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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A modulação dos efeitos das decisões e a mudança do entendimento jurisprudencial no Direito Tributário

Henrique, Márcio Alexandre Ioti 17 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcio Alexandre Ioti Henrique.pdf: 1384788 bytes, checksum: 84f35222d52b385a36a91e2f25a689db (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-17 / This paper is intended to analyze the doctrine of the prospective overruling os the Courts decisions, focused on the principle of the legal certainty. We understand that the Brazilian legal system only has protection mechanisms in cases that there is change of understanding at the administrative or legislative level. However, there is not a way to avoid the changes of understanding in the judiciary level, what may lead to a legal instability in the behavior of citizens. That is because citizens base their behavior according to the positions of the pacified jurisprudence. But, if such positions change abruptly, there is no instrument to facilitate the people have their rights preserved, since the new decision, as a rule, has retroactive effect. In this scenario, we believe that the modulation of the effects of decisions might be used for such cases, so that there is the prospect of the effects of the judgment for all acts performed by citizens, especially in the taxation, preserving, the legal certainty which shall be given by the Government / Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar o instituto da modulação dos efeitos das decisões dos Tribunais, voltando a atenção para a segurança jurídica dos cidadãos. Entendemos que o sistema jurídico brasileiro possui somente mecanismos de proteção nas hipóteses em que existe alteração de entendimento na esfera administrativa ou na esfera legislativa. No entanto, não há, atualmente, uma forma de se precaver das alterações de entendimentos do Poder Judiciário, o que pode acarretar uma situação de piora do estado dos jurisdicionados. Isto porque, os cidadãos pautam suas condutas de acordo com os posicionamentos pacificados na jurisprudência. Contudo, se tais posicionamentos são alterados de forma abrupta, a princípio não existe qualquer instrumento que possibilite que os jurisdicionados tenham seus direitos preservados, já que a nova decisão, em regra, possui efeitos retroativos. Neste cenário, entendemos que a modulação dos efeitos das decisões deve ser utilizada justamente nestas hipóteses, fazendo com que haja a prospecção dos efeitos do julgamento, para que todos os atos praticados pelos cidadãos, principalmente na esfera tributária, sejam preservados, garantindo-se, assim, a segurança jurídica que deve ser conferida pelo Poder Público

A irretroatividade das alterações jurisprudenciais no âmbito tributário

Silva, Daniel Souza Santiago da 20 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniel Souza Santiago da Silva.pdf: 500769 bytes, checksum: 7be9813b59caf058755a0812fb15efde (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-20 / The aim of the present dissertation is the study of the non-retroactivity of modifications of precedents set in the tax sphere, whose relevance is highlighted in view of the recent constitutional reforms as well as procedural legislation, which award great importance to precedents, generalizing the effects of decisions uttered in individual lawsuits. The work was divided in four chapters. In the first one, there is an analysis of the function of Law, the language through which it is expressed and the way to create the legal norm, which is differentiated from legal texts, concluding that the Judiciary Branch does not perform a mere operation of syllogism and deduction, but a true creation of sense and reach of prescriptive statements, concretizing rules from generalizing concepts applied by legislators. In the second chapter, there is a study of the issue of setting the precedent, determining criteria for the characterization of consolidated precedents, which, in spite of being able to orient the conducts in a generalized manner, will always be subject to modifications, as a way to preserve modernization, adequacy and improvement of the legal system. Subsequently, in the third chapter, there is a verification of categorization of the non-retroactivity as a rule to be applied in order to preserve the principle of legal certainty, of mandatory compliance in cases of characterization of a material alteration of law, that is, when there is a modification of the sense it was applied, even if there is no alteration of the legal text. Finally, the fourth chapter is intended to the analysis of situations of applied tax law and the necessary modulation of the effects of decisions that imply modification of the normative judicial expectations / A presente dissertação tem por objeto o estudo da irretroatividade das modificações da jurisprudência consolidada no âmbito tributário, cuja relevância evidencia-se diante das recentes reformas constitucionais e da legislação processual, que dispensam grande importância aos precedentes, generalizando os efeitos de decisões proferidas em processos individuais. O trabalho foi dividido em quatro capítulos. No primeiro, analisamos a função do direito, a linguagem pela qual se manifesta e a forma de construção da norma jurídica, que se distingue do texto legal, concluindo que o Poder Judiciário não realiza mera operação de silogismo e dedução, mas verdadeira atividade de criação do sentido e do alcance dos enunciados prescritivos, concretizando as normas a partir dos conceitos generalizantes empregados pelo legislador. No segundo capítulo, estudamos a questão da cristalização do precedente, fixando critérios para a caracterização da jurisprudência consolidada, que, a despeito de ser capaz de orientar as condutas de forma generalizada, poderá ser sempre modificada, como forma de preservação da atualização, adequação e aperfeiçoamento do ordenamento jurídico. Na sequência, já no terceiro capítulo, verificamos o enquadramento da irretroatividade como uma norma a ser aplicada para preservação do princípio da segurança jurídica, de observância obrigatória nos casos em que restar caracterizada uma alteração material da lei, ou seja, quando houver modificação do sentido em que era aplicada, ainda que não haja alteração do texto legal. Por fim, o quarto capítulo se destina à análise de situações de direito tributário aplicado e da necessária modulação dos efeitos das decisões que impliquem modificação das expectativas normativas judiciais

