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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of wood ants (Formica rufa) in the Arctic tundra and how climate change may alter this role

Meijer, Michael January 2020 (has links)
In the Arctic tundra, wood ants play an important ecological role in aerating the soil, cycling nutrients, for seed dispersal and, as biological control by preying on forest pest insects during outbreaks. The increase in temperature, caused by climate change, is positively associated with ant abundance.  This could accelerate the wood ants’ effects on the ecosystem, with potentially dramatic consequences for associated taxa. It is, however, still unclear to what extent the ants influence the vegetation and arthropod community. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects ants have on the Arctic tundra ecosystem and how climate change may modify these effects. The study was conducted in Abisko national park, north Sweden, were two study sites were selected: one at low altitude and one at high altitude. I found that wood ants had a substantial effect on the vegetation community close to the mound, with a positive effect on different kind of vascular plant species, and a negative effect on rushes, mosses, and lichens. All the arthropods taxonomic orders and most of the families were positively affected by the presence of ant mounds. Ant mound abundance and volume were positively related with annual insolation and GPP, which indicates that climate change will increase ant abundance in the Arctic tundra. Thus, my results suggest that future climate change will have significant effects on Arctic tundra vegetation and arthropod communities, via positive effects on ant abundance.

Scandinavian Mummies : Interpreting the preservative qualities of Danish Bronze Age Mounds / Skandinaviska Mumier : Tolkning av danska bronsåldershögars bevaringskvaliteter

Grönkvist, Ellinor January 2023 (has links)
This paper explores/investigates the circumstances around the unusual level of preservation of organic materials within certain mounds in Jutland, Denmark, as well as the scientific benefits of these findings. These mounds contain coffins made from oak-logs and within them mummies of different degree of preservation have been found. Five mounds have been selected to represent the find category: Borum Eshøj, Trindhøj, Storhøj in Egtved, Skrydstrupand Muldbjerg. These five have all become staples in their own right within Scandinavian Bronze Age Archaeology. Within this paper different interpretations of how these oak-log coffins and their contents have remained in their current state of preservation while other similar graves have not will be explored. In addition, different areas of research that have benefited from these findings will be highlighted. / I den här uppsatsen kommer förhållandena kring den ovaligt höga bevaringsgraden av organisikt material i en specifik typ av gravhögar från Jylland i Danmark utforskas. Dessa gravhögar innehåller kistor gjorda av ekstockar och inuti dem hittas mumier som bevarats till olika grader. Fem gravhögar har valts ut för att representera fyndkategorin: Borum Eshøj, Trindhøj, Storhøj i Egtved, Skrydstrup and Muldbjerg. Dessa fem har alla kommit att bli grundstenar i Skandinavisk bronsålders arkeologi. Den här uppsatsen kommer utforska olika tolkningar av hur dessa ekkistor och deras innehållhar bevarats när andra liknande gravar inte har det. Utöver det kommer olika forskningsområden som dragit nytta av dessa fynd att lyftas fram.

Exploring the impact of Formica exsecta ants on soil properties above the tree line in northern Sweden / Studie av effekterna av Formica Esecta myror på markegenskaper över trädgränsen i norra Sverige

