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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gyvybės draudimo ir ilgalaikio investavimo produktų pardavimo proceso tobulinimas UAB „Finsaltas“ / Improvement of Life Insurance and Long Term Investment Products Sales' Process at UAB „Finsaltas“

Fainas, Paulius 17 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tema Gyvybės draudimo ir ilgalaikio investavimo produktų pardavimo proceso tobulinimas UAB „Finsaltas“; Darbo tikslas Išanalizuoti, įvertinti ir pateikti rekomendacijas kaip pagerinti gyvybės draudimo ir ilgalaikio investavimo produktų pardavimo procesą; Darbo uždaviniai • Išanalizuoti esamą UAB „Finsaltas“ pardavimo procesą; • Identifikuoti pardavimo proceso tobulintinas sritis, naudojant kokybinio tyrimo metodą. • Parengti pasiūlymus pardavimo proceso tobulinimui; Tyrimo metodai • Giluminis interviu; Darbo rezultatai Darbo metu buvo pasiūlyti vadybiniai sprendimai, padėsiantys: 1. pagerinti pardavimo procesą; 2. palengvinti naujų konsultantų įvedimo į darbą procesą; 3. užtikrinti kryptingą konsultantų kvalifikacijos kėlimą; 4. sumažinti nutraukiamų sutarčių skaičių (t.y. pagerinti pardavimų ir aptarnavimo kokybę); 5. rezultate – padidinti pardavimus. / Work title Improvement of Life Insurance and Long Term Investment Products Sales' Process at UAB „Finsaltas“; Work goal To analyze, evaluate and provide recommendations for improvement of the sales process of life insurance and long term investment products at a life insurance agency; Work tasks • To analyze sales process at UAB „Finsaltas“; • Using qualitative research identify sales process areas which require improvement,. • Give recommendations for sales process improvement; Methods of analysis • Depth interview Work outcomes There were recommended management solutions leading to: 1. Sales process improvement; 2. Facilitation of the process of introducing new agents to work; 3. Ensuring coherent process of agents’ qualification improvement; 4. Decrease of the number of lapsed policies (i.e. to improve sales and service quality); 5. As a result – to increase sales volume.

Essays on insurance economics

Mantaye, Adam January 2012 (has links)
Is the relationship between insurance consumption and its determinants spurious? Is general insurance a luxury service? Do bequest motives matter for life insurance consumption? Is private credit important for the development of life insurance? Do socioeconomic development and informal risk sharing institutions matter for formal insurance consumption? This thesis investigates these and other related issues using international datasets and relatively new panel data method, namely the Common Correlated Effects Pooled (CCEP) estimator. A novelty of the CCEP is that it takes into account the impacts of unobserved common factors. The thesis consists of an introduction, three empirical chapters and conclusions. Chapter 2 studies the relationship between nonlife insurance consumption and income/wealth per capita. Estimation results suggest that income elasticity is below unity and that nonlife insurance is positively related to GDP per capita, the law, risk aversion, infrastructural development, and negatively related to socioeconomic development. Chapter 3 explores life insurance consumption driven by bequest motives. We found that life insurance consumption is positively related to GDP per capita, old age dependency ratio, infrastructural development, and social security and welfare; and negatively related to the extended family institution, savings, inflation, and risk aversion. Estimation results suggest the presence of altruistic, and bequest as exchange old age security motives. Chapter 4 investigates the long run relationship and causality direction between private credit consumption and life insurance development. Life insurance development may be explained by GDP per capita, formal and informal credit consumption, infrastructural development, life expectancy, institutional quality, inflation, and Islam, and Orthodox being the dominant religions. Cointegration test results suggest that life and nonlife insurance consumption and its determinants exhibit a long run relationship; and that there is a long run bi-directional causality relationship between life insurance development and private credit consumption. The thesis concludes that insurance development requires institutional and infrastructural development-in particular- telecommunications infrastructure, to facilitate cost effective insurance supply.

Förändrar låga räntor livbolagens solvenskvot och riskfördelning?

