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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The experience and handling of workplace bullying / Adéle Botha

Botha, Adéle January 2011 (has links)
Previous studies have established that for some people a typical day at work starts with immense feelings of distress, anxiety and irritability caused by workplace bullying. Not only does bullying behaviour in the workplace have a negative impact on a person’s professional life, but it is also detrimental to the effectiveness of the organisation. A survey focussing on the perceived exposure to bullying and victimisation in the workplace was administered to a sample of 159 employees employed by a mine in Mpumalanga. The results uncovered that more than a quarter of the participants reported that they had experienced workplace bullying. The study also discovered that line managers experienced more negative acts than senior managers. While those who only experience a brief spell of bullying behaviour at work survive their experience relatively unscathed, previous studies have also indicated that others are affected in a significant physical and psychological way. In conclusion this study determined that workplace bullying is an actual occurrence, not only internationally but also in South Africa. Employees and employers can therefore only benefit from understanding this unique workplace phenomenon. This article provides the opportunity for employed people to recognise the nature and prevalence of workplace bullying in order to prevent it from becoming a silent epidemic. Researchers generally accept that bullying is behaviour that is aggressive or negative and carried out repeatedly. Previous research established that bullying can occur in any context where people interact. This article open by synthesising a conceptual framework of negative acts as an interactive form of organisational behaviour from the available literature. Empirical research was done in order to investigate the prevalence of negative acts. The study found that more than a quarter of the participants had experienced bullying at some stage during their career with managers and supervisors predominantly reported as the perpetrators. The study also found that behaviour that tends to isolate individuals was generally reported as the most frequently experienced form of negative acts. By understanding workplace bullying both employers will be able to implement influence strategies aimed at dealing with this workplace phenomenon at levels of protection, intervention and dispute resolution. In conclusion it has been established that workplace bullying is not only a real problem in international workplaces, but also in South Africa. This means that employers not only have to cope with the consequences of employees performing badly but also behaving badly. This article presents an opportunity to understand negative behaviour in the workplace. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Feedback-Mediated Dynamics in the Kidney: Mathematical Modeling and Stochastic Analysis

Ryu, Hwayeon January 2014 (has links)
<p>One of the key mechanisms that mediate renal autoregulation is the tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) system, which is a negative feedback loop in the kidney that balances glomerular filtration with tubular reabsorptive capacity. In this dissertation, we develop several mathematical models of the TGF system to study TGF-mediated model dynamics. </p><p>First, we develop a mathematical model of compliant thick ascending limb (TAL) of a short loop of Henle in the rat kidney, called TAL model, to investigate the effects of spatial inhomogeneous properties in TAL on TGF-mediated dynamics. We derive a characteristic equation that corresponds to a linearized TAL model, and conduct a bifurcation analysis by finding roots of that equation. Results of the bifurcation analysis are also validated via numerical simulations of the full model equations. </p><p>We then extend the TAL model to explicitly represent an entire short-looped nephron including the descending segments and having compliant tubular walls, developing a short-looped nephron model. A bifurcation analysis for the TGF loop-model equations is similarly performed by computing parameter boundaries, as functions of TGF gain and delay, that separate differing model behaviors. We also use the loop model to better understand the effects of transient as well as sustained flow perturbations on the TGF system and on distal NaCl delivery.</p><p>To understand the impacts of internephron coupling on TGF dynamics, we further develop a mathematical model of a coupled-TGF system that includes any finite number of nephrons coupled through their TGF systems, coupled-nephron model. Each model nephron represents a short loop of Henle having compliant tubular walls, based on the short-looped nephron model, and is assumed to interact with nearby nephrons through electrotonic signaling along the pre-glomerular vasculature. The characteristic equation is obtained via linearization of the loop-model equations as in TAL model. To better understand the impacts of parameter variability on TGF-mediated dynamics, we consider special cases where the relation between TGF delays and gains among two coupled nephrons is specifically chosen. By solving the characteristic equation, we determine parameter regions that correspond to qualitatively differing model behaviors. </p><p>TGF delays play an essential role in determining qualitatively and quantitatively different TGF-mediated dynamic behaviors. In particular, when noise arising from external sources of system is introduced, the dynamics may become significantly rich and complex, revealing a variety of model behaviors owing to the interaction with delays. In our next study, we consider the effect of the interactions between time delays and noise, by developing a stochastic model. We begin with a simple time-delayed transport equation to represent the dynamics of chloride concentration in the rigid-TAL fluid. Guided by a proof for the existence and uniqueness of the steady-state solution to the deterministic Dirichlet problem, obtained via bifurcation analysis and the contraction mapping theorem, an analogous proof for stochastic system with random boundary conditions is presented. Finally we conduct multiscale analysis to study the effect of the noise, specifically when the system is in subcritical region, but close enough to the critical delay. To analyze the solution behaviors in long time scales, reduced equations for the amplitude of solutions are derived using multiscale method.</p> / Dissertation

