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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Satisfação de clientes em instituições sem fins lucrativos : um estudo de caso : avaliando as percepções dos públicos envolvidos

Delevati, Miriam Teresinha da Silva January 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho de conclusão aborda a satisfação de clientes em uma organização sem fins lucrativos. Através de um estudo de caso, procedeu-se uma avaliação qualitativa por meio de observação participante do pesquisador, percepções dos professores e acadêmicos envolvidos no atendimento prestado pelo Serviço de Nutrição do Centro Universitário Franciscano- UNIFRA, e também dos usuários finais do serviço. Objetivou-se, assim, avaliar como a satisfação de clientes é gerenciada neste serviço, usando-se as variáveis de pesquisa: estratégia, sistemas e pessoas como norteadoras das investigações efetuadas. Com o intuito de atingir os propósitos do estudo, o público envolvido no atendimento, composto por coordenador do serviço e professores, foi ouvido por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. No público constituído de acadêmicos que prestam o atendimento e usuários do serviço foi utilizada a técnica de entrevista de grupos focalizados. Para o tratamento dos dados coletados procedeu-se a sua descrição, análise e interpretação. A análise dos resultados foi apresentada em blocos que contemplam: estratégia, sistemas e pessoas. As opiniões emitidas pelos públicos consultados e a observação do pesquisador apontaram acertos e oportunidades de melhoria no serviço prestado, dando indicativos de dimensões importantes para o gerenciamento da satisfação de clientes deste serviço. / This work deals with consumer satisfaction in a non-profitable organization. Through a case study, a qualitative assessment was developed based on participating observation of the researcher, perceptions of professors and academics evolved on Nutrition Service of “Centro Universitário Franciscano – UNIFRA”, and also of the service final users. The main goal was evaluate how the consumer satisfaction is managed on this service using the research variables: strategy, systems and person as starting points of the effectuated research. Intending to reach the study’s purpose, the public evolved on the service, compound by the service coordinators and professors, was heard through individual interview technique. In the public compound by academics that provide the service and service users the technique used was the focus group interview technique. For the treatment of the data collected it’s description, analysis and interpretation was made. The analysis of the results was divided in blocks that include: strategy, systems and persons. The opinions given by the consulted public and researcher observation pointed some things right and opportunities of making the service better, giving important indicatives for the management of the client satisfaction of this service.

Satisfação de clientes em instituições sem fins lucrativos : um estudo de caso : avaliando as percepções dos públicos envolvidos

Delevati, Miriam Teresinha da Silva January 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho de conclusão aborda a satisfação de clientes em uma organização sem fins lucrativos. Através de um estudo de caso, procedeu-se uma avaliação qualitativa por meio de observação participante do pesquisador, percepções dos professores e acadêmicos envolvidos no atendimento prestado pelo Serviço de Nutrição do Centro Universitário Franciscano- UNIFRA, e também dos usuários finais do serviço. Objetivou-se, assim, avaliar como a satisfação de clientes é gerenciada neste serviço, usando-se as variáveis de pesquisa: estratégia, sistemas e pessoas como norteadoras das investigações efetuadas. Com o intuito de atingir os propósitos do estudo, o público envolvido no atendimento, composto por coordenador do serviço e professores, foi ouvido por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. No público constituído de acadêmicos que prestam o atendimento e usuários do serviço foi utilizada a técnica de entrevista de grupos focalizados. Para o tratamento dos dados coletados procedeu-se a sua descrição, análise e interpretação. A análise dos resultados foi apresentada em blocos que contemplam: estratégia, sistemas e pessoas. As opiniões emitidas pelos públicos consultados e a observação do pesquisador apontaram acertos e oportunidades de melhoria no serviço prestado, dando indicativos de dimensões importantes para o gerenciamento da satisfação de clientes deste serviço. / This work deals with consumer satisfaction in a non-profitable organization. Through a case study, a qualitative assessment was developed based on participating observation of the researcher, perceptions of professors and academics evolved on Nutrition Service of “Centro Universitário Franciscano – UNIFRA”, and also of the service final users. The main goal was evaluate how the consumer satisfaction is managed on this service using the research variables: strategy, systems and person as starting points of the effectuated research. Intending to reach the study’s purpose, the public evolved on the service, compound by the service coordinators and professors, was heard through individual interview technique. In the public compound by academics that provide the service and service users the technique used was the focus group interview technique. For the treatment of the data collected it’s description, analysis and interpretation was made. The analysis of the results was divided in blocks that include: strategy, systems and persons. The opinions given by the consulted public and researcher observation pointed some things right and opportunities of making the service better, giving important indicatives for the management of the client satisfaction of this service.

