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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nonreciprocal effects and their applications in fiber optic networks

Fang, Xiaojun 10 November 2005 (has links)
Nonreciprocity is a fundamental property of networks. Unlike electronic networks theory, optical network theory is still a field to be investigated. Lightwave systems, including fiber optic and integrated optic, are becoming more and more complex, new function blocks ( or components) and networking strategies are very important for future highly integrated lightwave circuits. Several common nonreciprocal optical effects studied in this disseration and several basic applications to fiber components and fiber optic metrology systems analyzed. The common optical nonreciprocal phenomena include the Faraday effect, Sagnac effect, Fresnel drag effect, nonlinearity or asymmetric geometric structure-induced nonreciprocity, and some pseudo nonreciprocity. The best-known application of nonreciprocity to optical components is the isolator, and the known nonreciprocity-based fiber optic sensors are the fiber optic gyroscope and the fiber optic current sensor. The major difficulty in forming a general optical network theory is the complexity of optical signals compared to the electrical signal, because each light signal consists of four independent parameters, all of which changing during transmission. Fortunately, most optical signals can be classified into intensity-based and phase-based systems, and the Jones matrix technique is the ideal tool for describing the intensity-based system. Several reciprocity-insensitive structures designed and analyzed in chapter 3. The performance of the intensity-based reciprocity-insensitive structure (IRIS) was employed successfully in a fiber optic current sensor for stabilizing the signal from birefringence influences in chapter 5. A variable-loop Sagnac interferometer was designed and applied to distributed sensing in chapter 6, and the reciprocity-insensitive property of the Sagnac interferometer was preserved. Polarization independent isolators and wavelength division multiplexers were also realized by employing suitable nonreciprocal effects and were discussed in chapter 2 and chapter 4, and their feasibilities were verified by experiment. The primary contributions of this dissertation are the study of common nonreciprocal optical effects and demonstration of several basic applications to fiber components and fiber metrology systems. / Ph. D.

Gemensam läsning i mellanstadiet : En litteraturstudie om hur gemensam läsning används och dess påverkan på läsförståelsen / Shared Reading in Elementary School : a litterature review on shared reading and its impact on reading comprehension

Nolberg, Alva, Ljung, Fredrik January 2024 (has links)
Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att undersöka hur gemensam läsning behandlas i forskning. Vidare belyser studien dess påverkan på läsförståelsen. I dagens skola finns det indika-tioner på att färre elever läser samt att läsintresset minskar. Dessutom visar resultaten i både PISA och PIRLS en försämrad läsförståelse hos eleverna. Utifrån analys av tolv forskningsartiklar från olika delar av världen sammanställdes ett resultat. Litteraturstudien lyfter fram olika sätt att arbeta med gemensam läsning, samt potentiella möjligheter och utmaningar. Faktorer som läraren och undervisningens struktur visar sig ha en positiv inverkan på elevernas läsutveckling. En lärare som är väl insatt och engagerad i hur läsundervisningen bedrivs kan5 med hjälp av olika metoder främja elevernas läsförståelse. Utifrån litteraturstudiens resultat framgår det att elever som arbetar tillsammans med andra tenderar att utveckla olika färdigheter och förmågor inom läsning. Eleverna kan genom välstrukturerade grupper stötta varandra för att uppnå ett gemensamt lärande. Slutligen visar resultatet vikten av att låta elever samtala om olika texter för att uppnå en utvecklad förståelse och ett ökat intresse för läsning.