Fødselsopplevelser – hva synes å bidra til at de blir en negativ erfaring? / Birth experiences – what seems to make them negative?

Grimsrud, Elisabeth January 2014 (has links)
Hensikt: Å belyse hvilke aspekter kvinner selv trekker fram når de beskriver sin fødselsopplevelse som negativ. Metode: Kvalitativ tematisk analyse er anvendt for å analysere fritekstkommentarer fra 103 kvinner som har vurdert sin fødselsopplevelse som negativ, i den norske kohorten av Bidens-studien. Hovedresultater: Tre hovedtemaer trer fram i resultatene: ”Komplikasjoner hos mor, barn eller begge”, ”Å ikke føle seg sett og hørt” og ”Opplevelse av smerte og tap av kontroll”. Funnene viser at majoritetenav kvinnene hadde opplevd uventede og dramatiske komplikasjoner. Mange hadde følt seg ignorert, dårlig behandlet og ikke inkludert i avgjørelser. Et mindretall opplevde at den negative fødselsopplevelsen hovedsaklig skyldtes smerte og/eller tap av kontroll. Konklusjon: Kvinnenes beskrivelser viser at de ikke forventet å oppleve det de gjorde i fødsel, det være seg komplikasjoner eller mangelfull ivaretakelse. Enkelte opplevde situasjoner som må betraktes som overgrep i form av forsømmelse, verbale overtrampog uhøflig opptredenfra omsorgsgivernes side. I denne studien kommer det fram at omsorgsgiveres holdninger og væremåte er vesentlig for en positiv fødselsopplevelse. Den informasjonen som komfram gjennom funnene kan brukes av jordmødre for på best mulig måte å forebygge negative fødselsopplevelser. / Aim: This study aimed to explore the aspects women describe as contributing to their negative experience of childbirth. Methods: We used qualitative thematic analysis to analyze 103 free-text comments in a questionnaire from the Norwegian cohort of the Bidens study. The comments were provided by women who had a negative childbirth experience. Main findings: The majority of respondents reported experiencing unexpected and dramatic complications during childbirth. We identified three major themes: “(i) complications in mother, baby or both”, “(ii) not being seen or heard”; and (iii) “experience of pain and loss of control”. Further, the majority of respondents had felt ignored, had not been treated with respect, and did not feel included in decisions about their childbirth. A minority described pain and loss of control as the main reason for their negative birth experience. Conclusions: The women’s comments show that they did not expect to experience negative things during childbirth. Further, they were unprepared for complications and improper care. Alarmingly, many respondents experienced what must be characterized as abuse in the health-care system (i.e. neglect, verbal abuse or rudeness). The present study shows that caregivers’ attitudes and presentation contribute importantly to a positive childbirth experience. Midwives can use the information gained from this study to prevent negative birth experiences. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-95-9</p>

Statistical methods for species richness estimation using count data from multiple sampling units

