Spelling suggestions: "subject:"batural convection"" "subject:"datural convection""
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Contribution à la simulation numérique des transferts de chaleur par conduction, rayonnement et convection thermosolutale dans des cavités / Contribution to the numerical simulation of heat transfert by conduction, radiation and thermosolutal convection in cavitiesLaaroussi, Najma 30 June 2008 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à la simulation numérique des transferts de chaleur par conduction dans les parois, par rayonnement et par convection thermosolutale dans des cavités fermées ou dans des conduites. Dans la plupart des cas pratiques, les trois modes de transfert de chaleur sont fortement couplés lorsque le fluide en mouvement est un mélange de gaz. Le transfert de chaleur par convection naturelle associé à la condensation surfacique dans une cavité à deux dimensions, remplie d'air humide a été étudié numériquement. Les parois verticales, d'épaisseur finie, sont en contact avec une ambiance extérieure froide. La modélisation faiblement compressible permet à la fois de tenir compte de la diminution de la masse du mélange et de la pression thermodynamique. Egalement, une étude de la convection mixte associée à l'évaporation d'un film liquide ruisselant sur les deux parois d'un canal vertical a été menée. Les effets des forces d'Archimède thermique et solutale sur le développement de l'écoulement ont été montrés. Les résultats ont été obtenus en considérant que les propriétés du mélange sont constantes ou basées sur la règle d'un tiers. Deux mélanges binaires de gaz parfaits air-vapeur et air-hexane ont été considérés en vertu de diverses conditions aux limites / The purpose of this thesis is the contribution to the numerical simulation of heat transfer by conduction, radiation and thermosolutal convection in a closed cavity or in a vertical channel. In most practical cases, the three modes of heat transfer are strongly coupled when the fluid in motion is a mixture of gases. Heat transfer by natural convection and surface condensation in two-dimensional enclosures in contact with a cold external ambient through a wall of finite thickness was studied numerically. Special attention was given on the modeling of the flow of a binary mixture consisting of humid air. Low-Mach number assumption was introduced in order to account for decreases in mixture mass and average pressure within the enclosure between the initial and steady states. Also, a numerical investigation was conducted to study mixed convection in a vertical channel with evaporation of thin liquid films on wetted walls. The effects of the thermal and solutal buoyancy forces on the flow field, heat and mass transfer are illustrated. Results were obtained both for variable and for constant properties using the one-third rule. Air-water vapor and air-hexane vapor mixtures, assumed as ideal gases, are considered under various boundary conditions
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Etude numérique de la convection naturelle thermique engendrée par des blocs générant de la chaleur dans un canal horizontal et dans une géométrie cubique / Numerical study of thermal natural convection induced by heating blocks in a horizontal channel and in a cubical geometryMouhtadi, Driss 03 May 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier les détails des écoulements et des transferts thermiques induits par convection naturelle au sein d'un canal (simulation bidimensionnelle) et au sein d'une cavité cubique (simulation tridimensionnelle) munis de blocs chauffants. La chaleur dégagée par les blocs résulte d'une génération volumique uniforme de la chaleur, d'une température chaude constante ou d'un flux surfacique uniforme. On utilise l'air (Pr=0.72) comme fluide. Les paramètres de l'étude sont le rapport des conductivités thermiques du bloc solide et du fluide (0.1≤k*≤200), le nombre de Rayleigh (〖10〗^4≤Ra≤〖10〗^7) et la hauteur relative des blocs (1/8≤B≤1/2). La détermination des conditions de validité du modèle à blocs isothermes et du modèle à blocs libérant un flux surfacique uniforme, en fonction du rapport des conductivités thermiques et des autres paramètres du problème, compte parmi les principaux objectifs de ce travail. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l'écoulement et le transfert thermique ainsi que les conditions de validité des modèles mentionnés sont fortement influencés par les paramètres de contrôle et par la multiplicité de solutions trouvée en régime convectif. / The object of this work is to study the details of the flow and heat transfer induced by natural convection in a channel (2D simulation) and in a cubic cavity (3D simulation) containing heating blocks. The heat released by the blocks results from a uniform volumetric heat generation, a constant hot temperature or a uniform surface flux. Air (Pr=0.72) is used as working fluid. The parameters of the study are the thermal conductivities ratio of solid blocks and fluid (0.1≤k*≤200), the Rayleigh number (〖10〗^4≤Ra≤〖10〗^7) and the relative height of the blocks (1/8≤B≤1/2). Among the main objects of this work is the determination of the conditions of validity of the model with isothermal blocks and the model with blocks releasing a uniform surface flux, as functions of the thermal conductivities ratio and the other parameters of the problem. The results obtained show that the flow and heat transfer and the conditions of validity of the models mentioned are strongly affected by the control parameters and the multiplicity of solutions found in the convective regime.