Les conflits de lois dans le temps en droit de la propriété intellectuelle / Conflicts of legal provisions in the intellectual property

Meuris, Florence 13 October 2011 (has links)
Le droit transitoire est une discipline dont la vocation est universelle. Cet ensemble de règles a pour finalité de permettre la découverte de la loi applicable à un fait ou un acte donné. Tout comportement a une traduction juridique, même neutre, selon une norme unique. À ce titre, peu importe le domaine du Droit concerné. De nombreuses règles, forgées par la doctrine et la jurisprudence à partir de l’article 2 du Code civil, permettent à l’interprète de la loi nouvelle de décliner le principe de non rétroactivité selon les spécificités d’une espèce. Par exception, le législateur peut proposer lui-même des dispositions transitoires, qui s’avèrent pour la plupart, en droit de la propriété intellectuelle, conformes au principe de sécurité juridique. D’une manière générale, l’opération de qualification nécessaire porte sur l’acte ou le fait étudié ou bien sur la norme nouvelle elle-même. L’étude menée a pour objet la transposition de cette opération de qualification au sein du domaine précis de la propriété intellectuelle. Dans cette optique, les notions de « droit acquis » et de « situation juridique » sont confrontées aux spécificités de la discipline, dont la filiation apparente avec le droit des biens est parfois source d’erreurs. En plus de ces qualifications qui se rapportent aux éléments saillants d’une espèce donnée, sont également recherchées en droit de la propriété intellectuelle les illustrations des qualifications classiques de « loi interprétative », de « loi pénale plus douce », de « loi d’ordre public » et de « loi de procédure ». Leur signification transitoire est appréciée au regard de l’exigence de sécurité juridique, fil conducteur de toute discussion relative à la résolution d’un conflit de lois dans le temps. Au cours de cette étude, les systèmes de protection très disparates qu’offre le droit de la propriété intellectuelle à tout créateur ou « découvreur », apparaissent comme autant de facteurs d’une diversité jurisprudentielle gênante. À l’inverse, le mécanisme de réservation d’une chose intellectuelle semble constituer un dénominateur commun intéressant. Celui-ci trouve une traduction efficace avec la notion de « situation juridique » écrite de cette manière : « titularité d’un droit de propriété intellectuelle ». Par suite, l’indépendance de la matière se confirme et ses disparités internes sont gommées. Seulement, si l’exigence de sécurité juridique commande de retenir la notion de « situation juridique », il convient, au contraire, de se méfier de la notion de « droit acquis ». De plus, il est constaté que l’utilisation de la notion de «loi d’ordre public » n’est pas conforme à l’exigence de sécurité juridique, quand le maniement de la qualification de « loi de procédure » se révèle souvent délicate. Enfin, la notion de « loi interprétative » semble implicitement justifier de nombreux choix jurisprudentiels, orientés par l’absence de nouveauté manifeste de la norme nouvelle. Il convient alors de proposer la qualification de « loi de codification ». / A lawyer can settle conflicts of legal provisions through the application of several rules. They can be used like universal tools, in every juridical domain. The aim of the operation consist in determining the law which has to be applied. Each behavior can be translated in juridical terms. In this way, only one set of laws has to be taken into account. The lawyer can use the principles created by doctrine and precedents in order to solve conflicts of legal provisions. The article 2 of the Civil Code is the foundation of them. In the intellectual property domain, the legislator can intervene and suggest transitory provisions. The judge is not allowed to enforce the law retroactively, no matter the facts or the acts under consideration. The purpose of this investigation lies in the adaption of these rules for intellectual property issues. Therefore, “vested interests” and “legal status” concepts are confronted with specificities of intellectual property as such a corpus o findependent rules. In a certain extent, there is a link between this discipline and the law of property. When the lawyer has to choose the law to apply, there are disturbing parallels to be made. He may easily make a mistake. Furthermore, the concepts of “declaratory act”, “softer penal act”, “public order law”, and “proceedings act” can be used to resolve special problems in the intellectual property domain. When a conflict of legal provisions is under discussion, the judge has to ensure a certain security of the procedure. The judge must always be able to justify precisely his choice. It’s a significant guarantee for any persons subject to trial. It has been widely recognized that intellectual property offers a large selection of rights. As a result, the judge is tempted to follow several different lines of thought and case law on the subject is not always uniform. On the contrary, legal precedents could be unified if the judge has used the “legal status” concept. It should be written in an efficient way : “to be entitled to exercise an intellectual property right”. The independence of the discipline is confirmed and its internal disparities disappear. The “vested interests” concept does not seem to be appropriate to the characteristics of intellectual property. Moreover, the concept of “public order law” doesn’t square properly with intellectual property issues. The concept of “proceedings act” is delicate to use. Lastly, it appears that the concept of “declarative law” is implicitly used by judges to prove the retroactivity of the law. Finally, the concept of “codification act” should be applied to this situation.

