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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Náměty k projektové výuce na 2. stupni základní školy na příkladu neživé přírody Novohradských hor / Suggestions for project teaching on the 2nd grade of elementary school using the example of inanimate nature of Novohradské mountains.

KUŘÍMSKÁ, Martina January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with teaching about inanimate nature of the local region. The main theme of the thesis is to create own suggestions for project teaching on the 2nd grade of elementary school using the example of inanimate nature of Novohradské mountains. The project includes various activities focused on teaching about inanimate nature. The theoretical part deals with basic principles of interdisciplinary relations, project-based teaching and field exercise. It also includes an assessment of the significance of the interdisciplinary relitonships of the topic inanimate nature within the FEP. One of these chapters is devoted to the physical-geographic characteristics of the Novohradské mountains. The practical part is the final suggestion of the project.

Influence de la couverture détritique sur le bilan de masse des glaciers des Hautes Montagnes d’Asie : une approche multi-échelle / Impact of the debris cover on High Mountain Asia glacier mass balances : a multi-scale approach

Brun, Fanny 10 September 2018 (has links)
Les Hautes Montagnes d’Asie (HMA) abritent la plus grande superficie de glaciers en dehors des régions polaires. Environ 15 % des ~100 000 km² de glaciers des HMA sont couverts de débris d’épaisseur variable. L’influence de cette couverture détritique sur la réponse des glaciers au changement climatique reste méconnue. Au-delà d’une épaisseur critique (quelques cm), les débris protègent les glaciers de la fonte par effet isolant. Mais ces glaciers présentent des structures qui pourraient sensiblement accentuer leur fonte : en surface ce sont les falaises où la glace est à nue et les lacs supra-glaciaires, alors qu’au cœur des glaciers c’est leur réseau hydrologique intra-glaciaire complexe. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer l’influence de la couverture détritique sur le bilan de masse des glaciers des HMA. Jusqu’à présent, cette influence a été évaluée à partir de changements de longueurs ou sur des échantillons de glaciers restreints, et aucune étude n’a quantifié l’influence de la couverture détritique sur le bilan de masse des glaciers à grande échelle.Nous avons d’abord traité plus de 50 000 couples stéréoscopiques du capteur ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) pour dériver des modèles numériques de terrain (MNTs) sur la quasi-totalité des glaciers des HMA. Nous avons mesuré ainsi le bilan de masse régional entre 2000 et 2016 avec une résolution jamais atteinte auparavant. La perte totale est de 16.3 ± 3.5 Gt a-1 soit un bilan de masse moyen de -0.18 ± 0.04 m équivalent (éq.) eau a-1, très variable spatialement, avec une perte de masse record pour le Nyainqentanglha (-0.62 ± 0.23 m éq. eau a-1) et un léger gain pour le Kunlun (+0.14 ± 0.08 m éq. eau a-1).Cette variabilité spatiale des bilans de masse reflète au premier ordre la variabilité des climats, différents d’un bout à l’autre des HMA. Pour s’en affranchir, nous avons découpé cette région en 12 sous-régions supposées homogènes climatiquement, où nous avons étudié l’influence de la couverture détritique sur le bilan de masse des glaciers de plus de 2 km² (>6 500 glaciers soit 54 % de la surface englacée totale). Statistiquement, la couverture de débris n’est pas un bon prédicteur du bilan de masse. Dans quatre sous-régions, les glaciers couverts ont des bilans de masse plus négatifs que les glaciers blancs, c’est l’opposé dans le Tien Shan alors que pour les sept sous-régions restantes, les bilans ne sont pas différents statistiquement entre glaciers blancs et couverts. Souvent, la couverture détritique a une influence plus faible que la pente de la langue ou l’altitude moyenne du glacier, car les langues couvertes de débris descendent plus bas en altitude, là où l’ablation est la plus forte.Ce type d’étude statistique est intéressant pour se forger une intuition, mais reste peu informatif en termes de compréhension des processus glaciologiques. Pour mieux contraindre les contributions des processus responsables de la fonte, nous avons travaillé en parallèle à une échelle plus fine en nous intéressant au glacier du Changri Nup (2.7 km²) situé non loin de l’Everest au Népal. A partir de MNTs haute résolution dérivés d’images des satellites Pléiades ou acquises avec un drone, nous avons montré que les falaises de glace, bien qu’elles n’occupent que 7 à 8 % de la surface de la langue de ce glacier, ont contribué à ~23 ± 5 % de l’ablation nette totale au cours de deux années contrastées. Ces falaises sont donc des zones d’ablation préférentielle mais couvrent des surfaces trop faibles pour compenser la réduction d’ablation induite par la couverture détritique environnante. Si l’on observe des taux d’amincissement similaires sur les langues couvertes ou non de débris, c’est que la vitesse d’émergence est plus faible sur les langues couvertes ce qui compense un bilan de masse de surface moins négatif que sur les glaciers