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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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'n Dowwe spieël? 'n Kerkhistoriese ondersoek na die resente stand van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk, 1990-2006

Kruger, Pieter 18 June 2009 (has links)
AFRIKAANS : Heelwat artikels in dagblaaie, kerkkoerante en ander publikasies in verband met die NG Kerk skep die indruk dat die NG Kerk ‘n krisistyd beleef. Die krisisse wat aan die orde gestel word, hou onder andere verband met die volgende:<ul> <li>‘n identiteitskrisis omtrent spiritualiteit;</li> <li>onduidelikheid oor etiese kwessies;</li> <li>spanning ten opsigte van die kultuur-politieke rol van die NG Kerk en gepaardgaande konflik oor kerkhereniging; </li> <li>die neo-liberale verbruikerskultuur se uitdagings aan die NG Kerk waarop dit nie noodwendig voorbereid is nie. </li></ul> Dit is egter opmerklik dat die NG Kerk tog ook die nuwe millennium met nuwe visie en ywer benader in ‘n soeke na kontekstuele en religieuse relevansie. Daar is min twyfel dat die resente stand van die NG Kerk kompleks is. Dit kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan ‘n verskeidenheid historiese vormingsagente wat die veelvuldige en uiteenlopende kerklike fenomene ten grondslag lê. Deur die geskiedenis van die NG Kerk binne die groter konteks van die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis te bestudeer, is dit moontlik om die oorsaaklike verbande en die samehang van gebeure en verskynsels te bepaal. Op hierdie wyse kan daar aan die resente situasie en konteks van die NG Kerk betekenis verleen word. Die polities-kulturele situasie in Suid-Afrika het sedert 1990 radikaal verander. Hierdie verandering het ook verskillende reaksies tot gevolg gehad. Vir sommiges is die verandering die langverwagte uitkoms van jare se politieke stryd. Vir ander het dit ‘n belewenis van onsekerheid en wanhoop gebring. Die polities-kulturele situasie is egter nie al wat verander het nie. Die verandering in Suid-Afrika word ook omvat deur veranderende sosiale denke en -gedrag. Hierdie nuwe manier van dink en doen verteenwoordig die postmoderne paradigma. Toenemende sekularisasie is ook waarneembaar. Die NG Kerk staan binne die invloedsfeer van hierdie gebeure. Die nuwe politieke en kulturele situasie het implikasies vir die identiteit van die NG Kerk. Die verandering van wêreldbeskouings bring ook uitdagings wat vormend inwerk op die selfverstaan van die NG Kerk. Die begrip wat die kerk vir die betekenis van hierdie gebeure toon, sal bepaal waartoe die NG Kerk in toekoms verander. / ENGLISH : Many newspapers, church newspapers and other publications report that a crisis is immanent in the Dutch Reformed Church today. The crisis is seen in the incidence of the following: <ul> <li>an identity crisis concerning spirituality; </li> <li>ambiguity about ethical matters;</li> <li>tension over the DR Church’s cultural and political role in South Africa as well as conflict over church unity with the members of the DRC family;</li> <li>the fact that the DR Church is caught offhanded by the challenges of the neo-liberal consumer culture. </li></ul> It must be said that despite this crisis, there are signs of the DR Church seeking contextual and religious relevance in the new millennium. There is little doubt that the recent state of affairs in the DR Church is complicated. The reason can be ascribed to a variety of historical incidents that underlie the numerous and diverse phenomena in the church. Against the background of the South African history, the history of the DR Church should be studied. This way it is possible to identify the causality and cohesion of historical events and phenomena. This process could help to give meaning to the recent situation and context of the DR Church. Since 1990 the political and cultural situation in South Africa has changed radically. People reacted differently to this change. For some it was the long-anticipated outcome of years of political struggle. For others it has brought uncertainty and despair. But this was not the only change since 1990. The change in South Africa is encompassed by a new way of social thinking and behaviour, which represents what is known as the postmodern paradigm. Secularisation of everyday life and institutions is also escalating. The DR Church stands within the sphere of influence of these phenomena. The new political and cultural situation has implications for the identity of the DR Church. The postmodern paradigm brings challenges for the way in which the DR Church understands itself as a church and its mission within the South African context. What the church in future will become, depends on the church’s comprehension of the meaning of these phenomena. / Dissertation (MA(Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Church History and Church Policy / unrestricted

