Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonorthogonal"" "subject:"onorthogonal""
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Filtros digitais para a separação de subbandas em sistemas PLC baseados em clustered-OFDMSchettino, Hugo Viveiros 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-07T14:12:32Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Este trabalho investiga o uso de filtros digitais de resposta ao impulso finita (finite impulse response
- FIR) e de resposta ao impulso infinita (infinite impulse response - IIR) para separar
os sinais dos clusters de esquemas de multiplexação por divisão de frequência ortogonal clusterizado
(clustered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing - clustered-OFDM), aplicado à
sistema de comunicação via rede elétrica (power line communication - PLC). Nesse contexto,
introduz-se uma formulação para explicitar a influência do filtro digital no esquema clustered-
OFDM. A partir dessa formulação, uma equação que quantifica a vazão em função do uso dos
filtros digitais, a qual leva em consideração a relação sinal ruído multicanal, a especificação do
filtro e, principalmente, o comprimento dele, é apresentada. Através de simulações computacionais,
analisa-se o desempenho do esquema sujeito a um conjunto de filtros digitais previamente
selecionados, considerando três cenários: canal corrompido pelo ruído aditivo, gaussiano e
branco (additive white Gaussian noise - AWGN), canal PLC indoor corrompido ruído (medido
numa residência localizada na cidade de Juiz de Fora, MG) e canal PLC outdoor corrompido
pelo ruído (medido numa rede de distribuição de energia elétrica de baixa tensão na cidade de
Juiz de Fora, MG). De acordo com os resultados computacionais, dentre os filtros digitais analisados,
os filtros digitais Chebychev tipo II, FIR interpolado (interpolated FIR - IFIR) e FIR de
fase mínima e equiripple são, de maneira geral, os filtros digitais que proporcionam os melhores
benefícios (maior vazão e menor complexidade computacional). Considerando-se a influência
da precisão finita nesses três filtros digitais, conclui-se que o filtro digital IIR Chebychev tipo II
quantizado proporciona a menor perda de vazão e, portanto, é um filtro bastante adequado para
esquemas clustered-OFDM. / This work investigates the use of finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response
(IIR) digital filters to separate the signals belonging distinct clusters in a clustered orthogonal
frequency division multiplexing (clustered-OFDM) scheme, when it is applied to power line
communication (PLC) system. In this context, we introduce a formulation to take into account
the choice of the digital filter for the clustered-OFDM scheme. Based on this formulation, an
equation that quantifies the data-rate as a function ofmultichannel signal noise ratio, digital filter
design specification and length of the digital filter is presented. Performance analyses based on a
previously selected set of digital filters over three scenarios, channel corrupted by additivewhite
Gaussian noise (AWGN), indoor PLC channel corrupted by the noise (measured in a residence
located in Juiz de Fora city, MG) and outdoor PLC corrupted by the noise (measured in a low
voltage distribution network in Juiz de Fora city, MG), are presented. According to numerical
results, Chebychev type II, interpolated FIR (IFIR) and equiripple minimum phase FIR digital
filters offers the best benefits in terms of less data-rate loss and computer complexity reduction.
Considering the influence of the finite precision in these three digital filters, simulation results
shows that the quantized Chebychev type II IIR digital filter attains the smallest data-rate loss
and, as a consequence, it a very appropriate digital filter for clustered-OFDM schemes.
