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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Compostos de adição entre trifluoroacetatos de lantanideos e a 2-picolina-N-óxido (2-picNO) / Synthesis and properties of complexes between lanthanide trifluoroacetates and 2-picoline-N-oxide (2-picNO)

Hermi Felinto de Brito 11 October 1984 (has links)
Os compostos obtidos pela reação entre trifluoroacetatos de lantanídeos e a 2-picolina-N-óxido em 2,2-dimetoxipropano têm fórmula geral Ln(TFA)3.2(2-picNO) (Ln = La-Lu, Y, exceto Ce) e apresentam-se com razoável higroscopicidade, cristalinos, inodoros e com cores um pouco menos pronunciadas do que as dos sais hidratados de lantanídeos trivalentes. São solúveis em água, acetonitrila (exceto La), acetona, etanol e metanol, porém insolúveis em nitrobenzeno. Em nitrometano os compostos das terras raras pesadas apresentam considerável solubilidade, enquanto os das leves são praticamente insolúveis. Os intervalos de fusão variam de 224° a 122°C. Os compostos foram caracterizados por análises elementares, medidas de condutância eletrolítica, diagramas de raios-X, espectros na região do infravermelho, espectros eletrônicos de absorção e de emissão. As medidas de condutância eletrolítica em solução de acetonitrila mostram que os compostos se comportam como não eletrólitos. Os difratogramas de raios-X permitiram a identificação de três séries isomorfas, correspondendo a: a) La-Pr; b) Nd-Sm; c) Eu-Lu, Y. Os espectros na região do infravermelho mostram deslocamentos da banda relativa ao estiramento v N-O, em relação à 2-picNO livre, para regiões de menor frequência. Tal deslocamento sugere a coordenação do ligante ao íon central por meio do oxigênio do grupo aminóxido. As bandas vasCOO do TFA apresentam-se desdobradas para todos os compostos, exceto para La e Pr. O aparecimento destes dubletes sugere dois tipos de coordenação aos lantanídeos. O espectro de absorção na região do visível do composto Nd(TFA)3.2(2-picNO) obtido no estado sólido à temperatura ambiente e do nitrogênio líquido e em solução (P = 28,6 cm-2mol.-1.L) de acetonitrila apresentam diferenças de um para o outro, indicando a ocorrência de interação como solvente. Os parâmetros espectroscópicos β-, δ e b1/2 foram calculados, indicando que a ligação íon lantanídeo-ligante possui muito pouco caráter covalente e que a interação Ln-L é essencialmente eletrostática. O composto de Eu(TFA)3.2(2-picNO) apresenta fluorescência intensa e seu espetro de emissão sugere a simetria C2v ao redor do íon Eu3+. Baseados no grupo pontual, nos modos de coordenação e estruturas conhecidas, sugerimos a geometria de antiprisma quadrado para a espécie complexa na qual os oxigênios do grupo TFA e 2-picNO se agrupam ao redor do íon central, de maneira a formar um dímero. / The compounds obtained by reaction between hydrated lanthanide trifluoroacetates and 2-picoline-N-oxide in 2,2-dimethoxypropane present the qeneral formula Ln (TFA)3.2(2-picNO) (Ln 2 La-Lu, Y, except Ce). They are hygroscopic, crystalline, with the trivalent hydrated lanthanides, soluble in water, acetonitrile (except La, acetone, ethanol and methanol) and insoluble in nitrobenzene. The lighter lanthanides adducts are considerably soluble and the heavier practically insoluble in nitromethane. The melting ranges vary between 122 and 224°C. The compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, electrolytic conductance measurements, X-ray powder patterns, infrared emission and absorption spectra. Conductance measurements in acetonitrile indicate a behavior of non-electrolytes. According to X-ray patterns, three isomorphous series were detected: a) La-Pr; b) Nd-Sm and c) Eu-Lu,Y. Infrared data show shift of v NO to lower frequencies, in relation to the free 2-picNO, indicating the bonding is through the oxygen. The vasCOO bands are splitted in all the compounds (except La and Pr) and suggest two types of anion coordination. Absorption spectra of the neodyimium compound were determined in solid state at roam and 77 K temperatures, and also in acetonitrile solution. The shapes of the hypersensitive bands are different, showing solvent interaction. Spectroscopic parameters (β-, b1/2 and δ) calculated from solid state spectrum indicate a essentially electrostatic interaction between Ln-L. Fluorescence spectrum of the Eu compound was interpreted in terms of C2v symmetry around the central ion. The geometry of a square antyprism was proposed, based on four TFA groups acting as bridges between two Ln ions, one as bidentate, and the coordination sphere is completed by the 2-picNO.

Avaliação imunotóxica e de imunoteratologia de Senecio brasiliensis: estudo em ratos / Evaluation of immunotoxic and immunoteratogenic properties of Senecio brasiliensis: study in rats.

