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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Har intresset försvunnit från riksintresset? : – en fallstudie av tre fäbodar av riksintresse för kulturmiljövården i Mora kommun

Sjöberg, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Riksintressen är ett planeringsverktyg som har funnits sedan 1960-talet. Verktyget är tänkt att ge vägledning i frågor som rör mark- och vattenanvändning. Det är två lagsystem som reglerar riksintressen, plan- och bygglagen (2010:900) och miljöbalken (1998:808). Lagsystemen ska skydda de värdefulla miljöerna från påtaglig skada. Ansvarsfördelningen för verktyget riksintressen regleras i förordningen om hushållning med mark- och vattenområden m.m. (1998:896). Riksintressen ska vara miljöer som besitter unika värden och som ska förvaltas gemensamt av brukare, kommun och stat så att miljöerna bevaras för kommande generationer. Det är tänkt att riksintressena ska representera hela den svenska historien och nästan hela urvalet skedde år 1987.  I Sverige finns det cirka 1700 områden som är av riksintresse för kulturmiljövården. Examensarbetet har genom en fallstudie studerat planeringsverktyget riksintressen. Tre fäbodar av riksintresse för kulturmiljövården i Mora kommun, Bönsabergs fäbodar, Matsäls fäbodar och Södra Flenarnas fäbodar, valdes ut att ingå i fallstudien. Ett fäbodställe var ett område med bebyggelse i skogen där boskapsskötsel var förlag under sommarhalvåret. Urvalet baserade sig på en aktuell debatt i Mora Tidning där fäbodlaget i Bönsabergs fäbodar kritiserar planeringsverktyget riksintressen och vill att fäbodens riksintresseklassning tas bort. Syftet med uppsatsens frågeställningar är att ge en ökad insikt i hur planeringsverktyget riksintressen tillämpas genom att studera förvaltningen av de tre utvalda fäbodarna. Fyra frågeställningar har använts för att undersöka om förvaltningen av fäbodarna ändrats i och med riksintresseklassningen, om den kritik som Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting framfört är befogad samt kartlägga beslutsgången och kommunikationen mellan brukarna, kommunen, länsstyrelsen och Riksantikvarieämbetet. Det har inte varit självklart om det är i regelverket eller tillämpningen som bristerna finns. Slutsatsen är att bristerna i planeringsverktyget riksintressen till stor del beror på tillämpningen. Litteraturen, SKL och intervjuobjekten riktar sin kritik mot bristerna i kommunikationen och samarbetet mellan de olika instanserna samt de bristande underlagen. / The first areas of national heritage were identified in connection with the spatial national planning that was initiated in Sweden in the 1960s. The reason for appointing areas of national heritage was to provide the municipalities guidance in how unique environments should be managed in a sustainable manner and protected from significant damage so that future generations can enjoy them. The paper uses a case study on chalets of national heritage for the cultural resource management in Mora municipality in Sweden. The case study shows that a lack of economical- and human capital makes it hard to keep the documentation current and the dialogue between the involved parties becomes absent. The municipalities need support and guidance from the government in managing areas of national heritage. The conclusion is that most of the problems with areas of national heritage can be linked to the enforcement of the regulations rather than the legislation itself.

En påtvingad förändring eller en utveckling : En studie av länsstyrelsers hantering av förmedling inom arkeologiska undersökningar i samband med ändringen av kulturmiljölagen 2014

Öjhage, Petra January 2016 (has links)
On January 1, 2014 a legislative amendment to the former National Heritage Act (1988: 950) was put in action, one of the new amendments that was conceived in what is now called Culture Environmental Act (1988: 950). The change made it possible for the County Councils to enforce that the results associated with archaeological research would be conveyed to the public. The present work is a case study aiming to see what kind of impact this amendment has had on the archaeological specifications and offer invitations for archaeological investigations. The main questions for the work are: What kind of mediation is being required by the County Councils? Why was the law changed? Is there a difference in this respect between different counties? Has there been any noticable change in practice in this respect after the amendment introduction? This study aims to answer these questions and throughout it also give you as a reader information about the history behind the changes as well as what impact the changes has had on archaeological investigations and the mediated results to the public. The aim is also to show the different ways that archaelogy is communicated and to whom.

