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Contribution of local-level trade in non timber forest products to rural development in Rashad locality of Nuba Mountains, SudanOmar Adam Gumaa, Yahia 03 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The principal aim of the study was to investigate the extent and under which conditions does local-level trade in Adansonia digitata, Ziziphus spina-christi and Balanites aegyptiaca fruits contribute to rural development- poverty alleviation- in Rashad of Nuba Mountains, Sudan. Purposive sampling technique was applied to select the 221 household collectors and 62 household traders in 2008/2009. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through several methods including interviews, household survey, market surveys, direct observations, and through literature review. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the production-to-consumption system (PCS) of the three products and to assess their contribution to household income and expenditure. The results indicate that the contribution to total household‟s income was 51%, 42% and 26% for A. digitata, Z. spina-christi and B. aegyptiaca fruits, respectively. The A. digitata fruits case study represents accumulative and subsistence livelihood strategies; while Z. spina-christi and B. aegyptiaca fruits case studies represent a subsistence livelihood strategy for the households. The results also show that the financial returns from local-level trade in the selected NTFPs were negatively affected by different factors related to products markets, base resource, participants‟ attributes, and the political environment under which the products are traded. The study concluded that any assumption regarding the potential of the NTFPs case studies to affect rural development positively depends on the role of the product in financial capital creation and the related accumulative strategy. Thus, attention paid to not assume that all NTFPs have a potential for rural development- push people out of poverty. To promote the local-level trade in the studied NTFPs and influence future direction of their financial returns toward accumulative strategy, interventions and supports (e.g. access to microfinance, capacity building and organization of the actors, market information and resource management) are important. / Das Hauptziel der Studie bestand darin zu untersuchen, in welchem Maße und unter welchen Bedingungen der Handel mit Früchten von Adansonia digitata, Ziziphus spina-christi und Balanites aegyptiaca zur Armutsbekämpfung in Rashad im Gebirge Nuba Mountains, Sudan beiträgt. Das zielgerichtete Probenahmeverfahren wurde eingesetzt, um 221 Sammler und 62 Händler von Haushalten im Zeitraum 2008/2009 auszuwählen. Quantitative und qualitative Daten wurden durch mehrere Methoden erhoben, die Interviews, Haushaltserhebungen, direkte Beobachtungen sowie Literaturanalysen umfassen. Sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Methoden kamen zum Einsatz, um das System von der Produktion zur Konsumption der drei Produkte zu analysieren und deren Beitrag zu den Einnahmen und Ausgaben der Haushalte zu beurteilen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Beitrag zum Haushaltsgesamteinkommen 51%, 42% bzw. 26% für A. digitata, Z. spina-christi bzw. B. aegyptiaca Früchte betrug. Die A. digitata Früchte-Fallstudie zeigt akkumulations- und eigenbedarfsorientierte Lebensunterhalts- und Erwerbsstrategien; während die Fallstudien zu den Früchten von Z. spina-christi und B. aegyptiaca eine Eigenbedarfs-Lebensunterhaltsstrategie für die Haushalte darstellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen auch, dass die finanzielle Rendite vom Handel auf lokaler Ebene mit ausgewählten NTFP„s (Nichtholzprodukten) durch verschiedene Faktoren negativ beeinflusst wurde, die in Beziehung stehen mit den Märkten für die Erzeugnisse, mit der Ressource Baum, den Einstellungen der Teilnehmer und dem politischen Umfeld, in welchem die Produkte gehandelt wurden. Die Untersuchung legt den Schluss nahe, dass jede Annahme bezüglich des Potentials von NTFP-Fallstudien, die ländliche Entwicklung positiv zu beeinflussen, von der Rolle des Produkts bei der Bildung von Finanzkapital und der damit in Beziehung stehenden akkumulativen Strategie abhängig ist. Somit wird die Aufmerksamkeit darauf gelenkt, dass nicht angenommen werden kann, dass alle NTFP„s ein Potenzial für die ländliche Entwicklung haben, und somit die Menschen aus der Armut herausführen. Den Handel der untersuchten NTFP‟s auf lokaler Ebene zu fördern, und die künftige Richtung des finanziellen Gewinns hinsichtlich akkumulativer Strategie, Interventionen und Hilfeleistungen (z.B. Zugang zu Mikrofinanzen, Kapazitätsaufbau und Organisation von Akteuren, Marktinformationen und Ressourcenmanagement) zu beeinflussen, ist bedeutsam.