Fabiana Elias 06 January 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo visou avaliar os possiveis efeitos imunotóxicos e imunoteratogênicos da integerrimina N-óxido presente no resíduo butanólico (RB) do ,Senecio brasiliensis, uma planta hepatotóxica que contém alcalóides pirrolizidínicos (APs). Tem sido relatado o uso de APs como fitoterápicos em todo o mundo e também como contaminantes de pastagens e alimentos, sendo assim responsáveis por intoxicações em animais de produção e humanos; porém, até o momento, não há relatos de sua ação sobre o sistema imune. Assim, após a extração da planta, quantificou-se no RB de Senecio brasiliensis, por meio de análise elementar e de espectro (1H e 13C), cerca de 70% de integerrimina N-óxido. O RB foi administrado a ratos Wistar machos adultos, nas doses de 3, 6 e 9 mg/kg, por gavagem, durante 28 dias. Foram avaliados o ganho de peso, o consumo de alimento, os órgãos linfóides e a fenotipagem de sua células, a atividade de fagócitos, as respostas imunes humoral e celular e atividade proliferativa de linfócitos. Já ratas gestantes, receberam as mesmas doses do RB do 6º ao 20º dia de gestação. No final da gestação, parte das fêmeas foi destinada à cesariana e as restantes prosseguiram à termo até o nascimento, para a análise das proles aos 60 dias de idade. Os fetos provenientes da cesariana foram avaliados quanto ao tamanho, peso, viabilidade e malformações externas e também submetidos à análise óssea. As mães tiveram seu desempenho reprodutivo avaliado. Naquelas proles avaliadas até 60 dias de idade, procedeu-se a avaliação dos órgãos linfóides e dos parâmetros hematológicos. O presente estudo revelou que integerrimina N-óxido promoveu diminuição no ganho de peso corporal de ratos machos adultos, redução na atividade proliferativa das células T e interfência na contagem de células sanguíneas destes animais. Por outro lado, esses mesmos animais não apresentaram diferenças na atividade de fagócitos, na fenotipagem de linfócitos e nas respostas imunes estudadas. Em ratas gestantes, o RB causou hepatotoxidade, diminuição do ganho de peso materno, diminuição no tamanho das placentas. A análise fetal revelou menor ossificação. Quando da avaliação da prole aos 60 dias de idade, não foram observados efeitos no ganho de peso atribuídos ao RB, nos órgãos linfóides, e também parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos. Concluindo, os estudos aqui realizados permitem sugerir que as doses baixas de integerrimina N-óxido ora empregadas, não promovem efeitos imunotóxicos significantes, bem como não apresentaram potencial teratogênico, seja por meio das avaliações clássicas de teratologia quanto naqueles protocolos de imunoteratogenicidade. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible immunotoxic and immunoteratogenic effects of integerrimine N-oxide content in the butanolic residue (BR) of Senecio brasiliensis, a hepatotoxic plant that contained pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). PAs have been reported as a pasture and food contaminant and as herbal medicine used worldwide and are related to promote poisoning events in livestock and human beings. After the plant extraction, BR residue from Senecio brasiliensis was submitted to elemental and spectral analyses (1H and 13C ) and was found to contain approximately 70% of integerrimine N-oxide by, which was administered to adult male Wistar rats at doses of 3, 6 and 9 mg/kg for 28 days, by gavage. Body weight gain, food consumption, lymphoid organs and their cell phenotype, phagocyte analysis, humoural and cellular immune responses, and lymphocyte proliferation were evaluated. In addition, pregnant rats received the same doses of BR from the 6th to the 20th gestational day. In late pregnancy, some of the dams were destined for cesarean section and the other females followed the pregnancy until the birth for offspring analysis at 60 days old. Fetuses from cesarean section were evaluated for size, weight, viability and external malformations and also subjected to bone analysis. The reproductive performance of females were performed. The present study showed that integerrimine N-oxide could promote in adult male Wistar rats, body weight gain impairment, interference with blood cell counts and a reducing T cell proliferative; however, no differences in phagocyte activities, lymphocytes phenotyping and immune responses here evaluated were observed. In pregnant rats, BR caused hepatotoxicity, decreased body weight gain and reduced placental size. Fetus analysis showed lower ossification. When 60-days old offspring were it was not observed any toxic effects resulted from BR exposition in body weight gain, lymphoid organs, haematological and biochemical parameters of these rats. It is concluded that low doses of integerrimine N-oxide here employed did not produce marked immunotoxic effects and seems to be a teratogenic signs by both methods, the classical evaluations or by immunoteratological protocols.

Biopolymer Composite based on Natural and Derived Hemp Cellulose Fibres.

