Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2d3+"" "subject:"5d3+""
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Genetische Einflüsse allochthoner Wasserfrösche auf endemische Wasserfroschpopulationen (R. kl. esculenta Komplex)Ohst, Torsten 16 December 2008 (has links)
Allochthone Wasserfrösche haben in Deutschland und vielen anderen Ländern Europas zu Faunenverfälschungen geführt. Sie konkurrieren mit einheimischen Tieren und stellen aus genetischer Sicht eine Bedrohung der Bestände dar. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Genotypen von 447 Wasserfroschproben aus Deutschland sowie 460 aus anderen Teilen Europas untersucht. Im Gesamtdatensatz konnten 56 ITS2- und 65 ND3-Genotypen nachgewiesen werden. Unter den 20 in Deutschland gefunden ITS2-Allelen wurden zwei Rana ridibunda-ähnliche Genotypen als autochthon und fünf als allochthon erkannt (Häufigkeit 7 %), der Status weiterer fünf ITS2-Allele war nicht klar zu belegen. Unter den 14 mitochondrialen Genotypen der R. ridibunda-Gruppe befanden sich drei autochthone, zehn allochthone (Häufigkeit 18 %) sowie eine Variante mit unklarem Status. Allochthone Genommerkmale wurden vor allem in Südwestdeutschland entlang des Rheins und im Ruhrtal nachgewiesen. Im Raum Karlsruhe konnte ein mitochondrialer Genotyp mit hohem Anteil festgestellt werden, der typisch für eine bisher nur aus Italien bekannte Art ist (R. bergeri). Da allochthone ITS2-Allele häufig heterozygot mit autochthonen Varianten auftreten, gibt es eindeutige Hinweise auf Hybridisierungen zwischen einheimischen und eingeschleppten Wasserfröschen. Aufzuchtsexperimente zeigten keine reduzierte Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von F1-Hybriden aus Kreuzungen zwischen autochthonen R. ridibunda und allochthonen R. cf. ridibunda aus Anatolien. Um die Rolle allochthoner Wasserfrösche bei der Verbreitung von Krankheitserregern beurteilen zu können, wurden Nachweistests für die Amphibien-Chytridiomykose durchgeführt. Die Nachweistests ergaben eine Prävalenz des Erregers (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) von 6,3 % unter deutschen Proben. Da die Chytridiomykose überwiegend in Populationen auftrat, in denen auch allochthone Wasserfrösche vorkamen, wird ein Zusammenhang zwischen Einschleppungsereignissen und dem Auftreten des Erregers vermutet. / Allochthonous water frogs have been introduced into Germany and other European countries. They compete with autochthonous water frogs and threaten the genetic integrity of native populations. In the present work the genotypes of 447 water frogs collected in Germany as well as 460 samples from various European countries have been determined and compared. In the complete dataset 56 ITS2- and 65 ND3-genotypes were identified. Among the 20 ITS2-alleles found in Germany, two indigenous and five introduced Rana ridibunda-like genotypes (relative frequency 7%) occurred. Five R. ridibunda alleles could not assigned as either indigenous or exotic. Among the 14 mitochondrial genotypes of the R. ridibunda-group three autochthonous and ten introduced (relative frequency 18%) variants could be identified, whereas the status of one mt-genotype remained unclear. Exotic alleles were mainly found in southwest Germany along the river Rhine and along the Ruhr in the Ruhr area. The wide distribution of a mitochondrial genotype previously known from Italian water frogs (R. bergeri) was ascertained in the region surrounding Karlsruhe. Allochthonous ITS2-alleles often occur heterozygously combined with autochthonous alleles. This is a strong evidence for cases of hybridisations between indigenous and introduced water frogs. Crossing experiments between autochthonous R. ridibunda and Anatolian water frogs (R. cf. ridibunda) revealed no reduced viability among the F1-hybrids. To evaluate the possible role of introduced water frogs on the dispersal of infectious diseases, detection tests of the amphibians-chytridiomycosis were carried out. The detection tests for its pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, on the tissue samples collected in Germany showed a prevalence of 6.3%. Most of the infected frogs were found in populations influenced by non-native water frogs. This points towards a possible relationship between introduction events and the occurrence of the pathogen.
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Detection Of Species Boundaries In The Rana Ridibunda Complex Of Southwestern Turkey Using Mitochondrial Nd3 MarkerAkin, Cigdem 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Water frogs are one of the most interesting vertebrate groups, showing great diversity and complexity in their reproductive modes, ecology and evolutionary relationships, and with many cryptic species due to high morphological similarity. For many decades, a single species, Rana ridibunda, has been suggested to exist in Turkey. However, the application of new morphometric, molecular and bioacoustic techniques has recently revealed the occurrence of several distinct water frog taxa in Turkey.
