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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réactivité d’organométalliques sur des nitriles fonctionnalisés : réactions de cyclopropanation asymétrique et double addition / Organometallics reactivity onto functionalised nitriles : asymmetric cyclopropanation and double addition reactions

Caillé, Julien 31 October 2017 (has links)
Les cyclopropanes sont des motifs structuraux importants en chimie médicinale. Parmi les synthèses existantes du fragment aminocyclopropane, les réactions dérivées de la réaction de Kulinkovich, appliquées aux amides et aux nitriles, sont des méthodes simples d'accès. Cependant, il n'existe pas de version asymétrique efficace. Dans une première partie, l'étude de l'utilisation de complexes de titane optiquement actifs pour la préparation de spirolactames chiraux à partir de cyanoesters a été réalisée. Ce travail a permis de mettre au point une méthode d'évaluation rapide de ligands chiraux dont leur criblage a montré que les composés de la famille du Taddol fournissent les meilleurs excès énantiomériques. L'énantiosélectivité demeure cependant actuellement trop faible pour présenter un intérêt en synthèse. Dans une seconde partie, la synthèses de carbinamines tertiaires, un autre motif important, a été étudié à partir d'acylcyanhydrines et d'organométalliques. En particulier, la synthèse d'une bibliothèque d'acides aminés quaternaires a été entreprise à partir d'hydroxyamides. L'incorporation de deux organométalliques différents sur des acylcyanhydrines a été également effectuée conduisant à l'obtention d'hydroxyamides chiraux sous forme racémique. Enfin, l'emploi de réactifs organozinciques allyliques nous a permis d'accéder à de très bons rendements en produits de double addition. Ces hydroxyamides ont été ensuite valorisés comme précurseurs de plateformes multifonctionnelles pour la ligation chimique. / Cyclopropylamines are important scaffolds in medicinal chemistry. Among the syntheses of the aminocyclopropane moiety, the Kulinkovich-related reactions applied to amides and nitriles furnish straightforward access. However, no efficient asymmetric version has been published to date. In a first part, the study of optically active titanium complexes for the preparation of chiral spirolactams from cyanoesters has been undertaken. This work allowed us to setup a quick evaluation method for chiral ligands whose screening revealed that Taddol and its derivatives lead to the best enantiomeric excesses. However, the enantioselectivity remains too low for synthetic purposes. In a second part, the synthesis of tertiary carbinamines, another important scaffold, has been studied from acylcyanohydrins and organometallics. Notably, the synthesis of a quaternary aminoacids library was achieved. The incorporation of two different organometallics on acylcyanohydrins was also undertaken, leading to the preparation of chiral hydroxyamides in a racemic fashion. Lastly, very good yields in double addition products were obtained by using allylic organozinc reagents. The obtained hydroxyamides were used as precursors of polyfunctional linkers for the chemical ligation.

From early to late transition metal complexes: syntheses, structures and electrochemical properties

Köcher, Stefan 01 December 2008 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Synthese, dem Reaktionsverhalten, den Festkörperstukturen und den elektronischen Eigenschaften von neuartigen Übergansmetall-komplexen der Gruppen 4, 8 und 10 des Peridoensystems der Elemente. Die Arbeit befasst sich unter anderem mit der Darstellung von Alkyloxy- und Aryloxy-substituierten Titanocenverbindungen des Typs [Ti](Cl)(OR) {[Ti] = (C5H5SiMe3)2Ti; R = organischer Rest). Mittels cyclovoltammetrischer Experimente und anhand von Festkörpestrukturen wird der elektronische Einfluss der organischen Reste auf das Metallzentrum untersucht. Weiterhin befasst sich die Arbeit mit der Synthese von in para-Position substituierten NCN-Pincerverbindungen. Durch die Wahl des Substituenten in para-Postition sowie des Übergangsmetalls der Gruppe 10 des Periodensystems der Elemente ist es möglich, verschiedenartig gerichtete polymere Strukturen zu bilden. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt in der Synthese und Untersuchung der elektronischen Eigenschaften von NCN-Pincer-substituierten Ferrocenen. Der Einfluss der NCN-Pincer auf die Elektronendichte des Ferrocens wird bestimmt sowie die Eignung derartiger Systeme als elektrochemische Sensoren zur molekularen Erkennung von Schwefeldioxid wird untersucht.