Pekkari Juto, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Ants are considered ecosystem engineers due to their effect on the soil properties and their ability to alter the flow of energy and nutrients. Many studies have focused on ants in boreal forests,but few have focused on the ant’s effect on the tundra. This study focuses on Formica exsecta mounds effect on soil properties above the tree line in the Abisko area. Soil moisture and soil temperature were measured in the field while organic matter content and gravimetric moisture content were measured in the lab. 113 soil samples from the summer of 2021 and 2022 were analysed. The samples were taken from inside the mound and from three distances from the mound. I found a significant difference both in nest moisture and nest temperature in the mound compared to the soil outside the mound.However, I found no significance for organic matter content at the different distances from the mound or for the gravimetric moisture content. Soil temperature and soil moisture is clearly impacted by the ant mounds, but it is not clear how far from the mound it affects the soil. / <p>Rapporten var mycket välskriven, och du gör ett bra jobb med att sätta in projektet i en vetenskaplig kontext i inledningen, med många referenser till den vetenskapliga litteraturen. Metoddelen beskriver provtagning och analyser på ett bra sätt, men vissa steg är det ibland lite svårt att följa: Hur stor volym jord provtogs på varje plats, och hur togs provet under stacken för att inte störa myrorna? I resultaten räcker det att konstatera att signifikanta samband saknades, det negative R2-värdet var mycket nära noll, och visar främst att modellen inte förklarade någon variation i data. Förklara också vad en boxplot visar i figurtext. I diskussionen eller inledningen hade jag gärna sett något omnämnande av myrornas habitatval för sina stackar och hur det kunde påverka tolkningen av eventuella skillnader i markförhållanden med avstånd från stacken. </p><p>Din presentation hade bra slides som beskrev design och resultat väl. Du pratade ganska tyst i början, men du hördes väl. Jag tyckte att det var bra att du diskuterade dina resultat i ett diskussionsavsnitt, där många andra hopade direkt från resultat till slutsatser.</p><p>Dina svar på opponentens frågor visade att du satt dig in grundligt i myrornas ekologi och ekosystemeffekter, och att du vänt och vridit på analyserna, det blev en bra vetenskaplig diskussion. Du var också bra på att sätta in frågorna i ett mer generellt sammanhang genom att referera till den vetenskapliga litteraturen. Din opponering var också bra, med frågor både på metod och resultat, med förslag på ändringar</p><p>Rapporten var välskriven och med stark anknytning till det vetenskapliga kunskapsläget men inte lika tydlig i presentation av metoder och resultat. Du visar dock att du behärskar ämnet väldigt bra och kan sätta in resultaten i ett större sammanhang.</p>

Textiles as indicators of Hopewellian culture burial practices

Thompson, Amanda J. 07 August 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Northeastern Middle Woodland, from the Perspective of the Upper Allegheny Valley

Howard, Steven P. 14 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Domestic refuse and residential mound formation in La Mixtequilla, Veracruz, Mexico.

Hall, Barbara Ann. January 1991 (has links)
The Mesoamerican residential mound is a basic unit of archaeological analysis. The way mounds form has implications for reconstructing past social organization. Studies of formation processes assume that characteristics of refuse are the result of depositional history. Tracing the history of archaeological deposits is the first step toward understanding the social and economic milieu of the prehistoric household. The traces of mound formation processes particularly are evident in ceramics. This study examines measures such as density, mean size, and variation in size and wear, to determine their utility in ascertaining depositional history, including discard practices, erosion, and trampling. The measures are tested with the Exploratory Data Analysis method using visual inspection of the data for patterns and examination of exceptional cases. Density by weight and mean sherd size were found to be particularly useful and simple measures for differentiating archaeological deposits. The characteristics of artifacts in a deposit provide the basis for reconstructing the formation of mounds. Earthen residential mounds like those of Veracruz are low and broad and usually lack imperishable construction materials. Unlike Maya housemounds, which often use fill for mound construction, earthen mound formation resembles (on a smaller scale) the formation of tells, the remains of ancient villages and towns in Western Asia. For both tells and earthen mounds, the erosion of houses forms the bulk of mound sediments. Residential mound growth is more by gradual accretion than by deliberate construction, and is due to six main formation processes. These are: (1) the erosion of wattle-and-daub construction material, which contribute to mound sediments; (2) the gradual accretion of sediments and artifacts; (3) horizontal erosion of daub and artifacts; (4) secondary refuse deposition; (5) the occasional use of fill to expand or level the mound; and (6) the development of a humic topsoil layer commonly damaged by plowing. Through refuse characteristics it is possible to reconstruct mound growth, use of space, and the location of structures and refuse dumps. These formation processes distinguish earthen mound development in many parts of Mesoamerica.

