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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An integrated approach to environmentally conscious design and manufacturing

Goan, Meng-Jong Kuan 03 October 2007 (has links)
The problem addressed in this research was to develop an approach for the simultaneous green design of products and associated manufacturing processes including demanufacturing concerns. We propose a generic approach called Integrated Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing (IECDM) which can be applied to address problems in the ECDM domain. IECDM incorporates environmental considerations into the engineering design process, thereby increasing a product's total life-cycle value (including its end-of-life value) as experienced by the customer, manufacturer, and society, while simultaneously reducing impacts on the environment caused by that product and its manufacturing processes. IECDM is a novel integration of Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA), Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM), and Cost-Benefit Assessment (CBA). The focus is on process, based on modification of the traditional QFD methodology to incorporate environmental issues and green product-design decisions through the life cycle design activities of synthesis, analysis, and evaluation. This dissertation presents a QFD-based IECDM approach, a mathematical CBA model, and an IDDS (Integrated Design Decision-Support) framework with a design-flow-chart application for incorporating environmental criteria into product and process eco-design. The IECDM problem is defined as: given the customer and environmental requirements, develop an integrated approach for green product design that results in maximization of the product's total life-cycle value (TLCV). Initially. through investigation in the field of ECDM, we specified a clear ECDM domain within Industrial Ecology. Then. we proposed various state-of-the-art techniques that were used to implement ECDM in the literature. After we defined the IECDM problem. we developed an integrated approach that led to a generic QFD-IECDM methodology for dealing with problems in the ECDM domain. Finally, for implementing the proposed methodology, we developed a tentative IODS framework to encourage long-term development followed by an example. / Ph. D.


