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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


FERNANDA DA CUNHA BARBOSA 23 July 2008 (has links)
[pt] Como o jornalismo contemporâneo, herdeiro do positivismo e dos ideais de imparcialidade e objetividade predominantes no século XIX, fala da alteridade? Esta pesquisa avalia o conceito de verdade no jornalismo atual e as formas de narrar-se o Outro a partir de reportagens recentes do jornal americano The New York Times. Partindo de reportagens sobre o Brasil divulgadas no jornal mais tradicional dos Estados Unidos, se verifica que em muitos aspectos o jornalismo do século XXI se aproxima do jornalismo do século XIX. Entretanto, algumas narrativas recentes já apontam para novas formas de falar-se do diferente. Com elas, se percebe que falar do Outro respeitando a diferença parece ser não somente uma questão de boa intenção do repórter, mas também, de sua habilidade em usar conteúdo e forma em prol da aproximação do objeto do qual se fala. / [en] How the contemporary journalism, the inheritor of positivism and of the impartiality and objectivity ideals predominant in the 19th century, talk about the otherness? This research evaluates the concept of truth in the recent journalism and the ways to narrating the Other, initiating with recent reports of the American newspaper The New York Times. Starting with recent news about Brazil published in the most traditional newspaper of the United States, we realize that in many aspects the journalism of the 21st century approaches the 19th century journalism. However, some recent narratives show that there are many ways to tell about the different. In these cases, we note that talk about the Other regarding diversity seems to be not only a case of reporter`s good intentions, but an ability to use the content and the form to approaching the object too.


Yang, Ching-yi 14 August 2007 (has links)

"All the news that´s fit to print" : En kvantitativ jämförelse av The New York Times och Dagens Nyheters framsidor ur ett tabloidiseringsperspektiv. / ”All the news that´s fit to print” : A quantitative content analysis of The New York Times and Dagens Nyheters front pages on the basis of tabloidization theory.