Geofísica de detalhe na área de ocorrência dos geiseritos de Anhembi, SP / GPR geophysical survey on geyserites from Anhembi, SP

Garcia, Lígia Liz Sonvezzo 28 May 2013 (has links)
Milhares de cones siliciosos foram mapeados próximo de Anhembi, estado de São Paulo, e sugere tratar-se do mais importante registro geológico resultante de uma intensa atividade hidrotermal ocorrida no Período Permiano. Essa ocorrência é única no mundo devido à grande quantidade de cones silicosos e sua distribuição em pequena área. Na realidade, esses cones siliciosos foram classificados como geiseritos, registrando a existência de gêiseres no final do Permiano. Os geiseritos encontrados em Anhembi desenvolveram-se simultaneamente à sedimentação do siltitos e arenitos da Formação Teresina. Os cones encontram-se bem preservados, pois estão sendo exumados pela erosão moderna. No entanto, há indícios da presença de corpos ainda soterrados nos sedimentos da Formação Teresina. A fim de identifica-los foi usado os métodos geofísicos do georradar e da resistividade para mapeamento de subsuperfície. Os resultados mostram que há corpos enterrados até seis metros de profundidade nas localidades em que os geiseritos encontram-se exumados. Portanto, o campo de ocorrência desses cones é maior que o inicialmente conhecido pelas evidências em superfície. / Thousands of siliceous mounds have been found near to Anhembi, state of São Paulo, which are supposed to be the geological record of a huge hydrothermal activity of Late Permian. This occurrence is unique in the world due to the number of siliceous mounds and its distribution in a small area. Actually, these siliceous mounds are nominated geyserites since they record the existence of geysers at Late Permian. Geyserites found in Anhembi developed simultaneously with sedimentation of siltstones and sandstones of the Teresina Formation. These geyserites are being exhumed by modern erosion and this is the reason they are well preserved. However, it´s presumed there are a lot of buried geyserites still within sediments of the Teresina Formation. In order to identify them we used GPR - ground penetrating radar - and resistivity to subsurface mapping. Results show buried geyserites four meters below the ground surface where exhumed geyserites are found. Therefore, this geyserite field is much bigger than it is supposed to be just seeing on the ground surface.

Ocupações humanas pré-históricas no litoral maranhense: um estudo arqueológico sobre o sambaqui do Bacanga na ilha de São Luís - Maranhão / Pre-historic ocupations humans at Maranhense coast: an study of Bacanga Shell Midden at São Luís Island-Maranhão