Quajai, Sirisart, soj@kmitnb.ac.th January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this research was to study the effect of pre-treatment and modification processes on the properties of hemp cellulose fibre for biopolymer composites application. Hemp fibres have been modified by various extraction, swelling, chemical and enzymatic treatments. The morphology and mechanical properties of the modified fibres have been measured. Biopolymer composites have been prepared using the modified fibres and matrices of cellulose acetate butyrate and cellulose solutions derived from hemp. The first fibre treatment employed was acetone extraction and mercerization. A low pressure acrylonitrile grafting initiated by azo-bis-isobutylonitrile was performed using alkali treated fibre. The AN grafted fibres had no transformation of crystalline structure as observed after mercerization. The mechanical properties performed by a single fibre test method were strongly influenced by the cellulose structure, lateral index of crystallinity, and fraction of grafting. Bioscouring of hemp using pectate lyase (EC, Scourzyme L, was performed. Greater enzyme concentration and a longer treatment improved the removal of the low methoxy pectin component. Removal of pectate caused no crystalline transformation in the fibres, except for a slight decline in the X-ray crystalline order index. Smooth surfaces and separated fibres were evidence of successful treatment. The shortening of fibre by grinding and ball-milling was introduced to achieve a desired fibre size. An increase in the milling duration gradual ly destroyed the crystalline structure of the cellulose fibres. An increase in solvent polarity, solvent-fibre ratio, agitation speed and drying rate resulted in the rearrangement of the ball-milled cellulose crystalline structure to a greater order. The thermal degradation behaviour of hemp fibres was investigated by using TGA. The greater activation energy of treated hemp fibre compared with untreated fibre represented an increase in purity and improvement of structural order. The all hemp cellulose composites were prepared by an introduction of fibres into 12% cellulose N-methyl-morpholine N-oxide (NMMO) solution and water-ethanol regeneration. A broadening of the scattering of the main crystalline plane, (002) and a depression of the maximum degradation temperature of the fibres were observed. These revealed a structural change in the fibres arising from the preparation. The mechanical properties of composites depended on size, surface area, crystallinity and the structural swelling of the fibres. Composites of cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) and modified hemp fibres were prepared. Composites containing pectate lyase enzyme treated fibres showed better mechanical property improvement than untreated and alkali treated fibres respectively.

Mécanismes de gonflement et de dissolution des fibres de cellulose

Le Moigne, Nicolas 09 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le but de ces travaux était d'étudier les mécanismes de gonflement et de dissolution des fibres de cellulose en faisant varier la qualité du solvant (N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide avec différentes quantités d'eau et solutions aqueuses de NaOH à 8%), les conditions de dissolution, comme la tension, et l'origine des fibres (coton, bois, fibres régénérées ou dérivées). Les mécanismes de gonflement et de dissolution ont été étudiés par des observations microscopiques à haute résolution. Une séparation sélective des fractions solubles et insolubles a été réalisée par centrifugation. La distribution de masse molaire, la cristallinité, la composition en sucre, l'allomorphie et la quantité de chaque fraction ont été analysées. A partir de ces résultats, nous avons pu mieux décrire les mécanismes de gonflement et de dissolution des fibres de cellulose et ainsi identifier les principaux paramètres gouvernant la dissolution. Nos résultats montrent que les caractéristiques structurales et moléculaires des fibres de cellulose ainsi que les paramètres de procédés doivent être mieux contrôlés afin d'améliorer la dissolution. (i) Les paramètres de procédés concernent la convection du solvant et la possibilité de mouvements des fibres dans le solvant, (ii) les paramètres structuraux concernent la suppression des parois externes, la déstructuration des parois internes et la suppression sélectives des hémicelluloses, (iii) les paramètres moléculaires concernent la thermodynamique, comme la longueur des chaînes, la cristallinité mais aussi l'amélioration de la mobilité conformationelle des chaînes.

Construction Of Pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine Structure By Metal Catalyzed Cyclization Of N-propargyl Substituted Pyrroles

Guven, Sinem 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine is one of the isomers of pyrolodiazine family. Pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine possesses a bicyclic heteroaromatic structure that have 10 electrons. It has various biological importances in synthetic chemistry / therefore, many different approaches to generate this skeleton have been developed so far. In this study, our prior aim was to develop a new synthetic methodology for the formation of pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine moiety. In the first part of this focus, the starting compound, methyl 2-(2-methoxy-2-oxoethyl)-1-(prop-2-yn-1-yl)-1H-pyrrole-3-carboxylate was successfully synthesized, then the conversion of the ester group at the lower arm to the amine group was carried out. Heteroatom cyclization catalyzed by CuI afforded the desired substituted pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine structure. In the second part, it was aimed to synthesize new compounds with unusual structures which are not described in the literature / namely, as pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine N-oxide. In this direction, first pyrrole was submitted to Vilsmeier-Haack reaction to attach a formyl group at C-2. Substitution reaction then effectively gave 1-(prop-2-yn-1-yl)-1H-pyrrole-2-carbaldehyde, which was a key molecule to synthesize the aldoxime. AuCl3 catalyzed cyclization of the corresponding oxime afforded pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine N-oxide. In the next step, Sonogashira coupling reactions were carried out to obtain terminal alkynes (RC&equiv / CR&#039 / ) starting from 1-(prop-2-yn-1-yl)-1H-pyrrole-2-carbaldehyde. The aim of this part was to study the effect of aryl groups to the activated alkyl functional group by a metal catalyst. In this case, unexpected oxime-oxime transformation was observed, which is unprecedented in the literature

