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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding donor response to donation appeals: the role of deservingness in the dictator game and optimum donation promises in charity auctions

Wong, Leo 06 1900 (has links)
Marketing research has attempted to shed light on donor responses to a variety of donation appeals and strategies. More recently, research has examined the effect of changing the content of an appeal in both a donation solicitation and a cause-related marketing context. Some charities are highly successful with their marketing and fundraising strategies, while many others struggle to fund their services. This discrepancy in donor support is cause for concern from a public policy perspective, where optimizing the distribution of dollars is a key objective. Particularly in a recessionary economy, with more and more charities appealing to donors for their support, charity choice has become more crowded than ever before. The question of which charity is chosen and how much to spend on that charity can determine which charities succeed and which ones fail, as donors become increasingly concerned with maximizing the impact of their donor dollars. I begin the dissertation with a thorough review of the relevant literature to provide a foundation and backdrop to the issues I study in two sets of studies. In the first set of studies, I examine deservingness of a recipient, where judgments are affected by the donation appeal content. Specifically, I look at how recipient information profiles can affect donor response. In the second set of studies, I examine donor response in a novel cause-related marketing format - online charity auctions where I vary factors related to the auction products, price and the percentage of auction price that is donated to charity. These two papers contribute to the research in donor response to charity appeals by shedding light on the deliberative aspect of the decision process. Public policy and managerial implications are discussed, where an increasingly competitive environment with many comparative options are becoming standard challenges for charity fundraisers. A review of the relevant research areas for both papers precedes the studies to provide a foundation and motivation for our hypotheses and research designs. / Marketing

Karriärvägledning - en del av rehabilitering : En outnyttjad resurs / Rehabilitation through vocational career guidence : An unexploatated area

Arnwald, Madeleine, Jeppsson, Josefine January 2010 (has links)
Undersökningen syftar till att belysa hur en individ i en rehabiliteringsprocess kan gynnas av karriärvägledning. Forskningsfrågorna som ställts har gällt vilket inslag av karriärvägledning som ingår i den aktuella stressrehabiliteringen, vilka behov som av karriärvägledning som finns samt vilken funktion karriärvägledning kan fylla inom en arbetslivsinriktad stressrehabiliteringsverksamhet. För undersökningen valdes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med forskningsfrågorna som grund. Resultatet av de öppna intervjufrågorna visade att det inte gavs karriärvägledning av någon anställd person inom stressrehabiliteringen, men att det var något som önskades. Inslag av karrärvägledning gavs begränsat av Arbetsförmedlingen och resultaten visade att det fanns behov av karriärvägledning samt att vägledning kan fylla en funktion inom arbetslivsinriktad stressrehabilitering. Antagandet att karriärvägledning inte fanns representerad inom den valda stressrehabiliteringsverksamheten, att det fanns behov av sådan samt att karriärvägledning kan fylla en funktion visade sig stämma. / The survey aims to highlight how an individual in a rehabilitation process can benefit from career guidance. Research questions have been raised as part of career guidance at the current stress rehabilitation, the needs of career guidance available, and what function career guidance can play in vocational stress rehabilitation work. For the research one qualitative research method was choosen with the research questions as a base. The result of the open interview questions revealed that there were no career guidance available in form of any person employed in the stress rehabilitation, but that it was preferred. Elements of career guidance was limited by Employment Service and the results showed that there is a need for career guidance and that guidance can play a role in vocational stress rehabilitation . The assumption that career guidance was not represented in the chosen stress rehabilitation activities, the existence of such needs and that vocational career guidance can play a role turned out to be true.

Patienters behov av information i palliativ omvårdnad / Patients´need of information in palliative care

