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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zmyslový a emočný marketing / Sensory and emotional marketing

Lešková, Terézia January 2011 (has links)
Sensory and emotional marketing is a new approach in marketing and represents a wide spectrum of a new reserch in marketing. In my diploma thesis I focus on the part called neuromarketing that in our countries is not very much studied yet. Neuromarketing is a science combining impact of emotions on our rational behaviour. Firstly I look on the topic theoretically followed by realistic attempt on the influence of neuromarketing on customer. Practival part nice reflects awareness about neuromarketing in economy students of selected Universities in ČR, SR and Denmark. It looks on possible influence in decision making process. Is divided into five parts in which I look also on the impact of advertisiment and its use in neuromarketing, as well as on ethics, which will take very important role in the future orientation of neuromarketing.

Neuromarketing / Neuromarketing

Mrkvová, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with new emerged discipline neuromarketing, which connects marketing with findings of neuroscience. First part of the thesis characterizes theoretical findings concerning neuromarketing, including also its history. It defines basic methods that are used to measure and capture subconscious reactions of a respondent to marketing stimulus. In this part of the work is also presented the first neuromarketing model. In the practical part there is mapped, which neuromarketing methods are used in practice and it also gives answers about purpose and extend of neuromarketing use. Moreover, it compares the situation in the Czech Republic and abroad from the point of neuromarketing use. The conclusion is devoted to ethical aspects of neuromarketing use and the development of neuromarketing in the future.

Neuromarketing: Conceptualization of neuromarketing usage in marketing process / Neuromarketing: Conceptualization of neuromarketing usage in marketing process

Janečková, Kamila January 2011 (has links)
Neuroscience is a new scientific discipline studying people's nervous system and brain, and among other things discovering how they decide and what motivates them. One of the branches of this study is neuromarketing which becomes to be increasingly used as a marketing research methodology which claims to reveal what people really think not only what they declare. There are still many question marks concerning this method, and, particularly in the Czech market where there is generally little notion about it, neither clients nor advertising agencies are sure whether and how to use it throughout their marketing and communication process. This thesis sets its goal in trying to shed a light on the problematic and provide a deeper analysis of the methodology and its presence on the Czech market. Via primary and secondary research, and description of several case studies and conducted interviews, it intends to conceptualize the application of neuromarketing in marketing and thus help with a decision about when and how it may be worth to think of using it in practice.

The Effects of Native Advertising Disclosure and Advertising Recognition on Perceptions of News Story and News Website Credibility: A Consumer Neuroscience Approach

Mule, Jessica Loko 14 September 2021 (has links)
The use of Native Advertising has sparked ethical concerns, due to its controversial nature inherent in its definition - a paid form of advertising that disguises persuasive communications as the editorial content of the publishing media outlet. The growing popularity of Native Advertising practices over the past decade in online news publishing has contributed towards the increasingly blurred lines between commercial and editorial content which in turn engenders feelings of deception in consumers and threatens to lower the trustworthiness of news publishers as an objective source. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to undertake theory testing guided by the tenets of the Persuasion Knowledge Model [PKM] (Friestad & Wright, 1994) to uncover insights on whether disclosure serves as an effective measure in publishers' efforts of mitigating the potential of consumer deception. In particular, this study investigated the relationships between: (1) effect of disclosure label positioning on advertising recognition; (2) mediating influence of visual attention on the aforementioned relationship; and (3) effect of advertising recognition on Inference of Manipulation [IMI] and perceptions of the online news publishers' credibility. The study used a quantitative multi-methodology research approach. An innovative Neuromarketing approach was undertaken through a psychophysiological-based analysis of visual attention to disclosure, measured as Fixation (ms/m) using eye-tracking technology, in addition to self-reported measures obtained via an online survey. In line with similar past studies, this study used convenience non-probability sampling and random assignment of participants to experimental groups, on a sample of 87 students between the ages of 20-29 years from the University of Cape Town (UCT). Findings showed no significant difference in the likelihood of advertising recognition, neither between the groups presented with a disclosure and those not, nor between the varying positions of disclosure. Additionally, advertising recognition had a positive influence on perceptions of credibility, contrary to theory and evidence from past studies (described in the Literature Review). Thus, it was concluded that disclosure and advertising recognition are necessary antecedents for critical processing and formation of judgement, but by themselves are not sufficient for perceived transparency and subsequent evaluations of the publisher's credibility. This study presents design implications for practitioners in the online news publishing industry and marketers: the perceived utility of the sponsored content, along with sponsorship transparency through disclosure, plays an important role in minimizing the negative influence of advertising recognition on perceived credibility.