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Transition vers le chaos en convection naturelle confinée : descriptions lagrangienne et eulérienne / Transition to chaos in confined natural convection : Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptionsOteski, Ludomir 30 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est une étude numérique d'un écoulement d'air dans une cavité différentiellement chauffée bidimensionnelle en présence de gravité. Pour un rapport hauteur/largeur de deux et des parois horizontales supposées adiabatiques, l'écoulement de base correspond à une recirculation autour de la cavité avec un coeur stratifié et des couches limites verticales. Les équations de Navier-Stokes sont résolues par un code de simulation numérique directe spectrale instationnaire basé sur l’hypothèse de Boussinesq couplé à un algorithme de suivi de particules avec interpolation. Le nombre de Rayleigh basé sur la différence de température est choisi comme paramètre de contrôle de l’écoulement. La transition vers le chaos au sein de cet écoulement est explorée à la fois du point de vue eulérien (développement de l’instationnarité) et lagrangien (mélange chaotique).L'approche lagrangienne considère le mélange de traceurs passifs infinitésimaux non diffusifs. L'étude se base sur l'identification d'objets invariants de la dynamiques : points fixes, orbites périodiques et leurs variétés stable/instable, connections homoclines et hétéroclines, trajectoires toroïdales. Le mélange des traceurs est partiel lorsque l'écoulement subit une première bifurcation de Hopf. La dispersion globale des traceurs résulte d'un compromis entre la présence de tores Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser qui jouent le rôle de barrières au mélange, et d'enchevêtrements homoclines/hétéroclines responsables du chaos lagrangien. L'étude statistique des temps de retour et du taux d'homogénéisation révèle la présence de zones où la dynamique est non hyperbolique. En augmentant le nombre de Rayleigh, le mélange devient progressivement complet avant que l'écoulement ne devienne quasi-périodique en temps. L'approche eulérienne considère les divers scénarios de transition vers le chaos par l'identification numérique d'attracteurs et des bifurcations associées lorsque le nombre de Rayleigh varie. Deux routes principales se distinguent en fonction des symétries associées aux deux premières bifurcations de Hopf du système, contenant chacune plusieurs branches hystérétiques. Trente trois régimes différents sont identifiés et analysés depuis l'écoulement stationnaire jusqu'à un écoulement chaotique voire hyperchaotique. Parmi ceux-ci, des branches de tores à deux et trois fréquences incommensurables, ainsi que des régimes intermittents sont examinés. Des diagrammes de bifurcations qualitatifs et quantitatifs sont proposés pour résumer l'ensemble des dynamiques observées. / This thesis is about the numerical study of an air flow inside a two dimensionally heated cavity. The aspect ratio height/width is set to two. Boundary conditions on horizontal walls are taken as adiabatic. In this case, the base flow consists of a recirculation around the stratified core of the cavity and of boundary layers along the vertical walls. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a spectral direct numerical simulation code under the Boussinesq assumption coupled with a particle tracking scheme based on interpolation. The Rayleigh number, based on the temperature difference is chosen as the control parameter of the system. The transition to chaos in this flow is considered both from the Eulerian and Lagrangian point of view.The Lagrangian point of view considers the mixing of point-wise non-diffusive passive tracers. The study is based on the identification of invariant objects: fixed points, periodic orbits and their stable/unstable manifolds,homoclinic and heteroclinic connections, toroidal trajectories.The mixing of tracers is partial when the flow undergoes the first Hopf bifurcation. The complete mixing of tracers results from a compromise between Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser's tori, which act as barriers to mixing, and homoclinic/heteroclinic tangles which are responsible for the mixing.The statistical study of return times and the homogenisation rate shows regionswhere the dynamics is non-hyperbolic. When the Rayleigh number is increased, mixing is increasingly complete before the flow becomes quasi-periodic in time.The Eulerian description considers the transition to chaos via the numerical identification of attractors and their associated bifurcations when the Rayleigh number is varied. Two main routes are found depending on the symmetries associated with the first two Hopf bifurcations of the system. A total of thirty three different regimes are identified from steady to hyperchaotic, among which two- and three-frequency tori as well as intermittent dynamics. Both quantitative and qualitative bifurcation diagrams are suggested for the system.
