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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de técnicas de controle da incrustação por mexilhão-dourado em hidrogeradores visando minimização da indisponibilidade. / Evaluation of techniques for golden mussel fouling control in hydroelectric power plants aimed at mitigation of unavailability.

Felix, Érico Pessoa 24 November 2011 (has links)
O mexilhão-dourado é um organismo invasor que tem causado grandes prejuízos a sistemas de captação de água e usinas hidroelétricas (UHEs). Existem diversos métodos de controle da incrustação destes organismos em tubulações de usinas hidroelétricas, porém o impacto da aplicação desses métodos ainda não é amplamente conhecido. Este trabalho visa desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliar a degradação dos sistemas de resfriamento de UHEs submetidas a tratamentos químicos para o controle da incrustação por mexilhão-dourado. Neste trabalho é usado, como caso exemplo, o sistema de resfriamento do ar do núcleo do gerador e do óleo dos mancais de uma UHE com turbina Kaplan de potência aproximada de 150 MW. A análise proposta baseia-se na aplicação de ensaios acelerados de corrosão, a fim de determinar a taxa de corrosão nas condições normais de operação. Os ensaios executados neste estudo simulam condições operacionais mais severas do que as usualmente enfrentadas pelo sistema, visando reduzir o tempo de execução dos ensaios. Os ensaios acelerados de corrosão baseiam-se no aumento da solicitação térmica e da concentração das substâncias químicas injetadas no fluxo de água que são a adição de gás ozônio e de hipoclorito de sódio. Para realização dos ensaios foi construído um circuito experimental capaz de impor condições de temperatura e concentrações das substâncias químicas. Os resultados dos ensaios acelerados fornecem subsídios para aplicação dos conceitos de confiabilidade estrutural para determinação da probabilidade de falha dos equipamentos em estudo em função do tempo de aplicação do tratamento químico. Verificou-se entre os produtos químicos utilizados neste estudo, que o hipoclorito de sódio é 50% mais agressivo para a liga de cobre níquel e 700% mais agressivo para o aço inoxidável em relação a degradação observada pela ação do ozônio. / The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) is an invader organism that has caused great damage to water catchment systems and hydroelectric power plants. There are various methods of fouling control of these organisms in hydroelectric power plants pipelines, but the impact of the application of these methods is not yet widely known. This work aims at developing a methodology to evaluate the degradation of hydroelectric power plants cooling systems pieces of equipment subjected to chemical treatments for control of golden mussel fouling. This work uses as a case example, the cooling system inside generator and oil bearing of Kaplan hydroelectric turbine with 150MW nominal power output. The analysis is based on the application of accelerated corrosion tests in order to determine the rate of corrosion under normal operation conditions given the rates of corrosion under various accelerated conditions. The tests run on this thesis simulate operating conditions more severe than those usually experienced by the system, to reduce the runtime of the tests. The proposed accelerated corrosion tests are based on increased thermal loading and concentration of chemical substances injected into water flow. The chemical treatments tested in this work are the addition of ozone and sodium hypochlorite. For carrying out the tests an experimental circuit capable of imposing different conditions of temperature and concentration levels was built. The results of accelerated tests provide subsidies for the implementation of structural reliability concepts for determining the failure probability of equipment under consideration. Among the chemical products used in the analysis, the sodium hypochlorite is 50% more aggressive for copper-nickel 90/10 alloy and 700% more aggressive for stainless steel in relation to degradation observed for ozone.

Vida útil dos mexilhões Perna perna cultivados no litoral norte de São Paulo: aferição dos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos. / The mussels Perna perna shelf-life cultivated in the são paulo state north coast: gauging of the physicochemistry and microbiological parameters.