Neuromarketing och etik: när passerar man gränsen? : En kvalitativ studie om uppfattningar och etiska dilemman kring tillämpningen av neuromarketing och dess påverkan utifrån ett konsumentperspektiv

Mannai, Josef, Opacic, Nadezda January 2020 (has links)
Neuromarketing is a new field of research, a mix between neuroscience, marketing, and psychology. With the help of brain research, neuromarketing has succeeded in identifying feelings and reactions which have benefited companies and helped them to construct efficient marketing strategies. Its effective tools and insights about consumer behavior have contributed to a growing optimism and usage. On the other side, neuromarketing has faced some criticism regarding vague guidelines and ethical issues concerning what should or should not be allowed. This study aims to investigate and analyze ethical dilemmas regarding messages and their influence with roots in neuromarketing from a consumer perspective. This thesis is based on a qualitative research strategy that aims to increase the understanding of phenomena and contexts as well as an insight into participants' perceptions of reality. The empirical material has been collected using semi-structured focusgroups and supplemented with scientific articles and literature. The findings of this study identify situations where neuromarketing and its strategies cross the ethical line. Heavy negative emotions and strong influence with an emphasis on indirect - and manipulative marketing are considered unethical. Furthermore, the results show that unethical behavior can be judged differently depending on the intention and the party involved. The conclusions shows that it is not possible to define a general boundary even though a couple of unethical actions have been identified. / Neuromarketing är en relativt ny tvärvetenskap som är en sammanställning av neurovetenskap, marknadsföring och psykologi. Med hjälp av hjärnforskning som identifierar känslor och reaktioner har företag kunnat tillämpa forskningen och konstruera marknadsföringsstrategier. Dess effektiva verktyg och insikter kring konsumentbeteende har bidragit till att forskningsområdet och optimismen kring det vuxit. Parallellt med detta har området även bemött en del kritik rörande vaga riktlinjer samt etiska frågor med avseende på vad som bör vara tillåtet eller ej. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och analysera etiska dilemman kring budskap och dess påverkan med grund i neuromarketing utifrån ett konsumentperspektiv. Denna studie bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi som syftar till att ge ökad förståelse kring fenomen och kontexter samt komma åt deltagarnas uppfattningar av verkligheten. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade fokusgrupper och kompletterats av vetenskapliga artiklar och litteratur. Studiens resultat identifierar situationer där neuromarketing och dess strategier går över gränsen. Tunga negativa känslor och starkt inflytande med betoning på indirekt och manipulativ marknadsföring bedöms som oetiskt. Vidare påvisar resultatet att oetiskt agerande kan bedömas olika beroende på avsikten och aktören bakom budskapet. Slutsatserna visar på att det inte går att definiera en generell gräns trots att ett par oetiska ageranden identifierats.

Neuromarketing aplicado al packaging de juguetes educativos. Estudio de caso del juego Aprendo Inglés (Educa)