“Eleverna är otroligt duktiga; de behöver bara stöttning i början och rätt undervisning” : En kvalitativ studie om lågstadielärares resonemang över hur läsförståelse främjas hos andraspråkselever / “The students are incredibly talented; they just need support in the beginning and the right teaching” : A qualitative study on primary school teachers’ reasoning about how reading comprehension is promoted in second language students

Abbas, Tavga, Karsnäser, Jeremias January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur lärare beskriver att de arbetar för att främja läsförståelseförmågan hos elever som talar svenska som andraspråk i årskurs f-3. För att undersöka detta genomförs en tematisk analys av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare från olika kommuner som arbetar i skolor med många andraspråkselever.  Resultatet pekar på att lärarna arbetar strukturerat med att undervisa elever om lässtrategier som kan användas för att förstå en text enligt undervisningsmodellen Reciprocal teaching. Den vanligaste strategin som används enligt lärarna är att reda ut oklarheter, då andraspråkselever ofta har ett bristande ordförråd. Strategierna summera, förutspå och ställa frågor används också men i mindre utsträckning.  Resultatet visar dessutom att lärarna är positiva till att använda elevernas modersmål i undervisningen för att främja deras läsförståelse. Deras resonemang pekar på att de använder en del av de strategier som föreslås i ramverket pedagogiskt transspråkande, dock ofta på ett spontant och oplanerat sätt. Slutsatsen blir således att lärare behöver mer kunskap och utbildning om hur elevernas modersmål kan användas som resurser. Detta för att underlätta för dem att utforma mer planerade, medvetna och varierade arbetssätt och komma bort från den spontana tillämpningen av pedagogiskt transspråkande som för tillfället ofta sker. Studien understryker att strategier för att främja andraspråkselevers läsförståelse i svenska inte är något som enbart SVA-lärare behöver förhålla sig till, utan en viktig fråga för alla lärare i skolan.

Strukturerad undervisning för elever i språklig sårbarhet : En aktionsforskningsprojekt kring ett förändringsarbete med reciprok undervisning / Structured Teaching for Students with Linguistic Vulnerability : An Action Research Project about School Development Work with Reciprocal Teaching

Awkal, Hiam January 2024 (has links)
Abstract  In a more developed society, reading comprehension has become increasingly important, especially for students who are linguistically vulnerable. Students with language difficulties have more difficulty tackling both concrete and complex texts. This study aims to investigate structured strategy teaching to improve students’ reading comprehension in the context of a collaboration between a teacher and a special educator at a Swedish primary school. The main methodology used was action research during a four-week period when Reciprocal Teaching was used in combination with visual tools and a communicative approach to increase students’ reading comprehension.  The theoretical framework of the study was informed by the sociocultural perspective and Bakhtin’s theory of the importance of dialogue for a multi-vocal classroom. Four students in the fourth grade participated in the study at the beginning of spring of 2024 and underwent four weeks of special education in the use of reading comprehension strategies with the help of a variant of Reciprocal Teaching combined with visual tools. Additionally, an unstructured interview was conducted with a class teacher and a focus group interview with the four students. The empirical data was analyzed using a thematic analysis method that led to four categorizations: linguistic tools, multivocality accessible teaching, and interdisciplinary collaboration. The results showed that the students improved their reading comprehension by about 40-50% when comparing pre- and posttests in reading comprehension. In combination with a multivocal perspective and accessible teaching, teaching, the method had positive impacts on the students ́ participation in the classroom. The students described how they benefited from the visual tool in understanding what they read.  The study identified important aspects regarding how students with language difficulties adopt reading comprehension strategies as a tool to use in the classroom. Furthermore, the study highlights the role of collaboration between special educators and teachers in developing more accessible teaching in the classroom.

Läsförståelse: ett kollegialt samarbetsuppdrag? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med lärare i årskurs tre med fokus på samarbete med bibliotekarier kring läsförståelse / Reading comprehension: a collaborative task? : A qualitative study on collaboration between 3rd grade teachers and school librarians in order to advance students’ achievements in reading comprehension

