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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μελέτη σφαλμάτων σε γραμμές μεταφοράς

Εξαδάκτυλος, Κωνσταντίνος 07 June 2013 (has links)
Σε αυτή τη διπλωματική εργασία γίνεται μελέτη του δικτύου διανομής και των σφαλμάτων που συμβαίνουν στις γραμμές μεταφοράς. Τα σφάλματα αναφέρονται σε ένα χρονικό διάστημα 15 ετών, από το 1989 ως το 2003 και καλύπτουν 35 γραμμές της Δυτικής Ελλάδας. Στη συνέχεια γίνεται επεξεργασία των δεδομένων και ταξινόμηση τους, ανάλογα με το έτος, την γραμμή μεταφοράς και το αίτιο που προκάλεσε το σφάλμα. Αναλυτικότερα, στο 1ο κεφάλαιο της διπλωματικής εργασίας γίνεται: - γενική ανάλυση των στοιχείων μιας γραμμής μεταφοράς. - συνοπτική παρουσίαση των αγωγών, των μονωτήρων, των μετασχηματιστών και των πυλώνων που χρησιμοποιούνται για τη λειτουργία μιας γραμμής μεταφοράς. - κατηγοριοποίηση των εναέριων γραμμών μεταφοράς ανάλογα με το μήκος τους. Επίσης, αναφέρονται οι απαιτήσεις των γραμμών μεταφοράς αλλά και οι τύποι που υπάρχουν. Τέλος, αναπτύσσεται διεξοδικότερα ο ρόλος που παίζει η διαδρομή της γραμμής στην αντικεραυνική συμπεριφορά. Στο 2ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται σύντομη αναφορά στο κλίμα της Ελλάδας, στην κεραυνική συχνότητα και σε βασικά χαρακτηριστικά των γραμμών και των πυλώνων στο υπό εξέταση δίκτυο. Στη συνέχεια, παρατίθενται κάποια τεχνικά στοιχεία του συστήματος μεταφοράς, όπως το πλήθος των εναέριων, υπόγειων και υποβρύχιων γραμμών μεταφοράς και κάποια βασικά μεγέθη του δικτύου ηλεκτρισμού. Τέλος τα χαρακτηριστικά του δικτύου είναι μια ευγενική παραχώρηση της Δ.Ε.Η. όπως βέβαια και όλα τα στοιχειά που εξετάζουμε. Το 3ο κεφάλαιο αναφέρεται στον εντοπισμό σφαλμάτων και αφιερώνεται σε μια γενική θεώρηση της λογική και της χρησιμότητας του εντοπισμού σφαλμάτων. Στο κεφάλαιο αυτό γίνεται: - ιστορική αναδρομή για τη συγκεκριμένη θεωρία και παρουσιάζονται συνοπτικά τα πλεονεκτήματα της. - μικρή αναφορά στα είδη σφαλμάτων που συμβαίνουν στους αγωγούς. - παρουσίαση πλεονεκτημάτων του “fault locator”. - αναφορά των μεθόδων εντοπισμού σφαλμάτων. Στο 4ο κεφάλαιο αναφέρονται τα είδη σφαλμάτων(χωρίζονται σε κατηγορίες με βάση τη χρονική τους διάρκεια και τις επιπτώσεις αυτών στο δίκτυο) που παρουσιάζονται στις γραμμές και γίνεται επεξεργασία αυτών. Οι κατηγορίες των σφαλμάτων είναι: - Παροδικά - Παραμένοντα - Μόνιμα Τα κριτήρια κατηγοριοποίησης είναι η διάρκεια των σφαλμάτων και το ύψος της ζημιάς που προκαλούν. Βέβαια οι δυο αυτές ποσότητες είναι αλληλένδετες και ανάλογες. Μια ζημιά που θα καταστρέψει παραδείγματος χάρη έναν πυλώνα θα διαρκέσει ως βλάβη, στην καλύτερη , περίπτωση μερικές μέρες. Έτσι τα παροδικά σφάλματα διαρκούν το πολύ μερικά δευτερόλεπτα και το δίκτυο στο οποίο εμφανίζεται το σφάλμα επανέρχεται σε λειτουργία από μόνο του, δίχως την ανάγκη παρέμβασης. Τα μόνιμα σφάλματα είναι τα σοβαρότερα και τα πλέον απευκταία. Απαιτούν την παρέμβαση συνεργείου της Δ.Ε.Η. στη συντριπτική πλειονότητα των περιπτώσεων τους. Τα παροδικά είναι τα σφάλματα με χαρακτηριστικά κάπου ενδιάμεσα των δυο προηγούμενων κατηγοριών. Στο 5ο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζονται τα αιτία που προκαλούν τα σφάλματα στις γραμμές. Η πλειονότητα των σφαλμάτων προκαλείται εξαιτίας κακών ατμοσφαιρικών συνθηκών. Με τον όρο αυτό στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση εννοούμε κυρίως τα κεραυνικά πλήγματα πάνω σε μια γραμμή ή πολύ κοντά σε αυτή. Αρκετά πιο σπάνια μπορεί να προκαλέσει σοβαρό σφάλμα σε μια γραμμή ο δυνατός αέρας. Γίνεται, επίσης, ταξινόμηση σε πίνακες, ακολουθούμενα από διαγράμματα, των σφαλμάτων από το 1989 ως το 2003 ανάλογα με την γραμμή μεταφοράς και τον υποσταθμό που εμφανίστηκαν. Τέλος, στο 6ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται: - αναφορά της ανάγκης κατασκευής ενός ΣΑΠ (Σύστημα Αντικεραυνικής Προστασίας) - αναφορά σε ορισμούς που αφορούν ένα ΣΑΠ - αναφορά στο σχεδιασμό ενός ΣΑΠ - παρουσίαση διάφορων μεθόδων προστασίας από κεραυνούς, που όπως αναλύθηκε είναι ένα από τα βασικότερα