Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonorthogonal"" "subject:"onorthogonal""
561 |
Hardware Discussion of a MIMO Wireless Communication System Using Orthogonal Space Time Block CodesPotter, Chris, Kosbar, Kurt, Panagos, Adam 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2008 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Fourth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 27-30, 2008 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / Although multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have become increasingly popular, the existence of real time results to compare with those predicted by theory is still surprisingly limited. In this work the hardware description of a MIMO wireless communication system using orthogonal space time block codes (OSTBC) is discussed for two antennas at both the transmitter and receiver. A numerical example for a frequency flat time correlated channel is given to show the impact of channel estimation.
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On the existence and enumeration of sets of two or three mutually orthogonal Latin squares with application to sports tournament schedulingKidd, Martin Philip 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PdD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A Latin square of order n is an n×n array containing an arrangement of n distinct symbols with
the property that every row and every column of the array contains each symbol exactly once.
It is well known that Latin squares may be used for the purpose of constructing designs which
require a balanced arrangement of a set of elements subject to a number of strict constraints.
An important application of Latin squares arises in the scheduling of various types of balanced
sports tournaments, the simplest example of which is a so-called round-robin tournament — a
tournament in which each team opposes each other team exactly once.
Among the various applications of Latin squares to sports tournament scheduling, the problem
of scheduling special types of mixed doubles tennis and table tennis tournaments using special
sets of three mutually orthogonal Latin squares is of particular interest in this dissertation. A
so-called mixed doubles table tennis (MDTT) tournament comprises two teams, both consisting
of men and women, competing in a mixed doubles round-robin fashion, and it is known that
any set of three mutually orthogonal Latin squares may be used to obtain a schedule for such
a tournament. A more interesting sports tournament design, however, and one that has been
sought by sports clubs in at least two reported cases, is known as a spouse-avoiding mixed
doubles round-robin (SAMDRR) tournament, and it is known that such a tournament may be
scheduled using a self-orthogonal Latin square with a symmetric orthogonal mate (SOLSSOM).
These applications have given rise to a number of important unsolved problems in the theory
of Latin squares, the most celebrated of which is the question of whether or not a set of three
mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order 10 exists. Another open question is whether or not
SOLSSOMs of orders 10 and 14 exist. A further problem in the theory of Latin squares that
has received considerable attention in the literature is the problem of counting the number of
(essentially) different ways in which a set of elements may be arranged to form a Latin square,
i.e. the problem of enumerating Latin squares and equivalence classes of Latin squares of a given
order. This problem quickly becomes extremely difficult as the order of the Latin square grows,
and considerable computational power is often required for this purpose. In the literature on
Latin squares only a small number of equivalence classes of self-orthogonal Latin squares (SOLS)
have been enumerated, namely the number of distinct SOLS, the number of idempotent SOLS
and the number of isomorphism classes generated by idempotent SOLS of orders 4 n 9.
Furthermore, only a small number of equivalence classes of ordered sets of k mutually orthogonal
Latin squares (k-MOLS) of order n have been enumerated in the literature, namely main classes
of 2-MOLS of order n for 3 n 8 and isotopy classes of 8-MOLS of order 9. No enumeration
work on SOLSSOMs appears in the literature.
In this dissertation a methodology is presented for enumerating equivalence classes of Latin
squares using a recursive, backtracking tree-search approach which attempts to eliminate redundancy
in the search by only considering structures which have the potential to be completed
to well-defined class representatives. This approach ensures that the enumeration algorithm only generates one Latin square from each of the classes to be enumerated, thus also generating
a repository of class representatives of these classes. These class representatives may be used in
conjunction with various well-known enumeration results from the theory of groups and group
actions in order to determine the number of Latin squares in each class as well as the numbers
of various kinds of subclasses of each class.
This methodology is applied in order to enumerate various equivalence classes of SOLS and
SOLSSOMs of orders up to and including order 10 and various equivalence classes of k-MOLS
of orders up to and including order 8. The known numbers of distinct SOLS, idempotent SOLS
and isomorphism classes generated by idempotent SOLS are verified for orders 4 n 9, and in
addition the number of isomorphism classes, transpose-isomorphism classes and RC-paratopism
classes of SOLS of these orders are enumerated. The search is further extended to determine the
numbers of these classes for SOLS of order 10 via a large parallelisation of the backtracking treesearch
algorithm on a number of processors. The RC-paratopism class representatives of SOLS
thus generated are then utilised for the purpose of enumerating SOLSSOMs, while existing
repositories of symmetric Latin squares are also used for this purpose as a means of validating
the enumeration results. In this way distinct SOLSSOMs, standard SOLSSOMs, transposeisomorphism
classes of SOLSSOMs and RC-paratopism classes of SOLSSOMs are enumerated,
and a repository of RC-paratopism class representatives of SOLSSOMs is also produced. The
known number of main classes of 2-MOLS of orders 3 n 8 are verified in this dissertation,
and in addition the number of main classes of k-MOLS of orders 3 n 8 are also determined
for 3 k n−1. Other equivalence classes of k-MOLS of order n that are enumerated include
distinct k-MOLS and reduced k-MOLS of orders 3 n 8 for 2 k n − 1.