Érika Fabiane Furlan 01 October 2004 (has links)
A qualidade para consumo dos moluscos bivalves está intimamente ligada a qualidade do ambiente onde estes se encontram inseridos. Em função da atual degradação ambiental, provocada pelo crescimento populacional e conseqüente aumento na descarga de dejetos no ambiente, bem como, pela ausência de programas de monitoramento da qualidade da água destinada ao cultivo destes organismos e, ainda, pelo fato da comercialização deste pescado ser realizada de forma clandestina na região de Ubatuba, SP., fez-se necessário caracterizar, sob os aspectos físico-químicos e microbiológicos, os mexilhões Perna perna cultivados e comercializados nesta região, visando a segurança do consumidor. Foram eleitas três distintas áreas de cultivo em Ubatuba, a saber; praia do Engenho da Almada, praia da Barra Seca e costão do Cedro; onde os mexilhões foram coletados, no período de novembro de 2002 a março de 2003 e submetidos às análises de nitrogênio não protéico (NNP), bases nitrogenadas voláteis totais (BNVT), trimetilamina (TMA), pH e composição centesimal. Foram também realizadas, concomitantemente, as contagens microbiológicas da carne e da respectiva água de cultivo quanto aos coliformes totais e fecais, Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella sp. As amostras apresentaram qualidade satisfatória e condizente com os padrões da legislação vigente para pescado, em todos os quesitos analisados, durante a maior parte do período de estudo, excetuando-se no mês de fevereiro, quando o valor de TMA encontrado (6,9mg N/100g) superou o padrão de 4mg N/ 100g. Os mexilhões provenientes da Barra Seca, no mês de março, se apresentaram inadequados para o consumo humano direto, devido ao resultado positivo para Salmonella sp. As maiores contagens para coliformes totais ocorreram em mexilhões provenientes de áreas de cultivo densamente povoadas e que recebiam efluentes não tratados (Barra Seca), excetuando-se no mês de novembro, quando os mexilhões do costão apresentaram maior população destes microorganismos (1,3x103 NMP/ g). As contagens microbianas da carne do mexilhão sempre superaram a contagem da respectiva água de cultivo e, a contagem da água extrapolada pelo cultivo da Barra Seca (5,7x101 NMP/ mL), no mês de março, coincidiu com a detecção da Salmonella sp. neste lote. / The quality for consumption of the bivalve mollusks is intimately linked to the environment quality, where these are inserted. In function of the current environmental degradation caused by the growth population and consequent increase in the discharge of sewage in the environment, as well as, for the absence of quality management programs of the cultivation’s waters and the Ubatuba’s city, SP., clandestine marketing fish. For the consumer's safety was necessary to characterize, in the physicochemistry and microbiological aspects, the mussels Perna perna cultivated and marketed in this region. Three different cultivation points were chosen in Ubatuba; Engenho da Almada and Barra Seca’s beaches and Costão’s coast; where the mussels were collected for evaluation from November, 2002 to March, 2003. The analysis determined were: non-protein-nitrogen (NPN), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN), trimethylamine (TMA), pH and proximal composition analysis’s, microbiological counts of the meat and cultivation water for total and fecal coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella. During most of the study period, the samples presented satisfactory quality with the effective legislation for fish, in all the analyzed requirements, excepted on February, when the TMA value finded (6,9mg N/100g) overcome the standard 4mg N/ 100g. In March, the Barra Seca’s mussels occurs inadequate for the direct human consumption, because of the positive result to Salmonella sp. The largest total coliforms counts happened in mussels cultivated in densely populated areas and that received sewage without previous treatment (Barra Seca), except in November, when the mussels from Cedro’s coast have largest counts of these microorganisms (1,3x103 NMP/ g). The microbial counts of the meat always overcame of the respective cultivation water and, the overcome of fecal coliforms count of water from Barra Seca (5,7x101 NMP/ mL), on March coincided with the detection to Salmonella sp.

