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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetické změny u neuroektodermálních nádorů detekované pomocí molekulárně biologických metod. / Genetic changes in neuroectodermal tumors detected by molecular biological methods.

Vosecká, Tatiana January 2012 (has links)
9 ABSTRACT Tatiana Labudová: Genetic changes in neuroectodermal tumours detected by molecular biological methods. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Anthropology and Human Genetics Thesis, 75 pages,8 supplements, 2012 This thesis is concerned to neuroectodermal tumours that make a major group of infant tumour diseases. Genetic material gained from patients with neuroectodermal tumours was examined using comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and interphasic fluorescence in situ hybridization (I-FISH). The aim of this Thesis is to prove chromosomal changes and to create the whole genetic profile. According to these profiles can be determined tumourgenetic cascade or specific genetic changes that lead to malignant tumours. In some cases (f.e. neuroblastoms) the genetic profile helps us to determine a subtype of disease and it's biological behaviour. Keywords: tumour diseases, neuroblastoma, CNS tumours, pheochromocytoma, Ewing's sarcoma, neuroectodermal tumour, comparative genomic hybridization, interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization

Epigenetická modifikace DNA nádorových buněčných linií v normoxii a hypoxii / Epigenetic modification of DNA of tumor cell lines in normoxia and hypoxia

Omaňa Gudiňo, Žaneta January 2013 (has links)
5 Abstract Neuroblastoma is one of the most common cancer diseases diagnosed in children. This rapidly growing solid tumor is usually formed by hypoxic areas which arise as a consequence of inefficient and disorganized neovascularization. The cells stressed by hypoxia triggers transcription of many genes necessary for their survival, and conversely stop the production of proteins which are not necessarily needed for the survival in these severe conditions. The adaptation of cells to hypoxic conditions may appear due to the epigenetic regulation of metabolism associated with chromatin remodeling which involves the DNA methylation and also the posttranslational modifications of histones. Among the most important of these, there is the acetylation of lysine residues of histones associated with the DNA strands loosening, facilitated binding of transcription factors and the activation of gene expression. Thus, the first part of this study is concerned with changes in the acetylation of histones H3 and H4 of human neuroblastoma cell lines UKF-NB-3, UKF-NB-4, SH-SY5Y and SK-N-AS, cultured in parallel under standard culture conditions and in the absence of oxygen (hypoxia, 1% O2) for 24 hours, which are studied by Western blot analysis. Thereupon, the activity of histone deacetylases and histonacetyltransferases,...

T-cell mediated suppression of neuroblastoma following fractalkine gene therapy is amplified by targeted IL-2