O direito adquirido processual e as leis 9.756/98 e 11.672/08 : recursos especiais retidos e repetitivos

Marcos Aurelio Nascimento Netto 00 December 2009 (has links)
As alterações legislativas concernentes aos recursos interponíveis não podem alcançar o direito processual adquirido do litigante que já tem contra si um pronunciamento judicial impugnável. Ainda que a parte não tenha manejado o recurso cabível, poderá fazê-lo de acordo com as regras anteriormente vigentes, porquanto se incorporaram ao seu patrimônio jurídico. A aplicação imediata da lei processual não alcança as situações consolidadas nos feitos pendentes, mercê do princípio da irretroatividade das leis. Quanto ao recurso especial, a lei que criou o regime de retenção bem assim a que alterou o seu procedimento (para recursos repetitivos) não podem alcançar as impugnações às decisões judiciais já publicadas / Legislative alterations concerning lodgeable appeals cannot affect the vested procedural right of a litigant who already has an impugnable legal proclamation against him. Although the plaintiff have not executed the appropriate [legal] appeal, it can be undertaken in accordance with the rules previously in vigour, since these rules are already incorporated into the plaintiffs legal right(s). The immediate application of the procedural law does not infringe on consolidated cases in pending suits owing to the irretroactivity principle of laws. Regarding Special Appeals, the law which created a regime to withhold appeals, in addition to the law which altered its procedure (for repetitive appeals), cannot affect the impugnations of previously published legal decisions

Os direitos adquiridos na constituição federal de 1988 / Vested rights in the constitution of 1988