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Contribution of local-level trade in non timber forest products to rural development in Rashad locality of Nuba Mountains, SudanOmar Adam Gumaa, Yahia 22 July 2011 (has links)
The principal aim of the study was to investigate the extent and under which conditions does local-level trade in Adansonia digitata, Ziziphus spina-christi and Balanites aegyptiaca fruits contribute to rural development- poverty alleviation- in Rashad of Nuba Mountains, Sudan. Purposive sampling technique was applied to select the 221 household collectors and 62 household traders in 2008/2009. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through several methods including interviews, household survey, market surveys, direct observations, and through literature review. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the production-to-consumption system (PCS) of the three products and to assess their contribution to household income and expenditure. The results indicate that the contribution to total household‟s income was 51%, 42% and 26% for A. digitata, Z. spina-christi and B. aegyptiaca fruits, respectively. The A. digitata fruits case study represents accumulative and subsistence livelihood strategies; while Z. spina-christi and B. aegyptiaca fruits case studies represent a subsistence livelihood strategy for the households. The results also show that the financial returns from local-level trade in the selected NTFPs were negatively affected by different factors related to products markets, base resource, participants‟ attributes, and the political environment under which the products are traded. The study concluded that any assumption regarding the potential of the NTFPs case studies to affect rural development positively depends on the role of the product in financial capital creation and the related accumulative strategy. Thus, attention paid to not assume that all NTFPs have a potential for rural development- push people out of poverty. To promote the local-level trade in the studied NTFPs and influence future direction of their financial returns toward accumulative strategy, interventions and supports (e.g. access to microfinance, capacity building and organization of the actors, market information and resource management) are important. / Das Hauptziel der Studie bestand darin zu untersuchen, in welchem Maße und unter welchen Bedingungen der Handel mit Früchten von Adansonia digitata, Ziziphus spina-christi und Balanites aegyptiaca zur Armutsbekämpfung in Rashad im Gebirge Nuba Mountains, Sudan beiträgt. Das zielgerichtete Probenahmeverfahren wurde eingesetzt, um 221 Sammler und 62 Händler von Haushalten im Zeitraum 2008/2009 auszuwählen. Quantitative und qualitative Daten wurden durch mehrere Methoden erhoben, die Interviews, Haushaltserhebungen, direkte Beobachtungen sowie Literaturanalysen umfassen. Sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Methoden kamen zum Einsatz, um das System von der Produktion zur Konsumption der drei Produkte zu analysieren und deren Beitrag zu den Einnahmen und Ausgaben der Haushalte zu beurteilen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Beitrag zum Haushaltsgesamteinkommen 51%, 42% bzw. 26% für A. digitata, Z. spina-christi bzw. B. aegyptiaca Früchte betrug. Die A. digitata Früchte-Fallstudie zeigt akkumulations- und eigenbedarfsorientierte Lebensunterhalts- und Erwerbsstrategien; während die Fallstudien zu den Früchten von Z. spina-christi und B. aegyptiaca eine Eigenbedarfs-Lebensunterhaltsstrategie für die Haushalte darstellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen auch, dass die finanzielle Rendite vom Handel auf lokaler Ebene mit ausgewählten NTFP„s (Nichtholzprodukten) durch verschiedene Faktoren negativ beeinflusst wurde, die in Beziehung stehen mit den Märkten für die Erzeugnisse, mit der Ressource Baum, den Einstellungen der Teilnehmer und dem politischen Umfeld, in welchem die Produkte gehandelt wurden. Die Untersuchung legt den Schluss nahe, dass jede Annahme bezüglich des Potentials von NTFP-Fallstudien, die ländliche Entwicklung positiv zu beeinflussen, von der Rolle des Produkts bei der Bildung von Finanzkapital und der damit in Beziehung stehenden akkumulativen Strategie abhängig ist. Somit wird die Aufmerksamkeit darauf gelenkt, dass nicht angenommen werden kann, dass alle NTFP„s ein Potenzial für die ländliche Entwicklung haben, und somit die Menschen aus der Armut herausführen. Den Handel der untersuchten NTFP‟s auf lokaler Ebene zu fördern, und die künftige Richtung des finanziellen Gewinns hinsichtlich akkumulativer Strategie, Interventionen und Hilfeleistungen (z.B. Zugang zu Mikrofinanzen, Kapazitätsaufbau und Organisation von Akteuren, Marktinformationen und Ressourcenmanagement) zu beeinflussen, ist bedeutsam.