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Problèmes de placement, de coloration et d’identification / On packing, colouring and identification problemsValicov, Petru 09 July 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à trois problèmes issus de l'informatique théorique, à savoir le placement de formes rectangulaires dans un conteneur (OPP), la coloration dite "forte" d'arêtes des graphes et les codes identifiants dans les graphes. L'OPP consiste à décider si un ensemble d'items rectangulaires peut être placé sans chevauchement dans un conteneur rectangulaire et sans dépassement des bords de celui-ci. Une contrainte supplémentaire est prise en compte, à savoir l'interdiction de rotation des items. Le problème est NP-difficile même dans le cas où le conteneur et les formes sont des carrés. Nous présentons un algorithme de résolution efficace basé sur une caractérisation du problème par des graphes d'intervalles, proposée par Fekete et Schepers. L'algorithme est exact et utilise les MPQ-arbres - structures de données qui encodent ces graphes de manière compacte tout en capturant leurs propriétés remarquables. Nous montrons les résultats expérimentaux de notre approche en les comparant aux performances d'autres algorithmes existants. L'étude de la coloration forte d'arêtes et des codes identifiants porte sur les aspects structurels et de calculabilité de ces deux problèmes. Dans le cas de la coloration forte d'arêtes nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux familles des graphes planaires et des graphes subcubiques. Nous montrons des bornes optimales pour l'indice chromatique fort des graphes subcubiques en fonction du degré moyen maximum et montrons que tout graphe planaire subcubique sans cycles induits de longueur 4 et 5 est coloriable avec neuf couleurs. Enfin nous confirmons la difficulté du problème de décision associé, en prouvant qu'il est NP-complet dans des sous-classes restreintes des graphes planaires subcubiques.La troisième partie de la thèse est consacrée aux codes identifiants. Nous proposons une caractérisation des graphes identifiables dont la cardinalité du code identifiant minimum ID est n-1, où n est l'ordre du graphe. Nous étudions la classe des graphes adjoints et nous prouvons des bornes inférieures et supérieures serrées pour le paramètre ID dans cette classe. Finalement, nous montrons qu'il existe un algorithme linéaire de calcul de ID dans la classe des graphes adjoints L(G) où G a une largeur arborescente bornée par une constante. En revanche nous nous apercevons que le problème est NP-complet dans des sous-classes très restreintes des graphes parfaits. / In this thesis we study three theoretical computer science problems, namely the orthogonal packing problem (OPP for short), strong edge-colouring and identifying codes.OPP consists in testing whether a set of rectangular items can be packed in a rectangular container without overlapping and without exceeding the borders of this container. An additional constraint is that the rotation of the items is not allowed. The problem is NP-hard even when the problem is reduced to packing squares in a square. We propose an exact algorithm for solving OPP efficiently using the characterization of the problem by interval graphs proposed by Fekete and Schepers. For this purpose we use some compact representation of interval graphs - MPQ-trees. We show experimental results of our approach by comparing them to the results of other algorithms known in the literature. we observe promising gains.The study of strong edge-colouring and identifying codes is focused on the structural and computational aspects of these combinatorial problems. In the case of strong edge-colouring we are interested in the families of planar graphs and subcubic graphs. We show optimal upper bounds for the strong chromatic index of subcubic graphs as a function of the maximum average degree. We also show that every planar subcubic graph without induced cycles of length 4 and 5 can be strong edge-coloured with at most nine colours. Finally, we confirm the difficulty of the problem by showing that it remains NP-complete even in some restricted classes of planar subcubic graphs.For the subject of identifying codes we propose a characterization of non-trivial graphs having maximum identifying code number ID, that is n-1, where n is the number of vertices. We study the case of line graphs and prove lower and upper bounds for ID parameter in this class. At last we investigate the complexity of the corresponding decision problem and show the existence of a linear algorithm for computing ID of the line graph L(G) where G has the size of the tree-width bounded by a constant. On the other hand, we show that the identifying code problem is NP-complete in various subclasses of planar graphs.
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Adjustable white-light emission from a photo-structured micro-OLED arrayKrotkus, Simonas, Kasemann, Daniel, Lenk, Simone, Leo, Karl, Reineke, Sebastian 10 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
White organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are promising candidates for future solid-state lighting applications and backplane illumination in large-area displays. One very specific feature of OLEDs, which is currently gaining momentum, is that they can enable tunable white light emission. This feature is conventionally realized either through the vertical stacking of independent OLEDs emitting different colors or in lateral arrangement of OLEDs. The vertical design is optically difficult to optimize and often results in efficiency compromises between the units. In contrast, the lateral concept introduces severe area losses to dark regions between the subunits, which requires a significantly larger overall device area to achieve equal brightness. Here we demonstrate a color-tunable, two-color OLED device realized by side-by-side alignment of yellow and blue p-i-n OLEDs structured down to 20 μm by a simple and up-scalable orthogonal photolithography technique. This layout eliminates the problems of conventional lateral approaches by utilizing all area for light emission. The corresponding emission of the photo-patterned two-unit OLED can be tuned over a wide range from yellow to white to blue colors. The independent control of the different units allows the desired overall spectrum to be set at any given brightness level. Operated as a white light source, the microstructured OLED reaches a luminous efficacy of 13 lm W−1 at 1000 cd m−2 without an additional light outcoupling enhancement and reaches a color rendering index of 68 when operated near the color point E. Finally, we demonstrate an improved device lifetime by means of size variation of the subunits.
