Spelling suggestions: "subject:"NF- kappab"" "subject:"NF- kappa_""
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Implication des Zonula Occludens dans la progression métastatique des cancers broncho-pulmonaires / Involvement of Zonula Occludens proteins in metastatic lung cancer progression.Lesage, Julien 30 November 2016 (has links)
Au cours de la conversion métastatique des tumeurs épithéliales, les cellules tumorales acquièrent des capacités invasives/migratoires nouvelles. Ce changement phénotypique est associé au processus de TEM durant lequel les composants des jonctions serrées sont réorganisés. Parmi eux, la protéine adaptatrice sous membranaire zonula occludens (ZO)-1 est délocalisée de la membrane vers le cytoplasme et/ou le noyau où elle joue un rôle pro invasif au cours de la progression tumorale. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à l’implication fonctionnelle de la fraction cyto-nucléaire de ZO-1 dans la régulation de l’expression de la chimiokine CXCL8/IL-8. In vitro, le niveau d’expression de l’IL-8 a été corrélé aux capacités invasives des cellules tumorales bronchiques et à la localisation de ZO-1. Par différentes techniques, nous avons montré non seulement que ZO-1 régule spécifiquement l’expression de l’IL-8 mais également qu’il régule la transcription du gène CXCL8 à travers l’activation du facteur de transcription NF-κB dans les cellules bronchiques et mammaires. En parallèle, l’étude de l’implication fonctionnelle de cet axe de régulation, dans des modèles ex vivo et in vivo, a mis en évidence le rôle pro-angiogénique de ZO-1 dont l’expression cyto-nucléaire dans les cancers bronchiques non-à petites cellules (CBNPC) a été corrélée avec une augmentation de la vascularisation de ces tumeurs.Ainsi, cette étude décrit le nouveau rôle de ZO-1 dans l’établissement d’un microenvironnement pro tumoral pro-angiogénique à travers sa capacité à moduler l’expression de l’IL-8 selon un mécanisme de régulation dépendant de la signalisation NF-κB. / In metastatic epithelial tumor conversion, cancer cells acquire new invasive and migratory capacities in association with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process. During EMT, the junctional components are reorganized and the sub-membrane scaffolding protein zonula occludens (ZO)-1 relocates from tight junctions into cyto-nuclear compartment where it displays pro-invasive functions during tumor progression. In the present study, we focused on functional involvement of cyto-nuclear pool of ZO-1 on CXCL8/IL-8 regulation. In vitro, we observed correlation between level of IL-8 protein, invasive capacities of lung cancer cells and ZO-1 location. By overexpression of various ZO members, we showed that ZO-1 controls specifically IL-8 expression and active CXCL8 gene transcription by NF-κB dependent mechanism in lung and breast cancer cells. We also reported by in vitro assays that ZO 1 activates NF-κB. Investigation of functional implication of this regulatory axis next showed the pro-angiogenic activity of ZO-1 in both ex vivo and in vivo angiogenesis assays. Finally, we founded that non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) presenting a cyto-nuclear ZO-1 pattern were significantly more angiogenic that those without detectable cyto-nuclear ZO-1 expression.Thus, this study presents a new role of ZO-1 in establishment of pro-angiogenic tumor microenvironment through its capacity to modulate IL-8 expression via an NF-κB dependent mechanism.
