Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncanonical"" "subject:"uncanonical""
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Non-canonical case-marking on core arguments in Lithuanian : A historical and contrastive perspectiveBjarnadóttir, Valgerður January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a description and analysis of non-canonical case-marking of core arguments in Lithuanian. It consists of an introduction and six articles, providing historical and/or contrastive perspective to this issue. More specifically, using data from Lithuanian dialects, Old Lithuanian and other languages such as Icelandic, Latin and Finnic for comparison, the thesis examines the development and current state of non-canonical case-marking of core arguments in Lithuanian The present work draws on empirical findings and theoretical considerations to investigate non-canonical case-marking, language variation and historical linguistics. Special attention is paid to the variation in the case-marking of body parts in pain verb constructions, where an accusative-marked body part is used in Standard Lithuanian, and alongside, a nominative-marked body part in Lithuanian dialects. A common objective of the first three articles is to clarify and to seek a better understanding for the reasons for this case variation. The research provides evidence that nominative is the original case-marking of body parts in pain specific construction, i.e. with verbs, with the original meaning of pain, like skaudėti and sopėti ‘hurt, feel pain’. On the contrary, in derived pain constructions, i.e. with verbs like gelti with the original meaning of ‘sting, bite’ and diegti with the original meaning ‘plant’, accusative is the original case-marking of body parts. This accusative is explained by means of an oblique anticausative and it is argued furthermore that it is extended into the pain specific construction. The three last articles focus on the comparative and contrastive perspective. Their main results include the following: Lithuanian and Icelandic differ considerably in the frequency of using accusative vs. dative marking on the highest ranked argument. Accusative is more frequently used in Lithuanian while dative is dominant in Icelandic. The semantic fields of the dative subject construction have remained very stable, suggesting that the dative subject construction is inherited. It has, however, become productive in the history of Germanic, Baltic and Slavic. The similarities in Finnic and Baltic partiality-based object and subject-marking systems are due to Baltic influence. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: In press. Paper 2: In press. Paper 3: In press.</p>
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A new paradigm for the folding of ribonucleic acidsParisien, Marc 10 1900 (has links)
De récentes découvertes montrent le rôle important que joue l’acide ribonucléique (ARN) au sein des cellules, que ce soit le contrôle de l’expression génétique, la régulation de plusieurs processus homéostasiques, en plus de la transcription et la traduction de l’acide désoxyribonucléique (ADN) en protéine. Si l’on veut comprendre comment la cellule fonctionne, nous devons d’abords comprendre ses composantes et comment ils interagissent, et en particulier chez l’ARN. La fonction d’une molécule est tributaire de sa structure tridimensionnelle (3D). Or, déterminer expérimentalement la structure 3D d’un ARN s’avère fort coûteux. Les méthodes courantes de prédiction par ordinateur de la structure d’un ARN ne tiennent compte que des appariements classiques ou canoniques, similaires à ceux de la fameuse structure en double-hélice de l’ADN. Ici, nous avons amélioré la prédiction de structures d’ARN en tenant compte de tous les types possibles d’appariements, dont ceux dits non-canoniques. Cela est rendu possible dans le contexte d’un nouveau paradigme pour le repliement des ARN, basé sur les motifs cycliques de nucléotides ; des blocs de bases pour la construction des ARN. De plus, nous avons dévelopées de nouvelles métriques pour quantifier la précision des méthodes de prédiction des structures 3D des ARN, vue l’introduction récente de plusieurs de ces méthodes. Enfin, nous avons évalué le pouvoir prédictif des nouvelles techniques de sondage de basse résolution des structures d’ARN. / Recent findings show the important role of ribonucleic acid (RNA) within the cell, be it the control of gene expression, the regulation of several homeostatic processes, in addition to the transcription and translation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) into protein. If we wish to understand how the cell works, we first need to understand its components and how they interact, and in particular for RNA. The function of a molecule is tributary of its three-dimensional (3D) structure. However, experimental determination of RNA 3D structures imparts great costs. Current methods for RNA structure prediction by computers only take into account the classical or canonical base pairs, similar to those found in the well-celebrated DNA double helix. Here, we improved RNA structure prediction by taking into account all possible types of base pairs, even those said non-canonicals. This is made possible in the context of a new paradigm for the folding of RNA, based on nucleotide cyclic motifs (NCM): basic blocks for the construction of RNA. Furthermore, we have developed new metrics to quantify the precision of RNA 3D structure prediction methods, given the recent introduction of many of those methods. Finally, we have evaluated the predictive power of the latest low-resolution RNA structure probing techniques.