Ana Cláudia do Rego Consani 27 May 2009 (has links)
Num país de férteis mudanças e alterações constitucionais como o Brasil, o tema direitos adquiridos desperta especial interesse da doutrina e da jurisprudência. A presente dissertação procura apresentar os contornos e limites de tais direitos subjetivos, abordando o tratamento que lhes foi conferido pela Constituição Federal de 1988, através do estudo de sua cláusula constitucional de proteção frente às novações normativas (art. 5°, inc. XXXVI), com amparo no exame das principais categorias de Direito Intertemporal. No tocante à proteção constitucional dos direitos adquiridos e seu alcance, analisa-se detalhadamente a cláusula de garantia, com o exame de suas principais controvérsias à luz da doutrina e jurisprudência pátrias. Buscou-se fixar e entender a extensão da proteção dos direitos adquiridos na Constituição Federal de 1988, verificando-se os impactos da opção do legislador constituinte originário em petrificar essa garantia na Lei Maior, bem como a possibilidade de sua oposição face às manifestações do Poder Constituinte. Para tanto, são recordados os conceitos e características de cada uma das espécies de Poder Constituinte, com a apresentação das principais orientações doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais sobre o assunto. / In a country of fertile constitutional changes and modifications such as Brazil, the issue of vested rights arouses special interest of the doctrine of jurisprudence. This essay intends to present the contours and limits of such subjective rights, addressing the treatment given to them by the Federal Constitution of 1988, through the study of its constitutional clause of protection in relation to legislative innovations, with support in the examination of the main categories of intertemporal law. Regarding the protection of constitutional rights and their scope, it examines in detail the guarantee clause, with the examination of its major controversies in the light of national doctrine and jurisprudence. It intends to fix and understand the extension of the protection of vested rights in the Constitution of 1988, analyzing the impacts of the choice made by the constituent legislature in petrifying this guarantee in the Constitution, as well as the possibility of its opposition to the manifestations of Constituent Power. In this matter, the concepts and characteristics of each species of Constituent Power are recalled, with the presentation of the major doctrinal and jurisprudential guidelines on the subject.

Os direitos adquiridos na constituição federal de 1988 / Vested rights in the constitution of 1988

Consani, Ana Cláudia do Rego 27 May 2009 (has links)
Num país de férteis mudanças e alterações constitucionais como o Brasil, o tema direitos adquiridos desperta especial interesse da doutrina e da jurisprudência. A presente dissertação procura apresentar os contornos e limites de tais direitos subjetivos, abordando o tratamento que lhes foi conferido pela Constituição Federal de 1988, através do estudo de sua cláusula constitucional de proteção frente às novações normativas (art. 5°, inc. XXXVI), com amparo no exame das principais categorias de Direito Intertemporal. No tocante à proteção constitucional dos direitos adquiridos e seu alcance, analisa-se detalhadamente a cláusula de garantia, com o exame de suas principais controvérsias à luz da doutrina e jurisprudência pátrias. Buscou-se fixar e entender a extensão da proteção dos direitos adquiridos na Constituição Federal de 1988, verificando-se os impactos da opção do legislador constituinte originário em petrificar essa garantia na Lei Maior, bem como a possibilidade de sua oposição face às manifestações do Poder Constituinte. Para tanto, são recordados os conceitos e características de cada uma das espécies de Poder Constituinte, com a apresentação das principais orientações doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais sobre o assunto. / In a country of fertile constitutional changes and modifications such as Brazil, the issue of vested rights arouses special interest of the doctrine of jurisprudence. This essay intends to present the contours and limits of such subjective rights, addressing the treatment given to them by the Federal Constitution of 1988, through the study of its constitutional clause of protection in relation to legislative innovations, with support in the examination of the main categories of intertemporal law. Regarding the protection of constitutional rights and their scope, it examines in detail the guarantee clause, with the examination of its major controversies in the light of national doctrine and jurisprudence. It intends to fix and understand the extension of the protection of vested rights in the Constitution of 1988, analyzing the impacts of the choice made by the constituent legislature in petrifying this guarantee in the Constitution, as well as the possibility of its opposition to the manifestations of Constituent Power. In this matter, the concepts and characteristics of each species of Constituent Power are recalled, with the presentation of the major doctrinal and jurisprudential guidelines on the subject.