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Adjustable white-light emission from a photo-structured micro-OLED arrayKrotkus, Simonas, Kasemann, Daniel, Lenk, Simone, Leo, Karl, Reineke, Sebastian 10 January 2017 (has links)
White organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are promising candidates for future solid-state lighting applications and backplane illumination in large-area displays. One very specific feature of OLEDs, which is currently gaining momentum, is that they can enable tunable white light emission. This feature is conventionally realized either through the vertical stacking of independent OLEDs emitting different colors or in lateral arrangement of OLEDs. The vertical design is optically difficult to optimize and often results in efficiency compromises between the units. In contrast, the lateral concept introduces severe area losses to dark regions between the subunits, which requires a significantly larger overall device area to achieve equal brightness. Here we demonstrate a color-tunable, two-color OLED device realized by side-by-side alignment of yellow and blue p-i-n OLEDs structured down to 20 μm by a simple and up-scalable orthogonal photolithography technique. This layout eliminates the problems of conventional lateral approaches by utilizing all area for light emission. The corresponding emission of the photo-patterned two-unit OLED can be tuned over a wide range from yellow to white to blue colors. The independent control of the different units allows the desired overall spectrum to be set at any given brightness level. Operated as a white light source, the microstructured OLED reaches a luminous efficacy of 13 lm W−1 at 1000 cd m−2 without an additional light outcoupling enhancement and reaches a color rendering index of 68 when operated near the color point E. Finally, we demonstrate an improved device lifetime by means of size variation of the subunits.
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Modélisation des échanges dissous entre l'estuaire de la Loire et les baies côtières adjacentes / Modelling of dissolved exchanges between the Loire estuary and the adjacent coastal baysKhojasteh Pour Fard, Iman 15 December 2015 (has links)
Les estuaires sont des zones à l’interface terre-mer au coeur de la question du devenir des apports continentaux drainés par les grands bassins versants. L’objet de cette étude est focalisé sur l’estuaire de la Loire et ses zones adjacentes (i.e. baie de Bourgneuf et le Mor-Bras) situés dans le nord-est du Golfe de Gascogne. C’est un environnement soumis à l’influence significative de la marée qui se propage en amont de l’embouchure à plus de 100 km, de forçages météorologiques de moyennes latitudes donc hautement variables qui induisent en particulier des débits fluviaux pouvant varier d’un facteur dix. Cette variabilité est étudiée à l’aide d’un modèle numérique et des outils de description de la circulation qui permettent de mieux cerner les temps de séjours et de transits des eaux continentales dans l’estuaire et vers les baies riveraines. L’approche s’appuie sur un modèle en grille structurée mais dont la malléabilité pour décrire la complexité du domaine à simuler est donnée par le caractère non orthogonal des mailles employées pour la discrétisation. Le choix d’un système de coordonnées optimale (covariantes ou contravariantes) est discuté puis implémenté dans le code MARS-3D. Ce nouvel outil est qualifié et validé sur des cas-test puis implémenté en conditions réelles sur un domaine à la géométrie particulièrement accidentée. Les simulations reproduisent très finement la dynamique du grand panache de la Loire et confirment sa très grande variabilité spatiale et temporelle que décrivent partiellement des observations à haute fréquence et ponctuelles ; elles permettent de décrire les chemins privilégiés des masses d’eau à travers les sections de références choisies. / Estuaries are key areas in between land and ocean which play a major role in the spreading ofcontinental runoff drained by large watershed. This study focused on the Loire Estuary and its adjacentbays (i.e. Bourgneuf bay and Mor-Braz sea) all located in the north-east side of the bay of Biscay. It isinfluenced by the large tidal wave that propagates upstream the mouth on more than a 100 km, by highlymid-latitude meteorological forcing that may not only induced High variability in the circulation driversbut also on the river runoffs that may vary from 1 to 10 from early spring to late summer. This Highvariability is studied thanks to numerical simulation and tools dedicated to describe the circulation withsynthetic index such as transit time and mean age of water. The approach lies on a numerical modeldiscretized on a structure grid which constraints have been relaxed to better fit the fractal coastal lineusing non orthogonal grid cells. The optimal coordinate framework (co or contra-variant) have beendiscussed, and implemented within a pre-existing code (i.e. MARS-3D). This tools was validated withtest cases and implemented on a domain with a particular complex geometry. The numerical simulationscatch very accurately the dynamic of this large plume at least as it is described by available in situobservations. This numerical solution allowed to exhibit the main path of water masses through the areaand from place to place and their variability according to the main forcings.