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Approches transcriptomiques dans l’étude de la fibrose kystiqueVoisin, Gregory 03 1900 (has links)
Les avancées en biotechnologie ont permis l’identification d’un grand nombre
de mécanismes moléculaires, soulignant également la complexité de la
régulation génique. Néanmoins, avoir une vision globale de l’homéostasie
cellulaire, nous est pour l’instant inaccessible et nous ne sommes en mesure
que d’en avoir qu’une vue fractionnée. Étant donné l’avancement des
connaissances des dysfonctionnements moléculaires observés dans les
maladies génétiques telles que la fibrose kystique, il est encore difficile de
produire des thérapies efficaces.
La fibrose kystique est causée par la mutation de gène CFTR (cystic fibrosis
transmembrane conductance regulator), qui code pour un canal chlorique
transmembranaire. La mutation la plus fréquente (ΔF508) induit un repliement
incorrect de la protéine et sa rétention dans le réticulum endoplasmique.
L’absence de CFTR fonctionnel à la membrane a un impact sur l’homéostasie
ionique et sur l’hydratation de la muqueuse respiratoire. Ceci a pour
conséquence un défaut dans la clairance mucocilliaire, induisant infection
chronique et inflammation excessive, deux facteurs fondamentaux de la
L’inflammation joue un rôle très important dans l’évolution de la maladie et
malgré le nombre important d’études sur le sujet, la régulation du processus
inflammatoire est encore très mal comprise et la place qu’y occupe le CFTR
n’est pas établie.
Toutefois, plusieurs autres facteurs, tels que le stress oxydatif participent à la
physiopathologie de la maladie, et considérer leurs impacts est important pour
permettre une vision globale des acteurs impliqués.
Dans notre étude, nous exploitons la technologie des puces à ADN, pour
évaluer l’état transcriptionnel d’une cellule épithéliale pulmonaire humaine
Dans un premier temps, l’analyse de notre expérience identifie 128 gènes
inflammatoires sur-exprimés dans les cellules FK par rapport aux cellules non
FK où apparaissent plusieurs familles de gènes inflammatoires comme les
cytokines ou les calgranulines. L’analyse de la littérature et des annotations
suggèrent que la modulation de ces transcripts dépend de la cascade de NF-κB
et/ou des voies de signalisation associées aux interférons (IFN). En outre, leurs
modulations pourraient être associées à des modifications épigénétiques de
leurs loci chromosomiques.
Dans un second temps, nous étudions l’activité transcriptionnelle d’une cellule
épithéliale pulmonaire humaine FK en présence de DMNQ, une molécule
cytotoxique. Notre but est d’identifier les processus biologiques perturbés par la
mutation du gène CFTR en présence du stress oxydatif.
Fondé sur une analyse canonique de redondance, nous identifions 60 gènes
associés à la mort cellulaire et leur variance, observée dans notre expérience,
s’explique par un effet conjoint de la mutation et du stress oxydatif. La mesure
de l’activité des caspases 3/7, des effecteurs de l’apoptose (la mort cellulaire
programmée), montre que les cellules porteuses de la mutation ΔF508, dans
des conditions de stress oxydatif, seraient moins apoptotiques que les cellules
saines. Nos données transcriptomiques suggèrent que la sous-activité de la
cascade des MAPK et la sur-expression des gènes anti-apoptotiques pourraient
être impliquées dans le déséquilibre de la balance apoptotique. / Biotechnical advances have allowed a large number of molecular mechanisms
to be identified, and have also underlined the complexity of gene regulation.
