Spelling suggestions: "subject:"batural reserve"" "subject:"datural reserve""
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Annonaceae da Reserva Natural Vale, Linhares, Espírito Santo / Annonaceae from Natural Reserve Vale, Linhares, Espírito SantoLopes, Jenifer de Carvalho 21 June 2012 (has links)
As Annonaceae da Reserva Natural Vale, localizada em Linhares, Espírito Santo, estão distribuídas em 11 gêneros e 28 espécies. São apresentadas chaves de identificação para os gêneros e para as espécies, ilustrações dos caracteres diagnósticos e pranchas fotográficas das espécies. O gênero com maior número de espécies é Annona, com cinco, seguido por Guatteria com quatro. Duguetia, Honschuchia, Oxandra e Xylopia têm três espécies cada e Unonopsis, duas espécies. Anaxagorea, Cymbopetalum, Ephedranthus e Pseudoxandra são representados por apenas uma espécie cada. A identidade das espécies de Guatteria na reserva é controversa. Análise morfológica permitiu incluir espécimes atribuídos a G. tomentosa em G. villosissima. Flores masculinas de Pseudoxandra spiritus-sancti são descritas pela primeira vez, constituindo também o primeiro relato de androdioicia em Pseudoxandra / The Annonaceae from Natural Reserve Vale located in Linhares, Espírito Santo, include 11 genera and 28 species. Key to genera and species, illustrations to diagnostics features and photographic plates are presented. Annona is the most diverse genus, with five species, followed by Guatteria, with four. Duguetia, Honschuchia, Oxandra and Xylopia are represented by three species each, and Unonopsis by two. Anaxagorea, Cymbopetalum, Ephedranthus and Pseudoxandra are represented by only one species each. The identity of Guatteria species is controversial. Morphological analysis allowed to include specimens attributed to G. tomentosa in G. villosissima. Male flowers of Pseudoxandra spiritus-sancti are described for the first time, constituting the first report of androdioicy in Pseudoxandra
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Nutrient cycling in a montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest (Lithocarpus/Castanopsis association) in Ailao Mountains, Yunnan, Southwestern China.Liu, Wenyao January 2001 (has links)
This study was conducted at the Ailao Mountain National Natural Reserve (NNR) in natural vegetation described as: Lithocarpus xylocarpus/Castanopsis wattii (Oak /Chestnut association) forest. Study sites were located in the Xujiaba area of the reserve at an altitude of ~ 2450 m with slopes of 10-15 degrees. This type of forest is believed to be unique to the NEAR area. The forest is floristically characterized by multiple families and genera. It has two tall tree layers, a well-developed bamboo (Sinarundinaria nitida) layer and evergreen fern species. Bryophyte, ferns and lichen occur and abundant epiphytic bryophyte is present on tree boles.A number of important aspects of nutrient cycling, including patterns of biomass and nutrient accumulation; nutrient return in litterfall and release from decomposing leaf litter; annual nutrient uptake and retention, and nutrient input and output budgets through hydrological flux in natural Lithocarpus/Castanopsis forest in the reserve, were investigated.This natural forest is characterized by high biomass accumulation of living and dead materials. Trees account for >90 % of total biomass. Dead wood comprises a high proportion (9-41 %) of total stand biomass. The sequence of inorganic nutrient element content decreased in the order leave s>b ranche s>roots> stems. Elemental content of the total stand decreased in the order of C>Ca>N>K>AI>Mg>P>Fe>Mn. The elements C, Ca and N were mainly in stems while AI and Fe were mainly in roots.Litterfall was sampled using traps during the period 1991-1999. High variations in litter production between years were associated with masting years of canopy species, and exceptional physical events (strong winds and snow). The mean annual litterfall is 7.12 t ha-1 with a bimodal seasonal pattern in litterfall: the main litterfall peak occurred in April-May and a lesser one in October-November. Woody ++ / litter and reproductive parts contribute relatively high proportions in this natural forest compared with other montane forests. Woody litter had low N and P concentrations compared with the leaf and reproductive parts. Elements return to the soil through small litterfall decreases in the order C>N>Ca>K>Mg>Mn>AI>P>Fe.The standard litter-bag technique was used to determine decomposition of leaf litter from three dominant canopy species (L. xylocarpus, L. chintungensis, C. wattii), one dominant understory species (the bamboo S. nitida) and a mixture of dominant bryophytes between Nov. 1997 and Oct. 1999. In each case, fast initial litter decomposition was followed by lower rates. Decomposition rates