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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O vestuário e seus acessórios em São Paulo em meados do século XIX: uma construção de vocabulário para compreender indumentária / The clothing and acessories in São Paulo in the mid-nineteenth century: a building vocabulary to understand clothing

Puelles, Alice Aparecida Labarca 11 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a elaboração de um vocabulário para compreensão de indumentária do século XIX, inserindo-se no campo da Documentação Museológica. Partindo da análise de anúncios de lojas e comércios de tecidos e vestuário, publicados no jornal Correio Paulistano, em São Paulo, em meados do século XIX, visa identificar vestuário e acessórios utilizados na época, a fim de reconhecer a moda usada pela sociedade paulistana naquele período. Moda, aqui, entendida como uma necessidade social, tanto de individualidade do ser, expressando personalidade através de detalhes, como de aceitação em um grupo de pessoas que compartilham dos mesmos anseios. Trata-se, assim, da construção de um instrumento de curadoria museológica a partir do desenvolvimento de conhecimento novo sobre o contexto histórico cultural de São Paulo no período estudado. Há poucas publicações nacionais sobre têxtil e moda, fazendo com que pesquisadores recorram continuamente a publicações estrangeiras, que não retratam fielmente o nosso país e menos ainda a região paulista. / The present work has as aim the preparation of a vocabulary to garment comprehension of the nineteenth century, adapting into the Museum Documentation field. From the analysis of shops announcements and fabric and clothing trades, published in Correio Paulistano newspaper, in São Paulo around the nineteenth century, aim identify clothing and accessories used at that time, in order to recognize the fashion used by the paulista society in the period. Fashion, here, understood as a social need, such as individuality, expressing personality through details, as approval in a group who share the same anxious. It\'s about the instrument construction of a museological curatorship since the new knowledge development about the São Paulo cultural and historical contexts in the period studied. There are few national publications about textile and fashion, making researchers appeal continually to foreign publications that not portray faithfully our country and much less the São Paulo region.

The Kwakwaka’wakw Potlatch Collection and its Many Social Contexts: Constructing a Collection’s Object Biography

Knight, Emma Louise 29 November 2013 (has links)
In 1921, the Canadian government confiscated over 400 pieces of Kwakwaka’wakw potlatch regalia and placed it in three large museums. In 1967 the Kwakwaka'wakw initiated a long process of repatriation resulting in the majority of the collection returning to two Kwakwaka’wakw cultural centres over the last four decades. Through the theoretical framework of object biography and using the museum register as a tool to reconstruct the lives of the potlatch regalia, this thesis explores the multiple paths, diversions and oscillations between objecthood and subjecthood that the collection has undergone. This thesis constructs an exhibition history for the regalia, examines processes of institutional forgetting, and adds multiple layers of meaning to the collection's biography by attending to the post-repatriation life of the objects. By revisiting this pivotal Canadian case, diversions are emphasized as important moments in the creation of subjecthood and objecthood for museum objects.

The Kwakwaka’wakw Potlatch Collection and its Many Social Contexts: Constructing a Collection’s Object Biography

Knight, Emma Louise 29 November 2013 (has links)
In 1921, the Canadian government confiscated over 400 pieces of Kwakwaka’wakw potlatch regalia and placed it in three large museums. In 1967 the Kwakwaka'wakw initiated a long process of repatriation resulting in the majority of the collection returning to two Kwakwaka’wakw cultural centres over the last four decades. Through the theoretical framework of object biography and using the museum register as a tool to reconstruct the lives of the potlatch regalia, this thesis explores the multiple paths, diversions and oscillations between objecthood and subjecthood that the collection has undergone. This thesis constructs an exhibition history for the regalia, examines processes of institutional forgetting, and adds multiple layers of meaning to the collection's biography by attending to the post-repatriation life of the objects. By revisiting this pivotal Canadian case, diversions are emphasized as important moments in the creation of subjecthood and objecthood for museum objects.

