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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the Factors Influencing the Stability of Phases in the Multiferroic System BiFeO3-PbTiO3

Kothai, V January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Rhombohedral perovskite BiFeO3 is a single phase multiferroic compound exhibiting both magnetic (Neel temperature ~370˚C) and ferroelectric (Curie point ~840˚C) ordering well above the room temperature. Ferroelectricity in BiFeO3 is due to stereochemically active 6slone pair in Biion which causes large relative displacements of Bi and O ions along the [111] direction. Long range spiral modulation of the canted antiferromagnetic spin arrangement in Feeffectively cancels the macroscopic magnetization due to Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and thereby prevents linear magneto-electric effect. Synthesizing dense pure BiFeO3 by conventional solid state method is difficult due to the formation of thermodynamically stable secondary phases such as Bi2Fe4O9, Bi25FeO39 and Bi46Fe2O72. To stabilize the perovskite phase and to suppress the cycloid several groups have adopted different strategies such as thin film growth, different synthesis methods and chemical substitution. Of the various substitutions reported in the literature, PbTiO3 substitution has shown very interesting features, such as (i) unusually large tetragonality (c/a~1.19), (ii) formation of morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) and (iii) high curie point Tc~650C. MPB ferroelectric systems such as lead zirconate titanate (PZT) are known to exhibit high piezoelectric response due to the coupling between strain and polarization. Hence the existence of magnetic ordering in BiFeO3-PbTiO3 offers an interesting scenario where polarization, strain and magnetization may couple together. The high Curie point also makes the system an interesting candidate for high temperature piezoelectric application. However its potential as a high temperature piezoelectric material has not been realized yet. A detailed review of literature suggests a lack of clear agreement with regards to the composition range of the reported MPB itself. Different research groups have reported different composition range of MPB for this system even for almost similar synthesis conditions. The present thesis deals with broadly two parts, firstly with the preparation of pure BiFeO3 by co-precipitation and hydrothermal methods and its thermal stability and secondly resolving the cause of discrepancy in range of MPB reported in BiFeO3-PbTiO3 solid solution. Detailed examination of this system (BiFeO3-PbTiO3) around the reported MPB composition by temperature dependent X-ray, electron and neutron diffraction techniques, in conjunction with a systematic correlation of sintering temperature and time with microstructural and phase formation behavior revealed the fact that the formation of MPB or the single ferroelectric phase is critically dependent on the grain size. This phenomenon is also intimately related to the abnormal grain growth in this system. Chapter 1 gives the brief overview of the literature on the topics relevant to the present study. The literature survey starts with a brief introduction about the perovskite oxides; their ferroelectric, magnetic and multiferroic properties were discussed in further sections. A brief outline on the grain growth mechanism is described. An overview of BiFeO3 and various synthesis methods, different chemical substitutions and their effect on properties are provided. A brief review of published literature on BiFeO3-PbTiO3 solid solution and its properties is also presented. Chapter 2 deals with the synthesis of pure BiFeO3, heat treatment and characterisation. BiFeO3 was synthesised by (a) co-precipitation and (b) hydrothermal methods. In co-precipitation method, calcination of precipitate at different temperature resulted in the formation of BiFeO3 along with secondary phases (Bi2Fe4O9 and Bi24FeO39). The optimum calcination temperature to prepare pure BiFeO3 was found to be 560C. The synthesized pure BiFeO3 exhibits weak ferromagnetic hysteresis at room temperature, the degree of which increases slightly at 10K (-263C). The hydrothermal treatment was carried out in (a) carbonate and (b) hydroxide precipitates with KOH as mineralizer. BiFeO3 prepared using hydroxide precipitate was stable till 800C whereas with carbonate precipitate it was stable only till 600C. Chapter 3 deals with the stability of phases in (1-x)BiFeO3 -(x)PbTiO3 solid solution. Samples prepared by conventional solid state route sometimes remain as dense pellet and on certain occasions it disintegrate completely into powder observed after sintering. Irrespective of the composition, sintering time and temperature, powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) pattern of the survived pellet (crushed into powder) shows coexistence of rhombohedral (R3c) and tetragonal (P4mm) phases and the disintegrated powder (without crushing) show 100% tetragonal (P4mm) phase. Very high spontaneous tetragonal strain (c/a-1) ~0.19 at MPB is believed to be the origin for disintegration. But in all the survived pellets at least a minor fraction of rhombohedral phase (5-7%) is present. Systematic sintering studies with the time and temperature shows, decreasing the sintering temperature and time will increase the lifetime of the pellet and by increasing the sintering temperature and time the pellet will disintegrate. In this work we have conclusively proved that the wide composition range of MPB reported