Etude de couplages croisés directs catalytiques décarboxylants d'acides picoliniques et cinnamiques / Study of direct catalytic decarboxylative cross croupling reaction of carboxyazine N-oxide and cinnamaic acid

Rouchet, Jean-Baptiste 29 September 2015 (has links)
La fonctionnalisation des hétéroaromatiques suscite grand intérêt tant en chimie supramoléculaire qu’en chimie pharmaceutique. Parmi les techniques les plus employées, la chimie organométallique catalysée par les métaux de transition est une méthode de choix et apporte depuis plus d’un siècle une contribution majeure notamment depuis l’avènement des couplages croisés. Les défis méthodologiques contemporains reposent en grande partie sur le concept du ‘mieux avec moins’ et visent notamment au développement de couplages croisés directs catalytiques impliquant des liaisons C-CO₂H et C−H avec le souci (i) d’éviter la préparation et/ou l’isolement d’intermédiaires organométalliques hautement réactifs souvent préparés dans des conditions drastiques et/ou sensibles à l’humidité et parfois instables, (ii) de réduire la production massive de sels; (iii) d’éviter les étapes de protection/déprotection des fonctions sensibles aux attaques nucléophiles. Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans ce contexte et a pour objectif le développement de nouveaux couplages croisés directs décarboxylants de type CCO₂H/C-X et C-CO₂H/C-H impliquant deux partenaires de couplages inédits, les acides carboxyaziniques N-oxydés et les acides cinnamiques α-méthoxylés, traités dans deux parties distinctes. Un premier travail a conduit au développement d’une méthodologie générale de couplage décarboxylant,catalysée au palladium (0) et assistée par l’argent (I), d’acides quinaldiques et picoliniques N-oxydés ainsi que de l’acide isoquinoline 3-carboxylique avec des halogéno(hétéro)arènes. En effet, bien que le cuivre (I) se soit révélé plus performant par calculs DFT pour conduire l’ipso-décarboxylation-métallation, seul l’argent favorise la catalyse conventionnelle coopérative Pd(0)/Ag(I) assurant la sélectivité en lieu et place de la fonction acide carboxylique. Ayant montré un large spectre de réactivité, la méthodologie tolère en particulier la présence de substituants sur le noyau azinique. Elle représente également une alternative synthétique à l’arylation directe de la liaison C−H des azines N-oxydées pour accéder aux azines 2-hétéroarylées ainsi qu’aux pyridines 2,5-disubstituées et aux isoquinoléïnes 3-arylées. Comme application, une approche modulable et flexible a été développée pour la synthèse d’une isoquinoline fonctionnalisée en position 1 et 3 connue comme agent antitumoral. Le second travail a porté sur la mise au point des premiers couplages croisés décarboxylants oxydants de type CCO₂H/C−H pallado-catalysés et assistés par le cuivre (II) d’acides cinnamiques α-méthoxylés sur une large gamme d’hétérocycles pour conduire à la formation stérécontrollée d’éthers d’enol héteroarylés en position géminale. L’introduction directe et inédite de la fonction éther vient enrichir le panel des méthodologies de fonctionnalisation des liaisons C−H des hétérocycles. Leur haut potentiel d’aménagement fonctionnel permet de diversifier consécutivement et très largement la nature de la fonctionnalisation pour accéder en particulier aux hétéroarylalkyl cétones et aux alcènes poly-fonctionnalisés. / The functionalization of heterocycles arouse an interest both in supramolecular chemistry and in pharmaceuticals. Based on the so-called concept better with less, the development of direct functionalization methodologies of heterocycles involving C–H and C–CO₂H bonds has emerged as an efficient, modern alternative and complementary process to traditional cross coupling methods, avoiding thus the use of stoichiometric organometallic reagents that are often air and moisture sensitive. In this context, the aim of this PhD work was to develop new decarboxylative cross couplings, CO₂H / C-X and CO₂H / C−H, using substituted 2-carboxyazine N-oxides and α-methoxyacrylic acids as new coupling partners.The first part of this work has been focused on the development of the versatile Pd-catalyzed and Ag-assisted decarboxylative coupling of quinaldic and picolonic acids N-oxides as well as 3-carboxyisoquinoline acids with (hetero)aryl halides. Although copper (I) appeared to be more efficient by DFT calculations to perform ipsodecarboxylation-metallation step, only silver catalysis revealed to be much more adequate to achieve the conventional decarboxylative coupling and this was then pointed out with the high regioselectivity observed at the carboxy function site. This reaction showed a large reactivity spectrum and tolerated for the first time substituents on azinic core. It is also a synthetic alternative to the direct C−H arylation on azine N-oxides for the regioselective synthesis of 2-arylated substituted pyridines and 3-arylated isoquinolines. As application, a modular and flexible approach has been developed for the synthesis of the highly functionalized 1,3-substitute disoquinoline 5, shown as an antitumor agent.In the second part, the first Pd-catalyzed and Cu-assisted decarboxylative / C-H alkenylation of heterocycleswith various α−methoxyacrylic acids was reported offering general stereocontrolled access to heteroarylated enol ethers in geminal position. The direct introduction of vinyl ether allows to expand the panel of C-H bond functionalizations methodologies of heterocycles. The high potential for subsequent post-functional adjustment of the vinyl ether moiety enable thus the synthesis of heteroarylated α,β-enolizable ketones and polysusbituted alkenes.