of canopy species and bamboo leaf litter appear to be controlled by initial concentration of lignin, N and P more than by morphological features of the leaves. P seemed to limit decomposition of all leaf litter, both initially and later. Nutrient release from decomposing leaf litter is in the order of K>Mg>Ca>N>P>~Fe, except for bamboo (S. nitida) K>Ca> P>N>Mg>Mn>Fe.Nutrient fluxes in bulk precipitation, throughfall and stemflow were measured in the natural forest between Jan. 1998 and Dec. 1999. This forest exhibited low interception by the canopy (13 % of total rainfall). N, P, Ca and S annual throughfall inputs were mainly from precipitation, while most of the K and two thirds of the Mg throughfall input was due to canopy leaching. There were significant effects of epiphytes on the amount and chemical composition of stemflow. Water volume and annual amounts of N, Ca and Mg were reduced, while K, P and S 1 were increased in stemflow after removing epiphytes on boles and branches.Plot- and catchment level approaches were applied to determine nutrient output from the ecosystem during the study period. The results indicated that this catchment has a subsurface flow system. ++ / The amounts of percolation water varied with soil depths. Concentrations of all nutrient elements studied were greater in surface water than in soil solution and stream water. The budgets for all nutrient elements between atmospheric inputs and outputs by both seepage and stream flow were positive, except for calcium (negative).This forest appears to be characterized by relatively high nutrient return (5.6-8.0 % of the total storage) and low nutrient retention (2.0-2.7 % of the total storage). The relative rate of nutrient cycling occupies an intermediate position between temperate evergreen broad-leaved forest and tropical montane rain forest, it is closer to montane rain forests in rates of nutrient circulation.
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Annonaceae da Reserva Natural Vale, Linhares, Espírito Santo / Annonaceae from Natural Reserve Vale, Linhares, Espírito SantoJenifer de Carvalho Lopes 21 June 2012 (has links)
As Annonaceae da Reserva Natural Vale, localizada em Linhares, Espírito Santo, estão distribuídas em 11 gêneros e 28 espécies. São apresentadas chaves de identificação para os gêneros e para as espécies, ilustrações dos caracteres diagnósticos e pranchas fotográficas das espécies. O gênero com maior número de espécies é Annona, com cinco, seguido por Guatteria com quatro. Duguetia, Honschuchia, Oxandra e Xylopia têm três espécies cada e Unonopsis, duas espécies. Anaxagorea, Cymbopetalum, Ephedranthus e Pseudoxandra são representados por apenas uma espécie cada. A identidade das espécies de Guatteria na reserva é controversa. Análise morfológica permitiu incluir espécimes atribuídos a G. tomentosa em G. villosissima. Flores masculinas de Pseudoxandra spiritus-sancti são descritas pela primeira vez, constituindo também o primeiro relato de androdioicia em Pseudoxandra / The Annonaceae from Natural Reserve Vale located in Linhares, Espírito Santo, include 11 genera and 28 species. Key to genera and species, illustrations to diagnostics features and photographic plates are presented. Annona is the most diverse genus, with five species, followed by Guatteria, with four. Duguetia, Honschuchia, Oxandra and Xylopia are represented by three species each, and Unonopsis by two. Anaxagorea, Cymbopetalum, Ephedranthus and Pseudoxandra are represented by only one species each. The identity of Guatteria species is controversial. Morphological analysis allowed to include specimens attributed to G. tomentosa in G. villosissima. Male flowers of Pseudoxandra spiritus-sancti are described for the first time, constituting the first report of androdioicy in Pseudoxandra
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Vliv známých regulačních faktorů na populační dynamiku vybraných orchidejí vstavačové louky na lokalitě Peklo / The infuence of known regulatory factors on the population dynamics of selected orchid species on the orchid meadow (Peklo locality)ČEPA, Luboš January 2012 (has links)
