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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”De kan till och med läsa skotertidningar, bara de läser” : Skolbibliotekaries upplevelser av läsfrämjande vid gymnasieskolan

Jonsson Forsell, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie undersöktes tre skolbibliotekariers upplevelser av läsfrämjande vid gymnasieskolan. Syftet var också att studera om skolbibliotekarierna arbetade läsfrämjande mot en viss målgrupp, och vilken syn de hade på läsning i skolan. Det teoretiska ramverk som använts för analys av de intervjuer som genomförts behandlar begrepp såsom kulturellt kapital, instrumentell läsning och utmaningar för skolbibliotekarien. Resultatet visade att om än inte informanterna själva ansåg att de arbetade läsfrämjande riktat mot en specifik målgrupp, så var det läsfrämjande arbetet främst fokuserat till elever vid yrkesprogram. Det fanns två anledningar till detta, en av skolbibliotekarierna upplevde en personlig känsla av att kunna förändra och påverka läsningen hos elever vid yrkesprogram. Två av skolbibliotekarierna pekade på en bristande läsförmåga som skäl till att de startat upp ett läsprojekt vid yrkesprogram på deras gymnasieskola. Uppsatsen undersöker därtill skolbibliotekariers syn på läsning vid gymnasieskolan. Två olika aspekter av läsning framkom, å ena sidan den som fokuserar på en instrumentell läsning och å andra sidan en abstrakt syn på läsande.

Bibliotekarier på kombinerade skol- och folkbibliotek : Hur sex bibliotekarier ser på sin yrkesidentitet / Librarians in combined school- and public libraries : How six librarians view their professional identity

Sekelj Blomberg, Judit January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how librarians working in combined school- and public libraries view their professional identity. The theoretical framework includes the seven librarian identities of Anders Ørom and Trine Schreiber combined with Beth Junckers theories of the culture sector with autotelic cultures and the education sector with instrumental cultures. The theoretical framework has been used in analyzing and discussing the results. The data has been collected through six semi-structured interviews, transcribed and processed for the analysis. The librarians were found to identify mostly with the culture intermediary identity in the culture sector. The information intermediary identity and the subject intermediary identity both were present in the school-librarian context, and the socialworking identity and the experience intermediary identity in the public-librarian context. Recommendations for further research are made based on the results.

Bibliotek och integration- Skolbibliotekspersonals förhållningssätt till integration / Library and integration-School library personals approach to integration

Pettersson, Ann January 2013 (has links)
The Purpose of this paper is to illustrate how schoollibrarians work with integration. The study is based on thefollowing questions:1. How does the school library personal look on integration?2. What does the school library personal approach say abouttheir work with integration of persons with a differentbackground then Swedish?The method I chose to study this through is severalqualitative interviews with school library personal as well asearlier related research.The theory I chose to use for this study is Hans Ingvar Rothsmodel of the integration process.The results show that the school library personal does defineintegration even if they do not work with integration rightnow.My study also shows that there are some obstacles to thiswork, which is related to the lack of funds and other issues.And that the school library personal has different view ofwhat integration is. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Skolbibliotek och jämställdhet. En intervjustudie på ett mindre antal skolbibliotek / School libraries and gender equality : an interview study at a few school libraries

Lundgren, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates gender equality at a few Swedish elementary school libraries, and how school librarians at these libraries work with gender equality issues. It is a semi-structured interview study conducted with staff at seven elementary school libraries. Several policy documents state that the school should be a gender-equal environment, but previous research shows that there is still a lack of gender equality, and that staff often treat boys and girls differently. It also shows that boys and girls are often portrayed in a gender-stereotypical way in children’s literature. The theoretical framework consists of a combination of theories on gender equality and gender science based on the work of Eva Mark and Yvonne Hirdman. The empirical material was analysed from both of these perspectives. The results show that most librarians try to some extent to incorporate gender equality issues during book talks, book clubs, and group reading sessions, and try to discuss common gender stereotypes with the students. The librarians show an awareness of the importance of gender equality, but say that they lack the right tools and support from the school management to address these issues in an efficient and professional manner. In order to achieve gender equality in school libraries, there needs to be an overall analysis of both staff and students attitudes towards, and comprehension of, the meaning of gender equality. There is also a need to look at how stereotypical notions of gender influence people's behaviour and opportunities, and what could be done to change these. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Användarundervisning på gymnasiebibliotek : Sju gymnasiebibliotekariers pedagogiska undervisningsmetoder / User education at high school libraries : Education methods of seven high school librarians

Pettersson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
This Master’s thesis investigates user education at high school libraries. The aim of this study is to examine user education and the educational approach that librarian’s experience in their teaching. The method used for the study is qualitative interviews with seven high school librarians. The librarians in the interviews were all educated after the Swedish University reform in 1993. The interviews are analysed and presented by using Carol Kuhlthau’s and Olof Sundin’s theories about the pedagogical educational approach often used by librarians. Five of the librarians focused on a Source approach and on a Pathfinder approach. Two of the librarians focused on the students’ information process and discussed different sources with the students. Just one of the librarians wants to change the education approach. A surprising result as several of the librarians weren’t pleased with the students’ information qualifications. The examined librarians experienced the educational approach in a similar way, only two of the interviewed librarians experienced it in a different way. The reason for the result may be that the time the librarians have at their hands is limited. The librarians also get influences from more experienced colleagues and their educational approach. Another reason can be that teacher and student have prejudices about what a librarian can and should do and that their opinions affect the librarians and their educational approach. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Kontexten som tillgång, begränsning och möjlighet : En studie av gymnasiebibliotekariers användarundervisning ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv / User education and its context : A study of the relationship between sociocultural factors and the user education at high school libraries