Deconstructing gay discourse in the Dutch Reformed Church

Van Loggerenberg, Maria Petronella 29 February 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes efforts to facilitate participation in deconstructing gay discourse in the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC). Gay discourse is challenged through the sharing of gay Christians' stories. While serving on the task team on homosexuality of the General Synod of the DRC a DVD on which gay people share their stories was produced and employed in order to facilitate participation. In reflecting on my research journey I have learnt that participation, prejudice, dogma and context as dimensions of gay discourse lie on a continuum. These dimensions, and the two extreme positions on the continuum: radical exclusion/antagonist and radical inclusion/protagonist, are represented in my model of deconstructing gay discourse. In the process of discourse change, various positions on the continuum become possible. Shifts happened in the task team and General Synod (DRC), resulting in a more gay inclusive decision on the position of gay people in the DRC. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Vormingsjare van die kerkleier J.D. (Koot) Vorster, 1909-1956

Louw, Reinier Willem 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Dr. J D Vorster het gedurende sy bedieningstyd in die N.G.Kerk [1935-1978] ontwikkel en gegroei tot 'n invloedryke kerkleier. Die faktore en omstanighede wat tot sy vorming bygedra het is die onderwerp van hierdie studie. Die f eit dat hy in die Stormberge gebore en getoe is asook .karaktereienskappe wat hy van sy voorsate geerf het, was belangrike komponente in sy vorming. Boustene soos godsdiens en volksliefde het in sy ouerhuis die grondslag gele vir sy teologiese beskouings wat op universiteit ontwikkel het. Sedert 1935 is hy in die bediening verder gevorm deur pastorale werk, kerklike vergaderings en briefwisselings. Kulturele en politieke betrokkenheid asook gevangenisstraf het horn bekend gemaak en gebrei. 'n Doktorsgraad in die Kerkreg was verder die regte skoling vir die amp va.n Aktuarius - 'n pos wat met soveel deeglikheid uitgevoer is dat hy later as kerkleier erken is met sy verkiesing as Moderator. / During his ministry in the D.R.Church, dr.J D Vorster developed and grew to become an influential church leader. The subject of this study is the factors and circumstances which contributed to his forming. The fact that he was born and bred in the Stormberge as well as the characteristics he inherited from his ancestors were important components in his forming. Building stones such as religion and nationalism in his parents home laid the .foundation of his theological views which developed at university. He was further formed in his ministry through pastoral work, church meetings and correspondence. Cultural and political participation as well as imprisonment made him well-known and tough. His doctorate in church law put him on the right track for the post of Actuary - an off ice which he filled with so much efficiency that his leadership in the church was recognised with his election as Moderator. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th. M. (Church History)

Deconstructing gay discourse in the Dutch Reformed Church

Van Loggerenberg, Maria Petronella 29 February 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes efforts to facilitate participation in deconstructing gay discourse in the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC). Gay discourse is challenged through the sharing of gay Christians' stories. While serving on the task team on homosexuality of the General Synod of the DRC a DVD on which gay people share their stories was produced and employed in order to facilitate participation. In reflecting on my research journey I have learnt that participation, prejudice, dogma and context as dimensions of gay discourse lie on a continuum. These dimensions, and the two extreme positions on the continuum: radical exclusion/antagonist and radical inclusion/protagonist, are represented in my model of deconstructing gay discourse. In the process of discourse change, various positions on the continuum become possible. Shifts happened in the task team and General Synod (DRC), resulting in a more gay inclusive decision on the position of gay people in the DRC. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Vormingsjare van die kerkleier J.D. (Koot) Vorster, 1909-1956