Populations of strongly endangered species Orchis mascula and endangered Dactylorhiza majalis were monitored at Peklo area since 2000. In May 2002, another strongly endangered orchid species Orchis ustulata was discovered. The major increase in counts of O. ustulata towards stable numbers of O. mascula and D. majalis populations was detected during the seven year period of plant monitoring. The aim of this study was to reveal a connection between the climate conditions and orchid vitality, using biometrical plant data gained between 2005 to 2011. In order to evaluate a steady state of investigated area, the extensive phytocoenological sampling was conducted. The obtained data revealed several different loci at the screened grassland, which can be defined with presence of distinctive species. In blooming individuals of O. mascula, March temperature was the most defining factor. Parameters studied (number of leaves and blossoms, size of leaves, lenght of stems and duration of flowering) increased with decreasing March temperature. The blooming proved to be important factor, if a plant was in flower that year or the preceeding year, the number and the size of leaves was larger. The blooming in two subsequent years enhanced this described effect even more. The comparison of blooming individuals of O. ustulata revealed that plants growing in clusters were non flowering but bigger in size. Other positive correlation with investigated parameters had precipitation in December. However, the comparison of all plants showed generally smaller size of cluster forming plants. This overall analysis pointed out the influence of low temperature in October, the plants were smaller in size and amount of sterile individuals rised. All collected data and generated comparisons support earlier findings about influence of temperature and precipitation on the orchid population dynamics.
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Diversidade de moscas-das-frutas (Diptera, Tephritidae) em pomares comerciais de papaia e em áreas remanescentes da Mata Atlântica e suas plantas hospedeiras nativas, no município de Linhares, Espírito Santo / Fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) diversity in papaya commercial orchards and in remnant areas of the Atlantic Rain Forest and their association with native host plants, in Linhares county, Espírito Santo state, BrazilUramoto, Keiko 26 April 2007 (has links)
Este estudo foi conduzido em áreas remanescentes da Mata Atlântica, Reserva Natural da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce e Floresta Natural de Goytacazes (áreas preservadas), e em pomares comerciais de papaia (áreas alteradas), no município de Linhares, Estado do Espírito Santo. Os principais objetivos foram analisar comparativamente a diversidade, a abundância e o padrão de distribuição das espécies de moscas-das-frutas nesses dois hábitats (alterados e preservados), observando o impacto da mudança ambiental em relação à diversidade de espécies, além disso, verificar a associação das espécies de moscas-das-frutas com as plantas hospedeiras nativas. As moscas-das-frutas foram coletadas em armadilhas plásticas tipo McPhail com atrativo alimentar (proteína hidrolisada) por um período de cinco anos (outubro/2001 a setembro/2006). Nos remanescentes da Mata Atlântica, foram capturados 14 exemplares (machos e fêmeas) de Ceratitis capitata e 6.281 fêmeas de Anastrepha, sendo identificadas 22 espécies, além de cinco espécies possivelmente não-descritas. Nos pomares comerciais de papaia, foram capturados 30 exemplares (machos e fêmeas) de C. capitata e apenas 330 fêmeas de Anastrepha, pertencentes a 14 espécies. A diferença nos valores dos dois parâmetros (riqueza de espécies e abundância) refletiu nos valores do índice de diversidade de Margalef, que diferiram estatisticamente nos dois hábitats. Os resultados sugerem que as mudanças na vegetação nativa para uma área de cultivo provocaram impacto na diversidade, na abundância e na distribuição das comunidades de moscas-das-frutas. O levantamento de plantas hospedeiras de moscas-das-frutas foi realizado na Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doce, durante três anos e cinco meses (fevereiro/2003 a julho/2006). Foram coletadas 330 amostras de frutos de plantas nativas, representando 253 espécies de 51 famílias. Myrtaceae foi a família mais diversificada com 55 espécies amostradas. Vinte e oito espécies, pertencentes a dez famílias, foram hospedeiras de dez espécies de Anastrepha e de C. capitata. Entre 33 associações observadas entre moscas-das-frutas e plantas hospedeiras, 23 foram registros inéditos. Além disso, foram detectadas pela primeira vez as plantas hospedeiras de A. fumipennis Lima e de A. nascimentoi Zucchi. / The study was undertaken in the Natural Reserve of Vale do Rio Doce and the Natural Reserve of Goytacazes, remnants of the Atlantic Rain Forest (preserved areas), and in three papaya commercial orchards (disturbed areas), all areas located in Linhares county in the state of Espírito Santo. The main objectives of this study were to compare the diversity, abundance and distribution pattern of fruit fly species in these habitats (preserved and disturbed), observing the impact of environmental modifications in relation to species diversity, besides to find out fruit fly-native host plant associations. Fruit flies were collected with plastic McPhail traps baited with hydrolised protein over a five-year period (October/2001 to September/2006). Fourteen specimens of