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Relationship between woody biodiversity and use of non-timber forest products in the Savanna Biome of South AfricaDovie, Benjamin Delali Komla 16 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9904953T -
PhD thesis -
School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Science -
Faculty of Science / This study seeks to combine the knowledge of science and society to elicit the relationship
between the harvesting of woody plant species and the local availability of woody species in
South African savannas. Ten villages located in the former communal areas and homelands
within three broad vegetation types (i.e., Mixed lowveld bushveld, Eastern thorn bushveld,
and Natal lowveld bushveld) were studied. The study, conducted in the framework of the
coupled human-environment system poses challenges to both scientists and managers (e.g.,
setting common goals). Data were collected using modified Whittaker plots (MWP) and
focus group discussions (FGD), denoting ecology and society, respectively. There were nine
1000m² MWP plots sampled per village, each having nested 1m², 10m² and 100m² subplots.
The FGD involved six groups of local people based on gender and age. The study revealed
that the harvesting of woody plant species is a source of local disturbance to woody
vegetation. Generally, there were more woody species in locations farther from settlements,
having a mean of 41.97 ± 3.9, than for the intermediate (38.27 ± 5.6) and near locations (19.9
± 4.2) within the 1000m² plots, the result of the reduction in species closer to settlements
from higher harvesting levels. The larger sampling plot size of 1000m² of the MWP had the
highest diversity, decreasing sequentially to the smallest scale (1m²). The density of the
woody species was highest in the intermediate locations (517 ± 80 plants/ha), followed by the
far and near, relative to the settlements. The Natal lowveld bushveld broad vegetation type
had the highest mean density of trees (573 ± 71 trees/ha) compared to the Mixed lowveld
bushveld (366 ± 64 trees/ha) and the Eastern thorn bushveld (312 ± 40 trees/ha). The stem
diameters of trees were generally higher in the villages of the Mixed lowveld bushveld than
the other two vegetation types. The study reaffirmed that anthropogenic disturbances within
savannas impact vegetation and need to be studied concurrently with other disturbance
factors (e.g., biotic and abiotic or environmental). The mean total coppice shoots of stumps
within the 1000m² plots was relatively higher in the near locations (38.4%), than the far
(33.0%) and intermediate (28.7%). This difference in coppicing shows that although near
locations were less species rich, which is a result of disturbance, the growth of shoots may
nevertheless be greater. Harvesting disturbance will possibly favour the regeneration of some
species, as well as the maintenance of biodiversity. Whilst 135 woody species (from a total
191 from 42 plant families) sampled in the field were used by the local people, the
community knowledge yielded almost twice as many (267 species, from 69 plant families).
The ratio of mean useful woody species to total woody species remained relatively constant
at about 1.0:1.1 from the near to far locations around the villages and accompanied by increased woody species diversity with distance from village. The MWP sampling yielded
eight broad use categories (i.e., medicinal, wild edible fruits, fuelwood, housing and fencing
poles, craft (e.g., carving), cultural, local beverages (e.g., alcohol)), and nine for the FGD (the
eight for the MWP plus indigenous furniture). According to the local people, the highest
number of species was used for medicine (27.8% of species), followed by fuelwood (19.2%)
and wild edible fruits/seeds (19.1%). Over half of the species had multiple uses (i.e., three to
eight uses), raising questions of possible threats to their persistence. Useful woody species
were not restricted to any particular location or vegetation type. Large sized trees were
subjected to even more uses than smaller trees, another source of conservation concern.
Fifteen of the woody plant species are presently protected by law in South Africa (e.g.,
Adansonia digitata, Podocarpus latifolius, Mimusops caffra, Philenoptera violacea), while
others are facing various forms of regional threats (e.g., Alberta magna, Catha edulis, Ocotea
bullata). There is the need to popularise and make people (both local and outsiders) aware of
the state of NTFP species, using local and village level information as an additional criterion
for describing conservation threat (e.g., proposed “Locally Brown List” – Chapter 4). The
older generation of local people were highly knowledgeable in terms of the woody species
used for medicine, craft, fencing and housing poles, the middle aged in beverage making
species, and the younger generation in fuelwood species. Overall, older males were highly
knowledgeable of the useful species. The generally strong correlation (r = 0.99, p <0.0001)
between the cumulative woody species diversity from field and community knowledge
suggests the need to integrate data using multi-disciplinary approach and also to manage
NTFP species. Although threat reduction assessments (TRA) and monitoring have previously
been suggested, the participation of local people, harvesters and users will be crucial in
making TRAs effective. In conclusion, the harvesting of NTFPs, and the impacts of the
changes in the NTFP species on total diversity in savannas need to be understood in order to
move towards a more holistic approach to conserving the woody species that may be at risk
of extinction through harvesting. Disturbance criteria that describe harvesting levels should
be set to guide research and management protocols. Finally, when discussing NTFPs and the
species from which they are harvested, management should aim at incorporating all the
factors that affect sustainability, such as land and resource tenure and local participation, the
political economy, appropriate production and development cycles.