Nonetheless, we still only have a partial understanding of cellular homeostasis.
Even with our current knowledge, molecular dysfunctionality observed in genetic
illnesses such as cystic fibrosis remain largely misunderstood, prohibiting us
from developing efficient treatments. Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation of
the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene which
codes for a chloric transmembrane channel. The most frequent mutation
(ΔF508) causes the unfolding of the protein and its retention in the endoplasmic
reticulum. This absence of a functional CFTR to the membrane has an impact
on the ionic homeostasis and the hydration of the respiratory mucus.
Consequently, the mucociliary clearance is disrupted, which leads to chronic
infection and excessive inflammation - two fundamental factors of CF’s
Inflammation plays a key role in the evolution of the illness and despite many
studies on this subject, the regulation of the inflammatory process remains a
mystery and CFTR’s role is not well established. Additionally, since the
physiopathology cannot be explained by mutation alone, several authors
suggest the importance of other factors (genetic and/or environmental) which
are factors in the clinical picture of the illness.
In our study, we use microarray technology to evaluate the transcriptional state
of an epithelial lung cell issued from a human with cystic fibrosis. Initially, our
analysis identifies 128 inflammatory genes which are over-expressed in the
cystic fibrosis cells versus non-cystic fibrosis cells, showing several
inflammatory gene families such as cytokines or calgranulins. An analysis of the
publications and annotations of these transcripts suggests that their
modulations depend upon the cascade of NF-κB and/or signalling pathways associated with interferons (IFN). In other words, their modulations could be
associated with epigenetic modifications of their chromosomal loci. Secondly,
we study the transcriptional activity of an epithelial lung cell issued from a
human with cystic fibrosis in the presence of DMNQ, a cytotoxic molecule. Our
goal is to identify the biological processus which are disturbed by the mutation
of the CFTR gene in the presence of oxidative stress.
Based on a canonical redundancy analysis, we identify 60 genes associated
with cell death and their modulation in our study explained by the combined
effect of mutation and oxidative stress. By measuring the activity of caspase
3/7, an effector of apoptosis (programmed cell death), we see that the cells
containing the mutation ΔF508 could present a problem with apoptosis. Our
transcriptomic data suggest that decreased activity of the MAPK cascade and
over-expression of anti-apoptotic genes would be a factor in apoptotic
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Atividade e diversidade catabólica da biomassa microbiana do solo alterada pelo uso da terra / Effects of soil land use on microbial activity and catabolic diversityMazzetto, André Mancebo 29 January 2010 (has links)
A demanda crescente de alimentos gera problemas ambientais, principalmente devido à remoção das coberturas vegetais nativas para a expansão da agricultura no Brasil. Essas alterações no uso da terra acarretam mudanças na dinâmica da matéria orgânica do solo. O tipo de vegetação também tem influência sobre a biota do solo e, por isso, a sua alteração ocasiona mudanças na biomassa microbiana, como revelam estudos envolvendo desmatamento. Os microorganismos representam a maior diversidade biológica e fisiológica do solo, além de serem responsáveis por mais de 95% dos processos de decomposição e ciclagem de nutrientes. Por este motivo, a demanda por indicadores rápidos e confiáveis para detectar alterações na qualidade do solo, principalmente por aqueles com base nos microrganismos, vem crescendo continuamente. O objetivo geral foi verificar se há diferenciação dos padrões da atividade e da diversidade funcional da biomassa microbiana dos solos sob as diferentes vegetações naturais, pastagens em uso e sistemas agrícolas recém implantados. A área de abrangência desta pesquisa corresponde aos estados de Rondônia (RO) e Mato Grosso (MT), que foi dividida em 11 ecorregiões relativamente homogêneas em termos de solos, vegetação nativa, geologia, clima e relevo. Foi realizada a análise da variável canônica de alguns atributos físicos, químicos e microbiológicos de cada ecorregião e uso da terra, buscando