Oceňování a vykazování aktiv národního dědictví / Valuation and reporting of heritage assets

Svobodová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the issue of valuation and reporting heritage assets. At first, there is an effort to define the term heritage assets. Categorization of these items is based on World Heritage List, which is compiled by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The next part points to the relation between the cultural and economic concept of value, as well as the difference between these values and the price. The last part is devoted to the issue of accounting for heritage assets. Based on existing legislation and standardization, there is a summary of the options for the valuation and reporting heritage items.

The challenges of digitising heritage collections in South Africa: a case study

Anderson, Stephen January 2013 (has links)
Magister Bibliothecologiae - MBibl / This dissertation explores the organisational challenges for an archive which is attempting to digitise its collections. While technical, organisational and managerial challenges are discussed, this research focuses particularly on whether the digitisation process alters the power relations within the archive and between the archive and other role players within the South African context. The role-players include the state and the archive’s external management, artefact copyright holders, digitisation vendors and organisations and archive users. More importantly, it examines how the archive responded to the challenges it faced. The research investigates: the rationale for digitising archival collections; who the stakeholders in a digitisation project are, how they relate to each other and what the power relations between them are; the financial implications of digitising, in particular for access to the collections; the risks of digitisation; and the implications of selection of materials for digitisation. The qualitative research uses open-ended, iterative video and audio interviews to provide the data for the case study. The research found that personal connections, serendipity, ad-hoc behaviour, trust, distrust and the fear of exploitation had an impact on the digitisation process, and concluded that the Archive managed to steer a course between competing interests to maintain its integrity.

Riksintressen för kulturmiljövården : En fallstudie av Stockholm Waterfront

Larsson, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Denna uppsats har skrivits under vårterminen 2011 och behandlar de riksintressen för kulturmiljövården som finns i Sverige, med en fallstudie som analyserar processerna rörande det omdiskuterade hotell- och kongresscentret Stockholm Waterfront i centrala Stockholm. Syftet är att få en förståelse för vad kulturmiljöns riksintressen innebär, vilket skydd de har och hur dessa påverkar omgivningen när förändringar sker. Planer på ett centralt beläget kongresscenter i Stockholm har funnits sedan 1990-talet, men det var år 2000 som processen drog igång på allvar. Flera förslag har tagits fram under årens lopp, men ekonomiska besvär har satt stopp två gånger om innan Projekt Klara, som var arbetsnamnet för det nu färdigställda Stockholm Waterfront, kom att bli verklighet. Projektet har dock fått utstå hård kritik då det från vissa håll menas att byggnaderna inkräktar på det riksintresse som Stockholms innerstad med Djurgården utgör, och stadsbyggnadsdebatten i Stockholm har delvis på grund av detta blivit mer aktiv än tidigare. Den kanske viktigaste frågan har visat sig vara huruvida nybygget utgör en påtaglig skada på riksintresset, vilket inte har varit lätt att avgöra då det är ett subjektivt ämne. / This essay was written during the spring term of 2011 and focuses on the national heritage areas in Sweden, with a case study which analyzes the processes around the controversial hotel and congress center Stockholm Waterfront in central Stockholm. The purpose is to understand what the term national heritage area actually means, what protection they hold and how they affect the surrounding area when changes occur. Plans for a new congress center in Stockholm have existed since the 1990s, but the actual planning process begun in the year 2000. Several proposals have been presented during the years, but economical difficulties have stopped two of them before the so called Projekt Klara, which today is known as Stockholm Waterfront, could become reality. The project has generated a lot of criticism since some claim that the buildings are intruding on the national heritage area that Stockholm’s inner city and Djurgården form, and the city planning debate has partly because of this become more active than before. The perhaps most important aspect has been whether the new buildings have caused significant damage on the national heritage, which is hard to determine since it is a question of subjectivity.