In this study, 340 bp long mtDNA ND3 region in 195 specimens was sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analyses to detect geographical structure and species boundaries. Neighbor joining tree, minimum spanning network, SAMOVA and AMOVA were used to understand relationship within and among clades. Population demography was studied through mismatch distribution and neutrality tests.
Results indicated that populations in southwestern Turkey show high diversity and strong geographic structuring. In Turkey there are four major maternal lineages, each probably representing a species: Thrace lineage represents Rana ridibunda Pallas 1771 in European Turkey / Ceyhan lineage indicates an unnamed taxon in Cilicia plain / South-central lineage occurs at the Lake District, Antalya, Konya and Karaman provinces and represents Rana caralitana Arikan, 1988 / Anatoliaca lineage (occuring in Asiatic Turkey except for central southern Turkey, Rhodes & / Karpathos, northeastern Syria, and probably also Iraq and Transcaucasia) is designated either as Rana cerigensis Beerli, Hotz, Tunner, Heppich, and Uzzell 1994 or as a new subspecies of R. caralitana, based on the degree of reproductive isolation present between the last two lineages.
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Limits of Life History in Taxonomic Classification of Lampreys with Implications for ConservationCranford, Aaron B. 24 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Laser Nd3+:YVO4: dynamique et conduite optimalePreda, Cristina-Elena 08 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre général de l'étude de la dynamique des lasers de classe B. Trois aspects sont abordés concernant respectivement la génération d'impulsions de forme arbitraire, la validation de modèles de lasers existants et la mise en évidence d'effets "cliquet" dans la dynamique de ces lasers. <br />Une première partie présente deux méthodes mises au point pour la génération d'impulsions de forme arbitraire (triangle, gaussienne, impulsion à deux bosses) en dépit de la propension du laser à fournir des impulsions "sécante-hyperbolique". Dans les deux cas un Algorithme Génétique (AG) détermine les paramètres du signal de conduite optimal. Si pour la première méthode ce signal est construit à partir de fonctions élémentaires, pour la seconde il résulte d'une interpolation entre points de collocation fixés par l'AG.<br />Les outils développés (couplage captures rapides/traitements en temps réel par AG) ont été mis à profit pour étudier la validité des différents modèles décrivant la dynamique des lasers de classe B fonctionnant en régime monomode ou bi-raie. L'AG est alors utilisé pour comparer l'évolution temporelle de l'intensité émise par le laser à celle calculée à partir du modèle. Ils permettent ainsi d'identifier le modèle le mieux adapté et de déterminer ses paramètres.<br />La bonne connaissance que nous avons de la dynamique de notre laser nous a incité à effectuer une étude détaillée d'effets étonnants induits par une modulation temporelle asymétrique du pompage. Les expériences réalisées constituent la première mise en évidence sur un laser d'un effet "cliquets" similaire à celui proposé par Feynman pour extraire de l'énergie d'un mouvement erratique.
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A utilização da técnica de Z-Scan para o estudo do vidro fosfato PANK dopado com íons Nd3+ e nanocristais de CdSSouza, Jackson Martins de 15 February 2017 (has links)
CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / A caracterização de materiais vítreos dopados tem sido uma área importante para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias fotônicas. Porém, com o desenvolvimento da nanociência e a descoberta das propriedades quânticas dos nanocristais, a quantidade de materiais vítreos a serem estudados aumentou de forma abrupta, o qual despertou um forte interesse da comunidade científica visando possíveis aplicações tecnológicas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o índice de refração não linear da matriz vítrea a base de fosfato (P2O5 + AhO3 + Na2O + K2O) dopada com íons de neodímio e nanocristais de CdS. Destaca-se que a pesquisa corresponde à caracterização de uma matriz fosfata pouco conhecida na literatura, com dopantes de categorias distintas, sendo um Terra Rara e um nanocristal, nos quais apresentam picos de absorção próximos. Para a presente caracterização não linear, foi utilizada a técnica de Z-Scan, conhecido na literatura por sua simplicidade e precisão quando comparada com outras técnicas capazes de realizar a mesma medida. Medidas de absorção ótica e tempo de vida também foram feitas, pois fornecem parâmetros lineares para o cálculo das propriedades não lineares. Os resultados mostram que existe uma interação entre os dopantes, capaz de gerar uma variação nos parâmetros lineares e não lineares em estudo. / The characterization of doped glasses has been an important area for the development of photonic technologies. However, the development of nanoscience and the discovery of the quantic properties of nanocrystals, increased the number of researches in glass materials with interest in technological applications by the scientific community. This work aims to investigate the nonlinear refractive index of the phosphate glass matrix (P2O5 + Al2O3 + Na2O + K2O) doped with neodymium ions and CdS nanocrystals. This research characterizes a phosphate glass matrix, which is not well known in the literature with different dopants, in this case, rare earths and nanocrystals, which they show similar absorption peaks at ultraviolet. For a nonlinear optics characterization was used the Z-Scan technique, known to its simplicity and precision when compared to other techniques. Linear optical measurements were also made, such as optical absorption and lifetime, to calculate of non-linear optics properties. The results show there is an interaction between the dopants, capable of generating a variation in linear and nonlinear optical parameters under study. / Dissertação (Mestrado)