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NF-kappa B programme of dendritic cell activation is affected by vitamin D3Goncharenko, Mykola 23 July 2008 (has links)
Die Fähigkeit dendritischer Zellen (DC) Immunität zu erzeugen und Antigen-spezifische Toleranz zu induzieren macht DC zu idealen Zielen pharmakologischer Interventionen zur Beeinflussung von Immunreaktionen. NF-kappaB Faktoren sind eine Gruppe von Transkriptionsregulatoren, die für die Entwicklung und Funktion von DC bedeutend sind. Trotz ihrer zentralen Bedeutung für die DC Biologie ist die Identität von NF-kappaB regulierten Genen in DC weitestgehend unbekannt. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Hemmung der NF-kappaB Aktivierung durch den IkappaBalpha Super Repressor (IkappaBalpha-SR) und die Analyse der Genexpression durch DNA Microarrays genutzt, um das Repertoire an NF-kappaB regulierten Genen in DC zu ermitteln. Mit diesem Ansatz wurden unter anderem Connexin-43 und Fascin als direkte NF-kappaB regulierte Gene identifiziert. Die Beeinflussung des NF-kappaB Signalwegs wurde als möglicher Weg zur Modifizierung von Immunantworten vorgeschlagen. Es wird vermutet, dass verschiedene immunmoduloratorische Verbindungen wie z.B. Vitamin D3 (VD3) in NF-kappaB vermittelte Immunmechanismen eingreifen. Um die Effekte von VD3 in der Aktivierung von DC zu untersuchen, wurden DNA Microarray Analysen an DC von Mäusen mit mutiertem und wildtyp Vitamin D3 Rezeptor (VDR) durchgeführt und die Beteiligung der VDR vermittelten Repression von NF-kappaB regulierten Genen wie z.B. Connexin-43 untersucht. Die so identifizierten Gene stellen potentielle Ansatzpunkte für die Entwicklung von spezifischeren entzündungshemmenden Medikamenten für die klinische Anwendung dar. / The ability of dendritic cells (DC) to initiate immunity and induce antigen-specific tolerance makes DC ideal targets for pharmacological intervention into immune responses. NF-kappaB factors are a family of transcriptional regulators important for DC development and function. However, the identity of NF-kappaB target genes that are central to DC biology is largely unknown. In the present study, inhibition of the NF-kappaB activation by the IkappaBalpha super repressor (IkappaBalpha-SR) and DNA microarray analysis were used to determine the repertoire of NF-kappaB responsive genes in DC. This approach identified, among others, connexin-43 and fascin as direct NF-kappaB regulated genes. The targeting of the NF-kappaB signalling pathway has been suggested as a useful means to modify immune responses. A number of immunomodulatory compounds, such as vitamin D3 (VD3), are believed to affect NF-kappaB mediated immune mechanisms. Microarray analysis employing vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) mutant and wild-type mice was used to survey the effects of VD3 in DC. In this study, effects of VD3 on the activation of DC are evaluated, and involvement of VDR mediated repression of NF-?B regulated genes, such as connexin-43, is surveyed. Identified genes can be potentially useful targets for the development of more specific anti-inflammatory agents for clinical applications.
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Die Rolle des Proteasoms für die Replikation des humanen CytomegalievirusKaspari, Marion 15 September 2009 (has links)
Das Humane Cytomegalievirus (HCMV) ist ein ubiquitäres Pathogen, welches den Metabolismus der Wirtszelle auf vielfältige Weise manipuliert, um seine eigene Vermehrung zu begünstigen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass auch das Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System in die HCMV-Replikation involviert ist. So konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass die Chymotrypsin-ähnliche (CT-L) Aktivität des konstitutiven Proteasoms in HCMV-infizierten Zellen signifikant erhöht ist. Wurde die CT-L Proteasomaktivität durch Proteasominhibitoren (PI) blockiert, so hatte dies die Hemmung der HCMV-Replikation zur Folge. Die Charakterisierung des Einflusses von PI auf die virale Proteinexpression ergab, dass bei niedriger MOI (MOI 0.1) deutlich verringerte Mengen der sehr frühen Proteine vorlagen, dieser Effekt jedoch bei hoher MOI (ab MOI 1) aufgehoben war. Die Expression früher Proteine war MOI-unabhängig reduziert. Hingegen war die Expression der späten Proteine MOI-unabhängig vollständig unterdrückt. Studien mit dem Nukleosidanalogon BrdU ergaben zudem, dass die de novo Synthese viraler DNA blockiert war. Um erste Hinweise auf den Wirkungsmechanismus von PI zu erhalten, wurde untersucht, ob der Transkriptionsfaktor NF-kappaB oder zelluläre Transkriptionsrepressoren wie z.B. hDaxx am anti-HCMV-Effekt beteiligt sind. Durch die Charakterisierung einer Virusmutante mit Deletion der NF-kappaB-Bindestellen im MIE-Enhancer/Promotor konnte gezeigt werden, dass der antivirale Effekt von PI nicht auf der Hemmung der Aktivierung von NF-kappaB beruht. Experimente mit hDaxx-knockdown Zellen ergaben hingegen, dass die Stabilisierung des Transkriptionsrepressors hDaxx partiell zum anti-HCMV-Effekt von PI beiträgt. Darüber hinaus müssen jedoch weitere virale oder zelluläre Zielproteine existieren, deren Beeinflussung durch PI kritisch für die Virusreplikation ist. Zusammenfassend stellt das Proteasom somit einen neu identifizierten potentiellen Angriffspunkt für die anti-HCMV-Therapie dar. / The Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a ubiquitous pathogen that manipulates many aspects of the host cell metabolism to enhance viral replication. This work demonstrates that the ubiquitin-proteasome system is also involved in HCMV replication. First of all, the chymotrypsin-like (CT-L) activity of the constitutive proteasome was significantly increased in HCMV infected cells. In the presence of proteasome inhibitors (PI) viral replication was efficiently blocked. Characterisation of the influence of PI on viral protein expression showed that immediate early protein expression was clearly reduced at low MOI (MOI 0.1); however, this effect was abolished at high MOI (starting from MOI 1). Expression of early proteins was significantly decreased independently of the MOI used for infection. In contrast, late protein expression was completely suppressed at both low and high MOI. Additionally, studies using the nucleoside analogue BrdU showed that PI block the de novo synthesis of viral DNA. In order to gain insight into the working mechanism of PI the involvement of the transcription factor NF-kappaB and cellular repressors of transcription (e.g. hDaxx) in the antiviral effect of PI was examined. Studies using a mutant virus carrying deletions of the NF-kappaB binding sites in the MIE-enhancer/promoter revealed that the anti-HCMV effect of PI is not due to inhibition of NF-kappaB activation. Analyses using hDaxx-knockdown cells showed that stabilisation of the transcriptional repressor hDaxx partially contributes to the antiviral effect of PI. However, the existence of additional viral or cellular target proteins of PI is very likely. In summary, the proteasome thus represents a newly identified and promising target for anti-HCMV therapy.