Argyle, Angus Gordon 23 April 2012 (has links)
The planet is experiencing a dramatic loss of species. The majority of species are unknown to science, and it is usually infeasible to conduct a census of a region to acquire a complete inventory of all life forms. Therefore, it is important to estimate and conduct statistical inference on the total number of species in a region based on samples obtained from field observations. Such estimates may suggest the number of species new to science and at potential risk of extinction. In this thesis, we develop novel methodology to conduct statistical inference, based on abundance-based data collected from multiple sampling locations, on the number of species within a taxonomic group residing in a region. The primary contribution of this work is the formulation of novel statistical methodology for analysis in this setting, where abundances of species are recorded at multiple sampling units across a region. This particular area has received relatively little attention in the literature. In the first chapter, the problem of estimating the number of species is formulated in a broad context, one that occurs in several seemingly unrelated fields of study. Estimators are commonly developed from statistical sampling models. Depending on the organisms or objects under study, different sampling techniques are used, and consequently, a variety of statistical models have been developed for this problem. A review of existing estimation methods, categorized by the associated sampling model, is presented in the second chapter. The third chapter develops a new negative binomial mixture model. The negative binomial model is employed to account for the common tendency of individuals of a particular species to occur in clusters. An exponential mixing distribution permits inference on the number of species that exist in the region, but were in fact absent from the sampling units. Adopting a classical approach for statistical inference, we develop the maximum likelihood estimator, and a corresponding profile-log-likelihood interval estimate of species richness. In addition, a Gaussian-based confidence interval based on large-sample theory is presented. The fourth chapter further extends the hierarchical model developed in Chapter 3 into a Bayesian framework. The motivation for the Bayesian paradigm is explained, and a hierarchical model based on random effects and discrete latent variables is presented. Computing the posterior distribution in this case is not straight-forward. A data augmentation technique that indirectly places priors on species richness is employed to compute the model using a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The fifth chapter examines the performance of our new methodology. Simulation studies are used to examine the mean-squared error of our proposed estimators. Comparisons to several commonly-used non-parametric estimators are made. Several conclusions emerge, and settings where our approaches can yield superior performance are clarified. In the sixth chapter, we present a case study. The methodology is applied to a real data set of oribatid mites (a taxonomic order of micro-arthropods) collected from multiple sites in a tropical rainforest in Panama. We adjust our statistical sampling models to account for the varying masses of material sampled from the sites. The resulting estimates of species richness for the oribatid mites are useful, and contribute to a wider investigation, currently underway, examining the species richness of all arthropods in the rainforest. Our approaches are the only existing methods that can make full use of the abundance-based data from multiple sampling units located in a single region. The seventh and final chapter concludes the thesis with a discussion of key considerations related to implementation and modeling assumptions, and describes potential avenues for further investigation. / Graduate

Min oro tar över : Hur hänger upplevda depressiva symptom samman med inre problematik utifrån etttransdiagnostiskt perspektiv? / MIN ORO TAR ÖVER : How are depressive symptoms percived and associated with internal problems fromtransdiagnostic perspective?

Lipovac, Dejana January 2014 (has links)
Målet med studien är att genom ett transdiagnostiskt perspektivförklara hur stress i skolan leder fram till depressiva symptom. Ifokus är ungdomar i 13-15 års ålder där jag undersöker omungdomars upprepade negativa tankar verkar som mediatorer ellerkopplingar mellan stress (i skolan, samt i relationer med kamrateroch lärare i skolan) och depressiva symptom. För ändamåletanvänds data från en pågående studie vid Örebro Universitet omvälmående bland årskurs 7 och 8 elever och jag genomför entvärsnittsanalys. Medierinsanalyser visade att ungdomarsupprepade negativa tankar förklarar mycket av association mellanstress i skolan och depressiva symptom. Slutsatsen för denna studieär att för att påverka ungdomars depressiva symptom behöver viidentifiera de sätt som ungdomar ser på sig själva och sin omvärld. / Goal for the study is that through transdiagnostic approach explainhow stress at school leads to depressive symptoms. Focus is onyoung people in the 13-15 of age where I examine whetheradolescents repetitive negative thoughts acts as mediators orconnections between stress (at school, and in relationships withpeers and teachers at school ) and depressive symptoms. For thispurpose I’m using data from an ongoing study at ÖrebroUniversity of well-being among 7 and 8 grade students and Iconduct a cross-sectional analysis . Mediationanalysis showed thatyoung peoples repetitive negative thoughts explain much of theassociation between stress at school and depressive symptoms. Theconclusion of this study is that to influence young people'sdepressive symptoms, we need to identify the ways that youngpeople see themselves and their world.