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Fonctions génératrices des polynômes de Hartley des algèbres de Lie simples de rang 2.Pelletier, Xavier 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire étudie deux familles de fonctions orthogonales, soit les fonctions d'orbite de Weyl et les fonctions d'orbite de Hartley. Chacune de ces familles est associée à une algèbre de Lie simple et cette recherche se limite aux algèbres A₂, C₂ et G₂ de rang 2. Les fonctions d'orbite de Weyl ont été largement étudiées depuis des années en raison de leurs propriétés exceptionnelles. Nouvellement, elles ont été utilisées pour générer des polynômes de Chebyshev généralisés et calculer les fonctions génératrices de ces polynômes pour les algèbres de Lie simples de rang 2. Les fonctions d'orbite de Hartley, quant à elles, ont été récemment introduites par Hrivnák et Juránek et l'étude de ces dernières ne fait que débuter. L'objectif de ce mémoire est de définir des polynômes de Chebyshev généralisés associés aux fonctions de Hartley et de calculer les fonctions génératrices de ceux-ci pour les algèbres A₂, C₂ et G₂. Le premier chapitre introduit les systèmes de racines et le groupe de Weyl, original et affine, ainsi que leurs domaines fondamentaux, afin que le lecteur ait les notations et définitions pour comprendre les chapitres suivants. Le deuxième chapitre présente et étudie les fonctions de Weyl. Il définit également leurs polynômes de Chebyshev généralisés et se termine en présentant les différentes fonctions génératrices de ces polynômes pour les algèbres de Lie simples de rang 2. Finalement, le troisième chapitre contient les résultats originaux; il expose les fonctions de Hartley et certaines de leurs propriétés. Il définit les polynômes de Chebyshev généralisés de celles-ci et énonce également leurs relations d'orthogonalité discrète. Il conclut en calculant les fonctions génératrices de ces polynômes pour les algèbres A₂, C₂ et G₂. / This master's thesis studies two families of orthogonal functions, the Weyl orbit functions and the Hartley orbit functions. Each of these families is associated to a simple Lie algebra and the present work is limited to the algebras A₂, C₂ and G₂ of rank 2. Weyl orbit functions have been widely studied for years because of their exceptional properties. Recently, these properties have been used to generate generalized Chebyshev polynomials and to compute the generating functions of these polynomials for the simple Lie algebras of rank 2. Hartley orbit functions, on the other hand, were recently introduced by Hrivnák and Juránek and the study of the latter has only begun. The objective of this thesis is to define the generalized Chebyshev polynomials of Hartley orbit functions and to compute their generating functions for the algebras A₂, C₂ and G₂. The first chapter introduces root systems and the Weyl group, original and affine, and their fundamental domains, so that the reader has the notations and definitions at hand to read the following chapters. The second chapter introduces and studies Weyl orbit functions. It also defines their generalized Chebyshev polynomials and ends by presenting the different generating functions of these polynomials for simple Lie algebras of rank 2. Finally, the third chapter contains the original contribution; it presents the Hartley functions and some of their properties. It defines the generalized Chebyshev polynomials of these and also states their discrete orthogonality relations. It concludes by computing the generating functions of these polynomials for the algebras A₂, C₂ and G₂.