Claesson, Jenny, Hallquist, Ewa January 2010 (has links)
Det är komplext att i ett palliativt skede ge korrekt och individanpassad information till patienter. Därför är det viktigt att sjuksköterskan använder sig av ett etiskt förhållningssätt och identifierar de behov som patienten har. Syftet var att belysa patientens behov av information i den palliativa omvårdnaden. En litteraturstudie genomfördes där femton vetenskapliga artiklar bearbetades och granskades. Fem teman framkom som belyser behovet av information för att få kunskap om sin sjukdom, behov av information för att leva med sjukdomen, behov av information för att klara av sista tiden, behov av anpassad information, behov av att få information från rätt person. Patienterna hade ett behov av information om sin specifika sjukdom och symtom för att klara av sitt dagliga liv, prognosen för att kunna planera sin framtid och livets slutskede. Individanpassad information från personal med specifik kunskap ansågs vara viktigt. Informationen skulle vara ärlig och inte inge falska förhoppningar och ansågs därmed kunna öka livskvaliteten. Ett stort problem enligt patienten var bristen på information och hur den framfördes. Därför är det viktigt att det i sjuksköterskans grundutbildning ingår utbildning och träning i svåra och känsliga samtal. Mer forskning krävs för att kunna sprida kunskapen hur sjuksköterskan bör närma sig patienten och ge individanpassad information på rätt sätt. / It is complex in a palliative stage to provide accurate and personalized information to patients. It is therefore important that nurses maintain an ethical approach to identify the need of the patient. The aim was to illuminate the patient's need of information in palliative care. A literature review was carried out in which fifteen scientific articles processed and examined. Five main themes emerged, highlighting the need for information to gain insight into their illness, need of information to be living with the disease, need of information to cope near death, the need of tailored information, need to get information from the right person. The patients had a need of information about their specific disease and symptoms to cope with their daily life, forecast to plan their future and the end of life. Individualized information from staff with specific knowledge was considered important. The information would be honest without any false hopes and was thus able to increase the life quality. A major problem as the patient was the lack of information and how it was performed. It is therefore important that the education of the nurse includes education and training in difficult and sensitive conversations. More research is needed to spread the knowledge how the nurse should approach the patient and provide personalized information correctly.

Utlandsadopterade i behov av särskilt stöd?

Sirous, Robert January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find whether there is any truth in the thesis that adopted children from abroad is in greater need of special support, in particular regarding factors that might inhibit the language development that may cause language problems. To achieve knowledge for this study, the methods have been to seek and analyze literature that discusses theories about language development and language socialization. To understand if theory and reality is cohesive, two interviews was conducted with special teachers that have had experiences teaching adopted children, analyzes of the results contra literature has been somewhat important and necessary. To ensure the reliability the interviews was recorded on tape and later transcribed. The results from literature studies indicates that adopted children are more likely to be in need of special support in school due to factors concerning, among other things, adaptation difficulties, language progress and identity. Overall, language progress is depended on children’s total progress that includes physical, emotional and psychological condition. The results of the interviews agree in many aspects and outline the importance of giving such adopted children correct and individual support. The conclusions of this study is that adopted children from abroad can, in some cases, be in need of special support in school, but not necessarily just because they are adopted. Language socialization explains how a language is learned and used and in that sense, it’s very important to be aware of the responsibility you have as a teacher to overview large spread of individuals and their progress.

Varför behövs det män i förskolan? : En intervjustudie där förskollärare och barnskötare i förskolan resonerar kring behovet av män i förskolan

Strandh, Christoffer January 2009 (has links)
The purpose for this examination was to hear what a few (six) of the preschool teachers and child minders in preschool in Sweden would say about “why there is a need of men in preschool”, and connect t the results to different discourses and analyze the material with a purpose that the material could work as ground for an more open discussion about men in preschool. The method for these interviews was a qualitative research interview. The interviewed persons at the time for this examination were working in preschools in the area of Stockholm. The persons were of different gender, but the method was not to examine a difference between men and women or to generalize. The material was produced in conversations with the interviewed person one by one. The main question for the interview was “Is there a need for men in preschool? Why or why not?” The different discourses were about the equality of opportunity, the labour market, the organization, the children, and the discourse that want to prevent men to work in preschool. All of the interviewed said that Swedish preschools need men who work there. Even though they say that, they are familiar with the discourse who wants to prevent men from working in preschool. All of the discourses seem to be familiar with the interviewed. They more or less talked about them without being questioned. The conversations resemble a variety of nuances why there should be men in preschool. The difference of men is up for discussion because the “need of men” is difficult to handle, because there are some men that are more likeable for the job. But at the same time the say we need a variety of men who works in preschool because people are different and it is good for the children to see that. The conversations were leading in more to personalities, and expectations of men. Some of them say that the gender teaching method would be more concrete if more men worked in preschool, because the children and even the teachers could face the method easier. Why there should be more men in preschool is not a given answer, if you look at the results of this examine. Even though they all agree that there should be more men working in preschool the explanation why is reflected in different discourses. Hopefully the material will work as a ground for a more open discussion why there should be more men working in preschool.

