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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mosaico da identidade nacional: as representações do Brasil entre alunos de uma escola pública. / Mosaic on the national identity: the representations of Brazil among students of a public school.

Cosme Freire Marins 11 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende examinar as representações do Brasil entre alunos de uma escola pública estadual situada em Osasco, município da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. As representações do Brasil manifestadas pelos alunos, muitas vezes contraditórias, forneceram as bases para a realização da pesquisa. Procurou-se sistematizar o conjunto de representações do Brasil a partir da análise de questionários, textos e desenhos produzidos pelos alunos nos anos de 2006 e 2007, bem como textos dedicados ao estudo da identidade nacional brasileira. Observou-se nas representações do Brasil, a partir dos questionários e atividades dos alunos, o reconhecimento de uma identidade nacional caracterizada pela mestiçagem presente no samba, no carnaval e no futebol (entre outros elementos). Além disso, essa identidade aparece vinculada à cidade do Rio de Janeiro e à idéia de Brasil-natureza ou Brasil-paraíso, com a presença forte da bandeira nacional, constituindo assim um mosaico de representações. A hipótese inicial era de que a construção da identidade nacional havia se operado a partir da proclamação da República, entretanto observou-se que a elaboração de uma identidade nacional ocorreu ao longo de um processo que remonta à fase colonial, tomando impulso com a proclamação da Independência e da República. Estes diferentes períodos influenciaram epistemologicamente a disciplina História, desde a criação do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro no início do período imperial e suas concepções influenciadas pelo determinismo, evolucionismo e positivismo, até a atualidade, com as diretrizes dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, instituídas nos anos 1990. Embora se observe uma pluralidade significativa no Brasil, há disseminada a percepção identidade nacional unitária, reconhecida pelo conjunto da população. Tal percepção é resultado de um esforço realizado por intelectuais e pelo Estado para, entre outros objetivos, manter a unidade territorial. As partes deste trabalho formam outro mosaico, cujo objetivo é perscrutar o processo de constituição das representações do Brasil. / This work aims to examine some representations of Brazil among students of a public school in Osasco, in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo. These representations of Brazil are many times contradictory and they were the fonts of this research. In this sense, this work has systematized a set of representations formulated by the students in a lot of materials: questionnaires, texts and drawings made in 2006 and 2007. It also investigated some papers and books that have studied the Brazilian national identity. Dissertation concludes that there is a unitary representation of Brazil and its national identity, expressed by some factors like the crossing of races that appears in samba, carnival and football. In the students\' works, the national identity is related with Rio de Janeiro city and ideas that associate Brazil and nature and paradise, beside the central role of the national flag. This set of representations and images results in an effective mosaic. The initial hypothesis was that national identity was been constructed after Republic\'s proclamation but this study concluded that it happened much time ago, since colonial times and it has made clear after Independence and Republic. These processes affected the teaching of History since the creation of Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute, with ideas related to determinism, evolutionism and positivism. And this influence is continuing nowadays, in the orientations of the Parameters of National Curriculum. Brazil is a plural society and culture, but among people there is a unitary perception of national identity. This perception resulted by many efforts made by intellectuals and by the State to maintain the territorial unity and much other aspects of national unity, since Independence. This work and his sections constituted another mosaic figure that aims to investigate the making of these representations of Brazil.

Estórias da subjetividade pós-moderna: configurações identitárias na prosa de ficção de João Melo / Stories of post-modern subjectivity: Identity configurations in prose fiction of João Melo