Segura Maroto, Marina 06 May 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] The main objectives of this research are the following. First, to analyse the models and methods in Decision Support Systems (DSS) for forest management, taking into account the important features which allow forestry related problems to be categorized. Second, to define strategic criteria for the sustainable management of Mediterranean forests, as well as to elicit and aggregate the stakeholders' preferences. Third, to propose a robust methodology to implement collaborative management focused on ESS and to develop indicators for the main functions of ESS. The methodology is based on a workshop and surveys to elicit the decision makers', experts' and other stakeholders' preferences. Several techniques were then used to aggregate individual judgements and determine social preferences, in particular, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Goal Programming (GP). In addition, a PROMETHEE based method has been developed to provide indicators of the ESS, classified into provisioning, maintenance and direct to citizens services. The analysis of DSS for forest management has shown that the best choice of approach to solve a given problem depend on its nature, which can be characterized by the temporal scale, spatial context, spatial scale, number of decision makers or stakeholders, objectives and finally goods and services involved. A decision hierarchy for strategic management of Valencian forests has been developed by involving experts during the design phase. This was later validated in consultation with the stakeholders in a workshop and provides the base from which to obtain the social preferences. The results show greater importance for environmental and social criteria and lesser relevance for economic criteria, valid for both public and private Mediterranean forests. This result is the same regardless of which preference aggregation technique was used and takes into account the preferences of the majority of the stakeholders and also the minority opinions furthest from the consensus. New products and services such as rural tourism, renewable energies, landscape, hydrological regulation and erosion control, biodiversity and climate change mitigation are relevant. This research also proposes a robust methodology to implement collaborative management focused on ESS provided by protected areas and aggregated indicators for their main functions. Decision makers, technical staff and other stakeholders are included in the process from the beginning, by identifying ESS and eliciting preferences using the AHP method. Qualitative and quantitative data are then integrated into a PROMETHEE based method in order to obtain indicators for provisioning, maintenance and direct to citizens services. This methodology, which has been applied in a forest natural park, provides a tool for exploiting available technical and social data in a continuous process, as well as graphical results, which are easy to understand. This approach also overcomes the difficulties found in prioritising management objectives in a multiple criteria context with limited resources and facilitates consensus between all of the people involved. The new indicators define an innovative approach to assessing the ESS from the supply perspective and provide basic information to help establish payment systems for environmental services and compensation for natural disasters. / [ES] Los principales objetivos de esta investigación son los siguientes. En primer lugar, analizar los modelos y los métodos de los sistemas de ayuda a la toma de decisiones para gestión forestal, teniendo en cuenta las características relevantes que permiten clasificar los problemas forestales. En segundo lugar, definir los criterios estratégicos para la gestión forestal sostenible del bosque mediterráneo, así como obtener y agregar las preferencias de los decisores y otras partes interesadas. En tercer lugar, proponer una metodología robusta para implementar una gestión colaborativa centrada en los servicios del ecosistema y desarrollar indicadores para las principales funciones de estos servicios. La metodología se fundamenta en una jornada de trabajo con decisores, expertos y otros grupos de personas interesadas, así como en encuestas a todos ellos. Después se han utilizado varias técnicas para agregar las preferencias individuales y determinar las preferencias de los distintos grupos sociales, en particular el proceso analítico jerárquico y la programación por metas. Adicionalmente, se ha desarrollado un método basado en PROMETHEE que permite obtener indicadores de los servicios del ecosistema, clasificados en servicios de producción, mantenimiento y directos a los ciudadanos. El análisis de los sistemas de ayuda a la toma de decisiones para gestión forestal ha puesto de manifiesto que los mejores enfoques para resolver los problemas forestales dependen de su naturaleza, caracterizada por la escala temporal, el contexto espacial, la escala espacial, el número de decisores o personas interesadas, el número de objetivos y por último los bienes y servicios involucrados. Se ha desarrollado una jerarquía de decisión para la gestión estratégica de los bosques valencianos involucrando a expertos en la fase de diseño. Este modelo fue validado posteriormente por las partes interesadas en una jornada organizada con esta finalidad y ha sido la base para obtener las preferencias sociales. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la mayor importancia de los criterios medioambientales y sociales y la menor relevancia de los económicos, tanto para el monte mediterráneo público como privado. Este resultado es independiente del método de agregación utilizado y tiene en cuenta tanto las preferencias de la mayoría como de la minoría más alejada del consenso. Son relevantes los nuevos productos y servicios tales como el turismo rural, las energías renovables, el paisaje, la regulación hidrológica y el control de la erosión, la biodiversidad y la mitigación del cambio climático. Esta investigación también propone una metodología robusta para implementar una gestión colaborativa centrada en los servicios del ecosistema que proporcionan las áreas protegidas e indicadores agregados para sus principales funciones. Los responsables de las decisiones, el personal técnico y otras personas interesadas han participado desde el inicio del proceso, identificando los servicios del ecosistema y proporcionado sus preferencias mediante la técnica del proceso analítico jerárquico. Después se integran los datos cualitativos y cuantitativos en un método basado en PROMETHEE con la finalidad de obtener indicadores para los servicios de producción, mantenimiento y directos a los ciudadanos. Esta metodología, que se ha aplicado en un parque natural, facilita la explotación de los datos técnicos y sociales en un proceso continuo y proporciona resultados gráficos muy fáciles de entender. Este enfoque también permite superar las dificultades que surgen al priorizar los objetivos de gestión en un contexto multicriterio con recursos limitados y facilita el consenso entre todas las personas involucradas. Los nuevos indicadores representan un enfoque innovador para la valoración de los servicios del ecosistema desde el punto de vista de la oferta y proporcionan información básica para establecer sistemas de pagos por / [CA] Els principals objectius d'aquesta recerca són els següents. En primer lloc, analitzar els models i els mètodes dels sistemes d'ajuda a la presa de decisions per a gestió forestal, tenint en compte les característiques rellevants que permeten classificar els problemes forestals. En segon lloc, definir els criteris estratègics per a la gestió forestal sostenible del bosc mediterrani, com també obtenir i agregar les preferències dels decisors i altres parts interessades. En tercer lloc, proposar una metodologia robusta per a implementar una gestió col·laborativa centrada en els serveis de l'ecosistema i desenvolupar indicadors per a les principals funcions d'aquests serveis. La metodologia es fonamenta en una jornada de treball amb decisors, experts i altres grups de persones interessades, i també en enquestes a tots ells. Després s'han utilitzat diverses tècniques per a afegir-hi les preferències individuals i determinar les preferències dels diferents grups socials, en particular el procés analític jeràrquic i la programació per metes. Addicionalment, s'ha desenvolupat un mètode basat en PROMETHEE que permet obtenir indicadors dels serveis de l'ecosistema, classificats en serveis de producció, manteniment i directes als ciutadans. L'anàlisi dels sistemes d'ajuda a la presa de decisions per a la gestió forestal ha posat de manifest que els millors enfocaments per a resoldre els problemes forestals depenen de la naturalesa d'aquests problemes, caracteritzada per l'escala temporal, el context espacial, l'escala espacial, el nombre de decisors o persones interessades, el nombre d'objectius i, finalment, els béns i serveis involucrats. S'ha desenvolupat una jerarquia de decisió per a la gestió estratègica dels boscos valencians involucrant experts en la fase de disseny. Aquest model ha sigut validat posteriorment per les parts interessades en una jornada organitzada amb aquesta finalitat i ha sigut la base per a obtenir les preferències socials. Els resultats posen de manifest la major importància dels criteris mediambientals i socials i la menor rellevància dels econòmics, tant per a la muntanya mediterrània pública com privada. Aquest resultat és independent del mètode d'agregació utilitzat i té en compte tant les preferències de la majoria com de la minoria més allunyada del consens. Són rellevants els nous productes i serveis, com ara el turisme rural, les energies renovables, el paisatge, la regulació hidrològica i el control de l'erosió, la biodiversitat i la mitigació del canvi climàtic. Aquesta recerca també proposa una metodologia robusta per a implementar una gestió col·laborativa centrada en els serveis de l'ecosistema que proporcionen les àrees protegides i indicadors agregats per a les seues funcions principals. Els responsables de les decisions, el personal tècnic i altres persones interessades hi han participat des de l'inici del procés, identificant els serveis de l'ecosistema i proporcionant les seues preferències mitjançant la tècnica del procés analític jeràrquic. Després s'integren les dades qualitatives i quantitatives en un mètode basat en PROMETHEE amb la finalitat d'obtenir indicadors per als serveis de producció, manteniment i directes als ciutadans. Aquesta metodologia, que s'ha aplicat en un parc natural, facilita l'explotació de les dades tècniques i socials en un procés continu i proporciona resultats gràfics molt fàcils d'entendre. Aquest enfocament també permet superar les dificultats que sorgeixen a l'hora de prioritzar els objectius de gestió en un context multicriteri amb recursos limitats i facilita el consens entre totes les persones involucrades. Els nous indicadors representen un enfocament innovador per a la valoració dels serveis de l'ecosistema des del punt de vista de l'oferta i proporcionen informació bàsica per a establir sistemes de pagaments per serveis ambientals i compensacions per desastres naturals. / Segura Maroto, M. (2015). ASSESSMENT OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES BASED ON MULTIPLE CRITERIA AND GROUP DECISION MAKING [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/57955 / Compendio