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Pathogenerkennung durch das Immunsystem / Toll-like-Rezpetoren und NF-KB-AktivierungOpitz, Bastian 17 December 2001 (has links)
Die angeborene Immunität ist in der Lage, Pathogene schon beim erstmaligen Eindringen zu erkennen und zu bekämpfen. Haupteffektoren der schnellen, angeborenen Immunantwort sind Makrophagen und polymorphkernige neutrophile Granulozyten. Diese erkennen und phagozytieren Pathogene und koordinieren die weitere Immunantwort durch die Freisetzung von inflammatorischen Mediatoren und Zytokinen. Die Erkennung mikrobieller Bestandteile, wie Lipopolysaccharid (LPS) Gram-negativer Bakterien bzw. Peptidoglykan (PG) und Lipoteichonsäuren (LTA) Gram-positiver Bakterien, führt zur Aktivierung von unterschiedlichen Proteinkinasen, des Transkriptionsfaktors NF-(B und zur Freisetzung von Zytokinen. Mitglieder der Toll-Proteinfamilie, sogenannte Toll-like-Rezeptoren (TLR), wurden kürzlich als Rezeptoren auf Immunzellen identifiziert, die für die Erkennung solcher mikrobieller Bestandteile verantwortlich sind. Während TLR-4 der LPS-Erkennung dient, und TLR-2 und -6 verschiedene Liganden von Gram-positiven Bakterien binden, blieb die Frage der Erkennung von LTA und verwandten Glykolipiden strittig. Sowohl TLR-2 als auch TLR-4 wurden für diese Rolle diskutiert. Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit war, die Rolle von TLRs in der LTA- und Glykolipid-Erkennung zu untersuchten. Glykolipide von zwei eng verwandten Treponemen-Spezies, T. maltophilum (TM) und T. brennaborense (TB), sowie neuartig aufgereinigte Lipoteichonsäuren von Staphylococcus aureus (SA) und Bacillus subtilis (BS) wurden eingesetzt, um die nukleäre Translokation von NF-(B in verschiedenen Zellsystemen zu induzieren. Diese Zellstimulationsexperimente wurden mit verschiedenen TLR-2-negativen Zellinien sowie mit Peritonealexsudatzellen TLR-4-defizienter C3H/HeJ-Mäuse durchgeführt. Weitere Informationen lieferten TLR-2-Überexpressions-Experimente sowie Zellstimulationen unter Verwendung von anti-TLR-4-Antikörpern. Die Aktivierung von NF-(B wurde anhand von Gelshifts nachgewiesen. Mit der Überexpression von dominant-negativen Mutanten verschiedener Moleküle der Signalkaskade, mit Kinase-Hemmstoffen und mit Western Blots wurden die intrazellulären Signaltransduktionswege untersucht. Für Glykolipide von T. maltophilum und beide verwendeten Lipoteichonsäuren ließ sich eine klare TLR-2-Abhängigkeit in der Aktivierung von NF-(B und der Induktion von proinflammatorischen Zytokinen zeigen. Die Glykolipide von T. brennaborense hingegen waren überraschender Weise gleichzeitig auch TLR-4-Liganden. Beide untersuchten Glykolipide sowie beide LTAs aktivierten einen Signalweg unter Einbeziehung des Adaptermoleküls MyD88 und der NF-(B-induzierenden Kinase (NIK). Des weiteren konnte der Einfluß der MAP-Kinasen p42/44 und p38 auf die Treponema-Glykolipid- und LPS-induzierte TNF-(-Ausschüttung dargestellt werden. Zusammenfassend zeigen diese Ergebnisse, daß TLR-2 der Hauptrezeptor von Lipoteichonsäuren ist, und TLR-2 und -4 beide Rezeptoren der Treponema-Glykolipide sein können. Diese Ergebnisse sollten dazu beitragen, die molekularen Grundlagen der Reaktionen des Immunsystems auf Gram-positive Bakterien und Treponemen zu verstehen. / The innate immune response to microbial pathogens is able to protect the host after a first pathogen contact. This immediate immune response is largely mediated by macrophages and neutrophils. They recognize and phagocytose pathogens, and coordinate host responses by secreting inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines. The recognition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria, or peptidoglycan (PG) and lipoteichoic acids (LTAs) of Gram-positive bacteria leads to the induction of protein-kinases, the transcription factor NF-(B, and subsequently the release of proinflammatory cytokines. Recently, members of the Toll-protein-family, the so-called Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been found to be involved in immune cell activation by microbial