Bandeira, Arkley Marques 30 May 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação discorre sobre a ocupação pré-histórica da Ilha de São Luís-Maranhão, a partir do estudo arqueológico realizado no sambaqui do Bacanga, que evidenciou vestígios materiais de populações pescadoras- coletoras- caçadoras e ceramistas, que se estabeleceram na região, em torno de 6.600 anos antes do presente e permaneceram habitando esse assentamento até o ano 900 antes do presente. A pesquisa em questão, pautada nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Arqueologia da Paisagem e da Antropologia das Técnicas, aglutinou uma gama de especialidades, que se envolveram na datação de material arqueológico, na análise técnica da cerâmica, na identificação dos vestígios arqueofaunísticos, no levantamento topográfico, altimétrico e na execução de plantas e desenhos da distribuição espacial dos vestígios, bem como na caracterização geoambiental, além da própria análise dos dados arqueológicos, principalmente o material cerâmico. A descrição, interpretação e a correlação das informações obtidas no sambaqui do Bacanga permitiram construir conhecimento inédito sobre os processos ocorridos na préhistória da Ilha de São Luís, ao atestar a existência e permanência, por um longo período de tempo, de populações pescadoras- coletoras- caçadoras e ceramistas adaptadas a ambiente estuarino-marinho, cuja dieta envolvia a captura de uma variedade de animais e a coleta de algumas espécies vegetais, mas que contudo, encontrava a sua base de sustentação na pesca e na utilização de crustáceos e moluscos como alimentos. O foco da análise centrou-se na investigação do modo de vida de tais populações, a partir da caracterização técnica e tipológica da cerâmica, uma vez que a presença desse tipo de evidência em sambaquis tem sua área geográfica bastante circunscrita no Brasil, envolvendo majoritariamente algumas regiões do Pará, Maranhão e em menor escala Sergipe e Bahia. Além disso, um aspecto de fundamental importância para arqueologia brasileira e que não se obteve paralelo na literatura analisada relacionou-se à descoberta de um assentamento ceramista pré-sambaqui, cuja localização era a mesma do sambaqui do Bacanga, estando situado nas camadas mais antigas de ocupação, algo entre 6.600 a 5.500 anos antes do presente, com grande concentração de cerâmica, sem, no entanto, apresentar o acúmulo de restos alimentares nos pisos de ocupação. Ao passo que as populações pescadoras- coletoras- caçadoras e ceramistas do sambaqui propriamente dito, assentaram-se entre 5.000 a 900 anos antes do presente. Em síntese, a inserção do sítio em questão, nas escalas espaciais, temporais e ambientais, bem como o estudo dos vestígios arqueológicos estabeleceram parâmetros pioneiros para que futuras pesquisas no Maranhão encontrem referenciais de suporte e levem em consideração a história de longa duração dos primeiros povoadores da Ilha de São Luís. / The present dissertation discusses about the pre-historic occupation at São Luís Island-Maranhão, from the archaeological study realized at Bacanga Shell Mound, that appointed material vestiges of the fishing-collecting-hunters and ceramists populations that settled in the region, around 6.600 years before present and remained living this settlement until 900 before present. The research, based in theorical-methodological issues of the Landscape Archaeology and the Technicist Anthropology, united a variety of specialties, that were involved in the archaeological material process of date, in the analyses of ceramics, in the identification of archaeofaunistical vestiges, in the topographical, altimetrical research and in the execution of plants and drawings of this site, in the geoenvironmental characterization, besides the analyses of the archaeological information, mainly the ceramics remains. The description, interpretation and co-relation of the information obtained at Bacanga Shell Mound allowed to build inedited knowledge about the processes occurred in the pre-history of São Luís Island, testifying the existence and permanence, for a long period, of fishing-collecting-hunters and ceramists population adapted to estuary-sea environmental, whose diet involved the gathering of a variety of animals and gathering of some vegetable species, but, the, however, found support in the fishing and in the crustacean and mollusks as food. The focus of analyses was centered in the investigation of the way of life of this population, from the technicist and typological characterization of ceramics, considering that the presence of this kind of evidence in shell mounds has its geographical area really circumscribed in Brazil, involving majorly some regions in Pará, Maranhão, and, in a minor scale, Sergipe and Bahia. Besides that, as aspect of fundamental importance to the brazilian archaeology and that does not have parallel in the literature analyzed related to the discovery of a pre-shell mound ceramist settlement, whose, localization was the same of Bacanga shell mound, being localized in the older layers of the settlement, from 6.600 to 5.5000 years before present, with big concentration of ceramics, without, however, presenting an accumulation of food residues in the settlement floors. Making a summary, the insertion of this site, in spatial, temporal, and environmental scales, and the study of archaeological vestiges establish primary parameters to future researches in Maranhão, finding references of support and considering the long duration history of the first population in São Luís Island.

Arqueologia na Amazônia Central vista de uma perspectiva da região do lago do Limão / Central Amazon Archaeology from Lago do Limão region perspective

Moraes, Claide de Paula 05 April 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados obtidos com o levantamento, escavação e análise material arqueológico provenientes de sítios na região do lago do Limão, município de Iranduba - AM. Os dados obtidos após a identificação de 15 sítios arqueológicos são comparados aos trabalhos já executados na região, com vistas a responder algumas hipóteses criadas para interpretar o processo de ocupação da região amazônica antes da chegada dos europeus. Com o trabalho identificamos algumas peculiaridades relacionadas à fase Paredão, tais como construção de montículos artificiais e assentamentos em aldeias circulares. A partir dos dados obtidos apresentamos uma hipótese interpretativa para a chegada da cerâmica policrômica associada à fase Guarita na Amazônia Central, fato que acreditamos estar relacionado também ao surgimento da fase Paredão. / The results obtained from survey, excavation and material analysis of archaeological material found in sites in the lago do Limão region, Amazonas State, Brazil are presented herein. The data gathered after the identification of 15 archaeological sites is compared to work previously done in the region, aiming to determine the occupational process of the pre-colonial Amazonian region. Peculiarities related to the Paredão phase (7th to 12th century AD) are identified herein, such as the construction of artificial mounds and ring village settlements From the data obtained, an interpretative hypothesis is presented for the arrival of the polychrome ceramics associated with the Guarita phase (9th to 15th century AD) in Central Amazon, a fact that we believe to be also related to the upcoming of the Paredão phase.

