychomotor symptoms are the result of a fantasmatic satisfaction which envolves the children body in this relationship

The influence of mother care on the relationship between self-esteem and neural subtrates in young men and women : a neuroimaging study

Wadiwalla, Mehereen. January 2007 (has links)
Introduction. Numerous studies have suggested that maternal care can influence the development and expansion of an individual's self-esteem. Yet the neural mechanisms of this relationship remain unexplored. Incidentally, it has already been demonstrated that a brain region, namely the Hippocampus (HC) is associated with both self-esteem and maternal care. Thus suggesting that there may be a three-way relationship. This also provided the impetus to speculate that a similar interaction could be observed in other brain regions like for example, the Dorsolateral Prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex (MPFC). Therefore, the aim of this study is to scrutinize the possible relationship between mother care, self-esteem and neural correlates including the DLPFC, MPFC and HC, with emphasis on how normal variations in mother care could have consequences for the relationship between self-esteem and particularly the prefrontal cortices. Methods . Fifty-one subjects were recruited on the basis of their maternal scores, as assessed by the Parental Bonding Index and were consequently assigned to either a high mother care (MOCA) or low MOCA group. Their self-esteem was measured through various self-esteem scales including the Rosenberg self-esteem scale. The structural integrity of the regions was ascertained through the use of both manual and semi automated segmenting procedures. Results . Initial Bivariate correlations reported a negative association between DLPFC volumes and self-esteem in the high MOCA group while HC was positively associated with self-esteem in both high and low MOCA groups. There were no associations to report for the MPFC. Additional analysis revealed that the Biregional association was sex specific. Discussion. For the first time, we were successful in associating DLPFC volume with self-esteem. In addition, we successfully replicated the association between self-esteem and HC volume. This study could provide an indication how of maternal care could have a sex specific affect not only on the evolution of self-esteem, but also on the regions they may be targeting.

Factors Influencing Interaction Between a Mother and Her Premature Infant

Davis, Leigh Margaret January 2003 (has links)
Significant relationships have been identified between elements of early parent-infant interactions and later skills or qualities in the child. Generally speaking, sensitive and responsive interactions between a mother and infant during the first year of life tend to be linked with improved child developmental outcomes (Barnard, 1996; Wyly, 1997). Research has examined the influence of infant and family risk factors on parent-infant interaction. Family risk factors including maternal depression can reduce a mother's sensitivity and responsiveness to her infant. Evidence is mounting that mothers of preterm infants experience higher rates of depression than mothers of fullterm infants (e.g. Miles et al., 1999). Although all infants may be vulnerable to the effects of maternal depression, the premature infant is at greater risk due to his/her decreased responsiveness and increased need for appropriate stimulation (Field, 1995). The purpose of this study was to examine maternal reports of depressive symptomatology and associated variables at two time points following a very preterm birth: at one-month postpartum (Phase 1); and 3 months after infant hospital discharge (Phase 2). Observational data were collected at Phase 2 to explore whether maternal depressive symptoms and associated factors influenced maternal-infant interaction. A two-phase prospective follow-up design involved surveying mothers of very premature infants (&It; 32weeks) who were admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Multiple measurements were collected at Phase 1 and Phase 2. Mother-infant observational data were collected at Phase 2. The subject population comprised all eligible mothers of very premature infants who were admitted to a 60 bed tertiary referral NICU of a major metropolitan hospital (n=62). Mothers completed a survey at Phase 1 and Phase 2. The questionnaire contained a number of validated instruments measuring depression, stress, social support and coping. Maternal and infant demographic data were collated from the hospital records. Observational data were collected and coded using the Nursing Child Assessment Feeding Scale (Barnard et al., 1989). Results indicated that 40% of women reported clinically significant depressive symptomatology at one month postpartum. High maternal stress and low maternal education and support from nursing staff were major factors explaining depression scores. At Phase 2, 17% of women continued to report clinically significant depressive symptomatology. Depression at Phase 1 and maternal stress at Phase 2 were important factors explaining Phase 2 depression scores. An exploratory analysis of the relationship between mother-infant interaction and Phase 1 and Phase 2 variables revealed that the mothers' coping strategies, both in hospital and at home, were important factors in explaining mother-infant interaction. The results support previous findings that many women suffer stress and depressive symptoms after very premature birth. The results indicate that maternal depression, at one month postnatally, can be predictive of maternal depression at three months after infant hospital discharge and that very premature infants are less responsive interactive partners. These findings highlight possible parenting difficulties particularly during the first year. This study has contributed to family centered research by highlighting the importance of early postnatal experiences to the longer-term psychological health of mothers and to the mother-infant relationship. Screening mothers of very premature infants for postpartum depression will enable early identification of symptoms and appropriate referral for treatment.

Care of the newborn infant during maternal-infant separation : the father as primary caregiver immediately after birth and the mother's experiences of separation and later reunion with the infant /

Erlandsson, Kerstin, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Promoting preterm infants' development and mother child interaction : newborn individualized developmental care and assessment program /

Kleberg, Agneta, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Maternal/fetal attachment associations among family relationships, maternal health practices, and antenatal attachment /

Cunningham Facello, Debra. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2008. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains viii, 132 p. : ill. (some col.). Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-84).

Maternal perceptions of the premature infant, maternal self-esteem, and their effects on mother-infant interaction a research report submitted in partial fulfillment ... for the degree of Master of Science [in] Parent-Child Nursing ... /

Schultz, Celeste M. January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1991.

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