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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Common property rights and indigenous fishing practices in the inland openwater fisheries of Bangladesh: the case of the Koibortta fishing community of Kishoregonj

Rashid, Saifur January 2005 (has links)
Bangladesh contains one of the richest and largest inland fisheries in South Asia and the third highest inland capture fisheries in the world and has a long history, which continues to the present, of conflict and cooperation between fishers and other diverse fishing interests over access to a range of fishing environments managed under a variety of leasing and tenurial arrangements. Several fishing communities are of ancient origin and over a long period of time have developed and adapted their indigenous fishing knowledge, including technologies, fishing practices and knowledge of diverse fishing environments to manage fisheries in a variety of environmental and ecological conditions. This thesis provides a detailed ethnographic account of one such community, the Koibortta fishers of Krishnapur village in the northeast flood plain region of Bangladesh, focusing on their management practices and indigenous fishing knowledge in selected inland common property fisheries. It examines, using documentary and oral historical sources, the ways in which they have adapted aspects of their indigenous fishing knowledge to changing economic and environmental circumstances over the past 50 years. It also examines, using case studies of three water bodies, how they were able to gain short-term and insecure access to selected water bodies, partly by drawing on traditional social networks at village and multivillage levels to mobilise fishers in negotiations with leaseholders. / The thesis argues that these social networks and fishers’ capacity to adapt aspects of their fishing knowledge to new circumstances were insufficient to gain long term, secure and direct access to productive water bodies as fishers lacked strong government commitment to their long term security. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the capacity of Krishnapur fishers to manage fish resources equitably and sustainably.

Genetic Resources, Equity and International Law

Guneratne, Camena Erica January 2009 (has links)
This thesis examines the application of international law to the uses of agricultural crop plants termed plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. In particular, it asks the question, does international law regulate the use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture so as to enable equity among nations in accessing these resources and sharing the benefits which arise from them? In answering this question this thesis will also consider several related issues which have arisen in the course of the international debate on this topic. These resources are closely entwined with the lives and livelihoods of certain categories of peoples such as indigenous peoples and farmers and local communities. In addition, they are critical for the economies, agricultural systems and food security of nations. The thesis question will not be considered in the abstract, but will rather be placed against the background of these issues, which will be continuously used to put the legal discourse into perspective. The legal analysis will focus on five international agreements which directly or indirectly regulate the use of crop plants. These five agreements are placed in two broad categories, i.e. environmental/conservation agreements and trade and property related agreements. The first category includes the Convention on Biological Diversity of 1992 and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of 2001. The second category includes the Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants of 1991, the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights of 1994, and several treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organisation. In addition, since the topic raises issues of rights, certain human rights treaties and documents will also be used in the analysis. The current international conflict over plant genetic resources can be condensed into one of rights, human rights and property rights. The international treaties cited above have all contextualized the issue within a framework of property rights, setting out mechanisms for different forms of legal control of these resources. This thesis will argue that whatever the form and nature of such property rights, they cannot achieve equity in the use of crop plants. Rather the use of such rights results in violations of human rights.

Country-specific determinants of vertical and horizontal intra-industry trade: an empirical analysis of South Africa

Al-Mawali, Nasser, n/a January 2006 (has links)
The principal purpose of this study is to provide a refined empirical investigation concerning country-specific determinants of horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade (IIT,) in relation to South Africa using the gravity model of trade in a panel data setting. Prior to investigating the case of South Africa's intra-industry trade a critical review of the relevant theoretical, methodologcal, and empirical literature is provided. The study operationalises the theoretical dstinction between horizontal and vertical IIT using the latest methodology of decomposing total IIT into horizontal intra-industry trade (HIIq and vertical intra-industry trade (WIT,). Thts study makes several advances on earlier empirical studies of intra-industry trade determinants. These include the introduction of new countq-specific determinants of intraindustry trade that previous studies have not examined. Furthermore, it is the first empirical study that traces the relationshp between intra-industry trade flows and intellectual property rights (IPRs). Moreover, to ensure the sensitivity and robustness of the results, several econometric approaches have been used in estimating the gravity model of South Africa's intra-industry trade: the consistent coefficient approach, the fixed effects approach, the random effects approach, and the between effects approach. The econometric results are generally satisfactory in terms of economic interpretation and statistical significance and thus offer new empirical validation to the theoretical explanatory variables. The key findngs suggest the following: the volume of South Africa's IIT has increased during the study period and its WIT exceeds its HIIT. The latter result reflects the nature of South Africa's trade as it imports high valued added products and exports primary and mineral products. South Africa's intra-industry trade and its two components are positively related to market size and standard of living, and negatively related to geographcal distance. Furthermore, separately, the IPRs and the imitation ability of South Africa's tradmg partners are not important factors in determining IIT flows; however, the interaction between them is an important factor. Thts study also reveals South Africa should pursue its intra-industry trade with rest of world concentrating on local industries that produce most competitive varieties, absorbing labor and other resources from the production of other varieties.