Ceratitis capitata (males and females) and 6,281 females of Anastrepha belonging to 22 species, besides five probably undescribed ones, were captured in the remnants of the Atlantic Rain Forest. In the papaya commercial orchards, 30 specimens of C. capitata (males and females) and only 330 females of Anastrepha were captured. The difference of the two parameter values, species richness and abundance, reflects on Margalef's index values, which were statistically different in both habitats. Results suggest that modifications of native vegetation in an agricultural area can cause impact on both the diversity and distribution of fruit fly assemblages. An approximately three and a half years' host survey (February/ 2003 to July/ 2006) was undertaken in the Natural Reserve of Vale do Rio Doce. A total of 330 samples of native plant fruits, representing 253 species from 51 plant families was collected. Myrtaceae was the most diversified plant family with 55 species sampled. Twenty eight plant species from ten plant families were found as host-plants of ten species of Anastrepha as well as of C. capitata. Among these 33 associations, 23 were new records. Furthermore, the first records of a host plant for A. fumipennis Lima and A. nascimentoi Zucchi were detected.
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Ecologie et conservation du puffin d'Audubon (Puffinus lherminieri lherminieri) de la réserve naturelle des îlets de Sainte-Anne(Martinique) / Ecology and conservervation of Audubon's shearwater (Puffinus therminieri) from the nature reserve of Sainte-Anne islet (Martinique)Precheur, Carine 17 December 2015 (has links)
Dans l’optique de la gestion de population du puffin d’Audubon de Martinique, cette thèse a permis d’établir un diagnostic démographique et d’apporter des connaissances indispensables sur l’écologie marine de cette espèce. La population a connu une croissance assez marquée les dernières années, correspondant à une période où les rats ont été exterminés et le suivi de la colonie réduit pour limiter le dérangement. Cependant, le principal facteur ayant expliqué cette augmentation de la population, a été une amélioration des conditions marines favorisant une disponibilité des proies plus importante, particulièrement hors reproduction. L’augmentation de la survie des adultes a été alors expliquée en grande partie par un effet positif des variations de température d’eau de surface de l’océan (SST) hors reproduction et un effet positif du débit de l’Amazone avec un décalage d’un an. En mer, on remarque que le puffin d’Audubon de Martinique a un comportement sédentaire avec une distribution très régionale limitée aux Petites Antilles et proche des côtes du nord de l’Amérique du Sud. Sa niche alimentaire est sous la forte influence d’apports fluviaux de l’Amazone et de l’Orénoque, milieux à faible salinité et à SST élevée. De plus, les zones d’alimentation de la population de Martinique diffèrent de celle de Bahamas et cela suggère une double problématique de gestion de la sous-espèce de la Caraïbe. Ces nouvelles connaissances permettront de mieux orienter les mesures de conservation mais soulignent également le besoin de clarifier la taxonomie de cette espèce à l’échelle de la Caraïbe, la dynamique de la population et d’évaluer plus précisément les menaces en mer. / In the context of management of Audubon’s shearwater population from Martinique, this thesis has established a demographic diagnosis and provided essential knowledge on the marine ecology of this species. The population has experienced a fairly marked growth in recent years, corresponding to a period where the rats were exterminated and monitoring of colony was limited to reduce the disturbance. However, the main factor that explained the increase in population was improved marine conditions favoring greater availability of prey, especially outside reproduction. The increase in adult survival was then explained in large part by a positive effect of changes in ocean surface water temperature (SST) out of reproduction and a positive effect of the flow of the Amazon with a lag one year. At sea, we notice that the puffin Audubon Martinique has sedentary behavior with very limited regional distribution and the Lesser Antilles near the northern coast of South America. Its food niche is under the strong influence of riverine inputs of the Amazon and Orinoco, low salinity and high SST environments. In addition, foraging areas of Audubon's Shearwater from Martinique differ from that of the Bahamas and this suggests a double subspecies of the Caribbean management problematic. This new knowledge will help guide conservation measures but also underline the need to clarify the taxonomy of this species throughout the Caribbean, the dynamics of the population and to more accurately assess its threats at sea.