Juárez Varón, David 11 January 2018 (has links)
El sector del juguete representa el 0,10 % del PIB nacional, con una facturación de 1.130 millones de euros. En este contexto, infantil y preescolar (con más de 201 millones de euros), seguido de muñecas (por encima de los 156 millones de euros) y juegos y puzzles (más de 107 millones de euros) siguen liderando el ranking de los juguetes más vendidos en España. El trabajo planteado en este proyecto de investigación, centrado en el análisis de la eficiencia del packaging en juguetes educativos a través del neuromarketing, utiliza herramientas y conocimientos de las neurociencias. En la primera parte del estudio se lleva a cabo una aproximación a la situación actual del neuromarketing, el diseño del packaging en los juguetes educativos y la relación entre ambos para facilitar la comprensión del proceso. El objetivo principal de la investigación es elaborar, a partir de las conclusiones extraídas del análisis, una serie de recomendaciones generales que establezcan el camino a seguir para alcanzar el diseño más adecuado a las necesidades de marcas, anunciantes y consumidores. En este ámbito entra en juego la utilidad del neuromarketing para aumentar la magnitud de los conocimientos, la precisión y objetividad de los datos y la calidad de los resultados. El estudio toma en cuenta los principales elementos del packaging, determinando las variables sobre las que se rigen en el análisis. A continuación, se plantea un análisis global de los elementos del packaging a través de técnicas de investigación cualitativas y de neuromarketing (eye tracking, electroencefalografía (EEG) y respuesta galvánica de la piel (GSR), obteniendo conclusiones relativas al mismo. Finalmente, la investigación plantea un modelo global para la mejora de la eficiencia del diseño en los juguetes educativos.

Ohjärna neuromarketing : En kvantitativ studie om svenska kommunikatörers inställning till neuromarketing som innovation / Neuromarketing reluctance : A quantitative study of Swedish communications professional’s attitude towards neuromarketing as innovation

Broander, Terese January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the extent to which Swedish communications professionals are prepared to use neuromarketing as a market research method. Neuromarketing applies technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain's responses to marketing stimuli and is considered capable of obtaining ‘hidden information’ stored in individuals' brains, which traditional market research methods cannot provide. Despite these comparative advantages, the method is relatively unknown in Sweden today. This study seeks to answer two research questions: 1) What attitudes do communications professionals have towards neuromarketing? 2) Are the necessary preconditions for communications professionals to use neuromarketing satisfied? The study uses a quantitative approach and collected data from active communications professionals in Sweden through a survey. The theoretical framework is based on the six essential criteria presented by Greenhalgh et al. (2008) that need to be met in order for an innovation to be implemented. The survey had a low number of respondents and the result is therefore a broad generalization. The result shows that the communications professionals have extensive experience and consider themselves to have significant strategic influence, which is important for developing and managing the organization's brand. On the other hand, respondents had low awareness of neuromarketing and mainly a negative attitude towards it. None of the six criteria (Greenhalgh, et al., 2008) were met. The result suggests that Swedish communications professionals are not ready to accept and adopt neuromarketing and that the conditions for incorporating the method in their work are lacking today.

Neuromarketing y su efecto en los consumidores de 18 a 35 años de edad de una franquicia de cafeterías en Chiclayo, período 2018

Ruiz Peña, Nahomi Belén January 2019 (has links)
El neuromarketing o marketing emocional, permite agregar valor al producto ofrecido, sea bien o servicio, a través de la creación de experiencia o vivencias emocionales, para brindar un consumo gratificante al consumidor (Cisneros, 2014). La presente investigación partió del desconocimiento de los posibles factores emocionales o racionales que pueden influenciar en el consumo de ciertos productos de una franquicia de cafeterías en Chiclayo, pese a tener precios un poco elevados, la concurrencia de clientes en este lugar no pasa desapercibida, por lo que el objetivo principal del tema investigado fue analizar los efectos que genera el neuromarketing en estos consumidores. Para cumplir con lo fijado se eligió el modelo The Value Star, utilizado por la empresa Hallmark, el cual no ha sido investigado por otras personas de forma exhaustiva, siendo un estudio pionero en Chiclayo, con lo que se pretende aportar a la comunidad científica, este modelo abarca aspectos tanto racionales como emocionales, permitiendo un entendimiento más completo acerca del porqué de la compra de cada consumidor, se busca encontrar de qué manera afectan estos aspectos y cómo son utilizados por dicha cafetería para con sus consumidores. El enfoque de la presente investigación es netamente cualitativo, por lo que se utilizaron instrumentos para la recolección de datos tales como: Guía de entrevista y ficha de observación (los cuales fueron validados por seis jueces expertos), a fines de obtener puntos de vista como consumidor e investigador, posteriormente se realizó una triangulación de datos con lo obtenido, y analizando dichos resultados, se cumplió con el objetivo principal.