Louw, Reinier Willem 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Dr. J D Vorster het gedurende sy bedieningstyd in die N.G.Kerk [1935-1978] ontwikkel en gegroei tot 'n invloedryke kerkleier. Die faktore en omstanighede wat tot sy vorming bygedra het is die onderwerp van hierdie studie. Die f eit dat hy in die Stormberge gebore en getoe is asook .karaktereienskappe wat hy van sy voorsate geerf het, was belangrike komponente in sy vorming. Boustene soos godsdiens en volksliefde het in sy ouerhuis die grondslag gele vir sy teologiese beskouings wat op universiteit ontwikkel het. Sedert 1935 is hy in die bediening verder gevorm deur pastorale werk, kerklike vergaderings en briefwisselings. Kulturele en politieke betrokkenheid asook gevangenisstraf het horn bekend gemaak en gebrei. 'n Doktorsgraad in die Kerkreg was verder die regte skoling vir die amp va.n Aktuarius - 'n pos wat met soveel deeglikheid uitgevoer is dat hy later as kerkleier erken is met sy verkiesing as Moderator. / During his ministry in the D.R.Church, dr.J D Vorster developed and grew to become an influential church leader. The subject of this study is the factors and circumstances which contributed to his forming. The fact that he was born and bred in the Stormberge as well as the characteristics he inherited from his ancestors were important components in his forming. Building stones such as religion and nationalism in his parents home laid the .foundation of his theological views which developed at university. He was further formed in his ministry through pastoral work, church meetings and correspondence. Cultural and political participation as well as imprisonment made him well-known and tough. His doctorate in church law put him on the right track for the post of Actuary - an off ice which he filled with so much efficiency that his leadership in the church was recognised with his election as Moderator. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th. M. (Church History)

Bybel as problematiese teks: ’n kritiese ontleding aan die hand van polemieke in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: van Johannes du Plessis tot Ferdinand Deist en Willem Vorster (1920–2000) / The Bible as a problematic text: a critical analysis based on controversies in the Dutch Reformed Church: from Johannes du Plessis to Ferdinand Deist and Willem Vorster (1920–2000)