in the literature is due to kinetic arrest of the metastable rhombohedral phase and that if sufficient temperature and time is given, the metastable phase disappears. The suppression/formation of minor rhombohedral phase is expected due to the play of local kinetic factors during the transformation process. This makes the system behave in an unpredictable way with regard to the fraction of rhombohedral phase that is observed at room temperature. A systematic X-ray and neutron powder diffraction study of the giant tetragonality multiferroic (1-x)BiFeO3 -(x)PbTiO3 have shown that the compositions close to the morphotropic phase boundary of this system present two different structural phase transition scenarios on cooling from the cubic phase: (i) Pm3m P4mm(T2)+P4mm(T1) P4mm (T1) and (ii) Pm3m P4mm(T2) + P4mm(T1) + R3c P4mm (T1) + R3c. The comparatively larger tetragonality of the T1 phase as compared to the coexisting isostructural T2 phase is shown to be a result of significantly greater degree of overlap of the Pb/Bi-6s and Ti/Fe-3d with the O-2p orbitals as compared to that in the T2 phase. High temperature electron diffraction studies show that the metastable rhombohedral phase is present in the cubic matrix well above the Curie point as nuclei. Life time of the metastable R3c nuclei is very sensitive to composition and temperature, and nearly diverges at x → 0.27. MPB like state appears only if the system is cooled before the metastable R3c nuclei could vanish. Issue of the metastable rhombohedral state is developed further in Chapter 4. A one-to-one correlation was found between the grain size and phase formation behavior. Fine grained (~1µm) microstructure (usually pellets) shows phase coexistence (R3c+P4mm) and the disintegrated coarse grains (~10µm) show tetragonal (P4mm) phase. Microstructural analysis revealed the disintegration was caused by abnormal grain growth along with the disappearance of metastable rhombohedral phase. Abnormal grain growth starts at the periphery/crack i.e., at the free surface and move towards the canter of the pellet. Size reduction of disintegrated coarse grains (~10µm) to fine grains (~1µm) by crushing the sample showed that the system switching form pure tetragonal (P4mm) state to the MPB state comprising of tetragonal and rhombohedral phases (R3c+P4mm). In another approach the smaller sized particles of x=0.20 were synthesized by sol gel method. It was reported that in conventional solid state route x=0.20 exhibits pure rhombohedral phase. The sol-gel sample calcined at 500C (particle size ~15nm) stabilizes tetragonal metastable phase along with the stable rhombohedral phase, the morphotropic phase boundary state. Samples calcined at higher temperature, 800C (particle size ~50nm) also showed stable rhombohedral phase. Ferromagnetic behavior was observed in the sample having phase coexistence and the sample with pure rhombohedral phase showed antiferromagnetic behavior. Hence this material is a promising candidate which can be tuned to exhibit different behavior just by adopting different grain size. Chapter 5 deals with the magnetic structure of (1-x)BiFeO3 -xPbTiO3 solid solution with change in composition and temperature. Magnetic structure was studied using powder neutron diffraction in the composition range x=0.05 -0.35. Rietveld analysis was carried out for the nuclear and magnetic phases, by considering R3c phase for the nuclear structure. To account for the magnetic Bragg peak at d=4.59Å, three antiferromagnetic models were considered for the magnetic structure: (i) helical spin arrangement as in BiFeO3, (ii) commensurate G-type antiferromagnetic ordering with moments in the a-b plane (of the hexagonal cell), and (iii) commensurate G-type ordering with moments parallel to the c-axis (of the hexagonal cell). The third model was found to be suitable to explain the magnetic peak accurately and the better fitting of magnetic peak was observed in this model compared to others. At room temperature the MPB compositions have rhombohedral and tetragonal nuclear phases along with the rhombohedral magnetic phase. Addition of PbTiO3 in BiFeO3 not only changes the magnetic structure but also reduces the magnetic moment due to the substitution of Ti in Fesite. High temperature neutron diffraction studies reveal the magnetic transition at ~300C for x=0.20, ~95C for x=0.27 and ~150C for x=0.35. The Neel temperature observed in neutron diffraction studies were also confirmed by DSC and by temperature dependent dielectric studies. For x=0.20, anomalous variation in the lattice parameters and the octahedral tilt angle was observed across the magnetic transition temperature. In the magnetic phase, the c-parameter was contracted and the octahedral tilt angle slightly increased. This result suggests a coupling between spin, lattice and structural degrees of freedom around the transition temperature. Temperature dependent powder neutron diffraction study at low temperature from 300K (27C) to 4K (-269C) in x=0.35 shows the evolution of tetragonal magnetic phase at 200K (-73C) whose intensity is increasing with decrease in temperature. Below 200K, x=0.35 has rhombohedral and tetragonal magnetic and nuclear phases. While in x=0.27 at low temperature, rhombohedral magnetic and nuclear phases are present along with the tetragonal nuclear phase alone (the tetragonal magnetic phase is absent). We propose this discrepancy in the Neel temperature and the magnetic phase formation can be due to the probabilistic nature of the existence of metastable rhombohedral phase which was discussed earlier.