blancs. Il est néanmoins nécessaire de mieux comprendre la dynamique des langues couvertes de débris. / High Mountain Asia (HMA) hosts the largest glacierized area outside the polar regions. Approximately 15 % of the ~100 000 km² of HMA glaciers is covered by a debris layer of various thickness. The influence of this debris on the HMA glacier response to climate change remains debated. In principle, the presence of a thick layer of debris reduces the melt of the ice beneath it, due to the insulating effect. However, other processes such as ablation of bare ice cliff faces, subaqueous melt of supraglacial ponds and internal ablation due to englacial hydrology could substantially contribute to enhance the debris-covered glacier mass losses. The aim of this PhD work is to assess the impact of the debris on glacier mass balance in HMA. Up to now, the influence of the debris cover has been assessed through glacier front position changes or on a restricted sample of glaciers, and no large scale study of the influence of the debris cover on the glacier-wide mass balance is available.As a starting point, we derived glacier mass changes for the period 2000-2016 for the entire HMA, with an unprecedented resolution, using time series of digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) optical satellite imagery. We calculated a total mass loss of -16.3 ± 3.5 Gt yr-1 (-0.18 ± 0.04 m w.e. yr-1) with contrasted rates of regionally-averaged mass changes ranging from -0.62 ± 0.23 m w.e. yr-1 for the eastern Nyainqentanglha to +0.14 ± 0.08 m w.e. yr-1 for the western Kunlun Shan.At the scale of HMA, the pattern of glacier mass changes is not related to the presence of debris, but is linked with the climatology. Consequently, we studied the influence of the debris-cover on mass balance within climatically homogeneous regions. Based on the mass balances of individual glaciers larger than 2 km² (more than 6 500 glaciers, which represent 54% of the total glacierized area), we found that debris-covered glaciers have significantly more negative mass balances for four regions out of twelve, a significantly less negative mass balance for one region and non-significantly different mass balances for the remaining seven regions. The debris-cover is generally a less significant predictor of the mass balance than the slope of the glacier tongue or the glacier mean elevation. The influence of the debris is not completely clear and complicated to untangle from the effect of the other morphological parameters, because heavily debris-covered tongues are situated at lower elevations than debris-free tongues, where ablation is higher.However, such a statistical analysis of the influence of the debris-cover on the glacier-wide mass balance variability is not very informative in terms of glaciological processes. In order to better constrain the contribution of the different ablation processes on debris-covered tongues, work at a finer scale is required. For the debris-covered tongue of Changri Nup Glacier, Everest region, Nepal, we quantified the contribution of ice cliffs to the ablation budget. Using a combination of very high resolution DEMs derived from Pléiades images and an unmanned aerial vehicle, we found that ice cliffs contributed to ~23 ± 5 % of the total net ablation of the tongue, over two contrasted years, although they occupy only 7 to 8 % of its area. Ice cliffs are large contributors to the ablation of a debris-covered tongue, but they cannot alone explain the so-called debris cover anomaly, i.e. the fact that debris free and debris covered tongues have similar thinning rates. This anomaly is probably due to smaller emergence velocity over debris-covered tongues than over debris-free tongues, resulting in similar thinning rates, despite less negative surface mass balance rates. We advocate for more measurements of ice thickness of debris-covered tongues in order to better understand their dynamics.

Sv. Nikodém Svatohorec a prameny jeho myšlení / St. Nikodemos Hagioreites and sources of his tought

Ignatidu, Věra January 2018 (has links)
In the diploma thesis "St. Nikodemus Hagioreites and the sources of his thought" I focus on the writings and views of this saint, which some scholars do not consider as Orthodox and find there an influence of the West. For example, professor Yannaras finds in the work of St. Nicodemus the influences of the Trident Council, of Enlightenment and Pietism. These and other influences, according to the researchers, are reflected in the writings of the saint. His writings Invisible Combat and Spiritual Exercises are also problematical. These are revised books of Roman Catholic spiritual literature. It is a matter of exploring who translated these handbooks and how they came into the hands of the saint. In my work I gradually attend to the possible influences on the work of St. Nicodemus, to the writings considered to be influenced by the West, some of the saint's views and their comparison with the views of other theologians and peripheral to the hesychastic movement. Very important Nicodemus' issue is the question of frequent Communion. Is it really about trying to restore the practice of the early Church? In each chapter there is the task to provide briefly basic information and to outline issues related to the topic.