Conradie, A. F. 05 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 383-403) / Die woordestryd oor goddelike inspirasie van alles wat in die Bybel staan, as gevolg van die uitgesproke stellings van Johannes Du Plessis, het tot ‘n krisis gelei wat as baken in die annale van die Ned. Geref. Kerk beskou word. Die meeste van sy standpunte word vandag as waarheid aanvaar en hy het bygedra tot die intellektuele debat oor die Bybel as Woord van God wat vandag nog aangaan. Du Plessis se herkoms, opleiding en verdienste as predikant en saakgelastigde van die Kerk word kortliks bespreek. Hy was die talentvolle seun en enigste kind van 'n Afrikaanse predikant en 'n Engelse vrou, die dogter van 'n sendeling van die LMS. Hy word professor aan die Kweekskool en met kennis opgedoen tydens verdere studie oorsee, het hy gewys op dele van die Bybel wat nie aan goddelike inspirasie toegeskryf kan word nie. Hy het dit ook duidelik gestel dat hy as teoloog en leermeester nie kon glo sonder om te probeer verstaan nie. Hy het sy bevindinge bekend gemaak in Het Zoeklicht, 'n maandblad wat bedoel was om as soeklig te dien om verskillende vorms van “duisternis” in beide godsdiens en die politiek, betref, aan die lig te bring. Oortuig van die waarde van die Hoër Kritiek, het hy dit as sy plig geag om wat hy deur wye leeswerk en kritiese ondersoek rakende die oorsprong, vorm en inhoud van die Ou Testamentiese boeke bekom het, bekend te maak. Artikels van dié aard, eers in De Kerkbode en daarna in Het Zoeklicht, het gelei tot beroering onder behoudende lesers wat gekant was teen enige veranderinge in die prediking. Hulle was veral ontstoke oor sy siening dat die belydenisskrifte wat spruit uit die dae van die Hervorming 500 jaar tevore, oop was vir herformulering. Klagtes dat Du Plessis op 'n gevaarlike pad was, was die begin van wat gelei het tot 'n krisis in die Kerk, en uiteindelik tot 'n buitengewone sinode in 1930 toe hy van sy pos onthef is. Die behoudende reaksie van die meerderheid was dat die Bybel die onfeilbare Woord van God is. Die gevolg was dat 'n groot aantal van die leiers van die Kerk, aanhangers van die Nasionale Party wat in 1948 aan bewind gekom het, tekste uit die Bybel gebruik het om die beleid van Apartheid Skriftuurlik te begrond. Ná byna veertig jaar van 'n onkritiese benadering tot die Bybel, is die geloof in 'n foutlose Bybel weer bevraagteken. Tussen die eerlike teoloë wat dit gewaag het om te wys op foute en inkonsekwenthede, was Ferdinand Deist en Willem Vorster. Albei het hulle opleiding as predikante voltooi maar het hulle nie beroepbaar gestel nie omdat hulle met verdere studie voortgegaan het en hulle openlik uitgespreek het teen die misbruik van Bybelse gegewens om apartheid te regverdig. Geskool aan die Kweekskool in Stellenbosch, het Deist hom onderskei as geleerde wat sy drang na dieper ondersoek gepaar het met 'n piëtisme waarop hy uiting gegee het in 'n stortvloed van akademiese en populêre geskrifte ― wat nie altyd gestrook het met sy stelling dat die Woord van God nie met 'n gelyk-aan-teken aan mekaar verbind kan word nie. Vorster, wat sy opleiding aan die Universiteit van Pretoria ontvang het, het ewe bekend geraak en het internasionale erkenning geniet vir sy toepassing van die semantiek op studies van die Nuwe Testament. Daarby het hy sy kennis van die Nabye Oosterse tale toepaslik gevind in sy bydrae tot The New Quest om meer te wete te kom oor die historiese Jesus, 'n Jood en Galileër wat vir 'n kort periode opgetree het as leermeester en eskatologiese profeet. In die studie van bydraes van die drie geleerdes tot ons verstaan van die Bybel, is ook aandag geskenk aan 'n ander aspek van die Bybel as problematiese teks: Die nadruk wat skrywers en redaktors van die Bybelse gebeure, geplaas het op mans as vaders en seuns ten koste van vroue, moeders en dogters. Die gevolg was dat meeste van die sogenaamde Kerkvaders genoeg in die Bybel kon vind om hulle te identifiseer met die neerhalende beeld wat in Die Openbaring (14:3-4) geskep word van vroue, opvallend in stryd met die inhoud