Olofsson, Kristoffer, Brolin, Pär January 2012 (has links)
Title:"All the news that´s fit to print": A quantitative content analysis of The New York Times and Dagens Nyheters front pages on the basis of tabloidization theory. Authors: Pär Brolin & Kristoffer Olofsson Aim: We intend to distinguish elements of tabloidization in two daily newspapers as an effect to the increased economic and public orientated business models. The New York Times and Dagens Nyheter has been chosen mainly because they operates within different national media markets, secondly they are well known for their high journalistic standard. Based on the upcoming result, it's in our concern to illuminate these possible changes effect on the overall journalistic quality and discuss its importance. We aim to reveal the actual state of tabloidization in the two high quality newspapers The New York Times and Dagens Nyheter and thus answer the following questions: - In which way are the elements of tabloidization shown in The New York Times and Dagens Nyheter in a contemporary context as well under a twelve years period? - Based on the achieved results, what are the main differences between the two examined newspapers and what potential impact could it have on the journalistic quality? Method/Material: In order to perform this study, we have executed a quantitative study built on content analysis of the two newspapers front pages. To be able to see some individual changes within the two newspapers, two empirical swoops has been done, in September year 2000 and in September 2012. This study covers a total of 120 front pages, 60 per newspaper and thus 30 per month. The selected 9 variables are based mainly on the basis of Ingela Wadbrings study from 2012 concerning commercialized journalism which examines the changes of Swedish newspaper content between the years 1960 and 2010. In addition, the theory of tabloidization is based on the academic discourse on the process which describes journalism that aims to satisfy the public demands to gain economic profit rather than report on more important matters in favor to the democratic society. Furthermore, to facilitate the analysis chapter, an academic discussion regarding the reputable journalistic quality constitutes the theory chapter. Main results: This study's result reveals some major differences between the two newspapers publication models. Dagens Nyheter shows pure elements of tabloidization mainly by prioritizing headlines and large pictures in front of clear text as well an equal distribution between hard and soft news. The New York Times shows on the other hand an over-representation of sequentially written text rather than large pictures and headlines, furthermore they demonstrate a frequent occurrence of hard news in favor of soft news. The content quality is, from a theoretical point of view, of a lower journalistic standard regarding Dagens Nyheter than in The New York Times. Although, during the working process it became clear that the overall quality of newspapers content is rather subjective and that the definition of tabloidization, as something uncompromisingly negative, should be reconsidered.Course: Media and communication studies CUniversity: Division of media and communication, department of information science, Uppsala university.Period: Autumn semester 2012Tutor: Lowe Hedman / Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån den akademiska definitonen av begreppet tabloidisering jämföra två dagstidningar med liknande värdegrund verkande inom två olika nationella kontexter. Detta för att se om tabloidiseringens faktorer anammats i samma utsträckning över landsgränserna och hur två stora dagstidningar eventuellt tvingats rucka på sina publicistiska värdegrunder. The New York Times och Dagens Nyheter har valts ut som analysenheter vars framsidor kommer att studeras enskilt likväl i komparitet mot varandra. För att underlätta en analys av tidningarnas enskilda progression så utförs två empiriska tidsnedslag, under september år 2000 och september 2012. Då tabloidisering oftast används i negativa ordalag där den klassiska journalistiken anses bli lidande så är det även av intresse att föra en diskussion huruvida den journalistiska kvalitén kan tänkas påverkas i och med tabloidiseringsprocessens faktorer i respektive tidskrift. Detta mynnar ut i följande frågeställningar: -Hur gestaltar sig Dagens Nyheters respektive The New York Times tabliodiseringsprocess i en nutida kontext och över en tolvårsperiod? -Utifrån uppnått resultat, vad är de största skillnaderna mellan de två undersökta tidningarna och vilken eventuell påverkan har tabloidisering på den genomgripande journalistiska kvalitén? För att besvara uppställda frågeställningar är studien en kvantitativ undersökning vars uppnådda resultat slutligen behandlas i en kvalitativ del. Den kvantitativa undersökningen utgörs av sammanlagt 120 framsidor och sammanlagt nio variabler vilka huvudsakligen grundar sig i Ingela Wadbrings studie från 2012 rörande journalistikens kommersialisering. Huvudsakligen uppvisar Dagens Nyheter en velande inställning gentemot deras egen publiceringsmodell, vilket gestaltar sig i en ökning av annonser, överrepresentation av bilder och rubriker före löpande text samt en allt jämnare fördelning av hårda och mjuka nyheter över tid. New York Times uppvisar det tydligaste tecknet på tabloidisering endast i form av en ökande annonsförekomst. Den ansenligaste skillnaden mellan Dagens Nyheter och New York Times är den klara överrepresentationen av hårda nyheter i komparitet med mjuka nyheter från New York Times sida. Den innehållsliga kvalitén utifrån valda teoretiska resonemang visar att Dagens Nyheter i sin hybrida tidningsmodells välkomnande av tabloida inslag löper en större risk att omfamna journalistik med lägre verkningshöjd.

Den gode & den onde : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters och New York Times rapportering av konflikten i Libyen 2011 / The good & the bad : A quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis of Dagens Nyheter and New York Times reporting on the conflict in Libya 2011.

Magnusson, Linus, Ottosson, Philip January 2012 (has links)
This essay examines how the conflict in Libya in 2011 was reported by the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the American newspaper The New York Times. The purpose is to examine how the conflict is portrayed and what similarities and differences that exist between the two newspapers. We have used a quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis to get our results. In conclusion, both newspapers polarize the conflict to a large extent, resulting in a one-sided and biased account. However The New York Times is more objective and neutral in its portrayal of the conflict.

Hackern som skurk och hjälte : Bilden av nätaktivistgruppen Anonymous i Dagens Nyheter, New York Times och The Guardian

Warfvinge, Fredrik, Kylbergh, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur gestaltningen kring nätaktivistgruppen Anonymous rapporterades kring i Dagens Nyheter, The New York Times, och The Guardian mellan 2008-01-16 och 2015-03-30. Studien bygger främst på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys men har även en mindre kvalitativ del där en exempeltext från varje tidning har analyserats. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur medier rapporterar kring, och gestaltar grupper som saknar traditionell hierarki. De frågeställningar som besvaras är följande: Hur tenderar artiklarna att gestaltas i form av språk och valens, och skiljer det sig mellan tidningarna? Vilka källor och aktörer tas med i artiklarna? Är artiklarna skrivna av egna reportrar eller externa nyhetsbyråer och skiljer det sig något mellan tidningarna? Studien utgår från den sociala konstruktionsteorin som Stuart Hall definierade den. Samt framingteorin med definitioner av Erving Goffman och Robert Entman. Den senare i samband med förklaringarna av Jostein Gripsrud, Stuart Hall, Martin Conboy, och Adam Shehata. I motsats till författarnas förförståelse visade studien att artiklarna var neutralt gestaltade. Språkbruket var likväl neutralt. Anonymous i koppling med andra var vanligast både som källa och aktör. Både The Guardian och Dagens Nyheter var neutrala i sina val av frames, men The New York Times var negativ i majoriteten av artiklarna. Nästan samtliga artiklar var helt eller delvis skrivna av en namngiven skribent, vilket tolkades som att de var skrivna av tidningarnas egna reportrar. Tidigare forskning pekar på att Anonymous aktiviteter går att klassa som civil olydnad, men studien visar att de tre utvalda tidningarna inte nödvändigtvis gestaltar dem på det sättet.

