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The American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) require the use of the statistically based quality assurance (QA) specifications for construction materials. As a result, many of the state highway agencies (SHAs) have implemented the use of a QA specification for highway construction. For these statistically based QA specifications, quality characteristics of most construction materials are assumed normally distributed, however, the normality assumption can be violated in several forms. Distribution of data can be skewed, kurtosis induced, or bimodal. If the process shows evidence of a significant departure from normality, then the quality measures calculated may be erroneous.
In this research study, an extended QA data analysis model is proposed which will significantly improve the Type I error and power of the F-test and t-test, and remove bias estimates of Percent within Limit (PWL) based pay factor calculation. For the F-test, three alternative tests are proposed when sampling distribution is non-normal. These are: 1) Levene’s test; 2) Brown and Forsythe’s test; and 3) O’Brien’s test. One alternative method is proposed for the t-test, which is the non-parametric Wilcoxon - Mann – Whitney Sign Rank test. For PWL based pay factor calculation when lot data suffer non-normality, three schemes were investigated, which are: 1) simple transformation methods, 2) The Clements method, and 3) Modified Box-Cox transformation using “Golden Section Search” method.
The Monte Carlo simulation study revealed that both Levene’s test and Brown and Forsythe’s test are robust alternative tests of variances when underlying sample population distribution is non-normal. Between the t-test and Wilcoxon test, the t-test was found significantly robust even when sample population distribution was severely non-normal. Among the data transformation for PWL based pay factor, the modified Box-Cox transformation using the golden section search method was found to be the most effective in minimizing or removing pay bias. Field QA data was analyzed to validate the model and a Microsoft® Excel macro based software is developed, which can adjust any pay consequences due to non-normality.
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Soviet People with Female Bodies : Performing Beauty and Maternity in Soviet Russia in the mid 1930-1960sGradskova, Yulia January 2007 (has links)
The everyday practices of maternity and beauty are important for the enactment of femininity. This dissertation deals with femininities created in the context of changing ideas about “normality” in Soviet Russia during the mid 1930s-1960s and explores a diversity of norms, discourses and rituals. The main sources are women’s magazines, advice books, and interviews with women living now in three different cities of the Russian Federation – Moscow, Saratov (Volga region) and Ufa (capital of Bashkortostan Republic). The results of the research suggest that some parts of the Soviet discourses on maternity and beauty turn out to be similar to those that were characteristic for other European countries of the same historical period. At the same time the interviews show that the modern practices of medical and welfare institutions, the consumption of clothes as well as advice about appearance and childcare were situated in the context of shortages of goods, women’s work outside of home, rhetorics of the “naturalness” of maternity for every woman as well as that of a woman’s particular need to care about looking nice. Together with the home reproduction of many rural/patriarchal rituals of maternity and beauty it led to a contradictory everyday performance of femininity. Fluctuating categories of social status, ethnical belonging, geographical location and generation also contributed to a diversity of femininity constructions. Common sense normativities concerning practices of becoming a mother, caring for a baby and making oneself beautiful suggest that Soviet discourses on maternity and beauty were only partly accepted and reproduced by women. They were also partly rejected and subverted in everyday practices. The analysis of maternity and beauty practices shows that performative femininities were utterly complex. / <p>Boken innehåller en sammanfattning på ryska.</p>
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Rätten att benämna : Maktutövning i Amalie Skrams psykiatriromaner / The right to name : The excercise of power in Amalie Skram's psychiatry novelsLönnlöv, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
Amalie Skram (1846-1905) was born in Norway but lived in Denmark. She published several books about gender relations and built up a reputation as a naturalistic writer. In 1894, a nervous breakdown made her seek help from the famous psychiatrist Knud Pontoppidan. He sent her to an asylum, but she returned home after spending two months in psychiatric care. In 1895, Skram published two novels about the painter Else Kant, based on her own experiences but not written as autobiographies. The books, Professor Hieronimus and På Sct. Jørgen, came to be part of an ongoing debate about the rights of psychiatric patients. My purpose is to analyze the exercise of power in Skram's portrayal of psychiatry, especially the way it is gendered. The power relations are examined with concepts established by Foucault in his power analysis and with relevant medical history as a context. I treat the books as fictive narratives, that should not be seen as describing Skram's own experiences. My result actualizes several of Foucault's main concepts. Psychiatry works through the power to define – the right to give a name. Psychiatry define what madness is, and thus what normality is. The patient is, when defined as mad, also defined as unable to tell the truth about herself and the world. The treatment is a project of normalization and moral upbringing, where the patient is required to learn the norms she is thought to lack, and also to control her feelings instead of expressing them. Hysteria is the diagnosis for expressing strong feelings and can be read as an opposition to the male society, as well as the medical system. Gazes play a big part in these two books. Else is looked at by the medical, defining, gaze. She is herself observing the psychiatry and uses her gaze to look at the other patients in a way that raises questions about both abnormality and normality. In my reading, the gaze exercises power and the so called "male gaze" can also be used by women. The text is ambivalent concerning Else's possible madness. She is described as troubled and almost psychotic in the beginning, but later as sane. My conclusion is that Else gains her own form of sanity, not because of the treatment, but as a way of opposing it. Else is never made an object by the objectifying medical gaze. Instead, she creates herself as an agent and a subject. She is defined as mad, but is determined to in turn define and describe the psychiatry as a form of counter-power.