van Genesis 1:26-31. / The controversy started by Johannes Du Plessis over the question whether everything in the Bible was inspired by God, caused a crisis in the Dutch Reformed Church, which is listed as a beacon in its history. Most of the points he raised are accepted as truth today, and started an intellectual debate that is still going on. Information relating to Du Plessis’ origins, training, and achievements as a minister and church official is briefly noted. He was the talented son, and only child of an Afrikaner father and minister of religion, and an English mother, the daughter of an LMS missionary. He became a professor at the Seminary in Stellenbosch, after his studies overseas had caused him to question parts of the Old Testament text that could not be regarded as divinely inspired. He also made it quite clear that believing without trying to understand was not possible for him as a theologian and teacher. He proclaimed his findings in Het Zoeklicht, a monthly magazine intended to serve as a searchlight and an organ to reveal the “darkness” that was still prevalent in both religion and politics. Aware of the value of Higher Criticism of the Old Testament, he regarded it his duty to make known what he had found in reading widely and in critical research on the origins, form and content of the books of the Bible. Articles to this effect published first in De Kerkbode and then in Het Zoeklicht, caused an outcry from conservative readers who were opposed to any changes in the teaching of the church. They were especially enraged by his view that the confessions drawn up by Reformers 500 years earlier, were open for review. Complaints that Du Plessis was on a dangerous path, marked the beginning of what was regarded as a crisis in the Church, and in the end led to Du Plessis being relieved of his post by a special Synod convened in 1930. The views of the conservative majority, however, prevailed. As a result, a large number of leading ministers and theologians, who openly supported the Nationalist government that came into power in 1948, provided assurance that the concept of separation of racial groups was in accordance with Scripture. After nearly forty years of an uncritical approach to the Bible, the belief in in-errancy was again questioned. Among the few theologians who dared to point out errors and inconsistencies in various texts, were Ferdinand Deist and Willem Vorster. Both trained as ministers, they chose to continue their studies and openly expressed themselves against the abuse of Biblical texts to support the ideology of apartheid. Trained at the Seminary in Stellenbosch, Deist turned out to be a noted scholar who combined his urge for honest critical study with a pietism expressed in a flood of academic and popular publications ― which were not always consistent with his own statement that The Word of God could not be connected to Scripture with an is-equal-to symbol. Vorster, who received his education at the University of Pretoria, became equally well known as a scholar and gained international recognition for his application of semantics in the study of the Gospels. He also applied his knowledge of languages in what came to be known as The New Quest for the historical Jesus who, as a Jew and a Galilean, distinguished himself during a brief period as a teacher and eschatological prophet. In the study of the contributions of these three outstanding men to our understanding of the Bible, another major aspect of the Bible as problematic text is addressed: The emphasis the authors and redactors of the Scriptures placed on the roles of men, fathers and sons, patently to the exclusion of women, mothers and daughters. As a result many of the so-called Church Fathers found in the Bible sufficient material to look down upon women ― the verdict expressed in Revelations 14:3-4 being one of numerous texts pointing to women as objects of derision in glaring contradiction to the contents of Genesis 1:26-31. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Phil. (Biblical Studies)