Investigating the Possibilities of Using a Handheld FTIR-Equipment to Characterize Thermal Aging of Rubbers / Undersöka möjligheterna att använda en handhållen FTIR-utrustning för att karakterisera termisk åldring av gummi

Tengbom, Antonia January 2020 (has links)
Element Materials Technology in Linköping is an independent material testing company that performs testing of materials to several big sectors, such as the Swedish Armed Forces and the aerospace industry. There is of great importance to characterize aging of materials to ensure material performance. Element Materials Technology recently invested in a handheld FTIR equipment and it was of interest to see if this equipment might be an additional analysis technique to characterize aging of rubber materials. A nitrile butadiene rubber and two natural rubbers were thermally aged in 50°C and 70°C for six weeks. The hardness of the rubbers increased when the rubbers were thermally aged. The compression set decreased for the aged samples as well as the tensile strength and the elongation at break. An investigation of possible methods for collecting migrated additives on the rubber surface was performed, using two different solvents and a stationary FTIR equipment. More research needs to be performed to exclude the possibility that the solvents affect the material. Universal Attenuated Total Reflectance – Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, UATR-FTIR onto the rubber surface showed in some cases changes in the spectrums between unaged and aged samples. However, it could not be concluded weather the changes occurred due to migrating additives or due to changes in the backbone polymer. Four interfaces to the handheld FTIR equipment were investigated and an ATR interface gave best results. An analysis method was developed for the handheld FTIR equipment and the spectrums from the handheld FTIR were similar to spectrums from UATR-FTIR (stationary). It could be concluded from Micro Chamber analysis that volatile organic matters were emitted at elevated temperature. Thermogravimetric analysis could detect the relative composition of the rubbers. Further it could be concluded that the mechanical properties were affected by the thermal treatment. This study could however not establish a correlation between FTIR signals and the results seen from the other analysis. The fact that differences could be detected in the FTIR spectrums before and after aging could indicate that the FTIR analysis technique can possibly be used as an analysis method. However, a more thoroughly investigation needs to be performed before using this technique. / Element Materials Technology i Linköping utför materialutredningar åt en mängd olika typer av företag, där en stor sektor är den svenska Försvarsmakten och flygindustrin. Materialutredningar är essentiella för att säkerställa att rätt material används för rätt applikation. Element Materials Technology investerade nyligen i en handhållen FTIR utrustning. Det finns förhoppningar om att den nya utrustningen kan användas som ett komplement för att ålderskarakterisera gummimaterial. Ett nitril-butadien-gummi och två stycken naturgummin var termiskt åldrade i 50°C och 70°C i sex veckor. Hårdheten på provkroppar ökade efter den termiska åldringen. Sättningen, draghållfastheten och töjningen minskade för proverna åldrade i värme. En metod för att samla upp migrerade additiv från gummiytan utvecklades och undersöktes, genom att använda två olika lösningsmedel och en stationär FTIR utrustning. Ytterligare utredningar behöver däremot genomföras för att utesluta ifall de två lösningsmedel påverkar gummimaterialet och inte bara samlar upp additiv från gummiytan. UATR-FTIR visade på skillnader i spektrum mellan icke-åldrade och åldrade gummimaterial. Däremot kunde det inte avgöras om skillnaderna i spektrumen berodde på migration av additiv till gummiytan eller på förändring i huvudpolymeren. Fyra stycken olika tillbehör till den handhållna FTIR utrustningen prövades, där ATR-tillbehöret gav bra spektrum. En analyseringsmetod utvecklades för den handhållna FTIR-utrustningen och spektrum från dessa analyser gav liknande spektrum som spektrum från UATR-FTIR (stationär). Analys med Micro Chamber visade att flyktiga organiska ämnen lämnade gummimaterialet vid förhöjd temperatur. Termogravimetrisk analys, TGA visade förhållandet mellan gummimaterialets komponenter både före och efter åldring. Studien visade också att de mekaniska egenskaperna påverkades av den termiska åldringen. Analysmetoden FTIR kunde detekterad skillnad i spektrum före och efter åldring av gummimaterialen. Studien kunde däremot inte etablera ett samband mellan dessa FTIR-signaler och de övriga analysresultaten. Det kan däremot inte uteslutas att ett sådant samband finns. Ytterligare studier behöver utföras för att undersöka detta.