Technologie galvanické anodizace neželezných kovů a slitin / Technology of Galvanic Anodization of Non-ferrous Materials and Its Alloys

Remešová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the theoretical description of the technology of anodizing of aluminium, magnesium, zinc and their alloys. In this work, methods for formation of oxide layers and the used chemical processes are described in detail. The experimental part of this work deals with formation of oxide layers on aluminium, magnesium and zinc of high purity under different conditions. Oxide layers of different thicknesses were created on all three experimental materials. Aluminium was anodized in a bath of 10% H2SO4, magnesium in the bath of 1 mol/dm3 NaOH, and zinc in the bath of 0.5 mol/dm3 NaOH. Processes were carried out at laboratory temperature. On the aluminium, continuous oxide layer was formed. Furthermore rule "312" was verified, that can indicatively be used for calculating the thickness of the resulting oxide layer on the aluminium. When using lower current of 0.08 and 0.2 A for magnesium anodizing, dark colored layer was created comparing to higher current of 0.5 A. More rough appearance of the oxide layer was produced with increasing voltage. Further, it was observed for magnesium that the resulting layer comprises of two sublayers. For zinc, black colored layer was created when the voltage 20 V and current from 0.4 to 0.5 A were used. In the layer, two sublayers were also observed. For lower voltage and current (0.05 A, 0.17 V), formation of the oxide layer on the zinc does not occur, but the crystallographic etching was observed.

Studium kvality řezu hliníkových a Cu slitin při tavném řezání v závislosti na procesních parametrech při laserovém dělení s využitím YbYAG vláknového laseru / Study of quality cutting edge of aluminum and copper alloys for fusion cutting in depending on the process parameters during laser cutting using a fiber YbYAG laser

Pilarčík, Edmund January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis discusses laser cutting of non-ferrous metals using fiber YbYag laser and evaluation of the roughness of cutting edge samples. To manufacture samples of aluminium Al 99,5, deoxidized copper Cu – DHP and brass CuZn37 were used combinations of process parameters according to Taguchi statistical method. Samples were subsequently evaluated, according to the ČSN EN ISO 9013 standard and sorted into roughness cathegories, and by technical and economical evaluation, the most economical process parameter combinations were found. Experimantal part is preceded by description of general methods of cutting, description of laser types, process parameters and their influence on the occurrence of the cutting edge defects and description of roughness measurement and standard ČSN EN ISO 9013.

