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Coordination et planification de systèmes multi-agents dans un environnement manufacturier / Coordination and motion planning of multi-agent systems in manufacturing environmentDemesure, Guillaume 08 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la navigation d'agents dans un environnement manufacturier. Le cadre général du travail relève de la navigation d'AGVs (véhicules autoguidés), transportant librement et intelligemment leur produit. L'objectif est de proposer des outils permettant la navigation autonome et coopérative d’une flotte d’AGVs dans des systèmes de production manufacturiers où les contraintes temporelles sont importantes. Après la présentation d'un état de l'art sur chaque domaine (systèmes manufacturiers et navigation d'agents), les impacts de la mutualisation entre ceux-ci sont présentés. Ensuite, deux problématiques, liées à la navigation d'agents mobiles dans des environnements manufacturiers, sont étudiées. La première problématique est centrée sur la planification de trajectoire décentralisée où une fonction d'ordonnancement est combinée au planificateur pour chaque agent. Cette fonction permet de choisir une ressource lors de la navigation afin d'achever l'opération du produit transporté le plus tôt possible. La première solution consiste en une architecture hétérarchique où les AGVs doivent planifier (ou mettre à jour) leur trajectoire, ordonnancer leur produit pour l'opération en cours et résoudre leurs propres conflits avec les agents à portée de communication. Pour la seconde approche, une architecture hybride à l'aide d'un superviseur, permettant d'assister les agents durant leur navigation, est proposée. L'algorithme de planification de trajectoire se fait en deux étapes. La première étape utilise des informations globales fournies par le superviseur pour anticiper les collisions. La seconde étape, plus locale, utilise les données par rapport aux AGVs à portée de communication afin d'assurer l'évitement de collisions. Afin de réduire les temps de calcul des trajectoires, une optimisation par essaims particulaires est introduite. La seconde problématique se focalise sur la commande coopérative permettant un rendez-vous d'agents non holonomes à une configuration spécifique. Ce rendez-vous doit être atteint en un temps donné par un cahier des charges, fourni par le haut-niveau de contrôle. Pour résoudre ce problème de rendez-vous, nous proposons une loi de commande à temps fixe (i.e. indépendant des conditions initiales) par commutation permettant de faire converger l’état des AGVs vers une resource. Des résultats numériques et expérimentaux sont fournis afin de montrer la faisabilité des solutions proposées. / This thesis is focused on agent navigation in a manufacturing environment. The proposed framework deals with the navigation of AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles), which freely and smartly transport their product. The objective is to propose some tools allowing the autonomous and cooperative navigation of AGV fleets in manufacturing systems for which temporal constraints are important. After presenting the state of the art of each field (manufacturing systems and agent navigation), the impacts of the cross-fertilization between these two fields are presented. Then, two issues, related to the navigation of mobile agents in manufacturing systems, are studied. The first issue focuses on decentralized motion planning where a scheduling function is combined with the planner for each agent. This function allows choosing a resource during the navigation to complete the ongoing operation of the transported product at the soonest date. The first proposed approach consists in a heterarchical architecture where the AGVs have to plan (or update) their trajectory, schedule their product and solve their own conflict with communicating agents. For the second approach, hybrid architecture with a supervisor, which assists agents during the navigation, is proposed. The motion planning scheme is divided into two steps. The first step uses global information provided by the supervisor to anticipate the future collisions. The second step is local and uses information from communicating agents to ensure the collision avoidance. In order to reduce the computational times, a particle swarm optimization is introduced. The second issue is focused on the cooperative control, allowing a rendezvous of nonholomic agents at a specific configuration. This rendezvous must be achieved in a prescribed time, provided by the higher level of control. To solve this rendezvous, a fixed time (i.e. independent of initial conditions) switching control law is proposed, allowing the convergence of agent states towards a resource configuration. Some numerical and experimental results are provided to show the feasibility of the proposed methods.