我國設立智慧財產權專責機構之研究 / Research on the Setup of the Monopoly Organization of Intellectual Property Rights in R.O.C.

賴秋雲, Lai, Chau Yun Unknown Date (has links)
智慧財產權乃是人類智慧的結晶,為國勢強弱的指標。環顧自工業革命以還,智慧財產所有權法制之開展,不惟素執教有文化交流之前導,更形成二十世紀科技傳播之主要管道。是以智慧財產權制度之良寙,關係一國政經文教之盛衰,現代國家無不寄予非常之重視。   由於國際貿易的發達,以及國際關係的密切,一國經濟情況的變動,同時也影響到他國的經濟情況,因此國際局勢的演變,甚或一國在經濟政治策略上的修正,均足以使無數國家的經濟組合因此為之動搖,或毀滅。身處二十世紀複雜而微妙的國際關係裹,除了要了解並把握本國的經濟、社會、文化等實際情況外,更須要了解揣摩他國制度,從而異中求同,探索彼此間最大利益。   研究機關組織也是一樣,不可閉門造車,應多研究外國經驗,考慮問題不宜太細,並應將機關業務的特性納入考量。智慧財產權制度與工商業的發展是相輔相成的,愈是工商業發達的國家,有關智慧財產權的管理機構與法律規範也就愈為進步。歐、美、日先進工業國家在智慧財產權方面多係由獨立專責機構處理,我國現亦正積極準備成立智慧財產權專責機構,以利相關事務之推動。專利事務有別於一般行政事務,涉及技術與法律,目前大部分國家均由專利局或專利商標局掌理。亦有成立智慧財產局統籌專利、商標、著作權等智慧財產權事務。一個現代化的國家,未設置專門辦理專利、商標業務的專責機構者,幾可謂絕無僅有。職是之故,為求辦好專利、商標業務,我國應儘速成立專責機構,集專門人才於一爐,共策我國智慧財產權制度的健全與推行。   研究公共行政學最有意義的事,莫過於實際參與公共行政問題的解決。適逢此智慧財產權保護聲浪之際,筆者有幸,實際參與智慧財產權保護問題的解決。希望以個人微小的力量,將有關智慧財產權的問題加以分析研究,以能喚起政府當局及全國民眾正視與探討此一攸關經濟發展與文化提升之問題。而儘速成立智慧財產權專責機構,建立完善的審查制度,在形式上得以提升組織氣候;在實質上以發揮產業科技革新及提升文化水準的主導地位。   本文共分為七章三十一節,各章要旨如下:   第一章「緒論」,計分三節,包括研究動機與研究目的、研究方法與研究限制、研究流程與重要名詞界定。   第二章「智慧財產權的基本概念」,計分四節來討論,包括智慧財產權的意義、範圍、特性、重要性及功用,智慧財產權制度的沿革。   第三章「我國智慧財產權行政體制之現況」,計分四節來討論,包括我國智慧財產權制度之發展及現行專利權、商標權、著作權主管機關之現況等。   第四章「世界各國智慧財產權行政制度之現況」,計分七節來討論,包括日本、韓國、美國、德國、英國與中國大陸智慧財產權行政組織之現況及智慧財產權合作組織-歐洲專利局之設立與組織等。   第五章「我國現行智慧財產權制度所面臨的問題」,計分三節來討論,包括美國特別三○一條款-貿易報復的壓力、我國現行智慧財產權行政體制與有關體系及資源制度之缺失等。   第六章「我國智慧財產權行政組織重整之理論基礎」,計分五節來討論,包括組織的成長、演進與變遷,組織重組理論,行政組織與公務人力必須配合環境變遷作適時的調整,行政組織調整所面臨的問題,及研擬行政機關組織法規應遵循的事項等。   第七章「健全我國智慧財產權制度之研究發現與建議事項」,為研究建議及結語,計分五節,包括儘速設立一個健全而完善的智慧財產權專責機關、健全我國專利審查人員制度、健全我國智慧財產權相關體制、及我國應爭取加入世界相關組織以確保國人權益等。