Are female journalists making progress? : a content analysis of the New York times from 1965-2005

San Miguel, Cynthia M. January 2007 (has links)
With the women's movement of the 1960s, more career opportunities opened to women. Women now had the opportunity to work fulltime at jobs that were once held by men only. Accordingly, female reporters became a larger part of the newsroom, but male and female reporters were not being treated equally. For example, female reporters were assigned news topics that included human interest and education, and male reporters were assigned stories dealing with war and politics. Past research has examined bylines of small, medium, and large newspapers and the news topics male and female reporters have covered.The present study is a content analysis examining the years 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, and 2005 of the New York Times. The study examined male and female bylines, along with topics of news stories, sources used by male and female reporters, and collective sources. The findings suggest that female reporters are making some strides in the newspaper business. Stories by female reporters more often appear on the front page currently than in the past. However, male reporters are writing about "feminine topics," such as education, and human interest. Lastly, female reporters use more female sources in stories than their male counterparts. / Department of Journalism

A content analysis of Hurricane Katrina news coverage in the New York times

Rybalko, Svetlana A. January 2007 (has links)
The current study explored how Hurricane Katrina and consecutive flooding were covered by a mainstream news media organization--the New York Times. The purpose of the study was to see and analyze if the natural disaster of such magnitude as Hurricane Katrina increased the New York Times awareness of potential risks faced by the coastal area of the United States? Can the New York Times play a role of a social change agent helping the public realize risks and be more prepared for them in the future?The researcher conducted frame analysis and 3279 paragraphs were coded in the following categories: disaster aftermath, human interest, political, responsiveness, recovery, risk, science, damage, conflict, blame frame, and other. A chi-square test was used to test the hypotheses.The first hypothesis stated: "In disaster news coverage there will be more non-risk oriented stories rather than risk oriented stories" was accepted. The secondhypothesis stated: "In stories that have risk related information there will be more quotes from officials rather than experts" was rejected.The study of the first research question: "What kinds of risks have been covered in risk framed stories?" demonstrated that reporters tend to cover more dramatic risks rather than mundane ones. The study of the second research question: "Were the sources in stories about Hurricane Katrina being quoted on subjects appropriate to their expertise?" showed that sources used in the stories were quoted according to their expertise. The study of the third question: "What kind of risk awareness (current risks) and risk prevention (hypothetical risks) coverage is there in the New York Times?" revealed that reporters tend to provide more information on current risks (risk awareness) rather than information on how to prevent future risks. / Department of Journalism

Sowing the seeds of war : the New York Times' coverage of Japanese-American tensions, a prelude to conflict in the Pacific, 1920-1941 /

Schreindl, David Robert, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--Brigham Young University. Dept. of Communications, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 307-312).

Sowing the seeds of war the New York Times' coverage of Japanese-American tensions, a prelude to conflict in the Pacific, 1920-1941 /

Schreindl, David Robert, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--Brigham Young University. Dept. of Communications, 2004. / "December 2004." Title taken from PDF title screen (viewed October 22, 2007). Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

Perception of Kazakhstan in the U.S through the New York Times Coverage

Alikhanova, Tursynay 23 March 2018 (has links)
This research study examines how the image of Kazakhstan was covered by the New York Times during 11 years and analyzed the most common perception of the Central Asian country, using framing as a theoretical framework. Textual-analysis approach was used as a method, exploration produced seven frames. The textual analysis approach demonstrated that negative coverage prevailed in the coverage of Kazakhstan, “in spite of friendly relationships with the USA”. Kazakhstan was framed as “authoritarian” “petro-state”, which got independence, but still followed “soviet-style” politics and was largely influenced by its “hegemon Russia”. The country, which “has a complex about being recognized in the world” (Stern, 2008). Future research needed to promote the image of the country worldwide.

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