Zeng, Yan 02 February 2006 (has links)
Das Induzieren und Aufrechterhalten einer tumor-protektiven Immunität sind wesentliche Ziele in der Immuntherapie des Neuroblastoms. Eine Erhöhung der Anzahl von tumor-infiltrierenden Leukozyten könnte ein Weg sein, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Fractalkine ist ein besonderes TH1 CX3C Chemokin, welches sowohl Adhäsion und Migration von Leukozyten vermittelt. Gerichtetes IL-2 (ch14.18-IL-2) wurde durch eine genetische Fusion von anti-GD2 Antikörper mit IL-2 hergestellt, damit IL-2 spezifisch in das Mikromilieu von Neuroblastomen gebracht werden kann. In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Hypothese getestet, dass Gentherapie mit dem Chemokin Fractalkine (FKN) eine wirksame Antineuroblastom-Immunantwort induziert, welche durch gerichtetes IL-2 amplifiziert wird. Zu diesem Zweck wurden NXS2-Zellen genetisch verändert, damit sie murines FKN produzieren (NXS2-FKN). Transkription und Expression des mFKN Gens konnte in NXS2-FKN Zellen und Tumorgewebe gezeigt werden. Die chemotaktische Eigenschaft von FKN wurde sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo gezeigt. FKN zeigte eine Reduktion des Primärtumorwachstums, welches durch gerichtetes IL-2 mit nicht-kurativen Dosen von ch14.18-IL-2 deutlich verbessert wurde. Ferner wurden experimentelle Lebermetastasen nur in den Mäusen komplett eradiziert, welche die Kombinationstherapie erhalten haben. Die Mechanismen, welche an dieser Antitumorantwort beteiligt sind, schließen eine wirksame T-Zell-Aktivierung (Hochregulation von CD69, CD25, und von TNF-alpha und INF-gamma), sowie eine Erhöhung der tumorspezifischen CTL-Aktivität mitein. Die Depletion von CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen in vivo hat diesen therapeutischen Effekt aufgehoben, was die essentielle Rolle von T-Zellen in diesem immuntherapeutischen Ansatz unterstreicht. Zusammenfassend konnte ich zum ersten Mal zeigen, dass Chemokin-Gentherapie mit FKN durch gerichtetes IL-2 amplifiziert wird, was eine Kombination dieser beiden Strategien zur adjuvanten Therapie beim Neuroblastom nahe legt. / Induction and maintenance of tumor-protective immunity are the major goals of neuroblastoma immunotherapy. Enhancing the amount of tumor infiltrating leukocytes might be a way to achieve these goals since they may be associated with residual evidence of the ineffective immune response. Fractalkine is a unique TH1 CX3C chemokine known to induce both adhesion and migration of leukocytes mediated by a membrane-bound and a soluble form, respectively. Targeted IL-2 (ch14.18-IL-2) was constructed by anti-GD2 antibody fused with IL-2 so that IL-2 can be directed into the microenvironment of neuroblastoma tumor. Here, I tested the hypothesis that chemokine gene therapy with fractalkine (FKN) induces an effective anti-neuroblastoma immune response amplified by targeted IL-2. NXS2 cells were engineered to stably produce murine FKN (NXS2-FKN). Transcrip- tion and expression of the mFKN gene in NXS2-FKN cells and tumor tissue were demonstrated. The chemotactic activity of FKN expressed by NXS2 cells was determined both in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, NXS2-FKN exhibited a reduction in primary tumor growth, which was boosted by targeted IL-2 using non-curative doses of ch14.18-IL-2. Furthermore, experimental liver metastases were completely eradicated in mice receiving the combination therapy, demonstrating the induction of a long-lived tumor protective response. The mechanisms involved in antitumor response included effective T cell activation as indicated by the up-regulation of T-cell activation markers (CD69, CD25) and proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, INF-gamma) as well as the enhancement of tumor specific CTL activity. The depletion of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in vivo abrogated the therapeutic effect supporting the crucial role of T cells in this immunotherapeutic approach. In summary, I demonstrated for the first time that chemokine gene therapy with FKN is amplified by targeted IL-2 suggesting a combination of both strategies as an adjuvant therapy for neuroblastoma.

Klinische und molekularzytogenetische Charakterisierung von Aesthesioneuroblastomen