Ústup budního hospodářství a dynamika sukcese lesa v Krkonoších / Response of forest succession to agricultural land-abandonment in the Giant Mountains

Dobíhal, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Response of forest succession to agricultural land-abandonment in the Giant Mountains ABSTRACT: Since the end of the 19th century, there is undergoing process of land-abandonment of mountain meadows and pastures in most of the European mountains, including the Giant Mountains. Mountain agriculture in the Giant Mountains was terminated no later than before World War II. Abandoned meadows were then subjected to secondary forest succession. The question is, how fast was this succession and how was its dynamics. My research was focused on 4 areas of interest, located in the vicinity of former mountain huts. Methods applied included the analysis of historical maps and aerial photographs and dendrochronological research of age structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands. The aim of this thesis was to find out the extent of mountain agriculture near the huts and the dynamics of forest succession following land abandonment. Main peaks of seedlings establishment were observed in a very short time (10 - 20 years) following termination of mountain agriculture and in most cases these peaks were further followed by one or two more weaker peaks in the later periods. These peaks became evident in the change maps of forest development with approximately 20 years delay. Forest succession was moving gradually from the...

Les pratiques pastorales d'altitude dans une perspective ethnoarchéologique. Cabanes, troupeaux et territoires pastoraux pyrénéens de la préhistoire à nos jours. / Spatial modeling approach of summer pasture grazing walks in an ethnoarcheological perspective : a pyrenean case study

Le Couédic, Mélanie 04 November 2010 (has links)
Ce travail s’attache aux espaces pastoraux d’altitude dans la longue durée et s’intègre dans le cadre de recherches menées en archéologie pastorale dans les Pyrénées. Il repose sur une démarche ethnoarchéologique et vise à une meilleure compréhension des pratiques de ces espaces, à travers deux axes, soit l’élaboration d’un corpus de sites pastoraux d’altitude inédit et la constitution d’un référentiel actuel de parcours de troupeaux. L’objectif est d’envisager les territoires pastoraux, leurs recompositions et surtout d’identifier leur corrélats matériels permettant de les approcher à la fois dans l’actuel et dans la longue durée. Les cabanes et les enclos qui président au déploiement des troupeaux sont envisagés en relation à d’autres sources, à savoir les résultats des disciplines paléoenvironnementales et les sources planimétriques. Les territoires pastoraux sont enfin confrontés aux sources écrites conservées par les communautés valléennes depuis le Moyen âge. / This study takes an interest in pastoral altitude areas in the long term and integrates itself into the framework of pastoral archaeological research in the Pyrenees. It rests on ethnoarchaeological approach and aims to a better understanding of the practices in these areas through two axes i.e. the elaboration of a pastoral altitude areas’ corpus and the making of a system of reference regarding to the distances travelled by herds. The aim is to consider the pastoral territories, their reconstructions and above all the identification of the material correlates which enables pastoral territories’ present and long-term approach. Shacks and pens governing held’s deployment are considered in connection with other sources i.e. paleoenvironmental and planimetric. At last pastoral areas are compared to written sources preserved by the valley’s communities since the Middle Ages.

The effect of forest management and plant dominant on nitrogen transformation in soils of acidified mountain spruce forests in the Bohemian Forest National Park

STAŇKOVÁ, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to compare and contrast mineral and microbial nitrogen concentrations in soils of semi-natural and natural mountain spruce forests in the Březník area, the Bohemian Forest National Park, under dead wood and four plant dominants with respect to different forest management after windstorm and bark beetle events applied in 1997.