Influence of Trimethylamine N-Oxide on Platelet Activation

Emonds, Julian Josef, Ringel, Clemens, Reinicke, Madlen, Müller, Daniel, von Eckardstein, Arnold, Meixensberger, Jürgen, Ceglarek, Uta, Gaudl, Alexander 15 January 2024 (has links)
Microbiome-derived trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) has been associated with platelet hyperreactivity and subsequent atherogenesis. Whether physiological TMAO-levels influence plateletderived lipid mediators remains unknown. Little is known about pre-analytic factors potentially influencing TMAO concentrations. We aimed at developing a quantitative LC-MS/MS method to investigate in-vivo and in-vitro pre-analytical factors in TMAO analysis to properly assess the proposed activating effect of TMAO on platelets. TMAO, betaine, carnitine, and choline were analyzed by HILIC-ESI-MS/MS within 6 min total run time. Method validation included investigation of reproducibility, recovery, sensitivity, and in-vitro pre-analytical factors. A 24-h monitoring experiment was performed, evaluating in-vivo pre-analytical factors like daytime or diet. Finally, the effects of different TMAO concentrations on platelet activation and corresponding alterations of plateletderived eicosanoid release were analyzed. The method showed high reproducibility (CVs 5.3%), good recovery rates (96–98%), and negligible in-vitro pre-analytical effects. The influence of in-vivo pre-analytical factors on TMAO levels was not observable within the applied experimental conditions. We did not find any correlation between TMAO levels and platelet activation at physiological TMAO concentrations, whereas platelet-derived eicosanoids presented activation of the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways. In contrast to previously published results, we did not find any indications regarding diet dependency or circadian rhythmicity of TMAO levels. Our results do not support the hypothesis that TMAO increases platelet responsiveness via the release of lipid-mediators.

Síntese e caracterização dos compostos de adição entre os mono e dicloroacetatos de lantanídeos (III) e a quinolina-N-óxido (QNO) / Synthesis and characterization of the addition compounds between lanthanide mono and dichloroacetates (III) and quinoline-N-oxide (QNO)

