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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On all fronts : Cyprus and the EOKA insurgency, 1955-1959

Novo, Andrew R. January 2010 (has links)
'On All Fronts' is a thesis focused on the EOKA insurgency in Cyprus (1955-1959), which aimed at overturning British rule and unifying the island with Greece. EOKA’s campaign was one of several insurgencies carried out against Britain in the two decades following the Second World War. This allowed British policymakers and soldiers to apply lessons learned in other colonies on the island. These lessons included pursuing a political solution in tandem with military operations, unifying command and control, improving intelligence capabilities, and increasing the number of police and soldiers on the ground. Cyprus also presented distinctive challenges. The insurgency was not inspired by communism, like many other anti-colonial struggles, but by right-wing nationalism. The campaign was also intimately linked to the strategic reorganisation undertaken by Britain after 1945. Retreat from India and Palestine increased the importance of the Middle East and Africa, making a presence in Cyprus central to Britain’s post-war plans. Finally, Cypriot demographics meant that the island’s Turkish minority (some eighteen percent) – supported by Ankara – opposed union with Greece. An ethnic-based civil war on the island was possible, as was a regional war between Greece and Turkey. British policy sought to avoid both of these potential conflicts while maintaining the strength of NATO and positive relations with both Athens and Ankara. Utilizing newly declassified papers from the British government, in conjunction with evidence from Greek-Cypriot sources, this study offers insights into the campaign from the perspective of both insurgent and counter-insurgent forces. Parallel to the military analysis, the thesis addresses the political aspect of the insurgency, demonstrating the deep connection in insurgency war between military operations and diplomatic negotiation. While counter-insurgency operations failed to destroy EOKA, the success of government forces created pressure for a diplomatic solution and highlighted the reality that there were insurmountable military and strategic obstacles to union with Greece.

Construction of national identities in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine in Soviet historiography (1936-1953)

Yilmaz, S. Harun January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation aims to explain how Soviet national historiographies were constructed in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan, in 1936-1953 and what the political and ideological reasons were behind the way they were written. The dissertation aims to contribute to current scholarship on Soviet nationality policies; on Stalinist nation-building projects; and to the debate on whether the Soviet period was a project of developmentalist modernization or not. This dissertation aims to examine the process of national history writing in three republics from the local point of view, by using the local archival sources. For this research, archival materials that have been overlooked by scholars up to this point from the archives of the communist parties, academy of sciences, and central state archives in Kiev, Ukraine, Baku, Azerbaijan, and Almaty, Kazakhstan have been collected. The timeline starts with Zhdanov’s commission in 1936, which summoned historians and ideologues of the Communist Party in Moscow to write an all-Union history because a parallel campaign of writing national histories had been initialized by the local communist parties. The first two chapters cover the pre-war (1936-1941) period, when national histories were written after the demise of Pokrovskiian historiography. Although there was one ideology, there were different preferences in solving the problem of ethnogenesis, defining national heroes, and also different preferences among the sections of the past that national histories emphasized. The third chapter explains the construction of national histories during the war period (1941-1945). The chapter also presents how national histories were used for wartime propaganda. Finally, the last chapter is about the post-war discussions and the shift of emphasis from ‘national’ to ‘class’ that occurred in the non-Russian national narratives in the Zhdanovshchina period. While there was an ‘imperial design’ for the necessities of managing a multi-national state, the Soviet Union also appears as a modernization project for all three cases by constructing national narratives. Though non-Russian Soviet historiographies produced contradictory narratives in different decades, they also homogenized, codified and nationalized the narrative of the past. Regional, dynastic, religious, tribal figures and events incorporated into grandiose national narratives. Nations were primordialized and their national identities armed with spatial and temporal indigenousness within the borders of their national republics. Modern national identities of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gained from this homogenization and codification by the Soviet regime. Although modernism is not only about construction of national narratives, the latter points out the developmental and modernizing character of the Soviet period.

The Reaction of British M. P.'s to the Palestinian Policy of the Labor Government: 1945-48

Van Cleave, Virginia 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the reaction of British M. P.'s to the Labor government's Palestinian policy 1945-48. The primary data comes from the British Parliamentary Debates (Commons) and works by British leaders. There are great differences among British political parties and between individuals within the parties in their reactions to and suggestions concerning the deteriorating situation in Palestine. Most politicians supported the Jews prior to the terrorist activity of 1947, but many then shifted to the Arab side. Due to the anti-Zionist policy of Ernest Bevin and Clement Attlee, a solution to the Palestinian problem was delayed; the Jews were driven to desperation; and Great Britain, previously a friend to the Jews, became their bitterest enemy.