Artillery and warfare 1945-2025

Bailey, J. P. A. January 2009 (has links)
For millennia battles were essentially affairs of linear encounter. From the 10th Century to the 20th Century, artillery generally fired directly in the two dimensional plane,limiting potential effects. The development of indirect fire changed this , two-dimensional model. Warfare became not so much a matter of linear encounter as one of engagement as cross and throughout an area; and artillery dominated land operations in both the First and Second World Wars as a result. Firepower was subsequently often applied in even greater weights, but its effects were frequently excessive and high-value targets proved elusive. During the Cold War in Europe,the importance of field artillery wanded relative to other arms. Artillery could only regain its utility by acquiring the highest-value targets and engaging them effectively with the appropriate degree of force in time and space true precision, as opposed to mere accuracy at a point. Improvements in target acquisition and accuracy will enable land systems once more to engage targets effectively throughout the battlespace with implications for warfare analogous to those precipitated by the introduction of indirect fire a century ago. Land operations will become increasingly three-dimensional and Joint. The effects of fire will increasingly be applied in, not merely via, the third dimensions, since targets themselves will increasingly be located, not just on the area of a battlefield, but in the volume of three-dimensional battlespace with values of indetermined by considerations of the fourth dimension, time. Fire, lethal and non-lethal, will also be targeted in other less tangible dimensions such as cyber-space and new types of 'virtual counterfire' will also emerge in the forms of legal and moral restraint. All will be viewed through the lens of perceptions. The burgeoning of firepower from all sources now becomes the spur for changes in the relationship between the land and air components, mindful of those novel factors that will increasingly inhibit the application of that firepower.

Teoremas do tipo Minimax e aplicações. / Minimax type theorems and applications.

BRITO, Jacqueline Félix de. 09 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-09T17:18:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JACQUELINE FÉLIX DE BRITO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2005..pdf: 538695 bytes, checksum: cd410bf0dae8b3cd679e8abc8feef00b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-09T17:18:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JACQUELINE FÉLIX DE BRITO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2005..pdf: 538695 bytes, checksum: cd410bf0dae8b3cd679e8abc8feef00b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12 / Neste trabalho, mostramos a existência de soluções para a seguinte classe de problemas elípticos: (Para ver a formula ou equação recomendamos o download da dissertação). As principais ferramentas utilizadas são os Teoremas de Deformação, Passo da Montanha e Ponto de Sela. / In this work, we show the existence of solutions for the following class for elliptic problem: (To see the formula or equation we recommend downloading the dissertation). (To see the formula or equation we recommend downloading the dissertation).

Condições do tipo Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz. / Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz type conditions.

FERREIRA, Luciano dos Santos. 10 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-10T16:31:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCIANO DOS SANTOS FERREIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2006..pdf: 536780 bytes, checksum: 06d259307302cbc1065d7863b2b8a96b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-10T16:31:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCIANO DOS SANTOS FERREIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2006..pdf: 536780 bytes, checksum: 06d259307302cbc1065d7863b2b8a96b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-04 / CNPq / Neste trabalho, mostramos a existência de solução para o problema conhecido como um problema de Dirichlet não-linear. As principais ferramentas são os Teoremas de Deformação, Passo da Montanha e os Métodos de Mínimização. / n this work, we show the existence of solutions for the problem known how the nonlinear Dirichlet of problem. The main tools used are the Deformation, Mountain Pass Theorems and the Minimization of Methods.

Sylviculture des forêts hétérogènes de montagne et compromis production-biodiversité : une approche simulation / Management of heterogeneous mountain forests and trade-off between timber production and biodiversity conservation : a simulation study