αίτια πρόκλησης σφαλμάτων - ανάλυση της συχνότητας των κεραυνών και πόσο συχνά πλήττουν τις γραμμές μεταφοράς - παρουσίαση μεθόδων υπολογισμού σφαλμάτων - θεωρητικός υπολογισμός σφαλμάτων για τις γραμμές R-11 και R-23. / This diploma thesis studies the transmission network and the faults that happened on the transmission lines. The faults referred to an interval of 15 years, between years 1989 and 2003 and they are about 35 transmission lines of Western Greece. Also, there is a treatment and a clarification of the data according to the year, the transmission line and the reason that caused the fault. Specifically, in the first chapter of the diplomatic there is: - a general analysis of the data transmission lines. - a summary of the actions of insulators, transformers and posts used in the operation of a transmission line. - a classification of overhead transmission lines according to their length. Also, there is a reference of the requirements of transmission lines and the types of them. Finally, is developed more extensively the role that has the path of the line (routing) in the protection of lines of high voltage. In the second chapter follows short report in the climate of Greece, in the thunder frequency and in basic characteristics of lines and pylons in the network under review. After that, there are the technical date of the transmission system, such as the amount of airspace, underground and underwater transmission lines and some key figures of electricity network. Finally the characteristics of network are a polite concession of Δ.Ε.Η. as of course and the data that we examine. The third chapter referred to debug devoted to an overview about the logic and usefulness of the fault location. In this chapter: - originally presented a history that had to accept the theory and summarizes the advantages - there is also a small reference to the types of faults that occur in the ducts - a summary of advantages of “fault locator” - reference to the methods of faults locating. In the fourth chapter are reported the types of faults (are separated in categories with base their time duration and the repercussions of these in the network) that are presented in the lines and takes place treatment of these. The categories of faults are: - Transitory - Remaining - Permanently The criteria of categorization are the duration of faults and the height of damage that they cause. Of course these two quantities are interrelated and proportional. A damage that will destroy for example pylon will last as damage, in better, case certain days. Thus the transitory faults lasts at maximum certain seconds and the network in which is presented the fault is back on line on his own, without the need of intervention. The permanent faults are most serious. They require the intervention of repair crew of Δ.Ε.Η. in the overwhelming majority of their cases. Transitory are the faults with characteristically somewhere in-between the two previous categories. In the fifth chapter is presented the reason that cause the faults in the lines. The majority of faults are caused because of the bad atmospheric conditions. With this term in the particular case we mainly mean the thunder strokes on a line or a lot near it. Enough more seldom it can cause serious fault in a line the strong air wind. There is, also, a clarification in tables (with the corresponding charts) of the faults between years 1989 and 2003 depending on the transmission line and the substation they took place. Finally, in the sixth chapter there is: - a reference to the construction need of lightning protection system (LPS) - a reference to definitions about the LPS - a reference to the designing of LPS - a presentation of several methods of protection from lightning, which is one of the main reasons faults. - an analysis of lightning frequency and how often they strike the transmission lines. - a presentation of methods of faults calculation - A theoretical calculation of faults in transmission lines R-11 and R-23.