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Analys av metoder för lokal rörelseplanering / Analysis of Methods for Local Motion PlanningMohamed, Zozk January 2021 (has links)
Under senare år har vi med hjälp av robotar som använder rörelseplanering kunnat automatisera olika processer och uppgifter. Idag finns det väldigt få strategier för lokal rörelseplanering vid jämförelse med global rörelseplanering. Syftet med det här projektet har varit att analysera tre strategier för lokal rörelseplanering, dessa har varit Dynamic Window Approach (DWA), Elastic Band (Eband) och Timed Elastic Band (TEB).I projektet har styrkor, svagheter, beteenden och förbättringsmöjligheter för respektive strategi studerats närmare genom att utföra olika simulerade tester. I testerna mätes tid för att nå mål, antal kollisioner och antalet gånger som målet nåddes. Under projektet användes en virtuell allriktad robot från ABB för att testa strategierna. Testerna genomfördes på ett så rättvist sätt som möjligt, där alla strategier fick samma antal försök och hade samma information om robotens begränsningar.Resultatet visar att TEB är den snabbaste strategin, följt av DWA och sista Eband som var den långsammaste strategin. TEB var också den strategi som presterade bäst vid dynamiska hinder, däremot var den också den strategi som kolliderade mest i testerna, medan Eband kolliderade minst. / In recent years, we have been able to automate various processes and tasks with the help of robots that use motion planning. Today, there are very few strategies for local motion planning when compared to global motion planning. The purpose of this project has been to analyze three strategies for local motion planning, these have been Dynamic Window Approach (DWA), Elastic Band (Eband) and Timed Elastic Band (TEB).In the project, strengths, weaknesses, behaviours and opportunities for improvement for each strategy have been studied in more detail by performing various simulated tests. The tests measure time to reach the goal, the number of collisions and the number of succeeding attempts. During the project, a virtual omni-directional robot from ABB was used to perform the tests. The tests were performed in as fair a way as possible, where all strategies got the same number of attempts and had the same information about the robot's limitations.The results show that TEB is the fastest strategy, followed by DWA and last Eband that was the slowest strategy. TEB was also the strategy that performed best in dynamic obstacles, however, it was also the strategy that collided most of the tests, while Eband collided the least.
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[pt] Robôs híbridos equipados com pernas e rodas são uma solução promissora
para uma locomoção versátil em terrenos acidentados. Eles combinam a
velocidade e a eficiência das rodas com a capacidade das pernas de atravessar
terrenos com obstáculos. Em geral, os desafios em locomoção para robôs
híbridos envolvem planejamento de trajetória e sistemas de controle para o
rastreamento da trajetória planejada. Esta tese se concentra, em particular, na
tarefa de otimização de trajetória para robôs híbridos que navegam em terrenos
acidentados. Para isso, propõe-se um algoritmo de planejamento que otimiza
a posição e a orientação da base do robô e as posições e forças de contato
nas rodas em uma formulação única, levando em consideração as informações
do terreno e a dinâmica do robô. O robô é modelado como um único corpo
rígido com massa e inércia concentrada no centro de massa, o que permite
planejar movimentos complexos por longos horizontes de tempo e ainda
manter uma baixa complexidade computacional para resolver a otimização
de forma mais eficiente. O conhecimento do mapa do terreno permite que a
otimização gere trajetórias para negociação de obstáculos de maneira dinâmica,
em velocidades mais altas. Tais movimentos não podem ser gerados sem levar
em consideração as informações do terreno. Duas formulações diferentes são
apresentadas, uma que permite movimentos somente com as rodas, onde
a negociação de obstáculos é permitida pelas pernas, e outra focada em
movimentos híbridos dando passos e movendo as rodas, capazes de lidar com
descontinuidades no perfil do terreno. A otimização é formulada como um
NLP e as trajetórias obtidas são rastreadas por um controlador hierárquico
que computa os comandos de atuação de torque para as juntas e as rodas do
robô. As trajetórias são verificadas no robô quadrúpede ANYmal equipado
com rodas não esterçáveis controladas por torque, em simulações e testes
experimentais. O algoritmo proposto de otimização de trajetória permite que
robôs com pernas e rodas naveguem por terrenos complexos, contendo, por
exemplo, degraus, declives e escadas, enquanto negociam esses obstáculos com
movimentos dinâmicos. / [en] Wheeled-legged robots are an attractive solution for versatile locomotion
in challenging terrain. They combine the speed and efficiency of wheels with
the ability of legs to traverse challenging terrain. In general, the challenges
with wheeled-legged locomotion involve trajectory generation and motion control
for trajectory tracking. This thesis focuses in particular on the trajectory
optimization task for wheeled-legged robots navigating in challenging terrain.