Finally, a filtering method is employed to verify whether any SOLS of order 10 satisfies two
basic necessary conditions for admitting a common orthogonal mate with its transpose, and it is
found via a computer search that only four of the 121 642 class representatives of RC-paratopism
classes of SOLS satisfy these conditions. It is further verified that none of these four SOLS
admits a common orthogonal mate with its transpose. By this method the spectrum of resolved
orders in terms of the existence of SOLSSOMs is improved in that the non-existence of such
designs of order 10 is established, thereby resolving a longstanding open existence question in
the theory of Latin squares. Furthermore, this result establishes a new necessary condition for
the existence of a set of three mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order 10, namely that such
a set cannot contain a SOLS and its transpose / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Latynse vierkant van orde n is ’n n × n skikking van n simbole met die eienskap dat elke ry
en elke kolom van die skikking elke element presies een keer bevat. Dit is welbekend dat
Latynse vierkante gebruik kan word in die konstruksie van ontwerpe wat vra na ’n gebalanseerde
rangskikking van ’n versameling elemente onderhewig aan ’n aantal streng beperkings.
’n Belangrike toepassing van Latynse vierkante kom in die skedulering van verskeie spesiale
tipes gebalanseerde sporttoernooie voor, waarvan die eenvoudigste voorbeeld ’n sogenaamde
rondomtalietoernooi is — ’n toernooi waarin elke span elke ander span presies een keer teenstaan.
Onder die verskeie toepassings van Latynse vierkante in sporttoernooi-skedulering, is die probleem
van die skedulering van spesiale tipes gemengde dubbels tennis- en tafeltennistoernooie
deur gebruikmaking van spesiale versamelings van drie paarsgewys-ortogonale Latynse vierkante
in hierdie proefskrif van besondere belang. In sogenaamde gemengde dubbels tafeltennis (GDTT)
toernooi ding twee spanne, elk bestaande uit mans en vrouens, op ’n gemengde-dubbels rondomtalie
wyse mee, en dit is bekend dat enige versameling van drie paarsgewys-ortogonale Latynse
vierkante gebruik kan word om ’n skedule vir s´o ’n toernooi op te stel. ’n Meer interessante
sporttoernooi-ontwerp, en een wat al vantevore in minstens twee gerapporteerde gevalle deur
sportklubs benodig is, is egter ’n gade-vermydende gemengde-dubbels rondomtalie (GVGDR)
toernooi, en dit is bekend dat s´o ’n toernooi geskeduleer kan word deur gebruik te maak van ’n
self-ortogonale Latynse vierkant met ’n simmetriese ortogonale maat (SOLVSOM).
Hierdie toepassings het tot ’n aantal belangrike onopgeloste probleme in die teorie van Latynse
vierkante gelei, waarvan die mees beroemde die vraag na die bestaan van ’n versameling van
drie paarsgewys ortogonale Latynse vierkante van orde 10 is. Nog ’n onopgeloste probleem
is die vraag na die bestaan van SOLVSOMs van ordes 10 en 14. ’n Verdere probleem in die
teorie van Latynse vierkante wat aansienlik aandag in die literatuur geniet, is die bepaling
van die getal (essensieel) verskillende maniere waarop ’n versameling elemente in ’n Latynse
vierkant gerangskik kan word, m.a.w. die probleem van die enumerasie van Latynse vierkante
en ekwivalensieklasse van Latynse vierkante van ’n gegewe orde. Hierdie probleem raak vinnig
baie moeilik soos die orde van die Latynse vierkant groei, en aansienlike berekeningskrag word
dikwels hiervoor benodig. Sover is slegs ’n klein aantal ekwivalensieklasse van self-ortogonale
Latynse vierkante (SOLVe) in die literatuur getel, naamlik die getal verskillende SOLVe, die getal
idempotente SOLVe en die getal isomorfismeklasse voortgebring deur idempotente SOLVe van
ordes 4 n 9. Verder is slegs ’n klein aantal ekwivalensieklasse van geordende versamelings
van k onderling ortogonale Latynse vierkante (k-OOLVs) in die literatuur getel, naamlik die
getal hoofklasse voortgebring deur 2-OOLVs van orde n vir 3 n 8 en die getal isotoopklasse
voortgebring deur 8-OOLVs van orde 9. Daar is geen enumerasieresultate oor SOLVSOMs in
die literatuur beskikbaar nie.