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Advanced MIMO-OFDM technique for future high speed braodband wireless communications. A study of OFDM design, using wavelet transform, fractional fourier transform, fast fourier transform, doppler effect, space-time coding for multiple input, multiple output wireless communications systemsAnoh, Kelvin O.O. January 2015 (has links)
This work concentrates on the application of diversity techniques and space time block coding
for future high speed mobile wireless communications on multicarrier systems.
At first, alternative multicarrier kernels robust for high speed doubly-selective fading channel are
sought. They include the comparisons of discrete Fourier transform (DFT), fractional Fourier
transform (FrFT) and wavelet transform (WT) multicarrier kernels. Different wavelet types,
including the raised-cosine spectrum wavelets are implemented, evaluated and compared.
From different wavelet families, orthogonal wavelets are isolated from detailed evaluations and
comparisons as suitable for multicarrier applications. The three transforms are compared over a
doubly-selective channel with the WT significantly outperforming all for high speed conditions up
to 300 km/hr.
Then, a new wavelet is constructed from an ideal filter approximation using established wavelet
design algorithms to match any signal of interest; in this case under bandlimited criteria. The
new wavelet showed better performance than other traditional orthogonal wavelets.
To achieve MIMO communication, orthogonal space-time block coding, OSTBC, is evaluated
next. First, the OSTBC is extended to assess the performance of the scheme over extended
receiver diversity order. Again, with the extended diversity conditions, the OSTBC is
implemented for a multicarrier system over a doubly-selective fading channel. The MIMO-OFDM
systems (implemented using DFT and WT kernels) are evaluated for different operating
frequencies, typical of LTE standard, with Doppler effects. It was found that, during high mobile
speed, it is better to transmit OFDM signals using lower operating frequencies.
The information theory for the 2-transmit antenna OSTBC does not support higher order
implementation of multi-antenna systems, which is required for the future generation wireless
communications systems. Instead of the OSTBC, the QO-STBC is usually deployed to support
the design of higher order multi-antenna systems other than the 2-transmit antenna scheme.
The performances of traditional QO-STBC methods are diminished by some off-diagonal
(interference) terms such that the resulting system does not attain full diversity. Some methods
for eliminating the interference terms have earlier been discussed. This work follows the
construction of cyclic matrices with Hadamard matrix to derive QO-STBC codes construction
which are N-times better than interference free QO-STBC, where N is the number of transmit
antenna branches.
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Efficient Approaches to the Treatment of Uncertainty in Satisfying Regulatory LimitsGrabaskas, David 30 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Polinômios ortogonais em várias variáveis /Niime, Fabio Nosse. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Cleonice Fátima Bracciali / Banca: Fernando Rodrigo Rafaeli / Banca: Eliana Xavier Linhares de Andrade / Resumo: O objetivo des trabalho é estudar os polinômios ortogonais em várias variáveis com relação a um funcional linear, L e suas propriedades análogas às dos polinômios ortogonais em uma variável, tais como: a relação de três termos, a relação de recorrência de três termos, o teorema de Favard, os zeros comuns ea cubatura gaussiana. Além disso, apresentamos um método para gerar polinômios ortonormais em duas variáveis e alguns exemplos. / Abstract: The aim here is to study the orthogonal polynomials in several variables with respect to a linear functional, L. also, to study its properties analogous to orthogonal polynomials in one variable, such as the theree term relation, the three term recurrence relation, Favard's theorem, the common zeros and Gaussian cubature. A method to generating orthonormal polynomials in two variables and some examples are presented. / Mestre
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ITC/USA 2006 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Second Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 23-26, 2006 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / This paper presents a practical implementation of a hardware design for transmission of data over aircraft power lines. The intent of such hardware is to significantly reduce the wiring in the aircraft instrumentation system. The potential usages of this technology include pulse code modulation (PCM), Ethernet and other forms data communications. Details of the fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) and printed circuit board (PCB) designs of the digital and analog front end will be discussed. The power line is not designed for data transmission. It contains considerable noise, multipath effects, and time varying impedance. Spectral analysis data of an aircraft is presented to indicate the difficulty of the problem at hand. A robust modulation is required to overcome the harsh environment and to provide reliable transmission. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been used in power line communication industry with a great deal of success. OFDM has been deemed the most appropriate technology for high-speed data transmission on aircraft power lines. Additionally, forward error correction (FEC) techniques are discussed.
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