You, Xuejun 24 September 2002 (has links)
Das vom endonasalen Neuroepithel der Rima olfactoria entstandenen Aesthesioneuroblastom gehört zu den seltenen malignen Tumoren der Rhinobasis. Eine generelle Therapieempfehlung für die Behandlung dieses Tumors gibt es nicht, da bis heute etablierte, durch umfassende onkologische Studien untermauerte diagnostische und therapeutische Standards fehlen und der klinische Verlauf oft unberechenbar ist. Die Aufgabe der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand in der Überprüfung des chirurgischen Konzeptes bei der Therapie von Aesthesioneuroblastomen und in der erstmaligen molekularzytogenetischen Charakterisierung von Aesthesioneuroblastomen. Dazu wurden 18 Patienten mit Aesthesioneuroblastomen, die im Zeitraum zwischen 1988 und 2001 in der HNO-Klinik (17 Patienten) sowie in der Neurochirurgischen Klinik des Klinikums Fulda operiert wurden, untersucht. Die daraus resultierenden 22 Aesthesioneuroblastome wurden alle mit Hilfe der Vergleichenden Genomischen Hybridisierung (CGH) analysiert. Nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand besteht die optimale Therapie der Aesthesioneuroblastome in der chirurgischen Resektion des Tumors mit nachfolgender stereotaktischer Bestrahlung. Für die operative Sanierung der Aesthesioneuroblastome und auch anderer Malignome der vorderen Schädelbasis ist das nachfolgende neue Fuldaer Konzept empfehlenswert: 1) Endonasale Resektion, wenn keine intrakranielle bzw. orbitale Tumorinfiltration vorliegt; 2) Subfrontaler Zugang, bei Infiltration des Gehirns; 3) Midfacial degloving, bei weit lateraler Tumorausbreitung; 4) Laterale Rhinotomie nur bei der Notwendigkeit der simultanen Exenteratio orbitae (bei orbitaler Tumorinfiltration). Aesthesioneuroblastomen sind durch ein typisches genetisches Muster charakterisiert, das Deletionen im Bereich der chromosomalen Arme 1p, 2q, 3p/q, 4p/q, 5p/q, 6q, 8p/q, 9p, 10p/q, 11p, 12q, 13q, 18q und 21q sowie Amplifikationen der Chromosomen 1p, 7q, 9q, 11q, 14q, 16p/q, 17p/q, 19p/q, 20p/q und 22p/q umfasst. Die beim Aesthesioneuroblastom häufigen DNA-Verluste im Bereich der chromosomalen Banden 1p21-p31 scheinen mit der Prognose dieser Tumoren assoziiert zu sein. Die Tumoren aller in der vorliegenden Studie am Malignom verstorbenen Patienten zeigten eine Kombination aus 1p21-p31-Deletion, dem Vorliegen des klinischen Stadiums C oder D sowie gleichzeitig einer schlechten Differenzierung (Grad III oder IV). Vermittels der CGH ist es möglich, eine klonale Zuordnung von Metastasen bzw. auch Rezidiven zu ihren primären Aesthesioneuroblastomen vorzunehmen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt nicht nur neue Ansätze in der chirurgischen Therapie von Aesthesioneuroblastomen sondern auch die erste umfassende molekularzytogenetische Analyse dieser Tumorentität, auf dem Weg, das biologische Verhalten dieser Malignome genauer charakterisieren zu können. / Esthesioneuroblastoma (ENB) is a very rare malignant neoplasm arising from the olfactory epithelium which is recognized for its propensity for local recurrence and distant dissemination. Therapeutic management approaches for this neoplasm lack uniformity. The present study describes therapeutic management in ENB: Complete surgical resection combined with adjuvant stereotactic radiation therapy. Thereby, a new surgical concept is recommended: 1) Endonasal approach in cases without tumor infiltration of the orbit and/or the brain; 2) Subfrontal approach in cases with extended tumor infiltration of the intradural space or of the brain; 3) Midfacial degloving in cases with far lateral tumor spread, particularly fossa pterygoidea or pterygopalatina; 3) Lateral rhinotomy in all cases where an exenteratio orbitae is needed. Secondarily, the study characterizes the specific chromosomal alterations of ENB analyzed using Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH). ENB show frequently deletions of chromosoms 1p, 2q, 3p/q, 4p/q, 5p/q, 6q, 8p/q, 9p, 10p/q, 11p, 12q, 13q, 18q and 21q as well as DNA gains of chromosoms 1p, 7q, 9q, 11q, 14q, 16p/q, 17p/q, 19p/q, 20p/q and 22p/q. Deletions of the chromosomal region 1p21-p31 could be associated with bad prognosis since the tumors of all patients who died were of stage C or D and grade III or IV, and showed 1p21-p31 deletions. The analysis of primary ENB and their corresponding metastases shows clonality by a high concordance of alterations between the tumor pairs. For the first time, this study presents the specific chromosomal alterations of ENB pathogenesis and progression.

Activity and Regulation of Telomerase in Malignant Cells

Lindkvist, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>An important step in tumorgenesis is the acquisition of cellular immortality. Tumor cells accomplish this by activating the enzyme telomerase, and thereby avoiding replicative senescence. The aim of this thesis was to study the activity and regulation of telomerase in a panel of malignant cell types.</p><p>We found that TGF-β1 (transforming growth factor-β1) mediated differential effects on telomerase activity in five ATC (anaplastic thyroid carcinoma) cell lines. Cells that harbored a <i>p53</i> mutation responded by up-regulation of telomerase activity after TGF-β1 treatment, whereas cell lines displaying wt <i>p53 </i>responded by down-regulation of telomerase activity. Thus, these results indicate a possible connection between <i>p53</i> genotype and telomerase response to TGF-β1 treatment. Furthermore, the decreased telomerase activity appeared to be due to transcriptional repression of the <i>hTERT</i> promoter and the increased activity possibly involved hTERT activation via phosphorylation. </p><p>We have previously shown that IFNs (interferons) sensitize MM (multiple myeloma) cells to Fas-mediated apoptosis. In the present investigation both IFN-α and IFN-γ down regulated telomerase activity in the MM cell line U-266-1970. The mechanism underlying the reduction of telomerase activity by IFN was shown to be transcriptional repression of the <i>hTERT </i>gene. We suggest that one potential mechanism whereby IFN sensitize MM cells to Fas-mediated apoptosis is by repressing <i>hTERT</i> activity at the transcriptional level. </p><p>In the next study we demonstrated that basal telomerase activity is not a key determinant of sensitivity to cytotoxic drugs in ESCC (esophageal squamous cell carcinoma) cell lines. Furthermore, we observed no correlation between <i>c-Myc</i> amplification, <i>p53</i> mutations and high telomerase activity levels in these cell lines. </p><p>Finally, neuroblastoma cell lines were shown to up-regulate telomerase activity in response to hypoxic exposure and the main regulatory mechanism was not mediated by increased hTERT mRNA expression. This finding might constitute an adaptive stress response of tumor cells exposed to hypoxia. </p>