Bjerknes Börestam, Maria January 2016 (has links)
During a longer period of time the interests has been low, and is expected to remain low for some time. Life-insurance companies offer different types of life-insurances for households, insurances that helps the households to even its lifeconsumption. The insurancepremiums that the life-insurance companies receives is placed in different financial assets, and is therefore exposed to financial risks. A big part of the life-insurance companies investment is placed in bonds, and a lower interest means that the return on bonds decrease. Lower returns on bonds could cause the the life-insurance companies financial strength to worsen. The lower return on bonds could also increase the life-insurance companies will to allocate their investments to more risks in search for higher returns. The aim of this essay is to investigate whether the solvency of life-insurance companies is affected by the interest, and if the interest corresponds to how life-insurance companies allocate their investments regarding risk. To fulfill the aim of the essay, regressionanalysis has been performed. The result from the regressionanalysis with solvency as dependent variable and interest as independent variable shows that the solvency of life-insurance companies is not affected during the observed period of time. Results from regressionanalysis with percentage of investments placed in bonds as dependent variable and interest as independent variable shows that the percentage of bonds generally shrinks when the rent decreases, and life-insurance companies allocate therefore probably favouring assets of higher risk. However results concerning risk exposure for different life-insurance companies varies, some life-insurance companies increase exposure against risk, while some decrease. / Under en längre period har marknadsräntorna varit låga och de förväntas vara låga under en period framöver. Livbolag erbjuder olika typer av livförsäkringar till hushåll, försäkringar som hjälper hushållen att jämna ut konsumtionen under livet. Försäkringspremierna som livbolagen erhåller placeras i olika finansiella tillgångar, och utsätts därmed för finansiella risker. En stor del av livbolagens placeringstillgångar är placerade i obligationer, och en lägre ränta innebär att avkastningen på obligationer minskar. Lägre avkastning på obligationer skulle kunna orsaka livbolag försämrad finansiell styrka. Till följd av minskad avkastning på obligationer kan även incitamenten för att söka högre avkastning öka hos livbolag. Där resultatet skulle orsaka omallokeringar i livbolagens portföljer gentemot högre risk. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om solvenskvoten[1] hos livbolag påverkas av räntenivån, och om räntenivån korresponderar med hur livbolagen allokerar sina placeringstillgångar gentemot risk.   För att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte har regressionsanalyser genomförts. Resultatet från regressionsanalyser med solvenskvot som beroende variabel och ränta som oberoende variabel visar att solvenskvoten hos livbolag inte påverkas under den observerade perioden. Resultat från regressionsanalyser med andel obligationer som beroende variabel och ränta som oberoende variabel visar att andelen obligationer hos livbolag generellt sett minskar när räntan sjunker, och livbolagen allokerar därmed antagligen till förmån för tillgångar med högre risk. Resultaten gällande riskexponering för olika livbolag varierar dock, somliga livbolag ökar exponeringen gentemot risk, och somliga minskar exponeringen gentemot risk.

Stochastické procesy v kombinaci životního pojištění a hypotečního úvěru / Stochastic processes in the combination of life insurance and mortgage

Kalendovský, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is to describe stochastic processes in the combination of mortgage loan and fund-linked life insurance, and to construct and analyze suitable mathematical models related to them. The idea of the combination of mortgage loan and fund-linked life insurance consists in serving the debt via paying up the interest only and investing the rest of the instalment within a fund-linked life insurance, instead of amortizing the debt gradually. At the maturity time, the principal sum will be amortized at once, using assets which have been invested within a fund-linked life insurance.

Die ontwikkeling van 'n kennisbestuurraamwerk vir 'n lewensversekeringsgroep in Suid-Afrika

07 October 2015 (has links)
M.A. ( Information studies) / Information and knowledge are the new wealth of our time. Knowledge is a resource that is valuable to an organisation's ability to innovate and compete. As every business has to operate in an increasingly competitive and dynamic environment, business managers should base all decisions on their competitive standing in the world economy and the competitiveness of their knowledge competencies. The ability of a company to mobilise and exploit its intangible and invisible assets has become far more important than investing and managing physical, tangible assets ...

Český pojistný trh v době světové finanční krize / Czech insurance market during the global financial crisis

Kovaljevová, Dijana January 2011 (has links)
This work aims to describe the impact of the world financial crisis on the Czech insurance market from three different points of view. Firstly, it is the view concerning the macroeconomic indicators. Secondly, it focuses on the innovative aspects and finally, it is the view concerning the economy and legislation. The first part of the work deals with the macroeconomic indicators, their variation in time and impact on the insurance market. In this part, the variation of the insurance market indicators such as insurance companies' bottom line, the development of the technical account or the development of the premiums is assessed, too. The first part is followed by a chapter concerning innovations in life and non-life insurance. This chapter focuses mainly on the single premium life insurance as a trend closely related to the impacts of the financial crisis and the decline in financial-asset prices in the markets. Also, the chapter deals with the innovations in the particular insurance. In the conclusion of the work, the economic and legislative environment influenced by the financial crisis, which has lead to several proposals for legislative changes in the insurance, is outlined. My conclusion is that with the exception of the vehicle insurance market neither the world financial crisis nor the following depression has threatened the Czech insurance market in terms of the decline in the premiums. The financial crisis has changed the market in terms of product quality improvement and new innovations. Furthermore, it has started the debate and opened new space for the amendment of legislative documents. The legislative or product changes and processes caused by the crisis will continue in the market even in the nearest future.

Likvidace pojistných událostí v životním pojištění / The adjustment of claims in life insurance

Hrabětová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The theme of my work is " The adjustment of claims in life insurance". In the theoretical part I focus on the characteristics of adjustment of claims, legislation, claims adjuster and the importance of adjustment of claims. In the second part I describe life insurance and its position in the insurance business in the Czech Republic. In the last part I engage adjustment of claims process in life insurance in Allianz insurance company. At the end of this part I describe specific examples of adjustment of claims. These examples show, that the claims adjusters meet the diferent situations, which need an individual approach.