Lidmaatskap van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk prakties-teologies verken

Lazenby, Martin John. 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study certain dt3ficiencies in connection with administrating church membership are being identified by using statistical information from "Kerkspieel Ill". The cause for these deficiencies can not simply be found in only one or even two factors. It constitutes in several factors some of which are easier to evaluate than others. The fact that it is not easy to measure a cause, does not mean that it should be avoided. Therefore, the practice concerning church membership is being examined in an exploring manner as it is an indispensable organisational matter. It is being approached from two dimensions: first the ecclesiology of the church is studied from a systematic-theological and practical-theological viewpoint with the purpose to determine whether that which the Dutch Reformed Church confesses as church clogma is indeed theologically acceptable. Then, with the ecclesiology as background, the structural phenomenon af church membership is investigated to see in what way the current practice in connection with church membership is conducive or perhaps destructive to the practice of the ecclesiology of the church. After identifying certain descrepancies between the church law and regulations and the E!Cclesiological confession on the one hand, and the church law and regulations and the current practice of membership on the other hand, a new practice for membership is designed. The aim of this new practice is to unite the church's ecclesiological confession and its practice on membership in a closer relationship to each other with the goal to lead members of the church to a fuller understanding of the meaning of their membership. This better understanding will serve as motivation for a more dedicated service to God in honor of his Name. The expectation is that other. renewing projects such as liturgical renewal, will be more effective if it is condu·cted in an atmosphere where members have a better understanding of their membership. / In hierdie studie word vanuit statistiese gegewens soos veral in Kerkspieel Ill opgeteken, sekere lee1mtes wat verband hou met lidmaatskap in die kerk ge'identifiseer. Die oorsake vir die leemtes is sekerlik nie simplisties in slegs een of selfs twee faktore te vind nie. Dit hou verband met 'n verskeidenheid van faktore waarvan sommige makliker meetbaar is as ander. Die feit dat 'n saak nie maklik meetbaar is nie, beteken nie dat dit vermy moet word nie. Daarom word hier verkennend gekyk na die hantering van kerklike lidmaatskap as onontbeerlike organisatoriese aangeleentheid. Dit word van twee kante benader: eerstens word gekyk na die kerk se ekklesiologie vanuit 'n sistematies- en prakties-teologiese perspektief met die doel om vas te stel of dit wat in die Ned Geref Kerk oor die kerk geleer word teologies versoenbaar is. Teen hierdie ekklesiologiese agtergrond word die strukturele verskynsel van lidmaatskap bekyk om uiteindelik na te gaan in watter mate die huidige praxis in VE!rband met lidmaatskap bevorderlik of dalk afbrekend inwerl< op die praxis van die ekklesiologie. Nadat bepaalde diskrepansies tussen die kerkordelike bepalinge en die ekklesiologiese belydenis aan die een kant asook tussen die kerkordelike bepalinge en die huidige praxis van lidmaatskap aan die anderkant aangetoon is, word 'n nuwe praxis vir kerklike lidmaatskap aan die hand gedoen. Die bedoeling is om die kerk se ekklesiologiese belydenis en die betekenis van kerklike lidmaatskap nader aan mekaar te bring sodat die lidmate van die kerk daartoe gelei kan wor:d om al beter te verstaan waarom dit in lidmaatskap eintlik gaan en deur hierdie beter begrip daartoe gemotiveer te word om met groter toewyding die Here tot sy eer te dien. Die verwagting is dat ander kerkvernuwende projekte soos oa die vernuwing van die erediens meer effektief sal wees indien dit geskied waar lidmate ' / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