evidenciar padrões e as variáveis que os diferenciam. As áreas nativas apresentaram padrões distintos na dinâmica dos atributos microbiológicos relacionadas principalmente à quantidade de serapilheira em cada bioma estudado. Em relação às áreas antropizadas, observaram-se resultados similares entre pastagens e áreas nativas, significativamente diferentes dos resultados obtidos em áreas agrícolas, que devido à diferença de manejo e diversidade de culturas analisadas apresentou uma grande variabilidade no seu resultado final. Os resultados obtidos reforçam a recomendação da utilização dos atributos microbiológicos como indicadores de mudança de uso da terra, aliados a fatores químicos e físicos. A respiração induzida por substratos (ou diversidade catabólica) mostrou-se eficiente na separação dos usos da terra e ecorregiões. Estes resultados suportam a idéia de que cada forma de uso da terra induz a presença de grupos específicos de microrganismos, independente de tipo de solo, clima ou outras influências externas. / The increasing demand for food creates environmental problems, mainly due to the removal of native vegetation cover for agriculture expansion in Brazil. These changes in land use leads to changes in the soil organic matter dynamics. The vegetation type also affects the soil biota and, therefore, its change causes modifications in the microbial biomass, as shown by studies involving deforestation. Microorganisms represent the most biological and physiological diverse in soil, as well as being responsible for more than 95% of the decomposition and nutrient cycling. For this reason, the demand for fast and reliable indicators to detect changes in soil quality, especially for those based on micro-organisms has been growing continuously. The main objective in this research was to check the differentiation of patterns in activity and functional diversity of soil microbial biomass under natural vegetation, pastures and agricultural systems in use. The area covered by this study corresponds to the states of Rondônia (RO) and Mato Grosso (MT), which was divided into 11 ecoregions relatively homogeneous in terms of soil, vegetation, geology, climate and landscape. A canonical variate analysis was used in some physical, chemical and microbiological factors in each ecoregion and land use, looking for patterns and variables that can differentiate them. The native areas showed distinct patterns in the dynamics of microbiological attributes mainly related to the amount of litter in each biome studied. For the disturbed areas, there were similar results between pastures and native areas, significantly different from the results obtained in agricultural areas, which due to differences in management and kind of cultures analyzed showed a great variability in its final result. The results support the recommendation for use of microbiological attributes as indicators of land use change, combined with chemical and physical factors. The substrate-induced respiration (or catabolic diversity) was efficient in the separation of land uses and ecoregions. These findings support the idea that specific land uses have specific groups of microbial biomass, regardless soil type, climate or other external influences.
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Prosodic organization in the babbling of German-learning infants between the age of six and twelve monthsFischer, Andreas 29 April 2009 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Fragestellung, wie die Wortbetonung in der kanonischen Lallenphase organisiert ist. Diese Entwicklungsphase tritt für gewöhnlich in der zweiten Hälfte des ersten Lebensjahres auf, wenn Kleinkinder erstmalig phonetisch wohlgeformte Silben äußern. Dabei gibt es jedoch noch keine klare Beziehung zwischen Wortbedeutung und bestimmten Sprachlauten. Die Einzelsilben werden allerdings schon zu größeren wortartigen Einheiten zusammengefügt und erscheinen in betonten wie unbetonten Positionen. Es wurden Sprachdaten von sieben deutschlernenden Kindern im Alter zwischen 0;5 und 1;0 gesammelt. Die phonetisch wohlgeformten Lalläußerungen wurden einer Reihe von perzeptiven und akustischen Analysen unterzogen, um der Frage nach einer bereits vorhandenen prosodischen Organisation der Wortbetonung nachzugehen. Die Äußerungen der Probanden werden anschließend mit einem theoretischen Parametermodell verglichen. Hierbei wird untersucht, ob Lalläußerungen eher sprachliche Universalien