Ekologiškų namų racionalaus varianto intelektinės sistemos kūrimas / Development of an Intelligent System for Rational Variant of Eco-friendly Houses

Verikas, Vaidas 01 July 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos ekologiškos statybinės medžiagos, analizuojami namo dalių konstrukciniai variantai, statant namus iš šių medžiagų. Taip pat sudaroma kompiuterinė sistema, padedanti vartotojui išsirinkti racionaliausią ekologiškų medžiagų panaudojimo variantą. Darbą sudaro trys dalys. Pirmojoje dalyje apžvelgiama ekologiškų statybinių medžiagų samprata, pagrindiniai principai, aprašomas statybinių medžiagų gyvavimo ciklas, aptariama aplinkai nekenksmingų medžiagų situacija Europoje. Antrojoje dalyje plačiau aprašomos gamtai nekenksmingos statybinės medžiagos, galimi tokių medžiagų konstrukciniai variantai. Analizuojami sienų, stogo dangos, šilumos izoliacijos ir šildymo sistemos pritaikymo galimybės statant ekologišką namą. Trečiojoje dalyje nagrinėjamas praktinis ekologiško namo konstrukcijų pritaikymo modelis. Sudaroma alternatyvų ir kriterijų sistema, apibūdinanti nekenksmingo aplinkai namo konstrukcinius elementus. Panaudojant kiekybinius ir kokybinius kriterijus ir galimas medžiagų alternatyvas, atliekama daugiakriterė statybinių medžiagų ir jų konstrukcijų analizė, sudaroma kompiuterinė sistema. / Ecological and environmentally friendly building materials and constructional options, that are used to build houses, are considered in this master work. It also contains the computer system enabling the user to choose the most rational option of ecological materials. This master work consists of three parts: In the first part the concept of ecological building materials and main principles are described. It also contains information about the life cycle of building materials and the situation of environmentally friendly materials in Europe are discussed. The second part describes environmentally friendly building materials and possible structural variations of such materials. It analyzes walls, roof, heat insulation and possibilities of heating system in the ecological house. In the third part the practical model of the ecological house is considered. An alternative and criteria system that describes the environmentally friendly house constructional elements is created. Using quantitative, qualitative criteria and possible material alternatives multiple criteria analysis of building materials and their construction is performed. The computer system is also made.