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Unsteady Free Convection from Elliptic Tubes at Large Grashof NumbersPerera, Ranmal January 2008 (has links)
This study solves the problem of unsteady free convection from an inclined heated tube both numerically and analytically. The tube is taken to have an elliptic cross-section having a constant heat flux applied to its surface. The surrounding fluid is viscous and incompressible and infinite in extent. The Boussinesq approximation is used to describe the buoyancy force driving the flow. The underlying assumptions made in this work are that the flow remains laminar and two-dimensional for all time. This enables the Navier-Stokes and energy equations to be formulated in terms of the streamfunction, and vorticity.
We assume that initially an impulsive heat
flux is applied to the surface and that both the tube and surrounding fluid have the same initial temperature. The problem is solved subject to the no-slip and constant heat
flux conditions on the surface together with quiescent far-field and initial conditions.
An approximate analytical-numerical solution was derived for small times, t and large Grashof numbers, Gr. This was done by expanding the flow variables in a double series in terms of two small parameters and reduces to solving a set of differential equations. The first few terms were solved exactly while the higher-order terms were determined numerically.
Flow characteristics presented include average surface temperature plots as well
as surface vorticity and surface temperature distributions. The results demonstrate
that the approximate analytical-numerical solution is in good agreement with the
fully numerical solution for small t and large Gr.
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Unsteady Free Convection from Elliptic Tubes at Large Grashof NumbersPerera, Ranmal January 2008 (has links)
This study solves the problem of unsteady free convection from an inclined heated tube both numerically and analytically. The tube is taken to have an elliptic cross-section having a constant heat flux applied to its surface. The surrounding fluid is viscous and incompressible and infinite in extent. The Boussinesq approximation is used to describe the buoyancy force driving the flow. The underlying assumptions made in this work are that the flow remains laminar and two-dimensional for all time. This enables the Navier-Stokes and energy equations to be formulated in terms of the streamfunction, and vorticity.
We assume that initially an impulsive heat
flux is applied to the surface and that both the tube and surrounding fluid have the same initial temperature. The problem is solved subject to the no-slip and constant heat
flux conditions on the surface together with quiescent far-field and initial conditions.
An approximate analytical-numerical solution was derived for small times, t and large Grashof numbers, Gr. This was done by expanding the flow variables in a double series in terms of two small parameters and reduces to solving a set of differential equations. The first few terms were solved exactly while the higher-order terms were determined numerically.
Flow characteristics presented include average surface temperature plots as well
as surface vorticity and surface temperature distributions. The results demonstrate
that the approximate analytical-numerical solution is in good agreement with the
fully numerical solution for small t and large Gr.
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Investigations On High Rayleigh Number Turbulent Free ConvectionPuthenveettil, Baburaj A 06 1900 (has links)
High Rayleigh number(Ra) turbulent free convection has many unresolved
issues related to the phenomenology behind the flux scaling, the
presence of a mean wind and its effects, exponential probability
distribution functions, the Prandtl number dependence and the nature
of near wall structures. Few studies have been conducted in the high
Prandtl number regime and the understanding of near wall coherent
structures is inadequate for $Ra > 10^9$. The present thesis deals
with the results of investigations conducted on high Rayleigh
number turbulent free convection in the high Schmidt number(Sc)
regime, focusing on the role of near wall coherent structures.