Emanuelle Rodrigues dos Santos 11 August 2010 (has links)
Frente à importância do papel conferido a literatura no processo de formação nacional desse país, o presente trabalho investiga que tipo de sujeito é representado pelas personagens da ficção em prosa publicada pelo do escritor angolano João Melo entre os anos de 1999 e 2009. Através da análise dos contos que compõe todo o corpo de prosa de ficção produzido por Melo, conclui-se, que as configurações identitárias presentes ao longo de suas obras constituem aquilo que o teórico britânico Stuart Hall chama de sujeito pós-moderno, cuja subjetividade é moldada pela dominante histórica e cultural da pósmodernidade, fruto do desenvolvimento do capitalismo tardio em Angola. / Given the importance of the role of literature for the process of national formation of this country, the present work investigates what kind of subject is represented by the characters of the prose fiction published by the Angolan writer João Melo between 1999 and 2009. Through the analysis of the short stories that compose the whole of the prose fiction produced by Melo, it is concluded that the identity configurations found in his works constitute what the British theorist Stuart Hall calls post-modern subject, whose subjectivity is formed by the historical and cultural dominant of post-modernity, result of the development of the late capitalism in Angola.

As seleções de futebol multiculturais da União Europeia / The European Union\'s multicultural football national teams

Guilherme Silva Pires de Freitas 05 June 2017 (has links)
O principal objetivo desta pesquisa será apresentar a evolução histórica das seleções multiculturais da União Europeia (UE) nas disputas da Copa do Mundo, principalmente no período entre 1990 e 2014, e compreender como fatores sociais e imigratórios influenciaram no crescimento destes selecionados, mostrando que a evolução de atletas com essas características não foi algo surpreendente, e sim reflexo das mudanças pelas quais passaram os países europeus e das conquistas sociais alcançadas por minorias nesse período. A utilização de futebolistas de origem estrangeira pelos selecionados europeus acontece desde a primeira edição dos Mundiais, porém, a partir da década de 1990, vem registrando-se um aumento de jogadores deste perfil. Estas equipes já estão difundidas no cenário futebolístico e a tendência é que cresçam cada vez mais, visto que as atuais seleções são um espelho da sociedade multicultural da UE. Os selecionados também ajudam a buscar uma maior compreensão sobre estas novas identidades nacionais vigentes, que são reflexos das transformações étnicas, culturais e migratórias pelas quais a Europa vem passando desde o século XX. Mesmo sendo razoavelmente internacionalizado, o futebol europeu ainda registra casos de intolerância e preconceitos devido ao choque entre as tradicionais e as novas identidades. O futebol, sendo uma das principais atividades da cultura popular, pode contribuir para entender melhor como este multiculturalismo se reflete nas identidades no contexto da União Europeia, bloco que completou 60 anos em 2017 / The main objective of this research will be to present the historical evolution of the European Union\'s multicultural teams in the World Cup, mainly between 1990 and 2014, and to understand how social and immigrant factors influenced the growth of these teams, showing that the evolution of athletes with these characteristics was not be surprising, but a reflection of the changes that European countries passed and the social achievements of minorities in that period. The use of foreign football players by the European national teams happens since the first edition of the World Cup, however, from the decade of 1990 has been registering an increase of players in this profile. These teams are already widespread on the football scene and the tendency is for them is to grow even more as the current teams are a mirror of the EU\'s multicultural society. Those national teams also help to try understanding of these new national identities, which are reflective of the ethnic, cultural and migratory transformations that Europe has been experiencing since the 20th century. Although reasonably globalized, European football still has intolerance cases and prejudice due to the clash between traditional and new identities. Football, being one of the main activities in a popular culture, can help to better understand how this multiculturalism is reflected in identities in the context of the European Union, a trade bloc that turned 60 years in 2017