Multi-criteria decision-making for water resource management in the Berg Water management area

De Lange, Willem J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric) (Agriculture))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The concept of social welfare maximisation directs strategic decision-making within a milieu of integrated planning problems. This study applies the aforementioned statement to decision-making regarding the long-term allocation of bulk-water resources in the Berg Water Management Area of South Africa. Public goods, such as bulk water supply infrastructure, is vulnerable to failures in market and government allocation strategies because both fields are subjected to unaccounted costs and benefits. This implies a measurement problem for the quantification of the total cost/benefit of management options and result in decision-making with incomplete information. Legitimate decision-making depends on reliable and accurate information, and the measurement problem, therefore, poses an obstacle to better social welfare maximisation. A need has been identified to broaden the decision-making context in the Berg Water Management Area to promote the accommodation of unaccounted for costs and benefits in water resource allocation decision-making. This study engaged this need by expanding the temporal and spatial dimensions of the decision-making context. Accordingly, improved indecision-making information and decision-support processes is needed. Spatial expansions manifested in physical expansions of the decision-making boundaries that led to expansions in representation in the decision-making process. Temporal expansions manifested in the consideration of different sequences of bulk supply schemes over time instead of a selection of schemes at the same time. The study incorporated components of economic valuation theory, multi-criteria decision analysis, a public survey and a modified Delphi expert panel technique to account for the increased decisionmaking information load. The approach was applied in the Western Cape province of South Africa and specifically focused on a choice problem regarding different long-term bulk-water resource management options for the area. Two surveys were completed to accommodate these expansions. The first focused on public preference in water allocation management and the second survey utilized a modified Delphi technique. Questions regarding the extend of public participation in long-term water resource allocation decision-making came to the fore and the applicability of economic theory to accommodate public preference as a regulatory instrument, was questioned. A willingness to pay for “greener” water was observed and may be used to motivate a paradigm shift from management’s perspective to consider, without fear of harming their own political position, “greener” water supply options more seriously even if these options imply higher direct costs.

Modelo multiobjetivo Fuzzy de análise envoltória de dados na avaliação da eficiência de máquinas industriais em um contexto sob incerteza /

Guimarães, Erica Peixoto January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Aneirson Francisco da Silva / Resumo: A gestão baseada no Lean Manufacturing tem como princípio o desenvolvimento de processos enxutos com a capacidade de utilizar da melhor forma os recursos disponíveis e eliminar atividades que não agregam valor. Com isso, o programa Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), está entre os métodos que auxiliam nesse objetivo, pois desenvolve a função de gerir a manutenção de máquinas, equipamentos e meio ambiente de trabalho de forma que os investimentos feitos tendam ao aumento da eficiência global. Para isso, uma maneira de controlar o desempenho dos processos é aplicando ferramentas capazes de mensurar a eficiência relativa. Pois, além de verificar quantitativamente a eficiência relativa, estes métodos e ferramentas servem de fundamentação para auxiliar os gestores na tomada de decisões nas organizações. A empresa em estudo, uma multinacional de autopeças situada no Vale do Paraíba/SP, emprega o programa TPM e apoia-se no indicador Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) para as avaliações de eficiência. Entretanto, o presente estudo propôs um indicador de eficiência que combina um modelo multicritério com a Lógica dos Conjuntos Fuzzy, no qual, diferentemente do OEE, é possível escolher os parâmetros que interferem na eficiência do processo e adicionar o conhecimento dos especialistas aos dados nítidos para assim, verificar o comportamento do cenário. Para o indicador proposto, foram simulados três cenários, dispostos em forma de ranking (do mais eficiente ao menos eficiente) e compa... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Management based on Lean Manufacturing has as principle the development of lean processes with the ability to make the best use of available resources and eliminate activities that do not add value. Thus, the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) program is one of the methods that help this goal, because it develops the role of managing the maintenance of machinery, equipment and working environment, for that the investments made tend to increase the overall efficiency. For this, one way to control process performance is to apply tools developed to measure relative efficiency. Because, in addition to quantitatively verifying relative efficiency, these methods and tools are based managers for decision-making in organizations. The company under study, an auto parts multinational located in Vale do Paraíba / SP, use the TPM program and for efficiency assessments is supported by the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) indicator. However, the present study proposed an efficiency indicator that combines a multicriteria model with the Fuzzy Set Logic, in which, unlike OEE, it is possible to choose the parameters that interfere in the process efficiency and to add expert knowledge to the clear data for verify the behavior of the scenario. For the proposed indicator, three scenarios were simulated, creating the ranking (from the most efficient to the least efficient) and compared to the OEE indicator ranking. Once this was done, it was observed that there was divergence in most positio... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Methods for parameterizing and exploring Pareto frontiers using barycentric coordinates