På ett språk man förstår : En studie av några elevers syn på specialundervisning

Rinaldo, Annelie January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur några elever upplever grundskolans specialundervisning. Detta gjorde jag genom att göra så kallade fokusgrupper, gruppintervjuer med elever om ett speciellt ämne. Ämnet som jag ville att de skulle diskutera var specialundervisningen i grundskolan. Resultatet kom fram i olika tema som eleverna upplever som viktiga. Två teman dominerade elevernas upplevelser av specialundervisning, nämligen, förhållningssätt och skolmiljön som finns runt omkring eleverna, lokalerna dvs. deras arbetsmiljö. Studiens resultat pekar på betydelsen av att lärare utvecklar en bra relation till eleven som man arbetar med, för att inlärning skall ske på bästa sätt. Vidare framkom att en bra lärare lyssnar och finns till hands, och då även om det gäller andra saker än skolämnen. Eleverna i studien ger uttryck för att de är väl insatta i sin utveckling och vill ta ansvar för sitt skolarbete, men behöver också stöd och hjälp från sin lärare. De vill utvecklas åt rätt håll, vill se framsteg och vill kunna känna sig nöjda med sitt arbete. I min uppsats så känner eleverna glädje då de får delta i specialundervisningen och får ämnena förklarade ”på ett språk de förstår”. Slutsatsen är att eleverna känner sig nöjda med att de får hjälp med sina svårigheter, men att hur undervisningen fungerar är mycket beroende av relationen lärare – elev. Nyckelord Specialundervisning, Upplevelser, Förhållningssätt, Miljö / The purpose with this study was to examine how some pupils experience special needs education in compulsory school. I did this by conducting so called “focus groups” and group interviews with pupils from special teaching. The result was displayed in different themes which the pupils themselves experience as important. The major theme was relations and social codes in their surrounding environment. The pupils stress the fact that good teacher-student relations to facilitate their learning. To the pupils a good teacher is someone that can listen and understand them even when it comes to other subjects that are not school related situations. The pupils are well aware of their progress and take full responsibility for their own school work but are still in need of help and support from their teacher. They want to develop in the right direction and want to succeed and be satisfied with their work in school. The conclusion is that the pupils feel satisfaction when it comes to the help they receive due to their difficulties, but how the teaching is working depends very much on the teacher-student relations. Keywords Special Need Education, Experiences, Relations, Enviroment

The regeneration of vinyl records

Prud'hon, Luc, Donker, Tom January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses the factors influencing the purchase of vinyl records by the members of generation Y in Sweden. Two interviews with local stores owners as well as a survey were perfomed in this regard.

The Effect of Socializing During Exercise on Psychological Need Satisfaction, Motivation to Exercise, and Wellbeing

