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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation et simulations numériques de la formation de domaines ferroélectriques dans des nanostructures 3D / Modeling and numerical simulations of the formation of ferroelectric domains in 3D nanostructures

Martelli, Pierre-William 26 September 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la formation de domaines ferroélectriques dans des nanostructures, à partir d'une modélisation faisant intervenir les équations de Ginzburg-Landau et d’Électrostatique, ainsi que des conditions aux limites d'application potentielle. Dans la première partie de la thèse, les nanostructures sont constituées d'une couche ferroélectrique entièrement enclavée dans un environnement paraélectrique. Nous introduisons un modèle depuis un couplage de ces équations et élaborons, pour son investigation, un schéma numérique faisant usage d’Éléments Finis. Des simulations numériques montrent l'efficacité de ce schéma, qui permet d'établir, par exemple, l'existence de cycles d'hystérésis sous l'influence de paramètres aussi bien physiques que géométriques. Dans la seconde partie, les nanostructures sont constituées d'une couche ferroélectrique partiellement enclavée qui s'intercale entre deux couches paraélectriques. Deux modèles sont proposés à partir d'une variante du couplage réalisé dans la première partie, et se distinguent dans la prescription des conditions aux limites. Des conditions de type Neumann interviennent dans le premier modèle, pour lequel un schéma numérique aussi basé sur des approximations par Eléments Finis est introduit. Dans le second modèle, des conditions périodiques sont prises en considération ; un schéma numérique s'appuyant ici sur une hybridation des méthodes de Différences Finies et d'Eléments Finis est présenté. Les simulations numériques basées sur ces deux schémas permettent de renseigner sur les permittivités dites effectives, des nanostructures, ou encore sur la constitution des parois de domaines ferroélectriques / In this thesis, we study the formation of ferroelectric domains in nanostructures by modeling based on the Ginzburg-Landau and Electrostatics equations, together with boundary conditions that are suitable for real applications. In the first part of the thesis, the nanostructures are made up of a ferroelectric layer, fully enclosed in a paraelectric environment. We introduce a model based on the coupled system of equations and then develop, for its investigation, a numerical scheme using Finite Elements. Numerical simulations show the efficiency of this scheme, which allows us to establish, for instance, the existence of hysteresis cycles under the influence of physical or geometric parameters. In the second part, the nanostructures are made up of a partially enclosed ferroelectric layer that lies between two paraelectric layers. Two models are introduced from a variant of the coupling performed in the first part, and differ in the prescription of the boundary conditions. Neumann type conditions are prescribed in the first model, for which a numerical scheme also based on Finite Element approximations is developed. In the second model, periodic conditions are taken into account; a numerical scheme based on a combination of Finite Difference and Finite Element methods is presented. Numerical simulations from these schemes allow us, for instance, to investigate the so-called effective permittivities, of the nanostructures, or the formation of ferroelectric domain walls

Emaranhamento em Sistemas de Muitos Férmions / Entanglement in Many-Fermions Systems