Daskilewicz, Matthew John 08 April 2013 (has links)
The research objective of this dissertation is to create and demonstrate methods for parameterizing the Pareto frontiers of continuous multi-attribute design problems using barycentric coordinates, and in doing so, to enable intuitive exploration of optimal trade spaces. This work is enabled by two observations about Pareto frontiers that have not been previously addressed in the engineering design literature. First, the observation that the mapping between non-dominated designs and Pareto efficient response vectors is a bijection almost everywhere suggests that points on the Pareto frontier can be inverted to find their corresponding design variable vectors. Second, the observation that certain common classes of Pareto frontiers are topologically equivalent to simplices suggests that a barycentric coordinate system will be more useful for parameterizing the frontier than the Cartesian coordinate systems typically used to parameterize the design and objective spaces. By defining such a coordinate system, the design problem may be reformulated from y = f(x) to (y,x) = g(p) where x is a vector of design variables, y is a vector of attributes and p is a vector of barycentric coordinates. Exploration of the design problem using p as the independent variables has the following desirable properties: 1) Every vector p corresponds to a particular Pareto efficient design, and every Pareto efficient design corresponds to a particular vector p. 2) The number of p-coordinates is equal to the number of attributes regardless of the number of design variables. 3) Each attribute y_i has a corresponding coordinate p_i such that increasing the value of p_i corresponds to a motion along the Pareto frontier that improves y_i monotonically. The primary contribution of this work is the development of three methods for forming a barycentric coordinate system on the Pareto frontier, two of which are entirely original. The first method, named "non-domination level coordinates," constructs a coordinate system based on the (k-1)-attribute non-domination levels of a discretely sampled Pareto frontier. The second method is based on a modification to an existing "normal boundary intersection" multi-objective optimizer that adaptively redistributes its search basepoints in order to sample from the entire frontier uniformly. The weights associated with each basepoint can then serve as a coordinate system on the frontier. The third method, named "Pareto simplex self-organizing maps" uses a modified a self-organizing map training algorithm with a barycentric-grid node topology to iteratively conform a coordinate grid to the sampled Pareto frontier.

Multi-objective optimization for Green Supply Chain Management and Design : Application to the orange juice agrofood cluster / Optimisation multi-objectif pour la gestion et la conception d'une chaine logistique verte : Application au cas de la filière agroalimentaire du jus d'orange

Miranda Ackerman, Marco Augusto 05 November 2015 (has links)
La gestion de la chaîne logistique a gagné en maturité depuis l’extension de son champ d’application qui portait sur des problématiques opérationnelles et économiques s’est élargi à des questions environnementales et sociales auxquelles sont confrontées les organisations industrielles actuelles. L’addition du terme «vert» aux activités de la chaîne logistique vise à intégrer une conscience écologique dans tous les processus de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Le but de ce travail est de développer un cadre méthodologique pour traiter la gestion de la chaîne logistique verte (GrSCM) basée sur une approche d'optimisation multi-objectif, en se focalisant sur la conception, la planification et les opérations de la chaîne agroalimentaire, à travers la mise en oeuvre des principes de gestion et de logistique de la chaîne d'approvisionnement verte. L'étude de cas retenu est la filière du jus d'orange. L'objectif du travail consiste en la minimisation de l'impact environnemental et la maximisation de la rentabilité économique pour des catégories de produits sélectionnés. Ce travail se concentre sur l'application de la GrSCM à deux questions stratégiques fondamentales visant les chaînes d'approvisionnement agroalimentaire. La première est liée au problème de la sélection des fournisseurs en produits « verts » (GSS) pour les systèmes de production agricole et à leur intégration dans le réseau globalisé de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Le second se concentre sur la conception globale du réseau de la chaîne logistique verte (GSCND). Ces deux sujets complémentaires sont finalement intégrés afin d'évaluer et exploiter les caractéristiques des chaînes d'approvisionnement agro-alimentaire en vue du développement d’un éco-label. La méthodologie est basée sur le couplage entre analyse du cycle de vie (ACV), optimisation multi-objectifs par algorithmes génétiques et technique d’aide à la décision multicritère (de type TOPSIS). L’approche est illustrée et validée par le développement et l'analyse d'une étude de cas de la chaîne logistique de jus d'orange, modélisée comme une chaîne logistique verte (GrSC) à trois échelons composés de la production d’oranges, de leur transformation en jus, puis de leur distribution, chaque échelon étant modélisé de façon plus fine en sous-composants. D’un point de vue méthodologique, le travail a démontré l’intérêt du cadre de modélisation et d’optimisation de GrSC dans le contexte des chaînes d'approvisionnement, notamment pour le développement d’un éco-label dans le domaine de l’agro-alimentaire. Il peut aider les décideurs pour gérer la complexité inhérente aux décisions de conception de la chaîne d'approvisionnement agroalimentaire, induite par la nature multi-objectifs multi-acteurs multi-périodes du problème, empêchant ainsi une prise de décision empirique et segmentée. D’un point de vue expérimental, sous les hypothèses utilisées dans l'étude de cas, les résultats du travail soulignent que si l’on restreint l’éco-label "bio" à l'aspect agricole, seule une faible, voire aucune amélioration sur la performance environnementale de la chaîne d'approvisionnement n’est atteinte. La prise en compte des critères environnementaux pertinents sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie s’avère être une meilleure option pour les stratégies publiques et privées afin de tendre vers des chaînes agro-alimentaires plus durables. / Supply chain and operations management has matured from a field that addressed only operational and economic concerns to one that comprehensively considers the broader environmental and social issues that face industrial organizations of today. Adding the term “green” to supply chain activities seeks to incorporate environmentally conscious thinking in all processes in the supply chain. The aim of this work is to develop a Green Supply Chain (GrSC) framework based on a multi-objective optimization approach, with specific emphasis on agrofood supply chain design, planning and operations through the implementation of appropriate green supply chain management and logistics principles. The case study is the orange juice cluster. The research objective is the minimization of the environmental burden and the maximization of economic profitability of the selected product categories. This work focuses on the application of GrSCM to two fundamental strategic issues targeting agro food supply chains. The former is related to the Green Supplier Selection (GSS) problem devoted to the farming production systems and the way they are integrated into the global supply chain network. The latter focuses on the global Green Supply Chain Network Design (GSCND) as a whole. These two complementary and ultimately integrated strategic topics are framed in order to evaluate and exploit the unique characteristics of agro food supply chains in relation to eco-labeling. The methodology is based on the use of Life Cycle Assessment, Multi-objective Optimization via Genetic Algorithms and Multiple-criteria Decision Making tools (TOPSIS type). The approach is illustrated and validated through the development and analysis of an Orange Juice Supply Chain case study modelled as a three echelon GrSC composed of the supplier, manufacturing and market levels that in turn are decomposed into more detailed subcomponents. Methodologically, the work has shown the development of the modelling and optimization GrSCM framework is useful in the context of eco-labeled agro food supply chain and feasible in particular for the orange juice cluster. The proposed framework can help decision makers handle the complexity that characterizes agro food supply chain design decision and that is brought on by the multi-objective and multi-period nature of the problem as well as by the multiple stakeholders, thus preventing to make the decision in a segmented empirical manner. Experimentally, under the assumptions used in the case study, the work highlights that by focusing only on the “organic” eco-label to improve the agricultural aspect, low to no improvement on overall supply chain environmental performance is reached in relative terms. In contrast, the environmental criteria resulting from a full lifecycle approach is a better option for future public and private policies to reach more sustainable agro food supply chains.