In hierdie proefskrif word ’n metodologie vir die enumerasie van ekwivalensieklasse van Latynse
vierkante met behulp van ’n soekboomalgoritme met terugkering voorgestel. Hierdie algoritme
poog om oorbodigheid in die soektog te minimeer deur net strukture te oorweeg wat die potensiaal
het om tot goed-gedefinieerde klasleiers opgebou te word. Hierdie eienskap verseker dat
die algoritme slegs een Latynse vierkant binne elk van die klasse wat getel word, genereer, en
dus word ’n databasis van verteenwoordigers van hierdie klasse sodoende opgebou. Hierdie
klasverteenwoordigers kan tesame met verskeie welbekende groepteoretiese telresultate gebruik
word om die getal Latynse vierkante in elke klas te bepaal, asook die getal verskeie deelklasse
van verskillende tipes binne elke klas.
Die bogenoemde metodologie word toegepas om verskeie SOLV- en SOLVSOM-klasse van ordes
kleiner of gelyk aan 10 te tel, asook om k-OOLV-klasse van ordes kleiner of gelyk aan 8
te tel. Die getal verskillende SOLVe, idempotente SOLVe en isomorfismeklasse voortgebring
deur SOLVe word vir ordes 4 n 9 geverifieer, en daarbenewens word die getal isomorfismeklasse,
transponent-isomorfismeklasse en RC-paratoopklasse voortgebring deur SOLVe van
hierdie ordes ook bepaal. Die soektog word deur middel van ’n groot parallelisering van die
soekboomalgoritme op ’n aantal rekenaars ook uitgebrei na die tel van hierdie klasse voortgebring
deur SOLVe van orde 10. Die verteenwoordigers van RC-paratoopklasse voortgebring
deur SOLVe wat deur middel van hierdie algoritme gegenereer word, word dan gebruik om
SOLVSOMs te tel, terwyl bestaande databasisse van simmetriese Latynse vierkante as validasie
van die resultate ook vir hierdie doel ingespan word. Op hierdie manier word die getal
verskillende SOLVSOMs, standaardvorm SOLVSOMs, transponent-isomorfismeklasse voortgebring
deur SOLVSOMs asook RC-paratoopklasse voortgebring deur SOLVSOMs bepaal, en
word ’n databasis van verteenwoordigers van RC-paratoopklasse voortgebring deur SOLVSOMs
ook opgebou. Die bekende getal hoofklasse voortgebring deur 2-OOLVs van ordes 3 n 8
word in hierdie proefskrif geverifieer, en so ook word die getal hoofklasse voortgebring deur k-
OOLVs van ordes 3 n 8 bepaal, waar 3 k n−1. Ander ekwivalensieklasse voortgebring
deur k-OOLVs van orde n wat ook getel word, sluit in verskillende k-OOLVs en gereduseerde
k-OOLVs van ordes 3 n 8, waar 2 k n − 1.
Laastens word daar van ’n filtreer-metode gebruik gemaak om te bepaal of enige SOLV van
orde 10 twee basiese nodige voorwaardes om ’n ortogonale maat met sy transponent te deel
kan bevredig, en daar word gevind dat slegs vier van die 121 642 klasverteenwoordigers van
RC-paratoopklasse voortgebring deur SOLVe van orde 10 aan hierdie voorwaardes voldoen.