Contaminação e toxicidade de microplásticos em uma área de proteção marinha costeira / Microplastics contamination and toxicity in a coastal marine protected area

Pablo Pena Gandara e Silva 23 August 2016 (has links)
Os plásticos têm trazido grandes benefícios aos humanos, sendo utilizados em diversas atividades como em aplicações médicas, entretenimento e na indústria de alimento. O uso crescente de plástico e seu descarte não adequado têm contribuído para o acúmulo deste detrito no meio ambiente, em especial nos oceanos onde tendem a acumular. Dentre os detritos de plástico de maior importância atualmente estão os microplásticos, que são partículas de plástico de tamanho entre 1 μm e 5 mm. Os principais riscos que os microplásticos oferecem são sua grande capacidade de persistência e dispersão no ambiente marinho, sua grande afinidade por poluentes persistentes orgânicos, sua a ingestão pela biota e a transferência para a teia trófica marinha. Dentre os ambientes marinhos mais impactados por microplásticos, estão as praias arenosas, onde estas partículas tendem a acumular após encalharem ao serem trazidas pelo mar. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a contaminação por microplásticos em uma praia de uma área de proteção marinha costeira e avaliar a toxicidade de pellets virgens e coletados nesta praia no desenvolvimento embriolarval de mexilhão marrom Perna perna. Foram realizadas coletas de microplásticos entre o período de fevereiro de 2014 a fevereiro de 2015 na praia de Paranapuã em duas regiões do perfil da praia (linha de maré alta e supralitoral). As partículas foram analisadas individualmente em laboratório e quanto a composição de seu polímero por Espectrofotômetro de Infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier (FT-IR). Os resultados sugerem que a poluição por microplásticos na praia de Paranapuã ocorre ao longo do ano inteiro, porém variando em concentração ao longo do tempo e com um padrão de distribuição espacial irregular na praia. A concentração de microplásticos está aparentemente relacionada com a direção do vento, tendendo a ser maior quando a direção do vento é a favor da praia. A concentração de microplásticos na praia de Paranapuã (4,72 microplásticos/m²) é próxima àquela encontrada em outras praias no mundo e da região. Os experimentos de toxicidade demonstraram que tanto pellets de plástico virgens como aqueles coletados na praia inibem o desenvolvimento embriolarval de mexilhão marrom. Entretanto, os pellets coletados na praia mostraram uma alta toxicidade que resultou numa porcentagem de larvas anormais ou mortas de 100%, significativamente superior aos pellets virgens que foi de 23,5%. Acredita-se que a diferença de toxicidade entre os pellets virgens e coletados na praia pode ser causada por contaminantes adsorvidos na superfície dos pellets coletados no campo. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que praias de áreas de proteção marinha costeira próximas a zonas urbanas e regiões portuárias apresentam risco de contaminação por plásticos. Apesar de terem acesso restrito a humanos, os microplásticos entram nestas praias através do ambiente marinho, podendo causar efeitos adversos na fauna destes ambientes. As informações deste trabalho contribuem para a melhor compreensão dos efeitos da contaminação de ambientes costeiros por microplásticos, fornecendo informações básicas para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas voltadas para uma gestão deste tipo de poluição em áreas de proteção ambiental. / Plastics have great benefits to humans, used in various activities such as medical applications, entertainment and food industry. The increasing use of plastic and your inappropriate disposal have contributed to the accumulation of this debris in the environment, particularly in the oceans where they tend to accumulate. Among the most important plastic waste are the microplastic which are plastic particles of size between 1 μm and 5 mm. The main risks that microplastics offer are your large capacity persistence and dispersal in the marine environment, your great affinity for persistent organic pollutants and their ingestion by biota and transfer to the marine food web. Among the marine environments most impacted by microplastics are sandy beaches where these particles tend to accumulate after carried by sea. This study evaluate the contamination by microplastics on a beach of a coastal marine protected area, and assess the virgin pellets toxicity and collected on this beach in embryo-larval development of brown mussel Perna perna. Microplastics samples were collected in the period from February 2014 to February 2015 on the beach of Paranapuã in two regions of the beach (high tide line and supralittoral). The particles were analyzed individually in the laboratory and the composition of your polymer was identified for Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The results suggest that pollution microplastics in Paranapuã beach is continuous in entire year, but varying in concentration over time and with a pattern irregular of spatial distribution on the beach. The microplastics concentration is apparently related to the wind direction, tends to be higher when the wind direction is downwind. The concentration of microplastics on the beach Paranapuã (4.72 microplastics/m²) is similar to other beaches in the world. The toxicity experiments showed that both virgin plastic pellets as those collected on the beach inhibit embryo-larval development of brown mussels. However, the pellets collected at the beach showed high toxicity resulting in abnormal or percentage of dead larvae 100%, significantly higher than for virgin pellets, which was 23.5%. It is believed that the difference in toxicity between the virgin pellets and collected on the beach can be caused by high concentration of adsorbed contaminants on the surface of the pellets collected in the field. The results of this study suggest that beaches areas of coastal marine protection near urban areas and port areas have high risk of contamination by plastics. Although this beach has access restricted to humans, microplastics enter these beaches through the marine environment, potentially causing adverse effects on the local fauna of these environments due to your high toxicity. The information from this study contribute to a better understanding of the effects of contamination of coastal environments by microplastics, providing basic information for the development of public policies for management of this type of pollution in the areas of environmental protection.