vorweisen oder doch eher durch ihre sprachliche Umgebung beinflusst sind. Dazu wird eigens eine Reanalyse des Betonungssystems des Deutschen vorgenommen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine leichte Tendenz hin zum trochäischen Betonungsmuster in Zweisilbern zu erkennen ist. Diese Tendenz lässt sich allerdings nur mit zwei der fünf Analysemethoden der vorliegenden Arbeit nachweisen. Bei Mehrsilbern scheint die Lage der hauptbetonten Silbe durch keine Analysemethode vorhersagbar zu sein. Es kann dennoch festgestellt werden, dass Silben vom Typus CVV in signifikanter Weise Betonung auf sich ziehen. Diese Ergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass die Parameter der Betonungszuweisung während des kanonischen Lallens noch nicht zur Gänze gesetzt sind. Nur diejenigen für Fußform und Quantitätssensitivität erscheinen so konfiguriert, dass ein Einfluß der Umgebungssprache, des Deutschen, erkennbar wird. / The current work addresses the question, how word stress is organised during the developmental stage of Canonical Babbling, which usually emerges in the second half of the first year of life. In this period infants begin to utter phonetically well-formed syllables, although there is no clear relationship between meaning and single speech sounds. However, syllables are combined to form larger word-like units containing prominent and less prominent syllables. Data was gathered from seven German-learning infants aged between 0;5 and 1;0. The phonetically well-formed babbling vocalizations were subject to perceptual and acoustical analyses, in order to find out whether there is already a prosodic organization of word stress. The subjects'' utterances are then compared to a theoretical parametric framework. It will be examined, whether babbling vocalizations are more universal or rather influenced by the ambient language. Therefore a reanalysis of the German system of word stress will be undertaken. Results indicate that there is a weak tendency towards the trochaic stress pattern in disyllabic babbles. This tendency is, however, only predictable in two of the five analysis parameters used in this study. In polysyllabic vocalizations, the location of main stress appears not to be predictable by any analysis. It can nevertheless be stated that CVV syllables tend to attract stress significantly. These results point to the fact, that the parameters of word stress assignment are not yet completely set during Canonical Babbling. Instead, only those for foot shape and quantity-sensitivity appear to be set in a fashion reflecting an influence of the subjects'' ambient language, German.
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Mapeamentos Simpléticos em Dinâmica Asteroidal / Symplectic mappings in asteroidal dynamicsRoig, Fernando Virgilio 08 August 1997 (has links)
Neste trabalho, desenvolvemos um mapeamento simplético que nos permite estudar o comportamento dinâmico de ressonâncias asteroidais no âmbito do problema dos três corpos restrito, elíptico, espacial. Para obter este mapeamento, combinamos um esquema simplético similar ao desenvolvido por Hadjidemetriou (1986) junto com o desenvolvimento assimétrico da função perturbadora (Ferraz-Mello, 1987), que leva em conta as inclinações do perturbado e do perturbador como sendo referidas a um plano invariante (Roig et al., 1997). Este mapeamento é aplicado aos casos das ressonâncias asteroidais 2/1 e 3/2. Estudam-se um grande número de condições iniciais no espaço de fase, de forma a conseguir tirar conclusões de tipo estatístico sobre os processos envolvidos na geração de mecanismos difusivos que podem agir nessas ressonâncias. / In this work, we developed a symplectic mapping which allow us to study the dynamical behaviour of asteroidal resonances in the frame of the non-planar elliptic restricted three-body problem. To obtain such a mapping we combine a symplectic scheme similar to that of Hadjidemetriou (1986) together with an asymmetric expansion of the disturbing funtion (Ferraz-Mello, 1987) which takes into account the inclinations of both the perturber and the disturbed bodies (Roig et al., 1997). This mapping is applied to the 2/1 and 3/2 mean motion resonances in the asteroidal belt. We explore a wide range of initial conditions in the phase space in order to get a large number of results which allow us to make some statistical conclusions about the generation of diffusion mechanisms acting in these resonances.