O indígena no olhar de José Veríssimo / The native in the eyes of José Veríssimo

Castilho, Mariana Moreno 07 May 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho busca entender como se constituíram as imagens e a alteridade do sujeito indígena nas obras impressas de José Veríssimo. Membro de uma elite cultural no contexto da Primeira República, Veríssimo colaborou para a formação da Academia Brasileira de Letras e foi reconhecido pelos seus pares por sua crítica literária. No entanto, José Veríssimo, que escreveu sua primeira obra na década de 1870, também desenvolveu estudos pedagógicos e etnográficos, estes últimos pouco lembrados por seus críticos. A partir desses estudos visamos confrontar a imagem construída do sujeito indígena em suas obras etnográficas, pedagógicas e de crítica literária. O caminho da busca da civilização mediante a educação foi o trajeto que preponderou na ordem discursiva de Veríssimo. Conceitos como civilização, modernidade, urbanidade, raça, cultura, educação e nação regeram o discurso de Veríssimo no transcorrer de suas obras e foram se articulando e se rearticulando na tentativa de traçar a identidade nacional e a constituição do ser brasileiro. Simultaneamente a essas construções discursivas, o olhar de Veríssimo foi se deslocando não só diante das concepções de indianismo, Naturalismo, positivismo, evolucionismo, como também para o outro, o sujeito indígena. As imagens desse sujeito foram sendo moldadas na sua escrita a partir dessa fronteira da alteridade, em que o indígena representava o interdito dentro da busca de um ideal de corpo nacional homogêneo que visava construir a nação. / This thesis seeks to understand how the images and alterity of native individual were formed in the printed works by José Veríssimo, a member of a cultural elite in the First Republic context, who contributed to the formation of the Academy of Letter and whose literary criticism was acknowledged by his peers. However, José Veríssimo, who wrote his first book in the 1870, also developed educational and ethnographic studies, being the latter poorly remembered by Veríssimo scholars. From theses studies we aim to confront the constructed images of the native subject through his works of ethnographic, educational and literary criticism. The path of the search for civilization through education was the path that prevailed in Veríssimos discursive order. However, concepts such as civilization, modernity, urbanity, race, culture, education, and nation ruled Verísssimos speech along his work and it was organized and regrouped along his literature production around national identity and constitution of being brazilian. Simultaneously with these discursive constructions, not only were Veríssimos focus moving forward the concept of indianism, Naturalism, positivism, evolutionism, but also to the other, the native subject. The images of this subject were shaped in his writing from that boundary of alterity, where the native represents the interdict in this search of an ideal homogeneous national body that aimed to build the nation.

Det föreställda landskapet -Regional fornforskning och kulturarvsskapande under 1800-talets andra hälft

Englöf, Anna January 2019 (has links)
This paper analyses – via a case study of Gabriel Djurklou’s Ur Nerikes folkspråk och folklif – the late 19th century regional Swedish cultural heritage discourse, which in the context of nationalism aimed to define an identity and evoke a sense of national kinship. The study focuses on how the use of history served to establish a conception of Swedishness based upon a specific, symbolic idea about the landscape; an idea that included aspects of both culture and nature. Michel Foucault’s theory of power and archaeological method is used to illustrate how the discourse selectively composed an idealistic national image by including certain objects and excluding others, how it determined which relational positions its subject could take in regards to other subjects and the discursive objects, and how subjects were created through a process of objectification. The idea of national identity embraced the rural landscape and peasantry, and it was spread via textual descriptions of the regional landscapes. The paper concludes that the discourse gained and exerted power through its texts, and the analysis illustrate specific ways in which history was used to evoke the sense of kinship by creating an idea about national identity.

A construção da identidade nacional no livro didático de Geografia 1842-1945 / The construction of national identity in the didactic book of Geography - 1842-1945