Dit word verder vasgestel dat geeneen van hierdie vier SOLVe ortogonale maats in gemeen
met hul transponente het nie. Die spektrum van afgehandelde ordes in terme van die bestaan
van SOLVSOMs word dus vergroot deur aan te toon dat geen sulke ontwerpe van orde 10
bestaan nie, en sodoende word ’n jarelange oop bestaansvraag in die teorie van Latynse vierkante
beantwoord. Verder bevestig hierdie metode ’n nuwe noodsaaklike bestaansvoorwaarde vir ’n
versameling van drie paarsgewys-ortogonale Latynse vierkante van orde 10, naamlik dat s´o ’n
versameling nie ’n SOLV en sy transponent kan bevat nie. / Harry Crossley Foundation / National Research Foundation
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Accurate modelling and realisation of a 4th generation wireless communication systemSchulze, Shaun 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / A great demand exits for higher data rates and increased reliability of future consumer based
mobile communication systems while being more bandwidth and power efficient. Orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) in combination with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
schemes has become a promising candidate for fulfilling the demand of next generation communication
The sensitivity of MIMO OFDM systems to physical impairments is of great interest and particularly
the Alamouti space-time block code is under investigation in this thesis. Generic and
comprehensive simulation models of an OFDM communication system incorporating the spacetime
block code are developed in a modular fashion and used in a performance evaluation with
non-ideal component and channel behaviour.
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Plans d'expérience pour mélanges à deux niveaux et facteurs externesHanna, Hanen 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les plans d'expérience pour mélanges traitent des cas où les propriétés du mélange sont dépendantes uniquement des proportions de ses composants. Dans un systèmes de mélanges à deux niveaux chaque composant principal (CP) est lui-même un sous-mélange de composants secondaires (CS). Ces systèmes sont classés en: mélanges de type A: les proportions des CP sont fixées et celles des CS sont variables, mélanges de type B: les proportions des CP et des CS sont toutes variables. Afin d'analyser les deux types de mélanges on propose des modèles additifs. Ce type de modèles est bien adapté pour l'expérimentation avec de nombreux composants car le nombre de paramètres est très inférieur au nombre de paramètres des modèles multiplicatifs proposés dans la littérature. On construit des plans vérifiant deux hypothèses, l'une d'orthogonalité à l'intérieur de chaque groupe de CS et l'autre d'équilibre entre sous-mélanges de CS par couple de CP. Pour la classe des plans orthogonaux-équilibré (OE) on déduit l'optimalité uniforme des plans composés de sous-mélanges purs. L'identification entre les plans orthogonaux factoriels et les corps purs permet d'obtenir des plans de taille restreinte pour certaines configurations de mélanges. L'identification entre les sous-mélanges purs et les expériences axiales est aussi établie, ceci donne une méthode pour la construction de plans OE où les proportions des CS et celles des CP sont non nulles. La modélisation conjointe de mélanges et facteurs externes est aussi considérée en utilisant des polynômes d'ordre un et des fractions orthogonales construites à partir d'un plan factoriel composé du rassemblement de CS, CP et facteur externe.
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Quantum Optics and the Quantum Jump Technique for Lossy and Non-Orthogonal SystemsDoutre, Sean 28 September 2013 (has links)
In this thesis I develop a formalism for analyzing quantum optics in photonic crystal slab cavities
which may be coupled, lossy, and non-orthogonal. Using a tight-binding approximation I find classical
coupled-cavity quasimodes which overlap in space and frequency. These classical modes are
used to develop a multiphoton basis for quantum optics with non-orthogonal photon states. I develop
creation and annihilation operators with a novel commutation relation as a consequence of the nonorthogonality
of the quasimodes. With these operators the effective Hamiltonian, number operator,
electric field operator and quadrature operators are obtained.
The quantum jump technique is applied to handle the effects of loss. This technique is compared
with the master equation, and conditions for the quantum jump technique being preferable are
described. The quantum jump technique is implemented numerically, allowing for time-dependent
linear and X(2) non-linear pumping.