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Institutional dynamics and forest use practices in the Santchou Landscape of CameroonKimengsi, Jude Ndzifon, Mukong, Alfred Kechia, Giessen, Lukas, Pretzsch, Jürgen 06 March 2023 (has links)
Forest-linked institutions are rapidly changing in sub-Saharan Africa – suggesting the need for renewed evidence. While growing qualitative evidence suggests changes in forest-linked institutions, there is the dearth of quantitative evidence on the extent of change in institutions and how this shapes forest use practices. To stem this knowledge gap, we draw from a representative sample of 200 forest-dependent households around the Santchou forest landscape, complemented by key informant interviews (N = 17) and focus group discussions (N = 11). We quantitatively analyzed changes in forest-linked institutions and their effects on forest use practices using a twostage least square (2SLS) approach with heteroscedasticity-based instruments. We corroborate the evidence with thematic analysis ad narratives. We first identified and characterized the structural and functional attributes of forest-linked institutions, and then estimate the effect of structural and functional changes on forest use practices. The results suggest the following: First, traditional council and secret society exhibit similar functional attributes and are dominant forest-linked institutions in the Santchou landscape. Second, endogenously-rooted institutional structures and processes have an exogenous origin. Institutions which were hitherto not designed to regulate forest use have installed themselves as influential regulators of forest use. Third, more than half of the customs and norms have changed over time; some are in a state of dormancy, others have witnessed numerical increase, and others have declined. Functional attributes negatively and significantly explain forest use practices; however, the effect varies between attributes. Finally, farm-based occupation significantly intensifies the level of forest dependency. Future studies are required to uncover the extent to which the different types of farm practices influence forest use practices. From a policy standpoint, emphasis should be placed on the promotion of cultivable NTFPs to complement and reverse the current positive association with farm-based occupation.
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The Distance from Necessity: A Bourdieusian Analysis of Gathering Practices in VermontPierce, Alan Robert 13 January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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On Small Mammal Sympatry in the Southeastern Amazon and Ecological Relationships with Brazil Nut Dispersal and HarvestingSolorzano-Filho, Jorge Alberto 03 March 2010 (has links)
The Amazon rainforest harbors the planet's highest biodiversity among terrestrial ecosystems; however, the biology and ecology of most of its species are unknown. Niche partitioning is considered a key factor allowing species co-existence, especially for morphological similar species such as spiny rats of the genus Proechimys. I examined the extent to which habitat differentiation, species body mass, and diet could explain the community composition of small mammals at a site in the southeastern Amazon. Moreover, I radio-tagged sympatric species of Proechimys spp. and Mesomys stimulax (an arboreal spiny rat) to obtain detailed autoecology information, including habitat use and use of space. I found support for niche partitioning among species and associated small mammal species with distinct successional phases of gap dynamics. I also observed among Proechimys spp. a typical polygynous organization: females appeared to be territorial against females of any species of their genus; but male territories overlapped with those of several females. Mesomys stimulax showed evidence of monogamy and possible sociality, although sample sizes were small. To identify the importance of small mammals as seed disperser of Brazil nut seeds, I conduct experiments using a combination of fluorescent powder, seed exclosures, and track plates in forests with and without Brazil nut groves, and in forests with and without Brazil nut harvesting. Among small mammals, only Proechimys spp. removed, dispersed, and preyed upon Brazil nut seeds. Proechimys spp. sometimes scatterhoarded these seeds, and hence have the potential to play a significant role in recruiting new Brazil nut trees. I also trapped small mammals and measured forest structures on the same sites used for the seed dispersal experiment, to determine the ecological effects of Brazil nut harvest on small mammal communities; however, my results showed little evidence of changes associated with the seed exploitation. My results highlight the importance of habitat heterogeneity in structuring small mammal communities, and indicate that forest management practices that alter habitats, such as partial logging, also can be expected to alter small mammal composition and diversity. Proechimys spp. have the potential to play an important role in the ecological restoration of intensive exploited Brazil nut groves.