Modelo multicritério para apoio à tomada de decisão baseado em avaliação do ciclo de vida e indicadores corporativos

Piekarski, Cassiano Moro 24 April 2015 (has links)
O uso da Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) permite identificar oportunidades de melhoria de desempenho ambiental, gerar aprendizagem sobre produtos e processos e apoiar decisões para alcançar vantagens competitivas. O processo de tomada de decisão baseado nos resultados da ACV envolve, além dos aspectos e impactos ambientais, outros critérios importantes para um processo decisório. Neste sentido, esta tese objetivou desenvolver um modelo multicritério para apoio à decisão baseado em avaliação de ciclo de vida e indicadores corporativos. O modelo desenvolvido possui caráter interativo, pode ser generalizado e foi validado utilizando dados de diferentes cenários do ciclo de vida da produção do painel MDF. O modelo avalia par a par as opções de cenários distintos e identifica a opção mais atrativa de acordo com um índice final. O índice final é composto por dimensões específicas, subdimensões e indicadores. A dimensão ambiental do modelo é baseada em ACV, a qual foi modelada no software Umberto e utilizou a base de dados Eco-Invent 2.2. Para a estrutura decisória do modelo e a construção de escalas cardinais foi utilizado o método MACBETH, através do software M-MACBETH. A validação do modelo ocorreu por meio da avaliação de três situações decisórias da produção do painel MDF (variações no processo produtivo, variações em parâmetros de processo e variações em espessura do produto). Os resultados apresentados contribuíram para avanços acadêmicos em construções de modelos de apoio à decisão baseados em ACV e multicritérios. Permitiram, ainda, interpretar e gerar aprendizados acerca do processo produtivo, do ciclo de vida do produto e da gestão da produção da indústria pesquisada. Neste sentido, concluiu-se que o modelo mostrou-se apto para apoiar e gerar aprendizagem em processos decisórios multicritérios baseados em ACV e em outros indicadores corporativos. / Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) allows identify opportunities to improve environmental performance, providing knowledge about products and processes and supporting decision-making in order to achieve advantages. Decision-making based on LCA results involves, in addition to the environmental aspects and impacts, others important criteria. In this sense, this thesis aimed to develop a multi-criteria model for decision-making based on life cycle assessment and corporate indicators. The model developed has interactive nature and can be generalized. The model was validated using data for different scenarios of MDF panel production life cycle. The pairwise model evaluates the options for different scenarios and identifies the most attractive option in accordance with a final index. The final index is composed of specific, sub-dimensions and indicators. The environmental dimension is based on an LCA, which was modeled in Umberto software and used Eco-Invent 2.2 as database. For the model structure and construction of cardinal scale was used MACBETH method using M-MACBETH software. The model validation was made by evaluation of three decision-making scenarios in MDF panel production (changes in production processes, changes in process parameters and changes in product thickness variations). The results allowed to reach academic advances in order to support decision models structures based on LCA and multi-criteria. The results allowed interpreting and generating knowledge about production process, product life cycle and industrial management. In this sense, it is concluded that the model is able to support and generate knowledge on decision-making processes based on LCA and other corporate indicators.