Avaliação da citotoxicidade do Dietiltoluamida (DEET) em mexilhões Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) irradiados e não irradiados com radiação gama de 60Co / Cytotoxicity evaluation of Diethyltoluamide (DEET) in Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) mussels non-irradiated and irradiated with 60Co gamma radiation

Gisela de Assis Martini 18 October 2013 (has links)
Estudos recentes têm identificado a presença de diversos poluentes emergentes em ambientes aquáticos. A ocorrência em diferentes matrizes ambientais tem sido continuamente relatada, o que evidencia a necessidade de estudos de toxicidade. O DEET (N,N-dietil-meta-toluamida) é o princípio ativo mais utilizado em repelentes de insetos e está presente em diversas formulações comercialmente disponíveis. Além dos poluentes químicos, os organismos aquáticos estão sujeitos à exposição da radiação ionizante proveniente de fontes naturais ou em proximidades de instalações de usinas nucleares. O presente estudo avaliou a toxicidade do DEET em organismos irradiados e não irradiados com radiação gama de 60Co, e os efeitos que a radiação causa sob os lisossomos de hemócitos do mexilhão Perna perna. Para isso, foram realizados ensaios de toxicidade aguda para identificar a concentração de DEET e a dose de radiação gama passíveis de causar mortalidade, e posteriormente ensaios de citotoxicidade avaliando a estabilidade da membrana lisossômica em organismos expostos ao DEET e radiação ionizante. De acordo com os resultados obtidos nos ensaios de toxicidade aguda, a concentração de DEET que causa mortalidade em 50% dos organismos expostos (CL50) é de 114,27 mg L-1, e a dose de radiação que causa mortalidade (DL50) é de 1068 Gy. Nos os ensaios de citotoxicidade obteve-se a concentração de efeito não observado (CENO) para organismos irradiados e não irradiados de 0,0001 mg L-1 e a concentração de efeito observado (CEO) em concentrações acima desta. A CI25(72h) para organismos não irradiados foi de 0,0003 mg L-1 e a CI50(72h) foi de 0,0008 mg L-1 para organismos irradiados e não irradiados. Apesar das concentrações de efeito encontradas no presente estudo terem sido mais altas que as ambientais, estão na mesma ordem de grandeza e também deve-se levar em consideração os possíveis efeitos sinérgicos do DEET com outros contaminantes presentes em ambiente aquático. / Recent studies have identified the presence of several emerging pollutants in aquatic environments. The occurrence in different environmental matrices has been continuously reported, highlighting the need for toxicity studies. The DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is the active ingredient used in most insect repellents, and is present in many commercially available formulations. Apart from chemical pollutants, aquatic organisms are subject to exposure of ionizing radiation from natural sources or in the vicinity of nuclear power plants. The present study evaluated the toxicity of DEET in organisms irradiated and non-irradiated with 60Co gamma radiation, and the effects that radiation causes in lysosomes of hemocytes of Perna perna mussel. For this purpose, assays were performed to identify the acute toxicity of DEET concentration and the dose of gamma radiation able to cause mortality. Subsequently, cytotoxicity assays were carried out to assess the stability of the lysosomal membrane in organisms exposed to ionizing radiation and DEET. According to the results obtained in acute toxicity tests, the concentration of DEET that causes mortality of 50% exposed organisms (LC50) is 114,27 mg L-1, and the radiation dose that causes mortality (LD50) is 1068 Gy. In the cytotoxicity assays, the concentration of the non-observed effect (NOEC) for irradiated and non-irradiated organisms 0.0001 mg L-1 and observed effect concentration (LOEC) at concentrations above this. The IC25 (72h) for non-irradiated organisms was 0.0003 mg L-1 and IC50 (72h) was 0.0008 mg L-1 for irradiated and non-irradiated organisms. Despite of the concentrations of effect found in this study were higher than in the environment, both measurements are in the same order of magnitude and should be also take into account the possible synergistic effects of DEET with other contaminants in the aquatic environment.