Henn, Vivian Vanessa França 25 November 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho exploramos o emaranhamento em sistemas de muitos férmions. Para o estudo de sistemas inomogêneos, propusemos uma aproximação de densidade local (LDA) para a entropia de emaranhamento de um único sítio com o restante do sistema e uma LDA para o emaranhamento entre blocos de sítios. Analisamos as contribuições universal e não-universal do emaranhamento entre blocos e obtivemos uma expressão para o termo não-universal. Usando o modelo de Hubbard unidimensional, investigamos o emaranhamento em nanoestruturas eletrônicas, quantificando o emaranhamento de um único sítio com relação ao restante da cadeia via entropia de emaranhamento. Para o modelo de Hubbard homogêneo estudamos o comportamento do emaranhamento em função da densidade, da magnetização, da interação eletrônica e de campos magnéticos externos. Encontramos que o emaranhamento é sensível às fases metálica, isolante e supercondutora. Observamos um platô de emaranhamento na região do gap de spin e verificamos que susceptibilidade magnética e emaranhamento estão intrinsecamente relacionados. Obtendo as energias e densidades do modelo de Hubbard inomogêneo através da Teoria do Funcional da Densidade e usando nossa proposta LDA para a entropia de emaranhamento, exploramos o comportamento do emaranhamento na presença de diversas inomogeneidades: superredes, impurezas e confinamento harmônico. Verificamos que o emaranhamento sempre diminui com a inomogeneidade, embora os efeitos de cada inomogeneidade sejam completamente diferentes. Encontramos uma relação entre energias de troca e correlação, de Hartree e cinética, capaz de prever quantitativamente o emaranhamento em função de qualquer das inomogeneidades. / In this work we investigated entanglement in many-fermions systems. To explore inhomogeneous systems we proposed a local density approximation (LDA) for the single-site entanglement entropy. We analysed the universal and nonuniversal contributions to block-block entanglement and obtained an expression for the nonuniversal term. We employ a description in terms of the one-dimensional Hubbard model to investigate the entanglement in electronic nanostructures and to quantify the single-site entanglement with respect to the rest of the chain by means of the entanglement entropy. For the homogeneous Hubbard model we studied the entanglement behavior as a function of density, magnetization, electronic interaction and external magnetic fields. We found that the entanglement is sensitive to the metallic, insulating and superconducting phases. We observed an entanglement plateau in the region of the spin gap and verified that magnetic susceptibility and entanglement are intrinsically related. Energies and densities of the inhomogeneous Hubbard model, obtained from Density Functional Theory, combined with our proposal of an LDA for the entanglement entropy, were used to explore the behavior of the entanglement entropy in the presence of several inhomogeneities: superlattices, impurities and harmonic confinement. We verified that entanglement always decreases with the inhomogeneity, although the effect of each inhomogeneity is completely different. For the same model we found a relation of exchange-correlation, Hartree and kinetic energies, able to predict quantitatively the entanglement as a function of any inhomogeneity.

Raman scattering and optical spectroscopies of individual pristine and functionalized carbon nanotubes. / Diffusion Raman et spectroscopies optiques de nanotubes de carbone individuels intrinsèques et fonctionnalisés.