Krslak, Elvir January 2019 (has links)
In this study, a total of five teachers were interviewed in grade three from four different schools in Stockholm. Three of these schools are located in different suburbs and one school is located in the central part of Stockholm. The starting point of the study is statistics that show a negative development with, in particular, the students who have Swedish as a second language. This study provides an insight into how teachers in grade three of elementary school in Stockholm work with their students to develop reading comprehension. In the study of reading comprehension, this study focuses on the Reciprocal Teaching (RT) method. RT is a well-established reading comprehension strategy designed to bridge the difference between poor readers and good readers. The study shows that not all teachers are familiar with the RT method and also that teachers do not work consistently with all parts of this method. Furthermore, the study also gives an insight into the question of whether the teachers see the librarian as a possible partner in the process. To measure the level at which the teachers collaborate with school librarians, Montiel-Overall's (2005) Teacher Librarian Collaboration (TLC) theory was chosen. TLC theory is an attempt to make practical use of Loertscher’s taxonomy by grouping the low, medium and high levels of collaboration into four models (Model A: coordination, Model B: cooperation, Model C: integrated instruction and Model D: integrated curriculum.) that help define and measure the effect of each model on students’ achievements. This study concludes that the teachers so far haven’t thought about their school librarian as a potential partner with the stated purpose of increasing the students' reading comprehension. The levels of collaboration are predominantly on the low end of the TLC models (Model A: coordination, Model B: cooperation), meaning that teachers and librarians help each other for mutual benefit but no conscious effort is made to plan, teach and evaluate together.

En läsande klass : En studie av ett läromedels teoretiska förankring och praktiska användning i två klassrum / A Reading Class. : A study of the theoretical basis and practical use of a teaching material in two classrooms.

Nilsson, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att granska de forskningsbaserade modeller som läromedlet En läsande klass bygger på i förhållande till tidigare forskning inom området läsförståelse, samt genom observationer få en bild av det praktiska arbetet med läromedlet i klassrummet. Klassrumsobservationerna genomfördes i årskurs tre. Resultatet från läromedelsgranskningen visar att En läsande klass bygger på tre forskningsbaserade modeller för undervisning om läsförståelse – Reciprokal teaching (RT), Transactional Strategies Instruction (TSI) och Questioning the Author (QtA).  Resultatet visar vidare på goda kopplingar mellan modellerna och forskning inom området. De forskningsbaserade modellerna personifieras av fem figurer, och överensstämmelsen mellan modellerna och figurerna är tydlig för fyra av figurerna men mindre tydlig för den femte. Observationerna visar lektioner där lärarna arbetar med undervisning utifrån de fem figurerna i En läsande klass. Resultatet visar att det arbetssätt som föreslås i läromedlet följs till övervägande del. Texterna som används i undervisningen kommer från såväl En läsande klass, som andra läromedel och skönlitteratur. / The aim of the study is to examine the research-based models on which the teaching material En läsande klass (A Reading Class) is based in relation to earlier research in the field of reading comprehension, and through observations to obtain a picture of the practical work with the teaching material in the classroom. Classroom observations were performed in grade three. The result of the examination shows that En läsande klass builds on three research-based models for teaching reading comprehension – Reciprocal Teaching (RT), Transactional Strategies Instruction (TSI) and Questioning the Author (QtA). The result further demonstrates good links between the models and research in the field. The research-based models are personified in five figures, and the agreement between the models and the figures is clear for four of the figures, less clear for the fifth. The observations revealed lessons where the teachers base their teaching on the five figures in En läsande klass. The result shows that the method suggested in the teaching material is for the most part followed. The texts used in tuition come not only from En läsande klass but also from other teaching materials and literature.

Prekiavimo susitarimų (angl. commercialisation agreements) teisinio vertinimo ypatumai ES ir LR konkurencijos teisėje / Peculiarities of legal assessment of commercialisation agreements under the competition law of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania

Dačkienė, Justė 24 January 2012 (has links)
Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojami prekiavimo susitarimų teisinio vertinimo ypatumai ES ir LR konkurencijos teisėje. Praktikoje egzistuoja ir daugiau prekiavimo susitarimų formų, tačiau šiame darbe analizuojamos tik Komisijos praktikoje dažniausiai nagrinėtos prekiavimo susitarimų formos: bendras pardavimas, abipusis ir neabipusis platinimas ir bendras reklamavimas. Šiame darbe analizuojama prekiavimo susitarimų samprata, apibrėžiamos atskirų prekiavimo susitarimų formų sąvokos, nustatomi prekiavimo susitarimus sudarančių subjektų požymiai, analizuojami prekiavimo susitarimų teisinio vertinimo ypatumai ES ir LR konkurencijos teisėje, nustatomos prekiavimo susitarimų teisinio vertinimo sąlygos, analizuojama konkurencijos priežiūros institucijų praktika, vertinant bendro pardavimo, abipusio ir neabipusio platinimo bei bendro reklamavimo susitarimus, apibrėžiama atskirų prekiavimo susitarimų formų vertinimo specifika, t. y. nustatoma, kokiais atvejais atskiros prekiavimo susitarimų formos yra laikomos įprastai ribojančiomis konkurenciją, o kokiais atvejais įprastai konkurencijos problemų nesukeliančiomis. Šiame darbe patvirtinama hipotezė, kad prekiavimo susitarimų skirstymas į atskiras formas neturi teisinės reikšmės tokiuose susitarimuose nustatomų horizontaliųjų apribojimų vertinimui, kadangi nepriklausomai nuo to, kurioje prekiavimo susitarimų formoje šie apribojimai yra nustatomi, jie yra vertinami lygiai taip pat. Darbe taip pat patvirtinama hipotezė, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master thesis analyses the peculiarities of legal assessment of commercialisation agreements under the competition law of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania. Taking into consideration the fact that in practice there are more forms of commercialisation agreements, it should be noted, that the study examines only the forms of commercialisation agreements which were estimated in the Commission practice most often: joint selling, reciprocal and non-reciprocal distribution and joint advertising. The study examines the concept of commercialisation agreements, determines different forms of commercialisation agreements, identifies attributes of the entering parties and defines conditions of legal assessment of the commercialisation agreements. The thesis also analyses practice of competition authorities by estimating the agreements of joint selling, reciprocal and non-reciprocal distribution and joint advertising. Furthermore, it determines particularity of the assessment of individual commercialisation agreements, i.e. confirms circumstances in which usually some forms of the agreements can be considered as restricting competition and circumstances in which usually these agreements have no competition difficulties. This work proves the hypothesis that commercialisation agreements division into several forms does not have legal importance for the assessment of their horizontal restraints because the agreements are assessed equally without reference to the... [to full text]

Motivational factors influencing women’s decisions to pursue upper-level administrative positions in higher education

Cox, Kelline Sue January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / Trudy A. Salsberry / Much of the research on women advancing in higher education has been focused on the external barriers and how to break down the barriers. Initiatives and programs have been implemented, but the number of women in upper-level administrative positions in higher education, although increasing, is not increasing in proportion to women's overall numbers in education and the work force. The structure and processes at work in a particular situation can change more readily than changing people's behaviors directly. With this in mind, the purpose of this study was to take a positive approach by looking to women who have reached the upper-level administrative arena and investigate what influential factors were responsible for motivating them to this achievement. This qualitative multi-case study used the elements of Bandura's Model of Reciprocal Determination, specifically self-efficacy, personal behavior, and environmental factors to determine the factors motivating women to upper-level administrative positions. Eighteen women who have reached the upper-level administrative positions (e.g., provost, vice-president or vice-provost) at land-grant universities were interviewed. The themes of this study suggest that support groups and individual mentors were important motivating factors because these groups and individuals encouraged, coached, and supported women administrators on their decisions to enter higher education and then as they pursued upper-level administrative positions. In addition, women felt successful when they were able to be the nurturers, assisting and influencing others to succeed. Also, the women administrators recognized the need for knowledge, skills, and experience to assist in their career advancement. Furthermore, they emphasized developing and evaluating personal values, and ensured their personal values fit with institutional values. At the same time, women administrators stressed the value of time and the choices they made to balance time between work and family and between work and personal time. Recommendations to implement initiatives to promote and support the motivational factors identified in this study are discussed.