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Diversidade de moscas-das-frutas (Diptera, Tephritidae) em pomares comerciais de papaia e em áreas remanescentes da Mata Atlântica e suas plantas hospedeiras nativas, no município de Linhares, Espírito Santo / Fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) diversity in papaya commercial orchards and in remnant areas of the Atlantic Rain Forest and their association with native host plants, in Linhares county, Espírito Santo state, BrazilKeiko Uramoto 26 April 2007 (has links)
Este estudo foi conduzido em áreas remanescentes da Mata Atlântica, Reserva Natural da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce e Floresta Natural de Goytacazes (áreas preservadas), e em pomares comerciais de papaia (áreas alteradas), no município de Linhares, Estado do Espírito Santo. Os principais objetivos foram analisar comparativamente a diversidade, a abundância e o padrão de distribuição das espécies de moscas-das-frutas nesses dois hábitats (alterados e preservados), observando o impacto da mudança ambiental em relação à diversidade de espécies, além disso, verificar a associação das espécies de moscas-das-frutas com as plantas hospedeiras nativas. As moscas-das-frutas foram coletadas em armadilhas plásticas tipo McPhail com atrativo alimentar (proteína hidrolisada) por um período de cinco anos (outubro/2001 a setembro/2006). Nos remanescentes da Mata Atlântica, foram capturados 14 exemplares (machos e fêmeas) de Ceratitis capitata e 6.281 fêmeas de Anastrepha, sendo identificadas 22 espécies, além de cinco espécies possivelmente não-descritas. Nos pomares comerciais de papaia, foram capturados 30 exemplares (machos e fêmeas) de C. capitata e apenas 330 fêmeas de Anastrepha, pertencentes a 14 espécies. A diferença nos valores dos dois parâmetros (riqueza de espécies e abundância) refletiu nos valores do índice de diversidade de Margalef, que diferiram estatisticamente nos dois hábitats. Os resultados sugerem que as mudanças na vegetação nativa para uma área de cultivo provocaram impacto na diversidade, na abundância e na distribuição das comunidades de moscas-das-frutas. O levantamento de plantas hospedeiras de moscas-das-frutas foi realizado na Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doce, durante três anos e cinco meses (fevereiro/2003 a julho/2006). Foram coletadas 330 amostras de frutos de plantas nativas, representando 253 espécies de 51 famílias. Myrtaceae foi a família mais diversificada com 55 espécies amostradas. Vinte e oito espécies, pertencentes a dez famílias, foram hospedeiras de dez espécies de Anastrepha e de C. capitata. Entre 33 associações observadas entre moscas-das-frutas e plantas hospedeiras, 23 foram registros inéditos. Além disso, foram detectadas pela primeira vez as plantas hospedeiras de A. fumipennis Lima e de A. nascimentoi Zucchi. / The study was undertaken in the Natural Reserve of Vale do Rio Doce and the Natural Reserve of Goytacazes, remnants of the Atlantic Rain Forest (preserved areas), and in three papaya commercial orchards (disturbed areas), all areas located in Linhares county in the state of Espírito Santo. The main objectives of this study were to compare the diversity, abundance and distribution pattern of fruit fly species in these habitats (preserved and disturbed), observing the impact of environmental modifications in relation to species diversity, besides to find out fruit fly-native host plant associations. Fruit flies were collected with plastic McPhail traps baited with hydrolised protein over a five-year period (October/2001 to September/2006). Fourteen specimens of Ceratitis capitata (males and females) and 6,281 females of Anastrepha belonging to 22 species, besides five probably undescribed ones, were captured in the remnants of the Atlantic Rain Forest. In the papaya commercial orchards, 30 specimens of C. capitata (males and females) and only 330 females of Anastrepha were captured. The difference of the two parameter values, species richness and abundance, reflects on Margalef's index values, which were statistically different in both habitats. Results suggest that modifications of native vegetation in an agricultural area can cause impact on both the diversity and distribution of fruit fly assemblages. An approximately three and a half years' host survey (February/ 2003 to July/ 2006) was undertaken in the Natural Reserve of Vale do Rio Doce. A total of 330 samples of native plant fruits, representing 253 species from 51 plant families was collected. Myrtaceae was the most diversified plant family with 55 species sampled. Twenty eight plant species from ten plant families were found as host-plants of ten species of Anastrepha as well as of C. capitata. Among these 33 associations, 23 were new records. Furthermore, the first records of a host plant for A. fumipennis Lima and A. nascimentoi Zucchi were detected.