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Experimental Design With Short-tailed And Long-tailed Symmetric Error DistributionsYilmaz, Yildiz Elif 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
One-way and two-way classification models in experimental design for both balanced and unbalanced cases are considered when the errors have Generalized Secant Hyperbolic distribution. Efficient and robust estimators for main and interaction effects are obtained by using the modified maximum likelihood estimation (MML) technique. The test statistics analogous to the normal-theory F statistics are defined to test main and interaction effects and a test statistic for testing linear contrasts is defined. It is shown that test statistics based on MML estimators are efficient and robust. The methodogy obtained is also generalized to situations where the error distributions from block to block are non-identical.
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Bayesian Learning Under NonnormalityYilmaz, Yildiz Elif 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Naive Bayes classifier and maximum likelihood hypotheses in Bayesian learning are considered when the errors have non-normal distribution. For location and scale parameters, efficient and robust estimators that are obtained by using the modified maximum likelihood estimation (MML) technique are used. In naive Bayes classifier, the error distributions from class to class and from feature to feature are assumed to be non-identical and Generalized Secant Hyperbolic (GSH) and Generalized Logistic (GL) distribution families have been used instead of normal distribution. It is shown that the non-normal naive Bayes classifier obtained in this way classifies the data more accurately than the one based on the normality assumption. Furthermore, the maximum likelihood (ML) hypotheses are obtained under the assumption of non-normality, which also produce better results compared to the conventional ML approach.
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Normal WhatFriend, Zoe L January 2005 (has links)
Master of Visual Arts / The title Normal What refers to a group of paintings that emerged from my Masters of Visual Arts 2004/05 studio project. Individual paintings are chronological self portrait reflecting upon my own experiences and those in the wider community who at some point in their lives have had to endure the struggles, and negative stigma that is so often attached to those who have become marginalised and detached from mainstream society. People found in this category include the disabled, homeless, unemployed, and those with addiction problems. Each painting bears a close connection with techniques associated with abstract expressionist painting. This radiates through the vast expanse of drips, stains and explosions which appear to suffocate the paintings delicate monochrome surface. Strong references to Kristeva’s theory on Abjection arrive through the aggressive and violent outbursts of paint that evoke an atmosphere of symbolic horror, personal dysfunction and social oppression. This emerges out of the shadows and private spaces of the painting’s domestic interior. Deep emotional, psychological, sociological sensitivities are raised throughout my studio practice. Combined with a series of unresolved tensions, and questions surrounding normality run deep a consequence of society’s push for normality are being felt most acutely by those effected by this form of sociology. The ideas raised through my studio project had a profound influence on the research being conducted for the dissertation. Kristeva’s theory on Abjection, along side the practices of Eva Hesse, Barnett Newman, Agnes Martin emerged from a group of highly emotional abstract paintings. This strengthened the connection between the studio project and the dissertation. Aimed at deepening a personal understanding an commitment to researching the subject of normality and how it could be successfully articulated through a visual narrative.
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Modeling Recurrent Gap Times Through Conditional GEELiu, Hai Yan 16 August 2018 (has links)
We present a theoretical approach to the statistical analysis of the dependence of the gap time length between consecutive recurrent events, on a set of explanatory random variables and in the presence of right censoring. The dependence is expressed through regression-like and overdispersion parameters, estimated via estimating functions and equations. The mean and variance of the length of each gap time, conditioned on the observed history of prior events and other covariates, are known functions of parameters and covariates, and are part of the estimating functions. Under certain conditions on censoring, we construct normalized estimating functions that are asymptotically unbiased and contain only observed data. We then use modern mathematical techniques to prove the existence, consistency and asymptotic normality of a sequence of estimators of the parameters. Simulations support our theoretical results.
