Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gymnasiebehörighet"" "subject:"högskolebibliotek""
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Söka, sovra, läsa, lära : om ett gymnasiebibliotek som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel / Search, sift, read, learn : about an upper secondary school library as a pedagogical resourceMarklund, Karin January 1997 (has links)
This is a thesis about an upper secondary school library and its role as a pedagogkal resource. My purpose has been to find out about the views and experiences of the staff at the school library and twelve teachers at the upper secondary school conceming the school library as a pedagogical resource. Fourteen qualitative interviews have been accomplished, twelve with teachers and the rest with the staff of the school library. All the interviewees seem to think that their school library has an important function as a pedagogical resource and both the librarian and the teachers have given me some examples of occasions when the library has been used as a pedagogkal resource. This school library is mostly used as a complement to other pedagogical resources but for some longer projects with an investigative character it could sometimes be used as the main source according to the answers in these fourteen interviews.
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Åtta gymnasiebibliotekariers syn på MIK / Eight school librarians view of MILDahlqvist, Felicia, Fredriksson, Malin Christina January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to achieve deeper knowledge of what experiences and perceptions school librarians who work in high school libraries have of media and information literacy (MIL). School librarians have always struggled to assert themselves and their skills among the teachers. When MIL was launched it was very well recieved by teachers and school librarians. Will the collaboration between teachers and school librarians improve due to MIL? The empirical material has been collected through semistructured interviews with eight school librarians who work with high school students. They gave their opinions about what is included in the concept of MIL and how it differs from the former concept; information literacy (IL) and how MIL work as a phenomenon. Furthermore, the informants answered questions about how they used MIL in their everyday teaching. The theoretical framework used to analyze the results from the interviews is called ”Diffusion of Innovations” by Everett M. Rogers. Rogers’ theory shows how fast an innovation is established due to different factors. It seems like the new concept of MIL should be accepted rather rapidly since the innovation met most of the beneficial criterias. Our major finding shows no particular change in the way librarians work with the new concept of MIL in comparison to the former concept. Since this innovation has not yet reached the confirmation step of Rogers’ innovation-decision process, it cannot be considered as fully executed.
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”Det ska inte vara dött och tråkigt på ett skolbibliotek. Det känns gammalt…” / “A school library should not be boring. It feels old…”Magnusson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
The present study deals with the usage of the school library for upper secondary school students. Is it a place for working or studying? The questions are:•What do the students say they use their school library for?•Are there any differences between students in theoretical programs and students in practical programs with regard to their use of the school library?•What are the features of the ideal library from a students’ point of view? My study represents a user’s perspective. The investigation is both quantitative and qualitative. Eighty-two inquiries from four different classes, representing two theoretical and two practical programs were carried out. For the qualitative investigations four informants were selected, one from each class. Andersson and Skot-Hansen’s model for a public library has been used for the purpose of examining if the school library has the same complex employment as a public library. Gidden’s structuring theories were applied when observations of how resources, rules, time and the room affect students’ use of their school library. The result shows that the school library has a complex role but varies for various students. The social role is very important. We can see that the majority of the pupils said that the library is the best meeting place at school. Questions at issue then would be whether the school library should be silent or not. The cultural role may be represented by “book talks”, author visits, exhibitions and above all reading of fiction. Swotting and finding facts for school works will be the knowledge role. We can even find the informative role through seeking of information on the computers. There were differences between the use by students from the different programs. The theoretical classes used the school library more than the practical ones and the computers are used mostly for school works by the practical classes but most for leisure-time activities by the theoretic classes. The school library is both a place of work and a meeting place.