Digital secondary substations with auto-configuration of station monitoring through IEC 61850 and CIM

Wistedt, Johan January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explore the possibility to automate a process for configuration of secondary substations monitoring and control. By using a network information system (NIS), information of secondary substations can be extracted, such as feeder naming, primary equipment type, rating and model. From this information an automated process of configuring the secondary substation is possible, which open up the possibility to cost-efficiently digitalise the distribution grid. In the project, the standard IEC 61850 for configuration of communications of intelligent electrical devices was used to automate and standardize the process. The process starts with a extracted IEC 61970 CIM file from the NIS. The IEC 61970 CIM file is converted into a IEC 61850 SCL file through an system engineering tool. The configuration is based of information from the NIS, where the models and types of the equipments decides what type of functionality that is needed for the secondary substation. With help of the created SCL file hardware and human-machine interface (HMI) was configured, creating a full functional system for the secondary substation monitoring and control equipment. The usage of 400V capable input module together with bus couplers, configured in IEC 61850, lowers the configuration needed for the hardware. The usage of SCL files also helps automate the creation of HMI for the secondary substation through IEC 61850 based tools in SCADA software. Creating views of both single-line diagrams as well as digital representation of the secondary substation outgoing feeders with measured values on display. The result of the project helps show NIS information is sufficient and standards mature enough to allow an almost fully automated system. Lowering the total time spent on each stations configuration to around two hours. Leading the way for future development of automating software for configurations of the secondary substations.


Oliveira, Andre Luiz Turchiello de 05 July 2016 (has links)
Technological innovations have gradually transforming education, renewing concepts, paradigms, change actions that are reflected in the profile of contemporary society. The qualification of education motivated the objective of this research that addresses the possibilities of use of Information and Communication Technology Network, in the educational processes of the practices of teachers of the Federal Institute Farroupilha. - Campus São Vicente do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. The construction of the theoretical basis was established by authors who address the need and importance of teacher training to develop skills, abilities and attitudes to mediate the construction of knowledge of a generation that requires personal and professional adjustments. The qualitative research was supported in the action research approach, consisting in classroom training workshops, structured from information obtained by the teachers themselves, through an initial survey. In these capacities, realized through our analysis and the participants, they are aware of the need for the use of technology in education, and are eager and excited to add new features to their methodologies, so these meetings achieved significant results in a joint building knowledge. Moreover, as the final product of this investigative study of Educational Technologies in Management Online Network, the Professional Masters in Educational Technology Network, we produce educational material, form of e-book, available in the network, to expand these perceptions collectively built with the domestic academic community and outside the Campus. / As inovações tecnológicas vêm, gradativamente, transformando a educação, renovando conceitos, paradigmas, mudanças de ações que estão refletidas no perfil da sociedade contemporânea. A qualificação da educação profissional motivou o objetivo dessa pesquisa que aborda as possibilidades de utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação em Rede, nos processos educacionais das práticas dos professores do Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus São Vicente do Sul, no Rio Grande do Sul. A construção da base teórica foi estabelecida por autores que abordam a necessidade e importância da formação de professores para que desenvolvam competências, habilidades e atitudes para mediarem a construção do conhecimento de uma geração que exige adequações pessoais e profissionais. A investigação qualitativa, apoiou-se na abordagem da pesquisa-ação, constituída em oficinas presenciais de capacitação, estruturadas a partir de informações obtidas pelos próprios docentes, através de uma pesquisa inicial realizada. Nessas capacitações, percebemos, através de análises nossas e dos participantes, que eles têm consciência da necessidade do uso das tecnologias na educação, e estão ansiosos e entusiasmados por acrescentar novidades às suas metodologias, por isso estes encontros obtiveram resultados significativos, numa construção conjunta de conhecimento. Além disso, como produto final deste estudo investigativo da linha de Gestão em Tecnologias Educacionais em Rede, no Mestrado Profissional em Tecnologias Educacionais em Rede, produzimos um material didático, em forma de e-book, disponibilizado em rede, para expandir estas percepções construídas coletivamente com a comunidade acadêmica interna e também externa ao Campus.