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On Small Mammal Sympatry in the Southeastern Amazon and Ecological Relationships with Brazil Nut Dispersal and HarvestingSolorzano-Filho, Jorge Alberto 03 March 2010 (has links)
The Amazon rainforest harbors the planet's highest biodiversity among terrestrial ecosystems; however, the biology and ecology of most of its species are unknown. Niche partitioning is considered a key factor allowing species co-existence, especially for morphological similar species such as spiny rats of the genus Proechimys. I examined the extent to which habitat differentiation, species body mass, and diet could explain the community composition of small mammals at a site in the southeastern Amazon. Moreover, I radio-tagged sympatric species of Proechimys spp. and Mesomys stimulax (an arboreal spiny rat) to obtain detailed autoecology information, including habitat use and use of space. I found support for niche partitioning among species and associated small mammal species with distinct successional phases of gap dynamics. I also observed among Proechimys spp. a typical polygynous organization: females appeared to be territorial against females of any species of their genus; but male territories overlapped with those of several females. Mesomys stimulax showed evidence of monogamy and possible sociality, although sample sizes were small. To identify the importance of small mammals as seed disperser of Brazil nut seeds, I conduct experiments using a combination of fluorescent powder, seed exclosures, and track plates in forests with and without Brazil nut groves, and in forests with and without Brazil nut harvesting. Among small mammals, only Proechimys spp. removed, dispersed, and preyed upon Brazil nut seeds. Proechimys spp. sometimes scatterhoarded these seeds, and hence have the potential to play a significant role in recruiting new Brazil nut trees. I also trapped small mammals and measured forest structures on the same sites used for the seed dispersal experiment, to determine the ecological effects of Brazil nut harvest on small mammal communities; however, my results showed little evidence of changes associated with the seed exploitation. My results highlight the importance of habitat heterogeneity in structuring small mammal communities, and indicate that forest management practices that alter habitats, such as partial logging, also can be expected to alter small mammal composition and diversity. Proechimys spp. have the potential to play an important role in the ecological restoration of intensive exploited Brazil nut groves.
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Monitoramento dos efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos da comercialização de produtos florestais não madereiros / Monitoring the ecological and socioeconomic effects of the commercialization of non-timber forest productsBrites, Alice Dantas 13 October 2010 (has links)
A comercialização de produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNMs) popularizou-se como atividade promotora do desenvolvimento socioeconômico de comunidades florestais com baixo impacto ambiental. Há evidências, contudo, de que a exploração possa produzir efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos negativos, sugerindo que é necessário monitorar tais iniciativas. A comercialização frequentemente ocorre em áreas remotas e em contextos de pobreza, como é o caso de muitas daquelas da Amazônia brasileira. Desta forma, é necessário que o monitoramento restrinja-se a avaliar os efeitos evidenciados como mais comuns em estudos anteriores. Este estudo revisa e sintetiza as evidências científicas dos efeitos da exploração de PFNMs sobre parâmetros ecológicos e socioeconômicos e, a partir daí, indica aqueles mais relevantes ao monitoramento. O estudo também levanta até que ponto o monitoramento é implementado no contexto da Amazônia brasileira e avalia quais os parâmetros importantes e viáveis de monitoramento neste caso específico. Para isso, foram realizadas revisões sistemáticas da literatura e a consulta a profissionais da área através do método Delphi. Os resultados indicam que efeitos ecológicos negativos são frequentes, principalmente quando se coletam folhas ou cascas. Alterações em órgãos ou processos fisiológicos e a taxa de sobrevivência dos espécimes explorados são parâmetros que devem ser monitorados, em particular quando se coletam frutos e partes vegetativas. Para todos os tipos de PFNMs, o tamanho e a estrutura populacional são parâmetros prioritários ao monitoramento. A riqueza de espécies da comunidade explorada merece atenção, principalmente quando se coletam frutos. Para os aspectos socioeconômicos, efeitos positivos foram mais frequentes que negativos. A contribuição da renda monetária obtida com o comércio na renda total, a regularidade de ingresso desta renda e o papel dos PFNMs como recursos de salvaguarda são parâmetros do capital financeiro prioritários ao monitoramento. Para o capital social, o empoderamento feminino, a coesão de grupo e o acesso aos benefícios gerados pela comercialização devem ser monitorados. Na Amazônia brasileira são poucas as iniciativas de implementação do monitoramento da comercialização de PFNMs. Embora este seja considerado importante, existem dificuldades que derivam principalmente da falta de apoio institucional, políticas de incentivo e de recursos financeiros. Os profissionais participantes do Delphi consideram que os parâmetros ecológicos mais importantes a monitorar neste contexto são o tamanho e a estrutura populacional do recurso explorado, o aumento da taxa de mortalidade, a quantidade total de recurso extraída e a técnica de coleta utilizada. Para os parâmetros econômicos, aspectos do mercado, como o preço pago ao coletor, a demanda e a qualidade do produto, bem como a renda monetária obtida pelos indivíduos são os parâmetros considerados mais importantes. Por fim, para os aspectos sociais, os efeitos na cultura, na qualidade de vida e na organização interna da comunidade foram priorizados. Os profissionais indicam que é viável estabelecer o monitoramento dos parâmetros levantados. / Amazon, non-timber forest products, ecological effects, socioeconomic effects, monitoring.