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Vidro de Chumbo-Fosfato Pb3(PO4)2 com altas dopagens de Neodímio / Lead-phosphate Glass Pb3 (PO4) 2 with high dosages of NeodymiumNovais, Andréa de Lima Ferreira 31 July 2015 (has links)
In this work, the structural and optical properties of vitreous lead phosphate system were investigated Pb3(PO4)2 with high concentrations of Nd3+. These glasses were produced by melting/cooling method. The synthesis conditions such as the melting temperature of the components have been optimized in order to obtain good optical quality and chemical resistance for subsequent preparation of optical fibers, optical integrated circuits and other devices. Measures for the X-ray difiraction revealed amorphous structures across the track. The optical window determined by absorption spectroscopy is between 300 and 2750 nm. The analysis based on Judd-Ofelt theory were made based on the absorption spectra of the individual bands. The determination of the phenomenological parameters and allows the spectroscopic determination of relevant parameters such as radiative lifetime, quantum eficiency and luminescence branching ratio, showed little change in the crystalline structure of the glass network. However, it was observed changes was observed in the distribution of electron density in the rare earth ions to highest concentrations of these dopants. The Raman spectroscopy showed spectral shifts between regions 900-1100 cm -1 and 1150-1400 cm-1 suggesting changes in phosphate network connections (PO4)3- e (PO2)as, respectively. Spectroscopy measurements Fourier transform in the region 500- 4000 cm -1 showed an increase in content OH- with increasing concentration of Nd3+. This result was attributed to increased hygroscopic sample because it is in opposition to the results of analyzes of the Urbach energy that indicated reduction in clutter density of localized states. The measures relating to the lifetime in the arrays without treatment and with heat treatment showed no change in the structure. By comparing the experimental and radiative lifetimes was observed a change abrupt between these two parameters may be related to a possible level changes in the matrix. The results obtained in this study contribute to research on materials that may be used as active means for solid-state lasers in the near infrared region, pumped by high-power diode lasers available on the market at low cost. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho foram investigadas as propriedades estruturais e ópticas do sistema vítreo fosfato de chumbo Pb3(PO4)2 com altas concentrações de Nd3+. Esses vidros foram produzidos pelo método de fusão/resfriamento. As condições de síntese como a temperatura de fusão dos componentes, foram otimizadas com o objetivo de obter boa qualidade óptica e resistência química para posterior preparação de fibras ópticas, circuitos ópticos integrados entre outros dispositivos. Medidas relativas á difração de raios X revelaram estruturas amorfas em toda a faixa. A janela óptica determinada por espectroscopia de absorção está compreendida entre 300 e 2750 nm. A análise baseada na teoria de Judd-Ofelt foram feitas baseadas nos espectros de absorção das bandas individualizadas. A determinação dos parâmetros fenomenológicos além de permitir a determinação de parâmetros espectroscópicos relevantes, tais como, tempo de vida radiativo, eficiência quântica de luminescência e razão de ramificação, evidenciou pouca alteração na estrutura cristalina da rede vítrea. Só foi observado alteração na distribuição da densidade eletrônica nos íons terras raras para altas concentrações destes dopantes. A espectroscopia Raman mostrou deslocamentos espectral nas regiões entre 900-1100 cm-1 e 1150-1400 cm-1 sugerindo alterações nas ligações da rede fosfato (PO4)3- e (PO2)as, respectivamente. Medidas de espectroscopia por transformada de Fourier, na região de 500 a 4000 cm-1, mostraram um aumento no teor de OH- com o aumento da concentração de Nd3+. Este resultado foi atribuído ao aumento da higroscopia da amostra e está em oposição aos resultados das análises relativas a energia de Urbach que indicaram redução na desordem da densidade de estados localizados. As medidas relativas ao tempo de vida nas matrizes sem tratamento e com tratamento térmico mostraram que não houve alteração na estrutura. Ao comparar os tempos de vida experimentais e radiativos foi observado uma mudança brusca entre esses dois parâmetros que pode estar relacionada a uma possível alteração na matriz. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho contribuem com as pesquisas sobre materiais que podem ser utilizados como meios ativos para lasers de estado sólido na região do infravermelho próximo, bombeados por lasers de diodo de alta potência disponíveis no mercado a baixo custo.
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