El neuromarketing como recurso para el diseño de estrategias de posicionamiento de imagen de marca en el Perú

Ramos Salas, Paula Victoria 17 July 2012 (has links)
El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio del neuromarketing como recurso para el diseño de estrategias de posicionamiento de imagen de marca en el Perú. En publicidad, estrategia se entiende como una serie de recursos que, entre otras cualidades, se despliegan en el tiempo para producir un efecto en el público consumidor. El posicionamiento, en cambio, resulta de todo un trabajo previo de los emisores de la publicidad para lograr, en la mente del consumidor, una idea acerca de lo publicitado. Así, la marca, sobre todo, mediante el uso de una representación visual adecuada, conlleva a que el consumidor identifique con claridad los productos que desea consumir. Por ello, las estrategias de posicionamiento han formado parte elemental en el desarrollo de imagen marca de las empresas y son importantes en la evolución de las mismas.

Innovating the Mind: Three Essays on Technology, Society, and Consumer Neuroscience

Penrod, Joshua Morgan 18 May 2018 (has links)
This dissertation examines the emerging practice of consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing, combined called CNNM. CNNM utilizes tools and technologies to measure brain activity and human behavior coupled with scientific theories for explaining behavior and cognition. Consumer neuroscience is one of the newest areas of application of neuroscience and related techniques, and is of significant social consequence for its possible deployment in the market place to both study and shape consumer behavior. Concerns arise in terms of consumer influence and manipulation, but there are also concerns regarding the actual efficacy and utility of the technologies and the application of behavioral theories. The dissertation's three essays each examine a facet of CNNM. Using historical sources, conference participation, and ethical analyses, the dissertation forms a multi-prong effort at a better understanding of CNNM through the use of science and technology studies (STS) methods. The first essay is an historical review of the usage of technologies to measure brain activity and behavior, parallel to the development of psychological theories created to account for human decisionmaking. This essay presents a new conception of "closure" and "momentum" as envisioned by social construction of technology and technological momentum theories, arriving at a new concept for inclusion called "convergence" which offers a multi-factor explanation for the acceptance and technical implementation of unsettled science. The second essay analyzes four discourses discovered during the review of approximately seventy presentations and interviews given by experts in the field of CNNM. Using and adapting actor-network theory, the essay seeks to describe the creation of expertise and group formation in the field of CNNM researchers. The third essay draws on a variety of ethical analyses to expand understanding of the ethical concerns regarding CNNM. It raises questions that go beyond the actual efficacy of CNNM by applying some of the theories of Michel Foucault relating to the accumulation of power via expertise. This essay also points in the direction for actionable steps at ameliorating some of the ethical concerns involving CNNM. CNNM is a useful technique for understanding consumer behavior and, by extension, human behavior and neuroscience more generally. At the same time, it has been routinely misunderstood and occasionally vilified (for concerns about both efficacy and non-efficacy). This dissertation develops some of the specific historical movements that created the field, surveys and analyzes some of the foremost experts and how they maneuvered in their social network to achieve that status, and identifies novel ethical issues and some solutions to those ethical issues. / Ph. D. / Consumer neuroscience, or neuromarketing, (CNNM) is a new and emerging field which uses different devices to measure brain activity and behavior. For many years, scientists and marketers have been seeking to understand and explain decisions and, more specifically, consumer decisions. It has only been in the most recent decades that technology and scientific theories have been working in a close fashion to help understand human decision and consumer behavior. In three essays, this dissertation uses tools from science and technology studies (STS) to better understand CNNM. In Essay One, I track the parallel history of the technologies to measure brain activity and behavior with scientific theories put forward to explain them. In Essay Two, I analyze the content of presentations given by experts in the field to understand how CNNM expertise is formed. In Essay Three, I explore the ethical concerns and propose some new ways of solving some of the ethical problems (such as power, influence, and expertise.) CNNM is an important social phenomenon because of its possibilities of helping marketers, but it is also important for its part in developing areas of technology and scientific theories. The dissertation represents some new approaches at helping to understand its complexities and consequences.

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