Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1nature 2000"" "subject:"denature 2000""
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Bedömning av skada på naturmiljö och rennäring för den föreslagna fjällvägen mellan Borgafjäll och Saxnäs : - Väg- och transportforskningsinstitutets metod för bedömning av skada på bevarandeintressenJohannesson, Erik, Löfgren, Jens January 2010 (has links)
<p>Assessment of impacts on nature and reindeer husbandry by the considered mountain road between Borgafjäll and Saxnäs- Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institutes method for assessment of damage to heritage assets</p><p>There are plans regarding the building of a new road from Borgafjäll/Båtas to Saxnäs, and two road alternatives have been presented. The road has been localized to an area which is protected as a nature reserve and listed as a Nature 2000 area. This report aims to determine the effects on the Nature 2000 area and reindeer husbandry, and to be a source of knowledge for future environmental impact assessment in that project. In order to assess the impact on nature values and reindeer husbandry a method from the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) has been used. A literature review has been made to prescribe the effects and consequences. Interviews and geographical information system analysis compliments the report. Both alternatives are going to affect arctic birch forests and specially protected mires. Almost one fifth of the protected arctic birch forest in Gitsfjällets nature reserve will be affected by the alternatives. The distribution and reproduction of arctic fox and wolverine will also be complicated and inhibited. The alternatives are going to create a barrier and fragment the area for reindeer husbandry. This will disturb the reindeer’s mating and calving. On the basis of VTI’s method for the assessment of damage to heritage assets the conclusion is that both road alternatives will affect the nature value and reindeer husbandry negatively. The prerequisite to build the road depends on whether the community</p>
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Bedömning av skada på naturmiljö och rennäring för den föreslagna fjällvägen mellan Borgafjäll och Saxnäs : - Väg- och transportforskningsinstitutets metod för bedömning av skada på bevarandeintressenJohannesson, Erik, Löfgren, Jens January 2010 (has links)
Assessment of impacts on nature and reindeer husbandry by the considered mountain road between Borgafjäll and Saxnäs- Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institutes method for assessment of damage to heritage assets There are plans regarding the building of a new road from Borgafjäll/Båtas to Saxnäs, and two road alternatives have been presented. The road has been localized to an area which is protected as a nature reserve and listed as a Nature 2000 area. This report aims to determine the effects on the Nature 2000 area and reindeer husbandry, and to be a source of knowledge for future environmental impact assessment in that project. In order to assess the impact on nature values and reindeer husbandry a method from the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) has been used. A literature review has been made to prescribe the effects and consequences. Interviews and geographical information system analysis compliments the report. Both alternatives are going to affect arctic birch forests and specially protected mires. Almost one fifth of the protected arctic birch forest in Gitsfjällets nature reserve will be affected by the alternatives. The distribution and reproduction of arctic fox and wolverine will also be complicated and inhibited. The alternatives are going to create a barrier and fragment the area for reindeer husbandry. This will disturb the reindeer’s mating and calving. On the basis of VTI’s method for the assessment of damage to heritage assets the conclusion is that both road alternatives will affect the nature value and reindeer husbandry negatively. The prerequisite to build the road depends on whether the community
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Determination of a hydropower "go-to area" : Klarälven and Dalälven potential assessment and environmental regulation constraintsAparicio Garcia, Paula January 2023 (has links)