We use a new method of driving the convection using concentration
difference of NaCl across a horizontal membrane between two tanks to
achieve high Ra utilising the low molecular diffusivity of NaCl. The
near wall structures are visualised by planar laser induced
fluorescence. Flux is estimated from transient measurement of
concentration in the top tank by a conductivity probe. Experiments
are conducted in tanks of $15\times15\times 23$cm (aspect ratio,AR =
0.65) and $10\times10\times 23$cm (AR = 0.435). Two membranes of
0.45$\mu$ and 35$\mu$ mean pore size were used. For the fine
membrane (and for the coarse membrane at low driving potentials), the
transport across the partition becomes diffusion dominated, while the
transport above and below the partition becomes similar to unsteady
non penetrative turbulent free convection above flat horizontal
surfaces (Figure~\ref{fig:schem}(A)). In this type of convection,
the flux scaled as $q\sim \Delta C_w ^{4/3}$,where $\Delta C_w$ is
the near wall concentration difference, similar to that in Rayleigh -
B\'nard convection . Hence, we are able to study turbulent free
convection over horizontal surfaces in the Rayleigh Number range of
$\sim 10^- 10 ^$ at Schmidt number of 602, focusing on the
nature and role of near wall coherent structures. To our knowledge,
this is the first study showing clear images of near wall structures
in high Rayleigh Number - high Schmidt number turbulent free
We observe a weak flow across the membrane in the case of the coarser
membrane at higher driving potentials (Figure \ref(B)).
The effect of this through flow on the flux and the near wall
structures is also investigated. In both the types of convection the
near wall structure shows patterns formed by sheet plumes, the common
properties of these patterns are also investigated. The major
outcomes in the above three areas of the thesis can be summarised as
The non-dimensional flux was similar to that reported by
Goldstein\cite at Sc of 2750. Visualisations show that the near
wall coherent structures are line plumes. Depending on the Rayleigh
number and the Aspect ratio, different types of large scale flow cells
which are driven by plume columns are observed. Multiple large scale
flow cells are observed for AR = 0.65 and a single large scale flow
for AR= 0.435. The large scale flow create a near wall mean shear,
which is seen to vary across the cross section. The orientation of the
large scale flow is seen to change at a time scale much larger than
the time scale of one large scale circulation
The near wall structures show interaction of the large scale flow with
the line plumes. The plumes are initiated as points and then gets
elongated along the mean shear direction in areas of larger mean
shear. In areas of low mean shear, the plumes are initiated as points
but gets elongated in directions decided by the flow induced by the
adjacent plumes. The effect of near wall mean shear is to align the
plumes and reduce their lateral movement and merging. The time scale
for the merger of the near wall line plumes is an order smaller than
the time scale of the one large scale circulation. With increase in
Rayleigh number, plumes become more closely and regularly spaced.
We propose that the near wall boundary layers in high Rayleigh number
turbulent free convection are laminar natural convection boundary
layers. The above proposition is verified by a near wall model,
similar to the one proposed by \cite{tjfm}, based on the similarity
solutions of laminar natural convection boundary layer equations as
Pr$\rightarrow\infty$. The model prediction of the non dimensional
mean plume spacing $Ra_\lambda^~=~\lambda /Z_w~=~91.7$ - where
$Ra_\lambda$ is the Rayleigh number based on the plume spacing
$\lambda$, and $Z_w$ is a near wall length scale for turbulent free
convection - matches the experimental measurements. Therefore, higher
driving potentials, resulting in higher flux, give rise to lower mean
plume spacing so that $\lambda \Delta C_w^$ or $\lambda q^$ is
a constant for a given fluid.
We also show that the laminar boundary layer assumption is consistent
with the flux scaling obtained from integral relations. Integral
equations for the Nusselt number(Nu) from the scalar variance
equations for unsteady non penetrative convection are derived.
Estimating the boundary layer dissipation using laminar natural
convection boundary layers and using the mean plume spacing relation,
we obtain $Nu\sim Ra^$ when the boundary layer scalar dissipation
is only considered. The contribution of bulk dissipation is found to
be a small perturbation on the dominant 1/3 scaling, the effect of
which is to reduce the effective scaling exponent.
In the appendix to the thesis, continuing the above line of reasoning,
we conduct an exploratory re-analysis (for $Pr\sim 1$) of the Grossman
and Lohse's\cite scaling theory for turbulent Rayleigh - B\'enard
convection. We replace the Blasius boundary layer assumption of the
theory with a pair of externally forced laminar natural convection
boundary layers per plume. Integral equations of the externally forced
laminar natural convection boundary layer show that the mixed
convection boundary layer thickness is decided by a $5^{th}$ order
algebraic equation, which asymptotes to the laminar natural convection
boundary layer for zero mean wind and to Blasius boundary layer at
large mean winds.
