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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biblioteksidéer på import : En historisk analys av artiklar om utländsk biblioteksverksamhet publicerade i Biblioteksbladet 1916–1930

Ottosson, Katarina January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to examine how much and what was written in Sweden about foreign libraries and their design between 1916 and 1930. This is done by analysing articles published in the Swedish library journal Biblioteksbladet, using a combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Firstly, the results of the quantitative approach show that a total of 55 articles were published on the subject, within the selected period. They also show who wrote each article, and that they mostly reported on details of statistics, finances, interior design and the everyday practical work of Public, Central and Children’s libraries. Secondly, the findings from the qualitative approach, an interpretative reading of five of the 55 articles, reveal four recurring themes that illuminate the messages behind the factual details in the texts. These themes are, that the library should be for everyone; that Sweden, in some ways, had fallen behind in the development of libraries; that the details are shared to help build new and better libraries; and that libraries should adapt to suit its users. Finally, the combined results of these studies illustrate not only what the authors of the articles found to be the most interesting aspects of various foreign library systems, but also lend insight to the state of the Swedish library organisation and system of the time.

Två göteborgska skolbiblioteks historia, Hvitfeldtska och Burgården. En studie i Göteborgs skolbiblitoekshistoria och i litterära elevaktiviteter. / The history of two school libraries i Gothenburg, Hvitfeldtska and Burgården. A study of the history of Gothenburg school libraries and of literary activities among the pupils.

Oxelqvist, Gunnar January 1995 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar göteborgsk bibliotekshistoria 1647- 1965. Som exempel har valtsHvitfeldtska och Burgården. Sambandet mellan pedagogisk utveckling och skolbibliotekenbeaktas. Inom bibliotekens verksamhet har studerats fakta gällande bokbestånd,utlåning, ekonomi, inköp, donationer, bibliotekariernas ställning m m.Hvitfeldtska inrättades 1647 och medverkade till försvenskningen av nya landområden.Skolans betydande bokraritetssamling stammar från samma tid. Under 1700-taletblir biblioteket även offentligt (det första i Göteborg). 1670 kunde man rymma Hvitfeldtskabiblioteket i 8 bokhyllor. Under 1800-talet växte boksamlingen från 2.300 volymertill 18.758 volymer. Lasåret 1963-64 fanns över 35.000 volymer.Utlåningen var troligen relativt begränsad under 1600- och 1700-talen, ökade under1 800-talet, och växte betydligt under 1900-talet. Ett särskilt lärjungebibliotek tillkom1896.Skillnaden mellan Hvitfeldtska och det 1925 inrättade Burgården (nära 10.000 volymer)uppmärksammas. Mot det lärdomstyngda Hvitfeldtska stod Burgårdens mer elevanpassademed mer ungdomslitteratur, generösare öppethållande m m. På båda skolornafanns föreningar och tidningar som tillvaratog elevernas litterära intressen.

Om sjukhusbibliotek i Sverige under 1930-talet : en litteraturstudie av idéer om biblioteksverksamhet på sjukhus / On Hospital libraries in Sweden in the 1930´s : a literature study of ideas regarding library business in Hospitals

Furberg, Inger January 2012 (has links)
The study concerns the history and development of hospitallibraries in Sweden in the beginning of the 1900 century.Focus is on the 1930 decade, the time of major expansionof the area. The study is based on study of literature, mainlyfrom articles but also from a few booklets from the time.The purpose of the study is to find out how the librarieswere described in the literature of the time and which goalsand tasks they had. It is also to make it possible to increaseunderstanding of the history of hospital libraries, using it asan inspirational source for development of today´s businessin a time of major change. The result of the study showsthat those goals and ideas are still valid and serve well as aninspirational basis for development of today´s hospitallibraries. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Äldre boksamlingar på kommunala bibliotek - resurs eller belastning? = [Rare book collections at public libraries - asset or liability?] /

Brötegård, Mi Karlsson, Clas January 2004 (has links) (PDF)

Mot minnandet framträder framtiden : ett fokussamtal om dåtida, samtida och framtida bibliotek

Thorn, Josefin January 2016 (has links)
This focus group conversation on how some publiclibraries in the Gothenburg area have beendeveloped to meet the needs of future, over timefrom the 1960’s to the present planning of a newlibrary, shows that older common sense notions stillhave an considerable influence even in todaysplanning. The closer you get to the present andplanning for the future, more use of discursive toolslike theories and modeling are talked about ashelpful in clarifying communication and structuringhow and what to do. The study use a socioculturalstance on collective remembering by Wertsch and andialogical approach on focus groups by Markováand Linell.

Boken : Produkt eller konstnärligt verk?