Tran, Huy Nam 15 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail, qui concerne l’étude des nanotubes de carbone mono- et double parois, comporte deux volets distincts: (i) une compréhension des propriétés optiques et phononiques intrinsèques des nanotubes de carbone individuels, (ii) une approche expérimentale originale des propriétés des nanotubes de carbone double-parois fonctionnalisés de manières covalente et non-covalente. Concernant l’étude des propriétés intrinsèques des nanotubes de carbone individuels, des informations originales ont été obtenues en couplant des résultats de spectroscopie Raman, incluant la mesure des profils d’excitation des différents modes, avec des données d’absorption optique et de diffraction électronique. De manière générale, l’approche que nous avons développée a mis en avant la complémentarité de la spectroscopie Raman et de la diffraction électronique pour l’identification « la plus probable » de la structure de chaque tube. Parmi les résultats obtenus sur les tubes mono-paroi (SWNTs) individuels, on peut souligner la confirmation originale du caractère excitonique des transitions optiques obtenue en combinant des données d’absorption et de profils d’excitation Raman, ainsi que la mise en évidence d’un comportement inattendu des rapports d’intensité des composantes LO et TO des modes G. L’étude des nanotubes de carbone double-parois (DWNTs) individuels de structures clairement identifiées a permis de comprendre le rôle de la distance inter-tubes dans les déplacements en fréquence des modes Raman (modes de respiration (RBLM) et modes G), en associant à une distance inter-tube donnée une pression interne négative (positive) quand cette distance est supérieure (inférieure) à 0.34 nm. D’autre part, le rôle des effets d’interférences quantiques dans l’évolution avec l’énergie d’excitation des intensités des composantes LO et TO des modes G a été clairement identifié. Enfin, une attribution de l’origine des transitions optiques, mesurées par spectroscopie d’absorption, de différents DWNTs a été proposée.L’étude des propriétés de DWNTs fonctionnalisés a été réalisée en couplant des expériences de spectroscopie Raman, d’absorption UV-visible-NIR et de photoluminescence (PL), incluant les cartes d’excitation de la photoluminescence (PLE), sur des suspensions de DWNTs avant et après fonctionnalisation, (i) covalente via un groupement diazonium, (ii) covalente et non-covalente (pi-stacking) par un colorant. Ce travail présente une contribution au débat sur une question essentielle pour l’utilisation des DWNTs dans des dispositifs opto-électroniques, à savoir : « les DWNTs luminescent-ils ? Et si oui, quelle est l’origine de la luminescence ? ». La présence de photoluminescence dans nos échantillons de DWNTs est établie, et l’étude de son évolution avec différents types et degrés de fonctionnalisation démontre qu’elle ne peut provenir que des tubes internes des DWNTs (PL intrinsèque aux DWNTs), ou de SWNTs générés par l’extrusion des tubes internes de DWNTs durant la préparation des suspensions. D’autre part, on peut souligner la mise en évidence d’un transfert d’énergie du colorant vers le tube interne quand le colorant est greffé de manière covalente sur la tube externe. / This work concerns the study of mono- and double-walled carbon nanotubes. It contains two distinct parts: (i) the first part is devoted to the understanding of the intrinsic optical and phonon properties of individual carbon nanotubes; (ii) the second part reports an experimental investigation of the properties of covalently and non-covalently functionalized double-walled carbon nanotubes. Concerning the study of the intrinsic properties of the individual carbon nanotubes, new information was obtained by coupling Raman spectroscopy data, including the measurement of the excitation profiles of different Raman-active modes, with optical absorption and electronic diffraction data. From a general point of view, our approach put in evidence the complementarity of the Raman spectroscopy and electronic diffraction for “the most probable” assignment of the structure of the nanotubes.Among the results obtained on individual single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), one can underline the confirmation of the excitonic character of the optical transitions by combining optical absorption and Raman excitation profiles on the same nanotubes, and the evidence of an unexpected behavior of the relative intensities of the LO and TO components of the G-modes. The study of the index-identified individual double-walled carbon nanotubes has permitted to understand the role of the inter-walls distance in the frequency shifts of the radial breathing-like modes (RBLM) and G-modes, by associating a given inter-walls distance to a negative (positive) internal pressure when this distance is larger (smaller) than 0.34 nm. On the other hand, the role of quantum interferences in the evolution with the excitation energy of the intensities of the LO and TO components of the G-modes was clearly identified. Finally, the assignment of the optical transitions, measured by absorption spectroscopy, of index-identified DWNTs was proposed.The study of the properties of functionalized DWNTs was performed by combining Raman spectroscopy, UV-visible-NIR absorption and photoluminescence (PL), including maps of photoluminescence excitation (PLE), on suspensions of DWNTs before and after functionalization: (i) covalently by using diazonium, (ii) covalently and non-covalently (pi-stacking) by using dye molecules. This work is a contribution to the debate on an essential question for the use of the DWNTs in opto-electronic devices, namely: “Do the DWNTs they luminesce? And if yes, what is the origin of the luminescence?". The presence of photoluminescence in our samples of DWNTs was established, and the study of its evolution with various kinds and degrees of functionalization states that PL can only result from inner tubes (intrinsic PL of DWNTs), or from SWNTs generated by the extrusion of the internal tubes of DWNTs during the preparation of the suspensions. On the other hand, one must emphasize the evidence of an energy transfer from the dye molecules towards the internal tube when such molecules are covalently grafted on the outer tube.

Nanostructuration par photolithographie DUV de matériaux organiques / Nanostructuration by DUV photolithography of organic materials

Dirani, Ali 28 September 2010 (has links)
L'objectif principal de ce travail de thèse a été de développer un montage de lithographie à 193 nm (Deep-UV, DUV), avec comme but d'obtenir des nanostructures de période l 00 nm sur des surfaces relativement importantes (cm2) dans différents matériaux organiques. Ainsi, une partie importante de cette thèse a consisté à mettre en place un interféromètre achromatique pour le DUV, ainsi que les méthodes d'analyse des échantillons aux différentes échelles. Le premier chapitre a pour but d'énoncer les enjeux et techniques de nanofabrication en comparant notamment les deux grandes approches dites « top-down » et « bottom-up ». Dans ce chapitre, une part importante est donnée aux techniques lithographiques dans lesquelles s'inscrit la technique utilisée ici. Le deuxième chapitre décrit les techniques utilisées, pour la nanofabrication (photolithographie interférentielle DUV) et les méthodes de caractérisation. Le troisième chapitre expose les résultats obtenus au sujet de résines positives, dites « à amplification chimique », formulées à partir des nouveaux polymères, et destinées à des applications en microélectronique. Le quatrième chapitre décrit les résultats obtenus en photolithographie DUV de polymères déposés par voie plasma. Il se présente sous la forme d'une compilation de 4 articles précédés d'une introduction pour expliquer les enjeux de cette démarche.Enfin, le cinquième chapitre constitue une ouverture vers une nouvelle technique de nanofabrication qui s'appuie sur la photolithographie 193 nm. Il s'agit d'utiliser une approche hybride de nanofabrication qui repose sur l'auto­organisation de films de copolymères dibloc dans des espaces nanoconfinés. / The main objective of this thesis was to develop a montage of lithography at 193 nm (Deep UV, DUV), to obtain nanostructures with a period of 100 nm on large surfaces (cm2) in different organic materials. Thus, an important part of this thesis was to establish an achromatic interferometer for the DUV, as well as methods for analyzing samples at different scales.