Lafond, Valentine 10 July 2014 (has links)
Les changements globaux et l'évolution du contexte socio-économique renforcent les attentes vis-à-vis d'une gestion multifonctionnelle des forêts. En France, la communauté forestière s'est accordée sur la définition du double objectif de « produire plus de bois, tout en préservant mieux la biodiversité […]» (Grenelle de l'Environnement, 2007). Cet objectif s'accompagne d'une volonté de maintenir des attributs favorables à la biodiversité d'une part, et de « dynamiser » la sylviculture d'autre part. La comptabilité entre ces mesures est toutefois controversée et il est aujourd'hui nécessaire de mieux comprendre leurs effets sur les services écosystémiques, afin de pouvoir définir les conditions d'une gestion forestière multifonctionnelle et durable.L'objectif de la thèse est d'explorer de manière fine l'effet de la sylviculture sur la structure des peuplements, la production de bois et la préservation de la biodiversité. Le travail s'articule autour de deux hypothèses générales : (1) celle que les indicateurs de ces deux services répondent de manière différente à la gestion; (2) celle qu'une gamme intermédiaire d'intensités de sylviculture est favorable au compromis entre production et biodiversité. Le travail a porté sur le cas des sapinières-pessières irrégulières de montagne, qui présentent une longue tradition de gestion en futaie irrégulière et sont jugées favorables à la fourniture d'un certain nombre de services écosystémiques. Nous avons opté pour une approche par simulation s'appuyant sur le couplage d'un modèle de dynamique forestière, d'algorithmes de sylviculture et de modèles et indicateurs de production et de biodiversité. Le travail de thèse a nécessité la mise en place d'une démarche complète d'expérimentation par simulation impliquant les étapes (i) de formalisation des variables de contrôle et de réponse, (ii) de développement et d'évaluation de modèles, (iii) de définition de plans d'expérience, (iv) d'analyse de sensibilité et (v) d'analyse de la réponse des indicateurs à la gestion. Une analyse complète du modèle Samsara2 nous a permis de vérifier la cohérence des dynamiques forestières simulées et la fiabilité des prédictions. Un algorithme de sylviculture a été développé pour modéliser la gestion en futaie irrégulière de manière fine. Deux modèles de biodiversité ont été implémentés à partir de modèles issus de la littérature : un modèle de stockage et de décomposition du bois mort et un modèle de prédiction de la richesse spécifique de la strate herbacée. Une analyse de sensibilité du système nous a tout d'abord permis d'analyser l'influence des paramètres d'entrée (sylvicoles, démographiques ou état initial) sur un ensemble d'indicateurs de structure, production et biodiversité, puis d'identifier et de fixer les paramètres peu influents. Une approche par régression a ensuite permis d'établir la fonction de réponse (métamodèle) de chaque indicateur aux principaux leviers de gestion, en interaction avec la démographie et l'état initial. Nous avons ainsi observé un effet négatif de l'intensification de la gestion sur la biodiversité, bien que cet effet varie en fonction des indicateurs. Les mesures de conservation de la biodiversité peuvent toutefois servir de leviers de compensation dans certains cas, permettant ainsi de concilier les deux objectifs. Des situations de compromis entre indicateurs de production et/ou biodiversité ont été détectées, mais leur analyse fine nécessite désormais de se tourner vers les méthodes d'analyse multicritère.Ainsi, l'analyse couplée des de la réponse des indicateurs de services écosystémiques à la gestion et des scénarii de gestion situés sur la zone de compromis devrait permettre d'alimenter les échanges avec les gestionnaires forestiers et de discuter des recommandations de gestion à l'échelle de la parcelle ou du massif forestier. / Global change and the evolution of the socio-economic context reinforce the expectations for multifunctional forest management. In France, the forest community agreed on the definition of the double objective of “improving timber production while preserving biodiversity better” (Grenelle 2007). This objective goes along with a will of maintaining the natural attributes favoring biodiversity on one hand, and of increasing management intensity on the other hand. The compatibility between both objectives is however controversial and it seem nowadays necessary to better understand their effects on ecosystem services, so as to enable the definition of multifunctional and sustainable forest management. The objective of this PhD thesis is to explore the effect of silviculture on stand structure, timber production and biodiversity preservation. This works involves two main hypotheses: (1) the fact that ecosystem services indicators present different responses to silvicultural drivers, thus leading to trade-offs situations; (2) the fact that management scenarios of intermediate intensity may enable satisfactory production-biodiversity trade-offs to be reached. This work addressed the case of uneven-aged spruce-fir mountain forests, which present a long tradition of uneven-aged management (selection system) and are judged favorable to the provision of several ecosystem services. We used a simulation approach coupling a forest dynamics simulation model (Samsara2), a silviculture algorithm, and ecosystem services models and indicators (for timber production and biodiversity). This however required a complete simulation experiment approach to be set up, with several steps: (i) formalization of control and response variables, (ii) model development and evaluation, (iii) experiment designs definition, (iv) sensitivity analysis, and (v) study of indicators' response to management. A complete analysis of the Samsara2 model enabled the consistency of simulated forest dynamics and the reliability of predictions to be checked. A silviculture algorithm has been developed to accurately model uneven-aged management. Two biodiversity models have been implemented from the literature: a dead wood decay model and an understory diversity model.A sensitivity analysis of the system first enabled us to assess the influence of input parameters (silviculture, demographic and initial state) on structure, timber production and biodiversity indicators, and then to identify and fix those with low influence. Then, a regression approach enabled the establishment of the response function (metamodels) of each indicator to the main silvicultural factors, in interaction with demography and initial state. This revealed the negative effect of increased management intensity on biodiversity indicators, although its effect depended on the indicator. Biodiversity conservation measures could however be used as compensation drivers in some cases, therefore enabling both objectives to be concealed. Trade-offs situations have also been detected between timber production and/or biodiversity conservation indicators, but their analysis now require specific multi-criteria analysis to be used.The combined analysis of ecosystem services response to silvicultural drivers and of management scenarios located on the trade-offs area would then supply the discussion with forest managers with new elements and enable management recommendations to be discussed at the stand or landscape scale.

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