Protein Primary and Quaternary Structure Elucidation by Mass Spectrometry

Song, Yang 18 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution à la synthèse totale de la céphalotaxine / Contribution to the total synthesis of cephalotaxine

Quteishat, Laith 12 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis plus de 40 ans des chimistes se sont intéressés à l’extraction, à l’activité biologique et à la synthèse de l’homoharringtonine (HHT), un ester naturel de la céphalotaxine, qui est un puissant antileucémique utilisé pour le traitement des leucémies résistantes aux inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinase. Ces alcaloïdes sont extraits de Cephalotaxus, des conifères originaires du sud de la Chine à croissance extrêmement lente et menacés d’extinction. Leur synthèse est donc nécessaire. L’homoharringtonine utilisée en thérapeutique est obtenue à partir de (-)-céphalotaxine d’origine naturelle, par greffage d’une chaîne latérale acide suivie de purifications longues et coûteuses. L’objectif de ce travail consiste à développer une synthèse concise de la (-)-céphalotaxine, afin de s’affranchir de la ressource naturelle, de ce fait de garantir un approvisionnement d’HHT de qualité constante et de développer des analogues de seconde génération.Les stratégies développées dans ce travail ont consisté à développer une synthèse très concise de la céphalotaxine, d’une part en valorisant un synthon ABC nitrile pour y introduire les deux atomes de carbone manquant au squelette de la céphalotaxine, et d’autre part à améliorer l’accès à une synthon analogue ABC ester pour en étudier la réactivité. Ces travaux ont conduit à décrire un nouveau complexe arène chrome pentacarbonyle analogue de céphalotaxine, une méthode originale et efficace de cyclisation anionique d’imide formant un squelette 3-benzazépine à l’aide d’une nouvelle combinaison de bases, le tert-butylate de potassium et le carbonate de potassium agissant en synergie, et une nouvelle méthode de solvolyse de nitrile aliphatiques ou aromatiques sous micro-ondes qui a été exemplifiée. / For over 40 years, chemists are interested in the extraction, biological activity and synthesis Homoharringtonine (HHT ), a natural cephalotaxine ester, which is a potent antileukemic used therapeutically, especially leukemias resistant against tyrosine kinase inhibitors. These alkaloids are extracted from Cephalotaxus, evergreen trees from southern China having extremely slow growth and are in extinction. Their synthesis is thus necessary. Homoharringtonine used therapeutically is obtained from (-)-cephalotaxine of natural origin, by grafting an acidic side chain followed by lengthy and expensive purifications. The objective of this work is to develop a concise synthesis of (-)-cephalotaxine to get rid of the natural resource, thereby ensuring a supply of constant quality and develop similar second generation of HHT.The strategies developed in this work has been to develop a very concise synthesis of cephalotaxine , firstly by enhancing an ABC nitrile synthon to introduce the two carbon atoms missing to the backbone of cephalotaxine , and secondly to improve access to similar ABC ester synthon to investigate its reactivity. This work led to describe a new arena complex chromium pentacarbonyle cephalotaxine analog, an original and efficient method of anionic cyclization of imide forming a 3-benzazepine skeleton using a new combination of bases , potassium tert -butoxide and potassium carbonate acting synergistically, and a new method of aliphatic or aromatic nitrile solvolysis under microwave which was exemplified.