Composite C/C à matrice nanochargée en alumine et en nitrure d'aluminium / C/C composites with alumina and aluminium nitride nanocharged matrix

Martin, Nicolas 21 November 2014 (has links)
Un procédé de synthèse de dépôts nanostructurés de céramiques à bases d’aluminium au sein de composites carbone/carbone (C/C) est développé. Il consiste à synthétiser à partir de précurseurs dissout en solution aqueuse des nano-particules de morphologies variées. La maîtrise du procédé se déroule en deux étapes. Dans un premier temps une étude sur substrat plan permet de saisir les points clés du procédé, puis l’adaptation de la synthèse au sein d’un échantillon massif permet le changement d’échelle à des échantillons fibreux. Quatre gammes d’éprouvettes de matériaux densifiés sont ainsi élaborées. La caractérisation des matériaux permet de prouver la bonne cohésion de ceux-ci et de mesurer plusieurs propriétés mécaniques et structurales.En complément plusieurs interfaces carbone|alumine ou nitrure d’aluminium sont simulées par une approche de dynamique moléculaire ab initio. La méthode choisie pour générer les modèles consiste à simuler la trempe d’un carbone amorphe à haute température sur une surface céramique immobile, puis de relaxer les contraintes.Des disparités sur l’organisation structurale des nano-structures et en particulier sur l’orientation des plans de graphène générés vis-à-vis de la surface sont observées en fonction des modèles. Lorsque les plans sont plutôt perpendiculaires à la surface, l’interface est constituée de nombreuses liaisons fortes et le comportement en simulation de traction est bon, tandis que des plans parallèles entrainent une interface et un comportement faible.Enfin, la caractérisation HRTEM de certains matériaux élaborés permet d’identifier expérimentalement des interfaces semblables à celles obtenus par les modèles. / A hydrothermal-like process to introduce nano-structured alumina and aluminum nitride in carbon/carbon (C/C) composites is developped. Starting from dissolved reactants in an aqueous media,nanoparticules with various morphology are synthesised. The understanding and control of the processis completed in two steps. In the former the study on simplewafer type substrat allows to identifythe key parameters of the process. During the latter a scaling up of the process is done to allow thesynthesis in situ of C/C composites. The microstructural and some mechanical characterization ofthe four ranges of material produced is achieved.In addition several carbon|alumina and carbon|aluminumnitride are simulated using an ab initiomolecular dynamic approach. The methdology to generate the models consists in sumulating theliquid quench of a high temperature amorphous carbon inbetween fixed ceramic surface, then torelease the constrains. Depending on the system, different organisations of the nano-carbons withinthe surfaces are identified : when the graphene sheets are pependicular to the surface, the modelshows an important number of strong bonds and the simulation traction behavior is good, whereaswhen they are parallel to the surface it leads to weak interface and mechanical behavior.Finally HRMET charasterization of some of the materials produced allows to identify experimentalinterfaces alike to those obtained during themolecular dynamic simulations.

Study of magnetic properties of nanostructures on self-assembled patterns

Malwela, Thomas. January 2010 (has links)
In the current study, we give a report when oxalic acid was used as an electrolyte to synthesize an AAO template with hexagonal pore array. Optimum parameters were observed as 0.4 M of oxalic acid, anodizing voltage of 45 V, temperature of approximately 8 °C and the period of 120 minutes. Atomic force microscope (AFM) and High resolution scanning electron microscope (HRSEM) showed that template has an average pore diameter of 103 nm. Co and MnOx (x = 1,2) nanostructures were selectively deposited in the pores of the template using a novel atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique. The diameter sizes and the array of the nanostructures and the template were corresponding. Energy dispersive xrays (EDX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirmed the presence of Co and MnOx (x =1,2) on the samples while x-ray diffraction (XRD) provided an indication of their orientations. Magnetic force microscopy as main characterization tool showed the existence of multi-domains on both Co and MnOx (x =1,2) nanostructures.