O vestuário e seus acessórios em São Paulo em meados do século XIX: uma construção de vocabulário para compreender indumentária / The clothing and acessories in São Paulo in the mid-nineteenth century: a building vocabulary to understand clothing

Alice Aparecida Labarca Puelles 11 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a elaboração de um vocabulário para compreensão de indumentária do século XIX, inserindo-se no campo da Documentação Museológica. Partindo da análise de anúncios de lojas e comércios de tecidos e vestuário, publicados no jornal Correio Paulistano, em São Paulo, em meados do século XIX, visa identificar vestuário e acessórios utilizados na época, a fim de reconhecer a moda usada pela sociedade paulistana naquele período. Moda, aqui, entendida como uma necessidade social, tanto de individualidade do ser, expressando personalidade através de detalhes, como de aceitação em um grupo de pessoas que compartilham dos mesmos anseios. Trata-se, assim, da construção de um instrumento de curadoria museológica a partir do desenvolvimento de conhecimento novo sobre o contexto histórico cultural de São Paulo no período estudado. Há poucas publicações nacionais sobre têxtil e moda, fazendo com que pesquisadores recorram continuamente a publicações estrangeiras, que não retratam fielmente o nosso país e menos ainda a região paulista. / The present work has as aim the preparation of a vocabulary to garment comprehension of the nineteenth century, adapting into the Museum Documentation field. From the analysis of shops announcements and fabric and clothing trades, published in Correio Paulistano newspaper, in São Paulo around the nineteenth century, aim identify clothing and accessories used at that time, in order to recognize the fashion used by the paulista society in the period. Fashion, here, understood as a social need, such as individuality, expressing personality through details, as approval in a group who share the same anxious. It\'s about the instrument construction of a museological curatorship since the new knowledge development about the São Paulo cultural and historical contexts in the period studied. There are few national publications about textile and fashion, making researchers appeal continually to foreign publications that not portray faithfully our country and much less the São Paulo region.

Problematika odprodeje sbírkových předmětů z veřejných muzeí v ČR / The Deaccessioning of Public Museum Collections in the Czech Republic

Katakalidis, Thomas January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis is concerned with the topic of deaccessioning from public art museums in the Czech Republic. This practice is almost never carried out due to high legal restrictions and very demanding administration. Nevertheless, deaccessioning is becoming common practice in other European countries such as United Kingdom or the Netherlands. The goal of the thesis is to suggest main topics in the hypothetical regulation of deaccessioning in the Czech Republic considering the current theoretical framework, already conducted research and newly conducted research within this thesis. The latter is open coding analysis of guidelines on collection deaccessioning made by United Kingdom Museum Association. The main conclusions are that a few topics should be subject to regulation. Firstly, the reason to dispose (either economic or other), secondly, the acceptable use of the income from deaccessioning, thirdly, decision making process and supervision. At last, selection of collection or items to be disposed and question of new collection owner should be solved.

K dějinám výroby léčiv a léčivých přípravků VI. Firma Zdeněk Klan a dílčí inventář specialit / History of Production of Drugs and Medical Preparations VI. Zdeněk Klan Company and the Partial Inventory of its Products

Fliegerová, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the history of the production of medicines and medicinal products, the company of Zdeněk Klan and a partial inventory of specialties. The aim of the thesis was to map the time, which was characterized by the industrial production of drugs and medicines, the so-called specialties. Zdeněk Klan was able to take advantage of the situation and build his own company Dr. Mr. Zdeněk F. Klan pharmaceutical-chemical laboratory, operating in the years 1924-1948. He was able to compete with other companies with his products. The production was focused mainly on application forms for internal medicine. In addition to human preparations, he also produced preparations for veterinary use. The Klan Company succumbed to the process of nationalization in 1948, when all companies with more than 50 employees were nationalized and subsequently abolished. On the basis of the study of mainly archival sources stored in the Czech Pharmaceutical Museum in Kuks, a thesis was prepared describing this company from its establishment to nationalization. His CV was also prepared. In addition to processing information about Klan's company, the task was to invent a part of the collection of specialties and thus make it available for subsequent museum-research use through the resulting inventory. These...

