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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výskyt prvků reflexní lokomoce při přeběhu překážky / The Appearance of the reflex locomotion elements in the hurdle clearance stride

Musil, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Title: The Appearance of the reflex locomotion elements in the hurdle clearance stride Thesis Objective: The main objective of this thesis is to state the frequency of the presence of reciprocal inhibition (RI) and cross extensor reflex (CI - contralateral inhibition) during hurdle overrun. Methods: The subjects were tested during running over three hurdles with modified distances similar to the 110m hurdles. The height of the hurdles was set to 0,99 m. The muscle activity was monitored by surface electromyography and video was recorded simultaneously. The hurdle clearance was divided into particular phases which altogether formed one cycle. Collected data was analyzed by the software Megawin (rectification, smoothing, and synchronization with camera) and subsequently converted into software MATLAB. Nine cycles of each subject were averaged. Such modified cycle was evaluated consequently. Results: Reflex locomotion (RI and CI) was presented more often in the group with less experience with the hurdles. Co-activation of antagonist muscles was typical for the group consisting of more experienced individuals, rather than RI and CI. Key Words: hurdles, biomechanics, sEMG, reciprocal inhibition, contralateral inhibition

Framework of the Gorongosa ecosystem

Tinley, Kenneth Lochner 10 May 2011 (has links)
A holistic evolutionary approach is used in the Gorongosa thesis in which emphasis is on the salient reciprocal relations and kinetic succession of land surfaces and biotic communities, influenced by landscape processes and prime mover components. As correlations of these relations and processes require both a total interacting framework and the details of its prime components, the thesis is divided into three main parts: (1) synopsis of the essence of the Gorongosa ecosystem and the approach used in field ecology (Perspective); (2) correlation of the physical and living components of the ecosystem; and (3) synthesis. The study attempts to relate the salient features of processes and correlations into a co-evolutionary whole, caught at that particular stage in space and time by the study. The chapter titled Process and Response is the central pivot of the thesis combining the kinetic aspects of geomorphological landscape changes with co-evolutionary sequences of biotic communities which change (expand, contract, and recombine) kaleidoscopically in space and time, in appearance and content. The prime movers in ecosystem change are on the physical side, nickpoint headward eroding sequences and edaphic change in soil moisture balance, and on the biotic side, the frugivores and large ungulate components which affect geomorphic and habitat modification are central. Of these, soil moisture appears to be the master factor. All climatic influences too, appear to be expressed through the edaphic controls which change in-situ, or with each geomorphic surface replacement sequence. This factor seems to orchestrate the opportunities and constraints from below on the possible community evolution possible in a particular time and place. From this, a template of salient factors of the Gorongosa ecosystem is provided for management, based on causes and trends in the kinetic evolution of the various ecosystems. To maintain a diversity of ecosystems in Gorongosa, the fundamental management action is to reinforce or reinstate the natural local base level sills which cause ponding of floodwaters responsible for the mosaic of grasslands and slack marshes of high primary productivity and ungulate carrying capacity. Concomittantly reductions of certain overpopulated ungulate species, chiefly hippo, are required so that management is effective. As natural processes are dynamic, it is necessary to identify and evaluate those salient factors operating at a particular time, as these key controls are altered and replaced by others through natural kinetic succession of landscapes and biotic communities. The salient factors governing the dynamics of an ecosystem or community thus require to be mapped at intervals, to provide templates of the trends and changing importance of key and master factors, in order to anticipate or predict what will result from their influences. With these data valid evaluation can be made with the other correlated information for meaningful management action. / Thesis (DSc)--University of Pretoria, 1977. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted

Analysis of Two Strategies for Structuring Medicare Reimbursement to Maximize Profitability in Acute Care General Hospitals