\subsubsection*{Effect of wall normal flow on flux and near wall structures}
For experiments with the coarser($35\mu$) membrane, we observe three
regimes viz. the strong through flow regime
(Figure~\ref{fig:schem}(b)), the diffusion regime (Figure
\ref{fig:schem}(a)), and a transition regime between the above two
regimes that we term as the weak through flow regime.
At higher driving potentials, only half the area above the coarser
membrane is covered by plumes, with the other half having plumes below
the membrane. A wall normal through flow driven by impingement of the
large scale flow is inferred to be the cause of this (Figure
\ref{fig:schem}(b)). In this strong through flow regime, only a single
large scale flow circulation cell oriented along the diagonal or
parallel to the walls is detected. The plume structure is more
dendritic than the no through flow case. The flux scales as $\Delta
C_w^n$, with $7/3\leq n\leq 3$ and is about four times that observed
with the fine membrane. The phenomenology of a flow across the
membrane driven by the impingement of the large scale flow of strength
$W_*$, the Deardorff velocity scale, explains the cubic scaling. We
find the surprising result that the non-dimensional flux is smaller
than that in the no through flow case for similar parameters.
The mean plume spacings in the strong through flow regime are larger
and show a different Rayleigh number dependence vis-a-vis the no
through flow case. Using integral analysis, an expression for the
boundary layer thickness is derived for high Schmidt number laminar
natural convection boundary layer with a normal velocity at the wall.
(Also, solutions to the integral equations are obtained for the
$Sc\sim 1$ case, which are given as an Appendix.) Assuming the
gravitational stability condition to hold true, we show that the plume
spacing in the high Schmidt number strong through flow regime is
proportional to $\sqrt{Z_w\,Z{_{v_i}}}$, where $Z{_{v_i}}$ is a length
scale from the through flow velocity. This inference is fairly
supported by the plume spacing measurements
At lower driving potentials corresponding to the transition regime,
the whole membrane surface is seen to be covered by plumes and the
flux scaled as $\Delta C_w^{4/3}$.
The non-dimensional flux is about the same as in turbulent free
convection over flat surfaces if $\frac{1}{2}\Delta C $ is assumed to
occur on one side of the membrane. This is expected to occur in the
area averaged sense with different parts of the membrane having
predominance of diffusion or through flow dominant transport. At very
low driving potentials corresponding to the diffusion regime, the
diffusion corrected non dimensional flux match the turbulent free
convection values, implying a similar phenomena as in the fine
\subsubsection*{Universal probability distribution of near wall structures}
We discover that the probability distribution function of the plume
spacings show a standard log normal distribution, invariant of the
presence or the absence of wall normal through flow and at all the
Rayleigh numbers and aspect ratios investigated. These plume
structures showed the same underlying multifractal spectrum of
singularities in all these cases. As the multifractal curve indirectly represents the processes by which
these structures are formed, we conclude that the plume structures are created by a common
generating mechanism involving nucleation at points, growth along
lines and then merging, influenced by the external mean shear.
Inferring from the thermodynamic analogy of multifractal analysis, we
hypothesise that the near wall plume structure in turbulent free
convection might be formed so that the entropy of the structure is
maximised within the given constraints.