Réactivité et hémisynthèse des constituants majoritaires, de type eudesmanes, contenus dans des extraits de Dittrichia Viscosa / Reactivity and hemisynthesis of major constituents type eudesmanes contained in the extracts of Dittrichia Viscosa

Zaki, Mohamed 25 July 2015 (has links)
Au cours de ces dernières années, les sesquiterpénoïdes de type eudesmane et leurs activités biologiques font l'objet de nombreuses études phytochimiques et pharmacologiques, ainsi que des recherches de voies de synthèse et d'hémisynthèse. Pour notre part, nous nous sommes intéressés à la synthèse des analogues de types eudesmanes par fonctionnalisation des constituants majoritaires de Dittrichia Viscosa. Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons donné un rappel bibliographique sur l’aspect botanique de Dittrichia Viscosa, ainsi qu’une description phytochimique qui montre que cette plante renferme différents constituants : terpénödes, flavonoïdes, phénylpropanoïdes et polycétides présentant des propriétés pharmacologiques variés. Dans le deuxième chapitre, et après un rappel bibliographique sur les différents types d’eudesmane et l’extraction et la purification des produits majoritaires de Dittrichia Viscosa (l'acide α-costique, l'acide ilicique et la tomentosine), nous avons réalisé l’étude des réarrangements des époxy-eudesmanes par catalyse acide et la synthèse de l'aldéhyde α-costal et ses analogues. Nous avons aussi mise au point des conditions réactionnelles de fonctionnalisation de la double liaison C11-C13 par couplage de Heck permettant l’accès à des librairies d'eudesmanes arylés en position 13. En fin, le dernier chapitre est consacré à l’étude de la réactivité de la tomentosine vis-à-vis des additions nucléophiles (type Addition de Michael) et des additions 1,3 dipolaire (des nitrones et des oxydes de nitrile) sur la double liaison conjuguée exo-cyclique. / In recent years, the sesquiterpenoids eudesmane type and their biological activities are subject to numerous phytochemical and pharmacological studies and research of synthetic and semisynthetic routes. For our part, we are interested in the synthesis of similar types of eudesmanes by functionalization of the major constituents of Dittrichia Viscosa. In the first part we gave a bibliographical recall on the botanical aspect of Dittrichia Viscosa and a phytochemical description shows that this plant contains various constituents: terpénödes, flavonoids, phenylpropanoids and polyketides with various pharmacological properties. In the second part, and after giving a bibliographical recall of the different types of eudesmane and extraction and purification of major products of Dittrichia Viscosa (α-costique acid, ilicique acid and tomentosin), we realized the study of epoxy eudesmanes rearrangements by acid catalysis and the synthesis of α-costal aldehyde and its analogues. We also focus on the reaction conditions for functionalization of C11-C13 dual link Heck coupling allowing access to libraries eudesmanes aryl in position 13. In the last part, we are interested to the study of the reactivity of the tomentosin with nucleophilic additions (type Michael Addition) and 1,3-dipolar additions (nitrones and nitrile oxides) on the double link exo-cyclic combined.