Creusa Aparecida Fantin 10 October 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a síntese e caracterização dos compostos de adição obtidos pela reação entre os monocloroacetatos (CA) e dicloroacetatos (DCA) de lantanídeos (III) com a quinolina-N-óxido (QNO), na presença de etanol e ortoformiato de trietila. Os compostos foram obtidos na forma sólida e caracterizados por análise elementar, testes de solubilidade, medidas de condutância eletrolítica, difração de raios X (método do pó), espectros de absorção na região do infravermelho, espectros de absorção na região do visível dos compostos de Nd, espectros de emissão dos compostos de Eu e análise térmica. Os experimentos de análise térmica permitiram estudar o comportamento térmico dos compostos. A associação dos resultados de análise elementar e termogravimétrica permitiu sugerir as seguintes fórmulas mínimas: a) Ln(DCA)3.yQNO.wEtOH onde, y = w = 8/9 para Ln= La; y = w = 1 para Ln= Ce; y = 1 e w =¾ para Ln= Pr, Nd e Sm; y = 1 e w = O para Ln= Eu ao Lu e Y. b) Ln(CA)3.QNO, onde Ln= La ao Ho e Y. Os compostos não são higroscópicos, e possuem coloração bege, em sua grande maioria. São solúveis em DMF, DMSO, HMPA e água, e insolúveis em hexano, ciclohexano, dimetoxipropano, benzeno, clorofórmio, cloreto de metileno, tolueno, acetonitrila e acetona. As medidas de condutância, em solução de DMF, revelaram que os compostos se comportam como não eletrólitos, indicando que os ânions CA e DCA estão coordenados ao íon Ln3+. Os difratogramas de raios X ( método do pó) mostraram que os compostos de adição de dicloroacetatos possuem três séries isomorfas. Os espectros de absorção no infravermelho indicaram que a coordenção da QNO e dos ânions CA e DCA ocorre através do átomo de oxigênio, mas não permitiram evidenciar a coordenção do EtOH nos compostos de adição de dicloroacetatos, porém os resultados de análise térmica confirmaram a presença do etanol para os compostos de La ao Sm. As associações das técnicas auxiliaram na definição da estequiometria e existência das séries isomorfas. Os espectros de absorção dos compostos de Nd mostraram que as interações Nd3+- ligantes são de caráter eletrostático. Baseando-se nas transições 4I9/2 → 4G5/2, 2G7/2 foi possível determinar o parâmetro nefelauxético [β = 0,990 (CA) e β = 0,993 (DCA)], o fator de covalência [b1/2 = 0,070 (CA) e b1/2 = 0,0502 (DCA)] e o parâmetro de Sinha [δ = 1,01 (CA) e δ = 0,705 (DCA)]. Os espectros de emissão dos compostos de Eu, registrados a 77 K, sugeriram a simetria C3v para o composto de Eu(CA)3.QNO e C2v para o composto Eu(DCA)3.QNO. As curvas termoanalíticas evidenciaram que o processo de decomposição térmica ocorre em multi-etapas e que o produto final é o respectivo óxido. / This work describes the synthesis and characterization of the addition compounds obtained between lanthanide (III) mono and dichloroacetates with Quinoline-N-oxide (QNO) in the presence of ethanol and triethyl orthoformate. These compounds were obtained in the solid form and characterized by elemental analysis, solubility tests, electrolytic condutance measures, X-ray diffraction (powder method), infrared absorption spectroscopy, visible absorption spectroscopy of the Nd compounds, emission spectroscopy of the Eu compounds and thermal analysis. The thermal analysis experiments allowed studying the thermal behavior of the compounds. The association of the results of elemental analysis and thermogravimetry allowed to suggest the minimum formule: a) Ln(DCA)3.yQNO.wEtOH, where y = w = 8/9 when Ln = La; y = w = 1 when Ln = Ce; y = 1 and w = 3/4 when Ln = Pr, Nd and Sm; y = 1 and w = 0 when Ln = Eu to Lu and Y. b) Ln(CA)3.QNO, where Ln= La -Ho e Y. The compounds are not hygroscopic and are beige coloration. They are soluble in DMF, DMSO, HMPA and water, but they are insoluble in hexane, ciclohexane, dimetoxipropane, benzene, chloroform, methylene chloride, toluene, acetonitrile and acetone. In DMF solution, the conductance measurements revealed that the compouds behave as non-electrolytes, indicating that CA and DCA ions are coordinated to the ion Ln3+. X-ray patterns suggest that the addition compounds of dichloroacetates and monochloroacetates have, respectively, three and four isomorphous series. The infrared spectra indicated that ligand and anions coordination to Ln3+ occurs through the oxygen atom, but they did not confirm the EtOH coordination in the addition compounds of dichloroacetates, however the results of thermal analysis confirmed the alcohol presence in the La to Sm complexes. The techniques association support in stoichiometry definition and isomorphic series. The absorption spectra of the Nd compounds suggest that the Nd3+-ligand interactions are of electrostatic character. Based in the 4I9/2 → 4G5/2, 2G5/2 transitions was possible to determine the spectroscopic parameters: nephelauxetic parameter [β = 0,990 (CA) and β = 0,993 (DCA)], covalency factor [bl/2 = 0,070 (CA) and b1/2 = 0,0502 (DCA)] and Sinha\'s parameter [δ = 1,01 (CA) and δ = 0,705 (DCA)]. The emission spectra of the Eu compounds, at 77 K, suggest that the symmetry for the Eu3+ ions is C3v for Eu(CA)3.QNO and C2v for Eu(DCA)3.QNO. The thermoanalytical curves evidenced that the thermal decomposition process occurs in multi-stages and that the final product is the respective oxide.

Síntese e caracterização dos compostos de adição entre os mono e dicloroacetatos de lantanídeos (III) e a quinolina-N-óxido (QNO) / Synthesis and characterization of the addition compounds between lanthanide mono and dichloroacetates (III) and quinoline-N-oxide (QNO)