Avaliação de desempenho da diretoria de desenvolvimento de pessoal em uma instituição pública de ensino superior por meio da metodologia multicritério de apoio à decisão - construtivista / Performance evaluation of personal development management in a public institution of higher education through multi-criteria decision aid methodology - constructivist

Dagostin, Henrique 21 October 2016 (has links)
O departamento de gestão de pessoas tem deixado de atuar de forma meramente burocrática, passando a ser considerado como uma unidade estratégica nas organizações, desta forma, é crescente a necessidade por estudos relacionados à atuação da gestão de recursos humanos, os quais devem propor novos debates teóricos, modelos e abordagens para as práticas de gestão. Neste sentido, a presente dissertação teve como objetivo principal, desenvolver um modelo de avaliação de desempenho organizacional para apoiar a diretoria de desenvolvimento de pessoal da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS, por meio da metodologia multicritério de apoio à decisão – construtivista. Este estudo de caso, de natureza exploratória e descritiva, foi desenvolvido com o auxílio de dois instrumentos de intervenção, o ProKnow-C, por meio do qual realizou-se: (i) a seleção de artigos científicos relevantes sobre o tema em estudo; (ii) a análise bibliométrica, sendo extraído os artigos, autores, periódicos e palavras-chave mais relevantes sobre o tema; e, (iii) a análise sistêmica dos artigos permitiu construir conhecimento no pesquisador e identificar lacunas na literatura sobre com foco no desenvolvimento de pessoal em instituições públicas de ensino. Utilizando o segundo instrumento de intervenção, a MCDA-C, foi possível construir o modelo de avaliação de desempenho organizacional, por meio de interação direta com o decisor, sendo possível descrever os objetivos, metas, aspectos desejáveis, indesejáveis, os problemas e as preocupações do mesmo em relação ao contexto em análise, organizando-os em uma estrutura que possibilitou realizar a mensuração, avaliação global da situação atual e propor ações de aperfeiçoamento. Os principais resultados obtidos da análise sistêmica foram: (i) nenhum trabalho identifica o decisor no trabalho e o tem em conta para a construção integral do modelo; (ii) menos de 4% dos trabalhos reconhecem que o modelo é válido somente para contexto em análise; (iii) a totalidade dos artigos não atendem a teoria da mensuração; (iv) apenas 3 dos 29 artigos analisados realizam a integração dos critérios para obter uma avaliação global do desempenho; e, (v) nenhum trabalho apresenta ações de aperfeiçoamento. Os principais resultados da construção do modelo de avaliação de desempenho organizacional foram: (i) construção de 75 indicadores de desempenho; (ii) permitiu obter a avaliação global de desempenho, possibilitando visualizar os pontos fracos e fortes do desempenho da gestão, a qual encontra-se atualmente com 55 pontos; (iii) possibilita visualizar o impacto das ações sobre o desempenho global; e, (iv) possibilitou elencar 13 ações para promover o aperfeiçoamento, de forma que o desempenho geral alavancasse de 55 para 79 pontos. Desta forma, o estudo é suma importância para a gestão de recursos humanos da UFFS, visto que: (i) supre a dificuldade de afirmar que determinado resultado se deve a uma determinada prática adotada pela gestão de recursos; (ii) supre a dificuldade da organização em definir indicadores organizacionais de gestão de recursos humanos que possam ser comparáveis antes e depois de intervenções; e (iii) preenche uma lacuna na literatura, de estudos que considerem a singularidade do contexto, tendo o decisor em conta para a construção integral do modelo. / The human resource management department has been not to act in a purely bureaucratic way anymore, and then it is considered as a strategic unit in organizations. Therefore, there is a growing need for studies related to action management on the human resources, what should propose new theoretical debates, models and approaches to the management practices. In this sense, the present work points out to develop a performance evaluation model to support the department of development of people of the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS, through Methodology Multiple-criteria Decision Analysis – Constructivist. This case study, exploratory and descriptive, was developed with the help of a couple intervention tools, the ProKnow-C, through it was held: (i) the selection of relevant scientific papers on the subject under study; (ii) the bibliometric analysis, being extracted the most relevant articles; authors; journals and keywords on the topic; and, (iii) the systemic analysis of the articles allows to build knowledge in Researcher and identify gaps in the literature of the performance evaluation focused on the development of people in public educational institutions. Using the second policy instrument, the MCDA-C, it was possible to build the organizational performance assessment model, through direct interaction with the decision maker what makes possible describe the objectives; goals; the desirable and the undesirable aspects; problems and concerns on this issue in relation to the context of this inquire; organizing them into a structure that enabled perform the measurement, overall assessment of the current situation and propose improvement actions. The main results of the systemic analysis were: (i) no work identifies the decision-maker at work and take into account for the full construction of the model; (ii) less than 4% of the work recognize that the model is valid only for context in analysis; (iii) all the articles don’t meet the theory of measurement; (iv) only 3 of 29 analyzed articles realize the integration of the criteria for an overall assessment of performance; (v) no work shows improvement actions. The main results of the construction of performance evaluation model were: (i) building of 75 performance indicators; (ii) allowed to obtain the overall performance evaluation, making it possible to visualize weaknesses and strengths of management performance, which is currently 55 points; (iii) allows one to view the impact of actions on the overall performance; and, (iv) made it possible to list 13 actions to promote improvement, so that overall performance leaped from 55 to 79 points. Thus, the study is extremely important for the management of human resources of the UFFS, since: (i) supplies the difficulty of stating that certain result is due to a practice of resource management; (ii) supplies the difficulty of the organization in defining organizational indicators of human resource management that are comparable, before and after interventions; and, (iii) fills a gap in the literature of the studies that consider the uniqueness of the context, taking the decision maker into account for the full construction of the model.