Subgraph Covers- An Information Theoretic Approach to Motif Analysis in Networks

Wegner, Anatol Eugen 02 April 2015 (has links)
A large number of complex systems can be modelled as networks of interacting units. From a mathematical point of view the topology of such systems can be represented as graphs of which the nodes represent individual elements of the system and the edges interactions or relations between them. In recent years networks have become a principal tool for analyzing complex systems in many different fields. This thesis introduces an information theoretic approach for finding characteristic connectivity patterns of networks, also called network motifs. Network motifs are sometimes also referred to as basic building blocks of complex networks. Many real world networks contain a statistically surprising number of certain subgraph patterns called network motifs. In biological and technological networks motifs are thought to contribute to the overall function of the network by performing modular tasks such as information processing. Therefore, methods for identifying network motifs are of great scientific interest. In the prevalent approach to motif analysis network motifs are defined to be subgraphs that occur significantly more often in a network when compared to a null model that preserves certain features of the network. However, defining appropriate null models and sampling these has proven to be challenging. This thesis introduces an alternative approach to motif analysis which looks at motifs as regularities of a network that can be exploited to obtain a more efficient representation of the network. The approach is based on finding a subgraph cover that represents the network using minimal total information. Here, a subgraph cover is a set of subgraphs such that every edge of the graph is contained in at least one subgraph in the cover while the total information of a subgraph cover is the information required to specify the connectivity patterns occurring in the cover together with their position in the graph. The thesis also studies the connection between motif analysis and random graph models for networks. Developing random graph models that incorporate high densities of triangles and other motifs has long been a goal of network research. In recent years, two such model have been proposed . However, their applications have remained limited because of the lack of a method for fitting such models to networks. In this thesis, we address this problem by showing that these models can be formulated as ensembles of subgraph covers and that the total information optimal subgraph covers can be used to match networks with such models. Moreover, these models can be solved analytically for many of their properties allowing for more accurate modelling of networks in general. Finally, the thesis also analyzes the problem of finding a total information optimal subgraph cover with respect to its computational complexity. The problem turns out to be NP-hard hence, we propose a greedy heuristic for it. Empirical results for several real world networks from different fields are presented. In order to test the presented algorithm we also consider some synthetic networks with predetermined motif structure.

Ein transdisziplinärer Rahmen für die GeNeMe

Porto de Albuquerque, João, Simon, Edouard J., Rolf, Arno, Wahoff, Jan-Hendrik January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

On the Effect of Topology on Learning and Generalization in Random Automata Networks

Goudarzi, Alireza 01 January 2011 (has links)
We extend the study of learning and generalization in feed forward Boolean networks to random Boolean networks (RBNs). We explore the relationship between the learning capability and the network topology, the system size, the training sample size, and the complexity of the computational tasks. We show experimentally that there exists a critical connectivity Kc that improves the generalization and adaptation in networks. In addition, we show that in finite size networks, the critical K is a power-law function of the system size N and the fraction of inputs used during the training. We explain why adaptation improves at this critical connectivity by showing that the network ensemble manifests maximal topological diversity near Kc. Our work is partly motivated by self-assembled molecular and nanoscale electronics. Our findings allow to determine an automata network topology class for efficient and robust information processing.

Estratégias de atração de investimentos estrangeiros diretos para o Brasil 2003-2013 / strategies for attracting foreign direct investment to Brazil 2003-2013