I use a combination of analytic results and characteristic functions to examine the evolution of
coherent and squeezed states in a single lossy quasimode. The analysis is then extended to two nonorthogonal
quasimodes. States are investigated using reduced characteristic functions. / Thesis (Master, Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy) -- Queen's University, 2013-09-27 12:00:10.281
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Unsteady inlet condition generation for Large Eddy Simulation CFD using particle image velocimetryRobinson, Mark D. January 2009 (has links)
In many areas of aerodynamics the technique of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) has proved a practical way of modelling the unsteady phenomena in numerical simulations. Few applications are as dependent on such an approach as the prediction of flow within a gas turbine combustor. Like any form of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), LES requires specification of the velocity field at the inflow boundary, with much evidence suggesting the specification of inlet turbulence can be critical to the resultant accuracy of the prediction. While a database of time-resolved velocity data may be obtained from a precursor LES calculation, this technique is prohibitively expensive for complex geometries. An alternative is to use synthetic inlet conditions obtained from experimental data High-speed Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is used here to provide planar velocity data at up to 1kHz temporal resolution in two test cases representative of gas turbine combustor flows (a vortex generator in a duct and an idealised combustor). As the data sampling rate is approaching a typical LES time-step it introduces the possibility of applying instantaneous experimental data directly as an inlet condition. However, as typical solution domain inlet regions for gas turbine combustor geometries cannot be adequately captured in a single field of PIV data, it is necessary to consider a method by which a synchronous velocity field may be obtained from multiple PIV fields that were not captured concurrently. A method is proposed that attempts to achieve this by a combined process of Linear Stochastic Estimation and high-pass filtering. The method developed can be generally applied without a priori assumptions of the flow and is demonstrated to produce a velocity field that matches very closely that of the original PIV, with no discontinuities in the velocity correlations. The fidelity and computational cost of the method compares favourably to several existing inlet condition generation methods. Finally, the proposed and existing methods for synthetic inlet condition generation are applied to LES predictions of the two test cases. There is shown to be significant differences in the resulting flow, with the proposed method showing a marked ii reduction in the adjustment period that is required to establish turbulent equilibrium downstream of the inlet. However, it is noted the presence of downstream turbulence generating features can mask any differences in the inlet condition, to the extent that the flow in the core of the combustor test case is found to be insensitive to the inlet condition applied at the entry to the feed annulus for the test conditions applied here.
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Contribution des informations expérimentales et expertes à l'amélioration des modèles linéaires d'étalonnage multivarié en spectrométrie / Cooperation between experimental and expert informations for improving spectrometer calibrationsBoulet, Jean-Claude 13 December 2010 (has links)
Les spectres contiennent de l'information sur la composition d'échantillons. Cette information est extraite au moyen d'une première famille d'outils chimiométriques, les étalonnages. Une deu xième famille d'outils, les prétraitements, est destinée à enlever une information spectrale nuisible. Etalonnages et prétraitements sont construits à partir de deux types d'informations: (1) les informations expérimentales basées sur l'expérience; (2) les informations expertes basées sur la connaissance a priori. L'objectif de la thèse est d'étudier les complémentarités et synergies entre ces deux types d'informations. Après une étude bibliographique, un modèle général commun aux étalonnages et prétraitements est proposé. L'information utile ou nuisible contenue dans un spectre est obtenue par projection orthogonale de ce spectre (selon un métrique Sigma) sur une matrice P dont les colonnes constituent une base de l'espace vectoriel associé à l'information utile ou nuisible. Selon les cas, l'information utile est conservée alors que l'information nuisible est éliminée. Le modèle général est ensuite implémenté par deux nouvelles méthodes. L'IDC-Improved Direct Calibration est une méthode d'étalonnage direct utilisant conjointement des informations expérimentales et expertes. Ensuite VODKA-PLSR est une généralisation de la PLSR. Un vecteur r est mis en évidence, il permet d'inclure de l'information experte dans le modèle. En conclusion ce travail permet une vision plus synthétique des modèles existants, propose deux nouveaux modèles d'étalonnage et ouvre de nombreuses possibilités pour créer de nouveaux modèles d'étalonnage et de prétraitement. / Spectra contain informations about the composition of samples. This information is obtained using calibration. Harmful spectral information can be previoulsy withdrawn using pretraitments. Both calibration and pretraitment models are based on two types of informations: (1) experimental information based on measurements onto samples; (2) expert information based on a previous knowledge. The aim of this thesis is to study the links between those two types of information. After a biography review, a general model including both calibrations and pretraitments is proposed. The usefull or harmful spectral information is obtained after spectra have been orthogonaly projected (with a Sigma metrix ) onto a P matrix whose columns define a basis of the vectorial subspace described by the usefull or harmful information. Thus usefull information is kept whereas harmful information is withdrawn. Two new methods are proposed. First IDC-Improved Direct Calibra tion is a direct calibration method using both experimental and expert informations. Then VODKA-PLSR is a generalisation of PLSR. A vector r permits the use of expert information by the regression model. To conclude, this works allows a global view of existing tools, proposes two new models and offers new possibilities for building new models.