Gods och landskap : Jordägande, bebyggelse och samhälle i Östergötland 1000-1562

Berg, Johan January 2003 (has links)
<p>This study examines landownership structures and settlement during the Middle Ages in the province of Östergötland in Sweden. It departs from a critical approach to the established view of social structure and property in the Scandinavian medieval society.</p><p>The investigations are made at two levels. The first level is a cross section of the mid 16th century. This investigation shows that lay aristocrats and ecclesiastical institutions controlled most of the land, especially in the core areas of the parishes. The second level is a detailed investigation at the farm level in six parishes starting from the middle of the 16th century and working retrogresively to the early Middle Ages. This study shows that the landowning structure of the 16th century can be traced back to about AD 1300. For the early Middle Ages reconstructions are made through inheritance successions and genealogies of the aristocratic families. These reconstructions show that, in some parishes, most of the land was probably controlled by a few very rich families or dynasties during the early Middle Ages. The results lead to a question about the Viking Age and medieval society in general. This question is answered in a hypothesis stressing the development of the concept of land ownership in combination with the development of the land tenure system as one of the important factors for reproduction of local power during the Viking Age and early Middle Ages.</p>

Archeological ethics and cultural property: the debate of conservationist vs. repatriationist and perceptivity from philosophical perspectives

Shahidan, Shaiful Idzwan January 2006 (has links)
<p>Throughout the course of human civilizations, archaeology is considered as a tool that can be manipulated to achieve certain kind of objectives. For centuries, people struggle for the rights of possession of certain artifacts with significant meanings to their collectivity. One of the main aspects of the debate in archaeology is ethics, and how it plays a big role in mapping out a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved. This thesis deals with the issues of cultural property rights, and evaluating some moral stands behind the argument, by looking at Lord’s Elgin marbles case as a starting point. Could the marbles be considered as stolen properties bought from Lord Elgin? Is repatriation indispensable? Does the Ottomans Empires and Lord Elgin has the right to dispose and bring home the marbles, respectively, at the first place? These questions would be analyze through both conservationist and “repatriationist” perspectives, Robert Nozick’s philosophical perspectives on cultural property rights and the cosmopolitanism’s views on dealing with antiquities and artifacts restitution. Despite the fact that cultural property rights issues can be a delicate matter, it is important to show that there is still hope for an overlapping consensus among conservationist and pro-restitution group.</p>

3D property rights : an analysis of key factors based on international experience

