Spelling suggestions: "subject:"andproperty rights"" "subject:"inproperty rights""
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Accessing land at the agricultural frontier a case study from the Honduran MosquitiaBöning, Frank January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Berlin, Humboldt-Univ., Diss., 2007
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The contribution of municipal commonage to local people's livelihoods in small South African towns /Davenport, Nicholas January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Environmental Science)) - Rhodes University, 2009.
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Bewertung unternehmensübergreifender IT-Investitionen ein organisationsökonomischer Zugang /Hirnle, Christoph. January 2006 (has links)
Diss. Univ. München, 2006.
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What benefits and for whom? : effects of devolution of forest management in Dak Lak, Vietnam /Nguyen, Tan Quang. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Humboldt-University, Berlin, 2004.
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The governance and management of commonages in three small towns in the Eastern Cape, South Africa /Martens, Claire January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Environmental Science)) - Rhodes University, 2009
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Access to essential medicines in East Africa: A review of East Africa community and its member states approach to WTO-TRIPS public health flexibilitiesMajok, Daniel Bol January 2018 (has links)
When the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) was
annexed to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 1994, it set
minimum standards for intellectual property (IP) protection, including protection of patent
rights, that must be observed and enforced by all WTO Member States. On the one hand,
stringent Intellectual Property protection as seen innovation in the field of science where
medical innovation hasled to the creation of live saving vaccines which have reduced
prevalence of diseases, ranging from polio to the human Papillomavirus, and invention of
antiretroviral medicines which have greatly improved the lives of people living with the
Huma Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). On the other hand, the fulfilment of the obligations
under TRIPS has generated a lot of controversy especially as they have been seen as the
cause of reduced access to essential medicines in developing countries. / Magister Legum - LLM (Mercantile and Labour Law)
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La liberte de création / Freedom of creationPignard, Isabelle 10 July 2013 (has links)
La notion de liberté de création est difficile à appréhender. L’étendue même de cette liberté ne fait pas l’objet d’un consensus. Elle est le plus souvent considérée comme un sous-ensemble de la liberté d’expression - restreinte alors à la liberté de création artistique, voire comme un aspect de la liberté d’entreprendre. La liberté de création présente néanmoins des spécificités et est autonome. Elle peut dès lors être protégée en tant que telle par les juges, en amont de la création, comme c’est le cas pour les contrats de commande entre peintres et marchands de tableaux. Dans ce cas, elle est envisagée préalablement à l’octroi de droits. La liberté de création ne peut cependant être considérée sous ce seul angle. En effet, la liberté de création doit être protégée aux différents stades de la création et ses contours sont alors dessinés par la protection accordée à la création elle-même et aux acteurs de la création. Dès lors, la liberté de création est liée aux droits de propriété intellectuelle si l’on considère que ces droits protègent la création. La liberté de création est garantie par l’équilibre entre protection et liberté au sein de ces droits. Au-delà de cet équilibre, la liberté de création peut être confrontée à d’autres libertés et droits fondamentaux. L’ordre public et les bonnes mœurs, la liberté de religion, la vie privée peuvent ainsi limiter la liberté de création. Recourir à la notion de liberté de création peut alors permettre de faire prévaloir l’intérêt du créateur. / The freedom of creation concept is difficult to understand. There is no consensus on the scope of this freedom. It is widely considered as a freedom of expression subset - restricted to the freedom of artistic creation, or even for one of the aspects of freedom of trade and industry. Freedom of creation possesses specific features and is autonomous. Therefore it can be protected, as such, by the judges, before the creation, this is the case for the contracts concluded between painters and art dealers. In this case, this is considered prior to the grant of rights. The freedom of creation cannot be considered only from this perspective. Indeed, freedom of creation needs to be protected at the different stages of creation and the delineation of such freedom are sought in the protection given to the creation and the stakeholders. Therefore, freedom of creation is closely related to intellectual property rights, if one considers that this rights protect creation. Freedom of creation is guaranteed by balance between protection and freedom in this rights. Beyond this balance, freedom of creation may have to be confronted with other fundamental rights and freedoms. Public policy or morality, freedom of religion, right to privacy may thereby limit the freedom of creation. Using the freedom of creation concept can contribute to give precedence to interest of the creator.