Fantin, Creusa Aparecida 10 October 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a síntese e caracterização dos compostos de adição obtidos pela reação entre os monocloroacetatos (CA) e dicloroacetatos (DCA) de lantanídeos (III) com a quinolina-N-óxido (QNO), na presença de etanol e ortoformiato de trietila. Os compostos foram obtidos na forma sólida e caracterizados por análise elementar, testes de solubilidade, medidas de condutância eletrolítica, difração de raios X (método do pó), espectros de absorção na região do infravermelho, espectros de absorção na região do visível dos compostos de Nd, espectros de emissão dos compostos de Eu e análise térmica. Os experimentos de análise térmica permitiram estudar o comportamento térmico dos compostos. A associação dos resultados de análise elementar e termogravimétrica permitiu sugerir as seguintes fórmulas mínimas: a) Ln(DCA)3.yQNO.wEtOH onde, y = w = 8/9 para Ln= La; y = w = 1 para Ln= Ce; y = 1 e w =¾ para Ln= Pr, Nd e Sm; y = 1 e w = O para Ln= Eu ao Lu e Y. b) Ln(CA)3.QNO, onde Ln= La ao Ho e Y. Os compostos não são higroscópicos, e possuem coloração bege, em sua grande maioria. São solúveis em DMF, DMSO, HMPA e água, e insolúveis em hexano, ciclohexano, dimetoxipropano, benzeno, clorofórmio, cloreto de metileno, tolueno, acetonitrila e acetona. As medidas de condutância, em solução de DMF, revelaram que os compostos se comportam como não eletrólitos, indicando que os ânions CA e DCA estão coordenados ao íon Ln3+. Os difratogramas de raios X ( método do pó) mostraram que os compostos de adição de dicloroacetatos possuem três séries isomorfas. Os espectros de absorção no infravermelho indicaram que a coordenção da QNO e dos ânions CA e DCA ocorre através do átomo de oxigênio, mas não permitiram evidenciar a coordenção do EtOH nos compostos de adição de dicloroacetatos, porém os resultados de análise térmica confirmaram a presença do etanol para os compostos de La ao Sm. As associações das técnicas auxiliaram na definição da estequiometria e existência das séries isomorfas. Os espectros de absorção dos compostos de Nd mostraram que as interações Nd3+- ligantes são de caráter eletrostático. Baseando-se nas transições 4I9/2 → 4G5/2, 2G7/2 foi possível determinar o parâmetro nefelauxético [β = 0,990 (CA) e β = 0,993 (DCA)], o fator de covalência [b1/2 = 0,070 (CA) e b1/2 = 0,0502 (DCA)] e o parâmetro de Sinha [δ = 1,01 (CA) e δ = 0,705 (DCA)]. Os espectros de emissão dos compostos de Eu, registrados a 77 K, sugeriram a simetria C3v para o composto de Eu(CA)3.QNO e C2v para o composto Eu(DCA)3.QNO. As curvas termoanalíticas evidenciaram que o processo de decomposição térmica ocorre em multi-etapas e que o produto final é o respectivo óxido. / This work describes the synthesis and characterization of the addition compounds obtained between lanthanide (III) mono and dichloroacetates with Quinoline-N-oxide (QNO) in the presence of ethanol and triethyl orthoformate. These compounds were obtained in the solid form and characterized by elemental analysis, solubility tests, electrolytic condutance measures, X-ray diffraction (powder method), infrared absorption spectroscopy, visible absorption spectroscopy of the Nd compounds, emission spectroscopy of the Eu compounds and thermal analysis. The thermal analysis experiments allowed studying the thermal behavior of the compounds. The association of the results of elemental analysis and thermogravimetry allowed to suggest the minimum formule: a) Ln(DCA)3.yQNO.wEtOH, where y = w = 8/9 when Ln = La; y = w = 1 when Ln = Ce; y = 1 and w = 3/4 when Ln = Pr, Nd and Sm; y = 1 and w = 0 when Ln = Eu to Lu and Y. b) Ln(CA)3.QNO, where Ln= La -Ho e Y. The compounds are not hygroscopic and are beige coloration. They are soluble in DMF, DMSO, HMPA and water, but they are insoluble in hexane, ciclohexane, dimetoxipropane, benzene, chloroform, methylene chloride, toluene, acetonitrile and acetone. In DMF solution, the conductance measurements revealed that the compouds behave as non-electrolytes, indicating that CA and DCA ions are coordinated to the ion Ln3+. X-ray patterns suggest that the addition compounds of dichloroacetates and monochloroacetates have, respectively, three and four isomorphous series. The infrared spectra indicated that ligand and anions coordination to Ln3+ occurs through the oxygen atom, but they did not confirm the EtOH coordination in the addition compounds of dichloroacetates, however the results of thermal analysis confirmed the alcohol presence in the La to Sm complexes. The techniques association support in stoichiometry definition and isomorphic series. The absorption spectra of the Nd compounds suggest that the Nd3+-ligand interactions are of electrostatic character. Based in the 4I9/2 → 4G5/2, 2G5/2 transitions was possible to determine the spectroscopic parameters: nephelauxetic parameter [β = 0,990 (CA) and β = 0,993 (DCA)], covalency factor [bl/2 = 0,070 (CA) and b1/2 = 0,0502 (DCA)] and Sinha\'s parameter [δ = 1,01 (CA) and δ = 0,705 (DCA)]. The emission spectra of the Eu compounds, at 77 K, suggest that the symmetry for the Eu3+ ions is C3v for Eu(CA)3.QNO and C2v for Eu(DCA)3.QNO. The thermoanalytical curves evidenced that the thermal decomposition process occurs in multi-stages and that the final product is the respective oxide.