Развитие росийско-китайской торговли черными металлами : магистерская диссертация / Development of the Russian-Chinese trade in ferrous metals

Дун, Ч., Dong, Z. January 2021 (has links)
ВКР (магистерская диссертация) состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, библиографического списка, включающего 62 наименования, 2 приложения. Работа включает 31 таблицу и 9 рисунков. Общий объем ВКР (магистерской диссертации) – 138 страниц. Цель магистерской диссертации – развитие теоретико-методических основ и направлений российско-китайской торговли черными металлами. Научная новизна исследования состоит в комплексном современном исследовании российско-китайского внешнеторгового сотрудничества и определении потенциальных направлений их дальнейшего развития. В качестве авторских разработок можно вынести следующие: оценено современное состояние и динамика развития российско-китайских внешнеторговых отношений; определены резервы и направления развития российско-китайского партнерства во внешней торговле. Практическая значимость работы выражается в возможности использования основных положений и результатов в разработке стратегии развития внешнеэкономической деятельности между Россией и Китаем. / The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a bibliographic list, including 62 titles, 2 appendices. The work includes 31 tables and 9 figures. The total volume of the dissertation is 138 pages. The purpose of the dissertation is to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of the Russian-Chinese trade in ferrous metals. Scientific novelty of research in a comprehensive study of Russian-Chinese foreign trade cooperation and their perspective further development. As author's developments, the following can be taken out: assessed the current state and dynamics of the development of Russian-Chinese foreign trade relations; reserves and directions of development of the Russian-Chinese partnership in foreign trade. The practical significance of the work is expressed in the possibility of using the main provisions and results in the development of a strategy for the development of foreign economic activity between Russia and China.

Развитие росийско-китайской торговли цветными металлами : магистерская диссертация / Development of the Russian-Chinese trade in non-ferrous metals

Лай, Х., Lai, H. January 2021 (has links)
ВКР (магистерская диссертация) состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, библиографического списка, включающего 62 наименования. Работа включает 10 таблиц и 13 рисунков. Общий объем ВКР (магистерской диссертации) – 85 страниц. Ключевые слова: торговля цветными металлами, международные отношения, развитие торговли. Цель магистерской диссертации – исследование, оценка и анализ состояния российско-китайской торговли цветными металлами, выявление проблем и перспектив развития. исследование современного состояния российско-китайской торговли цветными металлами и разработать методические рекомендации к ее развитию Научные и практические результаты - оценено современное состояние и динамика развития российско-китайских внешнеторговых отношений - выявлены специфические особенности внешнеторговых отношений - предложены потенциальные направления дальнейшего развития российско-китайской торговли цветными металлами. Предложенные в работе меры по решению существующих в российско-китайской торговле цветными металлами проблем позволят перейти на новый этап развития. Дальнейшее развитие двусторонних отношений между Китаем и Россией имеют широкие перспективы долгосрочного и тесного взаимовыгодного сотрудничества. / The WRC (master's thesis) consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, including 62 titles. The work includes 10 tables and 13 figures. The total volume of the FQP (master's thesis) is 85 pages. Key words: non-ferrous metals trade, international relations, trade development. The purpose of the master's thesis is to research, assess and analyze the state of the Russian-Chinese trade in non-ferrous metals, to identify problems and development prospects. study of the current state of the Russian-Chinese trade in non-ferrous metals and develop guidelines for its development. Scientific and practical results: assessed the current state and dynamics of the development of Russian-Chinese foreign trade relations; revealed the specific features of foreign trade relations; potential directions of further development of the Russian-Chinese trade in non-ferrous metals have been proposed. The measures proposed in the work to solve the problems existing in the Russian-Chinese trade in non-ferrous metals will make it possible to move to a new stage of development. Further development of bilateral relations between China and Russia has broad prospects for long-term and close mutually beneficial cooperation.

Studie av en medeltida husgrund : en analys av bronsfynd från husgrund 6, Västergarn, Gotland / An analysis of bronze from a medieval building-foundation