products. While TLR-4 has been identified as the transmembrane signal transducer for LPS, and TLR-2 and -6 for different ligands originating from Gram-positive bacteria, the molecular basis of recognition of lipoteichoic acids and related glycolipids has not been completely understood: Both, TLR-4 and -2 have been postulated as receptors. In order to determine the role of TLRs in immune cell activation by Treponema glycolipids and LTAs experiments involving TLR-2-negative cell lines, macrophages from TLR-4-deficient C3H/HeJ-mice, cells overexpression TLR-2, and inhibitory TLR-4 antibodies were performed. The induction of NF-(B was assessed by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Glycolipids of two related Treponema species, T. maltophilum (TM) and T. brennaborense (TB), and LTAs from Staphylococcus aureus (SA) and Bacillus subtilis (BS) were investigated for induction of nuclear translocation of NF-(B in different cell systems. Glycolipids from T. maltophilum and both LTAs studied revealed TLR-2-dependency in induction of NF-(B and proinflammatory cytokines. Surprisingly, glycolipids from T. brennaborense were found to be TLR-4-ligands. Furthermore an involvement of the signaling molecules MyD88 and NIK in cell stimulation by LTAs and glycolipids was revealed by dominant-negative overexpression experiments. The induction of TNF-( by Treponema glycolipids furthermore was dependent on activation of MAP kinases p42/44 and p38, as indicated by specific kinase inhibitors. Tyrosinephosporylation of the p42/44 kinase induced by Treponema glycolipids were detected by western blots. In summary, the results presented here indicate that TLR-2 is the main receptor for LTAs. Both TLR-2 and -4 serve as receptors for Treponema glycolipids. These results may potentially contribute to explain immune responses to Gram-positive bacteria and treponemes.
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Molekulare Charakterisierung von Typ IV Sekretionssytem-spezifischen Wirtszellantworten und bakteriellen Virulenzfaktoren des humanen Magenpathogens Helicobacter pyloriBauer, Bianca 28 January 2010 (has links)
Das humane Magenpathogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) besiedelt den menschlichen Magen und kann zu der Entstehung schwerwiegender Krankheiten wie Magenkrebs und Magengeschwüren führen. Die Pathogenese ist eng mit dem bakteriellen Typ IV Sekretionssystems (T4SS) assoziiert, das die Translokation des Effektorproteins CagA in die Wirtszelle vermittelt. Bisher ist noch unbekannt, in welchem Ausmaß wirtszellspezifische Faktoren die T4SS induzierte Pathogenese beeinflussen. Dieser Aspekt wurde in dieser Arbeit durch die Analyse verschiedenster Zelllinien das erste Mal systematisch untersucht. Interessanterweise unterschied sich die zelluläre Antwort auf die T4SS spezifische Infektion erheblich in Abhängigkeit der verwendeten Zelllinie. Die Ergebnisse beweisen, dass Wirtszellfaktoren eine ebenso große Rolle in der H. pylori induzierten Pathogenese spielen wie bakterielle Effektoren. Zusätzlich wurde in dieser Arbeit eine genomweite Screening-Methode etabliert, die es ermöglicht, neue Komponenten des T4SSs, translozierte NF-B Effektoren und bakterielle Adhäsine zu identifizieren. Auch der Einfluss von CagA auf den EGF-Rezeptor wurde hier näher untersucht. Der Rezeptor steht ebenfalls eng mit der Entstehung von Krebs in Verbindung. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass CagA die Endozytose des EGF-Rezeptors durch die Aktivierung der Nicht-Rezeptor Tyrosinkinase c-Abl hemmt und dadurch die Rezeptorpopulation auf der Wirtszelloberfläche erhöht. Interessanterweise führt dieser Effekt jedoch nicht zu einer Verstärkung der EGF-Rezeptor Signaltransduktion. Vielmehr kommt es zu einer Hemmung der EGF-Rezeptor Transaktivierung und zu einer Blockade der EGF vermittelten Wundheilung. Die Daten weisen auf eine Rolle des EGF-Rezeptors in der H. pylori induzierten Geschwürbildung hin. Auch der zu Grunde liegende molekulare Mechanismus der Rezeptor-Inhibierung konnte hier entschlüsselt werden, der sowohl von CagA als auch von der