Preservação óssea: um estudo tafonômico dos remanescentes ósseos humanos dos sambaquis fluviais do vale do Ribeira de Iguape, SP / Bone preservation: a tafonomic study of the human bones remains of the contry shell-mounds of the valley of the Ribeira de Iguape, SP

Bartolomucci, Rafael 22 August 2008 (has links)
No Brasil, os sítios arqueológicos conhecidos como \"Sambaquis\" estão geograficamente distribuídos ao longo da linha costeira e também perto de alguns rios e regiões lagunares. As análises tafonômicas foram aplicadas aos estudos dos remanescentes ósseos humanos recuperados dos sítios arqueológicos, denominados \"Sambaquis fluviais\", Capelinha, Moraes e Pavão XVI todos eles localizados no vale do rio Ribeira de Iguape, no sul do estado de São Paulo, distantes aproximadamente 30 km da linha costeira. Nesta pesquisa espero apresentar, que mesmo com a observação e análise de fragmentos ósseos, podemos contribuir com algumas hipóteses sobre os rituais funerários e os processos de formação, preservação e destruição dos sepultamentos e se possível dos sítios arqueológicos em questão. Nestas análises usei a fragmentação do osso como uma fonte de informações sobre as diferenças entre quebras ante-mortem, peri-mortem e pos-mortem. Procuramos também observar as relações entre os tipos de fraturas, o stress biomecânico e alguns outros agentes tafonômicos que estariam relacionadas com a fragmentação dos elementos ósseos no sepultamento. Quebras recentes podem ser diferenciadas de quebras antigas e este foi uma das observações coletadas. A variável \"weathering bone\" foi utilizada como um indicador de exposição do osso ao sol. Observei também os processos de cremação e marcas de fogo, marcas de cortes, ação de fungos, ação de raízes e a ação de animais. As variáveis foram computadas levando-se em consideração as suas posições em cada elemento ósseo. Nos resultados não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre a preservação óssea entre os sexos. Já a presença de restos esqueletais infantis corrobora a hipótese que a preservação óssea esta associada a praticas funerárias e a composição química dos depósitos conchíferos, mas que ela depende muito dos procedimentos de exumação. Com relação à diferença de preservação entre os níveis arqueológicos, os indivíduos nas camadas intermediarias apresentam mais ossos íntegros do que as camadas iniciais e finais. A variável \'buraco tafonômico\" apresentou mais ocorrências nos indivíduos das camadas intermediarias e de base e atingiu praticamente todos os indivíduos dos três sítios. Foram analisados praticamente 10.000 fragmentos e ossos íntegros. / In Brazil, the archaeological sites known as \"Sambaquis\" - shell-mounds are geographically distributed in the coastal line and near by some rivers too. The taphonomic analyses are been applied to the study of the human bones recovered from the shell-mounds sites Capelinha, Moraes and Pavão XVI all them from the valley of the river Ribeira de Iguape, South of São Paulo State, distant from the coastal line approximately 20 miles/30 km. In this brief\'s presentation I expect to show that even with fragments of bones we can contributed with some hypothesis about burial rituals and the formation process of the archaeological sites. In these analyses I use the fragmentation of the bone as one source of information about the differences between an ante-mortem, peri-mortem and pos-mortem fractures. Looking for relations between types of fractures, biomechanics aspects and position of the bones in the burial as others different types of taphonomic agents that should influenced the bone fragmentation. Recent fractures can be distinguished from old ones, and the excavation and posexcavation (laboratory) treatment should be seen as one taphonomic agent too. Weathering bone was used as an indicator of the exposure of bone to the sun. I look for fire/cremation process, cut marks, fungal actions, roots damage and animal damage too. The variables was scored by it\'s the position in each bone recovered. In the results, I\'d not found significant differences between the bone preservation between the sex. Already the presence of infantile skeletal remaining portions corroborates the hypothesis that the bone preservation it is associated with the funerary and the chemical composition of the shell-mounds deposits, but that depends very on the exhumation procedures. With regard to the difference of preservation between the archaeological levels, the individuals in the layers intermediate would present more complete bones that from the initial and final layers. The variable \"tafonomic hole\" presented more occurrences in the individuals of the layers intermediate and base and it was present in all individuals from the three sites. It\'s been analyzed almost 10.000 human bones and fragments.

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