Le véhicule et son iconographie au Proche-Orient ancien du IVème au début du premier millénaire avant J.C. / Vehicle and iconography in the ancient Near East from the fourth millenium BC to the early first millenium

Gerun, Yvan 12 December 2015 (has links)
L’apparition du véhicule s’inscrit dans l’espace géographique du Proche-Orient ancien qui joue un rôle de premier plan dans la domestication, le dressage et le contrôle des grands mammifères. Dès les origines, à la fin du IVème millénaire, une iconographie se développe en lien étroit avec l’idéologie royale qui s’exprime sous la forme de rites collectifs. La fonction sociale du véhicule est donc privilégiée au dépend d’un rôle dans le transport dont l’importance reste incertaine. Une composante religieuse paraît souvent présente en arrière plan avec, en particulier, la présence de modèles réduits en terre cuite au rôle probablement votif. La production de ces représentations se poursuit au moins jusqu’au premier millénaire avant J.C. avec des thèmes constants : chasse, domination, ennemi piétiné. Un apogée, dans la variété des scènes et des supports, se situe aux DA IIIb. La production globale reste assez irrégulière et semble associée à des sites spécifiques, souvent dans des périodes d’apogée politique. / The appearance of the vehicule in the Ancient Near East occurs in a space who is a leader for the taming, the training and the control of the big mammals. From the origins, at the end of the 4th millennium, an iconography develops linked with royal ideology (with social rituals). The social function is more important than the transport function. There is always a link with religion. Probably terracotta models have a votive function. There are numerous vehicles in the iconography at least until the first millennium BC. The themes are : hunting, domination, trampled enemy. There is a peak of quality in the ED IIIb. Globally the production is irregular: in some powerful estates.

L’architecture en Syro-Mésopotamie et dans le Caucase de la fin du 7e à la fin du 5e millénaire av. J.-C. / Syro-Mesopotamian and Caucasian architecture between the end of the 7th and the end of the 5th millennium B.C.

Baudouin, Emmanuel 09 January 2018 (has links)
À partir de la fin du 7e millénaire, l’architecture connaît en Syro-Mésopotamie et dans le Caucase un essor considérable mais selon des rythmes différents. Ce développement différencié est probablement lié aux relations qu’ont entretenues les communautés de ces régions. La teneur de ces relations est probablement multiple. Les échanges techniques sont l’élément primordial pour l’architecture : ils permettent de déterminer si les communautés du Caucase se sont installées de manière autonome au début du 6e millénaire ou si elles ont profité de l’expérience technique de celles de Syro-Mésopotamie, de comprendre l’évolution de l’architecture « complexe » au Samarra et à l’Obeid dès la fin du 7e millénaire et de mesurer l’impact social de l’expansion obeidienne dès la seconde moitié du 6e millénaire. Après une présentation de la méthodologie, où nous définissons les termes employés et la méthode d’analyse, les données archéologiques sont présentées sous la forme synthétique d’une étude typologique selon trois axes : les matériaux de construction, les techniques de mise en œuvre et la morphologie architecturale. Enfin, une analyse croisée des données permet de considérer l’architecture dans une perspective culturelle, géographique et chronologique. Le milieu du 6e millénaire marque un tournant dans les échanges techniques et les relations culturelles entre ces deux régions : auparavant, ces échanges apparaissent diffus dans les régions situées au nord de la Mésopotamie centrale. Ensuite, l’expansion obeidienne entraîne une homogénéisation progressive des techniques dans l’ensemble du bassin syro-mésopotamien, à laquelle se sont greffés emprunts techniques et adaptations régionales. / From the end of the 7th millennium, architecture in Syro-Mesopotamia and Caucasus achieves a major rise but under different rhythms. The content of these relationships is with no doubt numerous. Technical exchanges are the fundamental element when it comes to study architecture: they can help us determine if Caucasus communities settled independently at the beginning of the 6th millennium or if they benefited from the technical experience of the Syro-Mesopomatian communities, understand complex architecture’s evolution during Samarran and Ubaid from the end of the 7th millennium and estimate the social impact of the spread of Ubaid from the second half of the 6th millenium. After a presentation of the methodology used, where we define the terms employed and the analysis method, archeological data are introduced under a typological study developed through three approaches : material, architectural techniques and morphology. Then, a cross analysis of the data can help up consider architecture in a cultural, geographic and chronological perspective. The middle of the 6th millennium represents a turning point into technical exchanges and cultural relationships between these two regions: before that, these exchanges come out as diffuse in the northern regions of the Central Mesopotamia. Then Ubaid expansion leads to a progressive technical homogenisation in all the Syro-Mesopotamian basin, in which borrowed technics and regional adaptations where added.