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Novel variable influence on projection (VIP) methods in OPLS, O2PLS, and OnPLS models for single- and multi-block variable selection : VIPOPLS, VIPO2PLS, and MB-VIOP methodsGalindo-Prieto, Beatriz January 2017 (has links)
Multivariate and multiblock data analysis involves useful methodologies for analyzing large data sets in chemistry, biology, psychology, economics, sensory science, and industrial processes; among these methodologies, partial least squares (PLS) and orthogonal projections to latent structures (OPLS®) have become popular. Due to the increasingly computerized instrumentation, a data set can consist of thousands of input variables which contain latent information valuable for research and industrial purposes. When analyzing a large number of data sets (blocks) simultaneously, the number of variables and underlying connections between them grow very much indeed; at this point, reducing the number of variables keeping high interpretability becomes a much needed strategy. The main direction of research in this thesis is the development of a variable selection method, based on variable influence on projection (VIP), in order to improve the model interpretability of OnPLS models in multiblock data analysis. This new method is called multiblock variable influence on orthogonal projections (MB-VIOP), and its novelty lies in the fact that it is the first multiblock variable selection method for OnPLS models. Several milestones needed to be reached in order to successfully create MB-VIOP. The first milestone was the development of a single-block variable selection method able to handle orthogonal latent variables in OPLS models, i.e. VIP for OPLS (denoted as VIPOPLS or OPLS-VIP in Paper I), which proved to increase the interpretability of PLS and OPLS models, and afterwards, was successfully extended to multivariate time series analysis (MTSA) aiming at process control (Paper II). The second milestone was to develop the first multiblock VIP approach for enhancement of O2PLS® models, i.e. VIPO2PLS for two-block multivariate data analysis (Paper III). And finally, the third milestone and main goal of this thesis, the development of the MB-VIOP algorithm for the improvement of OnPLS model interpretability when analyzing a large number of data sets simultaneously (Paper IV). The results of this thesis, and their enclosed papers, showed that VIPOPLS, VIPO2PLS, and MB-VIOP methods successfully assess the most relevant variables for model interpretation in PLS, OPLS, O2PLS, and OnPLS models. In addition, predictability, robustness, dimensionality reduction, and other variable selection purposes, can be potentially improved/achieved by using these methods.
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FPGA-Based LDPC Coded Modulations for Optical Transport NetworksZou, Ding, Zou, Ding January 2017 (has links)
Current coherent optical transmission systems focus on single carrier solutions for 400Gb/s serial transmission to support traffic growth in fiber-optics communications, together with a few subcarriers multiplexed solutions for the 1 Tb/s serial data rates and beyond. With the advancement of analog-to-digital converter technologies, high order modulation formats up to 64-QAM with symbol rate up to 72Gbaud have been demonstrated experimentally with Raman amplification. To enable such high serial data rates, it is highly desirable to implement in hardware low complexity digital signal processing schemes and advanced forward error correction coding with powerful error correction capability. In this dissertation, to enable high-speed optical communications, we first proposed an efficient FPGA architecture of high-performance binary and non-binary LDPC engines that can support throughputs of multiple Gb/s, which have low power consumption, providing high net coding gains at a target bit-error rate of 10-15. Further, we implement a generalized LDPC coding based rate adaptive binary LDPC coding scheme and puncturing based rate adaptive non-binary LDPC coding scheme, where large number of parameters can be reconfigured in order to cope with the time-varying optical channel conditions and service requirements. Based on comprehensive analysis on complexity, latency, and power consumption we demonstrate that the proposed efficient implementation represents a feasible solution for the next generation optical communication networks. Additionally, we investigate the FPGA implementation of rate adaptive regular LDPC coding combined with up to six high-order modulation formats and demonstrate high net coding gain performance and demonstrated a bit loading algorithm for irregular LDPC coding. Lastly, we present the real-time implementation of a direct detection OFDM transceiver with multi Giga symbols/s symbol rates in a back-to-back configuration.
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A random matrix model for two-colour QCD at non-zero quark densityPhillips, Michael James January 2011 (has links)
We solve a random matrix ensemble called the chiral Ginibre orthogonal ensemble, or chGinOE. This non-Hermitian ensemble has applications to modelling particular low-energy limits of two-colour quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD). In particular, the matrices model the Dirac operator for quarks in the presence of a gluon gauge field of fixed topology, with an arbitrary number of flavours of virtual quarks and a non-zero quark chemical potential. We derive the joint probability density function (JPDF) of eigenvalues for this ensemble for finite matrix size N, which we then write in a factorised form. We then present two different methods for determining the correlation functions, resulting in compact expressions involving Pfaffians containing the associated kernel. We determine the microscopic large-N limits at strong and weak non-Hermiticity (required for physical applications) for both the real and complex eigenvalue densities. Various other properties of the ensemble are also investigated, including the skew-orthogonal polynomials and the fraction of eigenvalues that are real. A number of the techniques that we develop have more general applicability within random matrix theory, some of which we also explore in this thesis.
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