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Controle de qualidade de análises de solos da rede Rolas - RS/SC e procedimentos estatísticos alternativos / Quality control of soil analysis fron a network of laboratories and alternatives of statistical proceduresGriebeler, Gustavo 15 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Soil chemical analysis must be accurate to avoid errors in the recommendations of lime and fertilizers. The quality control program of the ROLAS-RS/SC network evaluates the analysis accuracy by the distance of a result, through standard deviation, from the median of four soil samples analyzed monthly during a year. This way of judgment requires that data sets must have normal distribution to insure that the median can be considered an estimation of the true value. Outliers should be eliminated because they change the standard deviation spreads and consequently, the accuracy. The mathematical procedure of the accuracy calculation may also allow that asterisks attributed to accurate data might be poised by accurate ones. In addition, the cancellation criteria of the asterisks may be at odds with the uncertainty associated with analytical methods. Therefore, the objective of this work was to check the normal distribution of data sets, identify outliers, evaluate procedures of accuracy calculation and quantify analytically the uncertainty associated to the extractions and determination methods of P and K in order to verify how these aspects may affect laboratories accuracy. The Lilliefors test was run to check the normality and outliers were identified through the quartile test. Procedures to evaluate the accuracy by normality adjustment through outliers elimination of data sets were tested. The substitution of the median by the average as criteria of central reference and calculation of accuracy for each attribute analyzed, instead of annual average accuracy was also tested. Repetitions of the analysis of P and K were carried out to determine the intrinsic variability of the methods. Only 59% of data followed normal distribution, indicating that 41% of the attributes analyzed were considered in disaccordance with statical assumptions. When outliers were eliminated of the data sets, analyzes with normal distribution increased up to 75%, which decreased the number of laboratories that had the minimum accuracy required by the laboratories network. When data sets have normal distribution, the use of the average instead of median showed to be better for the estimation of the true value. Data sets out of the analytical expected range should be eliminated, while those framed within it, if amplitude is less than 1,5 interquartile distances, should not be excluded for the calculation of the accuracy. The procedure to calculate annual average accuracy hide attributes less accurate then the minimal the required. The intrinsic variability associated with the methods of analysis indicates that the criteria for the cancellation of asterisks from P should be reassessed, but the criteria for K seem to be appropriate. Studies on the variability of each analytical method are needed. / Os resultados de análises químicas de amostras de solo devem apresentar exatidão satisfatória para que não sejam induzidos erros de recomendação da adubação e calagem. O controle de qualidade dos laboratórios da rede ROLAS-RS/SC avalia a exatidão média anual dos resultados, sendo a mesma estabelecida em função do afastamento em desvios padrão de um resultado em relação à mediana das análise de cada uma das amostras de solo realizadas ao longo do ano. Nesse sistema, é necessário que os dados apresentem distribuição normal para que a mediana seja assumida como estimativa do valor central das amostras de solos, associada à ausência de outliers, pois estes alteram a magnitude do desvio padrão e, consequentemente, a exatidão. O procedimento matemático de cálculo da exatidão média também pode permitir que os asteriscos recebidos em atributos de análise inexatos sejam contrabalanceados pelos atributos exatos. Além disso, os critérios de cancelamento de asteriscos podem estar em desacordo com a incerteza analítica associada aos métodos. Portanto, o objetivo do trabalho foi testar a distribuição normal dos resultados do controle de qualidade da rede ROLAS-RS/SC, identificar a presença de outliers, avaliar o procedimento de cálculo da exatidão e quantificar analiticamente a incerteza associada aos métodos de extração e determinação de P e K para verificar como estes fatores podem afetar a exatidão dos laboratórios. O teste de Lilliefors foi aplicado para avaliar a normalidade e os outliers foram identificados pelo método dos quartis. Procedimentos para avaliar a exatidão pelo ajuste à distribuição normal através da eliminação dos outliers foram testados, além da substituição da mediana pela média e avaliação do procedimento de cálculo da exatidão por atributo de análise das amostras de solo ao invés da exatidão média de todos os atributos. Repetições das análises de P e K foram realizadas para verificar a variabilidade intrínseca dos métodos. Somente 59% dos dados apresentaram distribuição normal, indicando que 41% das análises foram avaliadas em desacordo com os pressupostos estatísticos. A exclusão dos outliers elevou de 59 para 75% o número de análises com distribuição normal, que tornou o método de avaliação mais rígido, uma vez que diminuiu o número de laboratórios com a exatidão mínima exigida de 85%. Em dados com distribuição normal, a média parece melhor estimar o valor verdadeiro que a mediana. Dados sem distribuição normal por ultrapassarem as faixas de trabalho devem ser eliminados, enquanto aqueles enquadrados dentro das faixas de trabalho e que apresentam amplitude inferior a 1,5 vezes a distância interquartílica não devem ser excluídos para o cálculo da exatidão. O procedimento que calcula a exatidão média anual oculta atributos com exatidão inferior ao mínimo preconizado pelo sistema. A variabilidade intrínseca associada aos métodos de análise indica que os critérios de cancelamento de asteriscos do P devem ser reavaliados enquanto os critérios referentes ao K parecem estar adequados, contudo, deve-se aprofundar os es
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A relação sofrimento/prazer dos empresários do setor de seguros no exercício da sua atividade profissionalSouto, Claúdia Helena Oliveira de 23 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2017-07-19T13:14:18Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-23 / This work aims at understanding the relation between suffering and pleasure of broker
businessmen occur, considering the elements that they encounter in their daily work
routine. This purpose is developed in specific objectives that focus on understanding
how these entrepreneurs organize themselves in their work activity in order to face the
problems related to their profession, in the following plans: their relation with the
collective of profession and the systems of defence collectively established; the
resources that they use to remain in the normal field and the moment that these
resources reveal insufficiency; the forms of recognition or the lack of it, subordinates,
clients and suppliers and the level of dynamic balance that the participant can achieve in
relation to the activities demanded by the company and his private life, including the
family. Ten insurance businessmen from the city of João Pessoa / PB participated in this
study, who met the requirements of having at least five years of experience in business
activity, being responsible for the administration of their companies and being Official
Insurance Brokers, qualified by the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP). The
theoretical framework that supported this study was the Psychodynamics of Work.