Allén, Therese January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between user education at high schools and the context in which it takes place. In order to accomplish this qualitative interviews have been executed with librarians at five Swedish high schools. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on the sociocultural perspective and four approaches to user education developed by Olof Sundin. Based on the empirical material six themes have been identified. Each one represents a contextual factor which influences the user education. These are the teachers, the audience, the access to information technology needed in the education, the amount of lesson time, the librarian’s thoughts concerning the planning of the lessons and the room in which the lesson takes place. The themes mainly influence the contents of the education, how often it takes place and where it takes place. The study implies that the teachers are very important, because they have the ability to decide whether or not the user education is to happen. Likewise, their influence on the contents of the education can be rather large. Except for this they also know their classes, which is important when planning the education. A lack of information about the class may cause the librarian to plan the education according to assumptions of their knowledge in the area based on previous experiences of other classes. Thus the teachers can be said to have a key position for the user education today, and for its future.

Samarbete – ideal och verklighet : Sex gymnasielärare och fem skolbibliotekarier ger sin syn på samarbete

Perselli, Ann-Katrin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur lärare och skolbibliotekarier från fyra gymnasieskolor tolkar begreppet  ’samarbete’ samt hur de erfar samarbete med den andra yrkesgruppen. Sex gymnasielärare och fem skolbibliotekarier berättar om sitt arbete, sin syn på samarbete och om sina erfarenheter av att samarbeta med den andra yrkesgruppen. Studiens resultat visar bland annat på att det finns stora skillnader i deras respektive yrkeskulturer vilket lätt leder till kulturkrockar. Exempelvis har lärarna och bibliotekarierna en gemensam idealbild av samarbete. Analysen visar dock att bibliotekarierna sällan når upp till denna idealbild vilket däremot lärarna oftare gör. Tolkningen av empirin visar även att det kan vara svårt för skolbibliotekarierna att utifrån sin ställning som yrkesminoritet på skolan delta i samarbeten på lika villkor som lärarna. De organisatoriska förutsättningarna för samarbete mellan de två yrkesgrupperna skiljer sig åt, exempelvis har lärarna avsatt arbetstid för olika typer av samarbete medan skolbibliotekarierna saknar detta.</p>

Samarbete – ideal och verklighet : Sex gymnasielärare och fem skolbibliotekarier ger sin syn på samarbete

Perselli, Ann-Katrin January 2009 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur lärare och skolbibliotekarier från fyra gymnasieskolor tolkar begreppet  ’samarbete’ samt hur de erfar samarbete med den andra yrkesgruppen. Sex gymnasielärare och fem skolbibliotekarier berättar om sitt arbete, sin syn på samarbete och om sina erfarenheter av att samarbeta med den andra yrkesgruppen. Studiens resultat visar bland annat på att det finns stora skillnader i deras respektive yrkeskulturer vilket lätt leder till kulturkrockar. Exempelvis har lärarna och bibliotekarierna en gemensam idealbild av samarbete. Analysen visar dock att bibliotekarierna sällan når upp till denna idealbild vilket däremot lärarna oftare gör. Tolkningen av empirin visar även att det kan vara svårt för skolbibliotekarierna att utifrån sin ställning som yrkesminoritet på skolan delta i samarbeten på lika villkor som lärarna. De organisatoriska förutsättningarna för samarbete mellan de två yrkesgrupperna skiljer sig åt, exempelvis har lärarna avsatt arbetstid för olika typer av samarbete medan skolbibliotekarierna saknar detta.

På vilket sätt framställs skolbiblioteket? : En studie av två fackliga tidskrifter med fokus på skolbibliotekets innehåll och funktion / In what way is the School Library presented? : Focusing on the content and function of school libraries in two union magazine journals.

Agelii, Anni January 2018 (has links)
School libraries have been included in the School Law since July 2011. However despite the law there are no clear descriptions of what a school library must contain or how it should be used as a learning resource in schools. Significant factors for the successful pedagogical function of a school library, is cooperation between the school librarian and the teaching staff. Support from the school management and local administrative documents that define the school library’s role are also important for establishing a solid school library. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine in what way school libraries are presented in two union magazine journals for school professionals, by using discourse analysis as a theoretical foundation and as a method. Six main types of discourses appeared which relates to the content and function of school libraries. According to the fundamental principles of discourse analysis the texts from the magazines are to be considered as a social construction of reality rather than a genuine description of the school libraries. Furthermore, this essay contains an interpretation of the language found in the texts selected from the magazines. Several of the six discourse types confer with the image of school libraries as found within the Library and Information Science research field. Surprisingly, there is very little to be found with regard to the school library and its role in the digitizing of schools. Similarly there are very few concrete examples illustrating how the school library and the school librarian work in practice.

Skolbiblioteken är inte en ensam enhet : - vad som finns på skolbiblioteket och vem som ska bestämma det / School libraries is not a solitary unit : - what is in school libraries and who decides it

Rydin, Elin, Åkesson, Cassandra January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to see how the Swedish school libraries are affected by influence from other parties, such as teachers, principles and guardians. The research is based on surveys that were sent to school librarians who cater to students in the span of preschool to ninth grade in Swedish schools. Where they answerd questions surrounding removal or relocation of materials, collection development, purchase of materials and the librarians own view on their collection. The theory that will be used to analyze these questions is David Loertschers Taxonomies of the School Library Media Program. In this study referred to as Loertschers Taxonomies. That describes several levels of the school library operatives and the librarian. The results show that the librarians have the responsibility for what materials are in the library, they choose what will be purchased and added to the library collections. It also shows the librarians believe they have a diverse collection that is procured and designed for the students and other staff in the school, according to the librarians.

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