Analýza sortimentu České pojišťovny / Analysis of the range – Česká pojišťovna

Jaďuď, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The thesis presents an analysis of range in the insurance industry with a focus on life insurance and marketing mix in insurance for a young customers. There is mainly used methods of comparison, qualitative marketing research, the mystery shopping and observation. In the methodological part is described the marketing research, marketing of services, marketing mix in insurance, the application part is focused on product of the life insurance types and the advantages and disadvantages of this financial product, including a comparison of current market offerings. In this thesis is compared product, price, distribution and communication of five selected insurance companies in the Czech Republic. The goal is recommendations on how to improve the attractiveness of life insurance for segment of young consumers.

Model unapređenja kvaliteta procesa životnog osiguranja / THE MODEL OF THE LIFE INSURANCE PROCESS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT

Popović Dragan 15 November 2018 (has links)
<p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je da se analizom stanja na trži&scaron;tu osiguranja, stavova potencijalnih korisnika životnog osiguranja i menadžmenta osiguravajućih kompanija, kao i studijom slučaja konkretne, složene osiguravajuće kompanije, razvije model unapređenja kvaliteta procesa životnog osiguranja i razrade osnovni strate&scaron;ki elementi, a odnose se na planiranje, organizaciju i upravljanje sistemima koji pružaju usluge životnog osiguranja. Primjenom metoda ankete i intervjua i modela Balanced Scorecard, uočeni su kritični elementi poslovnih procesa i predložene mjere unapređenja. Razvijen je model kompanije koja posluje u oblasti životnog osiguranja koji obezbjeđuje njenu samostalnost, uključuje aktuelna ograničenja na evropskom trži&scaron;tu osiguranja i povi&scaron;enu efektivnost njenih poslovnih procesa.</p> / <p>The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to develop a model for improving the quality of life insurance process and to elaborate basic strategic elements such as planning, organization and management of institutions that provide life insurance services. This is achieved through analysis of the life insurance market, attitudes of potential customers and the management of insurance companies, as well as a case study of concrete, complex life insurance company. Through application of the survey method, interview, as well as balanced scorecard, the critical business process elements were noted and improvement measures were proposed. As a result, a model which ensures the independence of the life insurance company, includes current restrictions at the European insurance market and enables increased efficiency of its business processes, was developed.</p>

Stochastic Solvency Testing in Life Insurance

Hayes, Genevieve Katherine, genevieve.hayes@anu.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
Stochastic solvency testing methods have existed for more than 20 years, yet there has been little research conducted in this area, particularly in Australia. This is for a number of reasons, the most pertinent of which being the lack of computing capabilities available in the past to implement more sophisticated techniques. However, recent advances in computing have made stochastic solvency testing possible in practice and have resulted in a trend towards this being done in advanced studies. ¶ The purpose of this thesis is to develop a realistic solvency testing model in a form that can be implemented by Australian Life Insurers, in anticipation that the Australian insurance regulator, APRA, will ultimately follow the world trend and require stochastic solvency testing to be carried out in Australia. The model is constructed from three interconnected stochastic sub-models used to describe the economic environment and the mortality and lapsation experience of the portfolio of policies under consideration. Australian economic and Life Insurance data is used to fit a number of possible sub-models, such as generalised linear models, over-dispersion models and asset models, and the ``best'' model is selected in each case. The selected models are a modified CAS/SOA economic sub-model; either a Poisson or negative binomial (NB1) distribution (depending on the policy type considered) as the mortality sub-model; and a normal-Poisson lapsation sub-model. ¶ Based on tests carried out using this model, it is demonstrated that, for portfolios of level and yearly-renewable term insurance business, the current deterministic solvency capital requirements provide little protection against insolvency. In fact, for the test portfolios of term insurance policies considered, the deterministic capital requirements have levels of sufficiency of less than 2% (on a Value at Risk basis) when compared to the change in capital distribution over a three year time horizon. This is of concern, as yearly-renewable term insurance comprises a significant volume of Life Insurance business in Australia, with there being over 426,000 yearly-renewable term insurance policies on the books of Australian Life Insurers in 1999 and more business expected since then. ¶ A sensitivity analysis shows that the results of the stochastic asset requirement calculations are sensitive to the choice of sub-model used to forecast economic variables and to the choice of formulae used to describe the mean mortality and lapsation rates. The implication of this is that, if APRA were to require Life Insurers to calculate their solvency capital requirements on a stochastic basis, some guidance would need to be provided regarding the components of the solvency testing model used. The model is not, however, sensitive to whether an allowance is made for mortality or lapsation rate over-dispersion, nor to whether dependency relationships between mortality rates, lapsation rates and the economy are allowed for. Thus, over-dispersion and dependency relationships between the sub-models can be ignored in a stochastic solvency testing model without significantly impacting the calculated solvency requirements.

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