For this, a motion planning framework is proposed that optimizes over the
robot’s base position and orientation, and the wheels’ positions and contact
forces in a single planning problem, taking into account the terrain information
and the robot dynamics. The robot is modeled as a single rigid-body, which
allows to plan complex motions for long time horizons and still keep a low
computational complexity to solve the optimization quickly. The knowledge of
the terrain map allows the optimizer to generate feasible motions for obstacle
negotiation in a dynamic manner, at higher speeds. Such motions cannot be
discovered without taking into account the terrain information. Two different
formulations allow for either purely driving motions, where obstacle negotiation
is enabled by the legs, or hybrid driving-walking motions, which are able
to overcome discontinuities in the terrain profile. The optimization is formulated as a Nonlinear Programming Problem (NLP) and the reference motions
are tracked by a hierarchical whole-body controller that computes the torque
actuation commands for the robot. The trajectories are verified on the quadrupedal robot ANYmal equipped with non-steerable torque-controlled wheels
in simulations and experimental tests. The proposed trajectory optimization
framework enables wheeled-legged robots to navigate over challenging terrain,
e.g., steps, slopes, stairs, while negotiating these obstacles with dynamic motions.
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A Geometry-Based Motion Planner for Direct Machining and ControlCheatham, Robert M. 13 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Direct Machining And Control (DMAC) is a new method of controlling machine tools directly from process planning software. A motion planning module is developed for the DMAC system that operates directly off path geometry without pre-tessellation. The motion planner is developed with the intent to process Bezier curves. The motion planning module includes a deterministic predictor-corrector-type curve interpolator, a dynamics limiting module, and a two-pass jerk-limited speed profiling algorithm. The methods are verified by machining an automotive surface in a clay medium and evaluating the resultant machine dynamics, feed rate, and chordal error throughout the machining process.
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Traction Adaptive Motion Planning for Autonomous Racing / Tractionadaptiv rörelseplanering för autonom racingRaikar, Shekhar January 2022 (has links)
Autonomous driving technology is continuously evolving at an accelerated pace. The road environment is always uncertain, which requires an evasive manoeuvre that an autonomous vehicle can take. This evasive behaviour to avoid accidents in a critical situation is analogous to autonomous racing that operates at the limits of stable vehicle handling. In autonomous racing, the vehicle must operate in highly nonlinear operating conditions such as high-speed manoeuvre on sharp turns, avoiding obstacles and slippery road conditions. These dynamically changing racing situations require advanced path planning systems with obstacle avoidance executed in real-time. Therefore, the motion planning problem for autonomous racing is analogous to safe and reliable autonomous vehicle operation in critical situations. This thesis project evaluates the application of traction adaptive motion planning to autonomous racing on different road surfaces for a small-scale test vehicle in real-time. The evaluation is based on a state-of-the-art algorithm that uses a combination of optimization, trajectory rollout, and constraint adaption framework called "Sampling Augmented Real-Time Iteration (SAARTI)". SAARTI allows motion planning and control with respect to time-varying vehicle actuation capabilities while taking locally adaptive traction into account for different parts of the track as a constraint. Initially, the SAARTI framework is adapted to work with the SmallVehicles-for-Autonomy (SVEA) system; then, the whole system is simulated in a ROS (Robot Operating System) based SVEA simulator with a Hardware-in-the-loop setup. Later, the same setup is used for the real time experiments that are carried out using the SVEA vehicles, and the different critical scenarios are tested on the SVEA vehicle. The emphasis was given to the experimental results; therefore, the results also consider computationally intensive localization inputs while the motion planner was implemented in real-time instead of a simulation setup. The experimental results showed the impact of planning motions according to an approximately correct friction estimate when the friction parameter was close to the actual value. The results indicated that the traction variation had indeed affected the lap time and trajectory taken by the test vehicle. The lap time is affected significantly when the coefficient of friction value is far away from the real friction coefficient. It is observed that the lap time increased significantly at higher values of friction coefficient, when involving more excessive over-estimation of the traction, leading to the oscillatory motion and lane exits. Furthermore, the non-adaptive case scenario result shows that the test vehicle performed better when given friction parameter inputs to the algorithm approximately equal to the real friction value. / Teknik för autonom körning har utvecklats i snabb takt de senaste åren. Trafikmiljön innehåller många källor till osäkerhet, vilket ibland kräver undanmanövrar av det autonoma fordonet. Undanmanövrar i kritiska situationer är analoga med autonom racing i det avseendet att fordonet opererar nära gränsen av dess fysiska förmåga. I autonom racing måste fordonet fungera i hög grad olinjära driftsförhållanden som höghastighetsmanöver i skarpa svängar, undvika hinder och halt väglag. Dessa dynamiska föränderliga racingsituationer kräver avancerad vägplaneringssystem med undvikande av hinder exekveras i realtid. Därför är rörelseplaneringsproblemet för autonom racing är analogt med det för säkra undanmanövrer i kritiska situationer. Detta examensarbete utvärderar tillämpningen av dragkraft adaptiv till autonom racing på olika väglag för ett småskaligt testfordon i realtid. Utvärderingen baseras på en algoritm som kallas "Sampling Augmented Real Time Iteration (SAARTI)" som tillåter rörelse planering och kontroll med avseende på tidsvarierande fordonsdynamik, på så vis tar algoritmen hänsyn till lokalt varierande väglag. Arbetet började med att integrera SAARTI-ramverket med testplattformen Small-Vehicles-for-Autonomy (SVEA). Därefter utfördes hardware-in-the-loop simuleringar i ROS (Robot Operating System), och därefter utfördes fysiska tester med SVEA plattformen. Under experimenten kördes SAARTI-algoritmen parallellt med en beräkningsintensiv SLAM-algoritm för lokalisering. De experimentella resultaten visade att adaptiv rörelseplanering kan avhjälpa problemet med lokalt varierande väglag, givet att den uppskattade friktionsparametern är approximativt korrekt. Varvtiden påverkas negativt när friktionsskattningen avviker från den verkliga friktionskoefficienten. Vidare observerades att varvtiden ökade vid höga värden på den skattade friktionsparametern, vilket gav upphov till mer aggressiva manövrer, vilket i sin tur gav upphov till oscillerande rörelser och avåkningar.
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Parametric Optimal Design Of Uncertain Dynamical SystemsHays, Joseph T. 02 September 2011 (has links)
This research effort develops a comprehensive computational framework to support the parametric optimal design of uncertain dynamical systems. Uncertainty comes from various sources, such as: system parameters, initial conditions, sensor and actuator noise, and external forcing. Treatment of uncertainty in design is of paramount practical importance because all real-life systems are affected by it; not accounting for uncertainty may result in poor robustness, sub-optimal performance and higher manufacturing costs.