Palladium(II)-Catalysed Heck and Addition Reactions : Exploring Decarboxylative and Desulfitative Processes

Skillinghaug, Bobo January 2016 (has links)
Palladium complexes have the ability to catalyse cross-coupling of two organic moieties through the formation of transient metal-carbon bonds, thus bringing them closer to each other to facilitate the formation of a new bond. Palladium-catalysed coupling reactions are one of the most important carbon-carbon forming reactions available to organic chemists and many of these reactions rely on the reactivity of aryl-palladium complexes. The investigation of new aryl-palladium precursors is thus of great interest, especially as more sustainable and economic methods can be developed. This thesis describes the use of carboxylic acids and sodium arylsulfinates as such new arylating agents. Protocols for microwave-assisted palladium(II)-catalysed decarboxylative synthesis of electron-rich styrenes and 1,1-diarylethenes were developed. However, these transformations had very limited substrate scopes which prompted the investigation of sodium arylsulfinates as alternative arylating agents. These substrates were employed in the microwave-assisted palladium(II)-catalysed desulfitative addition to nitriles, and the substrate scope was demonstrated by combining a wide array of sodium arylsulfinates and nitriles to yield the corresponding aryl ketones. The application of the desulfitative reaction in a continuous flow setup was demonstrated, and aluminium oxide was identified as safe alternative to borosilicate glass as a reactor material. The mechanisms of the decarboxylative and desulfitative transformations were investigated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The desulfitative reaction was also investigated by direct electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), providing further mechanistic insight. Finally, a protocol for the safe and convenient synthesis of a wide range of sodium arylsulfinates was developed.

Etude d'adsorption HNBRs par microcalorimetrie à écoulement sur des noirs de carbones ou des silices modifiées ou non et son influence sur les propriétés du polymère chargé / Study of HNBRs adsorption by Flow Microcalorimetry on silicas with and without surface modification and its influence on the rubber blend properties

Munsch, Jean-Nicolas 11 March 2014 (has links)
L’usage des élastomères en tant que matériau ne peut se concevoir sans l’utilisation de certaines charges dites renforçantes. Bien qu’une variété plutôt large de minéraux en poudre puisse être associée aux élastomères, deux charges sont très majoritairement utilisées de par leur haute capacité renforçante, les noirs de carbone et les silices actives et hautement structurées. L’utilisation de la silice n’a été envisagée, à partir des années 1980, que grâce à un contrôle fin de sa chimie de surface, de ses silanols hydrophiles et de son traitement par silanes spécifiquement dessinés pour satisfaire une application précise. La preuve expérimentale quantifiant les interactions charge – polymère est grandement souhaitée. C’est précisément le premier but que cette thèse tente d’approcher. Pour tenter d’atteindre cet objectif, nous proposons d’étudier dans ce travail l’évaluation de l’adsorption d'un polymère, une série de HNBR, sur des charges, noir de carbone et silice traitée ou non par des silanes spécifiquement désignés, d’un point de vue énergétique et moléculaire au moyen de la microcalorimétrie à écoulement (FMC). L'application de cet outil, relativement connu dans le cadre des interactions petite molécule – charge est plutôt original dans l’étude des couples polymère – charge. Notre deuxième but est donc, et grâce à une connaissance fine de la chimie des surface d'une silice, de ses traitements par des silanes, et de l'adsorption du polymère sur sa surface, d'explorer la corrélation entre le traitement et les propriétés macroscopiques dans le but d'établir une relation de cause à effet. / Most actual uses of elastomers are not even conceivable without the assistance of reinforcing filler. In this field, "silane-technology" brought into evidence the necessity of monitoring the competition that routinely rises between two determinant factors: polymer-filler interactions and filler-filler interactions. As a result, an important database founded essentially on the characterization of the surfaces chemistry and surface energy of the two antagonist elements had to be gathered. However, the determination of the consequence of such characters on the factual polymer-filler interactions remains rudimentary, such as bound rubber gravimetric measurements. Experimental prove which is able to quantify such interactions is badly needed. This is, actually, the first objective that we tried to achieve. In order to do so, we propose in this work to study, from the energy point of view using flow micro calorimeter (FMC), the evolution of the adsorption of a series of HNBR on the surface of carbon black (CB) and silicas unmodified and modified by selected silanes. If the goal of the silane technology is to design coupling agents that are able to satisfy a specific application, especially those related to the energy dissipation, the mechanism through which such a process is achieved is not fully understood. Thus, and based on a fine knowledge of surface chemistry, surface treatments and polymer adsorption, our second objective is to explore the cause-to-effect links that ought to exist between filler surface treatments and blends macroscopic properties.