Rétroactivité dans la transduction du signal : étude comparative des réponses en aval et en amont dans les cascades de signalisation / Retroactivity in signal transduction : a comparative study of forward and backward responses in signaling cascades

Catozzi, Simona 15 December 2016 (has links)
Les cellules communiquent avec leur environnement par l’intermédiaire d’un réseau de transduction du signal, leur permettant d’interpréter des signaux physico-chimiques et de produire des réponses appropriées. Ce mécanisme est orchestré par des cascades de signalisation, qui jouent le rôle d’émetteurs intracellulaires en transférant des stimuli biochimiques entre la membrane et le noyau. Il a été montré qu’une perturbation peut se propager en amont (et pas seulement en aval) d’une cascade par un phénomène appelé rétroactivité. Notre étude vise à comparer les conditions biochimiques qui favorisent un et/ou l’autre sens de signalisation dans des cascades linéaires. Au moyen d’approches analytiques et numériques, nous avons caractérisé les différents régimes de signalisation résultants, que nous avons résumés avec une représentation graphique compacte. Nous avons également développé le concept de profil d’activation d’une voie de signalisation qui est, pour un stimulus donné, la séquence des protéines activées à chaque niveau de la cascade à l’état stationnaire. Ces séquences correspondent à des morceaux d’orbites d’un système dynamique discret bidimensionnel. A partir de l’étude des portraits de phase, en fonction des paramètres biochimiques, nous avons étudié les propriétés de contraction/expansion autour des points fixes et de leurs bifurcations. Nous avons classifié les niveaux de cascade en trois types et examiné leur impact biologique au sein d’un réseau de signalisation. Cette méthode a également fourni une vision globale de l’interaction entre la signalisation en avant et rétroactive, et de l’amplification du signal le long du profil d’activation de la cascade / Living cells communicate with their external environment, by means of a signal transduction network, which allows them to interpret physico-chemical signals and produce appropriate responses. This complex machinery is orchestrated by signaling cascades, which play the role of intracellular transmitters, by transferring biochemical stimuli between cellular membrane and nucleus. It has been shown that a perturbation can propagate upstream (and not only downstream) a cascade, through a phenomenon called retroactivity. Our investigation aims to compare the biochemical conditions promoting one and/or the other direction of signaling in linear cascades. By means of analytical and numerical approaches, we have answered to this question, by characterizing the arising different signaling regimes, and we have designed a compact graphical representation to relay the gist of such conditions. We have also developed the concept of pathway activation profile which is, for a given stimulus, the sequence of activated proteins at each tier of the cascade, at steady state. Such sequences correspond to pieces of orbits of a two-dimensional discrete dynamical system. From the study of the possible phase portraits, as a function of the biochemical parameters, we focused on the contraction/expansion properties around the fixed points of this discrete map, and their bifurcations. We have deduced a classification of the cascade tiers into three main types, whose biological impact within a signaling network has been examined. This method also provided global insights about the interplay between forward and retroactive signaling, and how signal is amplified along the cascade activation profile

Computational assessing model based on performance and dynamic assignment of curriculum contents