Contemporary methods for the quantification of uncertainty in dynamical systems are computationally intensive which, so far, have made a robust design optimization methodology prohibitive. Some existing algorithms address uncertainty in sensors and actuators during an optimal design; however, a comprehensive design framework that can treat all kinds of uncertainty with diverse distribution characteristics in a unified way is currently unavailable. The computational framework uses Generalized Polynomial Chaos methodology to quantify the effects of various sources of uncertainty found in dynamical systems; a Least-Squares Collocation Method is used to solve the corresponding uncertain differential equations. This technique is significantly faster computationally than traditional sampling methods and makes the construction of a parametric optimal design framework for uncertain systems feasible.
The novel framework allows to directly treat uncertainty in the parametric optimal design process. Specifically, the following design problems are addressed: motion planning of fully-actuated and under-actuated systems; multi-objective robust design optimization; and optimal uncertainty apportionment concurrently with robust design optimization. The framework advances the state-of-the-art and enables engineers to produce more robust and optimally performing designs at an optimal manufacturing cost. / Ph. D.
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Application of Randomized Algorithms in Path Planning and Control of a Micro Air VehicleBera, Titas January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the design and development of a fixed wing micro air vehicle (MAV) and on the development of randomized sampling based motion planning and control algorithms for path planning and stabilization of the MAV. In addition, the thesis also contains probabilis-tic analyses of the algorithmic properties of randomized sampling based algorithms, such as completeness and asymptotic optimality.
The thesis begins with a detailed discussion on aerodynamic design, computational fluid dy-namic simulations of propeller wake, wind tunnel tests of a 150mm fixed wing micro air ve-hicle. The vehicle is designed in such a way that in spite of the various adverse effects of low Reynolds number aerodynamics and the complex propeller wake interactions with the airframe, the vehicle shows a balance of external forces and moments at most of the operating conditions. This is supported by various CFD analysis and wind tunnel tests and is shown in this thesis. The thesis also contains a reasonably accurate longitudinal and lateral dynamical model of the MAV, which are verified by numerous flight trials.
However, there still exists a considerable amount of model uncertainties in the system descrip-tion of the MAV. A robust feedback stabilized close loop flight control law, is designed to attenuate the effects of modelling uncertainties, discrete vertical and head-on wind gusts, and to maintain flight stability and performance requirements at all allowable operating conditions. The controller is implemented in the MAV autopilot hardware with successful close loop flight trials. The flight controller is designed based on the probabilistic robust control approach. The approach is based on statistical average case analysis and synthesis techniques. It removes the conservatism present in the classical robust feedback design (which is based the worst case de-sign techniques) and associated sluggish system response characteristics. Instead of minimizing the effect of the worst case disturbance, a randomized techniques synthesizes a controller for which some performance index is minimized in an empirical average sense. In this thesis it is shown that the degree of conservatism in the design and the number of samples used to by the randomized sampling based techniques has a direct relationship. In particular, it is shown that, as the lower bound on the number of samples reduces, the degree of conservatism increases in the design.
Classical motion planning and obstacle avoidance methodologies are computationally expen-sive with the number of degrees of freedom of the vehicle, and therefore, these methodologies are largely inapplicable for MAVs with 6 degrees of freedom. The problem of computational complexity can be avoided using randomized sampling based motion planning algorithms such as probabilistic roadmap method or PRM. However, as a pay-off these algorithms lack algorith-mic completeness properties. In this thesis, it is established that the algorithmic completeness properties are dependent on the choice of the sampling sequences. The thesis contains analy-sis of algorithmic features such as probabilistic completeness and asymptotic optimality of the PRM algorithm and its many variants, under the incremental and independent problem model framework. It is shown in this thesis that the structure of the random sample sequence affects the solution of the sampling based algorithms.
The problem of capturing the connectivity of the configuration space in the presence of ob-stacles, which is a central problem in randomized motion planning, is also discussed in this thesis. In particular, the success probability of one such randomized algorithm, named Obsta-cle based Probabilistic Roadmap Method or OBPRM is estimated using geometric probability theory. A direct relationship between the weak upper bound of the success probability and the obstacle geometric features is established. The thesis also contains a new sampling based algorithm which is based on geometric random walk theory, which addresses the problem of capturing the connectivity of the configuration space. The algorithm shows better performance when compared with other similar algorithm such as the Randomized Bridge Builder method for identical benchmark problems. Numerical simulation shows that the algorithm shows en-hanced performance as the dimension of the motion planning problem increases.