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Limites do direito de propriedade industrial de plantasBruch, Kelly Lissandra January 2006 (has links)
Por meio deste trabalho são analisados os limites do direito de propriedade industrial de plantas. Os limites jurídicos são verificados pela análise da teoria da propriedade industrial, teoria da função social da propriedade, dos acordos internacionais pertinentes e da legislação e dos bancos de dados referentes à propriedade industrial dos Estados Unidos da América, da União Européia e do Brasil. O objetivo é verificar que tratativas a legislação e a jurisprudência brasileiras apresentam para os limites da propriedade industrial de plantas em suas duas formas de proteção – a proteção de cultivares e a patente de invenção. No apoio deste estudo se procura verificar como o setor vitivinícola do Rio Grande do Sul percebe a existência desta proteção e os seus limites aplicados à videira. O método utilizado neste estudo é o dedutivo e sua implementação se faz mediante estudo de caso, por meio do uso da ferramenta mesoanalítica da teoria do campo organizacional. Como resultados verifica-se que: 1) os limites à propriedade industrial de plantas são temporais, territoriais, legais, compulsórios e de esgotamento de direitos; 2) há insipiente jurisprudência brasileira, que aborda o tema de modo não uniforme; 3) os atores do setor vitivinícola do Rio Grande do Sul reconhecem a existência de direitos à propriedade industrial, identificando a forma de proteção desta propriedade e entendendo a existência desta proteção como importante para o Brasil. O seu desconhecimento e o desrespeito a esta proteção, bem como a falta de fiscalização, podem se constituir em fontes de dificuldades para a aplicação desse direito. Em regra, os atores conhecem muito pouco sobre os limites desta proteção, vêem uma relação positiva entre a propriedade industrial e a inovação tecnológica e esperam que a propriedade industrial de plantas seja efetivamente praticada no Brasil. É apresentado um modelo de abrangência do direito de propriedade industrial sobre o objeto planta, que pretende ajudar a orientar o reconhecimento dos respectivos direitos do inventor e dos usuários das plantas e seus limites. / In this dissertation the limits of the industrial, intellectual property rights as applied to plants are analyzed. The limits of the legal rights are unfold by the analysis of the theory of industrial property, the related, the theory of the social function of the property, international treaties, and by present laws, and available data bank on industrial property in the United States of America, European Union, and Brazil. The aim of this work is to point out how Brazilian laws and jurisprudence deal with the limits of the intellectual property rights of plants in the two used protection systems, the variety protection and the patent ones. To embody this study with a field work we proceeded a search on how people of the grape and wine industry of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil perceive the existence and the enforcement of this kind of right protection, and its limits when applied to vines. The method of analysis used in this study is the deductive one, its application by the way of a study case using the mesoanalysis of the organizational field theory. The principal points of the results of this study are: 1) the limits of the intellectual, industrial property rights are related to time, territory, legal and mandatory matters, and to exhaustion of rights; 2) there are indeed an incipient Brazilian jurisprudence, which deals with the subject in a non-uniform way; 3) representatives from the grape and wine industry of the State of Rio Grande do Sul do recognize the existence of the intellectual, industrial property rights applied to vines in Brazil, and understand them as an important form of property protection for the country. The lack of knowledge, and the eventual disregard for this kind of legal protection, and the lack of the corresponding law enforcement as well, might become significant sources of difficulties for fully implementing the intellectual, industrial property rights in the country. As a rule, people involved in the grape and wine business know very little about the limits of these legal rights, but do recognize a positive relationship between the intellectual, industrial property rights and the process of technology innovation, and hope that these rights will soon be widely enforced in Brazil. As a conclusion, a framework is proposed for application of the intellectual, industrial property rights related to protected plants, aiming orienting the recognition of the rights of the inventor, and of the users of these plants, and the corresponding limits of the rights called upon.