Mínguez Aroca, Francisco Dimas 14 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] The Bologna process encourages the transition of higher education from knowledge possession to understanding performances and from a teaching-centered to a student centered approach via learning outcomes. A student-centered evaluation means that students analyze actively their own learning with concrete criteria on development levels, in an environment where they obtain immediate, frequently and formative feedback. The rationale of this dissertation consists in introducing the execution of disparate sets of activities into the assessment process in order to enrich the whole procedure keeping it close to the learning process. Continuous assessment seems to be the most accurate mean of executing the assessment process taking into account that competencies are achieved by executing activities. The evaluation process is implemented throughout a discreet number of measurement points called "moments of evaluation" which consist in a set of activities necessary for the development of the process. And based on the existing partial order relationship among specific curricular domains we could draw a directed graph with several chains of topics representing a natural way of progress in order to reach the profile competences. We propose a new procedure in continuous assessment by introducing an active/retroactive model, based on the aforementioned chain(s) of topics, which aims to identify those competences that have and those that have not been adequately achieved. With this in mind we suggest introducing a retroactive impact on the outcome assessment of the concerned competencies evaluated in the corresponding chain(s) of topics. These retroactive impacts might be amplified by the introduction of a grade impact amplifier as continuous assessment procedure based on the greater experience and knowledge of the students as the course advances. In general, any subject is composed by different topics and each topic is developed through the execution, with different relevance, of a number of activities. Relationships between activities, topics and competences can be distributed in a 3D matrix array which we will call ATC cuboid. ATC cuboid uses a binary assessment as a check of an activity in each of the core competencies. In this way, we have a matrix structure of the performance of the student over a course, which is the basis to design individualized curricular strategies with the goal of achieving the required level of development of each competence. We will develop the aforementioned ATC cuboids on a sample of students and a comparison between this method and a more traditional method used with Aerospace Engineering students in the Design Engineering School ETSID at Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain). / [ES] El proceso de Bolonia anima la transición de la educación superior desde un modelo basado en la adquisición del conocimiento a un modelo que prima la comprensión del desempeño y desde un modelo centrado en la enseñanza a un modelo centrado en el estudiante a través de los resultados del aprendizaje. Una evaluación centrada en el alumnado significa que el estudiante analiza activamente su propio aprendizaje con criterios concretos sobre niveles de desarrollo en un entorno donde obtiene feedback de forma inmediata, frecuente y formativa. El fundamento de esta tesis consiste en la introducción de conjuntos muy diversos de actividades en el proceso de evaluación con el objetivo de enriquecerlo globalmente y acercarlo al proceso de aprendizaje. La evaluación continua se perfila como uno de los medios más precisos de ejecutar el proceso de evaluación teniendo en cuenta que las competencias pueden adquirirse mediante la realización de actividades. El proceso de evaluación se implementa en una sucesión discreta de puntos de medida que denominamos "momentos de evaluación" y que consisten en un conjunto de actividades que son necesarias para el desarrollo del proceso. Y basándonos en la existencia de una relación de orden parcial entre los distintos contenidos de un dominio curricular, podemos trazar un grafo dirigido con varias cadenas de tópicos que representan, de una forma natural, la progresión del alumnado para alcanzar el perfil de competencias objetivo. Proponemos un nuevo procedimiento de evaluación continua introduciendo un modelo activo/retroactivo, basado en las cadenas de tópicos antes citadas, que favorece la identificación de aquellas competencias que se han y que no se han alcanzado de una forma adecuada. Con esta idea presente, sugerimos la introducción de un impacto retroactivo sobre los conocimientos base de estas competencias ya evaluados en la(s) correspondiente(s) cadena(s) de tópicos diseñadas. Es más, este impacto retroactivo podría ser más relevante mediante la introducción de un amplificador de impacto calificador como un procedimiento de evaluación continua fundamentado en la mayor experiencia y conocimiento acumulado del alumno conforme avanza el desarrollo del curso. En general, cualquier asignatura se compone de distintos tópicos y cada tópico se desarrolla mediante la ejecución, con distinta relevancia, de una serie de actividades. Estas relaciones pueden ser representadas mediante matrices de tres dimensiones a las que hemos llamado cuboides ATC, los cuales se implementan mediante el uso de una evaluación binaria que verifica en las actividades cada una de las competencias básicas y las califica con un indicador verdadero/falso obteniendo una estructura matricial del rendimiento del alumnado en el curso, lo que nos permitirá diseñar estrategias curriculares. Desarrollaremos los mencionados cuboides ATC para una muestra de estudiantes y los compararemos con los resultados obtenidos con un método más tradicional utilizado en el grado de Ingeniería Aeroespacial en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño, ETSID, en la Universitat Politècnica de València. / [CA] El procés de Bolònia anima la transició de l'educació superior des d'un model basat en l'adquisició del coneixement a un model que prima la comprensió de l'acompliment i des d'un model centrat en l'ensenyament a un model centrat en l'estudiant a través dels resultats de l'aprenentatge. Una avaluació centrada en l'alumne significa que l'estudiant analitza activament el seu propi aprenentatge amb criteris concrets sobre nivells de desenvolupament en un entorn on obté feedback de forma immediata, freqüent i formativa. El fonament d'aquesta tesi consisteix en la introducció de conjunts molt diversos d'activitats en el procés d'avaluació amb l'objectiu d'enriquir-lo globalment i apropar-lo al procés d'aprenentatge. L'avaluació contínua es perfila com un dels mitjans més precisos d'executar el procés d'avaluació tenint en compte que les competències es poden adquirir mitjançant la realització d'activitats. El procés d'avaluació s'implementa en una successió discreta de punts de mesura que denominem "moments d'avaluació" i que consisteixen en un conjunt d'activitats que són necessàries per al desenvolupament del procés. I basant-nos en l'existència d'una relació d'ordre parcial entre els diferents continguts d'un domini curricular, podem traçar un graf dirigit amb diverses cadenes de tòpics que representen, d'una forma natural, la progressió de l'alumne per assolir el perfil de competències objectiu. Proposem un nou procediment d'avaluació contínua introduint-hi un model actiu/retroactiu, basat en les cadenes de tòpics abans esmentades, que afavoreix la identificació d'aquelles competències que s'han assolit i també de les que no s'han assolit d'una manera adequada. Amb aquesta idea present, suggerim la introducció d'un impacte retroactiu sobre els coneixements base d'aquestes competències ja avaluats en la(les) corresponent(-s) cadena(-es) de tòpics dissenyades. I encara més, aquest impacte retroactiu podria ser més rellevant mitjançant la introducció d'un amplificador d'impacte qualificador com un procediment d'avaluació contínua fonamentat en la major experiència i coneixement acumulat de l'alumne a mesura que avança el desenvolupament del curs. En general, qualsevol assignatura es compon de diferents tòpics i cada tòpic es desenvolupa mitjançant l'execució, amb diferent rellevància, d'una sèrie d'activitats. Aquestes relacions entre activitats, tòpics i competències poden ser representades mitjançant matrius de tres dimensions a les que hem anomenat cuboides ATC. Els cuboides ATC s'implementen mitjançant l'ús d'una avaluació binària que verifica en les activitats cadascuna de les competències bàsiques i les qualifica amb un indicador veritable/fals. Així, obtenim una estructura matricial del rendiment de l'alumne en el curs, la qual cosa ens permetrà dissenyar estratègies curriculars individualitzades adaptades a les necessitats particulars de cada estudiant amb l'objectiu que assoleixin el nivell requerit en cadascuna de les competències. Desenvoluparem els esmentats cuboides ATC per a una mostra d'estudiants i els compararem amb els resultats obtinguts amb un mètode més tradicional utilitzat en el grau d'Enginyeria Aeroespacial a l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria del Disseny, ETSED, a la Universitat Politècnica de València. / Mínguez Aroca, FD. (2016). Computational assessing model based on performance and dynamic assignment of curriculum contents [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61781