The current energy crisis with sky-rocketed prices has created the need for new sustainable solutions in the energy production sector. The REPowerEU Plan, presented by the European Commission, has taken up on this and has established measures to accelerate the introduction of new renewable energy capacity in Europe, such as the designation of “go-to areas” by Member States to shorten authorization permits in areas with high potential and low environmental impacts. This thesis develops a method for the identification of possible hydropower “go-to areas” in Sweden. A study of the rivers Klarälven and Västerdalälven was carried out to find locations with unexploited power potential, followed by a suitability mapping analysis to assess their future development from other technical, geological and economic criteria. Afterwards, the most interesting areas in terms of power and suitability were subjected to a description of the environmental legislation that constraints them to be actually exploited. The methodology is based on a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach, through the use of ArcMap, and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Specifically, the AHP technique was utilized, carrying out interviews with five experts to adapt the study to the Swedish context. Also, European and national regulations were considered, including the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Nature Directives, as well as the Swedish Environmental Code. Two sites were found to be worthy of "go-to area" consideration, with an average combined power potential of over 125 MW and a medium to very high suitability index for hydropower implementation. However, their water condition was found to be below the minimum required by the WFD, and they were also found to be considered or located in the close surroundings to Nature 2000 areas. Moreover, they all protected locations against hydropower implementation by the national environmental legislation. Therefore, it is pointed out in this thesis that their conversation conditions and protection status forbids them to be used for any activity that would compromise them. It is concluded that a balance is required to be implemented between nature protection and the need for new sustainable energy sources. / Den pågående energikrisen med skyhöga elpriser driver på behovet av nya hållbara lösningar för energiproduktion. REPowerEU-planen, som lagts fram av Europeiska kommissionen, möter krisen med åtgärder som avser att påskynda installationen av ny kapacitet med förnybar energiproduktion i Europa. Detta omfattar bland annat att medlemsstaterna får peka ut särskilda "go-to areas", för att förkorta tillståndsförfarandet i områden med hög potential och låg miljöpåverkan. I detta examensarbete utvecklas en metod för att identifiera möjliga "go-to areas" för ny vattenkraft i Sverige. En studie av Klarälven och Västerdalälven genomfördes för att hitta platser med outnyttjad vattenkraft, följt av en lämplighetskartläggningsanalys för att bedöma potentiell framtida utveckling utifrån tekniska, geologiska och ekonomiska kriterier. Därefter har de intressantaste områdena vad gäller kraftproduktion och lämplighet analyserats utifrån ett miljölagstiftningsperspektiv, vilket kan medföra begränsningar för en eventuell utbyggnad. Metodiken är baserad på en metod som nyttjar ett geospatialt informationssystem (GIS), genom användning av ArcMap, samt Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Specifikt användes AHP-tekniken, genom intervjuer med fem experter för att anpassa studien till ett svenskt sammanhang. Utöver detta har även hänsyn tagits till europeisk och nationell reglering, inklusive direktivet om förnybar energi (RED II), ramdirektivet för vatten (WFD) och naturdirektiven och slutligen den svenska miljöbalken. Två områden identifierades som möjliga "go-to areas". Dessa har en genomsnittlig kombinerad effektpotential på över 125 MW och ett medelhögt till mycket högt lämplighetsindex för implementering av ny vattenkraft. Deras ytvattenstatus visade sig dock vara under det minimikrav som krävs enligt ramdirektivet för vatten. Utöver detta är de presenterade områdena belägna i, eller i närheten av, Natura 2000-områden. Slutligen är platserna skyddade mot utbyggnad av vattenkraft, enligt miljöbalken. I denna uppsats dras slutsatsen att de presenterade områdenas bevarandevillkor och skyddsstatus förbjuder dem att användas för någon verksamhet som skulle påverka dem negativt, men att det krävs en balans mellan naturskydd och behovet av nya hållbara energikällor.
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Evropsky významná lokalita Žofínský prales - Pivonické skály, možnosti zpřístupnění a edukace / Site of European importance Žofínský forest - Pivonické rocks, opportunities and access to educationKŘIKLAVA, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of the diploma thesis is to provide the possibilities how to get the information easily about the European significant locality Žofínký prales ? Pivonické skály. Another aim is the participation of this locality into the education system. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis is focused on the European legislation which is connected with the nature preservation. It describes the selected part of the Novohradské hory and its specifics and the subject of protection. The practical part of this work analyzes the essential visitor´s knowledge of the terms of the European legislation. It offers the short stay in ?ESL with the specific theme? and tries to explain the matters of the nature preservation in an understandable way. It is determined to the specific groups of tourists, students and the others.
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