As one of the central objectives, the thesis proposes a pre-processing technique of the state space of the system to enhance the performance of sampling based kino-dynamic motion plan-ner such as rapidly exploring random tree or RRT. This pre-processing technique can not only be applied for the motion planning of the MAV, but can also be applied for a wide class of vehicle and complex systems with large number of degrees of freedom. The pre-processing techniques identifies the sequence of regions, to be searched for a solution, in order to do mo-tion planning and obstacle avoidance for an MAV, by an RRT planner. Numerical simulation shows significant improvement over the basic RRT planner with a small additional computa-tional overhead. The probabilistic analysis of RRT algorithm and an approximate asymptotic optimality analysis of the solution returned by the algorithm, is also presented in this thesis. In particular, it is shown that the RRT algorithm is not asymptotically optimal.
An integral part of the motion planning algorithm is the capability of fast collision detection between various geometric objects. Image space based methods, which uses Graphics Pro-cessing Unit or GPU hardware, and do not use object geometry explicitly, are found to be fast and accurate for this purpose. In this thesis, a new collision detection method between two convex/non-convex objects using GPU, is provided. The performance of the algorithm, which is an extension of an existing algorithm, is verified with numerous collision detection scenarios.
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Control-Induced Learning for Autonomous RobotsWanxin Jin (11013834) 23 July 2021 (has links)
<div>The recent progress of machine learning, driven by pervasive data and increasing computational power, has shown its potential to achieve higher robot autonomy. Yet, with too much focus on generic models and data-driven paradigms while ignoring inherent structures of control systems and tasks, existing machine learning methods typically suffer from data and computation inefficiency, hindering their public deployment onto general real-world robots. In this thesis work, we claim that the efficiency of autonomous robot learning can be boosted by two strategies. One is to incorporate the structures of optimal control theory into control-objective learning, and this leads to a series of control-induced learning methods that enjoy the complementary benefits of machine learning for higher algorithm autonomy and control theory for higher algorithm efficiency. The other is to integrate necessary human guidance into task and control objective learning, leading to a series of paradigms for robot learning with minimal human guidance on the loop.</div><div><br></div><div>The first part of this thesis focuses on the control-induced learning, where we have made two contributions. One is a set of new methods for inverse optimal control, which address three existing challenges in control objective learning: learning from minimal data, learning time-varying objective functions, and learning under distributed settings. The second is a Pontryagin Differentiable Programming methodology, which bridges the concepts of optimal control theory, deep learning, and backpropagation, and provides a unified end-to-end learning framework to solve a broad range of learning and control tasks, including inverse reinforcement learning, neural ODEs, system identification, model-based reinforcement learning, and motion planning, with data- and computation- efficient performance.</div><div><br></div><div>The second part of this thesis focuses on the paradigms for robot learning with necessary human guidance on the loop. We have made two contributions. The first is an approach of learning from sparse demonstrations, which allows a robot to learn its control objective function only from human-specified sparse waypoints given in the observation (task) space; and the second is an approach of learning from</div><div>human’s directional corrections, which enables a robot to incrementally learn its control objective, with guaranteed learning convergence, from human’s directional correction feedback while it is acting.</div><div><br></div>
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Navigation Control & Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots / Navigation Control and Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile RobotsPütz, Sebastian Clemens Benedikt 11 February 2022 (has links)
Mobile robots need to move in the real world for the majority of tasks. Their control is often intertwined with the tasks they have to solve. Unforeseen events must have an adequate and prompt reaction, in order to solve the corresponding task satisfactorily. A robust system must be able to respond to a variety of events with specific solutions and strategies to keep the system running. Robot navigation control systems are essential for this. In this thesis we present a robot navigation control system that fulfills these requirements: Move Base Flex.