Phosphatase SHP-2 gesteuert wird. / The human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) elicits a tremendous medical burden because of its causative association with peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. The pathogenic potential of H. pylori is intricately linked to the expression of a pathogenicity island encoded type IV secretion system (T4SS), which translocates the bacterial effector protein CagA into the eukaryotic host cell. The role of host cell determinants in T4SS mediated pathogenesis has not yet been systematically examined. To elucidate the role of host cell factors within T4SS induced host cell responses, different eukaryotic cell lines were analyzed systematically for respective phenotypes. Remarkably, T4SS mediated host responses among these cell lines varied considerably, thereby demonstrating the importance of host cell components in H. pylori induced pathogenesis. In addition, a H. pylori genome wide bacterial screen for factors important in pathogenesis, such as unknown T4SS components or novel NF-kappaB effector molecules, was developed and optimized. The precise function of the prominent effector protein CagA remains unclear. To functionally characterize the role of CagA, its impact on the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-receptor pathway was analyzed. The results suggest a mechanism where EGF-receptor endocytosis is completely blocked by a CagA induced activation of c-Abl, leading to an elevated receptor surface exposition. Surprisingly, EGF-receptor transactivation and EGF-dependent wound healing are selectively blocked during prolonged infections as well, indicating that an increased receptor-population on the cell surface does not necessarily promote signaling. This data suggests a role for the EGF-receptor in H. pylori- induced ulcer disease. The underlying molecular mechanism was identified as being SHP-2 and CagA dependent.
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CIN85 in proximal and distant B cell antigen receptor signalingSchulz, Kathrin 29 February 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Implication de la voie alternative NF-kappa B dans le cancer de la prostateLabouba, Ingrid 08 1900 (has links)
Le cancer de la prostate (CaP) est le plus diagnostiqué chez les hommes au Canada et représente le troisième cancer le plus meurtrier au sein de cette population. Malgré l’efficacité des traitements de première ligne, de nombreux patients finiront par développer une résistance et, le cas échéant, verront leur CaP progresser vers une forme plus agressive. Plusieurs paramètres, essentiellement cliniques, permettent de prédire la progression du CaP mais leur sensibilité, encore limitée, implique la nécessité de nouveaux biomarqueurs afin de combler cette lacune. Dans cette optique nous nous intéressons au facteur de transcription NF-κB.
Des études réalisées au laboratoire et ailleurs, associent RelA(p65) à un potentiel clinique dans le CaP, soulignant ainsi l’importance de la voie classique NF-κB. L’implication de la voie alternative NF-κB dans la progression du CaP a aussi été suggérée dans une de nos études illustrant la corrélation entre la distribution nucléaire de RelB et le score de Gleason. Alors que la voie classique est largement documentée et son implication dans la progression du CaP établie, la voie alternative, elle, reste à explorer. La présente thèse vise à clarifier l’implication de la voie alternative NF-κB dans le CaP et répond à deux objectifs fixés dans ce but.
Le premier objectif fut d’évaluer l’impact de l'activation de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la biologie des cellules cancéreuses prostatiques. L’étude de la surexpression de RelB a souligné les effets de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la prolifération et l'autophagie. Étant ainsi impliquée tant dans la croissance tumorale que dans un processus de plus en plus associée à la progression tumorale, quoique potentiellement létal pour les cellules cancéreuses, son impact sur la tumorigénèse du CaP reste encore difficile à définir.