Atomistic Characterization and Continuum Modeling of Novel Thermomechanical Behaviors of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures

Kulkarni, Ambarish J. 09 October 2007 (has links)
ZnO nanowires and nanorods are a new class of one-dimensional nanomaterials with a wide range of applications in NEMS. The motivation for this work stems from the lack of understanding and characterization of their thermomechanical behaviors essential for their incorporation in nanosystems. The overall goal of this work is to develop a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms controlling the responses of these nanostructures with focus on: (1) development of a molecular dynamics based framework for analyzing thermomechanical behaviors, (2) characterization of the thermal and mechanical behaviors in ZnO nanowires and (3) development of models for pseudoelasticity and thermal conductivity. The thermal response analyses show that the values of thermal conductivity are one order of magnitude lower than that for bulk ZnO due to surface scattering of phonons. A modified equation for phonon radiative transport incorporating the effects of surface scattering is used to model the thermal conductivity as a function of wire size and temperature. Quasistatic tensile loading of wires show that the elastic moduli values are 68.2-27.8% higher than that for bulk ZnO. Previously unknown phase transformations from the initial wurtzite (WZ) structure to graphitic (HX) and body-centered-tetragonal (BCT-4) phases are discovered in nanowires which lead to a more complete understanding of the extent of polymorphism in ZnO and its dependence on load triaxiality. The reversibility of the WZ-to-HX transform gives rise to a novel pseudoelastic behavior with recoverable strains up to 16%. A micromechanical continuum model is developed to capture the major characteristics of the pseudoelastic behavior accounting for size and temperature effects. The effect of the phase transformations on the thermal properties is characterized. Results obtained show that the WZ→HX phase transformation causes a novel transition in thermal response with the conductivity of HX wires being 20.5-28.5% higher than that of the initial WZ-structured wires. The results obtained here can provide guidance and criteria for the design and fabrication of a range of new building blocks for nanometer-scale devices that rely on thermomechanical responses.

Study of magnetic properties of nanostructures on self-assembled patterns

Malwela, Thomas. January 2010 (has links)
In the current study, we give a report when oxalic acid was used as an electrolyte to synthesize an AAO template with hexagonal pore array. Optimum parameters were observed as 0.4 M of oxalic acid, anodizing voltage of 45 V, temperature of approximately 8 °C and the period of 120 minutes. Atomic force microscope (AFM) and High resolution scanning electron microscope (HRSEM) showed that template has an average pore diameter of 103 nm. Co and MnOx (x = 1,2) nanostructures were selectively deposited in the pores of the template using a novel atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique. The diameter sizes and the array of the nanostructures and the template were corresponding. Energy dispersive xrays (EDX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirmed the presence of Co and MnOx (x =1,2) on the samples while x-ray diffraction (XRD) provided an indication of their orientations. Magnetic force microscopy as main characterization tool showed the existence of multi-domains on both Co and MnOx (x =1,2) nanostructures.

Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Metal Oxide Nanostructures

Hussain, Mushtaque January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of nanotechnology is to build self-powered nanosystems that are ultrasmall in size, exhibit super sensitivity, extraordinary multi functionality, and extremely low power consumption. As we all know that 21st century has brought two most important challenges for us. One is energy shortage and the other is global warming. Now to overcome these challenges, it is highly desirable to develop nanotechnology that harvests energy from the environment to fabricate self-power and low-carbon nanodevices. Therefore a self-power nanosystem that harvests its operating energy from the environment is an attractive proposition. This is also feasible for nanodevices owing to their extremely low power consumption. One advantageous approach towards harvesting energy from the environment is the utilization of semiconducting piezoelectric materials, which facilitate the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy. Among many piezoelectric materials ZnO has the rare attribute of possessing both piezoelectric and semiconducting properties. But most applications of ZnO utilize either the semiconducting or piezoelectric property, and now it’s time to fully employ the coupled semiconducting-piezoelectric properties to form  the basis for electromechanically coupled nanodevices. Since wurtzite zinc oxide (ZnO) is structurally noncentral symmetric and has the highest piezoelectric tensor among tetrahedrally bonded semiconductors, therefore it becomes a promising candidate for energy harvesting applications. ZnO is relatively biosafe and biocompatible as well, so it can be used at large scale without any harm to the living environment. The synthesis of another transition metal oxide known as Co3O4 is also important due to its potential usage in the material science, physics and chemistry fields. Co3O4 has been studied extensively due to low cost, low toxicity, the most naturally abundant, high surface area, good redox, easily tunable surface and structural properties. These significant properties enable Co3O4 fruitful for developing variety of nanodevices. Co3O4 nanostructures have been focused considerably in the past decade due to their high electro-chemical performance, which is essential for developing highly sensitive sensor devices. I started my work with the synthesis of ZnO nanostructures with a focus to improve the amount of harvested energy by utilizing oxygen plasma treatment. Then I grow ZnO nanorods on different flexible substrates, in order to observe the effect of substrate on the amount of harvested energy. After that I worked on understanding the mechanism and causes of variation in the resulting output potential generated from ZnO nanorods. My next target belongs to an innovative approach in which AFM tip decorated with ZnO nanorods was utilized to improve the output energy. Then I investigated Co3O4 nanostructures though the effect of anions and utilized one of the nanostructure to develop a fast and reliable pH sensor. Finally to take the advantage of higher degree of redox chemistry of NiCo0O4 compared to the single phase of nickel oxide and cobalt oxide, a sensitive glucose sensor is developed by immobilizing glucose oxidase. However, there were problems with the mechanical robustness, lifetime, output stability and environmental adaptability of such devices, therefore more work is going on to find out new ways and means in order to improve the performance of fabricated nanogenerators and sensors.

Towards high-chi block copolymers at the industry scale : routes for a possible integration as a new nanostructuring technology / Vers les copolymères à blocs à forte incompatibilité dans l'industrie : des voies pour l'intégration en tant que nouvelle technologie de nanostructuration