Satisfação de clientes em instituições sem fins lucrativos : um estudo de caso : avaliando as percepções dos públicos envolvidos

Delevati, Miriam Teresinha da Silva January 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho de conclusão aborda a satisfação de clientes em uma organização sem fins lucrativos. Através de um estudo de caso, procedeu-se uma avaliação qualitativa por meio de observação participante do pesquisador, percepções dos professores e acadêmicos envolvidos no atendimento prestado pelo Serviço de Nutrição do Centro Universitário Franciscano- UNIFRA, e também dos usuários finais do serviço. Objetivou-se, assim, avaliar como a satisfação de clientes é gerenciada neste serviço, usando-se as variáveis de pesquisa: estratégia, sistemas e pessoas como norteadoras das investigações efetuadas. Com o intuito de atingir os propósitos do estudo, o público envolvido no atendimento, composto por coordenador do serviço e professores, foi ouvido por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. No público constituído de acadêmicos que prestam o atendimento e usuários do serviço foi utilizada a técnica de entrevista de grupos focalizados. Para o tratamento dos dados coletados procedeu-se a sua descrição, análise e interpretação. A análise dos resultados foi apresentada em blocos que contemplam: estratégia, sistemas e pessoas. As opiniões emitidas pelos públicos consultados e a observação do pesquisador apontaram acertos e oportunidades de melhoria no serviço prestado, dando indicativos de dimensões importantes para o gerenciamento da satisfação de clientes deste serviço. / This work deals with consumer satisfaction in a non-profitable organization. Through a case study, a qualitative assessment was developed based on participating observation of the researcher, perceptions of professors and academics evolved on Nutrition Service of “Centro Universitário Franciscano – UNIFRA”, and also of the service final users. The main goal was evaluate how the consumer satisfaction is managed on this service using the research variables: strategy, systems and person as starting points of the effectuated research. Intending to reach the study’s purpose, the public evolved on the service, compound by the service coordinators and professors, was heard through individual interview technique. In the public compound by academics that provide the service and service users the technique used was the focus group interview technique. For the treatment of the data collected it’s description, analysis and interpretation was made. The analysis of the results was divided in blocks that include: strategy, systems and persons. The opinions given by the consulted public and researcher observation pointed some things right and opportunities of making the service better, giving important indicatives for the management of the client satisfaction of this service.

非營利組織網站設計與經營探討 / A Case Study on the Designs and Operations of Non-profits Organizations’ Website

吳承易, Wu, Cheng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
社會、經濟快速成長,許多複雜的社會情況已非政府部門可以處理的,因此,許多非營利組織油然而生,長期關懷社會弱勢、以更彈性的方式提供社會服務、抑或推廣某種理念成為穩定社會的一股力量。但近年來非營利組織運作面臨許多困境,例如:財源籌措困難,人員流動率高、資訊不透明、同質性組織競爭。 然而一項低成本媒體的出現─網際網路,讓企業、組織可用非常低的成本直接傳遞產品、服務資訊予消費者,此一工具是非營利組織可以善加運用的,然許多非營利組織在使用上卻面臨到如何經營、如何善用網站爭取資源等問題。 因此,本研究以多重個案設計的質性研究方法,觀察台灣網站評價前四名的非營利組織網站,擬分析、歸納出台灣非營利組織網站設計與經營的關鍵成功因素,做為台灣非營利組織在進行網站設計、經營時的建議。 本研究採用網站評估相關理論分析四個非營利組織網站後提出四項建議: 1. 非營利組織在使用網站作為宣傳宗旨、使命的工具時,在網站上應將其理念、使命作完整的描述,並將具體行動與成果發佈於網站中 2. 了解目標族群,提供網站使用者適合的版面設計、內容與功能 3. 傳達給使用者的資訊,越簡單的方式越有效 4. 實體的活動與虛擬的網站配合使用 / The fast social and economic growths have created complex social situations and issues that governments can no longer process. Therefore, many non-profitable organizations emerged in order to: take care of the under-privileged, provide more flexible social service or promote ideas and spirits that bring stability to the society. However, during the past few years non-profitable organizations face many challenges including difficulties in funding, loss of member, lack of information transparency, similar organization competition, etc. A form of media has emerged, namely, the World Wide Web that enables firms and organizations to send products and provide services to end user with very low cost. This should be a media utilized by non-profitable organizations, yet many non-profitable organizations faced difficulties in managing and effectively using websites to gain resources etc. Therefore, this research used qualitative several case studies to observe the top four non-profitable organizations website from Taiwan. This research have analyzed and summarized the key design and management success factors of the Taiwanese non-profitable organizations. This finding can serve as a reference for Taiwanese non-profitable organizations in website design and management. This research analyzed the four non-profitable organizations via related theories and provides the following suggestions: 1. When non-profitable organizations are using websites as a tool for promoting vision, the website should provide a complete description of the organization’s vision, and publish the actions and results achieved on the website 2. Understand target audience, provide website user suitable interface design, content and function 3. Transfer information to the users, the simpler the more effective 4. Physical events should be used in correspondence with website.