The impact of reformed missions on the origin, growth and identity of the Reformed Church of East Africa, 1905-2000

Van Zyl, Jacobus,1962- 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mission work was done consecutively by two Reformed missionary enterprises in Kenya and led to the establishment of the Reformed Church of East Africa (RCEA). The Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa (DRC), which established congregations amongst South Africans who had come to Kenya from 1905 onwards, played an important role during the phase of church- planting: initially through a spontaneous congregational outreach towards the local people of western Kenya during the 1930s and subsequently through formal missionary action which began with the calling ofBB Eybers as a full-time missionary in 1944. Thus the foundations were laid for the establishment of what is today the RCEA. Before Eybers left in 1960 three congregations had come into existence under the auspices of the DRC. The second phase of the missionary endeavour began in 1961 with an agreement between the DRC and the Reformed Mission League in the Netherlands (RML) whereby the latter was asked to continue the work started by the DRC. The Reformed Church of East Africa (RCEA) was formally instituted in 1963. Despite almost a century of activities, a thorough investigation of the history of the founding of this Church has not yet been done. Due to the fact that information regarding this topic has been widely dispersed to different parts of the world, and that it was written in several languages, there is a real danger that such information may be lost or become irretrievable. Considering this situation, the aim of the study was to investigate the history of the RCEA and to determine the influence of the two missionary enterprises on the current identity of the RCEA. The mission's objectives, policies and methods implemented by the South African DRC until 1961 were compared to the objectives, policies and methods used by the Netherlands RML as from 1961 until the present day. The study then attempted to determine what effect these two enterprises with their respective and varying emphases had on the formation and development of the RCEA. An identity analysis of the RCEA was undertaken to determine the influence of the two missionary enterprises on the current identity of the RCEA. In various respects this identity reflects the influence of the DRC in South Africa and the Reformed Mission League in the Netherlands on the RCEA. It appears that the impact of the Missions is evident in a variety of aspects of the church life of the RCEA. The ecclesiastical model introduced by the DRC and continued by the RML remained dominant in the RCEA. The fundamentals of Reformed theology (sola scriptura., sola gratia, sola fide), the church concept (proclamational), the style of communication, the worship and the liturgy reflect the lasting influence of both missions on the RCEA. The findings were evaluated from a critical missiological perspective to indicate what the effect of the dual involvement of the two Missions was on the RCEA. Still, the RCEA is no carbon copy of either of these missionary enterprises. The identity of the RCEA developed within the culture and context of the people of Kenya amongst whom it was established and, as such, formed a Church unique in its own right. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontstaan van 'n inheemse gereformeerde kerk op die ewenaar, die Reformed Church of East Africa (RCEA), was die gevolg van sendingwerk wat opeenvolgend deur twee gereformeerde sendinge in Kenia gedoen is. Die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afiika (Ned. Geref. Kerk), wat sedert die begin van die twintigste eeu gemeentes onder Suid-Afrikaners gevestig het, het 'n belangrike rol gespeel gedurende die kerkplantingsfase. Dit het aanvanklik plaasgevind deur 'n spontane gemeentelike uitreik-aksie na die plaaslike bevolking in Wes Kenia gedurende die 1930s. Dit is voortgesit deur formele sendingwerk wat in 1944 begin het toe BB Eybers as voltydse sendeling beroep is. Gedurende Eybers se dienstyd is die grondslag gele vir die kerk wat vandag bekend staan as die Reformed Church of East Africa. Voordat Eybers in 1960 weg is, het drie gemeentes onder die toesig van die Ned. Geref. Kerk ontstaan. Die tweede fase van die sendingaksie het in 1961 met 'n ooreenkoms tussen die Ned Geref. Kerk en die Gereformeerde Zendingsbond in Nederland (GZB) waartydens laasgenoemde gevra is om die werk oor te neem. Die Reformed Church of East Africa (RCEA) het in 1963 tot stand gekom. Alhoewel die vroee geskiedenis van die RCEA byna 'n eeu gelede begin het, is 'n deeglike ondersoek aangaande die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van die kerk nog nie gedoen nie. Weens die feit dat inligting oor hierdie onderwerp oor verskillende dele van die wereld verspreid is, en in verskillende tale geskryf is, bestaan die gevaar dat hierdie inligting verlore kan raak. In die lig hiervan was die doel van die studie om die geskiedenis van die RCEA na te gaan en te bepaal watter invloed die twee sendingaksies op die huidige identiteit van die RCEA gehad het. Die sendingdoelstellings, -beleid en -metodes van die Ned. Geref. Kerk tot in 1961 word vergelyk met die doelstellings, beleid en metodes van die GZB vanaf 1961 tot en met 2000. Die studie probeer bepaal watter effek die twee sendingaksies met hul onderskeie aksente op die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van die RCEA, gehad het. Die bevindinge is geevalueer vanuit 'n kritiese missiologiese perspektief. Dit was nodig om 'n identiteitsanalise van die RCEA te doen ten einde die invloed van beide die Ned. Geref. Kerk in Suid-Afrika en die Gereformeerde Zendingsbond in Nederland op die kerk te bepaal. Die navorsing het getoon dat die impak van die twee sendingaksies die identiteit van die RCEA inderdaad in 'n groot mate bepaal het. Die ekklesiologiese model wat eie is aan die Ned. Geref. Kerk en deur die GZB voortgesit is, is ook kenmerkend van die identiteit van die RCEA vandag. Die grondslae van die Reformasie (sola scriptura, sola gratia, sola fide), die kerkbegrip (verkondigingsmodel), die kommunikasiestyl, die erediens en die liturgie weerspieel die voortgaande invloed van beide sendingaksies op die RCEA. Hierdie bevindige is geevalueer vanuit 'n krities-rnissiologiese perspektief om aan te to on wat die effek van die invloed van die sendingaksies op die RCEA was. Nogtans is die RCEA nie 'n blote deurslag kopie van een of beide van hierdie sendingaksies nie. Die identiteit van die RCEA het ontwikkel binne die kultuur en konteks van die mense van Kenia onder wie dit gevestig is. Sodoende het 'n Kerk met 'n eiesoortige karakter ontstaan.