Förflutna landskap idag : en diskussion om begreppet landskap / Past landscapes today : a discussion of the concept of landscapes

Persson, Nadja January 2009 (has links)
<p>The first part of this essay focuses on how we relate to the landscape at the international and the national level today. The landscape convention is presented and compared to actual current Swedish policies. Different definitions of landscape are discussed. The second part renders the landscape in different archaeological contexts. The central theme is the attempt to investigate if and how we can approach prehistoric man by looking at the landscape as a socially constructed concept. How we should relate to thelandscape from a prehistoric standpoint today is the topic of the third and final part of the study.</p>

Förflutna landskap idag : en diskussion om begreppet landskap / Past landscapes today : a discussion of the concept of landscapes

Persson, Nadja January 2009 (has links)
The first part of this essay focuses on how we relate to the landscape at the international and the national level today. The landscape convention is presented and compared to actual current Swedish policies. Different definitions of landscape are discussed. The second part renders the landscape in different archaeological contexts. The central theme is the attempt to investigate if and how we can approach prehistoric man by looking at the landscape as a socially constructed concept. How we should relate to thelandscape from a prehistoric standpoint today is the topic of the third and final part of the study.

Absolute architecture scaled experience /

Ankeny, Samuel Robert. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M)--Montana State University--Bozeman, 2007. / Typescript. Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Johnson, Ralph. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [83]-[84]).

Problémy památkové péče na vybraných příkladech z Plzeňského kraje / Problems heritage conservation on the examples from the Pilsen Region

Jehlíková, Mirka January 2015 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE PROBLÉMY PAMÁTKOVÉ PÉČE NA VYBRANÝCH PŘÍKLADECH Z PLZEŇSKÉHO KRAJE PROBLEMS HERITAGE CONSERVATION ON THE EXAMPLES FROM THE PILSEN REGION Bc. Mirka Jehlíková Vedoucí diplomové práce: Ing. Michaela Dvořáková, Ph.D. Rok: 2015 PROHLÁŠENÍ Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci Problémy památkové péče na vybraných příkladech z Plzeňského kraje vypracovala samostatně pod vedením Ing. Michaely Dvořákové, Ph. D. a uvedla v bibliografii všechny použité podklady a materiály. V Praze dne 20. července 2015 vlastnoruční podpis autora PODĚKOVÁNÍ Na tomto místě bych ráda poděkovala Ing. Michaele Dvořákové, Ph.D. za velmi trpělivý a vstřícný přístup a cenné rady a připomínky, kterými přispěla k vypracování této diplomové práce. Abstrakt Diplomová práce se zabývá Problémy památkové péče na vybraných příkladech Plzeňského kraje, a to konkrétně státním zámkem Červené Poříčí a zámky Bezděkov u Klatov a Týnec u Klatov. Klade si za cíl identifikovat a následně porovnat přístupy památkové péče těchto vybraných zámeckých objektů z hlediska místního, časového, stavebně- historického a současného. V práci se autorka zamýšlí jednak nad smyslem kulturně historického dědictví, včetně jeho globální a také regionální povahy, jednak také nad...

Uppdragsarkeologi : - fungerar konkurrensen inom svensk uppdragsarkeologi / Contract Archaeology : - does market competition work within Swedish contract archaeology

HANSSON, Carl-Johan January 2024 (has links)
The questions that are answered in this essay are to assess if the competition within the Swedish system of contract archaeology work as it is formulated in the law, Historic Environment Act (SFS 1988:950), and in accordance with the preparatory work, as well as if the processing and decisions in contract archaeological matters take place according to basic general procurement principles, which could be found in the act on public procurement.This essay shows that the requirement for the procurement of archaeological investigations according to the Historic Environment Act (SFS 1988:950) is not met, as most of the archaeological assignments are procured through direct selection and under lack of transparency.In the market of contract archaeology there is a demand for increased transparency by the investigators, i.g. to avoid that investigators are selected based on distance to the investigation. A national overview of the distribution of assignments in the Sweden is also requested, by the investigators, both from an economic and qualitative perspective. The investigators believe that this type of statistics shall be provided by the central authorities the Swedish National Heritage Board.The result of the analysis showed that competition in Swedish contract archaeology does not work, as it is formulated in the law Historic Environment Act (SFS 1988:950), in accordance with the preparatory work and according to general procurement principles. The Swedish National Heritage Board has not succeeded in demonstrating that the task of promoting increased competition and efficiency within the contract archaeological system in Sweden has been achieved.

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