Farias, Carla Goreth Araújo da Siva 05 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Elesbão Santiago Neto (neto10uepb@cche.uepb.edu.br) on 2016-09-12T17:29:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Carla Goreth Araújo da Silva Farias.pdf: 1890264 bytes, checksum: 04ce53406d9eb40a0c3637cf1af02921 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-12T17:29:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Carla Goreth Araújo da Silva Farias.pdf: 1890264 bytes, checksum: 04ce53406d9eb40a0c3637cf1af02921 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-05 / CAPES / The research paper aims to analyze the strategies o f Brazil that contribute to the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment to Brazil in the period 2 003-2013. As such, a contextualization of worldwide investment flows was made, highlighting t he participation of Brazil, and emphasizing the flows designated for Brazil. Subseq uently, an analysis of the sectorial destinations of these investments was made, undersc oring its effects on the Brazilian economy. Previously, the strategies for attracting investments were studied, with an analysis of the direct and indirect effects that contribute favorably to the attraction of cash flow to the country. The analysis was conducted by a qualitativ e survey i.e. an exploratory analysis of the data, using bibliographic reference, website resear ches and official documents provided by the Brazilian Government. It was noted that the Governm ent remained committed to attracting foreign investment, implementing and innovating in the development of strategies to attract productive capital, with a view mainly to ensure in novative production processes for the country. It was found that the Federal Government i n the period 2003-2013 demonstrated deliberate actions in order to attract FDI. / A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as estratégia s brasileiras que contribuem para atração dos Investimentos Estrangeiros Diretos para o Brasi l no período 2003-2013. Para tanto, foi realizado uma contextualização dos fluxos mundiais de investimento, destacando a participação brasileira, enfatizando a evolução des ses fluxos para o Brasil. Em seguida, fez-se uma análise acerca do destino setorial desses inves timentos, ressaltando os efeitos sobre a economia brasileira. Posteriormente, foram estudada s as estratégias de atração de investimentos, com análise dos efeitos diretos e in diretos que contribuem favoravelmente na atração dos fluxos para o país. A análise foi reali zada a partir de levantamento qualitativo, ou seja, análise exploratória dos dados, utilizando-se de consulta bibliográfica e pesquisas aos portais e documentos oficiais disponibilizados pelo governo brasileiro. Ficou constatado que o Governo se manteve empenhado na atração de investim entos estrangeiros, aplicando e inovando na elaboração de estratégias destinadas a atrair os capitais produtivos, tendo em vista principalmente assegurar processos produtivos inovadores para o país. Verificou-se que o Governo Federal no período 2003-2013 pôs em práti ca ações deliberadas com o objetivo de atrair IED..,

Network Coding in Distributed, Dynamic, and Wireless Environments: Algorithms and Applications

Chaudhry, Mohammad 2011 December 1900 (has links)
The network coding is a new paradigm that has been shown to improve throughput, fault tolerance, and other quality of service parameters in communication networks. The basic idea of the network coding techniques is to relish the "mixing" nature of the information flows, i.e., many algebraic operations (e.g., addition, subtraction etc.) can be performed over the data packets. Whereas traditionally information flows are treated as physical commodities (e.g., cars) over which algebraic operations can not be performed. In this dissertation we answer some of the important open questions related to the network coding. Our work can be divided into four major parts. Firstly, we focus on network code design for the dynamic networks, i.e., the networks with frequently changing topologies and frequently changing sets of users. Examples of such dynamic networks are content distribution networks, peer-to-peer networks, and mobile wireless networks. A change in the network might result in infeasibility of the previously assigned feasible network code, i.e., all the users might not be able to receive their demands. The central problem in the design of a feasible network code is to assign local encoding coefficients for each pair of links in a way that allows every user to decode the required packets. We analyze the problem of maintaining the feasibility of a network code, and provide bounds on the number of modifications required under dynamic settings. We also present distributed algorithms for the network code design, and propose a new path-based assignment of encoding coefficients to construct a feasible network code. Secondly, we investigate the network coding problems in wireless networks. It has been shown that network coding techniques can significantly increase the overall throughput of wireless networks by taking advantage of their broadcast nature. In wireless networks each packet transmitted by a device is broadcasted within a certain area and can be overheard by the neighboring devices. When a device needs to transmit packets, it employs the Index Coding that uses the knowledge of what the device's neighbors have heard in order to reduce the number of transmissions. With the Index Coding, each transmitted packet can be a linear combination of the original packets. The Index Coding problem has been proven to be NP-hard, and NP-hard to approximate. We propose an efficient exact, and several heuristic solutions for the Index Coding problem. Noting that the Index Coding problem is NP-hard to approximate, we look at it from a novel perspective and define the Complementary Index Coding problem, where the objective is to maximize the number of transmissions that are saved by employing coding compared to the solution that does not involve coding. We prove that the Complementary Index Coding problem can be approximated in several cases of practical importance. We investigate both the multiple unicast and multiple multicast scenarios for the Complementary Index Coding problem for computational complexity, and provide polynomial time approximation algorithms. Thirdly, we consider the problem of accessing large data files stored at multiple locations across a content distribution, peer-to-peer, or massive storage network. Parts of the data can be stored in either original form, or encoded form at multiple network locations. Clients access the parts of the data through simultaneous downloads from several servers across the network. For each link used client has to pay some cost. A client might not be able to access a subset of servers simultaneously due to network restrictions e.g., congestion etc. Furthermore, a subset of the servers might contain correlated data, and accessing such a subset might not increase amount of information at the client. We present a novel efficient polynomial-time solution for this problem that leverages the matroid theory. Fourthly, we explore applications of the network coding for congestion mitigation and over flow avoidance in the global routing stage of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) physical design. Smaller and smarter devices have resulted in a significant increase in the density of on-chip components, which has given rise to congestion and over flow as critical issues in on-chip networks. We present novel techniques and algorithms for reducing congestion and minimizing over flows.