Activity and Regulation of Telomerase in Malignant Cells

Lindkvist, Anna January 2006 (has links)
An important step in tumorgenesis is the acquisition of cellular immortality. Tumor cells accomplish this by activating the enzyme telomerase, and thereby avoiding replicative senescence. The aim of this thesis was to study the activity and regulation of telomerase in a panel of malignant cell types. We found that TGF-β1 (transforming growth factor-β1) mediated differential effects on telomerase activity in five ATC (anaplastic thyroid carcinoma) cell lines. Cells that harbored a p53 mutation responded by up-regulation of telomerase activity after TGF-β1 treatment, whereas cell lines displaying wt p53 responded by down-regulation of telomerase activity. Thus, these results indicate a possible connection between p53 genotype and telomerase response to TGF-β1 treatment. Furthermore, the decreased telomerase activity appeared to be due to transcriptional repression of the hTERT promoter and the increased activity possibly involved hTERT activation via phosphorylation. We have previously shown that IFNs (interferons) sensitize MM (multiple myeloma) cells to Fas-mediated apoptosis. In the present investigation both IFN-α and IFN-γ down regulated telomerase activity in the MM cell line U-266-1970. The mechanism underlying the reduction of telomerase activity by IFN was shown to be transcriptional repression of the hTERT gene. We suggest that one potential mechanism whereby IFN sensitize MM cells to Fas-mediated apoptosis is by repressing hTERT activity at the transcriptional level. In the next study we demonstrated that basal telomerase activity is not a key determinant of sensitivity to cytotoxic drugs in ESCC (esophageal squamous cell carcinoma) cell lines. Furthermore, we observed no correlation between c-Myc amplification, p53 mutations and high telomerase activity levels in these cell lines. Finally, neuroblastoma cell lines were shown to up-regulate telomerase activity in response to hypoxic exposure and the main regulatory mechanism was not mediated by increased hTERT mRNA expression. This finding might constitute an adaptive stress response of tumor cells exposed to hypoxia.

Genetic analysis of neural crest migration: Requirement of Dapper2-mediated inhibition of the Wnt canonical activity

Rabadán Lozano, M. Ángeles 27 April 2012 (has links)
Numerous initiatives to improve our understanding of cancer biology have been lunched in different laboratories that aim to describe the interactome and gene-expression profile in different tumour cell line. It is now clear that the different strategies of cell migration observed in cancer are reminiscent of the different migratory strategies observed during embryo development. These similarities suggest that developmental program that has to be kept off after embryogenesis may be induced by spontaneous genetics modifications that produce tumour cells. In this study we went inside the genetic network/profile that controls how neural crest cells eventually switch on the migration program and how they are able to arise into different lines with the propose of getting new ideas on how to prevent dissemination of tumour cells or how to treat advanced tumour that have already spread. Neural progenitors of the dorsal neural tube that acquire the expression of specific neural crest determinants, delaminate from the neural tube and follow precise migratory pathways, to terminally differentiate into the various neural crest derivatives. Here we developed a novel resource for lineage trace and isolation of neural crest cells that allowed for a genome-wide expression screen in pre-migratory and migratory neural crest progenitors. We efficiently identified previously known neural crest specific genes. Expression profiling revealed new neural crest genes belonging to a wide range of cellular functions, with high representation of genes associated to cell motion. Additionally, we identified chick genes for which the human orthologues and/or paralogues are associated to Neuroblastoma formation. In my thesis we identified new genes specifically expressed in the developing neural crest, and proposed a revised genomic signature for the normal neural crest cells. Furthermore, mutations on some of these genes are markers for Neuroblastoma tumour formation. Thus we propose this as a valid screen to identify candidates genes that contribute to the characterization of the Neuroblastoma cancer stem cells, and thus to the identification of specific targets to design new therapeutic strategies. Getting in more detail into this genetic network, Wnt canonical signalling response has to been shown to be a key event in both cancer and neural crest cell development. Traditionally Wnt canonical pathway has been involved in neural crest induction process, but here we demonstrated that it is also critical for the onset migration of the neural crest cell. In fact, high levels of Wnt canonical activity prevents neural crest cell to delaminate and only through the inhibition of this activity mediate by dapper protein, neural crest cells can undergo into their normal migration pathways. If this process has an implication in cancer is still unknown, but Dapper expression proteins have been already associated to different types of cancer.