Paulsson, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
The objectives of this thesis are to establish the fundamental principles in the field of 3D property rights by studying such systems in different countries with a particular focus on management questions, to systemize the acquired knowledge and demonstrate different ways of dealing with key factors essential to a well-functioning 3D property rights system. A theoretical background to the 3D property concept is given by presenting proposals as to a definition of 3D property and a classification of the primary forms of 3D property rights examined into specific types and categories, as well as an overview of international 3D property use. A general description of the characteristics of 3D property, with a focus on the condominium form, is also presented. A presentation of three different 3D property rights models is given as exemplified by the countries investigated, including the independent 3D property model in Sweden, the condominium form model in Germany, and a combination of the independent 3D property form and the condominium form as evidenced by the legal systems of two Australian states, New South Wales and Victoria. It has been possible to discern from this study a number of key factors related to 3D property rights that seem to be common for most forms and systems. These include the delimitation of property units, the content of the definition of common property, the creation of easements, the forms of cooperation between property units, management and regulation issues, as well as the settlement of disputes and insurance solutions. The problems experienced within the 3D property systems studied to a large extent have concerned issues within these mentioned key areas, where the management aspect seems particularly difficult. Changes in society and the creation of new development forms to a large extent have also contributed to the need for statutory amendments. More or less substantial amendments have been required in both the Australian and German statutes studied, with shortcomings still remaining after many years of use. However, these systems in general seem to be working well, and the condominium form in particular seems to be a well-functioning concept. Based on these systems, it has been possible to discern a tendency that the more detailed and complex the legislation, the greater the need for gradual amendments. In conclusion, it would be of benefit for countries planning on introducing a system for 3D property rights to utilize the experiences of other countries, while not forgetting to consider differences in legal systems, society, etc. / QC 20100812

Archeological ethics and cultural property: the debate of conservationist vs. repatriationist and perceptivity from philosophical perspectives

Shahidan, Shaiful Idzwan January 2006 (has links)
Throughout the course of human civilizations, archaeology is considered as a tool that can be manipulated to achieve certain kind of objectives. For centuries, people struggle for the rights of possession of certain artifacts with significant meanings to their collectivity. One of the main aspects of the debate in archaeology is ethics, and how it plays a big role in mapping out a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved. This thesis deals with the issues of cultural property rights, and evaluating some moral stands behind the argument, by looking at Lord’s Elgin marbles case as a starting point. Could the marbles be considered as stolen properties bought from Lord Elgin? Is repatriation indispensable? Does the Ottomans Empires and Lord Elgin has the right to dispose and bring home the marbles, respectively, at the first place? These questions would be analyze through both conservationist and “repatriationist” perspectives, Robert Nozick’s philosophical perspectives on cultural property rights and the cosmopolitanism’s views on dealing with antiquities and artifacts restitution. Despite the fact that cultural property rights issues can be a delicate matter, it is important to show that there is still hope for an overlapping consensus among conservationist and pro-restitution group.

The Rule of Law and U.S. Direct Investment Abroad

Petit, Elizabeth J 01 January 2013 (has links)
This paper employs an augmented gravity model for a sample of 96 host countries to examine the impact of host country rule of law on direct investment from the United States. This paper further investigates the gap between property rights and freedom from corruption, the two primary components of a country’s rule of law. Property rights and freedom from corruption are both shown to have a significant positive effect on U.S. outward foreign direct investment. This thesis argues that freedom from corruption is a more powerful measure than property rights for determining the location of U.S. direct investment. This suggests that for host countries, reducing the level of corruption may be more effective at stimulating direct capital investment from U.S. investors than expanding property rights.

Organizational choice and behaviour : a framework for analyzing decision-making in co-operative organizations

Heit, Jason D 19 September 2007
This thesis proposes a conceptual framework to analyze the choice of organizational form and assess the shifts in organizational behaviour and form. This thesis argues that the choice of organizational form is an outcome of an individuals or groups mode of identification within the dominant organizational form and property rights structure of society. The framework places/situates the investor-owned firm (IOF) in a position of identification with the dominant ideology and property rights structure of society. The state-owned enterprise (SOE) occupies a position of counter-identification with the dominant ideology and property rights structure of society. The co-operative, on the other hand, represents a dis-identification with both the IOF and the SOE as this form works on and against the ideologies and property rights structures associated with the two former organizational forms.<p>Further, the thesis argues that endogenous and exogenous pressures may cause some organizations to shift their organizational behaviour and form. The researcher examines how internal problems in co-operative organizations (i.e., horizon and principal-agent problems) can exacerbate exogenous pressures (i.e., increasing competition and/or government deregulation) from the market and/or state causing the co-op to imitate the strategies or property rights structure of the IOF in order to cope with these issues. <p>Profiles of the formation of the Saskatchewan Co-operative Wholesale Society and the Consumers Co-operative Refineries Limited and the conversion of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool are used to illustrate the conceptual framework and support the arguments made in this thesis.

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