Il n'existe, à ce jour, aucune étude permettant de comparer le potentiel clinique des voies classique et alternative NF-κB. Le second objectif de ce projet fut donc l'analyse conjointe de RelA(p65) et RelB au sein de mêmes tissus de patients atteints de CaP afin de déterminer l'importance clinique des deux signalisations NF-κB, l'une par rapport à l'autre. Le marquage immunofluorescent de RelA(p65) et RelB en a permis l'analyse quantitative et objective par un logiciel d'imagerie. Nos travaux ont confirmé le potentiel clinique associé à RelA(p65). La variable RelA(p65)/RelB s’est, elle, avérée moins informative que RelA(p65). Par contre, aucune corrélation entre RelB et les paramètres cliniques inclus dans l'étude n’est ressortie.
En définitive, mon projet de thèse aura permis de préciser l'implication de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la biologie du CaP. Son impact sur la croissance des cellules cancéreuses prostatiques ainsi que sur l'autophagie, dénote l’ambivalence de la voie alternative NF-κB face à la tumorigénèse du CaP. L’étude exhaustive de la signalisation NF-κB souligne davantage l'importance de la voie classique dont l’intérêt clinique est principalement associé au statut de RelA(p65). Ainsi, bien que RelB n’affiche aucun potentiel en tant que biomarqueur exploitable en clinique, l’analyse de l’intervention de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la biologie des cellules cancéreuses prostatiques reste d’intérêt pour la compréhension de son rôle exact dans la progression du CaP. / Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and represents the third cause of cancer-death in Canadian men. Despite effective first-line therapies, many patients experience disease recurrence where PCa progresses toward a more aggressive form. Several parameters, largely clinical, have been used to predict the progression of PCa but their accuracy is still limited and implies the need for new biomarkers to fill this gap. Previous research from the laboratory has demonstrated that the transcription factor NF-B, and its nuclear localization, could be such a prognostic biomarker.
Studies in our laboratory and elsewhere have correlated RelA(p65) with a clinical progression in PCa, underlining the importance of the classical NF-B pathway. The involvement of the alternative NF-B pathway in the progression of PCa was also suggested in one of our studies showing the correlation between the nuclear distribution of RelB and Gleason score. While the classical pathway is well documented and its involvement in the PCa progression established, the alternative NF-B pathway remains largely unexplored. This thesis describes two research objectives that aims to clarify the involvement of the alternative NF-B pathway in PCa.
The first objective assessed the impact of the alternative NF-B pathway activation on the biology of PCa cells. RelB overexpression in 22RV1 PCa cells highlighted an effect of the alternative NF-B pathway on cell proliferation and autophagy. Its dual role in cell growth and a form of cell death requires further study to understand the balance of these in PCa tumorigenesis.
To date no study has addressed the comparative prognostic potential of both the classical and alternative NF-B pathways simultaneously. Therefore the second objective of this research project was to analyze both RelA(p65) and RelB at a cellular level in the same tissue of patients with PCa to determine their unique and combined contribution to predicting biochemical recurrence in patients. This analysis was possible through immunofluorescent labeling of RelA (p65) and RelB, and was followed by a quantitative and objective analysis using an appropriate software. Our work confirmed the predictive value of RelA(p65) for biochemical recurrance. Combining RelA(p65) with RelB weakened the association, and RelB on its own was not found to predict biochemical recurrance.
Ultimately, the research presented here has clarified the involvement of the alternative NF-B pathway on the biology of PCa. Its impact on the growth of PCa cells as well as autophagy reveals the dual role of the alternative NF-B pathway in PCa tumorigenesis. This exhaustive study of NF-B in PCa tissues further underscores the importance of the classical pathway whose clinical interest is mainly associated with RelA(p65) status. Thus, although RelB shows no potential as a clinically exploitable biomarker, further studies are needed to determine whether RelB contributes, either positively or negatively, and in a temporal fashion, to PCa progression.
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Implication de la voie alternative NF-kappa B dans le cancer de la prostateLabouba, Ingrid 08 1900 (has links)
Le cancer de la prostate (CaP) est le plus diagnostiqué chez les hommes au Canada et représente le troisième cancer le plus meurtrier au sein de cette population. Malgré l’efficacité des traitements de première ligne, de nombreux patients finiront par développer une résistance et, le cas échéant, verront leur CaP progresser vers une forme plus agressive. Plusieurs paramètres, essentiellement cliniques, permettent de prédire la progression du CaP mais leur sensibilité, encore limitée, implique la nécessité de nouveaux biomarqueurs afin de combler cette lacune. Dans cette optique nous nous intéressons au facteur de transcription NF-κB.