Nouvelles approches thérapeutiques pour prévenir les rechutes du neuroblastome : étude préclinique et translationnelle

Belounis, Assila 04 1900 (has links)
Le neuroblastome (NB) est la tumeur extra-crânienne la plus fréquente du jeune enfant. Malgré une thérapie multimodale très agressive, 40% des patients atteints de NB à haut risque rechutent. Le traitement de ces patients consiste à éliminer la tumeur par chirurgie, radiothérapie et chimiothérapie, à reconstituer la moelle osseuse par une greffe de cellules souches autologues et enfin à éliminer la maladie résiduelle (MRD) par une immunothérapie visant l’antigène GD2 exprimé par les neuroblastes. Notre étude préclinique a examiné l’efficacité de deux stratégies de traitements qui visent à potentialiser les thérapies actuelles et réduire leur toxicité. La première consiste à réduire la masse tumorale par la radiothérapie ciblée combinée à des radiosensibilisants. La deuxième approche est basée sur l’activation des cellules natural killer (NK) pour potentialiser l’effet de l’immunothérapie anti-GD2 et éliminer la MRD. L’autophagie est un processus catabolique qui élimine les protéines et organelles endommagées par différents stress incluant les irradiations. Par conséquent, inhiber l’autophagie pourrait sensibiliser les neuroblastes aux irradiations. Or, nous avons montré qu’étant très radiosensibles, les neuroblastes ne sont pas davantage éliminés par les irradiations quand ils sont traités avec un inhibiteur de l’autophagie. De plus, l’absence d’un inhibiteur efficace de l’autophagie à usage thérapeutique ne permet pas actuellement d’adopter cette approche. Notre étude a également permis de révéler une nouvelle approche de stimulation des cellules NK par les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes (pDC) activées par un ligand du récepteur Toll-like, capable d’éradiquer la MRD et prévenir les rechutes de NB. Nos résultats ont permis, d’une part, d’élucider les mécanismes impliqués dans la lyse des cellules NK activées par les pDC contre les neuroblastes et, d’une autre part, de démontrer que l’axe pDC-NK chez le patient est fonctionnel, augmente l’efficacité de l’anti-GD2 et élimine efficacement les neuroblastes. Ainsi, l’immunothérapie par les cellules NK est une stratégie très prometteuse pour traiter le NB. Cette étude préclinique servira de base à l’élaboration d’un essai clinique pour traiter les enfants atteints de NB au CHU Sainte Justine. / Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial solid tumor in childhood. Despite aggressive multimodal therapy, 40% of patients with high-risk NB relapse. The current therapy comprises an induction treatment with chemotherapy and surgery, a consolidation treatment including radiotherapy and high-dose chemotherapy followed by bone marrow rescue with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and finally anti-GD2 immunotherapy targeting the disialoganglioside (GD2) antigen expressed by neuroblasts to treat minimal residual disease (MRD). Our preclinical study proposes two treatment strategies to potentiate current therapies and reduced toxicities. The first aim to reduce tumor mass by targeted radiotherapy combined with radiosensitizers. The second approach is based on the activation of natural killer (NK) cells to potentiate the effect of anti-GD2 therapy and eliminate MRD. Autophagy is a catabolic process that recycle damaged proteins and organelles, induced under various conditions of cellular stress including irradiation. Therefore, inhibiting autophagy could sensitize neuroblasts to irradiation. However, our study showed that neuroblasts were highly sensitive to irradiation and autophagy inhibitor failed to increase neuroblasts sensitization to irradiation. In addition, the absence of a potent autophagy inhibitor for therapeutic use does not allow this approach to be adopted. Our preclinical study demonstrated a novel approach based on NK cell stimulation with Toll-like activated plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) that enhances the efficacy of anti-GD2 immunotherapy and prevent NB relapse. We elucidated the mechanisms involved in pDC-activated NK cells killing of neuroblasts. We further demonstrated that neuroblasts were efficiently killed by patient’s NK cells after stimulation by activated pDC. This is further increased by the addition of anti-GD2 antibody. Altogether, our study demonstrates that NK cell-based immunotherapy has a real potential to enhance anti-GD2 immunotherapy effect and prevent NB relapse. This preclinical study will serve as a basis for the development of a clinical trial to treat children with NB at CHU Sainte Justine.