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Centro de Visitantes para la Reserva Salinas y Aguada Blanca / Visitor Center for the Salinas y Aguada Blanca ReserveRivera Rodríguez, Mariana Victoria 05 November 2019 (has links)
Nuestro País, posee grandes riquezas en su territorio, Áreas naturales, restos arqueológicos, entre otros que lo dotan de un gran potencial turístico. Sin embargo, muchos de estos son desconocidos y considerados como lugares de paso. Esta es la situación en la que se encuentra La Reserva Natural Salinas y Aguada Blanca, ubicada entre la ciudad de Arequipa y el Cañón del Colca. Un bello lugar con atractivos paisajísticos, restos de pintura rupestres, y hogar de vegetación y fauna en peligro de extinción.
La reserva es transitada por miles de turistas, por lo cual, la propuesta consiste en consolidar el Poblado Pampa Cañahuas, punto medio en la ruta y lugar en el cual hoy en día hay una parada de descanso en la que los turistas pueden consumir algún mate o comida y comprar artesanías elaboradas por los pobladores.
El planteamiento del poblado es entorno a la plaza principal y unas plazuelas denominadas “Eco-Patios” con los cuales se busca dotar al poblado de un desarrollo autosostenible y bioclimático. Así mismo el elemento principal del poblado es el Museo, lugar que servirá para dar a conocer la Reserva. La propuesta además de la exposición interna incluye espacios que se relacionan directamente con el paisaje, permitiendo que a través de visuales el visitante se pueda relacionar con su entorno.
El Museo y poblado, tienen la finalidad de dar a conocer a la Reserva, no solo sus atractivos turísticos sino también a los pobladores, un Tambo moderno. / Our country has great wealth in its territory, natural areas, archaeological remains, among others that endow it with great tourist potential. However, many of these are unknown and considered as places of passage. This is the actual situation of the Salinas and Aguada Blanca Nature Reserve, located between the city of Arequipa and the Colca Canyon. It’s a beautiful place with attractive landscapes, remains of cave paintings, and home of vegetation and fauna in danger of extinction.
The reserve is traveled by thousands of tourists, so the approach is to consolidate the Pampa Cañahuas Village, a midpoint on the route and place where today there is a rest stop where tourists can consume some typical beverage or food and buy handicrafts made by the villagers.
The new design of the town is developed around the main square and some minor squares called "Eco-Patios" with which it seeks to provide the town with a self-sustainable and bioclimatic development. Likewise, the main element of the town is the Museum, a place that will serve to publicize the Reserve. In addition to the internal exhibition, the proposal includes spaces that relate directly to the landscape, allowing visitors to interact with their surroundings through views.
The Museum and town, have the purpose of making known the Reserve, not only its tourist attractions but also the inhabitants, a modern “Tambo” / Tesis
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Cyklostezka přes VD Nové Mlýny podél silnice I/52 / Bicycle trail via VD Nové Mlýny along the I / 52 roadKuric, Filip January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the transfer of cyclists through the dam of Nové Mlýny. The design runs alongside the dam, outside the existing I/52 road, as a preparation for the D52 motorway. The thesis solves the design of longitudinal alignment and vertical alignment of the cycle path along the I/52 road, connection of the cycle path to the adjacent network of cycling routes and variants of crossing cycle path 5174 with route I/52 due to an increase of safety.
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