Falk, Josefin January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Synen på och stödet till Göteborgs stadsbibliotek 1891-1961 / The view of and the support of the City and University Library of Gothenburg 1981-1961

Gustafson, Rebecka, Gustafson Björn, January 1996 (has links)
This master's thesis asks two main questions concerning the history of the City and UniversityLibrary of Gothenburg: what was the prevailing view of the library and its role? Whateconomic support did the library receive and from whom?By critically examining extensive source material mainly from the library archives and cityand state records, these conclusions are drawn: the City and University Library was regardedas a purely scientific library by all involved except the state as early as the 1920s. The state didnot express this view until 1946. The support came almost exclusively from the city ofGothenburg, the state not extending support on a larger scale until 1946 and then onlysporadically. The widely-held view of the library as a scientific one was ignored by the statein its repeated refusals to grant the library support both before and after 1946. ·

Tolfternas samkväm : folkbildning och bibliotek för arbetarkvinnor 1902-1907 / Tolfternas samkväm : popular education and library for working women 1902-1907

Håkansson Petré, Lisbeth January 2014 (has links)
Tolfterna was a popular education organization that existed between 1896 and1964 and that arranged social evenings and set up a library for working women. This thesis purpose is to investigate Tolfternas's activities in 1902-1907 and hereby place Tolfterna in the education- and library history. The thesis examines the library catalog and the protocols from the social evenings and analyses them by means of the popular education ideologies of the early 1900's: Patriarchal education, civic education, self-education and the domestic/housewife ideal.The analysis shows that the organizers of Tolfterna as well as the working women who visited the social evenings had political and social interests. This places Tolfterna in a civic education context.The social evenings contained a mix of politically orientated discussions, traditional lectures and entertainment as music and reading. The library had self-education orientation, it contained mostly fiction and was run by the working women. The non-fiction section contained mainly books about issues discussed at the social evenings such as women’s and worker’s rights, the peace question etc. Tolfternas activities can be described as a mix of civic education and self-education. The domestic/housewife ideal, which was common in popular education for women, is not represented. Tolfterna was a radical organization as they wanted to liberate and support the working women. Meanwhile Tolfterna was a part of patriarchal education since the organizers did not let the working women take active part in the planning of the activities or the development of the organization. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Filialsystemet på Kristianstads stadsbibliotek 1967-1977. Filialerna i Färlöv och på Gamlegården / The branch libraries of the public library of Kristianstad 1967-1977. The branch libraries of Färlöv and of Gamlegården

Svensson, Linda January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to describe the developing of the branch libraries of the public library of Kristianstad between the years of 1967 and 1977. The municipality of Kristianstad was grounded by a unification of the city of Kristianstad and ten small municipalities. The fusion takes place in three different stages during the years of 1967, 1971 and 1974. The first stage included the city of Kristianstad and the municipalities of Araslöv, Nosaby, Träne and Vä. The municipality of Araslöv got free small villages and village of Färlöv was the biggest one. The public library in municipality of Araslöv included one main library and three branch libraries. The main library was located in the village of Färlöv. When the municipality of Kristianstad was grounded in the 1967 the public libraries of the city of Kristianstad and of the teen small municipalities was unite. The public library of the city of Kristianstad became the main library and the library in the municipality became branch library. In the year of 1965 a new residential area was built in Näsby a district in the city of Kristianstad. Two years later a branch library was found in Gamlegården that became popular to the inhabitants in the residential area. Both the branch library of Färlöv and of Gamlegården got new halls in 1970`s and their activities were growing. In the year of 1972 the public library of Kristianstad got their first mobile library that could give better service to the thinly populated area in the big municipality. The librarians at the branch libraries was working part-time and that was not until in the end of 1970`s that a librarian with higher education was employed at the branch libraries. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Biblioteksutvecklingen i Kolbäck 1913-1954 / The Library development in Kolbäck during 1913-1954

Skoglöf, Roger January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to describe and analyse the development of the public and the study circle libraries in the district of Kolbäck during the period of 1913-1954. The factors important for the library development described in sub-questions are: financing, locality, staffing, stock of books, book-lending level and uniting district effects. I use a hermeneutic interpretation model of interaction between the parts and the wholes, between reasons and results. This research leans mainly upon material which is sent to be deposited in archives in Hallstahammar, Västerås and Grängesberg. The public library in Kolbäck was established in 1914 as a reconstruction of an older facility. The first study circle library was opened the year before. In the following years four branches and six study circle libraries were established. Those last mentioned belonged to Arbetarnas bildningsförbund (ABF), Godtemplarorden (IOGT), Nationaltemplarorden (NTO), Sveriges kristna bildningsförbund (SKB) later Sveriges kristna studieförbund (SKS) and Svenska landsbygdens studieförbund (SLS). In 1943 two branches were handed over to Hallstahammar due to changes in community boarders. After 1952 four branches were added from Rytterne and Säby, but there were also opened two new book lending stations. The economic conditions changed in the late forties that set in favour the public libraries. As a result many of study circle libraries were closed down and their book collections were handed over to the local public library. This was a development which was at the time encouraged by the Swedish state. Through the whole period there were only part-time librarians employed in Kolbäck.

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