Silva, Maria Ediney Ferreira da 15 February 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa possui como base a investigação sobre como a identidade nacional passou a ser construída nos livros didáticos de Geografia através de uma regularidade discursiva, enunciada em diferentes momentos da história da educação brasileira. No sentido de entender o se fazia presente nestes discursos, busquei revisitar o passado, reconhecendo que a compreensão deste recorte espacial passa necessariamente pelo resgate da complexidade histórica que envolve sua existência.N os livros didáticos era possível perceber certa constância nos discursos sobre a identidade nacional declaravam a unidade ao enunciar uma nação, ao mesmo tempo em que as particularidades acabavam por diferenciar primeiramente as províncias, posteriormente os estados e por fim, as regiões. Compondo um tenso tecido regional ao longo da organização do território brasileiro. Através dessa relação dialógica, o brasileiro, era mobilizado ao mesmo tempo em que as identidades regionais eram delimitadas, surgindo os baianos, mineiros, paulistas, gaúchos etc. Estes discursos criaram uma conformidade de apreensões sobre o Brasil. Representações que ganharam foro de legítimas, a partir do discurso institucionalizado decorrente da escola. Os livros didáticos surgem como fontes para esta apreensão, já que possibilitam perceber o que foi enunciado como sendo o Brasil, em um dado período da história da Geografia escolar. Espera-se que as análises e conclusões ora apresentadas neste trabalho contribuam para as novas pesquisas que vêm sendo desenvolvidas por estudiosos e acadêmicos sobre o livro didático de Geografia. Servindo de estimulo no desenvolvimento de novos conhecimentos, principalmente àqueles que têm como foco a história da geografia enquanto disciplina escolar. / This research is based on an investigation about how the national identity was constructed in didactic books of Geography through speeches enunciated in different moments of the history of Brazilian education. I tried to revisit the past, recognizing that the understanding of this spatial cut necessarily passes through the rescue of the historical complexity that involves its existence. In the textbooks it was possible to perceive a certain constancy in the discourses on the national identity declared unity when enunciating a nation, at the same time that the particularities ended up differentiating first the provinces, later the states and, finally, the regions. Composing a tense regional fabric throughout the organization of the Brazilian territory. Through this dialogical relationship, the \"Brazilian\" was mobilized at the same time as the regional identities were delimited, arising the baianos, mineiros, paulistas, gaúchos etc. These speeches created a conformity of apprehensions about Brazil. Representations that have gained legitimacy from the institutionalized discourse arising from the school. The textbooks come as sources for this apprehension, since they make it possible to perceive what was enunciated as being Brazil, in a given period of the history of the school geography. It is hoped that the analyzes and conclusions presented in this paper will contribute to the new research that has been developed by scholars and academics about the Geography textbook. Being a stimulus in the development of new knowledge, especially to those that focus on the history of geography as a school discipline.

For the term of its national life : the Australian (imagi)nation.

Holliday, Brian January 1993 (has links)
This thesis is divided into two sections; a theoretical section which looks at the analytic construction of collective identities, and a section which applies the theory to two Australian novels. The first four chapters use the theories of Roy Wagner, Benedict Anderson, Jacques Lacan and Homi Bhabha to look at the often unconscious construction of culture and national, and at the process of hybridity to which those constructions are continually subject.The next three chapters examine Glenda Adamss Games of the Strong and Nicholas Haslucks The Bellarmine Jug showing how an unconscious development of Australian themes runs through the novels, regardless of a lack of Australian characters and setting. The novels show the complex, unique and frequently misunderstood position Australia holds between the cultures, nations and civilisations of the East and the West.The conclusion draws together the principal arguments of the thesis and highlights some concerns which they imply for Australian and its national imagination.