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Atividade e diversidade catabólica da biomassa microbiana do solo alterada pelo uso da terra / Effects of soil land use on microbial activity and catabolic diversityAndré Mancebo Mazzetto 29 January 2010 (has links)
A demanda crescente de alimentos gera problemas ambientais, principalmente devido à remoção das coberturas vegetais nativas para a expansão da agricultura no Brasil. Essas alterações no uso da terra acarretam mudanças na dinâmica da matéria orgânica do solo. O tipo de vegetação também tem influência sobre a biota do solo e, por isso, a sua alteração ocasiona mudanças na biomassa microbiana, como revelam estudos envolvendo desmatamento. Os microorganismos representam a maior diversidade biológica e fisiológica do solo, além de serem responsáveis por mais de 95% dos processos de decomposição e ciclagem de nutrientes. Por este motivo, a demanda por indicadores rápidos e confiáveis para detectar alterações na qualidade do solo, principalmente por aqueles com base nos microrganismos, vem crescendo continuamente. O objetivo geral foi verificar se há diferenciação dos padrões da atividade e da diversidade funcional da biomassa microbiana dos solos sob as diferentes vegetações naturais, pastagens em uso e sistemas agrícolas recém implantados. A área de abrangência desta pesquisa corresponde aos estados de Rondônia (RO) e Mato Grosso (MT), que foi dividida em 11 ecorregiões relativamente homogêneas em termos de solos, vegetação nativa, geologia, clima e relevo. Foi realizada a análise da variável canônica de alguns atributos físicos, químicos e microbiológicos de cada ecorregião e uso da terra, buscando evidenciar padrões e as variáveis que os diferenciam. As áreas nativas apresentaram padrões distintos na dinâmica dos atributos microbiológicos relacionadas principalmente à quantidade de serapilheira em cada bioma estudado. Em relação às áreas antropizadas, observaram-se resultados similares entre pastagens e áreas nativas, significativamente diferentes dos resultados obtidos em áreas agrícolas, que devido à diferença de manejo e diversidade de culturas analisadas apresentou uma grande variabilidade no seu resultado final. Os resultados obtidos reforçam a recomendação da utilização dos atributos microbiológicos como indicadores de mudança de uso da terra, aliados a fatores químicos e físicos. A respiração induzida por substratos (ou diversidade catabólica) mostrou-se eficiente na separação dos usos da terra e ecorregiões. Estes resultados suportam a idéia de que cada forma de uso da terra induz a presença de grupos específicos de microrganismos, independente de tipo de solo, clima ou outras influências externas. / The increasing demand for food creates environmental problems, mainly due to the removal of native vegetation cover for agriculture expansion in Brazil. These changes in land use leads to changes in the soil organic matter dynamics. The vegetation type also affects the soil biota and, therefore, its change causes modifications in the microbial biomass, as shown by studies involving deforestation. Microorganisms represent the most biological and physiological diverse in soil, as well as being responsible for more than 95% of the decomposition and nutrient cycling. For this reason, the demand for fast and reliable indicators to detect changes in soil quality, especially for those based on micro-organisms has been growing continuously. The main objective in this research was to check the differentiation of patterns in activity and functional diversity of soil microbial biomass under natural vegetation, pastures and agricultural systems in use. The area covered by this study corresponds to the states of Rondônia (RO) and Mato Grosso (MT), which was divided into 11 ecoregions relatively homogeneous in terms of soil, vegetation, geology, climate and landscape. A canonical variate analysis was used in some physical, chemical and microbiological factors in each ecoregion and land use, looking for patterns and variables that can differentiate them. The native areas showed distinct patterns in the dynamics of microbiological attributes mainly related to the amount of litter in each biome studied. For the disturbed areas, there were similar results between pastures and native areas, significantly different from the results obtained in agricultural areas, which due to differences in management and kind of cultures analyzed showed a great variability in its final result. The results support the recommendation for use of microbiological attributes as indicators of land use change, combined with chemical and physical factors. The substrate-induced respiration (or catabolic diversity) was efficient in the separation of land uses and ecoregions. These findings support the idea that specific land uses have specific groups of microbial biomass, regardless soil type, climate or other external influences.