The 'return' of British-born Cypriots to Cyprus : a narrative ethnography

Teerling, Janine C. J. January 2011 (has links)
My thesis is the product of an in-depth qualitative study of the ‘return' of British-born Cypriots to Cyprus. By specifically focusing on the second generation, my thesis seeks to rectify the lacuna in research on the second generation's connections to the ethnic homeland, capitalising on these migrants' positionalities with respect to questions of home and belonging. The thesis consists of eight chapters: Chapter 1 introduces the context in which the research was conducted; Chapter 2 provides the historical and geographical background for the Cypriot migration experience; Chapter 3 presents the methodological and ethical context in which my research was conducted; Chapters, 4, 5, 6 are the main empirical chapters, discussing the British-born Greek-Cypriot returnees' experiences, motives and viewpoints, from childhood memories to today's adult experiences; Chapter 7 provides an additional comparative angle through the inclusion of a subsample of British-born Turkish Cypriots; and finally, Chapter 8, my concluding chapter, revisits the research questions, draws comparisons with other empirical studies on second-generation return, and re-evaluates my methodological framework. Through the voices and life-narratives of second-generation British-Cypriot ‘return' migrants – following a biographical timeline – the multifaceted perspectives in which notions of ‘return', ‘home' and ‘belonging' can be viewed and experienced in a migratory context are revealed. My study shows the complexities and ambivalences involved when exploring ideas of ‘identity' and ‘return', views of ‘home', and feelings of ‘belonging' in the ancestral homeland – demonstrating how boundaries of such notions are blurred, eroded and re-established by a new generation of migrants, reflecting their time, experiences, choices and ideologies. My findings deconstruct the meaning of ‘return', move beyond the primordial cultural confines of notions of ‘belonging', and challenge the simple dichotomy of ‘home' versus ‘away', revealing new similarities (and differences) beyond such predefined labels and categories, which form the building blocks for new, contemporary, ways and spaces of belonging.

The Wolf Attacks: A History of the Russo-Chechen Conflict

Baxter, Christina E 01 December 2014 (has links)
In the 1990s and early 2000s, the Chechens fought against the Russians for independence. The focus in the literature available has been on the wars and the atrocities caused by the wars. The literature then hypothesizes that the insurgency of today is just a continuation of the past. They do not focus on a major event in Chechen history: the Soviet liquidation of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1944. It is this author’s assertion that the liquidation of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR forever changed the mindset of the people because it fractured a society that was once unified. This project will compare the Chechen insurgency from the beginnings until the deportation and after the deportation. This will allow me to show how the deportation changed the Chechen mindset and disprove the assertion that these two Chechen wars were just a continuation of the past.

The Idea of ‘Holy Islamic Empire’ as a Catalyst to Muslims’ Response to the Second Crusade

Lamey, Emeel S 01 May 2014 (has links)
The oral traditions in the Islamic world presented only the moral benefits of Jihad. Yet, the fact is that, though the moral benefits continued to exist before and after the First Crusade, though the interest seemed to have been present and the necessary intellectual theories continued on, Muslims did not advance the practical Jihad. Nonetheless, the disastrous Second Crusade struck a powerful chord among Muslims. It forced Muslims to battle for their very survival, and to do so they would have to adapt, but equally they could only survive by drawing on their imperial inheritance built up over centuries. A number of concerns identified with the “golden age” of the Islamic empire influenced the Jihad movements for Muslims associated the imperial traditions with Islam itself. Given the examples of the First and Second Crusades, this study proposes that the idea of “Islamic Empire” constituted Muslims’ practical response to the crusades.

“Ni a fuego, ni a pleto” as Jewish Lament: Re-Animating Diversity and Challenging Monolithic Assumptions in the Late Ottoman Empire and Nascent Middle Eastern Nations

Broidy, Lauren 01 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines how Jews of the Ottoman Empire responded to newfound opportunities that emerged across the domains of the late Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century due to the Ottoman bureaucratic reforms (Tanzimat). It challenges the discourses that argue that Jews engaged probing issues such as nationalism in a monolithic fashion. Rather, Sephardi and Arab Jews, based on socioeconomic status and geographic location in the Empire approached questions of affiliation with the Empire or attachment to new forms of nationalism based on divergent structures that informed their lives and personal political choices. This project explores the main avenues that Jews in the Ottoman world used to approach questions that animated the public discourse not just of Jews, but of peoples across the globe who struggled to find new avenues for belonging in shifting geopolitical terrains. For Jewish communities in the Ottoman world, four dominant avenues and attitudes emerged: traditionalists who desired to maintain the status quo; those who sought an Ottoman or Turkish Republican future; Sephardi Zionists who believed they were integral to Ottoman communal history; provincial nationalists who agitated for distinct regional identities. The thesis also briefly examines the Armenian millet’s socio-political situation during the nineteenth and twentieth century in order to show the ways in which the Jewish millet was both in tandem with broader nationalist discourses but were also less cohesively politically organized than other millets in the Empire.

‘Where Do We Go from Here?’: Discourse in Louisiana Surrounding the Foundation of the State of Israel, May 1948

Gelle, Devan 23 May 2019 (has links)
A study of ten Louisiana newspapers during May 15-31,1948 revealed a period in which articles varied in their coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict and wider international relations. Discourse about Arabs and Israelis which became evident in newspapers in later years had emerged but was not fully developed. This coverage revealed a silence about the Holocaust and a subtext about the United Nations.

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