Boyd, Jennifer Lynn January 2013 (has links)
Previous research has indicated that exercising with other people improves interest and engagement in physical activity (e.g., Christensen, Schmidt, Budtz-Jorgensen, & Avlund, 2006; Estabrooks & Carron, 1999). However, the degree of socializing with other people engaged in by exercisers has not been manipulated in previous studies. In the present study, the amount of socializing during exercise was manipulated in order to evaluate the effect of social connection on motivation to exercise. Two perspectives on the role of socializing in exercising were considered and discussed – Social Facilitation (Zajonc, 1965) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000). In order to test the importance of social contact during exercise, previously inactive women between the ages of 18-30 were randomly assigned to exercise for 12 sessions in one of three conditions. In the “social partner condition”, two participants exercised together and also discussed personal topics. In the “non-social partner condition”, two participants exercised together, but did not discuss personal topics. Lastly, in the “exercise alone condition”, participants exercised alone. In general, it was hypothesized that the social partner condition would lead to the greatest improvements in satisfaction of the psychological need for relatedness, subjective vitality, motivation to exercise, amount of physical activity, fitness level, affect, interest, and effort in exercise. Non-social partners were expected to experience some benefits from exercising with a partner, but not to the same extent as those in the social partner condition. Participants who exercised alone were expected to experience the fewest improvements. The partner relationships were also examined more closely, with the expectation that pairings that were more interpersonally complementary (that is, more similar on affiliation, and reciprocal on dominance) would positively affect outcomes. Further, partners were expected to become more similar in their exercise behaviour and motivation due to their repeated interactions over the course of the study. A one-month follow-up session assessed whether motivation and exercise behaviour observed at the end of the study changed or were sustained over time. The hypotheses were partially supported. Overall, exercise contributed to improved vitality, fitness, and affect, with few differences amongst the conditions. Participants in both partner conditions reported greater relatedness, or social connection, after a month of exercising together, than the exercise alone condition participants. Some interesting motivational patterns emerged at the end of the study and at a one-month follow-up, with some indication that the social partner condition most greatly benefited motivation. Interpersonal complementarity positively impacted competence, relatedness, and fitness, but surprisingly had a negative impact on vitality. Partners did not become more similar to one another over the course of the study, suggesting a lack of mutual influence. The findings are discussed within the context of Self-Determination Theory and Social Facilitation. These findings contribute to a growing body of literature that indicates that the social aspects of physical activity are essential for physical and mental wellbeing. Further research is required to evaluate how social factors can be utilized to promote greater enjoyment of and adherence to physical activity.

Unga lagöverträdare - Samhällets kompromiss? : En studie av socialtjänstens yttranden

Jonsson, Emelie, Aldeborg, Angelica January 2012 (has links)
Abstract In Sweden all persons under the age of 18 are considered children. The age when it is possible to be held responsible for a criminal act, and therefor convicted in court, is 15. Society’s and, perhaps first and foremost, the authority’s attitude towards juvenile crime is that they should not be equal adults in the process within criminal law. Because children are considered essential for the society of tomorrow, it is important to pay extra attention to crimes committed by juveniles. The social services authorities are considered to have the best resources and competence to handle this group of juveniles. In the criminal law process the prosecutor requests a statement regarding the young person who is reasonably suspected of a criminal act. The statement should contain information about if the young person is in need of certain interventions from social services in order to prevent unfavorable development. The conclusion that has been drawn when the statements has been reviewed is that a borderland has been created where social law and criminal law overlap. This overlapping is in a way a collision where social aspects and principles of criminal law have to meet. However, it is not always easy to make both sides satisfied. As a way to meet the needs of both sides the borderland becomes a compromise consisting of the process regarding the juveniles. The purpose of this essay is to describe and understand the compromise that has been made where statements and young juveniles are existing. The aim of this essay is to study 23 statements from social services that prosecutor request and the 23 court records attached to them. All statements and court records are regarding persons between 15 – 17 years old. The study is limited to the period between 2010-01-01 to 2010-12-31. This essay has been from a qualitative point of view where the discourse analysis as an text analytical method has been used to understand the collected statements and court records. Central results is that the statements reviewed in this essay overall are satisfying in fulfilling the social law and criminal law aspects. However the results also point out that an uncertainty within the social services regarding the design of the statements also is to be found. Descriptions of social aspects about the young juvenile behind the statement seems to be important to emphasize.

Chronicling the Shifts: Using the Body Lens to Analyze Policy for High Need Women Offenders

Durrell, Jennifer E A 17 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis uses an exploratory case study design to chronicle the shifts, recognition, and implementation of programs, tools and policies designed for high need federally sentenced women in Canada that were created after 1990, in accordance with or opposed to the gender specific principles outlined in the Creating Choices (1990) report. The body lens is used as an analytic tool to deconstruct eleven of the most pertinent documents regarding policy and strategy for high need women offenders that were implemented by the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) personnel and the Office of the Correctional Investigator (OCI) over the past twenty years. Coding of a wide range of documents reveals that despite appearing to be rhetorically progressive, CSC’s attempt at creating a women-centered mental health strategy uses contradictory disciplinary techniques that control and restrain the bodies of federally sentenced women in hopes of normalizing the behaviours of high need women. The policies imposed by CSC for high need women offenders fail to make any substantial changes in women’s prison reform and resulted in a different form of regulation and control. High need women offenders are imprisoned in their own bodies.

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