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Numerical simulations of natural or mixed convection in vertical channels : comparisons of level-set numerical schemes for the modeling of immiscible incompressible fluid flowsLi, Ru 12 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this research dissertation is at studying natural and mixed convections of fluid flows, and to develop and validate numerical schemes for interface tracking in order to treat incompressible and immiscible fluid flows, later. In a first step, an original numerical method, based on Finite Volume discretizations, is developed for modeling low Mach number flows with large temperature gaps. Three physical applications on air flowing through vertical heated parallel plates were investigated. We showed that the optimum spacing corresponding to the peak heat flux transferred from an array of isothermal parallel plates cooled by mixed convection is smaller than those for natural or forced convections when the pressure drop at the outlet keeps constant. We also proved that mixed convection flows resulting from an imposed flow rate may exhibit unexpected physical solutions; alternative model based on prescribed total pressure at inlet and fixed pressure at outlet sections gives more realistic results. For channels heated by heat flux on one wall only, surface radiation tends to suppress the onset of recirculations at the outlet and to unify the walls temperature. In a second step, the mathematical model coupling the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and the Level-Set method for interface tracking is derived. Improvements in fluid volume conservation by using high order discretization (ENO-WENO) schemes for the transport equation and variants of the signed distance equation are discussed
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Direct Numerical Simulation Of Liquid Flow In A Horizontal MicrochannelKukrer, Cenk Evren 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Numerical simulations of liquid flow in a micro-channel between two horizontal plates are performed. The channel is infinite in streamwise and spanwise directions and its height is taken as m, which falls within the dimension ranges of microchannels. The Navier-Stokes equations with the addition of Brinkman number (Br) to the energy equation are used as the governing equations and spectral methods based approach is applied to obtain the required accuracy to handle liquid flow in the microchannel. It is known for microchannels that Br combines the effects of conduction and viscous dissipation in liquids and is also a way of comparing the importance of latter relative to former. The present study aims to simulate the unusual behavior of decreasing of Nu with increasing Re in the laminar regime of microchannels and to show that Br can be introduced to explain this unexpected behavior. Consequently, it is seen at the end of the results that secondary effect of the Br is observed for the single-phase convective heat transfer. Therefore, a laminar flow of a liquid in a microchannel shows different characteristics compared to a similar flow in a macrochannel. To observe the differences, three different cases are run over each of a range of Reynolds numbers: one with no axial conduction assumption that corresponds to a case similar to macrochannel flow, another case with axial conduction included in the energy equation to simulate one of the main differences and lastly a case with the inclusion of Br number in the governing equations.
A similar study is made for natural convection with the same numerical set-up for the same three cases. Formation of Rayleigh-Benard cells are observed for the critical numbers widely accepted in the literature. The results are compared with each other to see the effects of axial conduction and Br inclusion, in addition to Ra for natural convection.
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Redes neurais para controle de sistemas de reatores nuclearesBAPTISTA FILHO, BENEDITO D. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:43:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
05066.pdf: 8948400 bytes, checksum: 15fab2b2e51c4072c160d3e9ae523bd7 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Strömungssimulation und experimentelle Untersuchung für innovative Verflüssiger auf Basis neuartiger Rohre / CFD simulations and experimental investigation of an innovative condenser on the basis of novel tubesSchaake, Katrin, Manzke, Sebastian 09 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit werden neuartige Flachrohre für die Verwendung als Rückwandverflüssiger in der Haushaltskältetechnik mit numerischen und dynamischen Simulationen sowie Experimenten untersucht. Dabei kommen unterschiedliche überströmte Längen sowie der Einfluss horizontaler Abstände auf den Wärmeübergang durch freie Konvektion zur Betrachtung. Realisiert wird die numerische Strömungssimulation mit der Software Fluent 3.6.26, wobei das RNG-k-epsilon- als Turbulenzmodell und diskrete Ordinaten zur zusätzlichen Modellierung des Strahlungswärmeübergangs verwendet werden. Zur Verifizierung werden experimentelle Untersuchungen mit natürlicher Konvektion durchgeführt. Ebenso kommt ein kompakter Verflüssiger bei erzwungener Konvektion zur experimentellen Analyse. Mit einem neuen Verflüssigermodell wird außerdem ein Haushaltskühlschrank in Modelica 2.2.1 dynamisch simuliert. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass die Verwendung eines Flachrohrverflüssigers großes Potenzial einer konkurrenzfähigen Alternative zu konventionellen Verflüssigern besitzt. / In this work novel flat tubes used as rear panel condensers in the household refrigeration technology are examined with numerical and dynamic simulations as well as experiments. Therefore different overflowed lengths and the influence of horizontal spacing on the heat transfer by free convection are taken into consideration. The CFD calculations are realized with the software Fluent 3.6.26, where the RNG-k-epsilon turbulence model and discrete ordinates for an additional modelling of radiation heat transfer are applied. For the verification, experimental studies with natural convection are carried out. Likewise, a compact condenser is experimentally analysed in forced convection. With a new model for the liquefier a domestic refrigerator is also dynamically simulated in Modelica 2.2.1. This work shows that the use of a flat tube condenser has a great potential of a competitive alternative to conventional liquefiers.
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