Des études réalisées au laboratoire et ailleurs, associent RelA(p65) à un potentiel clinique dans le CaP, soulignant ainsi l’importance de la voie classique NF-κB. L’implication de la voie alternative NF-κB dans la progression du CaP a aussi été suggérée dans une de nos études illustrant la corrélation entre la distribution nucléaire de RelB et le score de Gleason. Alors que la voie classique est largement documentée et son implication dans la progression du CaP établie, la voie alternative, elle, reste à explorer. La présente thèse vise à clarifier l’implication de la voie alternative NF-κB dans le CaP et répond à deux objectifs fixés dans ce but.
Le premier objectif fut d’évaluer l’impact de l'activation de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la biologie des cellules cancéreuses prostatiques. L’étude de la surexpression de RelB a souligné les effets de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la prolifération et l'autophagie. Étant ainsi impliquée tant dans la croissance tumorale que dans un processus de plus en plus associée à la progression tumorale, quoique potentiellement létal pour les cellules cancéreuses, son impact sur la tumorigénèse du CaP reste encore difficile à définir.
Il n'existe, à ce jour, aucune étude permettant de comparer le potentiel clinique des voies classique et alternative NF-κB. Le second objectif de ce projet fut donc l'analyse conjointe de RelA(p65) et RelB au sein de mêmes tissus de patients atteints de CaP afin de déterminer l'importance clinique des deux signalisations NF-κB, l'une par rapport à l'autre. Le marquage immunofluorescent de RelA(p65) et RelB en a permis l'analyse quantitative et objective par un logiciel d'imagerie. Nos travaux ont confirmé le potentiel clinique associé à RelA(p65). La variable RelA(p65)/RelB s’est, elle, avérée moins informative que RelA(p65). Par contre, aucune corrélation entre RelB et les paramètres cliniques inclus dans l'étude n’est ressortie.
En définitive, mon projet de thèse aura permis de préciser l'implication de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la biologie du CaP. Son impact sur la croissance des cellules cancéreuses prostatiques ainsi que sur l'autophagie, dénote l’ambivalence de la voie alternative NF-κB face à la tumorigénèse du CaP. L’étude exhaustive de la signalisation NF-κB souligne davantage l'importance de la voie classique dont l’intérêt clinique est principalement associé au statut de RelA(p65). Ainsi, bien que RelB n’affiche aucun potentiel en tant que biomarqueur exploitable en clinique, l’analyse de l’intervention de la voie alternative NF-κB sur la biologie des cellules cancéreuses prostatiques reste d’intérêt pour la compréhension de son rôle exact dans la progression du CaP. / Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and represents the third cause of cancer-death in Canadian men. Despite effective first-line therapies, many patients experience disease recurrence where PCa progresses toward a more aggressive form. Several parameters, largely clinical, have been used to predict the progression of PCa but their accuracy is still limited and implies the need for new biomarkers to fill this gap. Previous research from the laboratory has demonstrated that the transcription factor NF-B, and its nuclear localization, could be such a prognostic biomarker.
Studies in our laboratory and elsewhere have correlated RelA(p65) with a clinical progression in PCa, underlining the importance of the classical NF-B pathway. The involvement of the alternative NF-B pathway in the progression of PCa was also suggested in one of our studies showing the correlation between the nuclear distribution of RelB and Gleason score. While the classical pathway is well documented and its involvement in the PCa progression established, the alternative NF-B pathway remains largely unexplored. This thesis describes two research objectives that aims to clarify the involvement of the alternative NF-B pathway in PCa.
The first objective assessed the impact of the alternative NF-B pathway activation on the biology of PCa cells. RelB overexpression in 22RV1 PCa cells highlighted an effect of the alternative NF-B pathway on cell proliferation and autophagy. Its dual role in cell growth and a form of cell death requires further study to understand the balance of these in PCa tumorigenesis.
To date no study has addressed the comparative prognostic potential of both the classical and alternative NF-B pathways simultaneously. Therefore the second objective of this research project was to analyze both RelA(p65) and RelB at a cellular level in the same tissue of patients with PCa to determine their unique and combined contribution to predicting biochemical recurrence in patients. This analysis was possible through immunofluorescent labeling of RelA (p65) and RelB, and was followed by a quantitative and objective analysis using an appropriate software. Our work confirmed the predictive value of RelA(p65) for biochemical recurrance. Combining RelA(p65) with RelB weakened the association, and RelB on its own was not found to predict biochemical recurrance.