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Economia dos direitos de propriedade : a transferência das terras da União e a questão fundiária de Roraima : custos de transação e externalidadesSantana Neto, João Felix de January 2011 (has links)
O Direito de propriedade está intimamente ligado aos aspectos de desenvolvimento econômico tendo a sua importância reconhecida pelas principais escolas de economia, principalmente a escola Institucionalista e a Nova Economia Institucional. O tema é abordado a partir de dois referenciais teóricos, a economia dos custos de transação e a teoria do direito de propriedade, cujas origens estão associadas à teoria desenvolvida por Coase (1937). Nesse contexto, discutiremos a economia e o direito de propriedade e seus aspectos no que tangem aos custos de transação, associados a criação e formação dos estados da Região Norte do Brasil. Com base na fundamentação da Nova Economia Institucional analisamos a formação do Estado de Roraima oriundo da transformação do antigo Território Federal e o fato do exercício da posse e da administração dos bens móveis e imóveis que pertencem ao novo Estado, por estarem situados em seu território geográfico, vem sendo obstruído pela União, a pretexto de que a formalização da transferência do domínio dos bens ainda não se teriam consumado. Essa situação surreal afetou diretamente o crescimento das atividades agro-industriais, uma vez que o direito de propriedade pleno não pode ser exercido, configurando entrave absoluto a qualquer processo de ocupação e crescimento econômico ambientalmente sustentável no Estado. Sob a ótica do direito de propriedade fundiário como fator de produção, com início das transferências de terras da União para Roraima constatou-se, cientificamente, a valorização das propriedades no Estado, com a diminuição dos custos de transação e das externalidaes negativas, todavia ainda permanecem fricções em razão da morosidade na efetivação das titulações que geram perda face a indefinição e da situação, que demandam medidas urgentes para evitar conflitos fundiários e promover o pleno desenvolvimento de Roraima. / The right of ownership is closely linked to aspects of economic development with its importance recognized by leading business schools, especially the school building and the New Institutional Economics. The theme is approached from two theoretical frameworks, the transaction cost economics and the theory of property rights, whose origins are associated with the theory developed by Coase (1937). In this context, we discuss the economy and property rights and aspects in relation to transaction costs associated with the creation and implementation of the states in Northern Brazil. Based on the reasoning of the New Institutional Economics analyzes the formation of the state of Roraima coming from the transformation of the former Federal Territory and the fact that the exercise of ownership and management of movable and immovable property belonging to the new state, being located in its geographical territory, has been hindered by the Union, on the pretext that the formal transfer of ownership of goods have not yet finished. This surreal situation has directly affected the growth of agro-industrial activities, since the property right can not be fully exercised by setting an absolute obstacle to any process of employment and environmentally sustainable economic growth in the state. From the perspective of land ownership rights as a factor of production, beginning with the transfer of federal lands found to Texas - is scientifically the value of properties in the state, with costs diminução Trancão externalidaes negative and yet still remain frictions because of the realization of the titles that generate losses and face the uncertainty of the situation, requiring urgent measures to prevent land conflicts and promote the full development of Roraima.
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Ochrana počítačových her a videoher / Protection of computer games and video gamesŽížala, Mikuláš January 2018 (has links)
5 Abstract Protection of computer games and video games This study aims to explore the issue of legal protection of video games and their components, with the main focus on the intellectual property rights. Furthermore, this study describes the possibility of the protection for video games as complex unit through a copyright and the protection of video games or their components using the industrial property rights, in particular through patent and trademark protection. The study also aims to describe the legal status of the video game protection, within the framework of Czech legal system as well as European Union law and international law. Finally, this study summarises the issues arising from the existing legal regulation and provides possible implications. The first chapter outlines the main rationale for choosing the topic of the study and the aims of the study. The second chapter describes and defines the term video game and computer game. The third chapter contains brief history of the development of video games and their technical and legal protection. The section highlights important milestones in the development of protection of video games as well as some important decisions regarding video games, important organisations and regulations within the European Union and international law. Fourth...
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