'n Ondersoek na die benutting van 'n ontwikkelingbatesraamwerk vir 'n volhoubare kinderbediening

Fransman, Viola Jo-Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to contribute to search for a more ministry appropriate framework that will cause children’s ministry to be more holistic and sustainable. It explores the 40 Developmental Asset framework of the Search Institute for more sustainable children’s ministry. The research question has been formulated as follows: Can the 40 Developmental Asset framework contribute to a more sustainable Children’s ministry.? The purpose of the study is to: • Firstly try and determine what contribution this framework can make to sustainable children’s minsitry. • Secondly make children’s workers more aware of the good ministry practices outside their context and paradigm and to give guidelines of the use of such pracitce. • Thirdly to contribute to more academic thought and discussion about children’s ministry in a South African context. In chapter one the research problem is defined and the research methodology discussed. Chapter two pays attention to certain challenges for children’s ministry in a South African context after which discussions about factors that influences children’s ministry, follows. A discussion about current ministry models and metaphors for children’s ministry is also done. The conclusion of this exploration is that these ministry models mainly accommodate children in one context, namely the church and largely ignores the other contexts of children’s lives. These contexts include their home, school, friends and the larger community of which they are part of and therefore does not accommodate children’s ministry in a holistic sustainable manner. In chapter three a more detailed discussion of the asset framework and its potential for sustainable ministry follows. The current age we live in urges the church to return to her missional calling by attempting to reach out to children that is not part of the church, meaning it should attempt to be more inclusive in its ministry efforts to children. Chapter four describes the research methodology followed in this study and discusses the themes identified in the interpretation of the data derived from the research. In chapter five conclusions based on the research are made. These conclusions include that • More academic research about children’s minsitry is needed; • Children’s ministry is and inclusive ministry; • Contextualization of the asset framework is possible; • The responsibillities to build assets in children is everyone’s responsibillity; • That a more appreciative attitude towards children should be cultvated and practiced; The conclusion of the study is that the 40 Developmental Asset framework should be considered as a possible framework for more sustainable ministry. The reason being that it accomodates all the contexts of children’s lives and is thus more inclusive of contexts and the addresses the whole being of children. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie poog om mee te werk in die soeke na ‘n meer praktykgerigte raamwerk vir kinderbediening wat meer holisties en volhoubaar is. Die studie stel ondersoek in na die benutting van die 40 Batesraamwerk van die Search Instituut vir ʼn meer volhoubare kinderbediening. Na aanleiding van die navorsingsprobleem word die navorsingsvraag soos volg geformuleer: Kan die 40 Batesraamwerk bydra tot ’n meer volhoubare kinderbediening? Die doel van die studie is om: • Eerstens te probeer vasstel watter bydrae die Veertig Ontwikkelingsbates tot ’n meer volhoubare kinderbediening kan maak;. • Tweedens kinderwerkers meer bewus te maak van ander goeie bedieningspraktyke buite hulle eie konteks en denkraamwerk, en ook riglyne te bied oor die gebruik van so ’n raamwerk; • Derdens mee te help tot akademiese nadenke oor kinderbediening binne die Suid Afrikaanse konteks. In hoofstuk een is die navorsingsprobleem en metodiek van die navorsing bespreek. Ten einde die navorsingsvraag te probeer beantwoord, word daar in hoofstuk twee heel eerste aandag gegee aan die bespreking van enkele uitdagings met betrekking tot kinderbediening in Suid-Afrika, ‘n bespreking oor invloede op kinderbediening volg waarna moontlike modelle en metafore vir kinderbediening in ’n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks verken word. Die konklusie van die verkenning is dat die bedienningsmodelle kinders meestal slegs binne die konteks van die kerk “ontvang” maar dat die res van die kontekste waarin kinders leef byvoorbeeld die huis, skool, vriende en die gemeenskap baie min of glad nie kinders holisties en volhoubaar akkomodeer nie. In hoofstuk drie word die 40 Batesraamwerk meer breedvoerig bespreek en die redes waarom dit as raamwerk vir meer volhoubare kinderbediening oorweeg behoort word, verken. Hierdie tydsgewrig vereis dat die kerk deur kinderbediening misionaal behoort op te tree teenoor ander kinders wat nie deel is van die gemeente nie. Hoofstuk vier beskryf die navorsingsmetodologie wat gevolg is in die studie en bespreek temas wat geïdentifiseer is tydens die interpretering van die data verkry uit die ondersoek. In hoofstuk vyf word gevolgtrekkings en konklusies gemaak uit die studie in geheel. Die vernaamste bevindinge is dat: • Meer akademiese navorsing oor kinderbediening nodig is; • Kinderbediening ‘n inklusiewe bediening is; • Langtermynoplossings vir kinderbediening nodig is; • Kontekstualisering van die 40 Batesraamwerk moontlik is; • Die verantwoordelikheid om bates te bou, by almal berus; ’n Meer waarderende houding teenoor kinders nodig is.Die konklusie van die studie is dus dat die 40 Batesraamwerk wel oorweeg behoort te word as raamwerk vir meer volhoubare kinderbediening aangesien dit al die kontekste waarin kinders leef, aanspreek en dus meer inklusiewe bedieningsbenadering ten opsigte van konteks maar ook menswees kan bevorder.

Van vasgelooptheid na hoop : ’n deskriptiewe studie van die samesmelting tussen die NG Studentekerk en Moederkerk op Stellenbosch

Van Zyl, Jan De Wit 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / No abstract avaliable

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