Ultimately, the research presented here has clarified the involvement of the alternative NF-B pathway on the biology of PCa. Its impact on the growth of PCa cells as well as autophagy reveals the dual role of the alternative NF-B pathway in PCa tumorigenesis. This exhaustive study of NF-B in PCa tissues further underscores the importance of the classical pathway whose clinical interest is mainly associated with RelA(p65) status. Thus, although RelB shows no potential as a clinically exploitable biomarker, further studies are needed to determine whether RelB contributes, either positively or negatively, and in a temporal fashion, to PCa progression.
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Involvement of the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-êB) pathway in peritoneal endometriosisGonzález Ramos, Reinaldo 05 June 2007 (has links)
Endometriosis is a gynecological disease in which endometrial glands and stroma are present outside the uterus. Pelvic pain, infertility and decreased quality of life are the main problems caused by this disease carrying epidemiological and social impact. Peritoneal endometriosis which is characterized by the presence of red, black and white pelvic endometriotic lesions is clearly a multifactorial pathology associated with a local inflammatory response in the pelvic cavity. In vitro studies suggest that the transcription factor nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-êB) is implicated in the transduction of proinflammatory signals in endometriosis.
The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement and role of the NF-êB pathway in endometriosis in vivo.
Firstly, NF-êB activation and intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 expression were investigated in thirty-six peritoneal endometriotic lesions from women. Constitutive NF-êB activation, involving p65- and p50-containing dimers, was demonstrated in peritoneal endometriotic lesions by electrophoretic mobility shift assays and supershift analyses, as well as NF-êB (p65) DNA-binding activity immunodetection assays. NF-êB activation and ICAM-1 expression were significantly higher in red lesions than black lesions, while IêBá (NF-êB inhibitory protein) expression was constant, as shown by Western blot analyses.
Secondly, endometriosis was induced in nude mice by intraperitoneal injection of fluorescent labeled menstrual endometrium. Two NF-êB inhibitors (BAY 11-7085 and SN-50) were injected intraperitoneally and endometriotic lesions were recovered on day 5. Both NF-êB inhibitors induced a significant reduction in lesion development compared to control mice. NF-êB activation and ICAM-1 expression of endometriotic lesions were significantly reduced in treated mice, and cell proliferation in BAY 11-7085-treated mice. Both inhibitors produced a significant increase in apoptosis of endometriotic lesions, as assessed by active caspase-3 immunostaining and the TUNEL method.
In conclusion, this is the first study to show constitutive NF-êB activation in peritoneal endometriotic lesions collected from women and during the initial development of endometriotic lesions in an animal model. Differential levels of NF-êB activation have been established between red and black lesions, providing more evidence on the distinct inflammatory status of these two types of peritoneal endometriotic lesions. In addition, this study offers further insight into the pathways implicated in NF-êB activation in endometriotic lesions, showing the involvement of p50/p65 dimers and suggesting participation of the canonical pathway of NF-êB activation. This study also demonstrates, for the first time, that NF-êB inhibition reduces the initial development of endometriotic lesions by inhibiting the inflammatory response and cell proliferation, and inducing apoptosis of endometriotic lesions. The NF-êB pathway therefore looks to be a promising therapeutic target for endometriosis prevention and treatment.
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Inhibition of GM-CSF Production in Fibroblast-Monocyte Coculture by Prednisone and Effects of RHFM-CSF on Human Lung FibroblastsFitzgerald, S. Matthew, Chi, David S., Lee, Steven A., Hall, Kenton, Krishnaswamy, Guha 01 January 2004 (has links)
Fibroblasts play a sentinel role in asthmatic disease. They are the main constituents of connective tissue and are increased in number in the asthmatic lung. They are also capable of secreting a diverse repertoire of cytokines and are able to be activated by pro-inflammatory cytokines and cell-cell contact. Previously we have reported that normal human lung fibroblasts (NHLF) can be activated by monocytes (U937) through cell-cell contact to produce GM-CSF. Here we show that GM-CSF production from NHLF activated by monocyte contact is inhibited by prednisone, a synthetic glucocorticoid used in the treatment of asthma. GM-CSF is an acidic glycoprotein that potentiates development of cells in the granulocyte and macrophage lineage and is secreted at sites of peripheral inflammation. The receptor for GM-CSF was found on NHLF by flow cytometry and was able to be up-regulated by interleukin (IL)-1 beta, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and recombinant human (rh) GM-CSF. To test autocrine effects of GM-CSF on fibroblasts, rh GM-CSF was used in proliferation studies and was found to decrease fibroblast proliferation. Prednisone was used to block NF-kappaB activation and GM-CSF gene expression as well. These data indicate mechanism of action and treatment for cell-cell contact mediated inflammation of infiltrating monocytes with fibroblasts as seen in asthma and other diseases like graft versus host disease.
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