Roderique, Bonnie A 01 January 2018 (has links)
Conservation efforts that involve habitat protection, population augmentation, and species reintroductions require knowledge of the habitat requirements, distribution, and abundance of a species—information that can be challenging to acquire, especially for rare organisms with patchy distributions. In this thesis, I develop a protocol for the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) and create a Species Distribution Model for the endangered James spinymussel, Parvaspina collina (Unionidae). The results of this work show that eDNA is a robust tool for identifying species presence but not for estimating the relative abundance of populations. This study found that P. collina’s distribution is influenced by abiotic habitat characteristics related to sedimentation and runoff rather than by the distribution of its host fishes. The predicted habitat suitability was used to identify locations of priority conservation concern and these results can be used to direct future sampling efforts, identify potential dispersal routes, and inform conservation decisions.

Can GIS be used to identify streams with successful recruitment of freshwater pearlmussels (Margaritifera margaritifera)? / Kan GIS användas för att identifiera vattendrag med fungerande rekrytering av flodpärlmusslor (Margaritifera margaritifera)?

Högberg, Jan-Olov January 2009 (has links)
<p>The freshwater pearl mussel (<em>Margaritifera margaritifera</em>) has declined dramatically throughout its range and is faced with recruitment problems in most of the streams where populations still persist. Human activities, such as forestry and agriculture, are thought to be the main reason for these problems. In this study, spatial information on landscape features along 38 streams with known recruitment status were analyzed in an effort to determine if GIS-tools could be used to identify streams with successful recruitment. Differences in the distribution of various landscape features, measured in stream corridors of 50 and 150 m, and differences in several water chemical factors between streams with and without recruitment were investigated. The distribution of landscape features was also compared with host fish (brown trout) density and any statistically significant water chemical factor.  Both mussel recruitment and trout density were found to be negatively related to clear-cuts, and mussel recruitment was also negatively related to high water color, which has been shown to be correlated with high nutrient content, one of several adverse effects of clear-cutting close to streams. Recruitment was expected to be negatively affected by roads, but no such relationship could be found. Instead, mussel recruitment was found to be positively related to the number of road crossings per kilometer, but the strength of this relationship was questionable. In addition, even though it was somewhat unclear, high proportions of lakes and ponds were found to be positive for both recruitment and high trout density. The results of the study indicate that GIS-tools can be used to find landscape features that affect recruitment of freshwater pearl mussel and they support the belief that forestry activities are an important cause for the decline of the species in Sweden. In addition, the results indicate that leaving protective zones of forest between streams and clear-cuts can be a possible conservation method for the freshwater pearl mussel.