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Två göteborgska skolbiblioteks historia, Hvitfeldtska och Burgården. En studie i Göteborgs skolbiblitoekshistoria och i litterära elevaktiviteter. / The history of two school libraries i Gothenburg, Hvitfeldtska and Burgården. A study of the history of Gothenburg school libraries and of literary activities among the pupils.Oxelqvist, Gunnar January 1995 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar göteborgsk bibliotekshistoria 1647- 1965. Som exempel har valtsHvitfeldtska och Burgården. Sambandet mellan pedagogisk utveckling och skolbibliotekenbeaktas. Inom bibliotekens verksamhet har studerats fakta gällande bokbestånd,utlåning, ekonomi, inköp, donationer, bibliotekariernas ställning m m.Hvitfeldtska inrättades 1647 och medverkade till försvenskningen av nya landområden.Skolans betydande bokraritetssamling stammar från samma tid. Under 1700-taletblir biblioteket även offentligt (det första i Göteborg). 1670 kunde man rymma Hvitfeldtskabiblioteket i 8 bokhyllor. Under 1800-talet växte boksamlingen från 2.300 volymertill 18.758 volymer. Lasåret 1963-64 fanns över 35.000 volymer.Utlåningen var troligen relativt begränsad under 1600- och 1700-talen, ökade under1 800-talet, och växte betydligt under 1900-talet. Ett särskilt lärjungebibliotek tillkom1896.Skillnaden mellan Hvitfeldtska och det 1925 inrättade Burgården (nära 10.000 volymer)uppmärksammas. Mot det lärdomstyngda Hvitfeldtska stod Burgårdens mer elevanpassademed mer ungdomslitteratur, generösare öppethållande m m. På båda skolornafanns föreningar och tidningar som tillvaratog elevernas litterära intressen.
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Gymnasiebiblioteket - i och för undervisningen : En intervjuundersökning med lärare i naturkunskap och samhällskunskap / The upper secondaty school library - in and for the teaching : an interview study with teachers in natural and social scienceWilson, Veronica January 1997 (has links)
This thesis is about how teachers in natural and social science integrate the upper secondary school library in their teaching and how they use it for their teaching. Literature in connection with the study is described. Qualitative interviews have been done with four teachers from each subject and with an upper secondary school librarian. The study has shown that there are differences between the teachers in social and natural science. One group, consisting of mainly teachers in social science, survey the library collection.They give the pupils suggestions of useful material and sometimes they take out material for the pupils, with help from the librarian. The other group, teachers in natural science, uses library tools, cooperates and discusses with the librarian how the pupils should work when they use the library. These teachers see to it that their pupils get library skill instruction.
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Användarundervisning på gymnasiebibliotek : Sju gymnasiebibliotekariers pedagogiska undervisningsmetoder / User education at high school libraries : Education methods of seven high school librariansPettersson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
This Master’s thesis investigates user education at high school libraries. The aim of this study is to examine user education and the educational approach that librarian’s experience in their teaching. The method used for the study is qualitative interviews with seven high school librarians. The librarians in the interviews were all educated after the Swedish University reform in 1993. The interviews are analysed and presented by using Carol Kuhlthau’s and Olof Sundin’s theories about the pedagogical educational approach often used by librarians. Five of the librarians focused on a Source approach and on a Pathfinder approach. Two of the librarians focused on the students’ information process and discussed different sources with the students. Just one of the librarians wants to change the education approach. A surprising result as several of the librarians weren’t pleased with the students’ information qualifications. The examined librarians experienced the educational approach in a similar way, only two of the interviewed librarians experienced it in a different way. The reason for the result may be that the time the librarians have at their hands is limited. The librarians also get influences from more experienced colleagues and their educational approach. Another reason can be that teacher and student have prejudices about what a librarian can and should do and that their opinions affect the librarians and their educational approach. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Kontexten som tillgång, begränsning och möjlighet : En studie av gymnasiebibliotekariers användarundervisning ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv / User education and its context : A study of the relationship between sociocultural factors and the user education at high school librariesAllén, Therese January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between user education at high schools and the context in which it takes place. In order to accomplish this qualitative interviews have been executed with librarians at five Swedish high schools. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on the sociocultural perspective and four approaches to user education developed by Olof Sundin. Based on the empirical material six themes have been identified. Each one represents a contextual factor which influences the user education. These are the teachers, the audience, the access to information technology needed in the education, the amount of lesson time, the librarian’s thoughts concerning the planning of the lessons and the room in which the lesson takes place. The themes mainly influence the contents of the education, how often it takes place and where it takes place. The study implies that the teachers are very important, because they have the ability to decide whether or not the user education is to happen. Likewise, their influence on the contents of the education can be rather large. Except for this they also know their classes, which is important when planning the education. A lack of information about the class may cause the librarian to plan the education according to assumptions of their knowledge in the area based on previous experiences of other classes. Thus the teachers can be said to have a key position for the user education today, and for its future.