The silence of colonial melancholy : The Fourie collection of Khoisan ethnologica

Wanless, Ann 02 October 2008 (has links)
Between 1916 and 1928 Dr Louis Fourie, Medical Officer for the Protectorate of South West Africa and amateur anthropologist, amassed a collection of some three and a half thousand artefacts, three hundred photographs and diverse documents originating from or concerned with numerous Khoisan groups living in the Protectorate. He gathered this material in the context of a complex process of colonisation of the area, in which he himself was an important player, both in his official capacity and in an unofficial role as anthropological adviser to the Administration. During this period South African legislation and administration continued the process of deprivation and dehumanisation of the Khoisan that had begun during the German occupation of the country. Simultaneously, anthropologists were constructing an identity for the Khoisan which foregrounded their primitiveness. The tensions engendered in those whose work involved a combination of civil service and anthropology were difficult to reconcile, leading to a form of melancholia. The thesis examines the ways in which Fourie’s collection was a response to, and a part of the consolidation of, these parallel paradigms. Fourie moved to King William’s Town in South Africa in 1930, taking the collection with him, removing the objects still further from their original habitats, and minimising the possibility that the archive would one day rest in an institution in the country of its origin. The different parts of the collection moved between the University of the Witwatersrand and a number of museums, at certain times becoming an academic teaching tool for social anthropology and at others being used to provide evidence for a popular view of the Khoisan as the last practitioners of a dying cultural pattern with direct links to the Stone Age. The collection, with its emphasis on artefacts made in the “traditional” way, formed a part of the archive upon which anthropologists and others drew to refine this version of Khoisan identity in subsequent years. At the same time the collection itself was reshaped and re-characterised to fit the dynamics of those archetypes and models. The dissertation establishes the recursive manner in which the collection and colonial constructs of Khoisan identity modified and informed each other as they changed shape and emphasis. It does this through an analysis of the shape and structure of the collection itself. In order to understand better the processes which underlay the making of the Fourie Collection there is a focus on the collector himself and an examination of the long tradition of collecting which legitimised and underpinned his avocation. Fourie used the opportunities offered by his position as Medical Officer and the many contacts he made in the process of his work to gather artefacts, photographs and information. The collection became a colonial artefact in itself. The thesis questions the role played by Fourie’s work in the production of knowledge concerning the Bushmen (as he termed this group). Concomitant with that it explores the recursive nature of the ways in which this collection formed a part of the evidentiary basis for Khoisan identities over a period of decades in the twentieth century as it, in turn, was shaped by prevailing understandings of those identities. A combination of methodologies is used to read the finer points of the processes of the production of knowledge. First the collection is historicised in the biographies of the collector himself and of the collection, following them through the twentieth century as they interact with the worlds of South West African administrative politics, anthropological developments in South Africa and Britain, and the Khoisan of the Protectorate. It then moves to do an ethnography of the collection by dividing it into three components. This allows the use of three different methodologies and bodies of literature that theorise documentary archives, photographs, and collections of objects. A classically ethnographic move is to examine the assemblage in its own terms, expressed in the methods of collecting and ordering the material, to see what it tells us about how Fourie and the subsequent curators of the collections perceived the Khoisan. In order to do so it is necessary to outline the history of the discourses of anthropologists in the first third of the twentieth century, as well as museum practice and discourse in the mid to late twentieth century, questioning them as knowledge and reading them as cultural constructs. Finally, the thesis brings an archival lens to bear on the collection, and explores the implications of processing the collection as a historical archive as opposed to an ethnographic record of material culture. In order to do this I establish at the outset that the entire collection formed an archive. All its components hold knowledge and need to be read in relation to each other, so that it is important not to isolate, for example, the artefacts from the documents and the photographs because any interpretation of the collection would then be incomplete. Archive theories help problematise the assumption that museum ethnographic collections serve as simple records of a vanished or vanishing lifestyle. These methodologies provide the materials and insights which enable readings of the collection both along and across the grain, processes which draw attention to the cultures of collecting and categorising which lie at the base of many ethnographic collections found in museums today. In addition to being an expression of his melancholy, Fourie’s avocation was very much a part of the process of creating an identity for himself and his fellow colonists. A close reading of the documents reveals that he was constantly confronted with the disastrous effects of colonisation on the Khoisan, but did not do anything about the fundamental cause. On the contrary, he took part in the Administration’s policy-making processes. The thesis tentatively suggests that his avocation became an act of redemption. If he could not save the people (medically or politically), he would create a collection that would save them metonymically. Ironically those who encountered the collection after it left his hands used it to screen out what few hints there were of colonisation. Finally the study leads to the conclusion that the processes of making and institutionalising this archive formed an important part of the creation of the body of ethnography upon which academic and popular perceptions of Khoisan identity have been based over a period of many decades.