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Monitoramento dos efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos da comercialização de produtos florestais não madereiros / Monitoring the ecological and socioeconomic effects of the commercialization of non-timber forest productsAlice Dantas Brites 13 October 2010 (has links)
A comercialização de produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNMs) popularizou-se como atividade promotora do desenvolvimento socioeconômico de comunidades florestais com baixo impacto ambiental. Há evidências, contudo, de que a exploração possa produzir efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos negativos, sugerindo que é necessário monitorar tais iniciativas. A comercialização frequentemente ocorre em áreas remotas e em contextos de pobreza, como é o caso de muitas daquelas da Amazônia brasileira. Desta forma, é necessário que o monitoramento restrinja-se a avaliar os efeitos evidenciados como mais comuns em estudos anteriores. Este estudo revisa e sintetiza as evidências científicas dos efeitos da exploração de PFNMs sobre parâmetros ecológicos e socioeconômicos e, a partir daí, indica aqueles mais relevantes ao monitoramento. O estudo também levanta até que ponto o monitoramento é implementado no contexto da Amazônia brasileira e avalia quais os parâmetros importantes e viáveis de monitoramento neste caso específico. Para isso, foram realizadas revisões sistemáticas da literatura e a consulta a profissionais da área através do método Delphi. Os resultados indicam que efeitos ecológicos negativos são frequentes, principalmente quando se coletam folhas ou cascas. Alterações em órgãos ou processos fisiológicos e a taxa de sobrevivência dos espécimes explorados são parâmetros que devem ser monitorados, em particular quando se coletam frutos e partes vegetativas. Para todos os tipos de PFNMs, o tamanho e a estrutura populacional são parâmetros prioritários ao monitoramento. A riqueza de espécies da comunidade explorada merece atenção, principalmente quando se coletam frutos. Para os aspectos socioeconômicos, efeitos positivos foram mais frequentes que negativos. A contribuição da renda monetária obtida com o comércio na renda total, a regularidade de ingresso desta renda e o papel dos PFNMs como recursos de salvaguarda são parâmetros do capital financeiro prioritários ao monitoramento. Para o capital social, o empoderamento feminino, a coesão de grupo e o acesso aos benefícios gerados pela comercialização devem ser monitorados. Na Amazônia brasileira são poucas as iniciativas de implementação do monitoramento da comercialização de PFNMs. Embora este seja considerado importante, existem dificuldades que derivam principalmente da falta de apoio institucional, políticas de incentivo e de recursos financeiros. Os profissionais participantes do Delphi consideram que os parâmetros ecológicos mais importantes a monitorar neste contexto são o tamanho e a estrutura populacional do recurso explorado, o aumento da taxa de mortalidade, a quantidade total de recurso extraída e a técnica de coleta utilizada. Para os parâmetros econômicos, aspectos do mercado, como o preço pago ao coletor, a demanda e a qualidade do produto, bem como a renda monetária obtida pelos indivíduos são os parâmetros considerados mais importantes. Por fim, para os aspectos sociais, os efeitos na cultura, na qualidade de vida e na organização interna da comunidade foram priorizados. Os profissionais indicam que é viável estabelecer o monitoramento dos parâmetros levantados. / Amazon, non-timber forest products, ecological effects, socioeconomic effects, monitoring.
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