宗教非營利組織的國際化發展—以地方召會在臺灣及東南亞開展為探討 / The International Development of Religious Non-profit Organizations–A Case Study of the Local Churches Propagating in Taiwan and Southeast Asia

范俊銘, Fan, Chun Ming Unknown Date (has links)
地方召會(在中國和臺灣地區的名稱沿革:小群→基督徒聚會處→聚會所→地方召會,本文簡稱「地方召會」),其創始人—倪柝聲、李常受等,今有無數基督徒受其思想的影響;根據《聖經》所建立的地方召會已散佈在全球六大洲,涵蓋著不同的國家、種族、語言和文化。 地方召會在中國初創時期,已建立移民擴展的規模,即往在地化和國際化的政策發展;後因政局改變,地方召會發展至香港、臺灣和東南亞地區,在臺灣發展的初期階段,帶進百倍的人數增長,迄今成為臺灣第二大基督徒團體,而臺灣的地方召會,接續先前在大陸區域開展的模型,作為全球發展的基地之一,擴展到全球各大洲,目前全球信眾約廿餘萬人,在全世界積極擴展信仰的版圖。 本文從核心信仰出發,以宗教非營利組織的觀點,逐一探討地方召會的信仰和宗教實踐,首先說明地方召會的信仰與在中國大陸時期的擴展;其次介紹宗教非營利組織和地方召會在臺灣時期的擴展;第三為論述地方召會的國際化拓展模式,並以東南亞各國為深度探討,在李氏離世後,地方召會在無指定的接班人狀況下,其擴展方針絲毫不受影響且發展更鉅,被公認為對基督教界具有影響力的團體。 / The local church (the revolution of this name in China and Taiwan: a small group→the assembly of Christian→the meeting hall→the local church, this paper refers to "the local church"), its founders—Watchman Nee and Witness Lee(this paper refers to "Nee" and “Lee”), there are countless Christians are affected by their thought; The local church established according to the Bible has spread across the six continents, covering the different nations, races, languages and cultures. The local church during the starting period in China, has established the scope of immigrant expansion, that was policy development of localization and globalization; due to the political changes, the local church developed to Hong Kong, Taiwan and the South East Asia. In the early stages of development in Taiwan, brought into a hundredfold increase in numbers so far has become the second largest Christian community in Taiwan. And the local church in Taiwan following the development model carried out in mainland China area previously, being one base of global development and expands to all continents. For the time being, there are about two hundred thousand believers on the earth and expands the territory of faith in the world actively. This paper begins from the core of faith, studying the faith and the practices of religion in the local church from the view of religious non-profitable organization. The first, describing the faith of the local church and the expansion during the age in t mainland China; Secondly introducing the religious non-profit organization and the expansion of the local church during the age in Taiwan; the third, discussing the international expansion mode of local church and taking the countries in Southeast of Asia to have deep discussion. Especially from 1997 so far, the local church in the absence of the designated successor after Lee's passing away, the expanding strategy develops more largely without compromising and being recognized as an influential community to the Christianity.

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