Contribui??es sobre estudos t?rmicos (TG/DTG, DTA, DSC e DSC-Fotovisual) da rifampicina e seus principais produtos de degrada??o

Porto, Dayanne Lopes 24 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:16:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DayanneLP_DISSERT.pdf: 9773593 bytes, checksum: c2be9b4f3b701218666100df5b460f30 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-24 / Since its synthesis over 48 years rifampicin has been extensively studied. The literature reports the characterization of thermal events for rifampicin in nitrogen atmosphere, however, no characterization in synthetic air atmosphere. This paper aims to contribute to the thermal study of rifampicin through thermal (TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and DSC - FOTOVISUAL ) and non-thermal (HPLC, XRPD , IR - FTIR , PCA) and its main degradation products ( rifampicin quinone , rifampicin N-oxide 3- formylrifamicin). Rifampicin study was characterized as polymorph form II from techniques DSC, IR and XRPD. TG curves for rifampicin in synthetic air atmosphere showed higher thermal stability than those in N2, when analyzed Ti and Ea. There was characterized as overlapping events melting and recrystallization under N2 with weight loss in the TG curve, suggesting concomitant decomposition. Images DSCFotovisual showed no fusion event and showed darkening of the sample during analysis. The DTA curve in synthetic air atmosphere was visually different from DTA and DSC curves under N2, suggesting the absence of recrystallization and melting or presence only decomposition. The IV - FTIR analysis along with PCA analysis and HPLC and thermal data suggest that rifampicin for their fusion is concomitant decomposition of the sample in N2 and fusion events and recrystallization do not occur in synthetic air atmosphere. Decomposition products studied in an air atmosphere showed no melting event and presented simultaneously to the decomposition initiation of heating after process loss of water and / or solvent, varying the Ti initiating events. The Coats - Redfern , Madsudhanan , Van Krevelen and Herwitz - Mertzger kinetic parameters for samples , through the methods of OZAWA , in an atmosphere of synthetic air and / or N2 rifampicin proved more stable than its degradation products . The kinetic data showed good correlation between the different models employed. In this way we contribute to obtaining information that may assist studies of pharmaceutical compatibility and stability of substances / estudada. H? relatos de estudos focando o desenvolvimento de metodologias anal?ticas, novas aplica??es farmac?uticas, bem como, desenvolvimento de novas formas farmac?uticas. A busca pelo entendimento dascaracter?sticas f?sico-qu?micas das subst?ncias tem auxiliado no desenvolvimento de novos produtos farmac?uticos, com seguran?a, efic?cia e qualidade,fornecendo informa??es ?teis sobre s?ntese e armazenamento. Dentre os produtos de decomposi??o j? conhecidos para rifampicina, temos a rifampicina quinona, rifampicina N-?xido e 3-formilrifampicina, para tais, dados t?rmicos s?o escassos na literatura. As t?cnicas t?rmicas v?m sendo utilizadas na ?rea farmac?utica em diversas aplica??es, como na caracteriza??o de f?rmacos, determina??o do grau de pureza, identifica??o de polimorfismo, estudos de estabilidade, compatibilidade e cin?tica de degrada??o. Este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir com o estudo t?rmico da rifampicina atrav?s das t?cnicas t?rmicas (TG/DTG, DTA, DSC, DSC-Fotovisual)e n?o t?rmicas, e seus principais produtos de degrada??o (rifampicina quinona, rifampicina N-?xido 3-formilrifamicina). A partir de an?lises DSC, DRX e FTIR foi poss?vel caracterizar a rifampicina estudada como polimorfo II. O conjunto de t?cnicas t?rmicas e n?o t?rmicas auxiliaram a verificar que parte da rifamipicina ? decomposta durante o processo de fus?o, em atmosfera de nitrog?nio, bem como que, os eventos de fus?o e recristaliza??o n?o ocorrem em atmosfera de ar sint?tico passando a amostra diretamente a decomposi??o. Os produtos de decomposi??o estudados, quando em atmosfera de ar, n?o apresentaram evento de fus?o e, apresentaram v?rios passos de decomposi??o, com a ocorr?ncia de eventos exot?rmicos e endot?rmicos. A partir de curvas TG din?micas, foi poss?vel calcular os par?metros cin?ticos para as amostras, atrav?s dos m?todos de OZAWA, Coats-Redfern, Madsudhanan, Van Krevelen e Herwitz-Mertzger, em atmosfera de ar sint?tico e/ou nitrog?nio. Os dados cin?ticos mostraram boa correla??o entre os diferentes modelos empregados. Tanto para rifampicina quanto os produtos de degrada??o estudados, foi caracterizado rea??o de ordem um

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