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From the Outside In: A Multivariate Correlational Analysis of Effectiveness in Communities of PracticeBomar, Shannon Hulbert 08 1900 (has links)
Online communities of practice (CoPs) provide social spaces for people to connect, learn, and engage with one another around shared interests and passions. CoPs are innovatively employed within industry and education for their inherent knowledge management characteristics and as a means of improving professional practice. Measuring the success of a CoP is a challenge researchers are examining through various strategies. Recent literature supports measuring community effectiveness through the perceptions of its members; however, evaluating a community by means of member perception introduces complicating factors from outside the community. In order to gain insight into the importance of external factors, this quantitative study examined the influence of factors in the professional lives of educators on their perceptions of their CoP experience. Through an empirical examination of CoPs employed to connect educators and advance their professional learning, canonical correlation analysis was used to examine correlations between factors believed to be influential on the experiences of community members.
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Entraide missionnaire internationale, une suppléance à l'obligation canonique de la protection sociale du clergé : étude comparative, droit canonique, droit français et droit suisse / International missionary mutual aid association, a substitute to canonical obligation for a clergy social security : a comparative study between canon law, french law and swiss lawMasele Mogundu, Simon 30 September 2011 (has links)
La nécessité de protéger le clergé, fait partie du mécanisme général de solidarité qui permet d’assurer une couverture contre les risques de l’existence. En parlant des risques de l’existence, nous rencontrons la question de la protection ou, mieux, de la Sécurité sociale. Nous prenons acte d’anciennes limitations posées par les premiers temps d’évolution de la Sécurité sociale qui réservaient cette solidarité à des professionnels, aux travailleurs salariés surtout.Face à une telle limitation, les clercs séculiers et les congréganistes se sont donc trouvés obligés de recourir, pours’assurer, à des systèmes conçus dans le cadre de la Prévoyance sociale libre. Il s’agit de systèmes qui fonctionnent à peu près uniquement avec les cotisations des membres assurés. Ils prévoient des conditions d’adhésion adaptées aux structures de l’Eglise et respectent les règles canoniques par le consensus mutualiste. Ce régime mutualiste était conçu dans un cadre national, parce qu’il ne concernait au début que les prêtres du clergé diocésain dont les problèmes s’inscrivaient justement dans ce cadre. Mais ces institutions mutualistes nationalesse sont parfois ouvertes aux membres du clergé régulier, missionnaire. C’est le cas de l’adhésion de nombreux instituts religieux à la Mutuelle Saint-Martin du clergé diocésain en France. Toutefois, la création de la mutuelle Saint-Martin et son ouverture aux religieux et religieuses n’a résolu que partiellement la question concernant les religieux et religieuses. Car certains membres de cette catégorie des ministres du culte catholique romain exercent leur ministère partout où la mission de l’Eglise les attend. Pour résoudre ce nouvel écueil, il est apparu nécessaire à la conférence des Supérieurs Majeurs de mettre en place une autre structure capable de prendre en charge également les missionnaires. C’est le rôle que va assumer désormais l’Entraide Missionnaire Internationale, bien que la vie religieuse soit en elle-même une structure de Protection sociale. / The need to protect the clergy belongs to the general mechanism of solidarity that provides a coveragainst the risks of existence. The expression “risks of existence” implies the question of protection or, better, ofsocial Security. We take note of the old limitations posed by the first periods of the development of socialSecurity which reserved that solidarity to professionals, particularly, to remunerated workers.Faced with such a limitation, both the secular clergy and Order members were obliged to resort, in order toinsure their lives, to systems conceived in the framework of free social insurance. This is about systems thatfunction almost exclusively with contributions from insured members. They provide subscription conditionsadapted to the structures of the Church and respect the canonical rules by mutual benefit society consensus. Thismutual regime was conceived in a national framework, because, in the beginning, it concerned only priests fromthe diocesan clergy whose problems were fitted into this framework. But these national mutual institutions haveoften been open to members of the regular and missionary clergy. Such is the case of the subscription ofnumerous religious institutions to Saint-Martin Mutual of the diocesan clergy in France. However, the creationof Saint-Martin Mutual and its opening up to male and female religious has only partly solved the questionconcerning the religious. Indeed, some members of this category of ministers of the Roman Catholic cultexercise their ministry wherever the mission of the Church expects them. To solve this new stumbling block, ithas appeared necessary to the Major Superiors Conference to create another structure able to take alsomissionaries in charge. Such is the role that the International Missionary Mutual Aid henceforth fulfils, thoughthe religious life itself is a structure of social Protection.