Interactions between Rho-ROCK signaling and the tumor microenvironment in neuroblastoma

Pepich, Adena January 2021 (has links)
Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer of the peripheral sympathetic nervous system, emerging from cells of the neural crest. In Sweden, neuroblastoma accounts for 20 cases out of all, 300-350, pediatric cancer cases each year (Barncancerfonden 2019, Turup on behalf of Cancer Centrum 2019). This cancer often appears in the sympathetic ganglia and/or the adrenal gland and has a high rate of metastasis that often results in morbidity (Matthay et al. 2016). Recent findings implicating a mutation in the Rho/Rac signaling pathway, a pathway involved in neural crest differentiation and migration, were found in every fourth neuroblastoma patient (Dyberg et al. 2017) These mutations tend to shift Rho to a more active state which is believed to lead to more downstream Rho-associated Kinase (ROCK) activation. While inhibition of ROCK has been seen to promote MYCN protein degradation, induce neuroblastoma cell differentiation and repress neuroblastoma growth in vitro and in vivo (Dyberg et al. 2017). Rho/ROCK signaling pathway effects on cytoskeletal arrangement and cell shape have also been suggested to be involved in tumor promoted changes of the TME (Johan and Samuel, 2018). In this master’s thesis project, we explore the effects of the Rho/ROCK pathway on the tumor microenvironment (TME) and immune response (IR) in neuroblastoma. More specifically we are focusing on populations of T cells, macrophages and fibroblasts in tumors, and looking into tumor vascular structure (such as blood vessel) and extracellular matrix (ECM) formation after ROCK inhibitor treatment within neuroblastoma tumors from transgenic mice model TH-MYCN and multi-cellular tumor spheroids (MCTS), a three-dimensional (3D) in vitro model simulating TME in neuroblastoma cell lines. Through our studies we hope to find insights into the Rho/ROCK signaling pathway and involvement of the tumor microenvironment in cancer therapy, while elucidating potential new drugs and drug targets for improving outcomes in neuroblastoma treatment.

Studium mechanismu účinku protinádorových léčiv na neuroblastomy / Study of the mechanism of anticancer drug action on neuroblastomas

Černá, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Despite advances in cancer diagnosis and therapy, cancer is the second leading cause of death globally. The improvements of cancer treatment are the major challenge in this research. The aim of the thesis was studying of effects of two anticancer drugs ellipticine (Elli) and doxorubicin (DOX) on some cancer and healthy cell lines. Specific consideration was given to expand current knowledge about the metabolism and cytostatic effects of Elli in neuroblastoma cell lines. Another part of this study was focused on mechanisms contributing to the development of ellipticine-resistance in cancer cells and influence of histone deacetylase inhibitors on anticancer therapy was investigated. Moreover, the aim was to develop apoferritin (Apo) nanocarrier suitable for the active transport of cytostatics to cancer cells. Several essential data were found in this doctoral thesis. Anticancer efficiency of Elli depends on the CYP3A4-mediated metabolism in cancer. The CYP3A4 enzyme encapsulated into two nanoparticle forms, liposomes and SupersomesTM , was tested to activate ellipticine to its reactive species forming covalent DNA adducts. The formation of adducts seems to be dependent on concentrations of CYP3A4 in nanoparticle systems. A higher effectiveness of CYP3A4 in SupersomesTM than in liposomes to form...

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