Olsson, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
This essay is an analysis of the objects made of bronze found in an excavation Västergarn parish, Gotland, in 2010, conducted by the University of Gotland. The studied material presented in this essay comes from contexts inside, as well as nearby the foundation of a medieval building which purpose is still not certain. The first purpose of this study is to present the bronze-objects found inside and nearby the foundation of house 6, and to see if there are any datable objects. There is also a discussion whether there has been any bronze-crafting in the area. The second purpose is to make a contextual analysis to see if there are any differences between the material found outside and inside of the building, and what conclusions can be made regarding the function and use of the building. A spatial analysis has also been made to distinguish any patterns of the distribution of material inside and around the house.The result of this essay is partly a presentation of the material, but also that there has occurred some bronze-crafting in the form of cutting metal sheets inside or near the foundation treated in this essay. There is no evidence for casting bronze near the house foundation.The frequency of finds from outside the foundation compared to the frequency of finds within the foundation is nearly quadruple, which is to be expected since there probably has been a wooden floor inside the house to prevent all but the tiniest objects from falling through. Objects that landed on the floor were cleaned out, just to land near the entrance of the building. The finds from within the building much resembles the finds from outside the building, and the distribution-patterns of the trench indicates that the entrance to the building probably was located near the north-west corner or near the south-east corner.Hopefully, this study contributes another piece to the great puzzle that is Västergarn.

Příběhy soch a pomníků: ztráta národního dědictví Francie během 2. světové války / The Stories of statues and memorials: Loss of the national heritage of France during the World War II

Kšinská, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to describe nowadays almost forgotten events in France during the Second World War, when the historical statues and monuments from the Third Republic in France are irretrievably destroyed because of melting non-ferrous metals used for arms-production in Nazi Germany. The key goal of the thesis is to mention some of the main decisions that led to the destruction of certain works and on the basis of that analysis consider to what extent the occupier contributed to their loss and to what extent their removal was inevitable. Within historical context, the first chapter introduces the period and ideas of the Third Republic until the arrival of the Vichy régime with its new ideals. The second chapter mentions expansion of sculpture of the Third Republic and statuomania. The development of the campaign for collection of non-ferrous metals and its actors are discussed in the third chapter. Afterwards this work presents specific decisions about the destruction of statues, based on religious, political and aesthetic subtext. In the fifth chapter in practical part, the thesis tries to analyze these decisions and to determine the cause of the elimination of statues based on the decisions. The last part focuses on the different generals reactions to destruction of the...

Ресурсное обеспечение малых промышленных предприятий ломом цветных металлов : магистерская диссертация / Resource provision of small industrial enterprises with non-ferrous scrap

Пяткова, В. И., Pyatkova, V. I. January 2021 (has links)
Современные условия хозяйственной деятельности, ее динамика делают рационализацию процессов материально-технического обеспечения одним из основных конкурентных преимуществ хозяйствующих субъектов. Данное положение особенно актуально для материалоемких малых предприятий занятых в цветной металлургии. Целью магистерской диссертации является разработка методики обеспечения малых промышленных предприятий ломом цветных металлов. В работе анализируются основные производственные особенности малых промышленных предприятий в разрезе этапов ресурсного обеспечения предприятий, даются рекомендация по оптимизации ресурсного обеспечения малого промышленного предприятия ломом цветных металлов. Отмечено особое значение рынка вторичных металлов, как потенциального источника экономии ресурсов для материалоемких малых промышленных предприятий. В качестве источников использовалась учебно-методическая и научно-исследовательская литература, результаты исследований автора. В магистерской диссертации была разработана методика обеспечения малых промышленных предприятий ломом цветных металлов, в основу которой положен учет специфики хозяйственной деятельности, возможностей производства, оценки поставщиков и факторе времени, что позволяет снизить затраты на основные материалы, а также сосредоточить внимание на возможных точках развития вертикальной (обратной) интеграции, тем самым перейти на качественно новую основу ресурсного обеспечения. / Modern conditions of economic activity, its dynamics make the rationalization of the processes of material and technical support one of the main competitive advantages of economic entities. This provision is especially relevant for material-intensive small enterprises engaged in non-ferrous metallurgy. The aim of the master's thesis is to develop a methodology for providing small industrial enterprises with non-ferrous scrap. The paper analyzes the main production features of small industrial enterprises in the context of the stages of resource provision of enterprises, gives a recommendation for optimizing the resource provision of a small industrial enterprise with non-ferrous scrap. The special importance of the secondary metals market as a potential source of resource saving for material-intensive small industrial enterprises is noted. Educational-methodical and research literature, the results of the author's research were used as sources. In the master's thesis, a methodology was developed for providing small industrial enterprises with non-ferrous scrap, which is based on taking into account the specifics of economic activity, production capabilities, assessing suppliers and the time factor, which allows reducing the cost of basic materials, as well as focusing on possible points of development of vertical (reverse) integration, thereby moving to a qualitatively new basis of resource provision.

