Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cultiple sklerose"" "subject:"bmultiple sklerose""
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Fingolimod in a patient with heart failure on the background of pulmonary arterial hypertension and coronary artery diseaseThomas, Katja, Schrötter, Hagen, Halank, Michael, Ziemssen, Tjalf 18 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Fingolimod is the first oral immunomodulatory therapy approved for highly active relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. Based on the distribution pattern of fingolimod interacting sphingosine-1-phosphat receptors in organism including immune system and cardiovascular system clinical monitoring of patients and evaluation of adverse events are recommended. Despite extensive data on cardiovascular safety, experience with fingolimod in patients with concomitant cardiological disease, especially within the pulmonary circulation, is rare.
Case presentation: We report the case of a 46-year-old woman presented with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis and severe idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. Fingolimod was initiated because of disease activity of multiple sclerosis with two relapses and gadolinium-enhancing lesions in MRI. The patient demonstrated stable disease course of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension when fingolimod was started. Fingolimod therapy did not alter or even worsen the pulmonary or cardiovascular conditions during first dose application as well as follow up of nine months.
Conclusion: In this report, we present the first case of fingolimod treatment in a patient with highly active multiple sclerosis and severe idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. We suggest an interdisciplinary approach with detailed cardiopulmonary monitoring for safety in such patients.
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Die Wirkung eines RGMa-Antikörpers im Optikusneuritis-Modell / The effect of a RGMa antibody in the modell of optic neuritisScheumann, Sophia Susanna 03 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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De - und Remyelinisierung in Dopaminrezeptor-defizienten Mäusen / De-and remyelination in dopamine receptor-deficient miceSchultz, Katharina 27 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Damage and Repair in Experimental Cortical Demyelination / Damage and Repair in Experimental Cortical DemyelinationGarea Rodríguez, Enrique 09 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Cortisol Awakening Response Is Linked to Disease Course and Progression in Multiple SclerosisKern, Simone, Krause, Ivonne, Horntrich, Antje, Thomas, Katja, Aderhold, Julia, Ziemssen, Tjalf 22 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Objectives: Dysregulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis has frequently been reported in multiple sclerosis (MS). So far, HPA axis function in MS has predominantly been studied under pharmacological stimulation which is associated with a series of methodological caveats. Knowledge of circadian cortisol patterns and cortisol awakening response (CAR) is still limited.
Methods: A total of 77 MS patients (55 relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS)/22 secondary-progressive MS (SPMS)) as well as 34 healthy control (HC) subjects were enrolled. Diurnal cortisol release was assessed by repeated salivary cortisol sampling. Neurological disability was rated by the Kurtzke’s Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). Depressive symptoms and perceived stress were assessed by self-report measures.
Results: RRMS but not SPMS patients differed in circadian cortisol release from HC subjects. Differences in cortisol release were restricted to CAR. Treated and treatment naïve RRMS patients did not differ in CAR. In a RRMS follow-up cohort (nine months follow-up), RRMS patients with EDSS progression (≥0.5) expressed a significantly greater CAR compared to HC subjects. RRMS patients with a stable EDSS did not differ from HC subjects. Neither depressive symptoms nor perceived stress ratings were associated with CAR in RRMS patients. In a step-wise regression analysis, EDSS at baseline and CAR were predictive of EDSS at follow-up (R2 = 67%) for RRMS patients.
Conclusions: Circadian cortisol release, in particular CAR, shows a course specific pattern with most pronounced release in RRMS. There is also some evidence for greater CAR in RRMS patients with EDSS progression. As a consequence, CAR might be of predictive value in terms of neurological disability in RRMS patients. The possible role of neuroendocrine-immune interactions in MS pathogenesis is further discussed.
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Quantitative Analyse retinaler Veränderungen bei nichtglaukomatösen Optikusatrophien mit Hilfe der Optischen KohärenztomographieKühn, Elisabeth 10 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Nichtglaukomatöse Optikusatrophien führen nicht nur zu einer Verminderung der Dicke der retinalen Nervenfaserschicht (RNFL) sondern auch zu einer Reduktion des Makulavolumens. In dieser Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe der optischen Kohärenztomographie (OCT) untersucht, welche Schichten der Makula von Dickenveränderungen als Folge einer Optikusatrophie betroffen sind. Es wurden 27 Patienten mit nichtglaukomatösen Optikusatrophien unterschiedlicher Ätiologie (postneuritische, hereditäre und traumatische Atrophien) und 21 augengesunde Kontrollpersonen untersucht. OCT-Scans der RNFL und der Makula wurden mit Hilfe des Stratus OCT 3000 (Carl Zeiss Meditec) durchgeführt. Die axialen Reflektivitätsprofile der radialen Scans wurden aus den exportierten JPEG-Bildern an zwölf Punkten in je 1,5mm Entfernung von der Foveola vermessen und gemittelt. Das charakteristische Reflektivitätsprofil mit fünf Intensitätsmaxima und vier Intensitätsminima wurde der Lokalisation der einzelnen Makulaschichten zugeordnet. Die von nichtglaukomatöser Optikusatrophie betroffenen Augen wiesen im Vergleich zu den Augen der augengesunden Normalpersonen signifikant (p<0,05) reduzierte RNFL-Dicken (um 35,5% reduziert) und Makulavolumen-Werte (um 11,8% reduziert) auf. Bei allen untersuchten Formen der Optikusatrophie waren nicht nur die makuläre Nervenfaserschicht (MNFL) sondern alle inneren Schichten der Makula verdünnt. Die mittlere Reduktion betrug 21,2% für die MNFL, 39,7% für die Ganglienzellschicht, 33,2% für die innere plexiforme Schicht und 9,4% für die innere Körnerzellschicht im Vergleich zu den Werten der Normalpersonen. Veränderungen der äußeren Netzhautschichten traten nur bei den posttraumatischen Atrophien auf.