Barrington, James D 16 April 2010 (has links)
The healthcare literature sometimes cites Medicare as a negative determinant of hospital profitability. However, a review of Florida acute care short-term general hospital data revealed a subset of profitable hospitals with high percentages of their revenue structure comprised of Medicare reimbursements. Some investigators might contend that these hospitals are just better managed; that hospital profitability is not related to patient mix or payer source. Although good management enhances financial health, there are perhaps other reasons why certain hospitals can become profitable with Medicare as their primary revenue source. Research findings indicate there is wide geographic variability shown for per-capita volumes of discretionary procedures reimbursed by Medicare, and broad variations in Medicare spending per enrollee for general acute care short-term hospitalizations. It was also found that many of the hospitals performing higher rates of discretionary procedures and showing the ability to make a profit with Medicare are investor owned. The focus of this study, covering years 2000-2005, was to examine two strategies using discretionary procedures under Medicare that Florida investor owned hospitals may employ to increase profitability and maintain long-term financial health. Part 1 of the study examined the association between long-term financial viability, measured by the total assets divided by total liabilities (TATL) ratio (the reciprocal of the debt ratio) and percentages per hospital of two discretionary cardiac and orthopedic procedure variables, reimbursed by conventional Medicare. A positive association was found between the TATL ratio and these variables, as well as significant marginal effects in the association between the TATL ratio and interaction terms for hospital ownership (where investor owned = 1 and not-for-profit = 0) and the discretionary cardiac procedure variable and ownership and the discretionary orthopedic procedure variable. Part 2 used total charges as the dependent variable for patient discharges reimbursed by Medicare HMO. It was found that investor owned hospitals generally assess significantly higher charges than not-for-profits for discretionary CABG and valve replacement procedures for patients with equivalent levels of medical services and hospitalization. It was also found that charges significantly increase for both investor-owned and not-for-profit hospitals located in the southern region of Florida.

Formativ bedömning av elevers läsförståelseutveckling genom gruppdiskussioner : En litteraturstudie om sambandet mellan läsförståelseutveckling, gruppdiskussioner och formativ bedömning med inriktning mot årskurs 4-6 / Formative Assessment of Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Group Discussions : A Literature Review on the Relationship Between the Development of Reading Comprehension, Group Discussions, and Formative Assessment. Focusing on the Swedish School Years 4-6

Dahlqvist, My, Nordin, Helena January 2022 (has links)
Det svenska samhället bygger på förmågan att kunna läsa och skriva och läsförståelse är av den anledningen en viktig förutsättning för att bli en delaktig samhällsmedborgare. Bedömning av elevers läsförståelse är många gånger problematisk på grund av dess komplexitet, men samtidigt nödvändig. Enligt PIRLS studie från 2011 framkommer det att elever många gånger lämnas själva i sitt arbete med läsförståelse, och att det hade varit mer fördelaktig att låta dem arbeta i grupp. Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att ge ett kunskapsbidrag om hur tidigare forskning å ena sidan beskriver kopplingen mellan elevers läsförståelseutveckling och gruppdiskussioner, å andra sidan hur tidigare forskning beskriver kopplingen mellan formativ bedömning och gruppdiskussioner för att diskutera hur lärare kan arbeta för att utveckla läsförståelse i årskurs 4-6. För att besvara syftet användes framför allt en databassökning. Tidigare forskning som har undersökts är elva vetenskapliga artiklar, en avhandling, en forskningsrapport och en tryckt bok. Av litteraturen som använts är avhandlingen skriven på svenska men i övrigt är litteraturen internationell. Teorin om det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande återfinns i vald forskning och har således en central plats i denna litteraturstudie. Studiens resultat visade att det är möjligt att utveckla elevernas läsförståelse genom gruppdiskussioner och att gruppdiskussioner är en effektiv form för att bedöma elever formativt. Två metoder för gruppdiskussioner studerades närmare, Reciprocal Teaching och Quality Talk. Reciprocal Teaching var framför allt gynnsamt vid utvecklingen av elevers läsförståelse på en grundläggande nivå. Quality talk utvecklade både den grundläggande och högre kognitiva nivån hos eleverna, dock la forskare i sin studie emfas på den högre kognitiva nivån. Vid formativ bedömning av elevers läsförståelseutveckling visade sig gruppdiskussioner i mindre grupper vara fördelaktigt. Slutsatsen vi kan dra är att det finns positiva aspekter med att introducera elever för gruppdiskussioner både när det gäller att utveckla deras läsförståelse och för att som lärare kunna bedöma dem formativt.