Modulação dos efeitos da decisão em direito tributário e segurança jurídica

Kauffman, Karina 12 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Karina Kauffman.pdf: 558314 bytes, checksum: a11f7ba679b42a7710f6881e2916be06 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-12 / This study aims to analyze the legal and modulation, to verify that the application of the "modulation" provides legal certainty for jurisdictional. Toward that goal, first we aimed at analyzing the role of the judiciary in a democratic state of law. We note that in the modern state, there is no longer a reporting relationship between the political system and legal and that the Judiciary itself as a neutral power capable of guaranteeing the dictates of the Constitution and ensure the fundamental rights of citizens under the aegis of the legality and morality. Legal certainty, we note that from the moment the standard judicial becomes repeatable for similar cases, has emerged as a consolidated jurisprudential understanding, the article approaches the legal norm, but settled case law is not law. Seek in our work show that certainty is a overprinciple, i.e, a principle of overlevel, loaded axiological high and requires other principles for their definition. One consequence of legal certainty that this work will explore the retroactivity of the law, which is closely related to the principle of legality, since it means that the law should be applied to the case is the law in force at the time of occurrence of and the law. If there is some kind of change in position of superior courts, which leads to change its interpretation of the Constitution and laws, such change may not be effective retroactively, on pain of hurt, among other constitutional rules, the objective good faith of courts which relied on the hitherto prevailing law. This is one of the guarantees of legal certainty in the democratic state of law / Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a segurança jurídica e a modulação, para verificar se a aplicação da modulação proporciona segurança jurídica aos jurisdicionados. Em busca deste objetivo, primeiramente buscamos analisar o papel do Poder Judiciário no Estado Democrático de Direito. Verificamos que, no Estado moderno, não cabe mais uma relação de hierarquia entre o sistema político e o jurídico e que o Poder Judiciário se apresenta como um Poder neutro, apto a garantir os ditames da Constituição da República e a assegurar os direitos fundamentais do cidadão, sob a égide da legalidade e da moralidade públicas. Quanto à segurança jurídica, constatamos que, a partir do momento em que a norma judicial passa a ser repetível para os casos idênticos, firmando-se assim um entendimento jurisprudencial consolidado, essa norma aproxima-se da norma legal, mas jurisprudência consolidada não é lei. Procuraremos no nosso trabalho mostrar que a segurança jurídica é um sobreprincípio, ou seja, um princípio de sobrenível, com carga axiológica elevada e que necessita de outros princípios para sua definição. Um dos corolários da segurança jurídica que exploraremos neste trabalho será o da irretroatividade do direito, que está intimamente relacionado ao princípio da legalidade, já que se entende que a lei que deve ser aplicada ao caso é a lei em vigor à época da ocorrência do fato. Se houver algum tipo de alteração de posicionamento das Cortes superiores, que acarrete alteração de sua interpretação da Constituição e das leis, tal mudança não poderá ter eficácia retroativa, sob pena de ferir-se, entre outros cânones constitucionais, a boa-fé objetiva do jurisdicionado que confiou na, até então, jurisprudência predominante. Essa é uma das garantias da segurança jurídica no Estado Democrático de Direito