L'aluminium au XXe et XXIe siècles. Étude d’économie industrielle / Aluminium in the 20th and 21st Centuries : an Industrial Economic Perspective

Brault-Vattier, Thierry Pierre Antoine 02 October 2015 (has links)
A des dates et à des vitesses différentes selon les pays, l’aluminium a changé tout à la fois le monde industriel et les modes de vie. Au début du XXème siècle, le monde en développement était déjà partagé entre l’Amérique du Nord où acier et béton commençaient à façonner les villes reliées par le chemin de fer, et l’Europe où il fallait détruire pour reconstruire et où le changement a pris plus de temps. Aluminium et hydroélectricité ont effectué leurs débuts ensemble, ouvrant une longue période de croissance que leur complémentarité a accélérée. Les réussites techniques dans les deux domaines ont eu un effet boule de neige. L’expansion a duré ¾ de siècle jusqu’à ce que l’augmentation des usages domestiques de l’électricité contraigne la production d’aluminium à trouver de nouvelles sources de courant, au sein des États-Unis d’abord. Les pays en développement ont adopté le chemin suivi auparavant et assuré la continuité. Depuis 2003, la Chine est le premier producteur mondial d’aluminium. La modernisation a touché tous les domaines en même temps, sant apparaître des besoins considérables d’accompagnement. L’économie et la gestion ont construit et développé des bases théoriques et pratiques en réseau, amplifiant l’efficacité des progrès techniques. Ce qu’il a paru intéressant de mettre en lumière dans cette étude, ce sont les interactions durables entre la théorie économique et la production industrielle d’un métal qui a façonné le siècle. / At different times and speeds, depending on the countries concerned, aluminium has transformed both the world of industry and our ways of life. In the early 20th century, the developing world was already divided between North America, where steel and concrete were beginning to shape cities linked by railroads, and Europe, where it was necessary to demolish before rebuilding, and the transformation therefore took longer. Aluminium and hydroelectricity emerged together, heralding a long period of growth that was accelerated by their complementarity. Technical progress in both domains had a snowball effect. The expansion lasted three-quarters of a century, until the rising household demand for electricity forced aluminium producers to look for new sources of energy, firstly in the United States. The developing countries followed the same path and provided continuity. China has been the leading aluminium producer in the world since 2003. Modernisation affected both domains at the same time, creating considerable needs for support. Economics and management sciences have developed theoretical and practical foundations in a network, amplifying the effectiveness of technical advances. The interest of this study lies in our revelation of the lasting interactions between economic theory and industrial production.

An evaluation of the impact of the Non-ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee on copper cable theft