Sport and Politics: A study of the relationship between International Politics

Bainvel, Serge January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to understand and demonstrate the narrow ties between sport and International Relations. My purpose is to examine how Football especially is mixed with International Relations in many levels. The theoretical framework deals with the</p><p>nationalism theories. Nationalism theories have been relevant only for the last two decades. Nationalism has been developed in the two last centuries with the industrialisation. It can be considered as a political doctrine or ideology. The definition of Nationalism is not obvious because there are no founding theorist or text on it. This</p><p>process of nationalism induced nations to existence or self-determination. But extreme nationalism can be a danger. Nationals symbols have been created like language, food and drink, clothing, commemorative holidays, military heroes, flags, colours, and anthems.</p><p>Sport should not be forgotten in this Nationalism ideology. A qualitative study of all the books have been studied carefully. The thesis is based on a long historical approach that permitted to demonstrate the links between sport and International Relations. Pierre de Coubertin wanted Olympics to bring peace and without political means, but the situation changed rapidly everything and government policies were really influenced by sports. Not only totalitarian states but also democratic ones have been using sport for their propaganda to promote national strength. It has been like a trigger mechanism, everyone has understood how to use sport for diplomatic relations and it is a safer and harmless way than a war. Then a study of national identity construction will be the second goal.</p><p>Governments are now involved in sport to promote the prestige of a group. The other reason is to encourage a sense of identity, belonging and unity. Sport as a diplomatic tool can be considered like a public diplomacy to influence opinion. Football passion is shared by every citizen and helps us to understand the complexity of the world with its conflicting nations. In all this complicated situation, the Nordic nationalism is a fascinating new direction of peace and tolerance. For example, the Danes showed a festive way to support national teams that we can call a ‘sporting nationalism’.</p>

At Home in the World: Globalism in Modern Irish Writing

Tucker, Amanda 31 March 2008 (has links)
Because the first part of the twentieth century in Ireland was marked with nationalist milestones like the Easter Rising and the Anglo-Irish War, most accounts of modern Irish literature and culture are nation-centered. This dissertation offers a new understanding of modern Irish writing by placing national identity in conversation with global consciousness, a burgeoning concept in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In particular, this project explores three aspects of globalism: the attachments to foreign countries that Irish writers form; the ways in which these attachments affect their relationships with Ireland; and their subsequent articulation of global consciousness based on these transnational experiences. The introduction provides a critical and historical context for the project by negotiating between the established discipline of Irish Studies and the emerging field of Irish Diaspora Studies. Each chapter then investigates an Irish writer whose work indicates a relationship between global and national consciousness. The Irish-Argentine writer William Bulfin and the evolution of his relationship with gauchos, as it is suggested in his Tales of the Pampas, forms the subject of the next chapter. The second chapter juxtaposes Helen Waddell's The Princess Splendour and Other Stories, which retells fairytales from the Middle and Far East as well as from Ireland, with Lady Gregory's and Douglas Hyde's nationalistic collections of Irish folklore. The third chapter investigates the connection between the feminist underpinnings of Kate O'Brien's novels with the transnational movements that frequently accompany them. The fourth chapter examines the cosmopolitan imperative of Brian Moore's Irish-American novels. Finally, in the epilogue I briefly suggest the ways in which contemporary Irish writing extends the projects begun by these earlier figures.

Strangers at Home: Threshold Identities in Contemporary Irish Women’s Writing

Slivka, Jennifer A 04 May 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines how contemporary Irish women writers dismantle national conceptions linking Irish women to the hearth and home by offering an alternate version of women’s lived experience, which nationalist ideologies have simplified. I consider how these writers define “home”—the domestic, the familiar, the intimate—as complicated by sexuality, exile, and violence. Using Freud’s theory of the uncanny as a lens, I analyze how these writers question established social relations in order to uncover uneasy relationships to self, home, and homeland. In my project, postcolonial theory and transnational feminisms, coupled with trauma theory, facilitate the contextualization of the uncanny as a response to the hybrid identities, dislocations, and effects of violence on gender roles within the nation. The first two chapters examine Edna O’Brien’s later fiction, which unsettles conceptions of the nation by emphasizing the experiences of marginal figures, thereby questioning who belongs within the nation’s borders. The next two chapters on the fiction of Jennifer Johnston and Mary Beckett reveal how the crossing of the public into the private sphere exposes a paradoxical homespace that is both haven and prison for rich Anglo-Irish Dubliners and working-class Catholics in Belfast. The final chapter on Kate O’Riordan’s novels explores issues of exile, alienation, and trauma through a multi-generational lens, revealing how memories of “home” and fraught parent-child relationships at once hinder and facilitate identity formation. In the epilogue, I briefly discuss how contemporary Irish poetry could address the issues raised by the works of fiction examined in my project.

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