Umělecké řemeslo Střední Asie na příkladu sbírky Náprstkova muzea / Arts and Crafts of Central Asia on the Example of the Náprstek's Museum Colection

Hejzlarová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The Central-Asian region, in current geo-political signification understood as the territory of five Post-Soviet states: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and partially of Kazakhstan, has went through a very rich and colorful historical development. During this development it has absorbed many different culture impulses and influences that helped the region to develop conditions for the formation of a distinctive artistic expression. To a certain extent, we can observe continuity in the development of traditional arts and crafts professions since early historical times until today. Among the most important craft branches we need to mention textile production, involving carpet weaving, processing of felt, fabrics and embroideries, and also artistic metal processing represented particularly by the jewelry production and last but not least, ceramics production. Arts and crafts have always had a very important position in the history and culture of Central Asia. Craftwork has been a subject of trade for a very long time period here, this fact being enhanced by the geographical position as well, since the region is situated on the route of the famous Silk Road. Arts and craft production, which comprised of common goods but also exclusive products of high artistic value, intended for the...

Den egyptiska mumien, mosslik och reliker : Omtvistade och oomtvistade mänskliga kvarlevor i samlingar / The Egyptian mummy, Bog bodies and Relics : Contested and Uncontested Human Remains in Collections

Piili, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
This study examines uncontested human remains from a staff- and institutional perspective in Scandinavia. Focusing on Sweden and Denmark, this study aims to understand more of the practice and approach concerning the Egyptian mummy, Bog bodies and Relics. Today, human remains are debated and treated in different ways depending on different ethical issues concerning the category. Here, we can talk about contested and uncontested human remains. Contested human remains is, for example, ancestral remains belonging to indigenous groups or remains of a more modern date that are deemed for have been inappropriately handled historically. The uncontested human remains however, are remains that do not fit in given examples above and that have not been seen as problematic as the contested human remains. With that said, the uncontested human remains are more prone to be covered, moved around or discussed, but in the end of the day they are still there in the exhibition or in the collection and not removed. This study is based on Tiffany Jenkins (2011) definition about the contested and uncontested and Berit Sellevold’s (2013) figure of ethical aspects in which groups of people and researchers view certain remains. Arisen from these theories and the earlier research of human remains this study attempts to examine the practice and the approach about uncontested human remains. The result of the nine case studies in this thesis shows that the Egyptian mummy, Bog bodies and Relics are used and being used for bringing human beings closer the human remains as the individuals they are and for telling stories of the past. In a concrete way of understanding this, it is the staff of the institution that makes this use and approach possible neither if it’s connecting humans to the individual, the history or the religious sphere. Two main results from this study are that the appearance and context are highly affecting whether the institution, mainly the museum, chooses to exhibit uncontested human remains or not. This is a two years master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.

From Mossdjur to Kokemushirui: Comparing Swedish and Japanese Bryozoan Diversity fromFour Cheilostomatid Families in Museum Collections

Pittman, Casey January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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