Virtual group movie recommendation system using social network information

Manamolela, Lefats'e 27 November 2019 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Information and Communication Technology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Since their emergence in the 1990’s, recommendation systems have transformed the intelligence of both the web and humans. A pool of research papers has been published in various domains of recommendation systems. These include content based, collaborative and hybrid filtering recommendation systems. Recommendation systems suggest items to users and their principal purpose is to increase sales and recommend items that are predicted to be suitable for users. They achieve this through making calculations based on data that is available on the system. In this study, we give evidence that the research on group recommendation systems must look more carefully at the dynamics of group decision-making in order to produce technologies that will be more beneficial for groups based on the individual interests of group members while also striving to maximise satisfaction. The matrix factorization algorithm of collaborative filtering was used to make predictions and three movie recommendation for each and every individual user. The three recommendations were of three highest predicted movies above the pre-set threshold which was three. Thereafter, four virtual groups of varied sizes were formed based on four highest predicted movies of the users in the dataset. Plurality voting strategy was used to achieve this. A publicly available dataset based on Group Recommender Systems Enhanced by Social Elements, constructed by Lara Quijano from the Group of Artificial Intelligence Applications (GIGA), was used for experiments. The developed recommendation system was able to successfully make individual movie recommendations, generate virtual groups, and recommend movies to these respective groups. The system was evaluated for accuracy in making predictions and it was able to achieve 0.7027 MAE and 0.8996 RMSE. This study was able to recommend to virtual groups to enable social network group members to engage in discussions of recommended items. The study encourages members in engaging in similar activities in their respective physical locations and then discuss on social network.

DINI-Zertifikat 2013 – Neuerungen im Abschnitt Rechtliche Aspekte

Voigt, Michaela 09 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Vortrag im Rahmen der Open Access Tage 2013, Session "Rechtliche Aspekte des Open Access": Bereits in der „Budapest Open Access Initiative“, dem „Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing“ und der „Berliner Erklärung über offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen“ wird die rechtliche Dimension von Open Access deutlich: Wissenschaftliche Werke sollen nicht nur zugänglich sondern nach nachnutzbar sein. Bei der Umsetzung des Grünen Weges des Open Access kann diese Nachnutzung nur selten umgesetzt werden, da wissenschaftliche AutorInnen im Rahmen von „Copyright Transfer Agreements“ mehrheitlich ausschließliche Nutzungsrechte an Verlage übertragen. Das sich in der politischen Diskussion befindliche Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht würde wissenschaftliche AutorInnen die rechtssichere Zugänglichmachung ihrer Werke auf Repositorien gewähren und damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Förderung von Open Access leisten. Vor dem Hintergrund der anhaltenden Diskussion um ein wissenschaftsfreundliches Urheberrecht und der Verankerung eines unabdingbaren Zweitveröffentlichungsrechts widmet sich die Session den rechtlichen Aspekten von Open Access. Referiert und diskutiert werden u.a. die Chancen und Herausforderungen von nicht-exklusiven Verwertungsgesellschaften im Wissenschaftsbereich sowie der Stand und die Perspektive des Zweitveröffentlichungsrechts. Darüber hinaus wird die praktische Umsetzung des Grünen Weges betrachtet: Am Beispiel der SLUB Dresden und dem DINI-Zertifikat 2013 wird der Umgang mit rechtliche Fragestellungen skizziert und mit den TeilnehmerInnen diskutiert. Vortrag 1 C3S: Cultural Commons Collecting Society – auch ein Modell für den Textbereich? Michael Weller (Europäische EDV-Akademie des Rechts, Merzig/Saar) Vortrag 2 Neues gesetzliches Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht – Update zu den Anforderungen an Bibliotheken und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen Thomas Hartmann (Max Planck Digital Library, München) Vortrag 3 Rechteklärung für OA-Zweitveröffentlichungen – das Serviceangebot der SLUB Dresden Elena Di Rosa (Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Dresden) Vortrag 4 DINI-Zertifikat 2013 – Neuerungen im Abschnitt Rechtliche Aspekte Michaela Voigt (Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Dresden)

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