</p> / <p>Flodpärlmusslan (<em>Margaritifera margaritifera</em>) har minskat kraftigt i hela sitt utbredningsområde och i de flesta vattendrag där populationer finns kvar sker ingen rekrytering. Mänskliga aktiviteter, exempelvis skogsbruk och jordbruk, anses vara huvudorsaken för dessa problem. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om GIS-verktyg kan användas för att identifiera vattendrag med fungerande rekrytering. För att uppnå det analyserades geografisk information om landskapet längs 38 vattendrag med känd rekryteringsstatus. Skillnader i fördelningen av olika landskapsföreteelser, uppmätt i 50 och 150 meters buffertzoner, och skillnader i flera vattenkemiska faktorer mellan vattendrag med eller utan rekrytering undersöktes. Dessutom undersöktes även om det fanns något förhållande mellan landskapsföreteelser och tätheten av värdfisk (öring) och mellan landskapsföreteelser och signifikanta vattenkemiska faktorer. Både rekrytering av flodpärlmusslor och öringstäthet var negativt relaterad till kalhyggen. Rekrytering var också negativt relaterad till hög vattenfärg, som har visats vara korrelerat med högt näringsinnehåll, en av flera effekter kalhyggen nära vattendrag har. Rekrytering förväntades påverkas negativt av vägar, men inget negativt förhållande hittades. Istället hittades ett positivt förhållande mellan rekrytering och antalet vägkorsningar per kilometer, men styrkan av det förhållandet var ifrågasättbar. Dessutom var, om än något otydligt, andelen sjö och damm positivt för både rekrytering och hög öringtäthet. Studien indikerar att GIS-verktyg kan användas för att hitta landskapsföreteelser som påverkar rekryteringen av flodpärlmusslor och den stödjer bedömningen att skogsbruk är en av de viktigaste anledningarna till artens nedgång i Sverige. Dessutom indikerar resultaten att skyddszoner mellan kalhyggen och vattendrag kan vara en möjlig skyddsåtgärd för flodpärlmusslan.</p>

Temporal and spatial distribution of larval and post-larval blue mussels (Mytilus edulis/Mytilus trossulus) and starfish (Asterias vulgaris) within four Newfoundland mussel culture sites /

Pryor, Miranda Leigh. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2005. / Bibliography: leaves 78-90.

Do settling mussels (Mytilus spp.) prefer macroalgae over artificial substrates? : a test of collector preference along the Oregon Coast

Howieson, John 03 April 2006 (has links)
Graduation date: 2006 / This study investigated whether a device commonly used to measure settlement of mussel larvae for ecological studies, the Tuffy™, functions uniformly whether placed in a bed of filamentous algae or on bare rock. During the summers of 2004 and 2005, the number of mussel larvae settling on Tuffys in patches of the filamentous algae Endocladia muricata and Neorhodomela larix, known to be natural substrata for settlement of mussels, was shown to be the same as on Tuffys on adjacent patches of bare rock. The data provide no evidence that adjacent filamentous algae affects settlement to Tuffys and support the utility of this technique for measuring the intensity of larval settlement.

Can GIS be used to identify streams with successful recruitment of freshwater pearlmussels (Margaritifera margaritifera)? / Kan GIS användas för att identifiera vattendrag med fungerande rekrytering av flodpärlmusslor (Margaritifera margaritifera)?