Furthermore, the map representation used to model the environment is essential for path planning. Depending on the representation of the map, path planners can solve problems like simple 2D indoor navigation, but also complex rough terrain outdoor navigation with multiple levels and varying slopes, if the corresponding representation can model them accurately. With Move Base Flex, we present a middle layer navigation framework for navigation control, that is map independent at its core. Based on this, we present the Mesh Navigation Stack to master path planning in complex outdoor environments using a developed mesh map to model surfaces in 3D. Finally, to solve path planning in complex outdoor environments, we have developed and integrated the Continuous Vector Field Planner with the aforementioned solutions and evaluated it on five challenging and complex outdoor datasets in simulation and in the real-world.
Beyond that, the corresponding developed software packages are open source available and have been released to easily reproduce the provided scientific results.
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Risk assessment for integral safety in operational motion planning of automated drivingHruschka, Clemens Markus 14 January 2022 (has links)
New automated vehicles have the chance of high improvements to road safety. Nevertheless, from today's perspective, accidents will always be a part of future mobility. Following the “Vision Zero”, this thesis proposes the quantification of the driving situation's criticality as the basis to intervene by newly integrated safety systems. In the example application of trajectory planning, a continuous, real-time, risk-based criticality measure is used to consider uncertainties by collision probabilities as well as technical accident severities. As result, a smooth transition between preventative driving, collision avoidance, and collision mitigation including impact point localization is enabled and shown in fleet data analyses, simulations, and real test drives. The feasibility in automated driving is shown with currently available test equipment on the testing ground. Systematic analyses show an improvement of 20-30 % technical accident severity with respect to the underlying scenarios. That means up to one-third less injury probability for the vehicle occupants. In conclusion, predicting the risk preventively has a high chance to increase the road safety and thus to take the “Vision Zero” one step further.:Abstract
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem statement and research question
1.3 Contribution
2 Fundamentals and relatedWork
2.1 Integral safety
2.1.1 Integral applications
2.1.2 Accident Severity Severity measures Severity data bases Severity estimation
2.1.3 Risk assessment in the driving process Uncertainty consideration Risk as a measure Criticality measures in automated driving functions
2.2 Operational motion planning
2.2.1 Performance of a driving function Terms related to scenarios Evaluation and approval of an automated driving function
2.2.2 Driving function architecture Architecture Planner Reference planner
2.2.3 Ethical issues
3 Risk assessment
3.1 Environment model
3.2 Risk as expected value
3.3 Collision probability and most probable collision configuration
4 Accident severity prediction
4.1 Mathematical preliminaries
4.1.1 Methodical approach
4.1.2 Output definition for pedestrian collisions
4.1.3 Output definition for vehicle collisions
4.2 Prediction models
4.2.1 Eccentric impact model
4.2.2 Centric impact model
4.2.3 Multi-body system
4.2.4 Feedforward neural network
4.2.5 Random forest regression
4.3 Parameterisation
4.3.1 Reference database
4.3.2 Training strategy
4.3.3 Model evaluation
5 Risk based motion planning
5.1 Ego vehicle dynamic
5.2 Reward function
5.3 Tuning of the driving function
5.3.1 Tuning strategy
5.3.2 Tuning scenarios
5.3.3 Tuning results
6 Evaluation of the risk based driving function
6.1 Evaluation strategy
6.2 Evaluation scenarios
6.3 Test setup and simulation environment
6.4 Subsequent risk assessment of fleet data
6.4.1 GIDAS accident database
6.4.2 Fleet data Hamburg
6.5 Uncertainty-adaptive driving
6.6 Mitigation application
6.6.1 Real test drives on proving ground
6.6.2 Driving performance in simulation
7 Conclusion and Prospects
List of Tables
List of Figures
A Extension to the tuning process
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