Liebenberg, Andre Sarel 11 1900 (has links)
English, Zulu and Northern Sotho summaries / This study aims to evaluate the Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee's impact on combating copper cable theft in South Africa. Data was collected via in-depth interviews with awaiting trial detainees charged with copper cable theft at the Pollsmoor Correctional Centre in the Western Cape; members of the Mpumalanga and Gauteng Provincial Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee; members of Business Against Crime South Africa; and investigators attached to Combined Private Investigations who investigate copper theft nationally. The in-depth interviews provided a comprehensive understanding of participant experiences relating to the impact of the Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee on the combating of copper cable theft in South Africa. Moreover, the researcher performed a thorough literature study of the phenomenon locally and internationally. Research findings indicate shortcomings in the Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee's effectiveness, limiting its impact on preventing copper cable theft. Based on these findings, the study recommends that the Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee be replaced with a specialised South African Police Service Non-Ferrous Metals Theft Unit. Consequently, this study puts forward a set of recommendations proposing a systematic pro-active plan to address and minimise copper cable theft in South Africa. The proposed plan convincingly presents practical solutions to minimise copper cable theft and contributes to the current body of scholarship on copper cable theft in South Africa. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukuhlola umthelela wohlelo lwe-Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee mayelana nokuqedwa kokutshontshwa kwentambo yogesi (copper cable). Idatha iqoqwe ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezijulile ezenziwa ngokusebenzisa iziboshwa eziboshelwe izintambo zikagesi ezisamele ukugwetshwa ejele lase Pollsmoor Correctional Centre ngaseNtshonalanga Kapa, amalunga eMpumalanga and Gauteng Provincial Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee, amalunga eBusiness Against Crime South Africa kanye nabaphenyi abahambisana nophiko lweCombined Private Investigations oluphenya ukutshontshwa kwezintambo zikagesi ezweni lonke. Lezi zinhlolovo ezijulile zinikeze ulwazi olubanzi lwabadlalindima olumayelana nomthelela weNon-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee mayelana nokuqedwa kokutshontshwa kwezintambo zikagesi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, umcwaningi wenze ucwaningo olunzulu lombhalo wobuciko mayelana nokutshontshwa kwezintambo zikagesi lapha ekhaya kanye nasemhlabeni wonke jikelele. Ulwazi olutholakele lukhombisa iziqi ezikhinyabeza ukusebenza kahle kweKomithi mayelana nokuvimbela umthelela walo mayelana nokutshontshwa kwezintambo zikagesi. Ngezizathu ezisuselwa phezu kwalolu lwazi, lolu cwaningo lubeka phambili isethi lezincomo ezinganceda iKomiti ekuqiniseni umthintela walo ngokuhlongoza uhlelo olugqugquzelayo lokunciphisa izinga lokutshontshwa kwezintambo zikagesi eNingizimu Afrika. Lolu hlelo oluhlongoziwe ngaphandle kokungabaza lwethula izixazululo ezenzeka empilweni yangempela ukunciphisa ukwetshiwa kwezintambo zikagesi kanti lokhu kunegalelo kwiziko lamanje futhi luqhubekisa iziko lamanje lwezifundo esimayelana nokwetshiwa kwezintambo zikagesi. / Maikemisetso a thutelo ye ke go lekola khuetso ya Komiti ya Twantsho ya Bosenyi bja Dimetale tse di Sego tsa Tshipi ka ga go lwantsha kutso ya megala ya koporo. Datha e kgobokeditswe ka mokgwa wa ditherisano tse di tseneletsego tseo di sepeditswego le mahodu a megala ya koporo ao a golegilwego ao a letetsego go sekiswa Senthareng ya Tshokollo ya Pollsmoor go la Kapa Bodikela, maloko a Diprofense tsa Mpumalanga le Gauteng a Komiti ya Twantsho ya Bosenyi bja Dimetale tse di sego tsa Tshipi, maloko a Dikgwebo tsa Kgahlanong le Bosenyi tsa Afrika Borwa le banyakisisi bao ba dirisanago le Dinyakisiso tsa Praebete tse Kopantswego tseo di nyakisisago kutso ya koporo kemong ya bosetshaba. Ditherisano tse di tseneletsego tse di file kwesiso ka botlalo ya maitemogelo a batseakarolo ye e sepelelanago le khuetso ya Komiti ya Twantsho ya Bosenyi bja Dimetale tse di sego tsa Tshipi ka ga go lwantsha kutso ya megala ya koporo. Gape, monyakisisi o dirile thutelo ya dingwalo ka botebo ya kutso ya megala ya koporo tikologong ya leagong le kemong ya boditshabatshaba. Dikhwetso tsa dinyakisiso di supa mafokodi ao a lebanego bokgoni bja Komiti tshitisong ya khuetso ya yona go kutso ya megala ya koporo. Go ya ka dikhwetso tse, thutelo ye e hlagisa sehlopha sa dikeletso tseo di ka thusago Komiti go tswetsa khuetso ya yona pele ka go sisinya leano la go itokisetsa seemo se ka diregago ka mokgwa wo o beakantswego go fokotsa kutso ya megala ya koporo ka Afrika Borwa. Leano leo le sisintswego le hlagisa ka mo go kgodisago ditharollo tse di ka phethagatswago go fokotsa kutso ya megala ya koporo ka gona la ba la seabe go le go tswetsa pele popego ya bjale ya borutegi ka ga kutso ya megala ya koporo. / Criminology and Security Science / Ph. D. (Criminal Justice)

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