Regarding the method, this research is characterized by being a field study, of a
qualitative nature, comprising the following instruments: socio-demographic
questionnaire, with the interviewee's professional data and a semi-structured interview.
The analysis of the data was developed through the analysis of content snippet by
themes. It was identified that despite working in solitude, the entrepreneur, as well as
his employee, needs a collective environment to count on, even if it is a contestant; most
of them have diseases that have been caused or aggravated by their work and that all of
them have had stresses resulting from this activity. It was also verified that, in the
struggle for normality, entrepreneurs use strategies to get out of suffering problems; the
recognition of their work has fundamental importance for the performance of their
activity and that in the company / family relationship there is no classic separation
between work and non-work, since the company not only interferes in the family, but is
part of it. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral compreender como se configura a relação
sofrimento e prazer dos empresários corretores de seguros diante dos elementos que
enfrentam em seu dia a dia de trabalho. Tal propósito se desdobra em objetivos
específicos que pretendem compreender como esses empresários se organizam em sua
atividade de trabalho para o enfrentamento de problemas inerentes à sua profissão, nos
seguintes planos: de sua relação com o coletivo de profissão e os sistemas de defesa
coletivamente erigidos; dos recursos que utilizam para manter-se no campo da
normalidade e em que momento tais recursos se mostram insuficientes; das formas de
reconhecimento ou a falta dele por parte de seus pares, subordinados, clientes e
fornecedores; do nível de equilíbrio dinâmico que o participante consegue ter entre as
atividades demandadas pela sua empresa e pela sua vida particular, incluindo aí, a
família. Participaram deste estudo dez empresários do ramo de seguros da cidade de
João Pessoa/PB, os quais atenderam os pré-requisitos de terem no mínimo cinco anos de
experiência na atividade empresarial, serem responsáveis pela administração de suas
empresas e serem Corretores Oficiais de Seguros, devidamente habilitados pela
Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP). O aporte teórico que embasou este
estudo foi a Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Quanto ao método, esta pesquisa se caracteriza
por ser um estudo de campo, de natureza qualitativa, no qual foram aplicados os
seguintes instrumentos: questionário sócio demográfico, questionário com os dados
profissionais do entrevistado e uma entrevista semiestruturada. Para a análise dos dados,
a perspectiva adotada foi a análise de conteúdo com recortes por temas. Constatou-se
que apesar de trabalhar na solidão, o empresário, assim como seu funcionário, necessita
de um coletivo para poder contar, mesmo que este seja formado pelos seus
concorrentes; que a maioria deles tem doenças que foram causadas ou agravadas em
virtude do seu trabalho e que todos já tiveram quadros de estresses decorrentes desta
atividade. Verificou-se ainda que, na luta pela normalidade os empresários utilizam
estratégias para sair do quadro de sofrimento; que o reconhecimento do seu trabalho é
de fundamental importância para o desempenho da sua atividade, e que na relação
empresa/família não existe a separação clássica entre dentro-do-trabalho e fora-dotrabalho,
uma vez que, a empresa não só interfere na família, mas faz parte da mesma.
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Algebras de ReesMacedo, Ricardo Burity Croccia 15 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this work, we present the notion of Rees algebra of an ideal and some of its basic properties.
Such concept is related to the normality of rings and ideals, and to reductions of ideals as well.
Finally, we shall exhibit the Rees algebra of a module, proving some generalizations of results in
the case of ideals. / Neste trabalho, apresentaremos a noção de álgebra de Rees de um ideal e propriedades básicas.
Tal conceito será relacionado com normalidade de anéis e ideais, e redução de ideais. Por fim,
exibiremos a álgebra de Rees de um módulo, mostrando algumas generalizações de resultados do
caso de ideais.
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