Eine Beurteilung der Dicke aller einzelnen Netzhautschichten aus OCT-Scans ist mit Hilfe geräteintegrierter Software bisher noch nicht möglich. Die quantitative Analyse der axialen Reflektivitätsprofile aus exportierten OCT-Bildern stellt eine geeignete Methode zur Beschreibung des Verlaufs und der Lokalisation von Makulaveränderungen bei Optikusatrophien verschiedener Genese dar.
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Retrospektive Evaluation retinaler Nervenfaserschichtdicke mit der cerebralen T2w-Läsionslast im MRT sowie dem Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) bei pädiatrischen Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose / Retrospective Evaluation of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness with Cerebral T2w-Lesion Load in MRI and the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) in Pediatric Patients with Multiple SclerosisAl-Bourini, Omar 12 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Dual-Tasking in Multiple Sclerosis – Implications for a Cognitive Screening InstrumentBeste, Christian, Mückschel, Moritz, Paucke, Madlen, Ziemssen, Tjalf 08 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The monitoring of cognitive functions is central to the assessment and consecutive management of multiple sclerosis (MS). Though, especially cognitive processes that are central to everyday behavior like dual-tasking are often neglected. We examined dual-task performance using a psychological-refractory period (PRP) task in N = 21 patients and healthy controls and conducted standard neuropsychological tests. In dual-tasking, MS patients committed more erroneous responses when dual-tasking was difficult. In easier conditions, performance of MS patients did not differ to controls. Interestingly, the response times were generally not affected by the difficulty of the dual task, showing that the deficits observed do not reflect simple motor deficits or deficits in information processing speed but point out deficits in executive control functions and response selection in particular. Effect sizes were considerably large with d∼0.80 in mild affected patients and the achieved power was above 99%. There are cognitive control and dual tasking deficits in MS that are not attributable to simple motor speed deficits. Scaling of the difficulty of dual-tasking makes the test applied suitable for a wide variety of MS-patients and may complement neuropsychological assessments in clinical care and research setting.
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Charakterisierung von Veränderungen in der normal erscheinenden weißen Substanz bei entzündlich-demyelinisierenden Erkrankungen / Characterizing changes in the normal-appearing white matter of inflammatory demyelinating diseasesGeiger, Agnes Joanna 23 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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New insights into the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of natalizumab treatment for patients with multiple sclerosis, obtained from clinical and in vitro studiesSehr, Tony, Proschmann, Undine, Thomas, Katja, Marggraf, Michaela, Straube, Elmar, Reichmann, Heinz, Chan, Andrew, Ziemssen, Tjalf 17 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The monoclonal antibody natalizumab (NAT) inhibits the migration of lymphocytes throughout the blood–brain barrier by blocking very late antigen (VLA)-4 interactions, thereby reducing inflammatory central nervous system (CNS) activity in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). We evaluated the effects of different NAT treatment regimens.
We developed and optimised a NAT assay to measure free NAT, cell-bound NAT and VLA-4 expression levels in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients using standard and prolonged treatment intervals and after the cessation of therapy.
In paired CSF and blood samples of NAT-treated MS patients, NAT concentrations in CSF were approximately 100-fold lower than those in serum. Cell-bound NAT and mean VLA-4 expression levels in CSF were comparable with those in blood. After the cessation of therapy, the kinetics of free NAT, cell-bound NAT and VLA-4 expression levels differed. Prolonged intervals greater than 4 weeks between infusions caused a gradual reduction of free and cell-bound NAT concentrations. Sera from patients with and without NAT-neutralising antibodies could be identified in a blinded assessment. The NAT-neutralising antibodies removed NAT from the cell surface in vivo and in vitro. Intercellular NAT exchange was detected in vitro.
Incorporating assays to measure free and cell-bound NAT into clinical practice can help to determine the optimal individual NAT dosing regimen for patients with MS.
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