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O mercado imobiliário residencial da região metropolitana de São Paulo: uma aplicação de modelos de comercialização hedônica de regressão e correlação canônica / The Real Estate Market of Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo: an hedonic models application of multiple regression and canonical correlationFavero, Luiz Paulo Lopes 29 September 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho destina-se a realizar um estudo sobre o mercado imobiliário de lançamentos residenciais da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, tendo como base a utilização de modelos de comercialização hedônica. Para tanto, utiliza-se da Teoria dos Atributos proposta por Lancaster e dos modelos hedônicos e de equilíbrio de sub-mercados propostos por Rosen e Palmquist, a partir dos quais é possível analisar a importância relativa de pacotes" de atributos, em função dos diferentes perfis sócio-demográficos determinados previamente por meio de análise fatorial elaborada com um grupo de 11 variáveis sócio-demográficas de cada Município da Região Metropolitana e de cada distrito do Município de São Paulo. Por meio de um levantamento realizado com especialistas, com compradores de imóveis residenciais e por meio de anúncios específicos, definiram-se as variáveis hedônicas explicativas e dependentes a serem incluídas nos modelos de regressão múltipla de Box-Cox e de correlação canônica, sob a ótica da demanda e da oferta, para cada perfil sócio-demográfico definido. O método proposto permite a determinação e a avaliação dos pacotes" representativos de atributos para a composição das condições comerciais dos imóveis residenciais em lançamento na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, propiciando a verificação da existência de eventuais descolamentos entre o comportamento da demanda e da oferta e possibilitando a comparação da importância relativa de cada variável entre os perfis sócio-demográficos. Portanto, a aplicação do método proposto neste trabalho pode propiciar a implementação de iniciativas privadas e políticas públicas voltadas ao estabelecimento de novas estratégias de lançamento imobiliário, designadas para cada tipo específico de empreendimento e de acordo com as preferências dos consumidores e das características de cada localidade. / This work intends to research about the residential launchings of the real estate market in the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo, using hedonic models. Its based on the approach to Theory of Attributes, proposed by Lancaster, and on the hedonic models and the sub-markets equilibrium approach proposed by Rosen and Palmquist, that make possible the analysis of the relative importance of the attributes bundles" for each different social and demographic group previously defined by the factorial analysis statistical technique, that used 11 social and demographic variables related to each Municipality of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo and each district of the City of Sao Paulo. Using a survey realized with specialists, residential launchings buyers and through specific advertisements, many explicative and dependent hedonic variables were defined and are to be included in the models of Box-Cox multiple regression and canonical correlation, under the perspective of demand and supply, for each social and demographic defined group. The proposed method allows the determination and the evaluation of the representative bundles" of attributes to the composition of the residential launchings commercial conditions of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo real estate market, making possible to verify the existence of eventual gaps between the demand and supply behaviors and allowing the comparison of the relative importance of each variable among the social and demographic groups. Thus, the method application can facilitate private and public implementations, allowing the establishment of new strategies designated to each specific kind of real estate, according to the consumers preferences and local characteristics.
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