Högberg, Jan-Olov January 2009 (has links)
The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) has declined dramatically throughout its range and is faced with recruitment problems in most of the streams where populations still persist. Human activities, such as forestry and agriculture, are thought to be the main reason for these problems. In this study, spatial information on landscape features along 38 streams with known recruitment status were analyzed in an effort to determine if GIS-tools could be used to identify streams with successful recruitment. Differences in the distribution of various landscape features, measured in stream corridors of 50 and 150 m, and differences in several water chemical factors between streams with and without recruitment were investigated. The distribution of landscape features was also compared with host fish (brown trout) density and any statistically significant water chemical factor.  Both mussel recruitment and trout density were found to be negatively related to clear-cuts, and mussel recruitment was also negatively related to high water color, which has been shown to be correlated with high nutrient content, one of several adverse effects of clear-cutting close to streams. Recruitment was expected to be negatively affected by roads, but no such relationship could be found. Instead, mussel recruitment was found to be positively related to the number of road crossings per kilometer, but the strength of this relationship was questionable. In addition, even though it was somewhat unclear, high proportions of lakes and ponds were found to be positive for both recruitment and high trout density. The results of the study indicate that GIS-tools can be used to find landscape features that affect recruitment of freshwater pearl mussel and they support the belief that forestry activities are an important cause for the decline of the species in Sweden. In addition, the results indicate that leaving protective zones of forest between streams and clear-cuts can be a possible conservation method for the freshwater pearl mussel. / Flodpärlmusslan (Margaritifera margaritifera) har minskat kraftigt i hela sitt utbredningsområde och i de flesta vattendrag där populationer finns kvar sker ingen rekrytering. Mänskliga aktiviteter, exempelvis skogsbruk och jordbruk, anses vara huvudorsaken för dessa problem. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om GIS-verktyg kan användas för att identifiera vattendrag med fungerande rekrytering. För att uppnå det analyserades geografisk information om landskapet längs 38 vattendrag med känd rekryteringsstatus. Skillnader i fördelningen av olika landskapsföreteelser, uppmätt i 50 och 150 meters buffertzoner, och skillnader i flera vattenkemiska faktorer mellan vattendrag med eller utan rekrytering undersöktes. Dessutom undersöktes även om det fanns något förhållande mellan landskapsföreteelser och tätheten av värdfisk (öring) och mellan landskapsföreteelser och signifikanta vattenkemiska faktorer. Både rekrytering av flodpärlmusslor och öringstäthet var negativt relaterad till kalhyggen. Rekrytering var också negativt relaterad till hög vattenfärg, som har visats vara korrelerat med högt näringsinnehåll, en av flera effekter kalhyggen nära vattendrag har. Rekrytering förväntades påverkas negativt av vägar, men inget negativt förhållande hittades. Istället hittades ett positivt förhållande mellan rekrytering och antalet vägkorsningar per kilometer, men styrkan av det förhållandet var ifrågasättbar. Dessutom var, om än något otydligt, andelen sjö och damm positivt för både rekrytering och hög öringtäthet. Studien indikerar att GIS-verktyg kan användas för att hitta landskapsföreteelser som påverkar rekryteringen av flodpärlmusslor och den stödjer bedömningen att skogsbruk är en av de viktigaste anledningarna till artens nedgång i Sverige. Dessutom indikerar resultaten att skyddszoner mellan kalhyggen och vattendrag kan vara en möjlig skyddsåtgärd för flodpärlmusslan.

Habitatpreferenser hos tjockskalig målarmussla (Unio crassus) med avseende på vattendjup och beskuggning. / Habitat preferences of the thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) regarding water depth and shading.

Lundberg, Malin January 2012 (has links)
The thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) is a red listed species classified as Endangered (EN) and is also considered within the Habitats Directive. The distribution in Sweden is fragmented and it is mostly occurring in the south eastern parts. We investigated the presence of Unio crassus in a section of the stream Storån, Östergötland County, from Falerum to the inflow into Lake Åkervristen. The environmental parameters investigated were water depth, bottom substrate, shading, water velocity and the slope over the water surface. In this thesis I have focused mainly on water depth and shading, comparing sites with and without mussels. In addition, I used a multivariate PCA analysis to evaluate all parameters together. The water depth was significantly larger in habitats with mussels than in those without. Shading varied from 5 to 80 %, but there was no significant difference between habitats with and without mussels. There was no correlation between water depth and mussel density and not between shading and mussel density either. The multivariate PCA analysis showed that the habitats with and without mussels were different from with regard to the PC1 axis, which included water depth, bottom substrate and water velocity. Alone, the water depth is not enough to predict the presence of Unio crassus in the stream, and it is likely that more parameters need to be considered.  Previous work indicate that the more parameters and habitats that are investigated, the more confident results can be stated of which habitats Unio crassus prefer.

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