Otimização evolutiva multiobjetivo baseada em decomposição e assistida por máquinas de aprendizado extremo

Pavelski, Lucas Marcondes 26 February 2015 (has links)
Muitos problemas de otimização reais apresentam mais de uma função-objetivo. Quando os objetivos são conflitantes, estratégias especializadas são necessárias, como é o caso dos algoritmos evolutivos multiobjetivo (MOEAs, do inglês Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms). Entretanto, se a avaliação das funções-objetivo é custosa (alto custo computacional ou econômico) muitos MOEAs propostos são impraticáveis. Uma alternativa pode ser a utilização de um modelo de aprendizado de máquina que aproxima o cálculo do fitness (surrogate) no algoritmo de otimização. Este trabalho propõe e investiga uma plataforma chamada ELMOEA/D que agrega MOEAs do estado da arte baseados em decomposição de objetivos (MOEA/D) e máquinas de aprendizado extremo (ELMs, do inglês Extreme Learning Machines) como modelos surrogate. A plataforma proposta é testada com diferentes variantes do algoritmo MOEA/D e apresenta bons resultados em problemas benchmark, comparada a um algoritmo da literatura que também utiliza MOEA/D mas modelos surrogates baseados em redes com função de base radial. A plataforma ELMOEA/D também é testada no Problema de Predição de Estrutura de Proteínas (PPEP). Apesar dos resultados alcançados pela proposta não serem tão animadores quanto aqueles obtidos nos benchmarks (quando comparados os algoritmos com e sem surrogates), diversos aspectos da proposta e do problema são explorados. Por fim, a plataforma ELMOEA/D é aplicada a uma formulação alternativa do PPEP com sete objetivos e, com estes resultados, várias direções para trabalhos futuros são apontadas. / Many real optimization problems have more than one objective function. When the objectives are in conflict, there is a need for specialized strategies, as is the case of the Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). However, if the functions evaluation is expensive (high computational or economical costs) many proposed MOEAs are impractical. An alternative might be the use of a machine learning model to approximate the fitness function (surrogates) in the optimization algorithm. This work proposes and investigates a framework called ELMOEA/D that aggregates state-of-the-art MOEAs based on decomposition of objectives (MOEA/D) and extreme learning machines as surrogate models. The proposed framework is tested with different MOEA/D variants and show good results in benchmark problems, compared to a literature algorithm that also encompasses MOEA/D but uses surrogate models based on radial basis function networks. The ELMOEA/D framework is also applied to the protein structure prediction problem (PSPP). Despite the fact that the results achieved by the proposed approach were not as encouraging as the ones achieved in the benchmarks (when the algorithms with and without surrogates are compared), many aspects of both algorithm and problem are explored. Finally, the ELMOEA/D framework is applied to an alternative formulation of the PSPP and the results lead to various directions for future works.

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