Estudo da reação de modificação do poli(cloreto de vinila) com nucleófilos nitrogenados e das aplicações como suporte em reações de acoplamento / Study the reaction of modification of poly(vinyl chloride) with nitrogen nucleophiles and applications as substrates for coupling reactions

Pâmella Santos de Souza 23 March 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho foi realizada a modificação química do poli(cloreto de vinila) (PVC) pela sua reação com azida de sódio, onde alguns dos seus átomos de cloro foram substituídos por azidas. Em seguida o grupo incorporado foi transformado em triazóis por uma reação de cicloadição 1,3 entre o polímero modificado e propiolato de etila, sendo a reação catalisada por iodeto de cobre. Essas reações foram conduzidas sob aquecimento convencional e empregando irradiação de micro-ondas. Inicialmente, a reação incorporou 20% de triazol no PVC, sendo avaliadas as condições reacionais ideais. Essas condições foram usadas para a formação de novos copolímeros com diferentes teores de triazóis incorporados. Os produtos obtidos foram usados para o suporte de paládio que é utilizado como catalisador na reação de Suzuki-Miyaura. Todos os copolímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR) / In this work was performed the chemical modification of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) by its reaction with sodium azide, in which some of their chlorine atoms has been replaced with azides. Then the azide group was converted to 1,2,3-triazoles by a 1,3-cycloaddition reaction between the modified polymer and ethyl propiolate, the reaction was catalyzed by copper iodide. These reactions were conducted using conventional heating and microwave irradiation. Initially, the reaction incorporated triazole in 20% of PVC, the optimal reaction conditions was evaluated. These conditions were used for the formation of new copolymers with different amounts of incorporated triazoles. The products obtained were used as a support for palladium, which is used as a catalyst in Suzuki-Miyaura reaction. All copolymers were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR)

Estudo da reação de modificação do poli(cloreto de vinila) com nucleófilos nitrogenados e das aplicações como suporte em reações de acoplamento / Study the reaction of modification of poly(vinyl chloride) with nitrogen nucleophiles and applications as substrates for coupling reactions

Pâmella Santos de Souza 23 March 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho foi realizada a modificação química do poli(cloreto de vinila) (PVC) pela sua reação com azida de sódio, onde alguns dos seus átomos de cloro foram substituídos por azidas. Em seguida o grupo incorporado foi transformado em triazóis por uma reação de cicloadição 1,3 entre o polímero modificado e propiolato de etila, sendo a reação catalisada por iodeto de cobre. Essas reações foram conduzidas sob aquecimento convencional e empregando irradiação de micro-ondas. Inicialmente, a reação incorporou 20% de triazol no PVC, sendo avaliadas as condições reacionais ideais. Essas condições foram usadas para a formação de novos copolímeros com diferentes teores de triazóis incorporados. Os produtos obtidos foram usados para o suporte de paládio que é utilizado como catalisador na reação de Suzuki-Miyaura. Todos os copolímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR) / In this work was performed the chemical modification of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) by its reaction with sodium azide, in which some of their chlorine atoms has been replaced with azides. Then the azide group was converted to 1,2,3-triazoles by a 1,3-cycloaddition reaction between the modified polymer and ethyl propiolate, the reaction was catalyzed by copper iodide. These reactions were conducted using conventional heating and microwave irradiation. Initially, the reaction incorporated triazole in 20% of PVC, the optimal reaction conditions was evaluated. These conditions were used for the formation of new copolymers with different amounts of incorporated triazoles. The products obtained were used as a support for palladium, which is used as a catalyst in Suzuki-Miyaura reaction. All copolymers were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR)

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