Reciprok undervisning om lässtrategier ur ett elevperspektiv - Ett verksamhetsinitierat utvecklingsarbete

Petersén, Mirja, Hjortsberg, Karin January 2018 (has links)
Arbetet är ett verksamhetsinitierat utvecklingsarbete med syftet att synliggöra gymnasieelevers upplevelse av ett utvecklingsarbete med reciprok undervisning om lässtrategier (RT) mot bakgrund av lärares didaktiska överväganden. Detta syfte uppnås genom två frågeställningar: Hur förhåller sig eleverna till reciprok undervisning om lässtrategier, och hur kan detta förstås? och Hur talar lärarna om sina didaktiska överväganden gällande planering och genomförande av reciprok undervisning om lässtrategier? I undersökningen kombineras kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. Fem elever och tre lärare intervjuades genom semistrukturerad intervju, 57 elever besvarade en enkät. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är det sociokulturella perspektivet, literacy som en vidare syn på läsförståelse, metakognition, inre och yttre motivation samt reciprok undervisning. Diskussionen om litteraturens egenvärde kontra dess användning tas också upp i detta arbete. Undersökningen visar att lärarna planerar undervisningen på liknande sätt alla tre, utifrån Palincsar & Browns modell för reciprok undervisning. Samtidigt gör de självständiga val utifrån hur de ser att eleverna påverkas av undervisningen. Lärarna pekar på en medvetenhet om att eleverna kan tycka att strategianvändandet blir mekaniskt och att läslusten kan bli lidande. Detta hanterar de med anpassningar av olika slag. Lärarna strävar efter att kombinera litteraturens egenvärde med dess användning.Undersökningen visar också att de flesta av eleverna använder strategierna både i och utanför skolan. Den kritik som eleverna riktar mot RT handlar om att strategianvändandet är tidskrävande och upplevs som hackigt. Majoriteten av eleverna är dock positiva till reciprok undervisning och tycker att det hjälpt dem att utveckla framför allt den förståelsefördjupande funktionen. Många av eleverna ser strategianvändandet som meningsfullt. Däremot ger vissa av eleverna uttryck för att det är en yttre motivation som styr dem i strategianvändandet, alltså att de bara använder strategierna inför prov eller när läraren hör. Andra elever menar att läslusten blir lidande av strategianvändandet vid läsning av skönlitteratur, samtidigt som 59 % av enkätsvaren pekar på att strategierna hjälpt vid läsning av skönlitteratur.

Effect of Whole Brain Teaching on Student Self-Concept

Clark, Heather Winona Schulte 01 January 2016 (has links)
Sufficient research exists indicating that the brain mechanisms involved with use of whole brain teaching (WBT) techniques will likely lead to improved academic achievement and that academic self-concept (ASC) is both a cause and consequence of academic achievement. However, it is not known if there is a relationship between WBT and ASC. Given the benefits derived from positive ASC, it becomes important to assess WBT as a predictor variable of positive ASC. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between different levels of exposure to WBT techniques and the mean difference in ASC, as measured by the general-school, mathematics, and reading subscores on the Self Description Questionnaire I, between treatment conditions. Self-concept theory as posited by Shavelson et al. and the Marsh/Shavelson revision, the skill development approach to self-concept enhancement, and the reciprocal effect model provide the theoretical foundations of this dissertation. A one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to determine if the mean ASC scores differed among 191 second and third grade students exposed to three levels of the WBT factor. Results of the three-group MANOVA failed to support use of WBT techniques to improve ASC. Reconfiguration of the quasi-independent variable into two groups revealed that general-school ASC scores were significantly lower in the group exposed to limited to no WBT techniques. Assessing students at risk for educational problems may reveal more convincing evidence for WBT as an effective ASC intervention. The implications for social change include encouraging WBT practitioners to make more empirically sound claims and decisions regarding their practice, thereby allowing students an educational experience grounded in scientific findings, rather than subjective assumptions.