Optimization of pre-processing variables for hyperspectral analysis of focal plane array Fourier transform infrared images

Pinchuk, Tommy. January 2006 (has links)
A genetic algorithm was employed to select the optimal combination of preprocessing variables, including data pretreatment, data manipulation and feature extraction procedures, for eventual clustering of a data set consisting of hyperspectral images acquired by a focal plane array Fourier transform infrared (FPA-FTIR) spectrometer. The data set consisted of infrared images of bacterial films, and the classification task investigated was the discrimination between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The genetic algorithm evaluated combinations of variables pertaining to bacterial film thickness tolerances, baseline correction, pixel co-addition, outlier removal, smoothing, mean centering, normalization, derivatization, integration and principal component selection. Following numerous iterations of unsupervised processing, the genetic algorithm arrived at a sub-optimal solution yielding a clustering accuracy of 97.8% and a data utilization of 28.6%. The results provided insight into the co-dependencies of the pre-processing variables and their consequential effect on the selected data. The robustness of the classification model was evaluated and reinforced by the successful classification of two distinct validation sets. The overall success of the genetic algorithm suggests that it is an effective time saving resource for the optimization of pre-processing variables that does not require operator intervention.

A Qualitative Study of Task and Work-Social Networks

Sausan, Nabeela January 2012 (has links)
Despite the well-recognized importance of interpersonal relationships within the work environment, there is no comprehensive approach or set of studies that provide a complete picture. As a step towards providing a complete picture, this research presents a qualitative exploratory study of how people experience the work environment through task and work-social interactions and through policies and norms present in the work environment. The purpose of this study is to understand the overall work experience from purely work-social and purely task network perspective. A semi-structured question-based set of interviews were performed among professionals from a Canadian university alumni society. The transcripts of the interviews were then manually coded and analyzed using statistical methods. The study found an overall higher level of positive responses for co-workers in the work-social network, as well as a preference for work-social co-workers in building a team for a hypothetical company. The study also found a general willingness to select only the best ranked co-workers from task network, whereas a leniency towards the selection of co-workers from work-social network was observed despite their lower ranking. At the same time, the study identified some of the most desirable attributes of fellow co-workers both in the task and work-social networks from an employee’s perspective. The significance of the people and team was found more important to the employees than factors such as specific task performed or compensation. This exploratory study provided insights into how employees view their co-workers and their work environment.

Barn som söker negativ uppmärksamhet : En intervjustudie om ett av förskollärarens pedagogiska dilemman / Negative attention seeking children : An interview study about one of the preschool teachers’ pedagogic dilemmas.

Palomaa, Madeleine January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to examine which approach experienced pre-school teachers have on children that seek negative attention. The study contains five informants in a city in the middle of Sweden and they all have at least 10 years of experience after their diploma from a pre-school teachers’ program. The questions I aimed to answer were the following: How did the pre-school teachers define the expression ”negative attention”? What approach did they have on children that seek negative attention? What effects do the childrens’ seeking of negative attention generate on their self-esteem and sense of security? How possible do the pre-school teachers feel it is to achieve the goals of the pre-schools’ curricula that every child should get their needs respected and met, when they work with children that seek negative attention? The results showed that the teachers think of them as resources in the group and that they need to think of the environment around these children both at home and at the pre-school to better meet their needs. The results also showed that there are limits to achieve the goals of the pre-school curricula, since the capacity of their working situations are limited.

Acquisition of haemoglobin-bound iron by Histophilus somni

Tremblay, Yannick January 2005 (has links)
Ovine (strains 9L and 3384Y) and bovine (strains 649, 2336 and 8025) isolates of Histophilus somni were investigated for their ability to acquire iron from haemoglobin (Hb). Bovine isolates were capable of utilizing bovine, but not ovine, porcine or human Hb as a source of iron. Ovine isolates could not obtain iron from Hb. Bovine isolates bound bovine, ovine, and human Hbs by means of the same iron-repressible receptor(s) and produced a ~120-kDa iron-repressible, outer membrane protein. Using PCR approaches, an iron-regulated operon containing hugX and hugZ homologues and a gene (hgbA) that encodes a TonB-dependent, Hb-binding proteins were identified in strains 649, 9L and 3384Y. In strains 9L and 3384Y, HgbA is truncated offering a possible explanation for their lack of utilization of Hb as an iron source. In strains 2336 and 8025, expression of HgbA was also subject to a form of phase variation.

対人関係の否定的側面の生起メカニズム : メタセオリーを用いての展開

橋本, 剛, Hashimoto, Takeshi 25 December 1998 (has links)

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