BöHME, Sophie 19 October 2016 (has links)
La complexité et le coût croissant des processus nécessaires pour fabriquer des processeurs de plus en plus puissants de l'industrie microélectronique conduit à des structures de plus en plus petites. La photolithographie, technologie clé pour la nanostructuration, atteint aujourd'hui ses limites en termes de résolution. Des méthodes alternatives doivent donc être trouvées afin de continuer à produire des transistors plus efficaces, tout en gardant les coûts de production à un niveau raisonnable. La combinaison de la photolithographie classique et de l'auto-assemblage de copolymères à blocs (CPB) semble être une alternative prometteuse. Les copolymères à blocs ont la propriété de créer une séparation de phases à l'échelle du nanomètre grâce à l'incompatibilité chimique (décrite par le paramètre d'interaction chi) des blocs. De cette façon, lorsque cette séparation de phase est formée à la surface d’un substrat, des structures telles que des sphères, des cylindres ou des lamelles peuvent être obtenues et utilisées comme masques de gravure pour la nanostructuration. Le CPB le plus utilisé est le Polystyrène-Polyméthacrylate de méthyle (PS-PMMA), qui a été étudié pendant plus de 20 ans. Le PS-PMMA est un CPB de faible chi et ne peut pas atteindre des tailles de structure inférieure à 10nm. Plus l'incompatibilité des blocs (c’est-à-dire le chi) est importante, plus la taille des structures possibles est petite. Cette thèse traite principalement le système Polystyrène-Polydiméthylsiloxane (PS-PDMS), un CPB de haute valeur de chi, et évalue son éventuelle intégration dans l'industrie de la microélectronique. Des procédés ont été développés et optimisés en vue de leur utilisation future dans l'industrie. Un procédé de recuit commun pour les "high-chi" est le recuit sous vapeur de solvant (RVS), où la couche de CPB est exposée aux vapeurs de solvants. Les molécules de solvant gonflent le CPB et augment ainsi la mobilité des chaînes de polymère, permettant l’organisation des structures à grande échelle. Bien que ce procédé soit largement utilisé, il n'a jamais été rapporté sur des lignes de production à grande échelle. Le RVS est un processus très complexe qui est sensible à l'environnement et utilise souvent des solvants toxiques. Au cours de cette thèse, des mécanismes de RVS sont étudiés et des solvants non-toxiques qui sont compatibles avec l'environnement industriel sont proposés comme alternative. Une autre solution pour le recuit de CPBs "high-chi" sans solvant est également proposée. En formulant la solution de CPB avec des molécules de plastifiant, un auto-assemblage rapide avec un simple recuit thermique est possible. La faisabilité de ce processus a été démontrée sur des tranches de silicium de 300mm de diamètre. Le transfert des motifs par gravure est une étape importante et problématique en nanofabrication. Plus les tailles sont réduites, plus le facteur d'aspect est haut et le processus de gravure difficile. Des procédés de gravure par plasma différents, tous généralement utilisés dans les procédés de gravure industrielle, sont étudiés sur le matériau PS-PDMS. Des nanostructures de silicium de 10nm de large et des structures avec un rapport d'aspect de 6:1 ont été gravées avec succès. Enfin, un processus d’inclusion d’oxydes métalliques par simple dépôt par centrifugation a été démontré sur le polymère PS-PMMA. Ce BCP a l'avantage d’être un système bien connu grâce aux nombreux groupes de recherche qui s’y intéresse. Cependant, ses performances en gravure pour le transfert des motifs est peu satisfaisant à cause de la faible sélectivité entre les blocs PS et PMMA. Des procédés de gravure compliqués en plusieurs étapes doivent être effectués afin de transférer les motifs de manière satisfaisante. En introduisant des sels métalliques de manière sélective dans l'un des blocs, le contraste de gravure est considérablement augmenté et le transfert du motif peut être obtenu en une seule étape de gravure plasma. / The increasing cost and complexity of processes needed to keep up with the ever increasing demand for more powerful processors in the IC industry, lead to smaller and smaller feature sizes. Photolithography, once the workhorse for nanostructuration, reaches now its physical limits in terms of resolution. Other, alternative methods have thus to be found in order to continue producing more efficient integrated circuits, while keeping the production costs at a reasonable level. The combination of conventional photolithography and directed self-assembly of block copolymers (BCP) seems to be one promising alternative. Block copolymers have the unique property to phase separate at the nanometer scale driven by the chemical incompatibility (described by the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter chi) of the blocks. This way, when brought onto a substrate, structures like spheres, cylinders or lamellar can be obtained and used as etching masks for nanostructuration. Probably the most used BCP is Polystyrene-b-Polymethylmethacrylate (PS-b-PMMA), which has been studied for over 20 years. PS-b-PMMA is a so called “low-chi” BCP and can reach feature sizes not smaller than 10 nm. The higher the incompatibility of the blocks (i.e. the higher the chi-value), the smaller the obtainable feature size. This thesis deals primarily with “high-chi” Polystyrene-b-Polydimethylsiloxane (PS-b-PDMS) block copolymers and evaluates its possible integration into IC industry. Processes are developed and optimized in view of their future application in industry. A common annealing method for “high-χ” block copolymers is solvent vapor annealing (SVA), where the BCP layer is exposed to solvent vapors. Solvent molecules swell then the BCP layer, increasing the mobility of polymer chains and allowing long range ordering of the features. Although this method is widely used, it has never been reported on large scale production lines, for example on 300 mm wafers. The SVA is a very complex process that is sensitive to the environment and uses often toxic solvents. During this thesis, mechanisms of solvent vapor annealing are studied and safe solvents that are compatible with industrial environment are studied. Furthermore alternative solutions for annealing high-chi BCPs without solvents are proposed. Blending the BCP with plasticizer molecules, for example, leads to rapid self-assembly with thermal annealing and the feasibility of this process was shown on 300 mm wafers.Pattern transfer etching is a problematic step in IC nanostructuring. The smaller the features, the higher the aspect ratio, the more challenging the etching process. Different plasma etching procedures, all typically used in industrial gate etching processes, are studied on PS-b-PDMS. Challenging silicon features of down to 10 nm and aspect ratios of up to 6:1 are obtained.Finally, a simple spin-coating process of metal-oxide inclusion on widespread PS-b-PMMA is introduced in which etch selectivity of the BCP is highly increased. PS-b-PMMA has the advantage of being studied by numerous research groups and the understanding of the BCP is very advanced. However, its etching quality for pattern transfer are very poor as to the poor etch selectivity between PS and PMMA. Complicated multiple-step etching processes, where wet etching and dry etching are alternated have to be performed in order to transfer the patterns satisfactorily. By introducing metal salts selectively in one of the blocks, the etch contrast is considerably enhanced and the pattern transfer can be obtained in one single step of dry etching.

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