The Interaction of Water and Salt Flow in Unsaturated Soils

Abd-el Aziz, Mahmoud Hassan 01 May 1964 (has links)
The movements of salt and water, particularly in fairly dry soils or compacted shales, are important processes in both agronomic studies and hydraulics of deep ground water which is important in the location of oil.

General and Specific Combining Ability of five Alfalfa Clones Including Reciprocal Effects for Seedling Vigor and Seed Yield

Bingham, Edwin Theodore 01 May 1961 (has links)
The use of F1 hybrids for commercial production of such cross-pollinated crops as corn, sorghum, sugar beets, onions, and pearl millet suggests the feasibility of using this technique for alfalfa. Production of F1 hybrids of commercial value is dependent on the use of breeding material expressing good combining ability. In order to obtain precise estimates of combining ability for quantitative characters in alfalfa, it is necessary to produce all possible single crosses among a number of parents. The single cross seed required is difficult to obtain due to the vegetative reproduction and isolation required; and, subsequently, limited testing of this type has been conducted in alfalfa. Testing breeding material for combining ability based on seed production has been more limited than testing based on forage yield or various other measurements. In this experiment a diallel crossing system was used to test the general and specific combining ability of five alfalfa clones previously selected for good general combining ability. The report is based on first-year data of a three-year study, and the results are subject to errors which may occur due to variability inherent in the year of establishment. This is especially true for conclusions based on seed production. However, first-year data should be valid for such characteristics as flower color and seedling height. The analysis of seed production and seedling height is designed to measure the relative amount of general and specific combining ability of the cones involved. Reciprocals of the single crosses were evaluated for flower color, seedling height, and seed yield to check if reciprocal cross progeny give equal performance.

Lokální adaptace přírodních populací Arabidopsis arenosa k hadci. / Local adaptation of natural population of Arabidopsis arenosa to serpentine soil

Lamotte, Timothée January 2021 (has links)
Arabidopsis arenosa represents a promising model for studying the mechanisms underlying the adaptation to serpentine soil. Genetic basis of serpentine adaptation is still poorly known and A. arenosa possesses many advantages as a tool to complete that knowledge. The first step of this study was to reveal the presence of a local adaptation to serpentine soil in a population of A. arenosa. To do so, I used the data from a reciprocal transplant experiment realized between a Czech pair of serpentine - non-serpentine populations and I explored the phenotypes associated with the adaptation. Subsequently, I produced the F2 hybrids coming from crosses between serpentine - non-serpentine parents and I studied the expression of fitness traits in F2 plants growing in serpentine in order to estimate the number of loci underlying the adaptation which I compared with other studies. I confirmed the presence of a local adaptation, with the population of serpentine origin performing better than the non-serpentine population in the serpentine substrate of origin, associated with accumulation of heavy metals in the leaves. Analyses of the soil composition revealed differences in heavy metals and nutrients contents, Ca/Mg ratio and pH between the two localities. Those results fitted with the function of the candidate...

How Students Experience <em>Teach-One-Another</em> Activities in Online Courses at Brigham Young University-Idaho

Holt, Joshua Alan 06 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
As online learning enrollments rapidly increase, it is vital to explore effective course designs that deepen students' learning experiences. This multiple-case study explores four online courses at Brigham Young University–Idaho that include learning activities where students learned through Teach One Another activities. Teach One Another is similar to Reciprocal Peer Learning where students simultaneously learn and contribute to their peers' learning. Findings across the cases of this study show that Teach One Another activities in online courses encourage students to be accountable and motivated to complete individual course work as well as group assignments. As students learn to build trusting learning relationships, group activities may deepen students' learning experiences. This study discusses implications for online course designers, developers, and administrators who are interested in giving students opportunities to deepen their learning of the content and develop life skills such as accountability, responsibility, and trust.

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