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Framtidshopp : En studie av hbtqi-arbete i gymnasiebibliotekOlsson, Hanna, Vikström, Angelica January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka hbtqi-arbete på gymnasiebibliotek, och hur faktorer som normer, fysisk yta och samarbeten med skolverksamheten kan påverkadetta arbete. För att uppnå vårt syfte har vi genomfört intervjuer av bibliotekspersonal, medfokus på bibliotekspersonalens egna upplevelser av och reflektioner över sitt arbete medhbtqi. Vi ställer frågorna hur bibliotekspersonalen arbetar normbrytande vidgymnasiebiblioteken, hur de arbetar med synliggörandet av hbtqi-medier, och hur deupplever samverkansarbetet med skolornas lärare gällande hbtqi. Resultaten visar att rådandenormer skiljer sig åt mellan olika skolor, vilket påverkar hbtqi-arbete i gymnasiebiblioteken. Dessa normer, samt fysisk yta, påverkar synliggörandet av hbtqi-medier och leder i sin tur tillatt även synliggörandet ser olika ut mellan de undersökta gymnasiebiblioteken. Presentationen av hbtqi-medier diskuteras utifrån begreppen inkludering och exkludering. Studien belyser även utmaningar med samverkansarbetet mellan yrkesgruppernabibliotekspersonal och lärare.
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Kulturförmedlare eller pedagog? : Yrkesroller och yrkesidentiteter på integrerade folk- och gymnasiebibliotek / Cultural intermediary or teacher? : Professional roles and identities in combined school and public librariesMalm, Sara January 2010 (has links)
In these days we can witness a growing number of combined school and public libraries in Sweden. It can be explained as an economy measure or as an attempt to develop the library work. The aim of this thesis is to picture how working in combined libraries affects high school librarians’ own apprehensions of their professional identity. The results are based on in-depth interviews made with four high school librarians, working not only towards the students but also the public. By using a hermeneutic method, my attempt has been to construe the interviewee’s remarks and in that way analyse how the librarians themselves apprehend their professional roles and identities. The theories of the Danish library and information scientists Anders Ørom and Trine Schreiber have been used as analysis tools. A comprehensive summary of already existing studies in this field of interest is given, and is to be considered as a framework to which this thesis’ results are to be seen. The empiric data reveal several different opinions, and by using the theories of Ørom and Schreiber I have made the following conclusions. Two professional identities have been indicated; the teaching school librarian and the traditional cultural intermediary librarian. They both seem to include a strong feeling of service-mindedness. In addition, a third tendency to an indistinct and split identity can be perceived. Despite the lack of conformity that this third identity suggests, the interviewees give the expression that the two main identities cooperate and enrich one another.
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Fick gymnasiereform och skollagsändring 2011 några konsekvenser? : En undersökning av Gymnasiebibliotekets integrering i undervisningen. / Did high school reform and changes in school legislation 2011 have any consequences? : A survey of the integration of high school libraries in teachingBennison, Malin January 2013 (has links)
This essay investigates the integration of the school library into teaching in one of Sweden’s senior high schools and the effects of the new education act which gives school libraries a stronger standing. A second purpose is to investigate teachers’ views on professional responsibility with regard to the development of information literacy. Through an email survey different aspects of library integration are investigated. The integration level is assessed according to the library taxonomy for teachers by David V. Loertscher. The results show that teachers do not use the school library to any great extent and only a small percentage has developed their library use after the reform. Although some teachers have increased their use of the library they still see it mainly as a source of material and do not see the school librarian as a resource for the development of new teaching methods. The studies limitation was that the survey was only answered by 34 %. The conclusion is that in order to improve the school libraries’ standing and higher levels of integration in line with Loertscher’s taxonomy, stronger support is needed from school management, principals and politicians as well as clearly assigned responsibilities and awareness of the school library’s potential as a learning resource. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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