Designing hypercyclic replicating networks

Wood, Evan A. January 2007 (has links)
In the last 20 years there has been a number of synthetic and natural product based molecular replicators published in the literature. The majority of these systems have focused on the minimal model with only a few examples of cross-catalytic or reciprocal replication. Of the cross-catalytic systems investigated the majority focus around the use of natural products, oligonucleotides, peptides etc. This thesis will investigate the design, synthesis and kinetic analysis of both synthetic minimal and reciprocal replicating systems, and how these two forms of replication interact in a complex hypercyclic network. Chapter 1 introduces key concepts such as molecular recognition, intramolecularity/ enzyme kinetic, bisubstrate systems and the work conducted into replication systems to date. Chapter 2 describes the design, synthesis and kinetic analysis of a reciprocal replicating system, based on Diels-Alder and 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions, before going on to discuss what we have learned and how this system can be improved. Chapter 3 focuses on the design, synthesis and kinetic analysis of a replicating network (minimal and reciprocal replication), based on 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions. Initial individual systems are examined in isolation to determine their behavior and nature. After which the systems are combined to observe how each species interacts in a potential complex hypercyclic network. Chapter 4 investigates the redesign of the replicating network in Chapter 3 in order to overcome the problems identified from its kinetic analysis. Chapter 5 introduces the shift in direction away from kinetically controlled replicating networks towards systems in thermodynamic equilibrium.

A sua memória agora é minha memória: a construção da memória política e o re-estabelecimento do reconhecimento recíproco / Your memory now is my memory: the building of political memory and the re-establishment of a reciprocal recognition

Oliveira, Beatriz Besen de 30 April 2019 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o processo de construção da memória política (ANSARA, 2008) enquanto mecanismo de elaboração psicossocial e seu potencial para o reestabelecimento de relações de reconhecimento recíproco (HONNETH, 2009). A pesquisaparticipante (MONTERO, 2007) no projeto Memórias e Resistências: a ditadura da quebrada, realizado no bairro de Heliópolis - periferia urbana de São Paulo - envolveu um processo de formação de oito jovens do território no campo dos direitos humanos, tendo como matriz central o resgate, compartilhamento e construção da memória política dos moradores, movimentos sociais e anistiados políticos da ditadura civil-militar brasileira. A partir dos resultados e relatos da pesquisa-participante, é realizado um diagnóstico social, analisando os mecanismos de dominação e as artimanhas do poder do/no Estado que produzem rupturas no tecido social. Também são identificadas práticas eficientes de narração e construção de memória política no interior de organizações sociais comunitárias (GAGNEBIN, 1986), que podem ser estimuladas e aprofundadas como mecanismos de elaboração psicossocial. Tais práticas apontam para caminhos criativos de resistência ao discurso autoritário e à violência de Estado em ascensão no Brasil / This research has as aim to analyse the process of building the political memory (Ansara, 2008) as a mechanism of psychosocial working-through and its potential for the re-establishment of relations of reciprocal recognition (Honneth, 2009). Participatory research (Montero, 2007) within the project Memories and resistances: the dictatorship in the slum developed in the neighborhood of Heliopolis- an urban periphery of São Paulo- that involved a process of capacity building of eight teenagers in the field of human rights, having as its central matrix the revival, sharing and building of a political memory of the dwellers, social movements and political amnestied of the civil-military Brazilian dictatorship. As an outcome of the telling through participatory research, a social diagnosis was developed analysing the mechanisms of domination and the artifices of power of/in the State that produce ruptures in the social tissue. It was also analyzed efficient practices of narration and the building of a political memory within the socio-communitarian organizations (Gagnebin, 1986), that may be stimulated and deepened as mechanisms of psychosocial working-through. These practices point to creative paths of resistance to an authoritarian discourse and to the growth of State violence in Brazil

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