Zur Umsetzung von EG-Richtlinien und staatengerichteten EG-Entscheidungen in deutsches Recht und Überprüfung der Umsetzung der Fleischhygienegebührenrechtsakte der EG

Tuengerthal, Hansjürgen January 2002 (has links)
Das nationale Recht wird mehr und mehr durch EG-Recht beeinflussst. In diesem Zusammenhang ergeben sich bei denjenigen EG-Rechtsakten, die anders als EG-Verordnungen nicht unmittelbar in den Mitgliedstaaten gelten, sondern von diesen in nationales Recht umgesetzt werden müssen, vielfältige Probleme. Diese Probleme behandelt der Verfasser aus der Sicht des Anwalts in einer Weise, dass diejenigen, die sich in der Praxis mit derartigen Umsetzungsfragen zu beschäftigen haben, wertvolle Hinweise für eine konkret zu lösende Umsetzungsproblematik erhalten. Ergänzt und damit noch transparenter werden seine Lösungsvorschläge dadurch, dass der Verfasser sie im zweiten Teil der Untersuchung auf die konkrete Fragestellung anwendet, inwieweit es zu einer Umsetzung bzw. ordnungsgemäßen Umsetzung der in den Jahren 1988 bis 2001 erlassenen Fleischhygienegebührenrechtsakte der EG gekommen ist.<br /> Diese Arbeit wurde betreut von Professor Dr. D.C. Umbach an der Universität Potsdam. <br /> <br /> Aus dem Inhalt: Abgrenzung der Umsetzungszuständigkeit zwischen Bund und Ländern. Anforderungen an das Vorliegen eines Umsetzungsaktes sowie an eine ordnungsgemäße Umsetzung. Rechtsfolgen bei Umsetzungsverstößen. Prozessuale Fragen. / National law finds itself more and more influenced by EC law. Within this context those EC legal acts who have no direct legal validity in the member states, unlike EC regulations, and which have to be transposed in national law by them, produce diverse problems. These problems are treated by the author from the point of view of a lawyer in such a way, that those who have to deal with these questions of transposition in their practice, find valuable indications for tangible solutions of transposition problems. The proposed solutions are supplemented and therefore more transparent since the author applies these solutions in the second part of his treatise to a concrete statement of problems, i.e. to what extent the EC legal acts concerning meat inspection fees have been transposed, respectively, transposed in due from in the years 1988 until 2001.<br /> The paper has been tutored by Prof. Dr. D. C. Umbach of the University of Potsdam. <br /> <br /> From the content: Delimitation of the competence of transposition between the federal state and his federal states. Requirements concerning the presence of an act of transposition as well as transposition in due form. Legal consequences of any non-transposition. Procedural questions.

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